undergraduate ProsPectus 2010...ElEC2142 Embedded Systems design ElEC2133 Analogue Electronics...

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Transcript of undergraduate ProsPectus 2010...ElEC2142 Embedded Systems design ElEC2133 Analogue Electronics...

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    school of electrical engineering and telecommunications

    undergraduate ProsPectus


    t: + 61 2 9385 4000 f: + 61 2 9385 5993 e: eet@unsw.edu.au www.eet.unsw.edu.au

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    The reputation of UNSW for innovative research and quality programs makes

    it the ideal environment in which to equip yourself for a career in engineering.

    UNSW is one of Australia’s major research institutions, attracting a large number

    of substantial research grants, and forging strong industry relationships.

    The Faculty of Engineering at UNSW is recognized as the pre-eminent

    engineering faculty in Australia, offering the widest choice of degree programs.

    UNSW Engineering programs are developed to meet industry standards and

    needs. Close links with many local and international companies ensure excellent

    employment opportunities for our graduates.

    The Faculty offers a flexible first year for all undergraduate programs offering

    students the opportunity to sample different engineering disciplines before

    choosing a career path. Students are able to enter directly into their preferred

    discipline program or into the flexible first year program before choosing a



  • 3


    Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (EE&T) is

    arguably the origin of most high technology as we know it

    today. Based on fundamental principles from mathematics and

    physics, programs offered by the school progressively introduce

    engineering concepts until students are equipped to tackle

    professional electives spanning microelectronics, systems and

    control, signal processing, energy systems, telecommunications,

    photonics, embedded systems design, instrumentation and real

    time computing, video, image and speech processing, and data


    While the focus of the programs on offer is geared towards

    providing the ultimate analytical skill set for the technology-

    based world, this is strongly anchored in applications of

    these skills. The majority of courses taught by the school

    have a significant laboratory component, providing a critical

    link between theory and practice in a hands-on environment.

    Professional electives and core courses in management and

    entrepreneurship form the basis for a career path towards

    technology management. The industrial training component of

    the program provides the link between university lab and project

    work with the life of a graduate engineer, and sees students

    engaged in everything from climbing on heavy equipment at

    construction sites, to designing new microelectronic devices, to

    writing code for the automation of large factories, to improving

    efficiency in multi-million-dollar projects.

    “I’ve had a great time doing telecommunications concurrently

    with graduate biomedical engineering at UNSW and I’d highly

    recommend it to anyone, but especially to girls! It’s a great

    way to keep your options open for a wide range of possible

    career paths and to really find out how stuff works.”

    FelIcIty AlleN GrAdUAted 2005, UNIverSIty medAllISt

  • 4

    EE&T programs offer excellent career

    opportunities and develop a set of core skills

    and attributes that are highly sought after

    in many sectors both within and outside of

    engineering. our students develop a capacity

    for analytical and critical thinking, creativity,

    good communication skills and the ability to

    work cooperatively on complex systems and

    tasks. UNSW EE&T graduates find themselves

    in constant demand everywhere, whether they

    are building electric motors for hybrid cars,

    designing new brain-computer interfaces,

    programming control systems for autonomous

    aircraft, pioneering quantum electronic circuits,

    doing financial modeling for a bank, developing

    gigahertz switching technology using microelectromechanical systems, or planning the

    next generation of wireless networks.

    EE&T at UNSW offers a challenging undergraduate program of international

    standing, an enjoyable and supportive social and academic environment and

    exciting career opportunities.

    UNSW electrical engineering degrees are accredited by Engineers Australia (EA),

    which also gives our graduates international recognition of their qualifications under the

    Washington Accord. our graduates work in more than 90 countries around the world. A

    UNSW electrical engineering degree will always have high value in the job market.

    single degree Programs (4 years)

    BE (Electrical Engineering)

    BE (Telecommunications)

    BE (Photonics Engineering)

    combined degree Programs (5 years)

    BE BA (Elec Eng / Telecom / Photonics)

    BE BSc (Elec Eng / Telcom / Photonics)

    BE mBiomedE (Elec Eng / Telecom / Photonics)

    BE BCom (Elec Eng / Telecom) (5 ½ years)

    BE llB (Elec Eng / Telecom) (6 years)

    details available via: www.eet.unsw.edu.au

  • 5


    Electrical Engineering is a broad and creative profession

    concerned with the design, development, planning and

    management of systems and devices which underpin modern

    economics and contribute to the quality of life.

