Unit 4 Regents Review 1750 – 1914 Overview (Practice Questions up thrugh June 2013)

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Transcript of Unit 4 Regents Review 1750 – 1914 Overview (Practice Questions up thrugh June 2013)

Unit 4 Regents Review

1750 – 1914 Overview

(Practice Questions up thrugh June 2013)

Agrarian Revolution

1701 – Jethro Tull’s

Seed Drill (followed by

tools for reaping and

chemical fertilizers)

1720s Good Weather in England

1600s Enclosure Mvmt. – by 1700s more popular in England

1730 – Townshend suggest clover for crop rotation (no longer fallow)

Food Surplus

Landless Farmers – need new job and

new home (move to cities)

New High Yield

Crops – potatoes,

corn; turnips and


Results of Agrarian Revolution

Food Surplus

More People Excess Capital Trade

New Markets Needed

(Imperialism)Invest in InventionsNeed More Stuff

Rise of Bourgeoisie Capitalist

August 2012In the early 18th century, the Agricultural

Revolution in Great Britain resulted in

urbanization because

(1) enslaved persons replaced free laborers on farms

(2) factory work strengthened extended families

(3) displaced rural workers migrated to find jobs

(4) the middle class decreased in size

First vs. Second Industrial Revolutions First Industrial Revolution – (1750-1850) new

agricultural methods, textiles, railroads, iron, and coal.

Second Industrial Revolution (1870-1914) – steel, chemicals, electricity, telephone, automobile and petroleum (Whitney – standardized parts)

Industrial Revolution - Cause Shift from Cottage/Domestic

Industry (people make at home) to Factory System.

Cause – Rising Population due to Agrarian Revolution.

Started with Textiles (Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny)

EnglanEngland d

IndustIndustrializerialized Firstd First

Good Harbors Natural Supply of Coal

and Iron Loose gov’t regulations

(laissez-faire – Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith 1776) with political stability

Lots of capital to invest due to colonies in Americas

August 2011• Irregular coastline

• Abundant mineral resources

• Large labor force

• Investment capital

Which country had these characteristics and used

them to industrialize in the 1700s?

(1) Germany (3) Great Britain

(2) Italy (4) Japan

January 2012A major reason the Industrial Revolution

developed in Great Britain in the 1700s was

because of Great Britain’s

(1) geographic features

(2) immigration policies

(3) use of collectivization

(4) access to imported oil

Jan 2014 Which geographic feature most aided England

during the Industrial Revolution?

(1) desert climate

(2) natural harbors

(3) mountainous terrain

(4) monsoon winds

Results of Industrial Revolution Urbanization Use of Women & Children as

Labor Pollution New Energy – water, coal,

and electricity New Transportation – canal,

trains, cars, planes Imperialism

New Social Class – middle (bourgeoisie) and lower – factory worker (proletariat)

Wealth now based on factory ownership (capitalist)


Water Power Limited

Turn to Coal & Steam

James Watt Steam Engine 1769

1814 Steam Powered Train to get more coal

Urbanization – not have to be along

rivers any more

January 2011Which pair of natural resources were used to change transportation and manufacturing in Great Britain during the Industrial Revolution?

(1) gold and salt

(2) diamonds and petroleum

(3) copper and tin

(4) coal and iron ore


Industrial Pollution

Health Boards


Pasteur discovers


New Labor Forces

(children & women

Labor Unions

Factory Act

Feminism (suffrage)

Charles Dickens/ Karl Marx

1848 Revolutions


Suez canal opened in 1869; Erie in 1825)

Stephenson, Stephenson, RocketRocket, 1830, 1830

Fulton, steamboat, 1807Fulton, steamboat, 1807Daimler, internal combustion Daimler, internal combustion engine – 1885 (Ford – engine – 1885 (Ford – assembly assembly lineline 1905 – Model T) 1905 – Model T)Wright, airplane, 1903Wright, airplane, 1903

IndiaTerms to Know:

British East India Co. 1700s

Sepoy Mutiny 1857

Gandhi – Amritsar “Home Rule” (1948)

Pakistan/India (Kashmir)

