Two Higgs Doublet Model: Past and Future

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Two Higgs Doublet Model: Past and Future. February 21, 2014, EWSB-Flavours-LHC @ Guwahati. 2HDM: Past & Future. EWSB-Flavour-LHC. • Intro : Flav H ➾ EWSB Soni; H + ; Enhanced “Murky”; Top-Higgs • Let’s Do H + : b → s g ( g ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Two Higgs Doublet Model: Past and Future

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 1

Two Higgs Doublet Model:Past and Future

February 21, 2014, EWSB-Flavours-LHC @ Guwahati

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 2

• Intro: Flav H ➾ EWSB Soni; H+; Enhanced “Murky”; Top-Higgs

• Let’s Do H+: b → s(g)

• “Murky Mode” @ 10%: b → c & b → sg ➥ B → D(*);

• FCNH: Model III & t → ch

• LHC • Conclusion

2HDM: Past & Future EWSB-Flavour-LHC➾

More on “Lost Opportunities”

(from my past dabbles)

and Good Pheno Link

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 3

mmF ~ Fυ

mmV ~ gυB.E.H., 1964

Weinberg, 1967


VL “seen” since 1983

The “God” Particle: the Origin of Mass

Fermion: Repeated Doublets

(Agent of)EWSB

Higgs: Second Doublet

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 4


Will focus on Flavour Connection

p.s. parameters in Higgs sector always give me the shudders …

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 5

Thanks, Soni !

WSH, Soni, Steger, b → s PLB’87WSH, Soni, Steger, b → sg* PRL’87WSH, Soni, Bd & Bs Mixing PLB’87

WSH, Willey, Soni, b → sℓℓ PRL’87


Introduced me to B Physics.

But I missed “large QCD corrections” by focusing too much on New Physcs…Bertolini, Borzumati, Masiero, PRL’87Deshpande, Trampetic, Eilam, Singer, PRL’87 ➥ Operator Analysis: Culmination in M. Misiak!

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 6

Thanks, Soni !

WSH, Soni, Steger, b → s PLB’87WSH, Soni, Steger, b → sg* PRL’87WSH, Soni, Bd & Bs Mixing PLB’87

WSH, Willey, Soni, b → sℓℓ PRL’87


Introduced me to B Physics.

Timelike Lightlike Spacelike

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 7

Before summer 1987, before moving from Pitt to Munich, saw this paper

... and said to Ray Willey, “We can easily do this, too.”

Turned out they focus on large tan … and missed a crucial sign.

H+ effect

b → s

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 8

Usual 2HDM Framework: NFC

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 9

H+ Couplings in Model I/II


(mindset: ~ mt/mb)

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 10

• 1992: CDF bound of mt > 91 GeV

Could top be still lighter?

• Ca. 1990: Bs.l. (semileptonic BR) and NC (charm counting) problem.

Could there be Enhanced “Murky” Modes?

➥ Polish synergy:

B → D(*); B →

t → ch

Non-NFC: Model III

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 11

• Intro: Flav H ➾ EWSB Soni; H+; Enhanced “Murky”; Top-Higgs

• Let’s Do H+: b → s(g)

• “Murky Mode” @ 10%: b → c & b → sg ➥ B → D(*);

• FCNH: Model III & t → ch

• LHC • Conclusion

2HDM: Past & Future EWSB-Flavour-LHC➾

More on “Lost Opportunities”

(from my past dabbles)

and Good Pheno Link

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 12

Let’s Do H+: b → s(g)

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 13

logarithmic vs power GIM suppression in SMQCD corr. brings in large log

b → s(g)

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 14

ξ2 = cot2, ξξ′= ξ2 (Model I), (Model II)

fig. stolen from Hermann, Misiak, Stenihauser

why does ξ′ enter?

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 15

ξ2 = cot2, ξξ′= ξ2 (Model I), (Model II)

fig. stolen from Hermann, Misiak, Stenihauser

why does ξ′ enter?

