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TWIVOlfc 2... KO. 217

I f l T P. JIHO iTTO

ENFORCE ORO[ll <Judge Anderson Gives Kansas

Miners’ Leader Brief Time to Present Evidence tbSl In- • - junction Will Be Obeyed


Declares Law M ust Be Uphold or A okno w led ^cn t U ade | th a t the Union Organization S tands Snpreme ^

IN D IA N A PO L IS , Ind ., (/ip>_ ro,A le x u d e r B ow at, p rts ld o n t o f tli« tiuBlaasos district, o f t i u U nltod MiM ino W orkers o f A m erica, w m « hrem andod to JoU U a itod B tatos jm'D is tr ic t J'adgo A adorsoa -wliBa nrpc o a r t rocoaveaed tlils aftom oon . ili’i

' H ow at, who Is charged w ith con- (iiu to m p t o f coort.-'was s ran to d a con-tlnniinco tb la m om tag natU n e x t I ('itM onday. |

IN D IA N A PO LIS, Intl., (i£p)—Declar- H in tc .that violationa of lho fodoral c o u r t 's Am injunction under tho Lovor .ac t Offainat ."0,( fu rtlic rin g tho coal HtViko in K ansas aiir m ust dtop, If persona g u ilty hnvo to bo di'l pu t In jn il aod kep t there , U nited S ta tea tlie D istric t Judgo A. B. A ndorson today ^ piTm itted Aloxandor H ow at, p reaident o f thu Kanano d ia trie t o f tho U nited J t M ihc W orkers u n til nex t M onday to l prepare his dcfonso o f chargcs o f con-1 tpnipt o f eourt.

I lcn ry W arrum , ehiof counsol fo r thc ; in te rna tionn l o rgan lia tlon o f tho m in­ora, nnd H ow at wore given u n til 2 J’ o 'crock th ia afte rnoon io p resen t to tho ? court somo ovidenco th a t v lo ln tions of tho in junction charged agn inst tho m in­o r s ' d is tr ic t o ffic ia l w ill n o t bo con- ' tinucd . during |h o in terim from now u n til tho hearing on nex t M onday. O th- * orwist', Judgo A nderson dodarod , he ‘ would be forco d to send H ow at to ja il. "

Chargea D efU nc* o f I a w ! “ This m an ,” Ju d g e A ndorson doelar ! \

<’»l, ••has openly and d e fian tly dlsobt7 '~ u

• 'T h is cou rt.and tbo law has bocn dc - | - - f ird and flouted. I ’ve go t to stop i t , 'K ' i f tho law ia to -be upheld. E ith e r l1

. m uat do i t o r wo muat ncknowledgo! th n t tho roganlsation fo r which h o j ’

' fltvndn is suprem e to tlio governm ent. I Thla m a n ’s violation jnuat stop o r I will p u t bim in a cell and keep him i b th e re .” . I n

Tho cnao aga ina t H ow at is tho out- h grow th o f charges of contem pt n g a in st n N4 in te rn a tio n a l and d is tr ic t o ffic ia ls 1 d o f tho mino w orkera, brought p rio r to i tho agreem ent roachod In Ind ianapolla t u Ooc. 10. J

Quotes H isto ry O jicnlng the caao fo r tho g o r im ra e n t a ,

th ia m orning D an W. Simms, sp ed a l United S ta te s d is tr ic t a tto rn ey , dcclar-

—<Ht-Jhnt U ow at had k o p t-in force g"to~ -----onl a triko begun laat Ju ly and merged w ith tho general s trik e on O ct. 31. In a<Idition, I t is chargod, H ow nt bos op- ^ only defied the court in s ta tem en ts aad in te rv iew s w ith the prean to tho cffec t th a t tljero was no powor in tho country to forco th e m iners to re tu rn to w ork. **

M r. Simms quoted from num erous in- te rrio w s and from a purported atriko h islory o f the K ansas d ia lric t to show — th a t ther* had been 304 strik e s in Craw- i fo rd county, Kanaaa, in th e laa t 33 months, and lh a t w bile B ow at probably d id not call all o f thom, th a t ho w as re- '— sponaible fo r th e orM tiisation whieh mndo th is posaiblo. Mr. S imms alao quotod new spaper n r ti? ie » ^ ^ ^ ilT ^ th a t H ownt w as feared by the operators and businesa men o f tho Kanaas d ia tr ir t nnd clcolared th a t no court o r o ther ageney had y e t been found in K ansas strong enough to f ig h t H o w a t

O onrt Is V obem ent Ju d g e A nderson was vehem ent in hia

- denuneiation o f tho condition# exiating* in the K anaas fie ld and to ld o f having received a num ber of “ s fu r r ilo u a '’ le t­te rs and ed ito ria l c lippingf from tlie d ia trie t, denouneing him fo r hia ncMinn in eonneetion w ith the coal a trike . Somo o f the lettera , ho said, were aigned nnd o thers w ere anonymous, b u t p rac ll ta lly a ll o f th rm , hc nanertod, w ere in v io la­tion of th e U nited S ta te s poatal laws.

