UIDAI Question Bank 2013

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Transcript of UIDAI Question Bank 2013

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 1No Questions Option-1

    Using the token system


    In which Tab of the AEC wou! you nee! to ente" an I#$C co!e%


    (hat !oes the )o! * +e,ect "e-o"t !is-ay% %

    (hat !oes the En! of the !ay /E "e-o"t !is-ay% %

    The AEC must be synce! with the se"e" ateast once in e"y% 1 to 2 )ou"s



    aathi has got he" 4 yea" o! !aghte" -"iya en"oe! fo" As!haa" ngetting back f"om the ent"oment cent"e she notice that he" !aughte"s

    name has been mis7s-et as -iya As she is e8t"emey ti"e! she"e9uest he" neighbou" An,ai to go back to the en"oment cent"e an get

    the co""ection !one%

    the co""ectionwi be aowe! as it is being "e9ueste! fo"

    within 4'hou"s of en"oment

    +e!uces thetime taken fo" en"oing a "esi!ent

    Anothe" way to t"ansfe" of emog"a-hic an! :iomet"ic !ata f"omEn"oment Agency to CI+ is th"ough cient%

    $afe fiet"ansfe" -"otoca

    (hat shou! be !is-aye! -"ominenty insi!e an! outsi!e theEn"oment Cent"e%%

    ;"ieancehan!ing he-ine ike an! the



    A the info"mationabout the en"oment -ackets> ike an! the on cicking the @yes@ o-tion un!e" @Consent too-en bank account@ section> the message @UIAI wi faciitate o-ening of :ank Account fo" you with -a"tne" banks This

    account wi be inke! to you" Aa!haa" what ha--ens if @Confi"mint"o!uce" ate"@ checkbo8 in the +eiew sc"een is checke!%%

    it aows theInt"o!uce"s biomet"ic !etais to be seecte"

    f"om -"eiousy ca-tu"e! !ata


  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 2

    The )ea! of the #amiy /)o# must -"oi!e confi"mation of the en"oment%

    (hich of the foowing o-tion is co""ect%%







    (hich icon is not aaiabe in the AEC sc"een%%


    The int"o!uce" is not -"esent !u"ing the en"oment of a "esi!ent%


    )ow can you og7on into the -"e7en"oment !at7ent"y mo!e%%


    At any timeafte" the en"oment has been com-ete!


    Athough t"ainingis not man!ato"y> ce"tification is man!ato"yfo" En"oment -e"ato"s an! $u-e"iso"s

    is nE

    If the +esi!ent is not ca""ying -hotoco-ies of oI an! oA !ocuments then the En"oment Cent"e shou! -"oi!e the-hotoco-ies at the nomina Cha"ge%

    The En"oment -e"ato" ente"s the e"ifie! !emog"a-hic "esi!ent !ata

    into the En"oment softwa"e f"om the En"oment #o"m%

    Afte" cicking the #inish button in the +eiew sc"een> confimation!ioog7bo8 with the I is !is-aye! Aong with that> the @eca"ation =anguage@ o-tion is aso !is-aye! (hat is the

    -u"-ose of this o-tion%%

    :ase! on the9uaification of the "esi!ent> the @eca"ation

    =anguage@ is automaticay seecte!> theAcknowe!gement $i- wou! be -"inte! in

    that anguage

    o-tionthe A

    Instea! of a en "ie o" emo"y $ick> ???????? can be use!fo" sto"ing e8-o"te! !ata%

    +ation Ca"!> "esi!ent nee!s to-"oi!e he"*his biomet"ic confimaton in the @+eiew@ sc"een of @Co""ection@ menu to confi"m the changes%

    AEC 13 -"oi!es suggestions !u"ing biomet"ic ca-tu"e> As an o-e"ato"how wi you access these suggestions%%

    Use theass*#ai In!icato" with

    I"is $canne"icon

    If the !ata sent by -o"tabe ha"! !isk of $#T is foun! to be co""ect>the CI+ atabase wi be u-!ate!%

    The "esi!entmust wait unti the int"o!uce" a""ies mu

    ou hae 4 attem-ts to get a finge"-"int ca-tu"e of acce-tabe 9uaity A4 attem-ts fai to -"o!uce an acce-tabe 9uaity of ca-tu"e ou wi%

    "ocee! to thene8t ste-

    (hat is cone"sion of the !emog"a-hic !ata ca-tu"e! in the AEC f"omEngish to any officia In!ian anguage cae!%

    In the og7insc"een> ente" -e"ato" I> asswo"! an! then

    check "e7En"oment o!esc"ee

    (hich of the foowing entities a"e inoe! in

    setting u- En"oment Cent"es%%

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    Page 3



    (hat is the -u"-ose of @A!!@ button on the :anking sc"een%%



    In case of a )ea! of the #amiy /)o# base! en"oment the ????? hasto gie his*he" finge"-"int as a sign7off> confi"ming that the info"mation ca-tu"e! is ca""ect%

    u"ing !ata "eiew the -e"ato" is "ea!ing out the ente"e! !etais to the"esi!ent The "esi!ent "u!ey states that the -e"ato" shou! not shout The -e"ato"%

    $hou!a-oogie an! owe" his oice

    (hat is the function of the @ which has been ente"e! as +amanu,an $anthoshinstea! of +amanu,am $anthosh> to be co""ecte! As an EA -e"ato" you wi%

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 4

    $tate which statement is t"ue about the "e7En"oment mo!e%%












    "e7En"omentmo!e is use! to ca-tu"e !emog"a-hic an!

    banking !ata onymo!

    Is it man!ato"y to gene"ate the Aa!haa" befo"e actiating the -e"atingan! $u-e"iso"s in the UIAI A!min*Technoogy o"ta%

    The "egist"a"s office wants to know how many en"oments ha--ene! ona -a"ticua" !ay an! how many -ackets we"e "e,ecte! The su-e"iso" can -"oi!e this info"mation>%

    #"om theen"oment fo"ms

    (hat is the function of the @Chi! !etais co""ection@ check bo8 in theCo""ection sc"een% %

    To co""ect !etaisof a "esi!ent who is mino" /:iow 5 yea"s of



    An o-e"ato" ogs on to AEC in the -"e7en"oment mo!eThe o-e"ato" can%

    Ente"s "esi!ents !emog"a-hic !ata using the!etais aaiabe in a fo"m -"oi!e!

    by the "esi!ent

    Ente" -"e7e

    (ho wi e"ify the co""ectness of I< numbe"s fo" "egions whe"een"oement is -anne!% %


    n making any co""ection of the "esi!ents e8isting !ata> -hotog"a-hof the "esi!ent nee!s to be ca-tu"e!%

    +eationshi- to +esi!ent section of the Co""ection sc"een is who is un!e"going co""ection in en"oment> is a mino" /un!e" 5 yea"s

    At the time of $u-e"so" acket +eiew "ocess in the confi"m sc"een>which ty-e of Action can the $u-e"iso" take% %

    The En"oment Agency is "e9ui"e! to hae a uni9ue -e"ato" I of each of thei"

    -e"ato" an! $u-e"iso" to actiate them%

    as she is soon to be ma""ie! As an EA -e"ato" you wi%

    )ow manymo"e attem-ts !oes the o-e"ato" hae to ca-tu"e the "esi!ents -hotog"a-h which is of acce-tabe 9uaity% %

    The "esi!ents "ation ca"! states that he" name is An,ai the oI fie! is set to man!ato"y%

    u"ugan ha! got himsef en"oe! fo" Aa!haa" on the 24th of a"chn the 26th of a"ch u"ugan notice that his !ate of bi"th has been w"ongy ente"e! as 2*11*1.&2 instea! 22*11*1.&2

    Can he get his o: co""ecte! at the En"oment cent"e% %

    es> if the en"omentcent"e is sti o-en

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 5

    In the :anking sc"een%




    A -acket cou! be "e,ecte! when%

    A -acket cou! be -ut on ho! when%

    The -"e7en"oment mo!e%

    -e"ato" nee!s tomanuay ente" the co""es-on!ing I#$C co!e


    (hat is the -u"-ose of @$ae A!!"ess@ check bo8 in theemog"a-hic sc"een% %

    $aes a the auesente"e! in the emog"a-hic sc"een au

    In case of co""ection of e8isting en"oment !ata> "esi!ent nee!s to-"oi!e he"*his biomet"ic confi"mation in the @+eiew@ sc"een of @Co""ection@ menu to confi"m the changes%

    n cicking the Chi! !etais co""ection checkbo8 of the Co""ection sc"een> the +eationshi- to +esi!ent section wi be

    enabe! automaticay%

    ansu" Ghan one of the Int"o!uce"s at the En"oment cent"e at Gan!agaon isnot aaiabe as its time fo" who got "egiste"e! as a 4 yea" o!> has come fo" co""ection The-a"ent states that the chi! is actuay 6 yea"s o!%

    The co""ectioncan be -e"mitte!

    The su-e"iso" wants tomeet the "esi!ent n

    (hat is the -"oce!u"e to enabe the Contact !etais section of the Co""ection sc"een an! make co""ectionsin the a!!"ess fie!s%%

    In o"!e" to co""ect the e8isting contact!etais>cick on the E!it Icon !is-aye! nea"

    the ist"ict an! $tate fie!