Benefits – educations, industry, railroad


Karl Marx Disliked what he saw in factories Wrote Communist Manifesto 1848 – proletariat (working class) needs to rise

up against bourgeoisie (factory owner) Overthrow of capitalist system Will inspire Russian

(Bolshevik)/Communist Revolution

Dickens & Darwin Dickens wrote Bleak House and Oliver Twist about

the horrors of the industrial revolution – child labor, crime, etc

Darwin wrote about how Europeans were justified in conquering other countries because of the “survival of the fittest” mentality

Malthus wrote about population control would be natural based on the fact that the world could only feed so much – rest will starve – natural way of things

Quotes for next question –Aug 10

Speaker A: If the rate of population growth

continues to exceed the growth in the food supply, there will not be enough food for all of the people.

Speaker B: There are people who are wealthy and

people who are poor. This is just how

things are.

Speaker C: History is the story of class struggle.

Eventually, the working class will rise up and revolt against the wealthy.

Speaker D: The government should do what is best

for most of its people.

August 2010 – with previousWhich speaker best represents the views of Karl Marx?

(1) A (3) C

(2) B (4) D

To which situation are these speakers most likelyreacting?(1) growth of Zionism(2) rise of industrialization(3) division of Africa(4) formation of military alliances

August 2013During the 1800s, the writings of Marx, Engels, and Dickens focused attention on the problems faced by

(1) factory owners (3) farm laborers

(2) investment bankers (4) industrial workers

August 2012A key idea in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is that workers should support the

(1) overthrow of the capitalist system

(2) establishment of labor unions

(3) legislative regulation of wages and working conditions

(4) technological changes in production methods

January 2012What is a major belief associated with Marxism?

(1) The proletariat would rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie.

(2) Religion should be more important than political forces.

(3) Private ownership of property should be expanded.

(4) Peasants would gain control of overseas markets.

June 2013The belief that workers of the world would unite to overthrow their oppressors is central to

(1) Social Darwinism

(2) Marxism

(3) conservatism

(4) laissez-faire capitalism

January 2013The workers in industrial countries must create a revolution, overthrow the existing governments using force if necessary, and then create a new classless society.

This statement expresses the views of

(1) Mikhail Gorbachev (3) Karl Marx

(2) Jomo Kenyatta 4) Kemal Atatürk

June 2012According to Thomas Malthus, the rate of increase for human populations in relation to the rate of increase for food production was a problem. Malthus believed that

(1) industrial development would severely limit population growth

(2) famine and war were natural checks on population growth

(3) countries with larger populations would conquer countries with smaller populations

(4) food production would increase at a faster rate than populations would

Irish Potato Famine 1848 Potato Famine Irish had become use to eating potatoes that they had gotten

from Columbian Exchange (Latin America) Blight (disease) struck potato Famine led to the mass migration of Irish to United States

January 2014Mass starvation in Ireland in the 1840s led directly to the

(1) formation of communes

(2) granting of independence

(3) migration of people overseas

(4) usage of petrochemical fertilizers

January 2010Many critics believe that the policy of the British government during the Irish Famine

(1) contributed to food shortages

(2) ignored military concerns

(3) discouraged emigration

(4) led directly to civil war

January 2013The mass emigration of the Irish in the mid-19th century was primarily a result of

(1) mandatory military service

(2) famine

(3) civil war

(4) farm mechanization

June 2011One reason for the mass migration of many Irish to North America in the 19th century was

(1) a series of crop failures

(2) enforcement of a military draft

(3) civil war in Ireland

(4) an outbreak of malaria

June 2013One way in which the Industrial Revolution in

Great Britain in the 18th century and the potato blight in Ireland in the 19th century are similar is that they both led directly to

(1) significant human migrations

(2) more equitable distribution of wealth

(3) growth in the number of subsistence farmers

(4) rapid increases in food production

Changes in Social and Gender Structure Emancipation of Serfs

(Alexander II) and Slaves (Lincoln) (1860s)

Increase in Women’s Rights and desire for suffrage (right to vote) in 1848 – Seneca Falls, NY

Increased birth control in European world.

Social StructurePost-Industrial Europe

Industrial Tycoons & Bankers

Doctors, lawyers

Artisans, Clerks

Laborers – Factories & Farms

June 2012During the Industrial Revolution, which development resulted from the other three?

