Unit8 a1 student_template

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Unit8 a1 student_template

By Ryan Lewis

Global Marketplace


24/7 Trading


Low Start -up & Running Costs


Search Facilities


Fluid Pricing


Consumer Trust


Lack of Human Contact


Product Description Problems


Security issues


Browsers- they allow you to search the internet browser for the search or words you have inputted into the search bar itself.

Web Authoring Software- is a piece of software that creates the page for you.


Database systems- some e-commerce sites usually have databases attached to them that holds products and records of user information.

IP addresses- your IP address is the set of 4 each from 0 to 255. this is for an address for a specific computer on a network.


Domain Names- the domain name is the web address that is typed in the URL bar at the top of the browser. if wrong the browser will not take you anywhere.

Multiple Domain Registration- many businesses may not just have one domain name but many.


Ports & Protocols- If computers don’t use the same protocol it becomes impossible for them to understand the data transmitted between them. This is similar to humans who speak different languages – unless they agree to speak to a common language, they will not be able to understand each other.

Browser & Platform Compatibility- there are many different browsers for example like internet explorer, Firefox and Google chrome. A platform compatibility is the compatibility between different ways of viewing these browser. These are like Mac, IPhone and mobile phone.


Paying to be prominent in search engine results


When a consumer types in their search name a list of the most relevant sites comes up. If you type the search your looking for in speech marks it will look more efficiently for your search. Some searches that come up are adverting links to other website which are like spam/adverting links.

Newsgroups & Forums


A newsgroup or forum is a topic that an amount of people post on a website on the internet. These are called a discussion boards and the people involved within these discussions write about the subject in detail.

Banners & Pop-ups


A banner or pop up is created when you click on a link a pop up appears on the screen trying to sell you something or the pop up may also take you to another website. To prevent this you can go on your internet options and block pop ups.



Spam is an email that goes around too loads of email addresses at once and tries to sell you something. Some spam emails have link required to click on to send you to another website. Some of these websites have viruses on them and when you click the link it can infect your pc with viruses.

Ensuring An Effective User Interface


An effective interface for your website is essential to make sure when web users get to your site, they stay there for as long as possible. A simple and clear website will mean they will be able to purchase products and services with ease. If they like the website they may even come back.

Establishing Customer loyalty in a virtual environment


There are many different methods used to help create customer loyalty. Including- direct mailing to customers is often useful, to help keep your business at the front of their minds.

Site Names


The name of the website is really important. You need to name it with a suitable name that is memorable and relevant to the site.

Direct Marketing


Direct marketing is targeted at specific audiences, often customers that have signed up for a newsletter, offers or updates. This means if the customers have chosen to be a part of this, they have a genuine interests in the products / services, so are more likely to purchase from the site.

Hacking: hacking is when somebody gains access to somebody else's computer and uses that computer in a bad way. hacking is illegal.

Hacking Prevention: to stop hackers gaining access to your computer

P3, M2

Viruses: can contain a code created by someone to infect the computer to steal information from that computer.

Virus Prevention: prevention of this happening install anti-virus software on your computer and update this regularly.

P3, M2

ID Theft: ID theft is where someone try's to pretend to be you and steals personal information about you.

ID Theft Protection: to prevent this from happening to put all information about you on unsecure websites.

P3, M2

Strong Passwords: strong passwords is a key to stopping people accessing your user area and gaining access to your saved files. Keeping your password long and containing numbers aswell as letters will make this a lot harder to obtain.



Business Summary

Discuss: What business sells, Why they would have moved into e-commerce, Structure of website, Layout of products, Website security, Ease of use, Delivery options




Strengths- think about the benefits for this company when moving into e-commerce. Strengths of current site. Weaknesses- think about problems that may have had to overcome. Weaknesses of current site.