Un Carnet de Bal (Complete)

Post on 11-Sep-2021

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Transcript of Un Carnet de Bal (Complete)

' ' ^Lin (2axnst d.z U3a.l>/^

-invitation (Uo °3anoe - Hance &ard~



tCci*1*\.C&*M/6 n*i.i*i*6'4,6i*f 3^

isW , Ul&Ul*4'<f i-l4t 6i*<L I {Lojp-c ti-6% yci* (LaVi,

m'wb U+foylJ' H*y 6yy»6Xu*'ii»4'i- 4 __

Xi-t X'i't’i^ikt'XXoi* li*Xe £

Plc64,c folfiU/C ij ffvi^ 6W1*'X 64^6 A 64 ^ /

X&l 4C6-1*&6.Xi.ei* Xt6fb>4, €>i*t it<*X I ff* 4%itt ^ Ll6.'11**1*^.

I /.IjL tfa* 4V64> ltC6lA4t I ty>X

XufU*$ Xe 4L6li xi-l 46M/ C^h*t4t 4C6i*4 v

M/li^jicM/ 6i*A X&e Bf+fillttf- v** X&t

eXl>l4 M/ll*jtt>M/. I jpA-L^LWtJ- Xe 1>6VI lVl4,yt&li*% 4

6i*<L it m/64, 6 fioed. c^6i*ct fo* n*e~y 1 V



Xc LOU %c, f*Lc&tc SNJ0V N*tt*

ti'-i vleyJ^tA-^iJi v/cik.

j QitiLit %oi* te tbt follev/+**$:

1. R.AM/ Cfab&*C ICAyj, by FLVCOO.^it

2. Wfrko&d-lA- 6% tbt ccrh*t*<*i*Xty by te-wy^eM-

Z. TiAt~d*Uc* by O'*- t*( *t


2. II^LcAeLeb *t tbe cetbtMMty by teviif^oLb

1>. JxAx^xb&ticX'. by ev^. t^l *% E^xtexy. Kiu-t

VAVWIt <fd M^ctbex ^xt xeleMtb. I tbcwfcbt

I ’A mvcx $et it bcM co'jf tbe efoice cottar- keft

CXAxbil~£... I tbif*k it X ^ItMXt tirht fox <t MV)

CM... 't*yv)*-yx, bcfy-t ycv- M. ei~j,cy tbix MD-t

iMt*L*beiit cl tbe txAfaic LcVexX. XI) }Mt tbe

(lied. vit Like cl ccv-xxe.


I ci*i*t* m 4lilidic. vitb <4x^y cfoici<d

XCAv-lt-ticV- fiXCV^X C<it tbexe. ..tbix jf-Xcjtct

v)iLL be the xcLe I etc.. I cL^itv. i^etbix^ e&cefrt

tbe ebitix^j vtcxk (tbtit x tb-e \MbitMy.)

^onnt'cbima iftinna»gan, breamerg QBfiimsp here. ©ab ag 3 am to Sat) tbtg, but tbig marfeg tbe enb of tbe Un Sarnct SBaL $ban& pou oerp much for coming along mitb me on tbig journep anb being go patient mitb anp gbort^comtngg of mine. 3 hope that in tbefufure, me mill bigcooer more gemg like U(£5)95...tbig gtotp reallp roarmg tbe beatt^Llooe bom tbeir lone gpang tbe pearg anb tg gtilD together eoen in olb ag^i3 monbet if anpone moulb mrtte a fanftetton on tbtc.3 mag reallp gtrtcken m|en 3 realigeb that $ubapa map be bptng of gome tflnegg or gometbing bageb on mbat be gatb in tbe lagt fern pageg...9Bbat moulb poor ^Jfagabtro bo mTtjjout ${£ belooeb begtfrienb, looer anb companion of manp becabeg?

1. flpcoo.net for tbe ram gcang in ^btnege 2.6na taf ooer at eagtern blue ItDejournal for |lr tranglatton 3. Serrpgolb for gbaring tbiS gem mitb tbe 3)oufea 9titta (£omm. 4. £agt but not leagt, me,:) breamerg QBbtmgp for tbe ebiting,

cleaning etc.