    The su-e"iso" wants tomeet the "esi!ent n

    Is use! when the"esi!ent has come fo" en"oment

    the "es


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    Page 6


    I#$C co!e is -"inte! on ?????????????% ;oe"nment

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    Page 7


    4 U$: -o"ts

    )ow wi you tu"n off UAC featu"es in (in!ows %% #"om $ta"t enu


    The onboa"!ing -"ocess "e9ui"es that the -e"ato" must%


    $ystem wi hat

    New Version Updated Question Bank 201

    0 Aa!haa" is consi!e"e! e8t"emey im-o"tant an! necessa"y s-eciay fo" ??? a"ginaie! sections of society

    1 )aing we t"aine! o-e"ato"s in the En"oment Cent"e assu"es tha En"oment Agency of #ast en"oments

    2 ne of the main benefits of Aa!haa" fo" +egist"a"s is Inc"eas

    3 An -e"ato" ogs on to AEC in the -"e7en"oment mo!e The -e"ato" can

    4 ohan isits an! ins-ects the en"oment -"ocess at en"oment cent"es as -e" -a"amete"s !efine! by UIAI (ho is ohan% Int"o!uce"

    5 oA !ocuments )e wants to a--y fo" an Aa!haa"


    ' If the nume" of -ackets -en!ing fo" u-oa! e8cee!s ????????> the Aa!haa" En"oment Cient wi f"eee 100

    As a "e-"estatie of En"oment agency> how wou! you ensu"e that the-"ocess of en"oment no hat at any stage%

    :y maintaining sufficientnumbe" of backu- !eices an! s-a"es

    Aa!haa" ata Im-o"t utiity is use! to im-o"t the maste" !ata to the!atabase of Aa!haa" En"oment Cient %

    (hich of the foowing is*a"e minimum system "e9ui"ement*s fo" usingthe en"oment cient%

    Can the $tation ust-"oi!e :iomet"ic confi"mation

    )ae a

    n what basis wou! the +egist"a" seect =oca =anguage fo" theAa!haa" Cient a--ication%%

    fficia anguage of thestate whe"e en"oment is ha--ening

    The use" who wi insta the En"oment Cient nee! not hae a!minist"atie-"iieges%

    (hat wi ha--en afte" cicking the +egiste" button in the $ystem Configu"ation-age of Aa!haa" En"oment Cient%%

    Im-"oe! efficiency an! cost saing !ue toeimination of u-icate i!entities

    Ente" "esi!ents !emog"a-hic !ata using the!etais aaiabe in a fo" -"oi!e! by the


    Im-o"tby us

    )e can en"o fo" Aa!haa" without any!ocuments )e ony nee!s to be int"o!uce! by

    an Int"o!uce"

    )e is tbe en

    Gashinath Danmo"e> the hea!man of the iage> has come to en"o fo" Aa!haa" )e has b"ought a his !ocuments>incu!ing oI> oA )e comes to the -e"ato" an! asks him to sta"t en"oment

    The -e"ato" can sta"t the en"oment byente"ing the !emog"a-hic !ata

    The !ocum

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 8

    . $eect the co""ect o-tion

    0 ne way to t"ansfe" emog"a-hic an! :iomet"ic !ata f"om En"oment Agency to CI+ is th"ough ?????? cient )TT

    1 ;$ onge> Connecte! to an En"oment $tation> is use! fo" $to"ing :acku- ata


    3 a>b>c>!


    5 )ow is the ick7u- ist fo" !ocuments gene"ate! by the EA Using an E8ce $heet

    6 a

    & I!entify which of the foowing is not an en!7of7!ay actiity +eiew a En"oments

    ' A o" : o" C o"

    . $u-e"iso"s



    2 +an,ith shou! not sta-e the !ocuments

    3 At east 30!ays befo"e the sta"t of en"oment At e

    4 +esi!ent has b"ought co-ies of !ocuments atteste! by a ubic the En"oment Cent"e $u-e"iso" shou! now -"ocee! with

    +an!om checks to ensu"e that a items a"e ina state of "ea!iness to sta"t en"oment

    $ystemthat a

    (hie !eci!ing on the ocation of the En"oment Cent"e> the o-tions a"e na""owe! !own toF a 3"! foo" of the unici-aity:ui!ing b ;"oun! #oo" of a =ib"a"y a!,oining the +ea!ing "oom c The ha of the oca schoo ! An em-ty wa"! ne8t to

    the casuaty section of the oca hos-ita Among the aboe o-tions the best one wou! be

    An En"oment Cent"e has 4 En"oment stations The"e a"e 4 -e"ato"s> A>:>C J The"e is one $u-e"iso"> B B ha! toeae fo" the !ay !ue to an eme"gency If A was -e"fo"ming en"oments on $tation the en! of !ay actiities fo" that

    station can be ca""ie! out by

    a"athe U!yog an! Co is an En"oment Agency They hae setu- En"oment Cent"es at a"ious e"sonne "e9ui"e! to manthese cent"es incu!e>

    "abhu aha!e wants to en"o fo" Aa!haa" )e howee" !oes not hae any !ocuments to -"oe his i!entity> age> a!!"ess)e has a f" ien! Amit an Int"o!uce"> fo" Aa!haa" comes to the En"oment Cent"e in the eening to e"ify an! confi"men"oments fo" "esi!ents who hae s-ecifie! his name #o" one of the en"oments he is unabe to "eca the "esi!ent an! !oes

    not -"oi!e confi"mation an! "e,ects it

    This -acket wi be sent to CI+ as the-e"ato" has gien confi"mation


    +an,it ai is one of the -e"ato"s at an En"oment $tation At the en! of each en"oment> +an,it coates a the !ocumentssubmitte! by the "esi!ent an! sta-es them togethe"> using the eft to- co"no" fo" the sta-ing


    It is necessa"y to hae Int"o!uce"s In a -a"ticua"s "egion whe"e Aa!haa" en"oment is being sche!ue! The actiity ofen"oing such Int"o!uce"s shou! i!eay be ca""ie! out

    De"ifie" shou! insist u-on o"iginas asce"tifie! co-ies a"e not acce-tabe

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 9


    6 (hat info"mation to be ca-tu"e! in the Aa!haa" En"oment Cient 7 ECA !u"ing on7boa"!ing -"ocess% emog"a-hic Info"mation

    & I"is an! finge"-"int sc"eens wi not get actiate! fo" chi!"en ?????? Aboe 10 yea"s an! beow 15 yea"s

    ' T"ue

    . u"ing I"is scanning cea" Contact =enses "a"ey affect the 9uaity of Image ca-tu"e T"ue

    0 a

    1 +egiste" )a"i!ha"an as a En"oment Agent


    3 (hat ca"e must the o-e"ato" take whie -hotog"a-hing a "esi!ent who wea"s gasses*s-ectaces% ake su"e that the gasses a"e not too thick

    4 =istening Ca"efuy to the en"oee "e!uces g"ieances T"ue


    6 :efo"e ca-tu"ing of biomet"ic !ata> inst"uctions shou! be gien to the en"oee T"ue

    & Is the -ostu"e of the o-e"ato" is an im-o"tant facto" in effectie communication% es

    ' u"ing en"oment communication is initiate! by $u-e"iso"

    . (hich of the foowing is an e8am-e of a -oite "e9uest%

    0 Ask he" to sto- taking

    1 a

    2 The Cha"ges to be coecte! f"om the "esi!ent fo" ca""ying out any kin! of co""ection in en"oment !ata is sca"f etc a"e aowe! fo" "eigious "easons as ong as face is fuy isibe whie ca-tu"ing #aciaImage

    a!husu!an ey is an -e"ato" fo" an En"oment Cent"e (hich of the foowing is not a -a"t of his "es-onsibiities% a)e- the "esi!ent fi the En"oment fo"m b btain -"e7en"oment !ata f"om the +egist"a" c U-!ate the G+ !ata in the

    G+K a--ication -"oi!e! by the +egist"a" ! ;et the "esi!ents signatu"e*thumb im-"essiona on the Consent fo"m

    )a"i!ha"an is a ;oe"nment schoo teache" in the iage of Ga"i )e knows most of the iage"s The +egist"a" fo"Aa!haa" en"oment is fin!ing it !ifficut to get -eo-e to en"o !ue to ack of !ocuments The +egist"a" can

    +a,a Guma" an acto" by -"ofession has come fo" en"oment )e insists that his -hotog"a-h must be ca-tu"e! in -"ofie"athe" than in the f"onta -osition

    The o-e"ato" shou! -oitey insist on himfacing the came"a with his fu face

    The o--o


    ou hae 4 attem-ts to get a finge"-"int ca-tu"e of acce-tabe 9uaity If ca-tu"ing the "esi!ents finge"-"ints within 4attem-ts seems !ifficut> you can

    Attem-t 3 times Then !eete the 3"! ca-tu"ean! "et"y

    I cant en"o you at this moment Cometommo""ow

    (e ha

    Uma ei> 65 yea"s o! "esi!ent> "eaches the en"oment station $he is not abe to hea" to un!e"stan! the o-e"ato"sinst"uctions an! kee-s on asking 9uestions to the o-e"ato" The o-e"ato" shou! ?????


