Unit 1 Clicker Review! Chapters 1 & 2. The study of relationships between living organisms and the...

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Transcript of Unit 1 Clicker Review! Chapters 1 & 2. The study of relationships between living organisms and the...

Unit 1 Clicker Review!Chapters 1 & 2

The study of relationships between living organisms and the environment is known asA. environmental scienceB. ecologyC. Natural capitalD. environmentalism

The interdisciplinary subject that combines information from the physical sciences and the social sciences to learn how the Earth

works is known asA. environmental scienceB. ecologyC. Natural capitalD. environmentalism

Natural resources and natural services that keep us and other forms of life alive and

support our economies

A. environmental scienceB. ecologyC. Natural capitalD. environmentalism

Which of the following factors is the primary consideration used for classifying a nation as

developed or still developing?

A. Gain in populationB. Distribution of wealth in the populationC. Annual birth rateD. Degree of industrialization

Pollution from which of the following is an example of point source pollution?

A. Fertilizers from agricultural fieldsB. Runoff from Midwestern farmsC. Smoke from an industrial smokestackD. Oil spill from leaky pipelines

India’s per capita ecological footprint is approximately…

A. 1/5 of China’s ecological footprintB. 1/2 of China’s ecological footprintC. 2X China’s ecological footprintD. Equal to China’s ecological footprint

In the year 2000, what is the Earth’s ecological footprint?

A. 1.2 EarthsB. 0.5 EarthsC. 2.0 EarthsD. 1 Earth

All of the following ways would help to reduce the projected ecological footprint

EXCEPTA. using shared resources at rates well below

their estimated sustainable levels.B. converting open-access resources to private

ownership .C. recycling nonrenewable metallic resources.D. continued reliance on the current fossil fuel.

Which of the below is an example of the tragedy of the commons?

A. A large storm smothering a large oyster bed with a new sand bar

B. Individuals catching their legal limit of fish on a daily basis

C. Offshore clam beds in public areas depleted below replenishment levels by overfishing

D. Shrimp boats accidentally catching turtles in their nets

In what year did the human population reach 6 billion?

A. 2000 ADB. 1000 ADC. 2000 BCD. 4000 BC

Both dotted lines assume that population will

A. increase exponen-tially

B. stabilizeC. decreaseD. collapse

The figure illustratesI. the conservation of energyII. a cycleIII. the conservation of matterA. I onlyB. I and IIC. III onlyD. I, II, and III

Solutions to environmental problems are not always easy. This is because

A. There is only one correct answer to environmental problems

B. It means that people will sufferC. Once a solution is suggested it can never be

changedD. Any solution has both advantages and

disadvantages[Default][MC Any][MC All]

Which of the following correctly describes the Bormann and Likens

river valley findings?A. deforested valley had higher water flow,

decrease of nutrient lossB. forested valley had higher water flow,

decrease of nutrient lossC. deforested valley had higher water flow,

increase of nutrient lossD. forested valley had lower water flow,

increase of nutrient loss

Science has limitations, including all of the following, except

A. science can always prove or disprove anything

B. testing can involve a huge number of variables

C. some situations require the use of statistical tools

D. science is limited to the natural world

The energy you use to walk from point A to point B results in…

A. a loss of energyB. fewer electronsC. an increase in heat energyD. an increase in useable energy

Which of the following components in this photo contains the most total energy?

A. The earth’s atmosphereB. The earth’s oceansC. The sunD. The clouds

Nuclear fusion involves the splitting of atoms.

A. TrueB. False

As the ocean warms, less CO2 is soluble, resulting in more CO2 in the atmosphere and

further warming. This is an example of…A. a negative feedback systemB. A positive feedback systemC. the scientific principle of sustainabilityD. a scientific law

Which of the following is incorrectly paired with its function or role?

A. Methane – component of natural gasB. DDT – chlorinated hydrocarbon (insecticide)C. Starch – complex carbohydrate for energy

storageD. Chromosome – energy storage

Scientific laws explain why something happens repeatedly in nature the same way.

A. TrueB. False

Recycling aluminum cans is an example of a negative feedback system in regards to

the use of aluminum ore. A. TrueB. False

Energy can be recycled.

A. TrueB. False

Which of the following is not a renewable resource?

A. oilB. cropsC. groundwaterD. Trees in a forest

The annual market value of all goods and services produced by all businesses, foreign and domestic, operating within a country is called:

A. GPPB. GDPC. Per capita GDPD. NNP

Which of the following is one of the root causes of environmental problems?

A. Market prices reflecting environmental costsB. Even distribution of wealthC. Sustainable resource useD. Rapid population growth

Which of the following is not normally an effect of poverty?

A. Diabetes and obesityB. Respiratory illness from burning wood

indoorsC. Lack of clean drinking waterD. Diseases from poor sanitation

An example of an organic compound is

A. CO2

B. C6H12O6

C. H2O

D. NaCl

The measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions compared to the concentration of

hydroxide ions in a solution is calledA. pHB. ionizationC. isotopeD. covalent bonding

Which of the following is NOT an example of kinetic energy?

A. windB. A moving streamC. A car parked at the top of a hillD. steam

Which of the following is an example of low quality energy?

A. gasolineB. foodC. Heat in the oceanD. Nuclear fusion

Which of the following is an example of a chemical reaction?

A. Combustion of gasolineB. Sugar dissolving in waterC. Slicing a piece of breadD. Melting butter