Counsel fo r H ow at Introduced a re- apons» to tho c h a r '^ a in w hich i t was s ta led th a t a t tbe tim e H ow at was or­dered in to court tho m ineni in K ansas, and th e ir o f f i c i a l w ere in the a r t of re tu rn in g to w ork in com pliance w ith th e agreem ent reached by th e m in rra ’general eom m ittee, except a s to 1,000 ____m iners on loeal s trik e . Ju d g e A nder­son declared th e response Inau ffiricn t, AW in view o f the ehargcs, b n t said he ad ­m itted th e righ t o f H ow at to fu ll hear- Tiry lng and allowed the request fo r po it- |>oaement u n lil H ow at'a a tto rn ey from K ansas tn igbt be sommoned. ^

H laU a t Stxlka S pread ate'aIn his p resen tation of th e govern- '‘ifi'

■ m en t'a case. M r. Simma re fe rred to a re jw rted ag rrcm en t betw een H ow at an d i D avid F ram pton, p reaident o f fhe M i s - " ' '" souri m iners, to continue tb e local s trik e s in the ir d is tric ts and a ta ted th a t th r governm ent probably w^uld file an ih fo rm atioo againat Pronjptnn. D ariag ih e hearing , how ever, a te legram w ss r*>ceived sU tin g lh a l tb e M issouri a trik e ^ bad beea s e tU ^ and th a t tk e n r a had r r to ra e d to w ork th is m orning an d it------------------------------------------------15_______ _ shoi

( O n tia M d o a P a f s to m r) |Han



FOR BANDrstate Department Learn* Federal

quiz Delayed Move Against Nl spoliation— American Owned

■'Pesos including Horses and Foi


• W A SH D rO TO K , W o IM exico. N ovem ber 12, on cli

f ig h t, a re beitag ” he ld o n v a ilo as p re t tep o rted In a d ispa tch recelTed to d a y a

T he consul d id n o t explain w h a t t I a te ly a f to r roce lv lsg h is d ispatch , the

can em bassy a t M exico O i ^ to make g o re m m e n t

W A SH IN G TO N , ( ^ —Kri'<^eriek Hu- m.go, tho A m orican .rnnch m nnager cnp- hjtu rcd by bundltn in th c rc c c n t'rn id nn loiMtirquiz, M exico, nnd la tor liborntcd, th«•»« reli-iiHod under nn agroem ent lo adji.iy rnnw»ni w iihin twoivo days, renreord ing to in fonnn tinn ronching tno Ita ilep iirtm in l o f a ta to . The dopartm ent(innnunood lodnv Hint inatruetiona iind lwbeon H cn t'to tin- ombnsay in Moxieo M'Citv to iiiHiat thn i 8lo()!i to oiipttiro tho la.bnndita ,bo tnkon by tho Moxioan gov. wr

"^t Iio" tiiidora took fn.m M u /q u i^ lL i Amoricnn ownod jtrojiorty vnlnod :if sol ."0,n00 poaoa, 14S horses nnd Inrge food th' auppliea, oceord ing to tho report to th c an dopnrtm ent. Ahout .'tOd .l.iindita mndo hn the n ttnck . A foderni foreo of 7.*>0 on

Japan Would Send jll' Troops to Sifierial**

PA RIS. (/Pl— Ja])an.-Ho i;o,vorn- \ m ent o ffic ia la nro most nnxious 1 over tho aitun lion n t^ r k i i ta k , Bi- t n b e ria n t Irkn t»k , S iberia , neeord- ing to in form ntion roarh ing peneo 1 confortneo cireloa.

