Unix and Samba By: IC Labs (Raj Kidambi). What is Unix? Unix stands for UNiplexed Information and...

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Transcript of Unix and Samba By: IC Labs (Raj Kidambi). What is Unix? Unix stands for UNiplexed Information and...

Unix and SambaUnix and Samba

By: IC Labs (Raj Kidambi)

What is Unix?

Unix stands for UNiplexed Information and Computing System. (It was originally spelled "Unics.")

Unix now covers a whole host of variations or “flavors”, including Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

Common Unix Commands

ls - list files in a directory syntax: ls [options] [names]

cd - change directory syntax: cd [dir]

mv - moves or renames a file or directory syntax: mv [options] sources target

rm - removes a file syntax: rm [options] [files]

rm -ir - removes a directory

Unix Commands

mkdir - creates new directory syntax: mkdir [options] directories

exit - allows you to log out of your host date - prints the current date and time cal 1997 - prints the 1997 calendar whoami - prints who is currently logged on to

your terminal.

Unix Commands

mail - brings up a simple mail editor pwd - tells you where you are; it prints the

full pathname of the current directory If you want more details about a particular

command, you can check out the Unix main page, which is basically just a manual for Unix. The command for the manual is man <command>.To quit man, type q.

Text Editors – vi

The most commonly available text editor is vi (pronounced vee-eye), which I especially recommend for Mac users. You really only need to know a few commands to get started.

To start vi, simply type vi at the command prompt. The thing about vi is that you have to tell it when you're adding and deleting text. You can't simply type and delete, you have to use the following commands:

Vi Commands

To add text - hit the esc key and the letter i (for insert)

To delete text - hit the esc key and the letter x (for delete)

To delete an entire line - hit the esc key and the letters dd

To save your file - hit the esc key and type :w and then hit return

To save and exit vi - hit the esc key and type :wq and hit return

Other Editors





By IC Labs (Raj Kidambi)

What is Samba

Samba is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. Samba is freely available under the GNU General Public License. (http://us4.samba.org/samba/samba.html)

What the above technical jargon means is that Samba is a free software that lets you view your Unix Account in an Explorer like Interface enabling you to Drag/Drop from one to another and/or Print.

Uses of Samba

Create, Edit and save documents directly to your account.

Drag and Drop Files Avoid the use of FTP

Launching Samba

Click on Start -> Programs -> The Internet -> Map Shell Account. This should launch Samba.

Logging into Samba

PLEASE REMEMBER: If your User ID is your Gateway ID, then if you changed your gateway password your Unix/Samba password will still be in the old format, i.e. year/day/ssn.

Enter your User ID and your Password, if you do not know your User ID and password then you can ask the IC Lab employees and they can further assist you.

After you connect into Samba it should open up an Explorer Window with a Title of “J:\”

Using Samba

Once you are logged into your account you can drag and drop from your account to the desktop and vice versa.

When you are done working with Samba, PLEASE remember to CLOSE the window first and then hit Disconnect.

Remember – Security

Remember to DISCONNECT after completing your work, otherwise someone may tamper with your files.

You will be automatically disconnected from Samba if your computer reboots, or crashed, so please SAVE your WORK often.

Additional Information

For more information about SAMBA, as well as information on how to map your shell account on your home computer, please visit the following webpage:


