Unit 86 step by step guide

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Unit 86 step by step guide

Unit 86: Mask Making

The Lion King: Timon

The process begins by wrapping an Alice Band in cotton tightly all the way round. Then sewing each end to ensure it stays tightly wrapped to the band. Now this material can be used to help sew other aspects of the mask to the band as the band itself is too hard to get a needle through.

As cotton is too thin to have large aspects of the mask sewed too, you then wrap felt around in a very similar fashion. All the way around and then sewing it at both ends. This then creates a much stronger base.

Then by cutting out ear shapes with felt and crunching the corners, you place a pin through the end of the ear to further the illusion of a meerkat ear. This can then be sewn into place to then be added to the Alice band.

Once the ears are created, they can be sewn onto the Alice Band through the felt. They must be sewn tightly so that the ears do not droop. Cutting out 2 ‘hair’ shapes

from felt and blanket stitching the sides, this creates a pocket to be filled with wadding and then sewn up to create a padded hair quiff.

Using a brush to separate the fibres in the felt conveyed a ‘fur’ texture and then this was sewn back to the headband to create a completed Timon mask.