Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power …€¦ · Jesus left the synagogue and...

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Transcript of Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power …€¦ · Jesus left the synagogue and...


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power

Scripture: Luke 4: 14-44; Mark 1: 21-34

Lesson Goal: When Jesus was here on earth he and his disciples traveled to many towns, teaching people about God. Many people believed in Him and His great power and their lives were changed. In this lesson we will learn about the great power that Jesus had when He preached. We will learn about Who Jesus is and What He came to do!

Introduction: This is the eighth lesson in Unit 2:The Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. When Jesus was here on earth he and his disciples traveled to many towns, teaching people about God. Many people believed in Him and His great power and their lives were changed. In this lesson we will learn about the great power that Jesus had when He preached. This lesson is found in the book of Luke and Mark. These books are part of the four books called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: How would you introduce your friends to people who did not know them? You would definitely tell the name of your friend. Perhaps you might tell something special about that person. That would help people get to know your friend! Let's see how this would work! If I were going to introduce you to people here is what I would say... This is Evan Wilson. He is in the 5th grade and is the son of Mike and Denise Wilson. He has two sisters Emily and Andrea. He lives in Briar Wood Park. He is a cub scout and he likes to play video games. This is Mackenzie Burns. Her mom and dad are James and Tracy Burns. As you can see she loves to wear pretty dresses. She also likes to write stories--especially stories about Jesus. She also likes to play with her cousin Katie. This is Camron Dillman. He has two big brothers--Tylor and Juston. He lives in Greenwood and is in the sixth grade. He is a great helper in our class. He will straighten the chairs and put out our Bibles every Sunday! Camron likes to come to church. Introducing people is fun isn't it? But if you were going to introduce Jesus to someone, what would you say? Let's see. What are some things we know about Jesus? We know that He is the Son of God. We know that He came from heaven to earth to tell us about God. What did Jesus do? We could say that Jesus healed many people who were sick. We could say that Jesus was loving and kind to everyone and He especially loved little children. We might tell about Jesus' friends--Peter, James, and John. Wow! there are lots of things we could say about Jesus, aren't there? Today we are going to learn about Who Jesus is and What He came to do! Alterative: Do you know what this is? Sure you do. It is a remote control. Some of you may have a TV that has a remote control. When you are watching TV, you can turn the TV off or on, change channels, and adjust the volume. Do you know what? There are some remote controls that can do much more than that. I have seen some remote controls that can control up to fifteen different things -- they are called universal remote controls. If you have a DVD player, it can control that too. You can go fast forward, slow motion, reverse, or pause a movie while you go and get a snack. When you have a universal remote control, you are in complete control. That's amazing isn't it?


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

In our Bible lesson today, Jesus showed people his amazing control of everything around him--control over Satan, over demons, and over disease.

Opening Prayer: "Dear Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and that you came from heaven to die on the cross for my sins. Help me to be like the people in Capernaum who believed in you. I ask you to forgive me of the things that I have done wrong. I believe and trust in Your power to change my life and I want You to be my Savior. Thank you Jesus for saving me. In Jesus name. Amen." Memory Verse: Our memory verse is Luke 4:43. "But Jesus said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God because that is why I was sent."

Lesson Video: http://youtu.be/C09up_BdAYU When Jesus lived on earth, people worshipped God in places called synagogues. As part of their worship, people in a synagogue read from what we call the Old Testament in the Bible. When Jesus was growing up in Nazareth his family went every week to worship God and to listen to the Jewish leaders read the scriptures. The people in Nazareth had watched Jesus grow up and knew his parents--Mary and Joseph. They knew that Jesus was an obedient son but they needed to know something more important. They needed to know that Jesus was the Son of God. The people of Nazareth knew that Jesus had gone done to Jerusalem after He was baptized and tempted. They had gotten the news that Jesus had started His ministry by calling some men to be his disciples. The reports were that Jesus was healing people and performing miracles, too. Now Jesus was coming back to his hometown of Nazareth. These people must have felt that Jesus would be especially generous by performing many miracles in their town! They just wanted to see these great signs! God had promised to send the Messiah to the people of Israel. The Jewish people prayed for the day when He would come. However, when He got here some people didn’t recognize who He was. Many people in Galilee believed He was the Messiah, but people back in His home town of Nazareth were not so easily convinced. When Jesus and his disciples came into his hometown of Nazareth they went to the synagogue to worship God. The Jewish leaders invited Jesus to read from the Scriptures. Jesus went forward and unrolled the scroll. He began to read from the book of Isaiah. "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." These verses had been written many years earlier by the prophet Isaiah and they told about the things that the Savior, God's Son would do when He came to earth. When Jesus finished reading these words from Isaiah, He rolled up the scroll and put it away. Usually the teacher would explain the words he had just read but Jesus surprised everyone. He simply said, "Today these words have come true." The people listening to Jesus were amazed by what they heard. Some of them probably asked each other, "What did Jesus just say? He didn't mean that He's the One who would save us, did He? He's going to do all these things?" Eventually they realized that Jesus had said just that--He was the Savior--the Messiah--for whom the Israelites had waited for hundreds of years.