(1) Factory conditions affected people’s health.

(2) Labor unions were formed.

(3) Unskilled laborers received low wages.

(4) Machinery replaced workers.

August 2010What was a result of the Industrial Revolution in Europe?

(1) the growth of the middle class

(2) an increase in nomadic herding

(3) a decline in urban population

(4) a decrease in international trade

French Revolution – 1879-1805 - Causes

inequality of Estates General (3rd estate had to pay taxes), bread famine, expenses of Louis XVI and Antoinette – Palace of Versailles,

Enlightenment – Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau

American and British (Glorious) Revolutions were examples

January 2010Under the Old Regime in France, the burden of taxation fell mostly on the

(1) monarchy (3) nobles

(2) Clergy (4) commoners

January 2012Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?

(1) ineffective rule of Napoleon Bonaparte

(2) nationalization of the Church

(3) outrage over the use of the guillotine by the

Committee of Public Safety

(4) demand of the Third Estate for more political power

January 2014One way in which the caste system in traditional India and the Estates system of pre-revolutionary France are similar is that

(1) occupations were attained by merit

(2) social mobility was very limited

(3) status was determined by education

(4) impact on the daily lives of people was minimal

French Revolution Events Storming of Bastille Declaration of Rights of Man (Constitution)

made at Tennis Court Oath Reign of Terror – Robespierre (leader of

Committee of Public Safety) used guillotine to kill nobles – including Louis XVI and wife Marie Antoinette

January 2011“Angry Mob Destroys Bastille”

“Robespierre’s Execution Ends Reign of Terror”

“Napoleon Seizes Power”

Which country’s revolution is referred to in these headlines?

(1) Spain (3) France

(2) Austria (4) Russia

June 2012Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins are

best known for

(1) instituting the Reign of Terror

(2) protecting freedom of religion

(3) supporting the reign of King Louis XVI

(4) sending French troops to fight in the

American Revolution

August 2011Which event is most closely associated with the French Revolution?

(1) Council of Trent

(2) Thirty Years’ War

(3) Reign of Terror

(4) Paris Peace Conference

January 2011

One way in which King Louis XVI of France and Czar Nicholas II of Russia are similar is that both

(1) were executed by revolutionaries

(2) were known as great military leaders

(3) advocated religious reform

(4) supported the emancipation of serfs

June 2011“The French Revolution is most important for having changed subjects to citizens.”

This statement emphasizes the shift from

(1) religious traditions to secular values

(2) divine right rule to people’s participation in government

(3) rural lifestyles to urban lifestyles

(4) private property ownership to government


French Revolution - Result Napoleon Bonaparte – created

Napoleonic Code of Law and fixed prices on food

Created “Grand Embassy” – took out much of Europe except Russia who used “scorched earth policy” and cold climate to defeat Napoleon, ended at Waterloo. Russia was also too large to defeat

August 2010The invasions of Russia by France in 1812 and by

Germany in World War II were unsuccessful in

part because of the

(1) Russian alliances with China

(2) harsh climatic conditions in Russia

(3) inexperience of French and German military leaders

(4) failure of France and Germany to develop modern weapons

June 2011Which geographic condition contributed to the defeat of Napoleon’s troops during the invasion of Russia?

(1) drought (3) severe flooding

(2) typhoons (4) harsh winter

Jan 2014One way in which Robespierre and Louis XVI of

France are similar is that both

(1) were removed from power during the French Revolution

(2) adopted ideas of the Congress of Vienna

(3) implemented policies of religious tolerance

(4) decreased government control of the


January 2010One way in which Robespierre and Napoleon are similar is that they both

(1) played an important role at the Congress of Vienna

(2) increased their power during the French


(3) were executed for treason by French


(4) led armies against the Haitians

August 2010. . Things are so high, poor people cry, Such times was ne’er before, For everything is raised in price

To carry on the War. . . .

— John Wilson, A New Song on the Dear Times

In this song published in the 1850s, the songwriter is complaining about

(1) unemployment (3) depression

(2) quotas (4) inflation

August 2012What was one factor that caused Napoleon’s

invasion of Russia and Hitler’s invasion of Russia to be unsuccessful?