    Di,ay aha,an is the $u-e"iso" fo" an En"oment Cent"e (hich of the foowing is not a -a"t of his "es-onsibiities% anboa"! -e"ato"s> $u-e"iso"s> Int"o!uce"s b +eiew a en"oments to ensu"e that the"e a"e no e""o"s c A""ange !ockets

    in the o"!e" of en"oment ! De"ification of !ocuments

    $uni Guma" has "eache! the en"oment cent"e at 10F00 am )is tu"n came at 12F30 -m $uni is i" "itate! !ue to the ongwaiting time in 9ueue )ow !o you think this situation cou! be han!e!%

    ake -"o-e" waiting a""angements an! byinto!ucing a Token system if -ossibe

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 10




    & T"ue

    ' E8-o"t En"oment !ata sc"een aso !is-ays info"mation ike tota sie of e8-o"t -acket> -en!ing e8-o"t etc T"ue

    . Communication -oitey to senio" citens "esuts in confo"tabe en"oment -"oce!u"e T"ue

    0 #ee!back is Im-o"tant in communication -"ocess T"ue

    1 (hich of the foowing is not a means of non7e"ba communication% :o!y moements

    2 (hie ente"ing the !etais of the "esi!ents bank account> the I#$C is absoutey essentia an! it must ente"e! by the o-e"ato" T"ue

    3 (hen shou! the o-e"ato" inst"uct an! communicate with the en"oee !u"ing biomet"ic !ata ca-tu"e% A at once> befo"e biomet"ic !ata is ca-tu"es

    4 Beean =a> age '2 yea"s> han!s oe" the e"ifie! En"oment #o"m to the o-e"ato" The o-e"ato" shou!


    6 (hie en"oing inka" the o-e"ato" notices that he has an e8t"a /ie a 6th finge" on both han!s The o-e"ato"> ust "egiste" this as an e8ce-tion

    & ?????????? checks -inco!e !ata fo" its co""ectness an! com-eteness UIAI

    ' #"om whom an! in what fo"mat wi the -"e7en"oment !ata be "eceie! by the En"oment Agency C$D #o"mat as s-ecifie! by +egist"a" T

    . Can ask the "esi!ent to get f"esh co-ies

    0 Banaki Ga!am wants to get ce"tifie! as an En"oment -e"ato" Banaki must fi"st en"o fo" Aa!haa"

    1 The De"ifie" can -e"mit this change T

    2 :acku- must be -"ese"e! fo" at east 10 !ays

    A "esi!ent who wo"ks in the fie!s has come fo" en"oment (hie ca-tu"ing his finge"-"ints the o-e"ato" is unabe to get anacce-tabe im-"ession The o-e"ato" shou!

    Ask the "esi!ent to go away as he cannot been"oe! if finge"-"ints cannot be ca-tu"e!

    Ask tan! w

    (hy Aa!haa" en"oment cient /AEC a--ication softwa"e is aso "efe""e! as EC> ie En"oment Cient uti atfo"m>f"om e"sion 15 onwa"!s%

    uti-atfo"m im-ies that the AEC is nowaaiabe fo" the AC an! =inu8 o-e"ating

    system -atfo"ms


    At the time of en"oment> ogesh wants to ink his e8isting bank account numbe" to his Aa!haa" (hat shou! the o-e"ato"!o%

    $eect the "a!io button @I "e9uest to ink mye8isting bank account with my Aa!haa

    etais a"e as gien beow@ an! thenseect*ente" the $tate> :ank :"anch

    -"oi!e! as"oof of o:> states he" o: as 1st Bune 1.'&

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 11

    3 (hie ensu"ing EC "ea!iness as -e" the checkist -"oi!e! by UIAI> the $u-e"iso" has to ocument ga-s in the EC "ea!iness> if any

    4 T"ue

    5 The Aa!haa" En"oment Cient wi sto- en"oments if the cient is not syche! with CI+ at east once in ???????? !ay 15

    6 ata Ca"!> connecte! to an En"omen $tation> is use! fo" $to"ing :acku- ata

    & (hich of these is a c"itica facto" in 9uaity !ata ca-tu"ing !u"ing en"oment%

    ' To s-"ea! awa"eness

    . ou a"e an En"oment Cent"e $u-e"iso" ou hae to "et"iee the -"e7en"oment !ata (hat wou! you !o%

    0 #ee!back is "e9ui"e! in communication -"ocess because


    2 es

    3 ????????? shou! -"oi!e this ist of I< numbe"s to CI+ +egist"a"


    5 T"ue

    6 $canne" is connecte! to a-to- o" !eskt- th"ough a D;A o"t b )I o"t c U$: o"t ! C o"t a

    & UIAI +egiona ffice a--"oes $tation eeo-ment an -"e-a"e! by ??????? with ???????? UIAI> +egist"a"



    he-Lui!aigoin is emai i! of the cantact cent"e

    Cea" an! !etaie! inst"uctions by the-e"ato" to the en"oee

    The +egist"a"s $u-e"iso" has come to the En"oment Cent"e which is sche!ue! to sta"t en"oments afte" a week )is-u"-ose is


    fee!back is the channe th"ough which themessage is sent


    ne of the most im-o"tant actiity that nee!s to be un!e"taken whie aunching an en"oment !"ie at any ocation is???????

    I!entifying the ocation of the En"omentCent"e


    $hyam $ingh is an -e"ato" at en"oment station $hyam nee" ooks !i"ecty to an en"oee with whom he is taking oesthis habit of $hyam $ingh ea! to effectie communication%

    (hen Beean Guma" isite! the en"oment cent"e was a -"obem of ow otage in the ocaity -e"ato" t"ie! ha"! toca-tu"e the facia image of Beean but was not abe to get a cea" image !ue to -oo" ight (hat !o you think the o-e"ato"

    shou! hae !one%

    Use the image ca-tu"e! in -oo" ightingcon!itions

    The Aa!haa" En"oment Cient 7 EC =ite aso -"oi!es the o-tion to ca-tu"e an! sae ony !emog"a-hic !ata> in o"!e" toc"eate a -"e7en"oment !ata

    +amnath :hute has come to the en"oment cent"e to Int"o!uce $ainath who !oes not hae any !ocuments Can thisen"oment be !one%

    +amnath :hute must be aaiabe as a"egiste"e! Int"o!uce" with the +egist"a"


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    Page 12

    . 15 !ays

    0 (ho wi "eiew a the !ata -ackets gene"ate! !u"ing the !ay> to ensu"e co""ect !ata has been ente"e! fo" each "esi!ent% +egist"a"s $u-e"iso"

    1 1>2>3

    2 an Ca"!

    3 (hat is @Consent7fo"7En"oment@ si-%

    4 )e ca

    5 40.10

    6 -e"ato"

    & +ectify the bu""e! image

    In 2005 the count"y im-emente! ahathma ;an!hi 1> :i"th Ce"tificate 2> +ation Ca"! 3> $econ!a"y $choo =eaingCe"tificate/$$=C :ook* Ce"tificate 4> Dote"s Ca"! 5> ass-o"t

    If a "esi!ent !oes not hae the necessa"y !ocuments to -"oe thei" i!entify o" a!!"ess> an Int"o!uce" can authenticate"esi!ents !ata An Int"o!uce" is a -e"son who is "egiste"e! with the +egist"a" an! UIAI )e wi confi"m the i!en!ity of a"esi!ent who !oes not hae any !ocuments Int"o!uce" wi confi"m the i!en!ity of ony those "esi!ents> whom he knows

    ny those -e"sons who hae obtaine! Aa!haa" a"e eigibe to become Int"o!uce"s An Int"o!uce" must be eighteen yea"s ofage o" aboe an! must not hae any c"imina "eco"! H (hat is man!ato"y to be eigibe as an Int"o!uce"%

    It is +ecei-t -"inte! at the en! of en"oment

    containing En"oment theconsent te8t fo" !eca"ation etc an! signe! bythe "esi!ent

    It is t

    e"ifies it> an! saes it into the -"e7en"oment !atabase fo!e" ocate! in the En"oment $tation The +egist"a" may aso use e8isting !ata f"om $> the

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    Page 13

    ' emog"a-hic ata

    . The ???????? wi acce-t the -hotoco-ies of the "esi!ents !ocuments +egist"a" $u-e"iso"

    0 )e is an En"oment Agency Em-oyee

    1 :efo"e sta"ting an en"oment fo" a "esi!ent> the -e"ato" must ensu"e that The "esi!ent has no biomet"ic e8ce-tions The

    2 :iomet" ic info"mation is enough to estabish i!entity of a -e"son Is the statement co""ect%

    3 a


    5 !acb

    6 The En"oment Agencies wi setu- En"oment Cent"es in the goeg"a-hica a"eas i!entifie! by the ???????????? +egist"a"

    UIAI Cient a--ication softwa"e> name! Aa!haa" en"oment cient> is use! to "eco"! !emog"a-hic J biomet"ic !ata of"esi!ents Aa!haa" en"oment cient /AEC is aso "efe""e! as EC> ieEn"oment Cient uti atfo"m The En"omentCient has a"ious featu"es necessa"y to enabe the en"oment ca-tu"e -"ocess in a we7!efine! manne" $ome of the key

    featu"es fuy $u--o"te! by the en"oment cient a"eF The Aa!haa" en"oment cient aows use"s / En"oment agency-e"ato"s> $u-e"iso"> A!minist"ato" etc to access the cient a--ication ony afte" e"ifying thei" +egist"a"*-e"ato" Use"I> asswo"! an! #inge"-"int +egist"a"s may hae e8isting> !igitaie! !emog"a-hic !ata of "esi!ent which is known as

    "e7En"oment !ata This !ata can be> fuy o" -a"tiay> -"e7oa!e! in the a--ication (hen a "esi!ent comes fo" en"oment>the -e"ato"s can "et"iee the !ata using +egist"a"s I ata ent"y /manuay o" using -"e7en"oment !ata of the "esi!ent

    base! on su--o"tie !ocuments ike -"oof of I!entificatin /oI * "oof of A!!"ess /oA The Cient is ca-abe of "unninga 9uaity check at the back en! to ensu"e that the 9uaity stan!a"! fo" biomet"ic !ata ca-tu"e> set by UIAI> is met H

    UIAI cient a--ication softwa"e> name! as Aa!haa" En"oment Cient> is use! to "eco"! ??????????

    :haesh Guma" $h"ishti has come fo" en"oment to the UIAI En"oment Cent"e at :ansi ist"ict )e is unsu"e of how theen"oment wi take -ace an! what he has to !o )e !oes not know whethe" he has to -"oi!e any !ocuments In fact he

    !oes not een know how getting an Aa!haa" wou! benefit him )e wo"ks as a !aiy wages abou"e" fo" a cont"acto"engage! in "oa! "e-ai" wo"k )is wife hea"! about Aa!haa" f"om neighbo"s an! has aske! him to get en"oe! H (hat

    !oes :haesh !o fo" a iing%

    es> :iomet"ic !ata is enough to estabish a-e"sons i!entity


    (hich of the foowing !ocuments a"e acce-tabe fo" en"oment a Ce"tificate of A!!"ess issue! by =A o" ;aette!office" on =ette" hea! as oA b Ce"tificate of A!!"ess> haing -hoto> issue! by =A o" ;aette! office" on =ette" hea! as

    oA c Ce"tifie! t"ue co-y of :i"th Ce"tificate as oA ! =an!o"!s ette" as oA

    Ghasi"am has come fo" en"oment an! submits a !ocuments to :ai"am the -e"ato" :ai"am fin!s that the e"ifie" hassigne! an! stam-e! a of Ghasi"ams !ocuments e8ce-t the en"oment fo"m

    :ai"am must ask Ghasi"am to get theen"oment fo"m signe! an! stam-e! by the

    e"ifie" befo"e continuing with the en"oment



    A""ange the b"oa! ee ste-s fo" en"oing a "esi!ent in the co""ect o"!e"F a Ca-tu"e emog"a-hic info"mation b Ensu"ethe !ocuments -"oi!e! by "esi!ent a"e as -e" en"oment fo"m c ;ene"ate Consent an! Acknowe!gement si- ! Ca-tu"e

    :iomet"ic info"mation

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    Page 14& 24

    ' a>b>c>!

    . The "eiew of !ata ente"e! is ca""ie! out Afte" catu"ing emog"a-hic ata

    0 (hat he-s to -ace the finge"s at the co""ect -osition on the finge"-"int ca-tu"ing !eice% In!icato"s on the -aten

    1 (hie ca-tu"ing #acia Image no ight e8acty aboe the ??????? shou! be use! since it can cause sha!ows -e"ato"

    2 Tabe ight use! fo" facia image ca-tu"e shou! be switche! off !u"ing i"is image ca-tu"e T"ue

    3 $enio" Citiens Chi

    4 The "esi!ent o" the en"oee shou! a!,ust his * he" hea! by titing o" "otating to get the #acia image ca-tu"e! T"ue

    5 ou !ont "e9ui"e to sync within ne8t 3 !ays

    6 T"ue

    & The"e is a !iffe"ence between me"ey hea"ing the wo"!s an! actuay istening fo" the message T"ue

    ' The statement @)an!ing En"oees in a manne" that makes thei" wait ess -ainfu@ is "eate! to C"ow! management

    . Afte" ca-tu"ing the i"is image> the a--ication softwa"e is abe to measu"e the i"is image 9uaity T"ue

    0 5


    2 +egist"a"*-e"ato" Use" I +eg

    En"oment -e"ato" Co""ects !ata> if "e9ui"e!> within ??????? hou"s of the +esi!ents En"oment an! in the "esence ofthe +esi!ent

    #oowing a"e the best -ossibe -"actices shou! be a!o-te! whie setting u- of En"oment Cent"eF a ;oo! a--"oach"oa!s*st"eets> i!eay g"oun! foo" b (e ight an! -"o-e" white backg"oun! fo" -hoto ca-tu"e c En"oment Cent"e shou!

    ocate in c"ow!e! a"ea ! Effectie token system with sufficeint numbe" of stations to aoi! ong waits e "oi!ecomfo"tabe sitting a"ea with wate" an! othe" basic amenities


    (hie ca-tu"ing #acia hotog"a-h of ??????????? the non7white backg"oun! may get "e,ecte! but two faces shou! notbe ca-tu"e!

    The -o- u- message that a--ea"s ee"y time the o-e"ato" ogs in> is intimating that @ou hae 3 !ay/s eft to sync ou"ast sync was !one on 26*04*2012 11F0'F12@ (hat !oes it in!icate%

    If you want to co""ect !emog"a-hics !ata of a chi! beow 5 yea"s o!> in the Co""ect En"oment etais sc"een you hae tocick the The "esi!ent is ess than 5 yea"s o! checkbo8

    nce an en"oment has been com-ete!> the "esi!ent !ata must be u-oa!e! to CI+ by the EA> eithe" th"ough $#T o"using -o"tabe ha"! !isks> within ?????? !ays

    u"ing en"oment the enti"e a"ea has suffe"e! a -owe" faiu"e an! the gene"ato" has been switche! on Unfo"tunatey thegene"ato" is making a ot of noise an! the -eo-e staying nea" the En"oment cent"e a"e ob,ecting to the !istu"bance being

    c"eate! The $u-e"iso" shou!

    E8-ain the situation to the neighbou"s an!ask fo" thei" coo-e"ation an! toe"ance fo" thes-an of time that the gene"ato" has to be ke-t


    Ask t

    > asswo"! an! #inge"-"int +egist"a"s may hae e8isting> !igitie! !emog"a-hic !ata of "esi!ents which is known as "e7En"oment !ata This !ata can be> fuy of -a"tiay> -"e7oa!e! in the a--ication (hen a "esi!ent comes fo" en"oment> the

    -e"ato"s can "et"iee the !ata using +egist"a"s I ata ent"y /manuay o" using -"e7en"oment !ata of the "esi!entbase! on su--o"tie !ocuments ike -"oof of i!entification /oI * "oof of A!!"ess /oA The Cient is ca-abe of "unning

    a 9uaity check at the back en! to ensu"e that the 9uaity stan!a"! fo" biomet"ic !ata ca-tu"e> set by UIAI> is met H TheAa!haa" en"oment cient aows use"s to access the cient a--ication ony afte" e"ifying thei" ???????????

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    Page 15

    3 Di"ens 4 yea" o! !aughte"

    4 It was a )oi!ay Th

    5 (hat is * a"e the actionabe fee!back/s that nee!/s to be checke! fo" facia image ca-tu"es that fai% consisting of his age! an! infi"m mothe" who is &2 yea"s o!> his wife> hise!e" !aughte" who is 12 yea"s of age an! his younge" !aughte" who is 4 yea"s of age> to en"o fo" Aa!haa" The women of

    the famiy a"e stee-e! in t"a!ition an! Di"en too is e"y o"tho!o8 in his outook Di"en is a ma"gina fa"me" who owns asma -ot of an! which he himsef tis an! cutiates )is caouse! han!s may be a cause fo" conce"n whie ca-tu"ing his

    finge"-"ints )e has no !ocuments "eating to eithe" himsef o" his famiy membe"s H (hich of the foowing wi be acause fo" conce"n !u"ing biomet"ic !ata ca-tu"e%

    It was a hot summe" !ay an! amost the whoe iage ha! tu"ne! u- fo" en"oment The oca -anchayat ha! been e"yactie in ensu"ing that a iage"s came f" en"oment :ut unabe to bea" the heat the c"ow! sta"te! getting "estess anywe"e yet to get the En"oment fo"m> the"e we"e see"a tabes but without cea" name-ates so -eo-e ha! to "un he"e an!

    the"e an! ask each othe" fo" he- to com-ete the -"ocess $u!!eny the"e was a ot commotion it seems some woman ha!been -ushe! an! he" husban! got ang"y at the man The -anchayat e!e"s ha! gone home an! the"e was no senio" -e"son to

    cont"o The situation seeme! to get out of han! The e"ifie"s too> ha! gone away fo" unch $omehow the two men we"econt"oe! by othe" iage"s :ut ee"yone wante! to know when thei" chance wou! come> if at a the same !ay H The

    enti"e iage ha! tu"ne! u- fo" en"oment because ????????

    (hich is the co""ect fee!back 1 +eceie" 7M #ee!back 7M Enco!e 7M eco!e 7M $ou"ce 7M essage 2 $ou"ce 7M essage7M Enco!e 7M eco!e 7M +eceie" 7M #ee!back

    (hich of the foowing a"e eements of "eceiing message% 1 #o"muate the message 2 eco!e the message 3 Inte"-"et

    message an! use fee!back 4 T"ansmit the message 5 )ea" o" see message f"om the sen!e" 6 Enco!e message

    In situations whe"e "esi!ents a"e unabe to -"oi!e -"oof of i!entity o" -"oof of a!!"ess> a!esignate! ???????? canint"o!uce them fo" an Aa!haa"

    :ha"at 1 yea" o! has come fo" en"oment )e is accom-anie! by his fathe" +amanu,am (hie ca-tu"ing his -hotog"a-h>backg"oun!

    ;en!e" has to be "eco"!e! by the En"oment Agency as !eca"e! by the en"oee as @@ fo" ae> @#@ #emae o" @T@T"ansgen!e"> by

    "o-e" an! e9uay !ist"ibute! ighting mechanism shou! be use! whie ca-tu"ing #acia image such that the"e a"e no???????



    u"ing summe"> in the inte"i" "egions of In!ia> the weathe" is hot an! !"y This ea!s to !ehy!"ation -"obems when -eo-ea"e e8-ose! to the $un fo" ong -e"io!s of time The En"oment Cent"e can be -"e-a"e! fo" such situations by

    Gee-ing a set of umb"eas that can be use!by "esi!ents


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    Page 16. es

    0 Co""ection mo!ue "e9ui"es man!ato"y ent"y of which !emog"a-hic fie!%

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    Page 17

    & Cannot en"o $ana Can



    0 100

    1 )o! +e,ect "e-o"t

    2 ust be (hite

    3 The :iomet"ic !eices -"ocu"e! by the En"oment Agency shou! be ce"tifie! by ????? UIAI o" its !uy autho"ie! agency

    4 "e7en"oment !ata can be c"eate! by ca-tu"ing !emog"a-hic info"mation th"ough ECA

    5 The En"oment Agency shou! ensu"e that each En"oment Cent"e in un!e" the cont"o of a ce"tifie! ???????? -e"ato"

    6 ??????????? shou! -"oi!e this ist of I< numbe"s to CI+ +egist"a"

    & +esi!ent can be en"oe! een in the imme!iate absence of the Int"o!uce" T"ue

    ' +egist"a" !eci!e! numbe"s of ??????????? fo" each En"oment Cent"e /"echeck the co""ectness of the 9uestion Ceiing #ans an! Tube =ights

    . T"ue

    0 (o"k as $u-e"iso"s

    1 To make the en"oment -"ocess mo"e efficient an! "e!uce the waiting time fo" "esi!ents ????????? is a key facto" #ast com-ute"s

    2 (hat is the -u"-ose of the ;+EE< t"iangua" Ca-tu"e icon in the I"is sc"een% To

    3 (hich of the foowing is a -"efe"abe behaio" fo" an o-e"ato" whie !eaing with senio" citiens% =isten to the senio" citien -atienty


    :"in!a> the en"oment o-e"ato"> is about to en"o $ana> a 3 yea" o!> when she fin!s that the fathe" of the chi!> $hi"a> !oesnot hae an Aa!haa" o" En"oment i! :"in!a>

    "a as com- ete s en"o ment an now want sto en"o s yea" o aug te" ana u" ng ana s en"o ment> t eo e"ato"

    ay ente" "a s name n t e "e at ons -fie!