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 16

ξ2 = cot2, ξξ′= ξ2 (Model I), (Model II)

fig. stolen from Hermann, Misiak, Stenihauser, JHEP’12


2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 17

Hermann, Misiak, Stenihauser, JHEP’12 [1208.2788]

Exp 1SM 1

WSH & WilleyNPB’89

State of the Art

Can be weakened by BSM

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 18

“Murky Mode” @ 10%: b → c & b → sg ➥ B → D(*);

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 19

The Polish Connection/Synergy b → c part based on Krawczyk and Pokorski,


SM ~ 3% ~ 0.2%

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 20


m co



~ SM~ SM

charm counting

Sol. 1: b → sg @ 10%

Great Pheno If True !

ca. 1991 Sol. 2: b → c @ 10%

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 21


Form Factorstr. long. scalarscalar➥ polarization Flip Kalinowski, PLB’90





2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 22

ALEPH Exclusion of b → c @ 10%; and then …

b → + X = (4.08 ± 0.76 ± 0.62)% PLB’93(2.75 ± 0.30 ± 0.37)% PLB’95(2.43 ± 0.20 ± 0.25)% EPJC’01

➙ SM-like, rule out enhanced b → c = (1.05 ± 18)%= (1.64 ± 15)%

saturate inclusive (PDG’13) expected

a crisp result:no new hadronic effect

beyond fB within SM


2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 23

Crisp B → Surprise

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 24

anybody out there?

cottage industry

When First Evidence in 2006, citations soared. A Driver for Super B Factory

Theory Summary George W.S. Hou (NTU) FPCP@USTC, Hefei 5/25/2012 25

Finally underway in my own group …

• Old Tensions: e.g. Or,

But, B → almost touched by BaBar/Belle.

Super B Factory (2015 for Belle 2) would unravel it “immediately”. Totally different systematics!

An Illustration towards 2015+

Which One ?

No serious sign of Godot in FPCP ...

Roderjohann; SoniLüth


Stole from my own FPCP2012 Talk

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 26

FCNH: Model III & t → ch

Became relevant recently at the LHC


2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 27

2HDM Framework: NFC 2HDM III: “Natural” FC Neutral Higgs FCNH

from B Phys.

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 28

FCNH: t → ch & Model III

Thy Shall Not Mix4G – 2HDM –

FCNH ! “ ”

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 29

t → ch / t → bW* h → tc / h → bb & tt



1% benchmark

FCNH: t → ch & Model III

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 30

Pro-found if Found

• BaBar Anomaly, 2HDM-III & tch0 Coupling

• B Physics & H → Constraints • t → ch0 Search at LHC

Kao,Kao, Cheng,Cheng, WSH,WSH, Sayre,Sayre, PLB 2012PLB 2012Chen, WSH, Kao, Kohda, 1304.8037Chen, WSH, Kao, Kohda, 1304.8037

MassFCNH: verboten in SM & 2HDM I/II

Glashow-Weinberg 1977

Fajfer, Kamenik, Nisandzic, Zupan, PRL 2012Fajfer, Kamenik, Nisandzic, Zupan, PRL 2012Crivellin, Greub, Kokulu, PRD 2012Crivellin, Greub, Kokulu, PRD 2012; 1303.5877; 1303.5877 CGKCGK


C.Kao talk







t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 31

Very (too) Large !

BaBar,PRL 2012

BaBar “Anomaly”

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 32

2HDM-III (General) Yukawa Interactions[we use notation of Mahmoudi and Stal, PRD 2010[we use notation of Mahmoudi and Stal, PRD 2010



CGK considered Decoupling Limit: SMH

To consider t → ch0 : FCNHFCNH • Need Nondecoupling: h mixes in cos () frac. of H

• Not only bb, but turn out small (next page) deviate from CGK [left with mH+ pockets

• ct ~ 1, implying tt and cc need be considered!

Crivellin, Greub, Kokulu, PRD 2012Crivellin, Greub, Kokulu, PRD 2012

22 33

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 33

How large can B (tt → → chch00) be?If ctct ~ 1~ 1, what constraint we have on coscos (()) ?

N.B. From tt(bar) measurement with dileptons, one

infers B (tt → → chch) cannot be larger than few %.