Thev would liko to K.-nd trMips I thero, it ia anid, but do not deairo to do HO w ithout hnving rouelied „ nn uiuloratandiilg w ith tho Unitinl H inloa and tho vnrioua nllied gov- 5 ; ornnionts. I t ia uiidoralood the W nshington enJ.inol ia nnt pnrlic- .i" u lnrly fnvornble to th is anCTJoalion.

■ -------- -------t- t :Kolchak Soldiers

''Freeze in Hospital .viLONlK)N. (,fP)--Sovon hundrod

soldiers o f tli« nrmy ronunnndi-d bv A dm iral K olohnk, hoad o f llio nll-Buaainn governm ent » i-8 ib o riu . hnvo fior.on to donth in n hoapitnl 1 nonr Omsk, neeording t« n w iroleai of diapnteh frimi Moscow. ain

Severe f ig h tin g Is going <m in tho X arv.i, K iov and K harkov ro- gion, tho atn tem ont doclnros.

Approves Proposal lai

__ ^To Assist ChildrenSVDNEY, X. 8. W., (/P>—Tho do

Now Bouth W ales s ta te nntionnl- ^cjIst p a r ty has npproved the govern- Vscm en l'a p roposal to auliHidizo ehil- jdron exceeding tho num ber o f two palia aay fam ily . mn


tbe Dntch Indies w ith lansanno is being arrangod by M. Fokker, s tated .

n e w ' YORK, (/P)— The first Onban sugar, consisting of 24 ,C day on tbe steam ship M atanzas to Amorican refiners.

SAN SALVADOB, BcpnbUc c tional board of health has dccic of draining tho port of AcajutU milos w est of San Salvador, and already been sen t the re to s tnd ; ago w ork will bo inaugurated io

COPEIJHAGENi (;p)— The Da: tioned an appropriation for tho radio s ta tion to establish dircc United S ta tes._________________

AMERICAN STEAMER BURNS M.n rw ood Comes to O rief O ff & a s t o f B e

P e rn ; Crew Is Beecbed g

N trw YOBK, (;P>—The Am erican , .teamshl7» Firw ood, owned b r the Pa- * •ifie Am eriean F isheries companv, was Lurned whilo o f f the roaat n f Pe'ru and ;.er erew rescued hv th e Holland-Am er- ican line a team er O orredvk, neeonling lo w irrlens advices received here to- Jttv by agenta o f tho D utch ateam er. '

TTie G orrrdyk la enroute fo R otter- lam fm m Chil<^aa porta and she ad- d ae d .th f tt th e Am erican .lailors would t>e landed nt one o f the rn o a m a «■«"»! porta. •') >'**

The. la te s t repo rt o f fVe Firw ood ihows her a rr iv a l a t Callso, P eru , f ro n ^ n P^dro D ecem ber Z,




T R E N E W S f 4 C A R R A N Z A ^ >1TS’ C A P T U R E

■al Force within 40 Miles of Muz- Marauders Until After Its De­

ri Property Valyed at 50,000 Bi Food Supplies Twen

B E PB ESEN TA TIO N Sia h iOb s b b l d o n * ‘p b £ t b z t s ' '

> A n e rle a n b lue jacke ts a rre sted a t F i I c h a f e s o f p a r tld p a tln g 1a a s tre e t ireteM a.” th e 'A m erican consul there .y a t th e s ta te d e p o rtm en t ' it th e ” p re te x ts” w e re ,.b u t immedi- h e dep a rtm en t In struc ted th e A m eri- lake repreeontatlons to th e M exican

meu nnd six mnchlne |^,n;u com m anded l.y Oenoral'a- Kiemit u n d M ’oraldl w as loas thnu ' 40 milea from Mur.quir. . i t ' tho timo o f tho rnid, tho d o p a rtm o n t'« advices a tu tcd , nnd mndo no o ffo rt to ' relievo tho town or go to It u n til th ? ' bandila had ovncuafed lh.« plneo. j

Fivo trn in s on Ihc rnilrond lino bo- ‘ twoon Snn I.uls I’oloai nitd TnnipiOo, Moxico, a rc ro jo rted to hnvo boon a t ‘ lackcd by b and ila duriiig tho pnat f ivo ) wooks. Ouo trn in wns blown up Do- ,, comber 17 nenr Cardouaa, s ta le o f San

I Luis I-olosi, nnd ton pnssougors nn l '’‘‘I aoldiera nro kM to have boen killed, tho rojiorlH to rhe aln te de im nm out anid. About HH jiorsona nro aaid lO hiin> beon killod in n sim ilar inc iden t on llmt .line on Docomber (1. ' ,

H i n i s i i F s:I flFITTHIJPOIIFIIENffli*

----------• . * boInquest Probes Death of M an 7#/

I AUeged to Havo Had P a r t I'ho j _ in A f fa i f «»;.i

D U BLIN , (/P)— The a tn to ’s a tto rn o y gnvo deta ils o f tlm n ttem pt to aaansBin- *■ ato V iscount French, lord-lleutoniknt of Irolnnd, when tho inquest over th c body of Savngo; lho young g ro co r’s H rrk who w n , i.l.g| .m .l k illrd whllo running from the sceno o f tho a t- tem pt, wna resumed here today.

