Understanding blogs

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Understanding blogs

  • 1. Understanding Blogs
  • 2. What is a blog? Online bulletin board Usually updated on a regular basis Any topic the creator chooses Used for school classes, business, personal interest, ect.
  • 3. Blogging is easy. Anyone can do it Its as easy as using your email Success depends on you
  • 4. Successful blog Successful blogger has talent Know how to be clever Knows how to get peoples attention Choose a subject that will interest a lot of people Updated on a regular basis
  • 5. Blogs for school Keep students updated with new information Teacher can get and give feedback, ask and answer questions
  • 6. Blogs for a business Employees can communicate easily with employees and keep them up to date on info Keep customers informed about products Company can benefit from valuable feedback Use schedulers and update apps
  • 7. Choosing Followers Blogs can be a great way to keep up with the latest news, weather or whatever without spending countless hours each day researching your self. Choose the blogs you follow carefully and the research will be done for you daily.
  • 8. Blogging Precautions Think before you post
  • 9. Example of a basic blog.
  • 10. Blogging pros Blogging is easy Easy way communicate with a large number of people The outreach is incredible Can create a sense of community
  • 11. Blogging cons Have to be updated regularly Personal information leaked to the wrong people Misleading information about a business might be damaging Being honest might lead to trouble