(1) poorly trained military forces

(2) a lack of alliances

(3) harsh winter climate

(4) mountainous terrain

January 2013Which factor aided Russian troops in defeating Napoleon’s armies and Soviet forces in defeating Hitler’s armies?

(1) severe winters

(2) mountain passes

(3) superior air forces

(4) United Nations peacekeepers

August 2010Which of these events related to the French

Revolution occurred first?

(1) Napoleon became emperor of France.

(2) The Declaration of the Rights of Man was


(3) Louis XVI called the Estates General into


(4) The Committee of Public Safety led the

Reign of Terror.

Latin AmericanCause

1. Growing sense of national identity – same as US2. Local resentment of Spanish/Portuguese economic policies – same as US3. Frustration of American born Creole upper and middle class4. Spark/catalyst was Napoleon’s conquest of Spain

Haiti – Toussaint L’Ouverture (1803) – slave uprising

Columbia – Simon Bolivar created “Grand Columbia”

Mexico – 1810/1910 (Hidalgo – priest stirred mestizos; Morelos, landed elite led by caudillos abusive under Porfirio Diaz, Emiliano Zapata demands land redistribution – constitution in 1917

Social Structure of the Spanish Colonies

Peons - Native Americans & African Descent

MestizosPeople of Native

American and




People of mixed

African and

European descent

Creoles People of European descent

Born in the colonies

Peninsulares People born in Spain

Most Power

Fewer People

Least Power

Most People

Viceroys- Spanish Governors of colonies

Generally Educated,but lacked power

January 2010The establishment of a parliamentary democracy in India and the establishment of Portuguese as the official language of Brazil indicates that European colonizers

(1) influenced the culture of regions under their control

(2) respected the governments of the indigenous peoples

(3) promoted Protestant religions over native religions

(4) studied local traditions before implementing policies

January 2011Porfirio Diaz, Francisco “Pancho” Villa, and

Emiliano Zapata are best known for their

struggles in the

(1) Haitian independence movement

(2) Mexican Revolution

(3) Nicaraguan War

(4) Cuban Revolution

January 2012• Toussaint L’Ouverture

• Bernardo O’Higgins

• José de San Martín

These individuals had their greatest impact on the

(1) unification of Italy

(2) independence movements in Latin America

(3) Zionist movement

(4) Catholic Counter Reformation

August 2011A. Toussaint L’Ouverture declares Haiti independent.

B. Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen is written in France.

C. The thirteen colonies gain independence from Great Britain.

D. Simón Bolívar frees Colombia from Spanish rule.

What is the correct chronological order for these events?

(1) A → B → D → C (3) A → D → C → B

(2) C → B → A → D (4) D → C → B → A

January 2014One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simón Bolívar, and José de San Martín are similar is that they all were

(1) supporters of mercantile policies

(2) leaders of independence movements

(3) democratically elected leaders

(4) industrial labor reformers

June 2011

Which title best completes this graphic organizer?

(1) Reasons for Latin American Independence


(2) Impact of the Scientific Revolution

(3) Causes of the Industrial Revolution

(4) Results of Nationalism in Europe

June 2012What was one effect of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century?

(1) Democracy became the dominant political system in Latin America.

(2) European colonialism replaced the independent governments of Latin America.

(3) Many Latin American countries achieved independence.

(4) Countries in Latin America deported most people with European ancestry

August 2012

Which title best completes this partial outline?

(1) Causes for Bismarck’s Rise to Power

(2) Factors of the Haitian Revolution

(3) Results of the Munich Pact

(4) Situations Contributing to the Zionist Movement

January 2013One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Kwame Nkrumah, and Ho Chi Minh are similar is that each leader

(1) opposed the role of the Roman Catholic Church in politics

(2) established the first democratic government in his country

(3) fought to free his country from European control

(4) embraced the principles of civil disobedience

June 2013One way in which Miguel Hidalgo, Ho Chi Minh, and Jomo Kenyatta are similar is that they all were

(1) leaders of independence movements

(2) communist dictators

(3) enlightened despots

(4) advocates of liberation theology

August 2013 With which event are Porfirio Díaz, Francisco “Pancho” Villa, and Emiliano Zapata associated?