    Can a co""ection be -e"fo"me! on the ne8t !ay if the en! of !ay o-e"ations we"e com-ete! fo" the -"eious !aysen"oments%

    Co""ection can be -e"fo"me! within 24 hou"sof en"oment ony



    The EA c"eates a !ocket which contains the !ocuments submitte! by the "esi!ent I!eay how many such !ockets shou!constitue a batch%

    @The "e-o"t is gene"ate! in Aa!haa" cient by EA fo" ee"y :atch The "e-o"t is -"inte! an! is ke-t insi!e thebo8*-oythene*coe" fo" ee"y batch C$D fie of the "e-o"t is e8-o"te! f"om the machine an! sent to $ agency@ 7(hich "e-o"t is taking about%

    :ha"at 10 yea" o! has come fo" en"oment )e is accom-anie! by his fathe" +amanu,am (hie ca-tu"ing his -hotog"a-h>backg"oun!

    ou -unctuation ma"ks> ca-ita J sma ette"s !u"ing!emog"a-hic !ata ca-tu"e

    The En"oment Cent"e at Uatma has 4 En"oment $tations an! 6 En"oment -e"ato"s The a!!itiona -e"ato"s a"e"e9ui"e! to ????????????

    To ca-tu"e -hotog"a-hy of the biomet"ice8ce-tion

    Te tha"

    ne of the En"oment stations has faie! !u"ing biomet"ic !ata ca-tu"e an! the "esi!ent is u-set oe" his en"oment notbeing com-ete! The best cou"se of action is fo" the $u-e"iso"

    To !i"ect the "esi!ent to anothe" station whe"ethe en"oment can be 9uicky com-ete!

    To 9uocat

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    Page 18


    6 Im-"o-e" management of t"affic

    & UIAI

    ' Ga"thi has come to en"o his 4 yea" o! son ;anesh ;anesh is ti"e! an! has faen asee- on his fathe"s a- The o-e"ato"

    . Can ask he" to get co-ies

    0 (hich inst"uction is gien by o-e"ato" to the en"oee whie ca-tu"ing i"is image% $tan! u-


    2 Di"en himsef

    #inancia incusion is a -"ocess by which financia se"ices a"e -"oi!e! at the minimum "ate to une"abe an!ma"ginaie! sections of society Een to!ay a a"ge -a"t of the -o-uation of In!ia is !e-"ie! of financia se"ice faciities

    $uch -o-uation is being connecte! with banks th"ough financia incusion #inancia incusion wi enabe an In!ian+esi!ent to o-en a saing account with minimum !ocuments an! e"o o" minimum baance These saing accounts a"e

    cae! @ :usiness co""es-on!ents hae been a--ointe! to -"oi!ebanking faciities to the iage These :usiness co""es-on!ents wi go to the iage to -"oi!e banking faciities to the

    "esi!ents of the iage The agent of a :usiness co""os-on!ent who -"oi!es banking faciities to the iage is cae!@Custome" $e"ice +e-"esentatie@ H(hat is the ob,ectie of financia incusion%

    To -"oi!e financia se"ices to une"abeg"ou-s

    The en"oment cent"e at Guha" !ist"ict has been getting huge numbe"s of "esi!ents tu"ning u- fo" en"oment ee"y!ay Theen"oment cent"e has been estabishe! in a "oom -"oi!e! by the !ist"ict munici-aity an! has sufficient s-ace fo" ony twoen"oment stations The"e is insufficient waiting s-ace an! "esi!ents f"om ong 9ueues that win! a the way to the a!,acentmain "oa! causing gene"a !is"u-sions in t"affic fow an! often "esuts in a"guments an! een mino" scuffes between thewaiting "esi!ents an! -asse"bys an! aso between the "esi!ents The chaotic situation is ea!ing to im-"o-e" !ocument

    han!ing an! sto"age> -oo" !ata 9uaity as the "esi!ent a"e hu""ie!y take th"ough the enti"e -"ocess> incom-ete e"ificationof !ocuments an! a host of "eate! -"obems H T"affic !is"u-tions a"e being cause! by ????????????

    De"ifie" wi e"ify the !etais of the !ocuments> thei" -hotoco-ies an! en"oment fo"m bought by "esi!ents De"ifie" has toe"ify the !ocuments !u"ing the wo"king hou"s of the cent"e The +egist"a" has to ensu"e the -"esence of the De"ifie" !u"ing

    en"oment A De"ifie" wi ensu"e that the en"oment fo"m was fie! acco"!ing to the gui!eines of UIAIs en"oment-"ocess )e wi aso ensu"e that no man!ato"y fie! is eft bank an! a a--icabe o-tiona fie!s> such as mobie -honenumbe" an! e7mai a!!"ess a"e fie! co""ecty Afte" e"ification the e"ifie" wi sign an! stam- the en"oment fo"m Afte"

    e"ification> the "esi!ent wi go to the o-e"ato" of the en"oment agency fo" en"oment H (ho wi ensu"e the -"esence ofe"ifie" at the cent"e%

    Can continue with the en"oment as i"is !ataca-tu"e is not "e9ui"e! fo" chi!"en beow 5

    yea"s of age

    Can c-hotog

    a"y meo has come fo" en"oment $he is about 50 yea"s of age an! has b"ought a !ocuments in o"igina fo" theen"oment (hen the e"ifie" asks fo" co-ies of the !ocuments she says that she has not b"ought any co-ies The e"ifie"

    Can aso"ig

    $ait"i Chauhan is -anning to en"o he"sef fo" Aa!haa" but she is unawa"e of the en"oment -"ocess )ow can the EAhe- he"%

    The EA $u-e"iso" o" an -e"ato" who is notcu""enty engage! in en"oment> can e8-ain

    the -"ocess to $ait"i


    y a"e stee-e! in t"a!ition an! Di"en too is e"y o"tho!o8 in his outook Di"en is a ma"gina fa"me" who owns a sma -otof an! which he himsef tis an! cutiaties )is caouse! han!s may be a cause fo" conce"n whie ca-tu"ing his

    finge"-"ints )e has no !ocuments "eating to eithe" himsef o" his famiy membe"s H (ho is the senio" citien in Di"ensfamiy%

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    Page 19

    3 En"oment Agency


    5 =istening ca"efuy to the en"oee he-s in e""o" f"ee en"oment T"ue

    6 (hich of the foowing o-tions a"e toos of effectie c"ow! management% "o


    ' As a $u-e"iso" of En"oment Agency> how wou! you ensu"e that the -"ocess of en"oment !oes not hat at any stage%

    . The out-ut of the #acia Image of the "esi!ent shou! not suffe" f"om ?????????????? otion bu"

    0 (hie ca-tu"ing the finge"-"ints of a +esi!ent> it shou! be ensu"e! that "esi!ent )as mo!e"atey !"y an! cean han!s

    1 a

    2 In which case/s the Aa!haa" En"oment * Co""ection f"om is man!ato"y%

    3 T"ue

    4 (hie ca-tu"ing finge"-"int image the"e shou! be no !i"ect ight shining on the ?????????? #ace of the en"oee

    5 -e"ato" shou! ensu"e that out-ut of the facia image isF :u""e!

    6 (hat is * a"e the measu"e/s to be taken to get a goo! 9uaity finge"-"int% Cean the -aten



    The +egist"a" an! the En"oment Agency wi nee! su--o"t fo" not ony setting u- En"oment Cent"es but aso !ay to !ayo-e"ations which ony the oca autho"ities wi be to -"oi!e #o" e8am-e in case of a fi"e> the cent"e wi hae to !e-en!u-on the fi"e b"iga!e> -oice an! me!ica units which a"e no"may manage! by the oca !ist"ict a!minist"ation This wi

    be -ossibe ony if the +egist"a" an! the EA inte"acts with these oca autho"ities f"om the -anning stage onwa"!s an! "ightu- to time that a en"oments fo" that a"ea a"e com-ete The oca a!minist"ation wi aso faciitate the c"eation of

    awa"eness about Aa!haa"> its benefits wi he- in -ubiciing the en"oment sche!ue to the "esi!ents H #i"e :"iga!e>oice an! e!ica Units a"e no"may manage! by ????????

