Unit 57 photography evidence template(1)

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Unit 57 photography evidence template(1)


Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Camera Settings Evidence Template

Emily Ashford


ISO Settings

Take a series of pictures of the same subject, but set a different ISO for each image. You will then be able to see how this setting changes the quality of the image recorded. 

With the ISO pictures you can tell that some are more grainy and others are less. The higher the ISO the more noise and grain there is in the picture like you can see in the photograph set at 800 ISO. With the colour, the ISO which is high has a lot of purple, gray and white grains compared to the photo with the low ISO.

100 ISO 400 ISO

800 ISO


White Balance

With the white balance, the auto one comes out just has your average picture, but with a little to much light. The daylight photo has a bit more light to it but not as much light is let in the picture. Cloudy has more of a yellow tone to it as it is making it look bright rather than cloudy. The shade setting is a little like the cloudy one but not as yellow in the toning. With tungsten/incandescent its got a very blue tone to the picture as it is trying to balance the white in the photo. Fluorescent is its still got a few blue tones in there but not as much as the tungsten setting. My Personal preference would be daylight or cloudy but auto is very good too. It could have been a better picture though..

Auto WB Daylight WB Cloudy WB Shade WB

Tungsten/Incandescent WB

Fluorescent WB


Shutter Speed Control

In these set of photo’s I have demonstrated different shutter speeds. I used 3 different shutter speed times, for example I left the shutter speed to 1 second or longer and as you can see it has caught the movement of the person in the picture. In the speed time of 1/15 to 1/60 second you can see less movement and the person is a bit more faded. Last of all there the photograph that is set at speed at 1/250 of a second which caught a bottle pouring and catching the water drop half way down before hitting the floor. That show that the shutter speed was increasingly fast compared to the other two photos.

Shutter speed of : 1 second or longer Shutter speed of : 1/15 to 1/60 second

Shutter speed of : 1/250 second


Lens Aperture Settings (Depth of Field)

Take a series of pictures of the same subject, but use a different Aperture setting for each image. You will then be able to see how this setting changes the quality of the image recorded. Use a tripod!

With the widest aperture you can see that the majority of the picture is out of focus but the daisy is still in focus, this is to do with the depth of field. The smallest aperture has a lot more focus in the photo and has picked up more on the background.  

Widest Aperture (f/4) Medium Aperture (f/8)

Smallest Aperture (f/16)



Take a photo of a scene using manual focus and then take another using automatic focus.

You can see that the manual photo has a lot less in it but is still got a great focus where as the coffee cup photo has a lot more going on in it but automatic would be easier to handle .




Software Exposure adjustments

Original Cropped

Levels Dodging and burning


Software Exposure adjustments cont…

Colour alteration Selection