Unbound - WordPress.com · Zöfär - Gangrel - Hound Regent of the Mother Rusalka - Ventrue -...

Post on 07-May-2018

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Transcript of Unbound - WordPress.com · Zöfär - Gangrel - Hound Regent of the Mother Rusalka - Ventrue -...

Anastasia - NosferatuRegent of the Sun

Eudoxia - MekhetRegent of the Cemetery - Regent of the Marshes

Mavra - Daeva

Kamilla - DaevaRegent of the Siege

Zöfär - Gangrel - Hound Regent of the Mother

Rusalka - Ventrue - PrinceRegent of the Hill - Regent of the Grove

Timur - NosferatuRegent of the Canal

Vodianoi - Mekhet Seneschal

Regent of the Gates

Shapolov - ghoul

Raina - Mekhet Sergei - Daeva Zorica - Daeva

Fyodor - GangrelMaster of Elysium

Ivan - VentrueSheriff

Nikolai - Gangrel

Vincent - Ventrue Regent of the Pit

Pavel - Nosferatu

Circle of the Crone Invictus Carthian Movement Ordo Dracul

Lancae Sanctum
