Unit iv jeopardy review

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Unit iv jeopardy review

1. Lets Get Ready to play Todays Categories are: Unit IV Jeopardy Review! 2. And nowhere is the host of Jeopardy Mr. Sea! 3. Category B Category D Category E 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points Category CCategory A Rules of Jeopardy! Dont buzz in until the entire question has been read (including stuff in parenthesis) If you DO buzz in early you may NOT answer that question 1 point for right answers but -1 for wrong answers (so dont buzz in unless you think you know the answer!) If Mr. Sea says tie buzz in again Some questions have more than one correct answer (theyre in Orange) so buzz in again for more points! Whispering during a question is considered cheating and you will be deducted a point for it ENFORCERS!!! (Ill explain) Everyone must go; missed turns cost your team a point Ill listen to TEAM CAPTAINS but anyone else who argues with Mr. Sea will cost his or her team a point There are DAILY DOUBLES in which you may risk any or all of your points FINAL JEOPARDY is worth TEN POINTS and is winner-take-all 4. What article of the U.S. Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government? 5. What was the only branch of government that existed under the Articles of Confederation? 6. Name a formal constitutional power of the president that can only be used with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate 7. Name a formal CONSTITUIONAL power (NOT Executive Orders or Agreements) the president can exercise WITHOUT seeking the consent of the U.S. Senate 8. What is the difference between a reprieve and a pardon? 9. Which of the three branches of the federal government primarily shapes U.S. foreign policy? 10. What do we call the officials appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate who represent the U.S. in nearly every foreign nation? 11. Explain the major differences between a treaty and an executive agreement 12. Where are executive agreements mentioned in the U.S. Constitution? 13. In dealings with foreign nations why have modern presidents favored executive agreements over treaties? 14. In which of his constitutional roles does the president lead the nations armed forces? 15. What is the biggest reason the power of the president has increased so dramatically domestically, internationally, and militarily since ratification of the Constitution? 16. Give an example of a constitutional check the Legislative or Judicial Branches have over the president 17. Which of the three branches of the federal government passes the national budget and controls the appropriation of our tax dollars? 18. What roles do the House and Senate play in the impeachment process? 19. Who are the only two presidents to be impeached in U.S. history AND were either convicted? 20. According to the U.S. Constitution what is the only offense a president cannot pardon? 21. How long is a U.S. Presidents term? 22. The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution limits a president to no more than how many terms? 23. What are the three constitutional qualifications an individual must meet in order to become President? 24. List an INFORMAL trait (not in the Constitution) that candidates for president have typically possessed 25. What three specific political offices have most presidential candidates of the last 50 years come from? 26. What is the presidents cabinet? 27. List a cabinet department 28. Who creates new cabinet departments? 29. With the exception of the Attorney General, what title is given to someone that leads a cabinet department? 30. Who nominates cabinet secretaries? 31. Who specifically has the power to confirm or reject appointments to the presidents cabinet? 32. Who are cabinet secretaries MOST directly responsible to? 33. How long do cabinet secretaries serve? 34. How did the 12th Amendment to the Constitution change how Americans elect the Vice-President? 35. What are the three constitutional qualifications an individual must meet in order to become Vice-President? 36. What does it mean when a presidential candidate picks a running-mate who balances the ticket? 37. What is the Vice-Presidents only Constitutional duty as President of the Senate? 38. Name a scenario under which the Vice- President would become President 39. What are the two types of elections a candidate must win in order to take office? 40. In what type of election do candidates from the same political party compete against one another to decide who will receive the partys nomination? 41. What do we call a candidate who has received his or her partys official endorsement to run for office? 42. In what type of election do nominees from opposing political parties compete against one another to decide who will hold an elected office? 43. What is an incumbent? 44. What does it mean if a candidate for office is running unopposed? 45. If a candidate receives a plurality but not a majority of the vote what type of election is held between the top two vote-getters? 46. Give a reason (excuse) why voter turnout in the U.S. is lower than in other democracies 47. Explain what high and low political efficacy is 48. For the following choose the group MOST likely to vote in an election 49. Young people or the elderly? 50. The wealthy or lower class? 51. Those with a high school diploma or those with a college diploma? 52. Whites or minorities? 53. Men or women? (Explain) 54. How often are presidential elections held? 55. Why dont political parties contribute to candidates from their party during the primary phase of elections? 56. Where does MOST of the money given to a candidate come from during the primary phase of presidential elections? 57. What is the relationship between special- interest groups and political action committees? 58. Why do political parties hold primaries? Why not let all the candidates from the same party run in the general election? 59. How long does presidential primary season last? 60. Which states always vote 1st and 2nd during presidential primary season? 61. How is the primary process different for an incumbent president vs. a presidential candidate running for the office for the first time? 62. Name a purpose of party nominating conventions 63. What is the MOST important function of a partys national convention? 64. What is a running mate? 65. What sort of qualities is a presidential candidate looking for when he or she selects a running mate? 66. Name an event that takes place after the party nominating conventions in the lead up to the general election 67. What are the four major steps in the presidential election cycle? 68. In what month does the general election for president always take place? 69. If the following statements are FALSE make them TRUE 70. True or False: The president is elected through a national popular vote 71. True or False: The Electoral College is NOT mentioned in the Constitution and like political parties the system just developed over time 72. True or False: All states are equal in the Electoral College 73. If Georgia has 14 congressional districts how many electoral votes does it have? 74. (Except for Nebraska and Maine) Explain how the Electoral College is a winner-take- all system 75. What is a swing state? 76. Name a swing state from the 2012 presidential election 77. What is the minimum number of electoral votes a candidate needs in the Electoral College in order to become President Elect? 78. Explain the biggest flaw in the Electoral Colleges winner-take-all system 79. According to the 20th Amendment to the Constitution on what date is the president elect sworn into office? 80. FINAL JEOPARDY FINAL