The f ir s t m r ca rry in g V iacount j,',.,' French pnssod .juickly bv tho spot from j whioh tho shots Wi'To f ire d , tho tea ti- „in mony developed. Tho bombs wore then hurled in <|itlck aiiecesBion. Both o f „jo Ihom atruck n cnr w hirh was em pty . Hu Tho Hocon.l bomb oxplod.ul inside tho .« vohiele. jq

Sergeant tcumblo, who w as n mem ber of tho eacorling pnrly , wns said b y th e a la to ’s n tlornoy to have fired and — killed Savage while tho In tte r wns in fho a c t o f Jhrow ing a bomb. _

N either o f tho nufomobiioa was ap- 11 morcd, h is testim ony showed. H

The s t a t e ’s a tto rn ey snid Savngo h ad I lakou p a rt in the rebellion on E a s to r Sunday, lOlU, in Ireland nnd th a t la to r ho wns removed to England.

Tho ju ry rendered n verdict la te to ­dav In which i t snld Bnvago ” m et h ls death by a bullet fired by tho m ilita ry

A ridor to the verdict expressed sym- p athy w ith th e rolntivos o f the .d e a d

' ------ ~ = I,

^ S - E V E N T S 1 1_______________ ________________________ I liev

plane flight from Holland to 10 as tho first'iVdpp’ing place • e r.'the airplane inventor, it is. j

- one__________ vi<l

St cargo of tho new crop of 4,000 bags, reached bore to - " ii/ eas. The' sugar is consigned

a f f--------------- Innc of Salvador, {/P)— Thc na-cided to undertake tbo work ^itla, on tbe P acific 'ocean . 60 pornd a san itary commission has cen idy the sitnation. Tho drain-in tho near future. gov

--------------- byDanish governm ent has sane- ^ 10 erection of a long d istance '•ect communication w itb the ihii

Ihn- I

MARKET FEELS DEPRESSIONE eactlon roUowB W sx-tim e B ooai m

Sweden w ith S trikes s a d H l«h Costs re.i------- thi!

.STOCKHOLM, (/p}—Be.-»ction n ffe r the war-timo boom, w nken . lh e higl. rost o f liv ing . inrrr.-»,cd tnxntion and 'J”* la rk of e.npjtal, have eomhined to

.n.cent-ral>.ii,>n in tho SwodI'V finnnrin l markV:. ,

Si-ver.ll large fin:»nrl.-,l atid commo'r- r ia l concerns hrxve rerenH v f.iited . ^ d raw ing down n ith Ihrm .affilia ted . ' firm ,. S tock e irh an g e uo tations fo r loading accBritic^ have declined lo thc lowest figures fo r m any y e a rv .

• IDAHO WEATHEB ■- Tbaight aod T uesdar ta ia or snow.



“ COONCIL SEEKS |« ■s TOiKEPEIlCE : B rC iS T iS® Bends Efforts to Reach Early

Agreement with Gerfiiany on. Question of Reparation for Sinking of Fleet


Terms of Note Eeplying to Last Communication of Hnn Rep- for resentative Roceiving P inal Ell Touches *"8

a . - ---------- ■ rofi, PA B IS , l/P)—The supreme coon'-I d l . I t becam e know n today. Is ^„ m ak ing every e f fo r t to reach an 5*0 ag reem en t w ith Oormany on- tho :?