(1) Conquest of the Incas

(2) Argentinian Dirty War

(3) Mexican Revolution

(4) Haitian coup d’état

June 2013Why is Catholicism a major religion practiced in Latin America?

(1) Spain conquered and colonized much of Latin America.

(2) Disputes over international boundaries

within Latin America were settled by the pope.

(3) The traditional beliefs of Africans were

incorporated into the cultures of Latin America.

(4) The Church provided Latin America with a

strong central government.

June 2013Which geographic feature presented an obstacle to Simón Bolívar’s forces?

(1) Sahara Desert (3) Great Rift Valley

(2) Andes Mountains (4) Strait of Malacca

Congress of Vienna - 1814 Metternich Maintain

balance of power (buffer state) Concert of Europe

Restrain liberalism (Quadruple Alliance)

June 2011One goal of the Congress of Vienna was to

(1) establish a new balance of power in Europe

(2) protect Europe from Ottoman advances

(3) end abuses within the Catholic Church

(4) redraw the boundaries of Africa

German Nationalism Zollverein Frankfort Assembly (1848) Otto von Bismarck (Iron

Chancellor) - 1860s-70s Militarism Favored monarchy Realpolitik – Denmark,

Austrian, Franco-Prussian War (1870 – faked EMS telegram); Triple Alliance


January 2011The slogan “Blood and Iron” and a united

Germany are most closely associated with

(1) Prince Metternich (3) Camillo Cavour

(2) Simón Bolívar (4) Otto von Bismarck

August 2010The unification of Germany under Otto von

Bismarck demonstrates the

(1) influence of Marxist ideology

(2) impact of nationalism

(3) force of civil disobedience

(4) power of democratic ideals

January 2013• Appointment of Otto von Bismarck as Chancellor

• Austro-Prussian War, 1866

• Franco-Prussian War, 1870–1871

These events led directly to

(1) the unification of Germany

(2) foreign rule in Italy

(3) the rebellion of the Sepoys

(4) an alliance between Serbs and Russians

Italian Unification Mazzini – Young Italy

(carbonari) Cavour – North Italy

(favored Victor Emmanuel II) w/plebiscites

Garibaldi – Red Shirts

June 2012The unification of Italy and the unification of

Germany show that

(1) socialism was an effective way of organizing the economy

(2) nationalism could be used to consolidate political interests

(3) colonialism could be used to spread European civilization

(4) interdependence was a significant obstacle to waging war

Austrian EmpireMultinational state of 11 ethnically distinct

peoples – Germans, Czechs, Hungarians (Magyars), Slovaks, Romanians, Serbians, and Italians.

Hungary and Bohemia want own legislature and national army

Demand for a liberal constitution

Ottoman Empire Greek Revolution

1820s Crimean War 1854 Independence of

Balkan Region “Powder Keg of Europe” (spreading influence of Austria-Hungary will create WWI) Pan-Slavism

Which area of Europe was known as the “Powder Keg” of Europe prior to the outbreak

of World War I?

(1) A (3) C

(2) B (4) D

January 2013Before 1914, nationalism in the Balkan Peninsula contributed to

(1) resistance by ethnic groups to Austrian rule

(2) campaigns by foreign diplomats against the

use of trench warfare

(3) the inability of countries to make reparation payments

(4) the rejection of the Versailles Treaty by combatants


Source forRaw


Source forRaw


Markets forFinishedGoods

Markets forFinishedGoods





Military& NavalBases

Military& NavalBases


For Colonization


For Colonization

Places toDump

Unwanted/Excess Popul.

Places toDump

Unwanted/Excess Popul.

Soc. & Eco.Opportunities

Soc. & Eco.Opportunities











African Imperialism - Causes “Humanitarian” – Queen Victoria sponsored

Livingstone’s missionary work, Kipling’s White Man’s Burden (social-Darwinian bias)

Need for Raw Materials – gold, rubber (Congo), cotton (Egypt), palm oil

Nationalism – Scramble for Africa (no longer expansion in Europe due to Congress of Vienna)

Military Bases New Technology – quinine, cartography,

maxim machine gun, steam ships, telegraph

Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed--

Go, bind your sons to exile To serve your captive's need;

To wait, in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild--

Your new-caught sullen peoples, Half devil and half child. …

Take up the White Man's burden, And reap his old reward--

The blame of those ye better The hate of those ye guard--

The cry of those ye humor (Ah, slowly!) toward the light:--

"Why brought ye us from bondage, Our loved Egyptian night?"