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Everyone in the synagogue gazed at Him intently. They began to wonder, "Isn't this Joseph's son?" they asked. His words were gracious... but they thought... Jesus could NOT be the Messiah! They didn't understand the words of Isaiah--that the Savior would set people free from SIN. Then Jesus said something else the people didn't want to hear. Jesus reminded them that no one except widow had believed the prophets Elijah and Elisha when they were alive. He reminded them of Naaman the Syrian during the time of Elisha the prophet. He was the only leper who believed and was healed. Jesus wanted them to believe in Him as the Messiah. But the people in Nazareth didn't believe what Jesus was saying! In fact, all the people in the synagogue were so angry that they pushed and shoved Jesus right out of the synagogue. They drove him out of town and took him to the edge of a big hill on which the town of Nazareth was built. The people were so mad that they took Jesus to the overhanging rocks and were ready to throw him down the cliff! But an amazing thing happened next! Jesus just slipped away! He walked right through the angry crowd and went on His way to other places and other people! It wasn't God's plan for Jesus to die yet. Jesus had to tell and show many others who He is and why He had come to earth. After his rejection in Nazareth Jesus moved about twenty miles away to the town of Capernaum on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee. Once again on the Sabbath day they went into the synagogue where Jesus was invited to preach. Jesus got a very different response in this town! He was welcomed! Those listening were amazed at His teaching. They said, "He teaches as one with great authority not like the other teachers of the law!" Among those in the synagogue was a man who was possessed by an evil spirit. As Jesus was speaking he got up and started shouting. "Go away! We want nothing to do with you, Jesus from Nazareth. You have come to destroy us. I know who you are--the Holy Son of God." Jesus knew that this man had an evil spirit or demon. Demons are fallen angels who have joined Satan in rebellion against God. These demons help Satan, God's enemy. So Jesus said, "Be Silent!" Then He spoke to the demon and ordered, "Come out! Leave this man alone!" The evil spirit threw the man to the floor. Then immediately the demon left. The man was completely made WELL! Jesus was able to make the man well because He is God's Son and He has greater authority than Satan. Amazed the people began asking each other, "What kind of teacher is Jesus? He is not like anyone else!" They told their friends about Jesus and what He had done. Before long everyone in that region had heard about the power of Jesus! Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of two of His friends, Peter and Andrew. Two of Jesus' other friends, James and John came too! When they came into his home, Peter said, "My wife's mother is very sick. She has a high fever!" As soon as Jesus heard this, He went to the mother's bed. She was lying down, very weak and hot with fever. Jesus bent down and rebuked the fever and it left her. He gently took her hand and helped her sit up. Right away her fever was GONE! The woman was completely well! She felt so good that she got up at once and prepared a meal for them all! That evening after dinner Jesus and his disciples heard a lot of noise outside of Peter's house. It was sunset at the end of the Sabbath day but there was a large crowd of people gathering outside. The whole town had come to Peter's house and they were bringing to Jesus all those who were sick.


