Unit 3 wk_5 with quiz

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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5th,ppt,vocabulary,treasures,by TL,TN,Original National,Onat,National,Unit 3

Transcript of Unit 3 wk_5 with quiz


(adjective) has a flaw or weakness

The old radio was defective; there was little hope of repairing it.

Tell about an object that is defective.

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(noun) a piece that marks your place

Monopoly has many tokens from which to choose.

What other games use tokens? How do you choose the one you use?

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Deluxe_Monopoly_Tokens.jpg5 U3W5

reversed (verb) moved in the opposite direction

The reverse card in UNO changes the direction of play.

What would happen if you reversed the letters in racecar?

What other palindromes do you know?

• Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.

• Evil olive.

• Gold log.

• He won't, ah, wander, Edna. What now, eh?

• Kayak.

• Lee had a heel.

• Live not on evil.

• Lonely Tylenol.

• Ma has a ham.

• Madam, I'm Adam.


(verb) means “turning on an axis or point”

The top rotated long after Michelle spun it.

What other items can be rotated?

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(noun) a piece of rock falling from space

The meteor cut through the night sky.

How would you describe a meteor to someone who has never seen one?

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leonid-form-space.jpg5 U3W5


(noun) a machine programmed to complete tasks

The robot arm helped the astronaut complete the repairs on the space shuttle.

What would you like a robot do for you?

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(verb) hanging or swinging loosely

The orangutan enjoys dangling from the wire.

What is a synonym for dangling?

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(adjective) walking unsteadily or swaying

Roberto staggered under the heavy stack of boxes.

What is an antonym for the word staggered?

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Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens,

danglingWhich noun describes a machine programmed to complete tasks?


Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens,


Which verb means hanging or swinging loosely?


Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens, dangling

What verb means “moved in the opposite direction”?


Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens, dangling

Which noun means a piece that marks your spot or place?


Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens,

danglingWhat noun means a piece of rock from



Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens, dangling

Which adjective means means walking unsteadily or swaying?


Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens, dangling

Which adjective mean something has a flaw or weakness?


Quiz Time!

defective, staggered, robot, meteor, rotated, reversed, tokens, dangling

Which verb means turning on an axis or point?