The White Man's Burdenby Rudyard KiplingFirst published in

McClure's Magazine (Feb. 1899).

January 2010• Spain mines silver in the Americas.

• The Dutch establish a colony in Southeast Asia.

• The English East India Company controls tea

plantations in India.

Which policy is most closely associated with these


(1) pacifism (3) nonalignment

(2) Mercantilism (4) containment

June 2013What was a major reason European nations

competed for control of Africa during the second half of the 1800s?

(1) Africa had a wealth of natural resources.

(2) Slave labor was needed in the Americas.

(3) African nations offered religious and political freedom.

(4) Europeans needed land for their excess


January 2014One major reason European countries engaged in imperialism in the late 19th century was to

(1) gain a better understanding of unknown


(2) ease tensions with their rivals

(3) develop treatments for diseases

(4) obtain markets for their manufactured goods

Imperial ConflictsScramble for Africa Cecil Rhodes – de Beer’s

Mining Company / Cape to Cairo Railroad.

Zulu wars – England wins due to better technology

Boer War – 1899-1902 between England and Dutch farmers (established apartheid to appease Dutch farmers)

King Leopold’s abuse of natives in Congo

Berlin Conference - 1885 Called for

by Otto von Bismarck

Threat of King Leopold’s Congo

No Natives

January 2012The Berlin Conference in 1884 was significant because it

(1) promoted Belgium as a world power

(2) established rules for the European division of Africa

(3) called for a war against England

(4) ensured ethnic harmony in the Middle East

August 2011Which situation was a result of the 1884 Berlin


(1) Africa was divided without regard to ethnic groups.

(2) Monarchies were restored throughout Europe.

(3) The slave trade with South America was eliminated.

(4) The League of Nations was formed.

August 2013Which area of the world was most directly

affected by the decisions made at the Berlin


(1) Africa (3) India

(2) China (4) South America

August 2010One reason the Suez Canal has been of strategic

importance to countries other than Egypt was

that the canal

(1) allowed for faster movement between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean

(2) enabled Europeans to explore the Western Hemisphere

(3) made it easier for Russia to gain control of Afghanistan

(4) provided the Austro-Hungarian Empire with

access to its colonies in South Asia

August 2010Much of which area of the world came under

European colonial control in the 19th century?

(1) Japan (3) Africa

(2) Southwest Asia (4) Latin America

June 2013The 19th-century ideas of Social Darwinism and the “White Man’s Burden” were often used to justify

(1) isolationism (3) imperialism

(2) appeasement (4) disarmament

June 2011Which statement best reflects an effect of

imperialism in Africa?

(1) Land was distributed equally between social classes.

(2) Territorial divisions were primarily established using tribal boundaries.

(3) Natural resources were exploited for the

benefit of European powers.

(4) Timbuktu became the center of great


January 2010Which of these developments in Africa was a cause of the other three?

(1) Rival tribal groups fought wars.

(2) The Berlin Conference of 1884 influenced colonial boundaries.

(3) Traditional territories and culture groups were permanently fragmented.

(4) African economies became dependent on the

sale of cash crops and raw materials.

January 2010Which cultures fought with the Zulus in the 19th century over the control of land in South Africa?

(1) German and French

(2) Indian and Belgian

(3) British and Boer

(4) Ethiopian and Italian

British East India Company

•Took advantage of religious conflicts of Hindus and Muslims.•Founded in 1600 to sell Indian products such as cotton, silk, sugar and jute•1756 – Robert Clive raised an army of native soldiers (sepoys) to support gov’ts favorable to British East India Company.

•“Commercial Colonialism” – controlled foreign trade and used native army to keep local rulers in power.

Sepoy Mutiny - 1857

Rumor Started: The rifle cartridges that were distributed to the Sepoys (bitten to remove a cover before being inserted into a gun) had been greased with beef and pork fat.

