UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKAeprints.utem.edu.my/20222/1/Designing Air Filtration Test...

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Transcript of UNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKAeprints.utem.edu.my/20222/1/Designing Air Filtration Test...




This report submitted in accordance with requirement of the Universiti Teknikal

Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for the Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering

Technology (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning System) with Honours








I hereby, declared this report entitled “Designing air filtration test rig (prototype) in

evaluate efficiency of HVAC filter” is the results of my own research except as cited

in references

Signature : …………………………………………


Date : …………………………………………


This report is submitted to the Faculty of Engineering Technology of UTeM as a

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical

Engineering Technology (Refrigeration and air conditioning system) with Honours.

The member of the supervisory is as follow


(Amir Abdullah bin Muhamad Damanhuri)



Kawalan pencemaran telah menjadi isu semasa dalam menyediakan kualiti udara

yang bersih. Penapis udara bertindak sebagai pertahanan utama terhadap pencemaran

melindungi komponen pemanasan, pengudaraan dan penghawa dingin (HVAC) dari

kotoran dan seterusnya membekalkan udara bersih kepada pengguna. Kecekapan

penapis udara ditakrifkan bagaimana penapis itu membersihkan udara dengan

menapis habuk-habuk (PM). Kejatuhan tekanan adalah prestasi utama yang menjadi

penunjuk kepada penapis HVAC. Oleh itu, ia boleh mengukur penggunaan tenaga

dengan meramalkan rintangan aliran udara penapis. Rintangan aliran udara yang

rendah adalah salah satu kaedah yang paling mudah untuk mengurangkan kos tenaga

dimana system motor HVAC tidak perlu bekerja keras untuk mengalirkan aliran

udara. Dalam erti kata lain, ujian penapis adalah salah satu kaedah yang terbaik

untuk mengukur prestasi penapis udara. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mereka

bentuk prototaip pelantar ujian penapis udara HVAC di mana ia boleh mengukur

prestasi penapis udara berdasarkan parameter utama. Kajian ini terbahagi kepada

beberapa peringkat iaitu persediaan dan penyiasatan pengiraan parameter kecekapan

penapis, proses rekaan dan proses pembuatan pelantar ujian. Rekabentuk pelantar

ujian penapis udara adalah bentuk ‘U’ dengan ukuran 20 inci x 20 inci dan untuk

bahagian penapis adalah 24 inci x 24 inci. Spesifikasi ujian pelantar adalah reka

bentuk untuk memenuhi standard ASHARE52.2 dan EN779 yang pelbagai kadar

aliran udara adalah dalam lingkungan 600 m³/h sehingga 6000 m³/h. Pada akhir

projek, prototaip ini seperti yang di jangka di mana ia boleh digunakan seperti

pelantar ujian penapis udara yang sebenar untuk membuat ujian individu

terutamanya bagi kontraktor bangunan.



Contaminant control have become current issue in providing safe air quality. Air

filter perform as the primary defense against pollutants to protect heating

ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) components from dust thus supply clean air

to the occupants. The efficiency of air filter defines how well the filter clean the

air by removing the particulate matter (PM). Pressure drop are the primary

performance indicator for HVAC filter, hence could measure energy consumption

by predicting air flow resistance of the filter. Low air flow resistance is one of the

easiest method to reduce energy cost, as HVAC system motor does not have to

work hard to deliver air flow. In other words, filter testing is one of the best

method to measure performance of air filter. The objective of this study is to

design the HVAC air filter test rig in evaluate efficiency of air filter based on set

key parameter. This study divide into several stage that are preparation and

investigation of filter efficiency parameter, calculation, designing process and

development of the test rig. Design of filter test rig is U shape with dimension 20

inch x 20 inch and for filter section is 24 inch x 24 inch. The test rig specification

are design to meet ASHARE52.2 and EN779 standard which range of air flow rate

is 600 m³/h to 6000 m³/h. For the end of this project, this prototype as expected

can be used as an actual air filter test rig to make individual test especially for the




I dedicate this project to Allah Almighty my creator, my strong pillar, my source of

inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He has been the source of my

strength throughout this program and on His wings only have I soared. I also

dedicate this work to my family who has encouraged me all the way and whose

encouragement has made sure that I give it all it takes to finish that which I have

started. This project also is especially dedicated to my supervisor, for his willingness

to guide me to the success of this project for my degree.



