Unit2 The environment Reading Language Points 高二必修 5.

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Transcript of Unit2 The environment Reading Language Points 高二必修 5.

Unit2 The environment


Language Points

高二必修 5

Revision:Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Industry population waste economy responsibility reduce recycled Earth pollution environment

My aim in life is to save the _________________for future generation.I want to become an environmentalist after I finish school.Too many people think that__________cannot be stopped



Industry population waste economy responsibility reduce recycled Earth

If we want the__________to continue developing.But that is ridiculous.We can_________dangerous and dirty_________from factories if we are smart about what we buy.I want to teach people to buy____________products.The production of recycled things is much better for the environment,because

economyreduce waste


Industry population responsibility Earth

It means we do not need to cut down more trees and cause the destruction of more forests.The________will still grow,but Earth will not have to suffer.We should also pay attention to what we eat.People should take_____________for not buying certain kinds of fish,because there are not many left in the ocean.



population Earth

We also have a problem with_________________.The number of people in the world keeps growing,and we are producing more rubbish.What if we run out of space?If we all work together,we can solve these problems and keep__________clean and healthy.



Look and find

Read the text and find the right words or phrases according to the meanings.


2.Something that cannot be used any more and is thrown away

3.terrible ,shocking





In addition

5.destroy completely

6.(birds,insects,fish,etc)produce eggs from their bodies

7.come near to,get close to

8.make less,reduce

9.be helpful,useful,favourable to

wipe out

lay eggs


cut back on

Be beneficial to

10.be involved in or be affected by

11.a constant,steady economy

12.speak freely

Be concerned about

A stable economy

Open the floor

Important language points

1.In addition,many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.(line16)

In addition (to ): as well (as) ; besides

In addition,there is one more point I would like to make.

In addition to the sandwiches, Aunt Mary gave us cookies to bring to the picnic.

wipe out:destroy completely

Whole villages were wiped out by the earthquake.

All the information saved in the computer was wiped out by the virus.

2.These boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.(line16)

Large numbers of: a large number of, a great number of.

Large numbers of+countable nouns

He has collected large numbers of photos of different kinds of birds.

On hearing that the team had won,large numbers of people crowed into the hall to celebrate.

Lay eggs:

(birds,insects,fish,etc.)produce eggs from their bodies

More usages about lay

1.She laid the baby down gently on the bed.(gently and carefully put somebody or something somewhere.)

2.Why don’t you lay that problem aside for a while and think about it later?(put something on one side and not to think about it.)

3.The world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.(line20)

Pay attention to the following patterns:


This box is four times as light as that box.

…times+the comparative degree of adj/adv+than+…

The cotton output was four times greater than that of 1996.

…times+the width(size,length,breadth,level,value…)of+…

Earth is 49 times the size of the moon.4.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.(line22)

表示‘’建议,要求,命令‘’等意义的名词如 suggestion,advice,requirement,order等作主语时,其后表语从句中的谓语通常用‘’ should+动词原形‘’作谓语;或者省略 should 直接用动词原形作谓语。

The advice that the teacher gave was that the students (should)go to bed early during exam time.

5.Mr Lin suggested we should cut back on the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment.

Suggest,advise,require,order等动词后接的宾语从句中,也常用‘’ should+动词原形‘’作谓语;或者省略 should 直接用动词原形作谓语。

They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times.

6.The amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem;we need to think more about recycling.

Turn into:change into

Water turns into ice when it freezes.

More phrases about turn:

Turn up:(of a person) to arrive

We arranged to meet at 7:30 ,but she didn’t turn up.

Turn out:

1.to be discovered to be;to prove to be

It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.

2.to produce

The factory turns out 900 cars a week.

Turn over:to change position so that the other side is facing outwards or upwards

The car skidded and turned over.

7.But I do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.(line45)

Key:the most important thing

The key (to sth/doing sth)

The key to success is preparation.

The key to solving the problem is patience.

8.It is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.(line29)

Be concerned about:be involved in (something) or affected by (something)

Why is she so concerned about her appearance?

Fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases.change the form where necessary.

wipe out in addition (to)

large numbers of approach

the key (to sth) suggestion

be concerned about

cut back on turn into

1.To save money,we should_________________our spending.

2.______________the subjects already mentioned,students will also study Biology.

3.The deadly disease almost____________the entire population.

4.We____all______________ her safety.

cut back on

In addition to

wiped out

are concerned about

5.They plan to _________the building ____________a hotel.

6.___________________students have volunteered to help.

7.In my opinion, ____________solving the problem is to co-operate rather than argue,

8.After two hours’climbing,we___________the top of the mountain.

turn into

Large numbers of

the key to



1.Finish A1 and A2 on page 98

2. Read the text.