    The -o- u- message that a--ea"s ee"y time the o-e"ato" ogs in> is intimating that @This cients ma8 une8-ecte! -acket is5@ (hat !oes it mean%

    It means that you hae to "egua"y check the@en!ing E8-o"t@ -acket numbe" an! e8-o"t

    -acket/s befo"e it c"osses the ma8imum imit>

    ie 5

    It me@en-ack

    ;iing info"mation in a manne" that isun!e"stoo! by the en"oee

    Gathi has come to en"o his 4 yea" o! son ;anesh The o-e"ato" notices that ;anesh !oes not hae the itte finge" of his"ight han! an! on asking he is info"me! by Ga"thi that ;anesh was bo"n without the itte finge"

    The o-e"ato" must "eco"! the missing finge"as an e8ce-tion

    The o-as an

    :y maintaining sufficient numbe" of backu-!eices an! s-a"es

    :y m

    (hie en"oing G"ishna> the o-e"ato" is unabe to get a goo! im-"ession of his finge"-"ints The o-e"ato" shou! i!eay aChange the #inge"-"int $canne" b )e- Gi"shna by a--ying some -"essu"e on his finge" c Ask G"ishna to wash his han!s

    with soa- an! wate" an! t"y again with wet finge"s ! Ask G"ishna to wash his han!s with soa- an! wate" an! t"y againafte" !"ying his finge"s $-ecify the co""ect cou"se of action

    emog"a-hic !ata -ue! using -"e7en"omentI

    Ee"ytime afte"*befo"e ogion to AEC a--ication> you must make su"e that the !ate an! time setting on the com-ute" iscu""ent

    En"oment agencies hae to un!e"go an on7boa"!ing -"ocess fo" en"oment stations +s coo"!inate the on7boa"!ing-"ocess with the +egist"a"s an! EAs The on7boa"!ing -"ocess incu!esF

    EAs !eca"e en"oment station !e-oyment-ans ie when an! whe"e the cent"es wi be


    EAs aan! a

    +a,a Guma" an acto" by -"ofession has come fo" en"oment )e insists that his -hotog"a-h must be ca-tu"e! his gasses"esting on his fo"ehea!

    The o-e"ato" can taske +a,as -hotog"a-hwhie his sun gasses a"e on his fo"ehea!

    The o

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    Page 20

    . $aita +ani came to the en"oment cent"e> she was wea"ing mehen!i -aste on one han! The o-e"ato" ???????????????? shou! ca-tu"e finge"-"int of ony one han!

    0 (hich of the foowing behaiou"s is a--icabe whie !eaing with senio" citiens% ;"eet the senio" citien -oitey

    1 u"ing en"oment the "egion su!!eny sta"ts e8-e"iencing a thun!e"sto"m with "ain an! ightning The $u-eiso"

    2 $een !ays

    3 (hat action is to be taken whie ca-tu"ing finge"-"int image> if the en"oee has one a!!itiona finge"% Ca-tu"e the finge"-"int of the a!!itiona finge"

    4 De"ifie"s -ictu"e

    5 +os :ee!is


    $hou! info"m the "esi!ents waiting outsi!ethe en"oment cent"e to come insi!e an! wait

    unti the sto"m -asses


    The +egist"a" wi take the he- of a"ious ma"keting agencies /as !eci!e! by UIAI who wi he- in communicatingwith the ta"get "esi!ent g"ou-s +esi!ents wi thus come to know about timing an! ocation of En"oment Cent"es> benefitsof en"oing> etc Communication to "esi!ents can sta"t seen !ays befo"e the actua sta"t of en"oment The ;"am $abhascan be he! to focus on Aa!haa" "eate! -"oce!u"es an! s-"ea! awa"eness The key ob,ecties he"e a"e gene"ating g"oun!7ee awa"eness among "esi!ents to ensu"e ma8imum coe"age an! ensu"ing "esi!ents un!e"stan! the "e9ui"ements so as tobe -"e-a"e! fo" the en"oment This actiity wou! "e9ui"e using me!ia ike ou!s-eake"s> -"e7"eco"!e! s-eeches> -oste"s>

    banne"s> wa w"itings> sticke"s> eafets> bookets an! ehices coe"e! with Aa!haa" info"mation an! biboa"!s TheEn"oment Agency wi not be aowe! to change o" "emoe the mate"ia -"oi!e! by +egist"a"s*UIAI En"oment

    Agencies wi he- the +egist"a" in a!e"tising Aa!haa" H )ow many !ays befo"e the sta"t of en"oment the

    communication to "esi!ent can sta"t%

    De"ifie" wi e"ify the !etais of the !ocuments> thei" -hotoco-ies an! en"oment fo"m b"ought by "esi!ents De"ifie" has toe"ify the !ocuments !u"ing the wo"king hou"s of the cent"e The +egist"a" has to ensu"e the -"esence of the De"ifie" !u"ing

    en"oment A De"ifie" wi ensu"e that the en"oment fo"m was fie! acco"!ing to the gui!eines of UIAIs en"oment-"ocess )e wi aso ensu"e that no man!ato"y fie! is eft bank an! a a--icabe o-tiona fie!s> such as mobie -hone

    numbe" an! e7mai a!!"ess a"e fie! co""ecty Afte" e"ification the e"ifie" wi sign an! stam- the en"oment fo"m Afte"e"ification> the "esi!ent wi go to the o-e"ato" of the en"oment agency fo" en"oment H )ow wi the en"oment agency

    o-e"ato" know that en"oment fo"m has e"ifie! by the e"ifie"%

    $eeta!ei "os bee!is fo" a iing )e" han!s a"e staine! b"own with tobacco $ometimes she aso "os aga"battis They a"es-ecia masaa agga"battis> as a "esut he" finge"s hae somewhat wo"n out "i!ges which makes it !ifficut to get he"

    finge"-"ints To!ay $eeta!ei sits at the en"oment cent"e ou a"e the o-e"ato" who is faces with the -"obem of taking he"finge"-"ints ou hae t"ie! twice but "esuts not acce-tabe> (hat wou! you !o % ou nee! to -ut mo"e -"essu"e on he"

    han!s to t"y an! get the finge"7-"int ou as he" if you cou! a--y -"essu"e to he" finge"s $he ag"ees ou ask he" to ceanhan!s once again Then -ace he" finge"s on the scanne" an! a--y sight -"essu"e $eetabai c"ies out in -ainF @)e-N This

    man is out to b"eak my finge"s> !o you hae no sense> I hae th"ee hung"y chi!"en to fee!@ H (hat !oes $eeta!ei !o fo"iing%

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 216 (hat is * a"e the att"ibute/s "e9ui"e! whie ca-tu"ing finge"-"int image% E8cessie !"y finge"s

    & Ca-tu"ing I"is Image


    . (hich one of the foowing statements is co""ect


    1 UIAI Contact cent"e !oes not han!e the "esi!ents g"ieances T"ue

    2 UIAI Contact cent"e is cose! on ee"y $atu"!ay an! $un!ay T"ue

    3 At the en! of en"oment the o-e"ato" must -"oi!e he"*his ???????????? as confi"mation $ignatu"e


    5 =oca anchayat

    6 A woman was hit by someone

    @+e9uest the En"oee to be in a fi8e! -osition The -ostu"e shou! be taking a -o"t"oit -hotog"a-h@ 7 (hen this inst"uctionis gien to the en"oee%

    Afte" com-etion of the en"oment> en"oement com-etion !iaog7bo8 with the En"oment I is !is-aye! in the +eiewsc"een Aong with that> the @;ene"ate !eca"ation in the "egiona anguage@ o-tion is aso !is-aye! (hat is the -u"-ose of

    this o-tion%

    :ase! on the 9uaification of the "esi!ent> the@eca"ation anguage@ is automaticay

    seecte!> the @Acknowe!gement@ wou! be-"inte! in that anguage

    :ase! @Ack


    The without sha"ing with he" the -u"-ose to !o so $a"ita was

    offene! an! sc"eame! that the o-e"ato" was getting too bo! an! touching he" without haing any -e"missions (hat wou!hae been the "ight cou"se of action fo" the o-e"ato"%

    The o-e"ato" was not at faut $a"ita was not

    "ight in caing out fo" he-

    $a"ita fo" as

    In 2005 the count"y im-emente! ahathma ;an!hi if at a the same !ayH The commotion was cause! because ??????????

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    Page 22

    & oo" !ocument sto"age -"ocess

    ' ?????????????? checks -inco!e !ata fo" its co""ectness an! com-eteness UIAI

    . (hat the o-e"ato" shou! !o if the "esi!ent has ban!age! finge"%

    0 In the @E8-o"t En"oment ata@ sc"een> @en!ing E8-o"t@ section !is-ays numbe"s of -ackets to be e8-o"te! T"ue

    1 es


    3 EC

    4 Is "e9ui"e! to scan the o"igina !ocuments of the "esi!ents #inge"-"int scanne"



    & (hat is a back!"o- in case of facia image ca-tu"e% A b"ight white backg"ou! behin! the +esi!ent A b"ig

    ' T"ue

    . :y -"essing the TA: button

    0 =ight coou"e! gogges a"e aowe! whie ca-tu"ing I"is image of the "esi!ent T"ue

    1 #o" any co""ection "eate! to the !emog"a-hic !ata> "esi!ent must has to fi7u- the Aa!haa" En"oment*Co""ection f"om T"ue

    2 $ae A!!"ess

    The en"oment cent"e at Guha" !ist"ict has been getting huge numbe"s of "esi!ents tu"ning u- fo" en"oment ee"y!ay Theen"oment cent"e has been estabishe! in a "oom -"oi!e! by the !ist"ict munici-aity an! has sufficient s-ace fo" ony twoen"oment stations The"e is insufficient waiting s-ace an! "esi!ents fo"m ong 9ueues that win! a the way to the a!,acent

    main "oa! causing gene"a !is"u-tions in t"affic fow an! often "esuts in a"gumens an! een mino" scuffes between thewaiting "esi!ents an! -asse"bys an! aso between the "esi!ents The chaotic situation is ea!ing to im-"o-e" !ocument

    han!ing an! sto"age> -oo" !ata 9uaity as the "esi!ents a"e hu""ie!y taken th"ough the enti"e -"ocess> incom-etee"ification of !ocuments an! a host of "eate! -"obems H The 9uaity of !ata has been affecte! !ue to ??????????????