First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Amir Abdullah

bin Muhamad Damanhuri for his mindful supervision and guidance that have guided

me in accomplishing this project. His wide knowledge in this studied area has

contributed in making this project succeed. For my Co-supervisor Mrs. Siti Nor Ain

Binti Mokhtar, no words that I can say other than thank you because a lot of

experienced that I have during through this project. Besides that, I am grateful for

having my housemates and beloved friend as my companion along the way while

working on this project. They have given me the greatest support right from the

beginning and it has given me the courage to move on when not capable to through

more further while developing this project. Finally, thanks a lot to my family who

have been supporting and giving me endless encouragement. Without the spirit and

support that I received throughout this path, possibility these projects will not be

successfully completed.



Abstrak i

Abstract ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of contents v

List of Tables viii

List of Figures ix

List Abbreviations, Symbols and Nomenclatures xii


1.1 Project Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Objective 3

1.4 Scope 3


2.0 Introduction 4

2.1 Air filter 5

2.1.1 Type of Air filter 6

2.1.2 Air Filter Classification 7

2.2 Indoor Air Quality 9

2.2.1 The important of air filtration to Indoor Air Quality and human

Health 9

2.3 Filter Test Rig 10

2.4 Fans 11

2.4.1 Fans Selection 12

2.5 Acrylic 12


2.5.1 Acrylic characteristic 13

2.6 Global Standard for air filter testing 13

2.6.1 Filter Test Rig Standard 14 ISO/TS-21220:2009 14

2.6.2 ASHRAE Standard 16

2.6.3 Europe standard 19

2.6.4 Comparison between ASHRAE and Europe Standard 20 Test procedure 20 Filter classification 22 Final pressure drop 23


3.0 Introduction 24

3.1 Preparation and investigation 24

3.2 Calculation 24

3.3 Designing filter test rig 28

3.3.1 Product specification (Material and Equipment) 28

3.3.2 Concept scoring 38

3.3.3 Detailed design 38

3.3.4 Design development using SolidWorks 39

3.4 Data Taken Procedure 45


4.0 Introduction 47

4.1 Design result 47

4.2 Fabrication (prototype development) 48

4.2.1 Scribing and marking 49

4.2.2 Cutting 49

4.2.3 Drilling 50

4.2.4 Finishing 51

4.2.5 Create and installation damper 51


4.2.6 Making a table trolley 52

4.2.7 Installation wire to fan 53

4.2.8 Joining and installation 54

4.2.9 Closing gap 55

4.2.10 Filter installation 55

4.2.11 Development result 56

4.3 Data validation and energy demand calculation 57

4.3.1 Energy demand calculation 62

4.4 Comparison between HVAC Filter test rig, ASHRAE 52.2 and EN 779

Standard 63


5.0 Introduction 65

5.1 Summary of the project 65

5.2 Achievement of project activities 66

5.3 Future Development 66





2.1 MERV categories 17

2.2 The type of contaminant that will growth in their size their

applications 18

2.3 The classification of air filters according to EN 779:2012 19

2.4 The Comparison of ASHRAE52.1, ASHRAE 52.2 and

EN 779:2002 20

2.5 The result and the limit of the each standard 22

3.1 Dimensions and parts drawing before assembly using Solidworks 40

4.1 Average data for air velocity and air flow rate when fan at 800 CFM 58

4.2 Average data of amount of dust and pressure when fan at 800 CFM 59

4.3 Average data of temperature and humidity when fan at 800 CFM 60

4.4 Air flow rate data with different speed 61

4.5 Comparison between HVAC Filter Test Rig, ASHRAE52.2 and EN779 63



2.1 AHU compartment 5

2.2 Type of Air filter 7

2.3 The typical minimum efficiency curve 8

2.4 Filter test rig based on EN 779 and ASHRAE 52.2 standard 11

2.5 The schematic diagram of test rig based on EN 779 standard 15

2.6 The dimensions of the test rig based on EN 779 standard 15

3.1 Acrylic sheet 29

3.2 Air filter 29

3.3 Aluminium sheet 30