Muslim Sepoys who were not supposed to consume pork, and the Hindu Sepoys who were not supposed to eat beef.

January 2011One similarity between the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China is that both were

(1) religious reform movements

(2) reactions to the opium trade

(3) attempts to end foreign interference

(4) successful revolts against absolute monarchs

August 2010A similarity between the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China is that both were

(1) attempts to remove foreign influence

(2) movements to establish communist governments

(3) efforts to restore trade monopolies

(4) struggles to westernize cultures

August 2011A major goal of both the Sepoy Mutiny and theBoxer Rebellion was to

(1) remove foreign influences

(2) restore parliamentary government

(3) improve access to civil service examinations

(4) outlaw caste systems

Direct Colony –•Modern system of progressive secondary education (to train Indian civil servants), •Improved health care•economic reforms (irrigation, railroads, tea and jute plantations),•creation of unified and powerful state.•End suttees

Raj—term for British rule over India, lasts from 1757to 1947

Negative Impacts of colonization on India

British hold much of political and economic power Cash crops result in loss of self-sufficiency,

famine Indian life disrupted by missionaries and racist

attitudes British textile industry puts out of work native

industry Zamindar system of tax collection is corrupt Fails to bring benefits of modern science and


Reforms – INC by Nehru and Gandhi – 1885; Muslim League 1905

Spheres of Influence in China 1700s – unfavorable

balance of trade, one city Canton open, 1793 Lord Macartney attempted open

Imported Opium, Manchus forbid it

1839 – Opium War – British won due to better technology

1842 Treat of Nanjing (unequal) – open ports, extraterritoriality, Hong Kong to England, reparations

Warlords negotiate spheres of influence

American – Open Door Policy

Resistance – Taiping and Boxer Rebellion

Chinese Revolution - 1912 Causes: discontent of peasants with Qing’s losses in

Opium War and Sino-Japanese (1895) with Taiping and later Boxer Rebellions (1900); spread of reform ideas among Western-educated Chinese

Self-Strengthening Movement Dowager Empress Cixi - Opposed all reform – pro-

Western treason Sun Yat-sen – father of modern China

Three Principles of the People1. Constitutional democracy2. No Foreigners3. State control over essential industries

Results - Chiang Kai-shek leads nationalist republic (Kuomintang) in civil war against communist Mao

June 2012What is the primary focus of this map?

(1) population density

(2) resource distribution

(3) Imperialism

(4) urbanization

. . . Our celestial empire [China] rules over ten thousand kingdoms! Most surely do we possess a measure of godlike majesty which ye cannot fathom! Still we cannot bear to slay or exterminate without previous warning, and it is for this reason that we now clearly make known to you the fixed laws of our land. If the foreign merchants of your said honorable nation desire to continue their commercial intercourse, they then must tremblingly obey our recorded statutes,

they must cut off for ever the source from which the opium flows, and on no account make an experiment of our laws in their own persons! Let then your highness [Queen Victoria] punish those

of your subjects who may be criminal, do not endeavor to screen or conceal them, and thus you will secure peace and quietness to your

possessions, thus will you more than ever display a proper sense of respect and obedience. “— Chinese High Commissioner Lin Zexu’s letter to Queen Victoria

With previous passageWhich event is most directly related to the 19thcentury situation described in this passage?

(1) signing of the Treaty of Nanjing

(2) Russo-Japanese War

(3) annexation of Korea

(4) Sepoy Rebellion

August 2012* Treaty of Nanjing gives control of Hong Kong to Great Britain.

• French government sets up a protectorate in Cambodia.

• Italian forces occupy Ethiopia.

Which policy is most closely associated with these


(1) détente (3) nonalignment

(2) appeasement (4) imperialism

August 2012Since the beginning of China as a nation, we Chinese have governed our own country despite occasional interruptions. When China was occasionally occupied by a foreign race, our ancestors could always in the end drive these foreigners out, restore the fatherland, and preserve China for future generations of Chinese. Today when we raise the righteous standard of revolt in order to expel an alien race [the Manchus] that has been occupying China, we are doing no more than our ancestors have done or expected us to do. Justice is so much on our side\ that all Chinese, once familiarizing themselves with our stand, will have no doubt about the righteousness of our cause.… — “A Public Declaration,” 1906

Continued QuestionWhich conclusion can be drawn from this passage?