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Jesus was kind and laid His hands on each one and healed them. Demons came out of many people, shouting, "You are the Son of God!" Jesus rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew He was the Messiah. The next morning Jesus was up long before daybreak and He went out alone in the wilderness to pray. He must have thanked God for sending Him to earth so those who believed in Him could be healed. Jesus wants us to know Who He is and why He came to earth, too. When He lived on earth, He showed people that He was God's Son by His actions and by His words. People in the towns of Nazareth and Capernaum treated Jesus very differently. The people in Nazareth became very angry. They rejected Jesus’ message and wanted to kill Him. But in Capernaum the people believed that He was the Messiah, the Savior. They welcomed him and honored Him. Even today people have different reactions to Jesus. They either accept Him as God and welcome Him into their lives; or they rejected Him and refused to believe the truth. What about you? Do you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? You can believe in Jesus as the Son of God, too. You can tell Him that you are sorry for the things that you have done wrong. You can ask Him to forgive you of your sins. Jesus loves you and wants to make your life all new but you must first believe and trust in Him. You can tell Him that right now. Let's remember Who Jesus Is and Why He Came!

Review Questions: “Balloon Rockets” Preparation: You will need index cards, tape, balloons, permanent markers, and a white board or chalkboard. Procedure: Print the following review questions--one on each index card. Lightly tape the index cards to the white board or chalkboard. Make sure the index card is face down against the whiteboard hiding the words printed on it. Give each student a balloon, and have them write their initials or name on the balloon with a permanent marker. Students will blow up their balloons and then pinch the openings closed so that the air does not escape. Line the students up shoulder to shoulder at least 5 feet from the whiteboard. At your signal the students are to release their balloons. One or two students whose balloons land closest to the whiteboard with the review question cards taped to it are to remove an index card. Students attempt to answer the question. Students then find and blow up their balloons again, continuing to release balloons and remove cards until all but two or three of the cards have been removed. Remove the cards and answer the questions.

1. How did people respond to Jesus’ teachings and miracles? (Some people rejected Him; others accepted Him.)

2. What is a synagogue? (A place where Jewish families meet together to worship and study the Bible, like a church)

3. What was the name of Jesus’ home town? (Nazareth) 4. What book of the Old Testament did Jesus read from in the synagogue in Nazareth? (Jesus

read from the book of Isaiah.) 5. What happened when Jesus stopped reading the passage in Isaiah? (According to Luke 4:20,

everyone looked at Him.)


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

6. Why did the people in Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, reject Jesus’ message? (Many of the people in Nazareth were not ready to believe that Jesus was God the Son.)

7. What did the people in Nazareth try to do to Jesus? (They tried to throw Him off a cliff.) 8. If you had been in Nazareth the day the mob ran Him out of town, what could you have said or

done to “stick up for” Jesus? (I would suggest that they ask Mary—Jesus’ mother—about the angel’s message before his birth. Mary lived in that town.)

9. In which city, Nazareth or Capernaum, was Jesus treated well? (Jesus was treated well in Capernaum.)

10. When Jesus met a man who had a demon, what did the demon cry out? (The demon said, “I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”)

11. How did the evil spirit know who Jesus was? (Demons are followers of Satan and Satan knows that Jesus is the Christ.)

12. Why are demons afraid of Jesus? (Jesus’ authority is greater than Satan’s.) 13. Why do you think the people of Capernaum welcomed Jesus so warmly? (He taught with

authority and did many miracles among the people.) 14. What should you do if you have bad dreams? (Call upon the name of Jesus and the evil will

flee!) 15. What miracle did Jesus perform at Simon Peter’s house? (He made his mother-in-law well.) 16. What did Peter’s mother-in-law do when she got healed? (She served them.) 17. How does Jesus want you to respond when others reject you? (God wants us to always love

others—even though they may reject us.) 18. What is the memory verse? (Luke 4:43. "But Jesus said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God because that is why I was sent.")

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Scroll Our memory verse is Luke 4:43. "But Jesus said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God because that is why I was sent." Help students locate the verse in scripture. Repeat the verse together several more times. Say: “This verse means that Jesus is the Son of God. God sent Him to earth to tell us about Him and to give us the good news that Jesus came to save us. When Jesus preached in the synagogue He read the scripture from Old Testament book of Isaiah. The scripture was written on a scroll. Today we will make a scroll of our memory verse." Preparation: You will need a large brown paper bag or brown wrapping paper, black marking pens, glue or tape, cord or twine and dowel rods. Procedure: To make the scroll give child a large brown paper bag or some brown paper wrapping paper. Each sheet needs to be about 15" X 20". Crumple the paper into a large ball. Then unwrap the paper and smooth out with your hand. This gives the paper an "old" look. Teacher can then use a candle lighter to singe the edges of the paper to give it a parchment rough edge. Give each child two dowel rods and let the wrap the ends of the scroll onto the dowel rods. Glue or tape the ends of your scroll to the dowel rods. Have student use black marker to print the words of Luke 4:43 onto the center of the scroll. Roll up the scroll and tie with cord or twine to hold the wooden scroll handles together.