3.4 Axial fan 30

3.5 Jig saw 31

3.6 Acrylic glue 31

3.7 Sandpaper was used 32

3.8 File 32

3.9 Table at the lab 33

3.10 Hand drill 33

3.11 Screw and screw driver 34

3.12 square hollow iron bar 34

3.13 Regulator 35

3.14 3 pin plug 35

3.15 Pitot tube 36


3.16 Anemometer 36

3.17 Tachometer 37

3.18 LEV monitoring device 37

3.19 Concept scoring of this project 38

3.20 Schematic diagram of filter test rig design 39

3.21 Filter test rig drawing design in 2D after assembly 44

3.22 Each side view of 2D drawing 44

3.23 Flow chart process 46

4.1 HVAC filter test rig prototype full 3D drawing 48

4.2 Marking process 49

4.3 Cutting acrylic using jigsaw 50

4.4 Making a hole using hand drill 50

4.5 Finishing process 51

4.6 Acrylic done attached with holder 52

4.7 Making a table trolley process 52

4.8 Wire installation process 53

4.9 Assembly process 54

4.10 Closing gap 55

4.11 Air filter after installation 56

4.12 HVAC filter test rig prototype 57

4.13 Point of data taken 57

4.14 Relationship between velocity and air flow rate graph 58

4.15 Relationship between amount of dust and pressure graph 59

4.16 Relationship between temperature and humidity graph 60


4.17 Relationship between fan speed and air flow rate graph 61




A - Ampere

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and


AHU - Air Handling Unit

CAD - Computer Assisted Design

CCWS - Central Chiller Water System

CEN - European Committee for Standardization

CFM - Cubic Feet Per Minute

DEHS - Debian External Health Status

EN - European Standard

EUROVENT - Europe’s Industry Association for Indoor Climate

HEPA - High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance

HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning

IAQ - Indoor Air Quality

ISO - International Standard Organization

In.w.g - Inch Water Gauge

MERV - Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value

mm - milimetre

m³/h - Meter cube per hour

m/s - Meter per second

PM - Particulate Matter

Pa - Pascal

SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

TES - Thermal Energy Storage

F - Degree Fahrenheit


µm - micrometre

˂ - Less Than

˃ - More Than




1.1 Project Background

Air-Conditioning is a system where it supply cool air, fresh air and provide

thermal comfort required to the conditioned space (Viswambharan, Patidar, &

Saxena, 2014). There are four main components of air-conditioning system which are

compressor, condenser, evaporator and expansion valve. For large air-conditioning

system usually use air handling unit (AHU) as a device to contribute the cool air to

the conditioned space. To provide thermal comfort in required spaced AHU system

also have their main components such as cooling and heating equipment, humidifier,

air filter and fan. Each components has their importance function for the system. For

example is air filter. The function of air filter is to avoid contaminant and provide

clean to the occupants or the conditioned space (Lyngby et al., 2015). Besides that,

the air filter is also important in air conditioning systems where it can improve the

quality of indoor air in the condition space. Besides that, air filter also can prevent

occupants from suffering health diseases affected from breathing air currently


Pollution control has become an issue of great concern. Therefore, the air

filter is a very important agent for the distribution of clean air. Air filter perform as

the primary defences against pollutants to protect heating ventilation air conditioning

(HVAC) components from dust thus supply clean air to the occupants (Berbari,

Shakkour, & Hashem, 2007). To supply clean air, the air filter must be kept in

pristine condition and free from microorganisms that can cause illness to the

residents of the surrounding area. Each filter will have its own life expectancy and

user must to know how long air filter can be used.


