University of Toronto at Scarborough © Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 1 Lecture...

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Transcript of University of Toronto at Scarborough © Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 1 Lecture...

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 1

Lecture Outline

Variable ScopeCalling another subprogramProgramming StyleDialog Boxes (UserForm)Worksheet buttonFunctionsSpreadsheet vs VBA

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 2

Variable Scope

Procedure Level (local)Dim iMarbles As Integer

placement: within Sub and End Sub

Module Level (global)Dim giTotal As Integer

placement: before all Sub statements

Project Level (public)Public piGrandTotal As Integer

placement: before all Sub statements

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 3

Calling another subprogram

Sub FirstOne()MsgBox “In 1st subprogram…”SecondOne

End Sub

Sub SecondOne()MsgBox “In 2nd subprogram…”

End Sub

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 4

Programming Style

Good style improves readability of code and your program is easier to maintain!

1. Comments (documentation) at top (your name, date, etc) each subprogram each variable each major section of code

Don’t restate the obvious!Dim iCount As Integer ‘ declare integer variable

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 5

2. Good variable names describe what variables store not too long, or too short

3. Indentation subprograms and if


4. Constants for values that do not change

5. White space leave the occasional blank line

Programming Style

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 6

6. Minimize variable scope only make a global or public variable if


7. Declare and Initialize variables Option Explicit forces variable declaration set initial value of variables appropriately

Programming Style

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 7

Programming Style - example

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 8

Programming Style - example

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 9

UserFormCustom dialog boxExample:

create UserForm to collect personal info form will be launched from Excel data entered in form is stored in Excel

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 10

Insert blank formInsertUserForm

blank UserForm

Toolbox withcontrol objects

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 11

Design formAdd control objects to form

Label(display text)

TextBox(for input)

CommandButton(perform an action)

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 12

Initialize propertiesInitialize properties of controls

Label(Name): lbl…Caption:

TextBox(Name): txt…Text:

CommandButton(Name): cmd…Caption:

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 13

Write code

Determine events to which VBA should respond (eg. clicking Add CommandButton)

double-click Add button to open Code window and type the code

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()

code goes here . . .

End Sub

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 14



Name entered?


Separate name into first and last

Store in worksheet:last, first, phone

Clear textboxes on form

Report error Report error

Phone entered?Phone


No No

Yes Yes

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 15

refers to textbox contents


University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 16


University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 17

Create macro

How can we start this form from Excel? There is no macro listed!

write a macro to display form form doesn’t appear until called put this code in Module code, not Form code:

Sub EnterPersonalInfo () macro nameUserForm1.Show form name

End Sub

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 18

Add worksheet button Optional: button on worksheet to run macro

>View >Toolbars >Drawing >Oval icon right-click Add Text… right-click Assign Macro…

>View >Toolbars >Control>CommandButton icon right-click Properties right-click View Code>Exit Design Mode icon

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 19

Excel FunctionsMost worksheet functions have a VBA equivalent

In VBA:Application.WorkSheetFunction._

FunctionName(arguments)Application.WorksheetFunction.Today()Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber (Range(“B3”))In Excel:


University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 20

Find Function

VBA Function – not available on sheet Function is called on an object that defines a

spreadsheet range E.g., Selection.Find(“Tom”)

Returns range location of first match, or returns nothing if no match found.

Range object need not be sorted

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 21

Macro asks for name to find and stores in E8 Find function locates name, uses offset to get

its agevName = InputBox(“Name?”, “Enter name”)vAge = Range("A4:A10").Find(vName). Offset(0, 2).Value

Find Function

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 22

VLookUp Function

Vlookup (value, table, col_num, close) value: item to find table: range of data to search

must be sorted by 1st column col_num: return data from which column? close: true or false

True: select nearest match – always finds False: find exact, or return #N/A

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 23

How it works in Excel

VLookUp Function

University of Toronto at Scarborough© Andria Hunter, Kersti Wain-Bantin CSCA01 VBA-3 24

How it works in VBA

vName = InputBox(“Name?”, “Enter name”) Range(“E8").Value = vAge

vAge = Application.WorksheetFunction. _VLookup(Range("E8"), Range("A4:C10"), 3, True)

Range("F8").Value = vAge

VLookUp Function