question o f reparaU on fo r th e “. s la t in g o f t io Oorman f le e t a t

Scapa Flow so th a t th* protocol “, m ay bo signed and ra tific a tio n s o f ^ ’ th e tr o a ty o f VersaUles exchanged

p befo re C hristm as. P»Tho torm s o f the note roploing to ^

, tho In.Hf eom m uuicalion o f tl-o G orm m5 ropresenfalivoH woro consldorod bv Hi.- oriiii

council Ihis m oraing. I t n n s ............ .. “ Tli1 to hold anollior soasjon Ihis ovoning. It nro,, w as boliovod tha t Iho noto, if thon com f„ih . plotod, would bo handed during - th -

ovoning to .Haron K urt voa Loraiior, . hond o f tho Gorman mission ' IJi

O th e r Problem s A head 'Fow doln ils now romnin lo bo diar.o-:-

od o f hy lhe oouncil to clenn up the work o f tho poaoo oonforoneo, w ith Iho "T*

I cxeeptlon o f tho H ungarian nii<l Turk- »i»« ish Iroalii'ti and tho UusHinn ailuntinn.

• I t wns-thoiight todny thin ull elao might ‘-I'll'i bo diapohod n f in timo lo. pormit tho f*xc

, oololtf^ilion o f ChrislmuH in n alnlo of «lonlo ffoctivo po.neo w ith rj.-rmnnv ,mlo:.a oxj.ltho nn tion mnintainod eortain o f hor nhoiiolvioclions to Iho final tonna, a f te r re- Bufi re iv in g tho council’s noto '

, Considers Serb ian Olaims .Horbia 'a domand fo r ritv lo tiio „

. nm ouut o f U,500,000,00ft frnncs in rep- ; o ra tio n ., on tho ,omo lo lln ,: u. th ,. ' ': accorded B«'lgium, wna discuaaed by tho ^• council but no docision was reached. “ f ' ’ II n,,„onto,l lo l„. 11,0 fo d ln n ilin t th i . e “ "

wna a quostioii fo r the repnrnfiona com- m in io n lo diapoao o f n f le r Iho tren tiea 1*' ®

t had beon put inlo offoct. •' A ll thc pow ers intorestod excopt Hu- ' uifinin having cnneurrod in tho nilo;- > mont fo r d istribu tinn of tho rolling ' t atock o f tho rnilwava o f tho old A ustm l'‘l '• H ungarian empire, tho council decide I A; 3 »« aend a note lo Bum ania ask ing hor nnd

to signify her aeceplnnco. com]r B ritish P la n Abandoned

A bandonm ent of th r Britisli j>lan ^

' • (C ontinued on Pnge P our) Klli.i

:PBElER lERS I ; N EilfllS IIBU l

M easure Modeled on American I Plan, Gives Large Amount ,.n-d

of AutonomyI.O X nO N , (/P)—Prrm ior L ) o v d aevoi

Goorge, n t tho oi.oning of m .rlinmenl eonsilodny, nnnn.inei-d lho details o f th«* l.tndigovornm on t’a Iriah honio rule .bill. Hex}T his menaure,. w h ich ’ will, it ia I..- wnslieved, give a Inrge amount o f nulono- be am v to Ire lan d , hns been, neeording .to o f icreeont c fn fo m ^ ls , modelled a f te r the f»»als ta te govornmonl.'tl system of tlie '^Jn iU i.crmod St.atos • ^ n , rk

Tho leg islators, one for • ria to r a n l Thone for soulhem Ireland , would be pro firiovi<lod, and Ihe wiiv ia le ft ojion fo r -i rcgaunion o f Ihe Iwo sections, should thev Rpnj., decide to fake thia slop. Kulleat pi*-s ib le froodom would be nceordcd the , Iriah legiHlnluroa in adm iniatering tho nrf.-iirK-of Iho ial.ind, while in m a ttc r i a ffe c tin g the empire, Ire land wouldhnvo a voice in the im perial parli.i- »>'• I'm ent. she

A cceptance N o t E xpected ‘ '"urom m onta In thia m orning’s nowspa '

pers on the prem ier’s sta tem en t revealgeneral hopelessness regard ing anv im- ” l-ovom ent in Iho -itna lion na beini:llkoU- tn reault. Nobody expecta the " ' ' f ’g o v em m en t’a propoaals to acceptcJ boarbv the bu lk o f the Iriah people. »■«"

I t ia s ta ted S ir Kdward I'.iraon a n lh is follow ers w ill necepi the p lan fe r rout(a separa te parlinm enf fo r I’M c r. but «'th is is likelv lo anL-igoniie. ra th e r undoIhnn reconcile the real o f Ire lnnd . it w

I t ia (oncedcd, even by opponenla of fourthe govenim enf, tha t the a ttem pt effcf again»t the life r f Viarount F rench on F ridav will not a ffec t the cnvcram ent-a .itfitudo or induce it in anv I f /