    Igno"e the ban!age Ca-tu"e whatee"-ossibe


    Baya ei> age 45 yea"s> is a citien of Etu"u iage in An!h"a "a!esh Baya ei wants to "aise a 9ue"y "ega"!ing he"en"oment to the contact cent"e Baya can s-eak an! un!e"stan! ony Teegu anguage Can she "aise a 9ue"y in Teugu%

    $a"ita $hah has ,ust finishe! he" facia image ca-tu"e an! has come to the finge"-"int scanne" )e" finge"-"ints we"e notegibe> so the o-e"ato" -ut e8cessie -"essu"e on he" han!> without sha"ing with he" the -u"-ose to !o so $a"ita was

    offene! an! sc"eame! that the o-e"ato" was getting too bo! an! touching he" without haing any -e"missions (hat wou!hae been the "ight cou"se of action fo" the o-e"ato"%

    The o-e"ato" was not at faut $a"ita was not"ight in caing out fo" he-

    $a"ita fo" as

    The +egist"a" may nee! to ca-tu"e a!!itiona info"mation about the "esi!ents> ike annua income> e!ucationa 9uaification>

    ma"ita status> etc (hat a--ication is "e9ui"e! to ca-tu"e the"e a!!itiona !ata%

    +agini ei> a &0 yea" o! a!y> came to the en"oment station> +agini was not abe to ho! he" hea! st"aight !ue to amassie ce"eba hemo""hage suffe"e! by he" a yea" back The o-e"ato" +ai Guma" without any intimation sta"te! to

    -osition he" hea! with his -ams This i""itate! +agini ei an! she eft the cent"e without com-eting the -"ocess If youwe"e at the o-e"ato" -ace what you wou! hae !one%

    oitey ask +agini ei about he" -"obeman! ask a a!y staff to he- he"

    Ask s

    Ga"thi has come to en"o his 4 yea" o! son ;anesh The o-e"ato" notices that ;anesh !oes not hae the itte finge" of his"ight han! an! on asking he is info"me! by Ga"thi that ;anesh was bo"n without the itte finge"

    The must "eco"! the missing finge" as ane8ce-tion

    The o-as an

    In the Use" +eiew sc"een> at the time of su-e"iso"*use" acket +eiew "ocess> In case of -acket being -ut on @ho!@>su-e"iso"*use" nee!s to seect a @"eason@ fo" it f"om the aaiabe +eason o-tions

    Afte" ente"ing the name of the "esi!ent> how is the t"ansite"ation of !ata f"om Engish to the oca anguage /as configu"e!in the ECA sta"te!%

    (hich o-tion in the emog"a-hics sc"een is use! to "eca the aues ente"e! in the a!!"ess fie!s /such as in Co!e>Diage*Town*City> ist"ict an! $tate fo" the -"eious en"oment%

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    Page 233 oes En"oment -e"ato" "e9ui"e to cick any button on the !eice whie ca-tu"ing goo! finge"-"ints es

    4 The iage sa"-anch has come fo" en"oment wea"ing a ;an!hi ca-

    5 UIAI

    6 It !oes no change e8ce-t if !amage!

    & iffuse!

    ' Ca-tu"e of facia image wou! be bette" if the"e is a b"ight ight behin! the back!"o- T"ue


    0 De"ifie"s -ictu"e

    1 u"ing the time of en"oment

    2 Oe"o

    )e must be "e9ueste! to take it off whieca-tu"ing his -hotog"a-h uness it is wo"n fo"

    "eigious o" cutu"a "easons


    Aa!haa" en"oment is being -anne! fo" Chautha thei" -hotoco-ies an! an! en"oment fo"m b"ought by "esi!ents De"ifie"has to e"ify the !ocuments !u"ing the wo"king hou"s of the cent"e The +egist"a" has to ensu"e the -"esence of the De"ifie"

    !u"ing en"oment A De"ifie" wi ensu"e that the en"oment fo"m was fie! acco"!ing to the gui!eines of UIAIsen"oment -"ocess )e wi aso ensu"e that no man!ato"y fie! is eft bank an! a a--icabe o-tiona fie!s> such as

    mobie -hone numbe" an! e7mai a!!"ess a"e fie! co""ecty Afte" e"ification the e"ifie" wi sign an! stam- theen"oment fo"m Afte" e"ification> the "esi!ent wi go to the o-e"ato" of the en"oment agency fo" en"oment H )ow wi

    the en"oment agency o-e"ato" know that en"oment fo"m has been e"ifie! by the e"ifie"%

    The coection of "e7En"oment ata isnt a -a"t of the co"e -"ocess fo" en"oing a "esi!ent but nee!s to be -e"fo"me! sothat "esi!ent !ata is aaiabe to the -e"ato" when she*he begins en"oing "esi!ents This ha--ens befo"e the actuaen"oment of "esi!ent an! is taken ca"e of by the +esit"a" an! En"oment Agency/EA The +egist"a" an! EA coects/whenee" -ossibe the "esi!ent !emog"a-hic !ata f"om -eo-e in that ocation> e"ifies it> an! saes it into the -"e7en"oment !atabase fo!e" ocate! in the En"oment $tation The +egist"a" may aso use e8isting !ata f"om $> the

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 24

    3 =oca anchayat

    4 The "i!ges on he" finge"s hae got wo"n out

    5 a"k gasses of tinte! gasses a"e aowe! whie taking the facia -hotog"a-h T"ue

    6 $tatisca info"mation

    & $he has th"ee hung"y chi!"en to fee!

    ' T"ue

    . ou a"e the "e-"esentatie of En"oment Agency n what basis wou! you !eci!e on the numbe" of En"oment Cent"es%

    0 (hich of the foowing is not a--icabe in sen!ing a messageF T"ansmission of the message

    1 (hich sc"een comes afte" the @emog"a-hics@ !ata ca-tu"e sc"een% +efe"ences sc"een

    In 2005 the count"y im-emente! ahathma ;an!hi as a "esut he" finge"s hae somewhat wo"n out "i!ges which makes it !ifficut to get he"

    finge"-"ints To!ay $eeta!ei sits at the en"oment cent"e ou a"e the o-e"ato" who is faces with the -"obem of taking he"finge"-"ints ou hae t"ie! twice but "esuts not acce-tabe> (hat wou! you !o % ou nee! to -ut mo"e -"essu"e on he"

    han!s to t"y an! get the finge"7-"int ou as he" if you cou! a--y -"essu"e to he" finge"s $he ag"ees ou ask he" to ceanhan!s once again Then -ace he" finge"s on the scanne" an! a--y sight -"essu"e $eetabai c"ies out in -ainF @)e-N Thisman is out to b"eak my finge"s> !o you hae no sense> I hae th"ee hung"y chi!"en to fee!@ H (hy is it so !ifficut to get

    $eeta!eis finge"-"ints%


    If a "esi!ent !oes not hae the necessa"y !ocuments to -"oe thei" i!entify o" a!!"ess> an Int"o!uce" can authenticate"esi!ents !ata An Int"o!uce" is a -e"son who is "egiste"e! with the +egist"a" an! UIAI )e wi confi"m the i!en!ity of a"esi!ent who !oes not hae any !ocuments Int"o!uce" wi confi"m the i!en!ity of ony those "esi!ents> whom he knows

    ny those -e"sons who hae obtaine! Aa!haa" a"e eigibe to become Int"o!uce"s An Int"o!uce" must be eighteen yea"s ofage o" aboe an! must not hae any c"imina "eco"! H (hat info"mation wi be confi"me! by the use" of int"o!uce"s%

    $eeta!ei "os bee!is fo" a iing )e" han!s a"e staine! b"own with tobacco $ometimes she aso "os aga"battis They a"es-ecia masaa agga"battis> as a "esut he" finge"s hae somewhat wo"n out "i!ges which makes it !ifficut to get he"

    finge"-"ints To!ay $eeta!ei sits at the en"oment cent"e ou a"e the o-e"ato" who is faces with the -"obem of taking he"finge"-"ints ou hae t"ie! twice but "esuts not acce-tabe> (hat wou! you !o % ou nee! to -ut mo"e -"essu"e on he"

    han!s to t"y an! get the finge"7-"int ou as he" if you cou! a--y -"essu"e to he" finge"s $he ag"ees ou ask he" to ceanhan!s once again Then -ace he" finge"s on the scanne" an! a--y sight -"essu"e $eetabai c"ies out in -ainF @)e-N This

    man is out to b"eak my finge"s> !o you hae no sense> I hae th"ee hung"y chi!"en to fee!@ H $eeta!ei c"ie! out because???????????

    $he i

    The En"oment Agency is "e9ui"e! to ogin to the -o"ta an! !ownoa! maste" !ata fie J "egist"a" !ata fie an! then im-o"tthem into the Aa!haa" En"oment Cient using ECA ogin

    :ase! on the ta"get numbe" of !ays fo"com-etion fo en"oment in the -a"ticua" a"ea

    o" !ist"ict an! the e8-ecte! numbe" ofen"oees in the a"ea

  • 7/24/2019 UIDAI Question Bank 2013


    Page 25


    3 (hat a"e the ty-es of Contact etais in the A--ication% $ma

    4 A""ange the foowing in the co""ect hie"a"chyF a +egist"a" b En"oment Agency c UIAI ! En"oment Cent"e abc!

    5 (hy icku- =ist +e-o"t is necessa"y%

    6 T"ue

    & +egist"a"

    Here after "Ia!e Based" Question aper #$i%k t&e Questio

    ' Gesturing with hand

    . Gesturing with hand



    2 es


    A "esi!ent has come fo" en"oment but on seeing the ong 9ueue he a--"oaches the EA $u-e"iso" an! asks him to en"ohim fi"st as he has to go somewhe"e ese to atten! some u"gent wo"k )e aso caims to be "eate! to the oca oice station


    The $u-e"iso" shou! imme!iatey confi"mthe "eationshi- f"om the oice station in7

    cha"ge an! aow the "esi!ent to by7-ass the9ueue an! sta"t en"oment

    The"esi!entthe "esi

    Com-ete> efaut> efautF "intabe =abesan! $im-e

    icku- =ist "e-o"t is fo" ocumentmanagement $ystem /$ i

    In case of )ea! of the #amiy base! e"ification> -"oof of "eationshi- /fo" eg> A"my Canteen Ca"!> C;)$*$tate;oe"nment*EC)$*E$IC e!ica Ca"! etc is "e9ui"e!

