Unit 5 Vocab

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Unit 5 Vocab

War Lasted From 1914-1918

Unit 5- World War IBy: Grant Hall

The "Powder Keg of Europe"

✤ World War 1 Began in Sarajevo, Bosnia

✤ The spark that led to World War 1 was the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

✤ Serbia and Bosnia

The Allies vs. the Central PowersGreat Britain, France, Russia, *Italy, Serbia, Romania vs. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire *Italy

It was a strategic Plan if Germany were to be At war with Russia and France.

The Schlieffen PlanCreated By the the German Count Alfred von Schlieffen.

Total War

✤ Total war is where a country engages all resources and the population on war.

✤ The Stalemate in WWI was the that the trench warfare prevented any one side from overpowering each other, just them shooting at any life and taking casualties.

✤ Trench Warfare was where the enemies made trenches, shot at each other and had barbwire in the “no mans land.”

Key battles of WW1

✤ 1st and 2nd Marne: France, U.K., VS. Germany; Fought in the Marne River near Paris; Allies Won

✤ Gallipoli: France, U.K., VS. Germany, Ottoman Empire; Fought in the Ottoman Empire; The Central Power Won

✤ Somme: France, U.K. VS. Germany; Fought on the Somme River; Allies Won

✤ Verdun: France VS. Germany; Verdun, France; France Won

Bolshevik Revolution

✤ Was the seizure of the state of power led by the Communist Red Army in Russia

✤ It was in 1917

✤ It caused Russia to leave WWI

U.S. Entry Into The War

✤ They joined due to the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Telegram

✤ Joined in 1917

✤ They Were on the Allies

✤ Woodrow Wilson was the President