TYPO3 Formhandler Extension

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Kurzvortrag über die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von der TYPO3 Extension "Formhandler"

Transcript of TYPO3 Formhandler Extension

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FormhandlerTYPO3 Usergroup Bodensee #3tsee 11. Oktober 2012 - Singen (D) Lars Messmer - comsolit AG

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•Solid programmiert, MVC Architektur•Immenser Funktionsumfang•Sehr gute Integration in andere Extension•Geeignet für komplexere Aufgabenstellungen •Kann eigentlich alles•Gut dokumentiert, mit Examples•Wird stetig weiter entwickelt


•Man muss sich zuerst etwas einarbeiten•KeingrafischesBackendmodul

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Im Einsatz

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Im Einsatz

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Im Einsatz

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Templating langFile.1 = TEXT langFile.1 = {$PATH.mailform}formularLang.xml

templateFile = TEXT templateFile = {$PATH.mailform}formular.html

masterTemplateFile.1 = TEXT masterTemplateFile.1.value = {$PATH.mailformtemplates}masterFormularGlobal.html

masterTemplateFile.2 = TEXT masterTemplateFile.2.value = {$PATH.mailformtemplates}masterFormularFields.html

Subparts Sprachmarker ###LLL:vorname###

Diverse interessante Marker ###TEMPLATE_ANTISPAM### ###CAPTCHA### ###TEMPLATE_PDF### ###REL_URL### ###total_uploadedFiles### ###IF_[FIELDNAME]=[value]### ...

Includes settings.additionalIncludePaths.1 = typo3conf/ext/myExtension/hooks/ ...

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Mastertemplate (HTML) <!-- ###master_input_small### --><div class=“row“> <div class=“three columns“> <labelfor=“###fieldname###“>###LLL:###fieldname#########required_###fieldname######</label> </div> <div class=“nine columns“> <inputclass=“smallinput-text“type=“text“size=“30“id=“###fieldname###“name=“###formValuesPrefix###[###fieldname###]“value=“###value_###fieldname######“/> ###error_###fieldname###### <div class=“one columns sign“> ###validate_###fieldname###### </div> </div></div><!-- ###master_input_small### -->

Language File (XML)

<?xml version=“1.0“ encoding=“utf-8“ standalone=“yes“ ?><T3locallang> <data type=“array“> <languageKey index=“default“ type=“array“> <labelindex=“required“>Feldermit*sindPflichtfelder!</label> <label index=“title“>Anrede</label> <label index=“choose“>Bitte wählen</label> <label index=“ms“>Frau</label> <label index=“mr“>Herr</label> ...

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Formtemplate (HTML)<!-- ###TEMPLATE_FORM1### begin -->###master_multipart-form-start_contact-form### ###master_spamprotection-timecheck### ###master_section-start### ###master_information_required### ###master_input_small_title### ###master_input_small_name### ###master_input_small_e-mail### ... ###master_submit### ###master_section-end######master_multipart-form-end_contact-form###<!-- ###TEMPLATE_FORM1### -->

E-Mail template (HTML)<!-- ###TEMPLATE_EMAIL_ADMIN_PLAIN### -->###master_email-admin-start-plain###

<!-- ###ISSET_title### -->###master_email-line-plain_title###<!-- ###ISSET_title### --><!-- ###ISSET_name### -->###master_email-line-plain_name###<!-- ###ISSET_name### -->...

###master_email-admin-end-plain###<!-- ###TEMPLATE_EMAIL_ADMIN_PLAIN### --> (eigene Plain und HTML Parts)

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PreprocessorpreProcessors { 1.class = Tx_Formhandler_PreProcessor_LoadDefaultValues1.config{ 1 { field.defaultValue={$field.value} amount.defaultValue = {$amount.value} }

} 2.class = Tx_FormhandlerPayment_PreProcessor_LoadSession2.config{ } }

Markermarkers { marker = TEXT marker.value = {$value.marker} marker = CONTENT marker { table = static_countries ... renderObj = COA renderObj { 10 = TEXT 10.field=cn_iso_2 ...

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Validatorsvalidators { 1 { class = Tx_Formhandler_Validator_Default config{ fieldConf{ title.errorCheck.1=required email { errorCheck { 1=required 2 = email 3 = isNotInDBTable 3 { table = fe_users field=email showHidden = 1 } } } # for an array of checkboxes documents.errorCheck { 1 = minItems 1.value = 2 } ....

Error Wraps singleErrorTemplate { totalWrap = <div class“errorBox> | </span> singleWrap = <span class=“error“> | </span> } isErrorMarker { default = <img src=“{$PATH.img}errorSign.png“ /> }

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if { 1 { conditions {OR1.AND1=radiofield={$value.radioField} }

isTrue { validators { 1 { .... }

isFalse { validators { 1 { .... }

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Interceptor # Order No. saveInterceptors.1.class = Tx_FormhandlerPayment_Interceptor_OrderId settings.saveInterceptors.1.config{ ... }

# Spam Protection saveInterceptors.2.class = Tx_Formhandler_Interceptor_AntiSpamFormTime settings.saveInterceptors.2.config{ minTime.value = 1 minTime.unit = seconds maxTime.value = 1 maxTime.unit = hours redirectPage = {$PAGE.error} loggers.1.class = Tx_Formhandler_Logger_DB }

# Payment Process saveInterceptors.3.class=Tx_FormhandlerPayment_Interceptor_Postfinance saveInterceptors.3.config{ #transport: get / curl / post transport = get apiServer =https://e-payment.postfinance.ch/ncol/ # apiMode: test / prod apiMode = prod

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Finisher # send E-Mail 1.class = Finisher_Mail 1.config{ checkBinaryCrLf = message admin { templateFile = TEXT templateFile.value = {$PATH.mailformtemplates}emailAdmin.html ...

# DmailSubscription 2.class = Tx_Formhandler_Finisher_DmailSubscription 2.config{ NewsletterSysfolderId = {$PID.tt_addressFolder} ...

# store in DB 3.class = Finisher_DB 3.config{ table = tt_content key = uid fields{ ...

# Redirect 4.class = Finisher_Redirect 4.config{ redirectPage = {$PID.redirectPage} }

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•Normales Formular•Multistep Formular mit Conditions•Newsletter Registrierung•User Registrierung •User Login•Payment / Bestellformular•Seminaranmeldung•Datei Upload Formular•DateiRequestFormular•Gästebuch•Kommentarformular•FAQ Formular•Feedback Formular•Fragebogen•...

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Offizielle Seite mit Docu und Tutorials: http://www.typo3-formhandler.com/

Forge: http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/extension-formhandler/


#t3see - http://www.t3see.de/