With Regrets, “detach” from BaBar anomaly

mH+ pockets remain

B & H → Constraints

tt →→ chch00 Search at LHC

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 34

Summary of Constained 2HDM-III


New Sector to be probed

at the LHC

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 35

No Evidence of Excess Jets in ZZ* …

Any tt(bar) → ch bW ?

KCHS’12KCHS’12: Can probe down to 1%: Can probe down to 1%

Craig et al., PRD 2012: < 2.7% (can improve)Craig et al., PRD 2012: < 2.7% (can improve)

Simple CLs estimategives (95% C.L.)

B (tt → → chch) < 1.5%

Best done directlyby the Experiments

ATLAS 4ℓ + 4j evt (backup)




Is there bias even in ZZ*?

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 36

∙ + 4j, + jj + l : [ in Higgs window] Because of background concerns, evts perhaps rejected by (VBF) Even the study of such BG may be interesting; b/t tags if found.

∙ WW* + jets, WW* + jets + W : [no Higgs Mass]


ATLAS announced at Higgs Hunting, Orsay, week after EPS: t → cH < 0.83% at 95 C.L. ATLAS-CONF-2013-081

CMS announced at SUSY2013: t → chmult-ℓ < 1.28% at 95 C.L. CMS PAS-SUS-13-002

Can be


Astounding: % level bound year after Higgs Astounding: % level bound year after Higgs discovery !discovery !

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 37

2HDM H+ Search at LHC

Eli Ben-Haim @ EPSHEP2013

a BaBar-centric View LHC Search has Started !

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 38


t → bH+ Search at LHC

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 39

t → bH+ & H+ → tb at LHC ATLAS-CONF-2013-081

t t →→ bH bH++: : getting there getting there





HH++ →→ tb tb

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 40

finally getting there finally getting there

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 41

Conclusion: 2HDM I, II & III

b → s B →

Haisch 0805.2141 BaBar throws inB → D(*)monkey wrench ➥ Rule out 2HDM II ?

finally getting therefinally getting there

FCNH t → ch Search Underway

need Belle-II (2015+)need Belle-II (2015+)

2015+ Looks Bright

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 42

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 43

Outline Is “the Higgs” the Agent of BEH Mech.?



Dilaton Dilaton : Goldstone boson of SSB of Scale Invariance

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 44

υ /F

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 45

Leading Processes


How does Dilaton Dilaton fake Higgs ?

H → ZZ* → ee

H →




υ /F


but, no convincing evidence for VBF (Vector Boson Fusion) or VH (Higgsstrahlung off V) so far ➙ ➙ Check Dilaton Dilaton 2015+ !

cgυ /F ~ SM Higgs

cg c ~ SM Higgsfortuitous, maybe …

2HDM George W.S. Hou (NTU) Guwahati, 2/2014 46

B → Satus

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 47



ctct needed needed With Regrets,

“detach” from BaBar anomaly

b → s : bb tiny Higgs → : smallBecause of Because of chiralchiral m mtt/m/mbb and and KMKM enhancement, enhancement, bbbb tiny tiny !!

~ SM

mH+ pockets remain

Data-constrained 2HDM-III

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 48

Example: Clean Sample of ZZ* → 4ℓ

With 126 GeV dominantly SMH, i.e. sin(() ) ≃ 1 (near Decoupling), ZZ* (and WW*) Rate hard to change.

The width of 126 GeV Higgs can be enhanced by cccc as not measured.

Gluon Fusion can be enhanced by tttt , even though damped by coscos (())..

Consistency of 15-20 evts~ SM w/ little BG,

for both CMS/ATLAS

Cf.: tt(bar) ~ 220 pb, if t → cht → ch 2%, then tt(bar) → chbW is at 9 pb !

~ 22 pb

Could we haveseen it already !?

t → ch @ LHC George W.S. Hou (NTU) EPSHEP@Stockholm 19/7/2013 49

One ATLAS ee + 4j Event !!

ATLAS-CONF-2013-013, (extra) Fig. 38 [thanks to Bill Murray

“Passed VBF Selection”Is there bias even in ZZ*?

is there a b?