    An electrical engineer may be responsible for the research,

    design, development, manufacturing and management of complex

    hardware and software systems and reliable, cost effective

    devices, many involving the use of new information and computer

    intensive technologies. These include:

    n Computer systems, data and telecommunication networks

    including the Internet

    n mobile telecommunications and wireless networks

    n optical and microwave communications

    n Integrated electronic systems

    n Advanced robotics and intelligent machines

    n Television and image processing systems

    n Quantum devices and quantum computing

    n Generation and transmission of electrical power

    n Renewable energy systems and solar energy conversion

    n Biomedical instruments and applications, such as medical

    imaging scanners, the cochlear implant (bionic ear),

    pacemakers and hearing aids

    Career OppOrtunities

    Potential employers include service industries such as Energy

    Australia, Eraring Energy or Waubra Wind Farm; large private

    industrial groups, such as Alstom, BHP, Boeing Australia, downer

    EdI, Honeywell, Google, Canon, Transfield and Alcatel; and small

    innovative private firms specializing in the application of new

    technologies to new products and services, for example Cochlear.

    “during my time as

    a graduate student

    at Stanford

    University, I took

    time out to work

    on cutting edge

    large vocabulary

    continuous speech

    recognition engine

    at Panasonic

    research labs

    in Osaka.

    later, I was

    Associate Project

    manager for

    mobile internet


    development for

    the chinese market

    at Nec research

    labs in Beijing.

    When I graduated

    from UNSW, I

    also contemplated

    careers in general


    and management


    rAUNAq ShAh, Be

    (elec. eNG.) (2005)

  • 6

    eleCtriCal engineering prOgram

    Year 1

    sessiOn 1

    mATH1131 mathematics 1A*

    PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A*

    ComP1911 Computing 1*

    ENGG1000 Introduction to Engineering design and Innovation

    sessiOn 2

    mATH1231 mathematics 1B*

    PHYS1231 Higher Physics 1B*

    2 Electives l1

    recommended l1 electives:

    ElEC1111 Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering

    ComP1921 data Structures and Algorithms*

    *different versions and schedules of these courses may be possible.

    For more information about courses, schedules and a complete list of l1

    electives, please see


    Year 2

    sessiOn 1

    mATH2069 mathematics 2A

    ElEC2141 digital Circuit design

    ElEC2134 Circuits and Signals

    General Education

    sessiOn 2

    mATH2099 mathematics 2B

    ElEC2142 Embedded Systems design

    ElEC2133 Analogue Electronics

    General Education

  • 7

    Year 3

    sessiOn 1

    ElEC3115 Electromagnetic Engineering

    ElEC3106 Electronics

    ElEC3104 digital Signal Processing

    Elective l3

    sessiOn 2

    ElEC3105 Electrical Energy

    ElEC3114 Control Systems

    ElEC3117 Electrical Engineering design

    Elective l3

    Year 4

    sessiOn 1

    ElEC4120 Thesis A

    ElEC4123 Electrical design Proficiency

    2 Electives l4

    sessiOn 2

    ElEC4121 Thesis B

    ElEC4122 Strategic leadership and Ethics

    2 Electives l4

    What do you value

    most about your

    UNSW electrical


    degree? “the

    ability to

    analyse problems

    and attack them

    logically and

    methodically. Some

    things are learnt

    on the job but the

    fundamental basis

    comes from the ee

    degree” Be (elec.

    eNG.) (1998),

    mengSc (2002)

  • 8


    Telecommunications engineering is

    concerned with communicating information

    at a distance. It is strongly associated with

    data communications, largely because of the

    tendency to encode, compress and encrypt

    all information, and because of the growing

    importance of digital and wireless (eg mobile

    telephony) networks. Telecommunications

    engineering will appeal to those who are

    interested in the following fields:

    n Satellite communications

    n Signal and image processing

    n optical fibres and photonics

    n mobile satellite communications

    n data networks

    n Software systems including e-commerce

    n microelectronic devices and systems

    n data coding, compression, encryption and transmission

    n Real-time embedded systems

    n Quantum telecommunications

    Career OppOrtunities

    Telecommunications engineering is a rapidly developing and dynamic field of

    engineering. The demand for graduates in telecommunications is evolving as the

    technology advances and broadens its scope of applications.