Many air filter test rig which has been produced nowadays according to the

standards appropriate to the size of the air filter and the pressure drop required. The

lower the pressure drop the less energy required for running the system. The standard

used is ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

Engineers) standard and Europe standard. For ASHRAE, Standard 52.2 is a standard

that makes reference while Europe Standard is used EN779 as the reference. The

both standard take ISO as their guidelines to develop a filter test rig and each

parameters are taken from that ISO. Besides that, this standard also constantly

updated for several years. The content of this standard will be a signpost to complete

this air filtration test. Therefore, the existence of this standard is extremely important

to the industry as well as universities in researching the substances or equipment that

want to be tested, simulation or as the project research.

1.2 Problem Statement

Nowadays, we always have a problem with life expectancy of the HVAC air

filter, ways to enhance the efficiency and performance of typical control contaminant

filter classes (Bennett, 2012). The user must be difficult to predict the usability of an

air filter used. Therefore, the importance of the organization designing the air

filtration test rig to evaluate the effectiveness of an air filter especially HVAC filter

to predict the duration of its use. We often forget that each air filter should be

checked with the periodic time. Therefore, long dirt suspended on the air filter should

be cleaned to produce good air quality. With a filter of this rig, it can monitor the life

expectancy of the air filter. Besides that, the building owner or contractor can

estimate lifecycles air filter where it can still be use either to replace at the same time

it still can be used. It will lead to saving the cost. Before making a test rig some

things need to be addressed such as the size of the ducting, the size of the air filter

and the air flow required in the test rig system. The design will be a small scale

prototype, means that is for test individual filter. From there we can save the space to

place it. Besides that, it also can saving the energy demand.


1.3 Objective

In this study, there are a number of targets to be given full attention in order

to achieve the objectives. Therefore, the following below are objectives of this


1. To design HVAC filter test rig prototype that can measured performance of

air filter refer to ASHRAE52.2 and EN779 standard.

2. To fabricate and develop HVAC filter test rig prototype to meet design scale

of single air filter used in common market which is 24 inch x 24 inch.

1.4 Scope

This research will focus on designing and develop prototype of the air

filtration test rig in evaluate efficiency of HVAC filters. Several scope have been

selected to this project and only equipment that will be aim which the type of air

filter only washable furnace filter (primary and secondary filter). The design required

for two air filters which are pre pleated and pocket bag filter. The size of that air

filter only 24 inch x 24 inch where the standard size for commonly used in AHU. For

the parameters that will measured in this project which are the particle size where it

just 0.3 μm until 10.0 μm and the actual air flow rate for the fan is 800 CFM. Besides

that, for standard static pressure 0.2 to 0.4 inch per water gauge per 100 feet where it

for the usually standard industry using.




2.0 Introduction

This chapter will focus on the theory and terms mainly related to this

research, which is about how to designing air filtration test rig, evaluate its efficiency

and its relationship with indoor air quality. The sources of theory are from previous

research, related articles and from the global standard. This chapter aim to give a

better understanding about this research and to give strong evidence, support and

reasons why this research should be done. Lately, there is numerous studies have

been related to the level of indoor air quality (IAQ) and its effect on human health,

therefore this study focusing on the air filter test rig design and evaluate its

efficiency. Thus, this research will aim to the HVAC filter at the air handling unit


Air cooling is a system where it cools the refrigerant and cooling medium of

water and sent away to be cooled. There are a lot of cooling system used at present,

especially in industries that busy which are a central chiller water system (CCWS),

Thermal energy storage (TES) and hybrid evaporative cooling system. Central chiller

system cooling process water in the chilled water plant to be sent to the conditioned

space. Thermal energy storage is a process in which the cooling water to be frozen

during the off peak and would send the cold water at peak time on the conditioned

space. Hybrid evaporative cooling system, it is same as the CCWS where it cooled

refrigerant and water but differ in medium that cools the condenser. CCWS system

cools the condenser using cooling tower which hybrid system cools the condenser

use water from the reservoir tank and the air supply from the fan. All the three


system using AHU as a device to supply air to the conditioned space. Because of that

AHU become a most important part in HVAC system.