    The +egist"a" wi take the he- of a"ious ma"keting agencies /as !eci!e! by UIAI who wi he- in communicatingwith the ta"get "esi!ent g"ou-s +esi!ents wi thus come to know about timing an! ocation of En"oment Cent"es> benefitsof en"oing> etc Communication to "esi!ents can sta"t seen !ays befo"e the actua sta"t of en"oment The ;"am $abhascan be he! to focus on Aa!haa" "eate! -"oce!u"es an! s-"ea! awa"eness The key ob,ecties he"e a"e gene"ating g"oun!7ee awa"eness among "esi!ents to ensu"e ma8imum coe"age an! ensu"ing "esi!ents un!e"stan! the "e9ui"ements so as tobe -"e-a"e! fo" the en"oment This actiity wou! "e9ui"e using me!ia ike ou!s-eake"s> -"e7"eco"!e! s-eeches> -oste"s>

    banne"s> wa w"itings> sticke"s> eafets> bookets an! ehices coe"e! with Aa!haa" info"mation an! biboa"!s TheEn"oment Agency wi not be aowe! to change o" "emoe the mate"ia -"oi!e! by +egist"a"s*UIAI En"oment

    Agencies wi he- the +egist"a" in a!e"tising Aa!haa" H (ho is*a"e "es-onsibe to -"oi!e awa"eness mate"ia on


    "hich o# the #ollowing is an e$a%ple o# non&ver'al co%%unication(

    "hich o# the #ollowing is an e$a%ple o# ver'al co%%unication(

    )ow should an operator capture the iris i%age o# a resident with as shown in the picture(The operator should each e*e o# the

    resident separatel*

    The oto ge


    "hich o# the correct wa* to photograph a resident wearing ghoonghat as shown in the picture(,perator should as+ a lad* volunteer

    to li#t ghoonghat o# the resident


    .s the distance %aintained '* the operator/ as shown in the i%age a'ove/ accepta'le(

    "hich is the correct wa* to photograph a resident who cannot stand or li#t his head as shown in the,perator should reposition the

    ca%era to capture the i%age o# theresident



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    Page 26


    5 ,ption 1

    6 ,ption 2/ 3/ 5

    & ,ption 1

    ' ,ption 1

    . ,ption 1

    0 ,ption 1

    1 The lad*-s hand has a %issing nger

    2 ,ption 1

    "hich o# the #ollowing is the 'est wa* to handle a 'lind resident as shown in the picture(The operator should sit cal%l* whilethe 'lind resident should tr* to nd

    a chair



    elect the picture that shows the correct posture that an operator should %aintain while tal+ing wit

    "hich o# the #ollowing are ele%ents o# receiving %essage (

    "hich o# the #ollowing is correct e$a%ple o# in'ound and out'ound process(

    elect the %ost pre#erred wa* to 'ehaving with residents

    "hich o# the #ollowing illustrations represents the 'est wa* to handle an old lad*(

    "hich o# the #ollowing i%ages shows the proper ow o# co%%unication process(

    ,'serve the hands o# a lad* who ca%e #or enroll%ent as shown in the picture The operator as+s th The

    "hich o# the #ollowing are correct e$a%ples o# out'ound process(

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    Page 27Option-' (nswers










    24 to 4' )ou"s 4

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    Page 28





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    Page 29

    $u-e"iso" 2







    wio-uate the @:ank Account

    etais@ fie!

    -ting to -"int againusing the @Again@ o-tion inhe En"oment $uccessfu


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    Page 30






    $u-e"iso" 2







    4 3






    "e7En"omento!e is use! to ca-tu"e facia

    mage an! banking !ata ony

    :y asking theint"o!uce"

    To co""ectnge"-"int !etais of "esi!ent

    te" "esi!ents biomet"ic !atausing the info"mation

    i!e! in the en"oment fo"m

    A of theaboe

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    Page 31







    +esi!ent 3






    I#$C co!e is not"e9ui"e!

    A a!!"ess fie!sa"e !isabe!

    A "emainingt"o!uctions can be !one bye"son niminate! by ansu"


    The co""ectionn be -e"mitte! without any

    !ocumenta"y -"oof

    e su-e"iso" has !etecte! ane""o"

    n! wants it to be co""ecte!

    o"!e" to co""ect the e8istingcontact

    tais>cick on the E!it Iconaye! nea" the inco!e fie!

    e su-e"iso" has !etecte! ane""o"

    n! wants it to be co""ecte!

    Is use! when the!ent is !isabe! an! cannote to the en"oment cent"e fo"


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    Page 32


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    Page 33


    A of the aboe 4




    a of them

    i!!e Cass of $ociety 1

    A of the aboe 4


    :oth 1 an! 2 4

    -e"ato" 2

    )e cannot be en"oe! 2



    2000 3

    -"ocu"ing im-o"te! !eiceswhich ate bette" in 9uaity

    The UAC featu"esot aaiabe in (in!ows

    e an Aa!haa"> :e +egiste"e!as

    e"tifie! -e"ato"> Gnow howto insta AEC

    othe" tongue of theEA $u-e"iso"

    e can en"oe! as a senio"citien by getting s-ecia"mission f"om fo" +egist"a"

    he -e"ato" must "e9uesthinath to get the !ocumentse"ifie! by the $u-e"iso"

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    Page 34


    $#T 4



    a>c>!>e 2

    $-"ea!ing Awa"eness 2

    Using $#T 1

    ! 3



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    A of the aboe 2

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    $-eech 4






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    Page 37

    i!es the "e7en"oment !ata 3


    5 3




    uest technica -e"son to !o so 1

    !back !eco!es the message 2



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    Page 38

    Anytime 1

    +egist"a" 2

    1>3>5 4

    Aa!haa" 4

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    Page 39

    !!"ess> Age> +eationshi-

    En"oment fo"ms a"e not!ato"y> the"efo"e :ai"am cana"t ente"ing !ata f"om the!ocuments -"oi!e! by


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    Page 40120 3

    a>b>!>e 4


    A of the aboe 4

    asswo"! an! #inge"-"int

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    Page 41

    i"ens 14 yea" o! !aughte" 3


    A of the aboe 4

    bo!y can -e"mit this change 2


    2>3>6 3

    -e"ato" 2


    Cicking on an Icon 1


    A of the aboe 4

    :oth 2 an! 3 a"e co""ect 2



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    Page 422

    ;en!e" 1

    Technica A!minist"ato" 1




    eye7to7eye contact 1


    a an! b a"e both w"ong 4


    A of the aboe 4




    T"ansmission 1

    s soon as en"oment sta"ts 4

    A of the aboe 4


    ce-t the $u-e"iso" no onean !o en! of !ay actiities

    "chana can be en"oe! bye"ing he" age an! setting theon fo" !ocument e"ification


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    250 1

    $ "e-o"t 3


    +esi!ent 1

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    A of the aboe 4

    +oa! "e-ai" wo"k 2

    Int"o!uce" 2



    :ink eyes 3


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    UIAI 2






    A of the aboe 4

    )as ong finge" nais 1

    c 3

    the aboe mentione! cases 1


    I"is 3

    =a"ge 2

    :oth 1 an! 2 4

    A of the aboe 4


    taking about the co"-o"atecients

    ng u- banne"s an! -oste"s atthe en"oment cent"e

    o-e"ato" can en"o ;aneshthe finge"-"int of 5 finge"s

    wou! suffice

    -"ocu"ing im-o"te! !eiceswhich a"e bette" in 9uaity

    o-e"ato" shou! ask +a,a toke off his sun gasses whie

    being -hotog"a-he!

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    Page 46


    A of the aboe 4


    Twee !ays 1


    :iomet"ic !ata of De"ifie" 2

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    Page 47:oth 1 an! 2 2

    A of the aboe 3

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    Page 48


    as he" han!s we"e !i"ty

    efuy kee- he" hea! st"aightan! ca-tu"e the image

    o-e"ato" can en"o ;aneshthe finge"-"int of 5 finge"s

    wou! suffice

    a"k back backg"oun! befo"ethe +esi!ent

    Aa!haa" En"oment Cient-ication !oes not su--o"t


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    =oca anchayat 4


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    Im-ementing Agency 1

    A of the aboe 4


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    !bca 2



    +egist"a" J UIAI 4







    e $u-e"iso" shou! ask theesi!ent come to come fo"oment on anothe" !ay an!hat he is not af"ai! of thesi!ents connections with

    im-o"tant officias

    "aightfo"wa"! Contact an!E8ten!e! Contact

    u- =ist "e-o"t is fo" Aa!haa"

    issuing info"mation

    The operator shouldci'l* tr* to position thes capturing devise onresidents e*es so that

    can capture 'oth iris atthe sa%e ti%e

    erator should as+ theo%pan*ing relative o#e resident to capture

    the photograph

    perator should as+ aunteer/ wearing a red

    rt/ to position the chairting it slightl* so thate operator can get agood photograph

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    ,ption 2/ 3/6 1






    ,ption 4 4

    e operattor should holdhe hand o# the 'lindesident without an*ti%ation and #orci'l*ce it on the ngerprint


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