    Graduates could find employment with major service providers such as Telstra,

    optus and AAPT; large private industrial groups such as motorola, Alcatel, Skype,

    Ericsson, Cisco and Nokia; or a host of smaller service and technology providers,

    some of them highly specialized and technologically sophisticated.

  • 9

    teleCOmmuniCatiOns prOgram

    Year 1

    sessiOn 1

    mATH1131 mathematics 1A*

    PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A*

    ComP1911 Computing 1*

    ENGG1000 Introduction to Engineering design and Innovation

    sessiOn 2

    mATH1231 mathematics 1B*

    PHYS1231 Higher Physics 1B*

    2 Electives l1

    recommended l1 electives:

    ElEC1111 Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering

    ComP1921 data Structures and Algorithms*

    *different versions and schedules of these courses may be possible.

    For more information about courses, schedules and a complete list

    of l1 electives, please see


    Year 2

    sessiOn 1

    mATH2069 mathematics 2A

    ElEC2141 digital Circuit design

    ElEC2134 Circuits and Signals

    General Education

    sessiOn 2

    mATH2099 mathematics 2B

    ElEC2142 Embedded Systems design

    ElEC2133 Analogue Electronics

    General Education

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    Year 3

    sessiOn 1

    ElEC3115 Electromagnetic Engineering

    ElEC3106 Electronics

    ElEC3104 digital Signal Processing

    TElE3118 Network Technologies

    sessiOn 2

    TElE3113 Analogue and digital Communications

    ElEC3114 Control Systems

    TElE3117 Telecommunications Engineering design

    TElE3119 Trusted Networks

    Year 4

    sessiOn 1

    TElE4120 Thesis A

    TElE4123 Telecommunications design Proficiency

    2 Electives l3 or l4

    sessiOn 2

    TElE4121 Thesis B

    ElEC4122 Strategic leadership and Ethics

    2 Electives l4

    “telecommunications teaches you how to create

    technology - from scratch. It’s a great feeling

    knowing you can design a computer, or stereo, or

    a new Internet if you wanted to.”

    rAmI BANNA GrAdUAted 2003, UNIverSIty medAllISt

  • 11


    Photonics is about generating, manipulating (processing)

    and detecting light (photons), and specifically light that is

    carrying useful information, be it voice telephony, image

    data files, measurement signals, or performing some

    other useful purpose, such as remote illumination.

    Photonic engineers unlock the enormous bandwidth

    that is an optical fibre, they deliver the huge storage

    capacity of dVds, their expertise provides the images

    making keyhole-surgery possible, and they implement all-optical control networks

    which enhance safety in industrial environments where electrical signals present

    fire hazards. Soon photonic engineers will develop processors with speeds

    thousands of times faster than anything currently available as well as laser

    instrumentation for new medical procedures. Today, photonics is an area of

    great excitement and possibilities; it will become as important, fundamental and

    generic as electronics was in the twentieth century.

    Photonic engineering will appeal to those interested in the following fields:

    n optical fibres

    n optical signal processing

    n optical communications

    n optical devices

    Career OppOrtunities

    The opportunities for those engineers who will graduate with expertise in phonics

    during this coming decade are outstanding. Australia’s photonics industry has an

    established reputation as one of the most successful and innovative in the world

    and exports to every continent.

    Potential employers include major international photonic device companies (e.g.

    Alcatel, JdS Uniphase, lucent, mortel) that have operations based in Australia;

    telecommunication carriers (Telstra, optus, Powertel) and other operations

    (electricity utilities, railways) that use large-scale photonic technologies. 11

  • 12

    phOtOniC engineering prOgram

    Year 1

    sessiOn 1

    mATH1131 mathematics 1A*

    PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A*

    ComP1911 Computing 1*

    ENGG1000 Introduction to Engineering design and Innovation

    sessiOn 2

    mATH1231 mathematics 1B*

    PHYS1231 Higher Physics 1B*

    2 Electives l1

    recommended l1 electives:

    ElEC1111 Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering

    ComP1921 data Structures and Algorithms

    *different versions and schedules of these courses may be possible.

