Unit 5 Textbook with Transparencies - MS. WASHBURN'S EL ...

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Transcript of Unit 5 Textbook with Transparencies - MS. WASHBURN'S EL ...


played volleyball. traveled to Florida.

talked to my friend.

On my vacation, I visited the beach. My mom and I walked together. My sister splashed in the water.

Theme Book: More than a Meal

Add more neighborhood words as you read. You may need to add more bubbles.

Neighborhood Words



post office

by Suzy Blackaby

Carlos worked at the Community Center. He took meals to people’s homes.

On Monday, Carlos parked next to the fire station. He delivered meals to Mr. Chase.

He stayed and took out the trash.

Carlos parked in front of the market. He delivered meals to Mrs. Gonzales.

He stayed and fixed the light.

Carlos parked behind the school. He delivered meals to Mr. Potter,

but he did not stay.

On Tuesday, Carlos delivered meals to Mr. Chase. He stayed and watered the plants.

Carlos delivered meals to Mrs. Gonzales. He stayed and washed the dishes.

Carlos delivered meals to Mr. Potter, but he did not stay.

On Wednesday, Carlos delivered meals to Mr. Chase. He delivered meals to Mrs. Gonzales.

Carlos delivered meals to Mr. Potter, but something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

Carlos called 9-1-1. An ambulance took Mr. Potter to the hospital.

On Thursday, Carlos visited Mr. Potter, but he did not stay.

On Friday, Carlos visited Mr. Potter. Mr. Potter was happy to see him.

This time, Carlos stayed.

PG. 133 – Compete the chart with more details of what Carlos did each

day. Use words from the book, More than a Meal.

Day Events (What did Carlos do each day?)

Monday delivered meals, took out trash, and fixed a light





Use your detail chart above to tell the story.

Long Vowels o, e, i

Letters /



o o_e oa ow


e ee ea _y


i i_e _ie

_igh _y

Long Vowel


go no so ocean open over own show loan mow

me she the even equal we eel be sunny hear

ice ivy item hi island inside high pie science bike

Short Vowel


got not office mop cot on come long

left hem shell beg men empty elephant pen let spent

bit hit inside fill fin lip trip is city




Review Answers: 1) St. Louis is located near two rivers, so it is easy for boats to get there. 2)

Some highways that go to St. Louis are 44, 55, 64, and 70. 3) The dot symbols means “city”.

A map title tells us what the map is about.

This map is about the area around the city of St.

Louis. Point to St. Louis. Symbols o represent (or

stand for) different things on the amp. The

legend, or key, tells what the symbols represent.

The scales tells about size. For example, one inch

on a map could represent one mile in the real


1. What buildings are near the school?

2. Do you live in a hose or an apartment? Who lives with you?

3. Tell some things that can see in your neighborhood.

4. Name two stores where you like to shop.

5. Name some towns that you have seen.

6. Complete the definition maps for each word using the example from pg. 143






While you read add as many important details from the travel article “San Francisco” as you can to the mind

map below.

San Francisco

Named Yerba Buena in 1776 Gold found in


There are several details on this page. The old Mexican name for San Francisco, Yerba Buenca, is a detail.

The date that gold was discovered, 1848, is another detail.

Another detail is how did San Francisco change after gold was discovered?

Another detail: What year did the earthquake happen?

Detail: What did the earthquake and fire do to San Francisco in 1906?

Detail: What did the people do after the earthquake?

Detail: What do people who live in San Francisco share with other people?

Detail: How is San Francisco different today than in 1776?

You should have done this

while you read.

Look at the questions at

the bottom of the pages

to help.

Use the next page for help.

Write your answer on the

next page.

A journal is like a book of


You can choose to share

your journal entries with

other people or keep

them to yourself.

Journal entries can be

short or long.

Answer on the worksheet on the next page.

Use this page as an example to help.

Correct your

writing from

worksheet PG. 86.

Last Monday, I played baseball in the park.