(1) China can no longer remain isolated from its neighbors.

(2) The Chinese people are happy with the rule of the Manchu.

(3) The Chinese people wanted to end foreign


(4) China has prospered under the rule of foreign powers.

January 2013The idea expressed in this cartoon is most closely associated with the

(1) alliances formed in Europe

(2) division of Africa discussed at the Berlin Conference

(3) spheres of influence established in China by foreigners(4) border changes made at the Congress of Vienna

January 2011One similarity between the Sepoy Rebellion in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China is that both were

(1) religious reform movements

(2) reactions to the opium trade

(3) attempts to end foreign interference

(4) successful revolts against absolute monarchs

January 2014• Opium War (1839–1842)

• Taiping Rebellion (1850–1864)

• Boxer Rebellion (1898–1901)

This series of events is most closely associated with the

(1) spread of communism to China and Korea

(2) growing concerns about the influence of the West in China

(3) alliance formed between Vietnam and China

(4) increasing expansion of civil and political rights in China

June 2013 One way in which the Treaty of Nanking and the Treaty of Versailles are similar is that in both treaties the provisions called for

(1) monarchs to be returned to their rightful


(2) reparations to be paid by defeated countries

(3) existing borders to be maintained

(4) peacekeeping organizations to be established

June 2013The term extraterritoriality, sphere of influence and mandates are most closely associated with

1.Collective security




Japan’s Reaction Commodore Matthew Perry – 1853 Treaty of Kanagawa Meiji Restoration - (1868-1912);

Westernizes AND Modernizes Colonizes – Sino-Japanese &

Russo-Japanese War (1905) because Japan LACKS NATURAL RESOURCES

January 2014One way in which Emperor Meiji of Japan and Kemal Atatürk of Turkey are similar is that they both

(1) crushed secessionist movements

(2) worked to modernize their nations

(3) conquered eastern neighboring territories

(4) protested against economic sanctions

August 2013• Sino-Japanese War 1894–1895

• Russo-Japanese War 1904–1905

• Annexation of Korea 1910

These events in the history of Japan reflect its

(1) resistance to trade

(2) abundance of natural resources

(3) vulnerability to attack by neighbors

(4) emergence as an imperialistic country

June 2013Which action did Japan take during the Meiji


(1) established a social system to benefit the samurai

(2) sent experts to learn from modern Western nations

(3) allowed communist ideas to dominate its government

(4) started an ambitious program to expel foreign manufacturers

August 2012Which change is associated with Meiji Japan?

(1) expansion of feudal political and social values

(2) modernization of the economy and government

(3) adoption of isolationist policies

(4) abandoning plans for an overseas empire

January 2012Japan began an aggressive policy of imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries because Japan

(1) needed raw materials for its factories

(2) hoped to spread Shinto

(3) sought Western technology

(4) wanted revenge for the Opium Wars

August 2011In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Japan

rapidly industrialized. During which period did this change take place?

(1) Heian Court (3) Yuan dynasty

(2) Song dynasty (4) Meiji Restoration

January 2011

What is one reason for Japan’s involvement in the first Sino-Japanese War and the annexation of Korea?

(1) pursuit of imperialistic goals

(2) reaction to foreign invasions

(3) institution of five-year plans

(4) need for a warm-water port

August 2010Japan’s policy of expansion in the early 20th

century was motivated by

(1) a lack of natural resources

(2) a plan to end unequal treaties

(3) the need to increase cultural diffusion

(4) the desire to spread communism

June 2010During which period of Japanese history did the changes shown in this wood block print


(1)Heian court

(2)Tokugawa shogunate

(3)Meiji Restoration

(4)United States occupation

January 2010During the late 19th century, Japan’s lack of natural resources was one reason for implementing a policy of

(1) collectivization (3) socialism

(2) free trade (4) imperialism

January 2010In Japan, the Meiji Restoration and the

post–World War II “economic miracle” can be described as periods of

(1) political decentralization

(2) revolutionary democratization

(3) reactionary social change

(4) innovative industrial development