    For more information about courses, schedules and a complete list of l1

    electives, please see


    Year 2

    sessiOn 1

    mATH2069 mathematics 2A

    PHYS2030 laboratory A

    PHYS2040 Quantum Physics

    ElEC2134 Circuits and Signals

    General Education

    sessiOn 2

    mATH2099 mathematics 2B

    ElEC2141 digital Circuit design

    ElEC2133 Analogue Electronics

    mATH2130 Higher mathematical methods for differential Equations

    General Education

  • 13

    Year 3

    sessiOn 1

    ElEC3115 Electromagnetic Engineering

    PHYS3760 laser and optoelectronics lab

    ElEC3104 digital Signal Processing

    Elective l3

    General Education

    sessiOn 2

    TElE3113 Analogue & digital Communications

    PHYS3060 Advanced optics

    PHYS3310 Physics of Solid State devices

    PHTN3117 Photonic Engineering design

    Elective l3

    Year 4

    sessiOn 1

    PHTN4120 Thesis A

    PHTN4123 Photonic design Proficiency

    PHYS4979 Photonic devices and Effects

    Elective l4

    sessiOn 2

    PHTN4121 Thesis B

    ElEC4122 Strategic leadership and Ethics

    PHTN4662 Photonic Networks

    Elective l4

    “A foundation in maths and science is essential, but the

    primary focus of engineering is in multidisciplinary

    problem solving. this involves at least as much

    interaction with non-technical professionals and workers

    as it does with technical ones.” – Be (elec. eNG.)

    (1988), mengSc (telecOmmS) (1992)

  • 14

    electives proposed for 2010:

    KEY: l2: level 2 elective l3: level 3 elective l4: level 4 elective

    sYstems & control

    Real-Time Instrumentation (l2)

    Continuous-Time Control System design (l4)

    Computer Control Systems (l4)

    Real Time Engineering (l4)

    data & mobile communications

    Network Technologies (l3)

    Trusted Networks (l3)

    Analogue and digital Communications (l3)

    digital modulation and Coding (l4)

    mobile and Satellite Communications (l4)

    Network Performance (l4)

    Wireless Communication Technologies (l4)

    energY sYstems

    Electrical Energy (l3)

    Electrical drive Systems (l4)

    Power Systems Equipment (l4)

    Power Systems Analysis (l4)

    Power Electronics (l4)


    Solid-State Electronics (l4)

    microelectronic design and Technology (l4)

    digital and Embedded Systems (l4)

    RF Electronics (l4)


    Applied Photovoltaics (l3)

    optical Circuits and Fibres (l4)

    Photonic Networks (l4)

    signal Processing

    Engineering modelling and Simulation (l2)

    Advanced digital Signal Processing (l4)

    multimedia Signal Processing (l4)

    Biomedical Instrumentation measurement and design (l4)

    comPuter sYstems

    Software Engineering (l3)

    operating Systems (l3)

    Computer Architecture (l3)

    database Systems (l3)

    business administration

    Entrepreneurial Engineering (l4)


    Information, Codes and Ciphers (l3)

    dynamical Systems and Chaos (l3)

    optimization (l3)

    “engineering is much more than just theoretical or applied

    science – engineers tackle real world problems with

    identifiable customers, as opposed to maths and science

    which is more interested in underlying philosophical or

    physical principles.” – Be (elec. eNG.), 200714

  • 15


    unsW CO-Op prOgram sChOlarships

    For high achieving students the UNSW Co-op Program

    offers an ideal combination of challenge and opportunity.

    If you are selected to be a UNSW Co-op Scholar, you join

    the largest and most prestigious co-operative scholarship

    program of its type in Australia. The 3-way partnership

    between UNSW, Australia’s leading companies and high

    achieving students recently celebrated its 20th anniversary.

    n $15,000 pa for every year of study

    n 18 months of relevant industrial training with up to four

    different companies during your degree

    n Network with leading employers and make valuable

    contacts within your industry

    more details: www.coop.unsw.edu.au

    rOn stillman aWard

    This prestigious award has been created to encourage elite

    students during their first year of study at UNSW EE&T, with

    a stipend of $1000.

    Prospective students enrolling in BE (Elec), BE (Tele)

    or BE (Phot) or combined degrees are eligible to apply.

    Applications are encouraged before enrolment, however the

    awards will only be conferred after the commencement of

    study at UNSW. The award may be held concurrently with

    other scholarships or bursaries. Twelve awards are available.

    more details: www.ee.unsw.edu.au/scholarship/ron_stillman_application.php

    other scholarships are also offered at different levels of study within the school.

    See www.ee.unsw.edu.au/scholarship/scholarship.html for more information.