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity” “The Recognition Game” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: When the children first arrive, take note of one or two of them. Remember what they are wearing, the color and length of their hair, the color of their eyes and any other distinguishing characteristics. Procedure: Tell the class that you are going to describe a child in the class and if they think they know who the child is, they should raise their hands, and keep them up. Do not let the children say the name of the child until you call on them. Ask the child, who raised his hand first, who you are describing. If he answers incorrectly, continue asking until someone gets it right. Play the game for several minutes. Say: “In this game we had to try to remember small details about our friends. Do you think this was hard? It is easy to miss small details when we already “know” someone, isn’t it? “In this lesson we learned that the people of Israel were looking for the Messiah. Through prophecy they had a description of how Jesus would be, where He would come from, and where He would life. If the people had been looking for the characteristics described in scripture, they would have recognized Jesus. “ “The people of Nazareth thought they knew who Jesus was because they knew His family and all about His childhood. They thought Jesus was just a quiet carpenter. Wow! Were they ever wrong! He had grown up in Nazareth, but He was God wrapped up in human flesh. He was the Messiah, the promised One of God, who had fulfilled every promise written about Him in scripture. He was the Savior of the world who came to take away the sins of the world. Because they thought they knew Jesus already, they missed Him completely. They never really saw Him. They had lived around Jesus so long that they had become blind to who He really was.” Say: “This blindness can “creep up” on us too. That is the dangerous thing Jesus is trying to warn us about. It can creep up on those of us who come to church every week. Those of us who have a Bible, know lots of Christian songs, and have Christian families and friends can be in danger of forgetting how awesome God is and how wonderful it is to know Him. We may start to think we know everything about God already. It can keep us from having a relationship with Him. We must not let that happen! We need to see who He really is, and we need to come to Jesus with hearts of wonder and worship.”

Group Learning Activity: “Comic Strip Quotes” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need a large sheet of paper and comic strip characters from the newspaper. You can print the comic strip character template below for each child. You will also need glue and marking pens. Procedure: Place a large sheet of paper on the table for each student. Print the comic strip characters below or use comic strips from newspapers. Have the student choose and cut out different people from the comic strips or chose one of the printed characters. Children are to glue the pictures of the cartoon characters to the paper and draw conversation bubbles to the character to write quotes that the character might say. Say: "In this lesson Jesus showed His power and was kind to people. We are to be like Jesus and be kind to other people. He has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. He gives us the power to be kind to others. Write in a conversation bubble a way that the comic character could tell or be kind to others."


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: "Letter from Peter" Sentence Starters (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need large sheets of poster paper. Hang the sheets around the room for easy access for students. You will also need colored marking pens and ribbons. Procedure: Print the following sentence starters on large sheets of paper in a letter outline, leaving ample room between each sentence starter: "Dear _______" "Today I say Jesus _________________" "Jesus is _________" "Please pass on this good news to others!" Add "Sincerely, Peter" for the letter's closing. When the letters are finished, roll up the sheets of paper and tie with ribbons to make scrolls. Children can take turns reading parts of the scrolls. The teacher can help the students organize their thoughts by asking the following questions:

Who did Jesus show kindness to in today's lesson? (The man with the evil spirit, Peter's mother-n-law, and other sick people who came to Peter's house at night.)

How do you think those people felt when they were shown kindness by Jesus? (happy, thankful, loved)

Who is someone you know who is kind? What do they do to show kindness to you? (My mom makes a special soup when I have a cold. My sister listens to me when I am having a bad day. My teacher helps me with my homework.)

Encourage children to write their own letters referring to the class letter for ideas. Children can address letters to friends they want to tell about Jesus.

Group Learning Activity: Preparation: You will need Bibles, pencils and spiritual journals. Print the Greek and Hebrew words template for each child. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Jesus preached with great power. We are going to read our story in scripture and find out some important things about where and how Jesus worshipped God in the local synagogue.” Procedure: Each child will need a Bible. Have children sit a table or in front of a chart stand. Have students find the following scriptures in the Bible and then discuss the way that the students can grow.

