Unit 9 - photography

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Unit 9 - photography

Different Photos


I like the fact that much like the point of abstract photography, this is an inconclusive image. It’s difficult to realise what the shadow is of which works well.

What I like about this image is the unknown it possesses. It makes you wonder what its purpose is. I next time may change the angle to give it a worms view on the ground up to the ground.

For me this image is incredibly intriguing. It features an object out of its ‘natural environment’. To see a mouse in this way is interesting and I think that the camera angle is just perfect for this type of shot.

This image is my personal favourite as it captures simplicity of a simple object. It features simply a close up lock with others in the background. A brilliant angle and a brilliant photograph.


These 3 portrait photo’s feature myself, Will and Rory looking directly at the camera. I like these images as each one is unique. Will appears to be neutral, I am happy and smiling and Rory seems suspicious and cautious in his pose. It is fun to look at each image and gives the viewer their own personal view of the featured participants.


I strangely like this image because for me in the background you see a future building and in the foreground a completed building. Its like mixing the past and present with the future and its great to have real meaning and theories to simple images like this.




This is an interesting image as it leaves the viewer guessed wondering what this object could be or mean. It’s not conclusive as to what it could be. A pole, a pipe, an old unneeded piece of architecture? It’s up to the audience’s interpretation.

This is a nice image as it communicates the mix of architecture and natural beauty which makes it unique.


This is a wonderful image as it shows up close beauty and nature. The tiny water drops almost invisible to the naked eye. The angle is great and the photo itself was taken in perfect focus.

This is likely to be my favourite image of all the ones taken as it shows beautifully the essence of life and nature. It’s a simple premise, a bee landing on a lone flower. But the brilliant timing and focus by Rory made this image as good as it is. 5 STARS.

This image is a perfectly angled and represents nature well. Although next time to change I would get a further close up image to focus in on the centre of the flower which contains the bulbs.