    “It’s a really good

    way to combine work

    and uni together

    to give you a head

    start on your career

    when you graduate.

    the extra year on

    your degree is more

    than worth it and

    the experience puts

    you in a much better

    position to decide

    what career path

    you’d like to take.” SAmANthA drANSFIeld,

    cO-OP PrOGrAm

    GrAdUAte, 2008

  • 16


    “I believe that



    engineering has

    a part in every


    advancement” –

    mengSc (elec.

    eNG.), 2001

    Students entering first year now have more flexibility than ever in terms of pathways

    to accredited engineering degrees. From 2010, in addition to the four-year Bachelor

    of Engineering, the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications is

    delighted to offer a five-year program of study leading to a master of Electrical

    Engineering or master of Telecommunications accredited by Engineers Australia.

    Advantages include:

    n Greater specialisation is possible in the five-year program

    n Take advantage of the wide range of course offerings at undergraduate and

    postgraduate level

    n Extending your industrial training by 6 months, 12 months or more before returning

    to the masters study allows blending of university study with industry employment.

    n All this while retaining the quality and rigour of years 1 to 3 from the Bachelor of


    Students with recognised undergraduate degrees outside electrical engineering or

    from other institutions can also consider applying for direct entry to the accredited

    master of Electrical Engineering or master of Telecommunications. For more details,

    visit www.ee.unsw.edu.au/progrms/Pdf/new_programs/8621.pdf

  • 17

    master of engineering science (mengsc) – not accredited

    Year 5

    master of engineering (me) – accredited

    Year 5

    Year 4

    bachelor of engineering (be) – accredited

    Year 4

    Year 3

    Year 2

    Year 1

    1st Year entrY

    existing new in 2010

    60 days approved industrial training

    60 days approved industrial training

    entryWam > = 65


    – Graduates from recognised Bachelor of Engineering degrees.

    – Graduates2 from recognised Bachelor of Engineering degrees from other branches of Engineering.

    – Graduates2 from recognised Bachelor of Science degrees.

    1 Students wishing to exit the BE program

    at this point, for example to work in

    industry, can elect to graduate with a

    BEngSc (not accredited).

    2 Graduates without the necessary

    background knowledge may require

    more than 2 years for completion of the

    master of Engineering program.

  • 18


    Apart from all the maths, physics and computing, a highlight for many of our first-

    years is the ENGG1000 course. Aiming to teach principles of engineering design

    and methodology through project-based learning, ENGG1000 is a hands-on

    course with a lot of scope for creativity, effective team organisation and fun.

    In 2009, the electrical engineering project required groups of eight students to

    build a vehicle that could wirelessly trigger two remote transmitters, decode an

    audio signal produced by them into a logical “0” or “1”, and then add this to a

    pre-programmed two-digit binary number. many students had little or no previous

    experience in electronics and were amazed at how much they learnt and how

    complex their solution became after only 12 weeks !

    “We didn’t believe we would achieve half of the project, during the initial stages”

    – team 1

    “our mentor always clarified the problems we had to solve as much as she

    could” – team 4

  • 19

    “These challenges have taught us the value

    of collective effort in researching and

    communicating our attained knowledge to

    each other. With these efforts, we were able to

    overcome most problems” – team 7

    “more glue isn’t always better, especially when

    you are gluing something to the wrong side of

    the car”

    “overall, I enjoyed the project a great deal”

    “We never previously had any experience of

    team work on such a large project” – team 4

    “We found that the most effective time for

    learning was in the laboratories, where we were

    able to learn things for ourselves, experiment

    with components and circuits, and observe the

    results” – team 1

  • 20


    ElSoc is one of the largest and most active student

    societies on campus, with over 600 members.

    It aims to promote social interaction, provide a

    communication channel between staff and students,

    and assist links between students and industry.

    on the 6th of August, ElSoc (along with the other

    Engineering student societies) hosted a massive

    Sports day and free BBQ on the Village Green. The

    event was sponsored by the dean of Engineering in

    celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Faculty,

    and was a massive success.

    2009 is the second year the event was run, and for

    the second time in a row Cevsoc were the winners,

    despite the sport being switched from Soccer to

    Touch Footy. We have it on good authority that the

    dean was rooting for ElSoc, however we were

    knocked out in the first round by a last minute surge

    from the Petroleum Engineers. We did get some nice

    “gold” ElSoc shirts out of it though!

    defence Force Recruiting were the industry sponsor

    for the day, and during the event landed a Navy

    Helicopter on the Village Green. All of the student

    societies also got together and organised a $900

    donation for the Black dog Institute, which was

    presented on the day.