Luke 4:16-17 “He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. And he stood up to read. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written.” – Every week Jesus went to the local synagogue to worship. Synagogues were vital parts of the Jewish culture. They served not only as places of worship on the Sabbath, but also as religious educational centers for Jewish boys during the week and meeting places for local government. Although Jesus already knew all scripture, he felt it was important to go to worship each week. We too should be regular in our attendance to church.

Luke 4: 18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Jesus was quoting from Isaiah 61:2. The synagogue leaders invited Jesus to read and explain the scripture. In this quote Isaiah pictured the deliverance of Israel from exile in Babylon as The Year of Jubilee when all debts are cancelled, all slaves are freed, and all property is returned


Today I saw Jesus___


Jesus is______________

Please pass this good

news to others!

Sincerely, Peter


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

to its original owners. Because Israel was still a subject of Babylon this scripture was actually a prophecy about the coming Messiah, Jesus.

Luke 4:20-22 “Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him, and he began by saying, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his lips. “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?” they asked.”—Jesus boldly proclaimed that He was the One who would bring this good news to pass. He would heal the sick, preach the gospel to all, and proclaim the day of salvation to all!

Luke 4: 23-27 “Jesus said to them, “Surely you will quote this proverb to me: ‘Physician, heal yourself!’ And you will tell me, ‘Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.’” “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown. I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land. Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them, but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon. And there were many in Israel with leprosy[a] in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed—only Naaman the Syrian.”—. Jesus’ remarks filled the people of Nazareth with rage because he was saying that God sometimes chose to reach Gentiles rather than Jews. Jesus was not accepted as a prophet in his hometown. Jesus’ remarks filled the city of Nazareth with rage because he was saying that God had chosen to reach Gentiles rather than Jews. Jesus implied that his hearers were unbelieving as the citizens of Northern Israel in the days of Elijah and Elisha which was a notoriously wicked time.

Luke 4:28-30 “All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. 29 They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him off the cliff. 30 But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way.” – Jesus wanted them to believe in Him as the Messiah. But the people in Nazareth didn't believe what Jesus was saying! In fact, all the people in the synagogue were so angry that they pushed and shoved Jesus right out of the synagogue. They drove him out of town and took him to the edge of a big hill on which the town of Nazareth was built. The people were so mad that they took Jesus to the overhanging rocks and were ready to throw him down the cliff! But an amazing thing happened next! Jesus just slipped away! He walked right through the angry crowd and went on His way to other places and other people! It wasn't God's plan for Jesus to die yet. Jesus had to tell and show many others who He is and why He had come to earth.

Distribute copies of the “Hebrew and Greek Words.”

Say:” People in Jesus’ time spoke Hebrew and Greek. Hebrew and Greek letters look different from our alphabet. These are the letters that would have been written in the scroll that Jesus read in the synagogue. Let’s see it you can dopy these words.”


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: “Prayer Boxes” (Grades 2-5) Say: "The Jewish men who heard Jesus tell about Himself probably wore small leather boxes to their arms or their foreheads. Today some Jewish leaders still wear these boxes during special times. These boxes are called phylacteries. Phylacteries contain little slips of paper with God's commandments written on them. The men wear these small boxes in order to obey God's command to keep God's Word with them at all times. Say: “How do we keep God's Word with us?" (Memorize Bible verses. Think about Bible verses we know.) "We're going to make our boxes today and write prayers to keep inside them." Preparation: You will need small jewelry box (square or circular) for each child; colored slips of paper 2" X 3" (sticky notes work well); pencils or pens; brown ribbon or yarn; self-adhesive foam; glitter; markers; and stickers. Preparation: Give each student a small jewelry box. Students are to decorate their box with markers; stickers, self-adhesive foam or glitter. Some jewelry boxes are gold colored and are especially good for this project. Have students brainstorm words that describe who Jesus is and what He came to do. List these responses on a large sheet of paper or on a white board with marker. Using ideas from the large sheet of paper, students are to write short prayers on small pieces of paper, thanking Jesus who He is and what He came to do. Students roll papers, tie them with yarn and place them in the prayer boxes. Students can run a length of ribbon or yarn under the top box flap (gently squeeze sides of box to make the top tight and secure with tape. Students can then tie the boxes to their arms or foreheads to take home as prayer boxes. Encourage the students to use their prayer box at home with their families. Whenever anyone in the family thinks of something to pray about, he or she writes it down and puts it in the box.

