Ulster.ac.uk Poverty and young people- foregrounding children and young people’s perspectives...

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Ulster.ac.uk Poverty and young people- foregrounding children and young people’s perspectives...


Poverty and young people- foregrounding children and young

people’s perspectives

Goretti Horgan

This talk based on research funded by

Big Lottery Fund

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Save the Children

Why the perspectives of children and young people?

Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child says children have a right to express their views on all matters concerning them; to have their views given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity; and to participate effectively in decision making processes concerning them.

Other UNCRC articles relating to povertyArticle 4 appropriate measures to max extent of available resourcesArticle 16 right to private and family lifeArticle 19 right to protection from child maltreatmentArticle 23 right of disabled children to enjoy a full life and to special care and assistanceArticle 24 right to enjoy good healthArticle 26 right to benefit from social securityArticle 27 right to an adequate standard of livingArticle 28 right to education


International studies show that children’s perspectives on poverty can reveal the particular kind of social exclusion faced by children and exclusionary practices that may not be visible to adults.