Umaaraw, Umuulan, Kinakasal ang Tikbalang

Post on 16-Apr-2015

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a reaction paper on the play, and the role of folklore in the society

Transcript of Umaaraw, Umuulan, Kinakasal ang Tikbalang

Nathalie Dagmang 2010-24702 BFA Sculpture

Reflection paper: Umaaraw, Umuulan, Kinakasal ang Tikbalang

Despite the play’s theme of what seemed to be a long gone tradition of folklore, the script of the play still showed elements from the popular culture of today. There were references to modern, even foreign, songs and trends. There was a remix of the popular Korean song Gangnam Style, a series of “pick-up” lines parody, and jokes that are in line with the humor of the youth today. I think, with this approach, the audience will easily understand and be amazed by the plot of the play.

Folklores still play a big role in the society, even after these have been proven false. Their original purpose may be for explaining natural calamities, or even things that we see and experience regularly like the rain, anthills, and dog howls. Legends and alamats can also give them a story about the origin of things. Giving meaning to events may have comforted the people as they believe that they have the explanation to certain things, and therefore can control or at least prepare for them. Folklores have risen from the imagination of the people, most especially in the provinces where Christianity and scientific developments still have not replaced their popular beliefs. The telling of these stories can be a past time, at the same time a get-together among families and friends. Folklores can also serve as moral stories for children and adult alike, to guide them in their everyday interaction with other people and with the nature. This product of the Folk Filipinos’ creativity has become our cultural heritage, a part of our national and social identity.

Although the modern Filipino seems to have less sympathy on his environment, and have more faith in foreign religious beliefs and the teachings of science, folklores can still serve some of the same purposes today. These stories can still entertain and amaze children. The moral stories incorporated in folklores are made use by parents and teachers to instill values in their students. Since folklores are based on themes of nature, children become more aware of the importance of trees, anthills, rain and other things found in nature. The mystical themes of folklores also make it an interesting subject for many artforms like in studio arts, advertising and performing arts. This has been proven by the play Umaaraw Umuulan thru the whimsical stage design and costumes, the effects of the lightings and choreography, and the interesting script and plot of the story.

Some art forms inspired by Philippine folklore are still evident today. Folk literature are still written in books and other forms of literature. There are also music lyrics, instrumental music and dances that usually come with folk stories. In plays such as Umaaraw, Umuulan, Kinakasal ang Tikbalang and the GMA drama “Amaya”, the writers were inspired by characters and plots from folk tales like the Bakunawa, Tiyanak, Tikbalang, etc. The popular game Ragnarok even had a map inspired by Philippine folklore where the characters Tikbalang, Tiyanak and Manananggal were incorporated.

Elito Circa, better known as “Amang Pintor” is known for depicting Philippine folklore such as the Legend of Minggan in his paintings and drawings. Rodel Tapaya, one of this year’s 13 artists awardees, also get inspiration from Philippine folklore and sayings.