Craft Learning Activity: "Who Can? Jesus" Banner (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need a long roll of white drawing paper and colored markers. Procedure: Write "Who can?" on the top of a long banner for children to write Jesus after all the questions on the banner. The children can each use a different colored marker to write Jesus when it's their turn. Say: "Who can heal the sick?" "Who can take care of us?" "Who can part the water?" Who can save our souls?" "Who can provide all that you need?" "Who can forgive?" Use more ideas from God's Word or the lesson to write questions that can be answered "Jesus Can!" After each question the children shout JESUS, as each child writes JESUS on the banner. Give children stars and stickers to decorate the banner when the activity is done.

Who Can? Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: "Jesus" Toilet Paper Roll Figure (Grades K-2) Purpose: This craft of Jesus Christ declares Who He Is and What He Has done for us. Preparation: You will need one copy of Jesus template below for each child; crayons or colored markers; scissors, glue or tap; and a toilet paper roll. Procedure: Print out the Jesus template below. Have the kids use markers or crayons to color it. Then cut the pieces out. Wrap the square body around the toilet paper roll and tape or glue in the back. Tape or glue your arms and head onto the paper roll. Let the students use the Jesus figure to reenact the story of how Jesus preached and encourage them to tell what Jesus said about Himself.

Craft Learning Activity: “Jesus Heals Our Sick Hearts” (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need scissors, red poster board and band-aids. Procedure: Cut out a large red heart from red poster board. Write "Jesus Heals Our Sick Hearts" across the center. Have students decorate the heart with Band-Aids. Band-Aids with colorful drawings work very well for this project. This is a very easy craft for young children and definitely reinforces the main idea of this lesson. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Jesus preached with great power. He was the Son of God and had great power from the Spirit to heal the sick, cast out demons, and overcome the objections of those who tried to kill him. Jesus came to earth to be our Savior. He came to forgive our sins and give us the gift of eternal life. We can have faith in Him! Jesus can heal our sick hearts and give us a home in heaven with Him forever.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Ouch! Bags” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need small fabric squares, rice or wheat, needles and thread, and a square of red felt. Procedure: Students will make a small fabric bag and fill it with rice or wheat. Precut two 5 inch square pieces of white cotton fabric. Provide needles and white thread. Let students hand stitch three sides of the bag together. Fill bag with rice or wheat and then stitch the fourth side together. Glue the red felt heart to the outside of the bag. If students are younger, the previous steps can be done prior to class. Then the students will just glue a red cross made from red felt onto the front of the bag. These bags can be kept in the freezer so it is always cold when needed. Apply the bag to scratches and bumps for instant relief: Say: "Peter’s mother-in-law was healed by Jesus’ touch. We can still send Jesus’ touch to those people in our church family, and community who are sick and hurting by providing these bags!"


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Bulletin Board Idea: “Reach Out to Others” (GradesK-5) Preparation: You will need a large number of colors of construction paper, scissors, and marking pens. Procedure: Distribute a large number of different colors of construction paper to class. Have each child trace around their hand and cut out the print. Use the hand prints to line the edge of a bulletin board. Use large bulletin board lettering to say "Reach Out to Others as Jesus Did." See picture for placement of additional handprints.

Life Application Challenge: “Visit the Sick” Say: “The miracle of Jesus' healing Peter's mother-in-law is recorded in three of the four gospels. After healing the man with demons Jesus goes to Peter's house. Obviously these miracles were important because they were clearly important enough to God to have them remembered and taught.” Say:” God cares about every person and He desires the best for His children. This woman was very sick but the words and touch of Jesus were all that was needed to restore her health. This woman received personal attention from Jesus. Jesus wants us to be His hands and feet in touching the lives of those who are sick today.” Challenge the students in your class to visit someone who is sick this week and to be an encouragement to them. Have students name someone who needs prayer for healing. Close in prayer.


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Jesus Teaches in the Synagogue

Luke 4:43 "But Jesus said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God...

because that is why I was sent."


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Cartoon Characters


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020

Toilet Paper "Jesus " Figure


NT2.8 Jesus Preaches with Power © Beverly Wilson 2020