AHU is device used to condition and circulate air as part of a heating,

ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. Usually it exists with a large metal

box and inside it containing a heating or cooling elements, blower, sound attenuators,

dampers and air filter racks or chambers. Ductwork ventilation system are connected

with the air handlers to distributes the conditioned air through the building and it

returns back to the AHU (Edward G. Pita, 2013) as shown in figure 2.1. There are

two types of AHU which are draw through type and blow through type. Draw

through type is when the fan located downstream of the cooling coil and blow

through type is when fan located upstream located upstream of the coils.

Figure 2.1: AHU compartment

(Source: http://www.technovation.org/images/gif/AHU1000_app.GIF)


2.1 Air filter

Air filter is the component that must have in HVAC system to provide a good

indoor air quality because of that air filter cannot be separated with indoor air

quality. When talking about the air filter indirectly indoor air quality also being

considered because the air filter is an important role in providing good indoor air

quality (T J. Robinson & A. E. Ouellet, 1992). The higher the efficiency of an air

filter that improved indoor air quality provided. The good indoor air quality given the

good performance of equipment. Problems that always occur in HVAC systems

especially odour pollution and air quality that is the air filter one of the causes

(Bluyssen et al., 2003).

2.1.1 Type of Air filter

There are many types of air filters are always used in HVAC system. For the

pre- filter commonly uses a pleated filters, filter pad, metal panels, media rolls, fan

coils filters and primary bag filters. Each type has a difference of size. The air filters

are difference design such as washable furnace filter, rigid filter and HEPA filter.

The air filter plays significant role in HVAC system.. Every place with

ventilation system will needs an air filter. For example, occupants need the air filters

because of many environments that have been affected by airborne particle that

cannot be seen by the naked eye. Because of that each places have their interest type

of air that want to use.(William C. Hinds, 1999). The following places have their

own interests to require good air quality is why we need to choose the type of air

filter. The examples filter for every needs is comfort, power systems, oral solid

dosage, clean process, air pollution control and industrial (Camfil Product Catalogue,

2015). Figure 2.2 shows the type of air filter commonly used in industry nowadays.


(i) Metal panels filter (ii) Pre-pleated filter (iii) Primary bag filter

Figure 2.2: Type of Air filter (Camfil Product Catalogue, 2015).

2.1.2 Air Filter Classification

HVAC filters made of semi porous, the fibrous material which prevents the

passage of particles. Manufacture of particle filters will depend on the size of the

filter, the filter material, depth and any related to pore size and fibre. The

characteristics of a filter with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) size it

depends where it is between MERV size of 1 to 20 (Hitchcock et al., 2006).

To review the performance of the air filter, several test procedure must be

carried out to prove the theory is the same as the experiment or test

performed.(Vaughn & Ramachandran, 2002) The test also being carried out

according to standard guidelines. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and

Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) introduce filters with MERV with standard

testing method ASHRAE 52.2. From this testing, it is measured in 12 particle size

ranging from 0.30 to 10.0 micrometres. Some procedure will be followed in this test

to determine the MERV which is from MERV 1 to MERV 12. If higher the rating of

the MERV is higher the efficient of the filter and capture more particles with small of

size particles. In addition to efficiency, filter attributes also include a reasonable

holding capacity and adequate airflow for ventilation. Another factor must to be

consider media filter become more efficient as they load, whereas electronic cleaning

devices that need to be washed or wiped rapidly lose efficiency as the plates that

generate the electrostatic charge become coated with particles. There are no


certification for the testing in the United States for the testing standards (Sublett et

al., 2010). Figure 2.3 shows the typical minimum efficiency curves ASHRAE 52.2.

Figure 2.3: The curve on the table above shows to the following applications

(Camfil Farr, 2013):

95% or MERV 14 - typically applied as the final filter in hospital

HVAC systems.

85% or MERV 13- typically applied in above average commercial


65% or MERV 11- applied in standard commercial buildings, such as

office space.

25% or MERV 6 and 7- pleated panel filters, applied in office

environments, and pre filters.

<20% or MERV 1 through 5- typical polyester or fiberglass

throwaway panels and metal washable filters (Camfil Farr, 2013).