    Everyone who attended seemed to enjoy themselves,

    and the dean certainly seemed keen for the event to

    become an annual tradition.

  • 21


    The school of EE&T is leading the way in applying new

    technologies to improve student learning outcomes, both

    within UNSW and within Australia. EE&T’s proprietary

    VCPlayer software, which allows students to review lectures

    at their own pace with all the realism of a live lecture

    theatre, and its teaching laboratories, equipped with state-

    of-the-art hardware for teaching and collaboration, combine

    to produce an innovative learning experience that has

    received positive student reviews every year since 2003.

    The technology allows course content to be presented in a

    manner that is more self-paced, caters better to individual

    student needs and preferences, and which can be revisited

    as needed.

    “The VCPlayer dVds are a great way to save time and

    make learning more efficient and personal . . . it is really

    beneficial; you can skip the bits you already know and

    concentrate on the more difficult ideas”;

    “I can revisit more difficult concepts more than once and

    develop a better understanding”;

    “If I can’t understand a concept early in the lecture, I can

    revise it before trying to understand the later material

    that depends on it, and avoid becoming ‘lost’ as I might

    in a live lecture”;

    Prof Ambikairajah, Head of School, delivers a multi-site signal processing lecture using new educational technology. The remote class is just visible in the screen on the top left corner.

  • 22

    RESEARCH IN EE&T examples Of leading-edge researCh in the sChOOl Of ee&t

    Professor andrew dzurak is the NSW

    Node manager for the Centre for Quantum

    Computer Technology (CQCT) at UNSW,

    part of the School of EE&T. The “spin” of

    electrons associated with a single atom is one

    type of qubit, which can represent not only

    zero or one states, but intermediate states.

    Together with dr Andrea morello, he has

    made important advances in creating and

    using qubits based on a single phosphorous

    atom embedded in silicon. “Recently we have

    achieved some very exciting results that relate

    to measuring qubits,” Professor dzurak says.


    dr macgill (School of EE&T), is Joint director

    of the Centre for Energy and Environmental

    markets (CEEm) with dr Regina Betz, an

    authority on climate policy from the Australian

    School of Business. Critical to addressing

    climate change is the creation of a climate

    and energy policy framework that is effective,

    efficient and equitable. “Engineering is at

    the heart of the things we can do about the

    greenhouse problem: adapting infrastructure

    to the inevitable warming underway and

    engineering new solutions to reduce emissions.”

  • 23

    Professor branko celler, director of EE&T’s

    Biomedical Systems laboratory, has designed

    an innovative system offering detailed, real-time

    monitoring of patients and activities in care

    facilities, and is currently commercialising it

    through his start-up medCare Systems. “An

    automated method of determining the care

    needs of residents would contribute substantial

    efficiencies, lead to less waste of human

    resources and improve healthcare outcomes

    for residents as staff could be reallocated from

    administrative functions to clinical care,”

    associate Professor françois ladouceur

    (School of EE&T) and Associate Professor

    martina Stenzel (School of Chemical Sciences

    and Engineering) are taking an innovative

    approach to producing cheap, disposable

    “e-paper” using self-assembling polymer

    nanotechnology. The researchers’ approach

    is based on a unique combination of polymer

    and photonic technologies. “We are at the point

    where we are synthesising new co-polymers and

    producing our first flexible displays”.

    dr ray eaton (School of EE&T), is part of a team developing

    self-guiding ground vehicle software which promises to

    deliver truly autonomous and precisely navigated agricultural

    machinery for difficult, practical terrains. This will produce

    significant gains in efficiency and productivity for large-scale

    crop farming. “The integration of automation solutions in the

    large-scale crop farming industry is seen as vital, not only in

    addressing a shortage in the labour workforce, but ensuring

    our farms are competitive in a global market.


  • 24

    school of electrical engineering

    and telecommunications

    telephone: +61 (2) 9385 4000

    facsimile: +61 (2) 9385 5993

    email: eet@unsw.edu.au

    ee&t homepage:


    unsw homepage:


    CRICoS PRoVIdER CodE: 00098G

    Information contained in this brochure is

    correct at the time of printing. Information

    provided about the courses and programs

    is an expression of intent only and is not to

    be taken as a firm offer or undertaking. The

    University reserves the right to discontinue

    or vary such courses or programs at

    any time without notice and to impose

    limitations on enrolment in any course.

    August 2009