Unit5 What do they do? (Period 1 Story time) 译林版小学英语五年级上册...

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Transcript of Unit5 What do they do? (Period 1 Story time) 译林版小学英语五年级上册...

Unit5 What do they do?

(Period 1 Story time)


滨海县天场中心小学 刘苏

What do they do?Enjoy a song

What do they do?

Can you say something about your family?

My …is…

He/She has… He/She can …

What do they do?

a teacher

What do they do?

a doctor

What do they do?

a writer

What do they do?

She writes stories.

What do they do?

a worker

Play a gamePlay a gamePlay a gamePlay a game


What do they do?

Work in pairs

What does your father/mother do?

He’s/She’s a…

What do they do?

Watch and chooseWhat are they talking about?

They're talking about ___________________.

A. their parents' hobbies

B. their parents‘ jobs( 工作 )

What do they do?

Watch and chooseWhat are they talking about?

They're talking about _____________________.

A. their parents' hobbies

B. their parents‘ jobs( 工作 )

What do they do?

What do they do?

Listen and match

Mike’s father

Mike’s mother

Su Hai’s father

SuHai’s mother

a doctor

a teacher

a writer

a worker

What do they do?

a factory worker( 工厂 )

What do they do?

Ask and answer

1.What does Mike’s father do? He’s a 2. What does Mike’s mother do? She’s a 3. What does Su Hai’s father do? He’s a 4. What does Su Hai’s mother do? She’s a

What do they do?

What does your father do, Mike?

My father is a teacher. He teaches English. He has a lot of students.

That’s nice. What about your mother? Is she an English teacher too?

No, she isn’t. She’s a writer. She writes stories. She works at home.

Listen and repeat

What do they do?

What does your father do, Su Hai?My father is a doctor. He helps sick people.

That’s great! What does your mother do?

My mother is a factory worker. She makes sweets.

Oh, really? I like sweets! I eat a lot of sweets.

Listen and repeat

What do they do?Read and answerRead by yourselves and underline the key

words. You can discuss with your partner.(大声读、默读或分角色读,并划出关键词。你可以和同伴讨论。)

1.What does Mike’s father teach?

2.What does Mike’s mother write?

3.Who does Su Hai’s father help?

4.What does Su Hai’s mother make?

What do they do?

1.What does Mike’s father teach?

2.What does Mike’s mother write?

3.Who does Su Hai’s father help?

4.What does Su Hai’s mother make?



She makes sweets.

She writes stories.

He teaches English.

He helps sick people.

What do they do?

Think and write

Su Hai’s father is a ___________. He ___________ sick people. Her mother is a factory ___________. She ___________ sweets.

Mike’s father is a ___________. He ___________ English. His mother is a ___________. She ___________ stories.

teaches writes





makes doctor

Learning tip: 英语中有一种比较特殊的“第三人称单数”现象。当主语是第三人称单数时,后面的动词要加 s 或es ,如课文中的He teaches English. 和 He helps sick people.

What do they do?Retell the story( 可选一个或两个复述 )

Mike’s father is … He… He has a lot of students. Mike’s mother is… She… She works …

Su Hai’s father is… He … Su Hai’s mother is… She…

What do they do?Make a card

This is my father. He is tall. He has big eyes and short hair. He is a doctor. He helps sick people.

What do they do?Make a card

This is my ____________________________________________________________________________.

People work hard to make our life better. 人们努力工作创造美好生活。

Study hard, make a useful person.



1. Go on making your card , and then give the card to your family.

2. Read and act the story.