‘ w av to .-liter the Aeheme which h.ns a l­ready heen fram ed, but it is w id fh.i: th ia w ill not bc counted as gcnem aiiy

. by fhe enem ies of the Iriah propoaaU.Unknow n persona nighf en tered Ll

I the office .o f fhe D ublin ' IH ilv Inde- Nob, irendent. a new spaper which sh.irplv Line

eritiria.-d fhe n tfack on V iscount tiveF rench , w recking the fypcaetfing m.i of 1chino* .-md crippling tho stereo tvp in .: Tlplan t. The raiders cscaped. ‘ M rs

; The men who n ttem pted to a«sa>a- deprinafc L ord L ieu tenant F rench cou fhattinue a t lib e r ty and so fa r as know n, wnrn

' no fu r th e r d o e s lo th e ir Ideattlle* frotrhave heen obtained. A D ab lia -dls- proxpatch to th e D aily M all sar> : “ A ma<t- c a ehu n t fo r S iaa .P eiaer* w ilf b c .ia ad e ia ElDublin tb is w e«k.” stat<

_____ li_____ ____________



olice Reserves with Drawn Qubs Bayonets Overawe Tumultous They Had Come to Inquire Abo Ship Buford to Soviet Russia


NEW YORK, (fl>)— a won id beon deported to Russia yeste )rd, -a mob of 150 "Rods” today ilis Island ferry in an offort to ret Ig deportation. A rio t caU w as tu: js to re order.

T he mob fonned aroond th e ga te ko ep e r 's cage several m inutes be- I fo re tbe a tta c k w as laxmched. Then < I th e w om an proclaim ing heraelf an I a n a rc h is t stepped fo rw ard and ■ I drove bo th fis t* th rongh th e glass window.

A s pieces o f glaaa crashed to the p av em en t th e crowd began chant­ing th e " In te rn a tio n a le .”‘■Down w ith thia d irty , ro tten gov- iiu ifu t,” scrcamod tlio woman, riioy hnvo tnken my huabund and L‘ tn k ing the husbands’ bro thers nnd Ihors o f us n il .”

Calls fo r Beeerves IJnnblo lo (jiiiot tho mob, Asii M itch- , aupcriiitondent of tho barge offico, atod al th c tip of M nnliatlnn, turnod a call fo r J.olico reserves.

The mob turned on tho f irs l jjolice- in to answ er Iho cnll und bent him, t when more roaorvcs w llh , <lrnwn lbs nnd a de ta il o f cOost guards with ;od bavouots a rrived , tho crowd sud- uly boi-nnic docile. M emficrs of It plnincd th ey had cotfio to inquiro 1* out ro la tives who hnd sailed on the "*• ford.

W om an I s D etained meA young Ilusslan woman who gnvo J nnmo o f C lara Drooks was nrrosted - tho ringleader.

C lara B rooks la te r was orraigned on chnrgo o f disorderly conduct, found .S- i l ty and com m itted to thc Tombs fo r “ v hou rs ponding an investiga tion b y a

obntlon o ffico r. She govo Lor ago' gj, :2-l yea rs nnd told tho m ag istra te ]<,f

It sho bnd gono to tho E llis Is ln n d «),, rry in an o ffo rl to seo her husband bv the- islnnd but th n t ” tb e j 'w o n ld no t | nii mo go. ” - I „-Q

As she snid Ihls she bcgnn to weep fir d n ilozcn o th e r women who bad oc- inpnuied her to eourt nlso w cpt. ^y

A r r ^ l n g N ex t B am n« ' rei Tw enty-tw o nnarch isls rem ained a t lia Isln tid todav aw aiting d e p o rta tio n ., lov w ill be sen t to Rusala w ith oth-I from D etro it nnd Chirngo whom the pnrtm ent of labor was unnblo to have insporled to New Y ork in timo to il on the -Buford. A rrangom enU for I- (loparturo of tho next “ soviet a r k ”ve not been com pleted, acconllng to ut •roa H. U hl, ac ting commiasioncr n t on .• islnnd. da

U n d e r Sealed Order* haSailing ordera now in tho bands o f P ' • m a a le r ,o f th e ” soviet a r k ' ’ deliv- •d to him fn bo opened tw enty-four irs from thia port, w ill perm it him DSC his discretion aa to w h a t ono o f V •oral Uussinn or F inniah j.o rts hia isignm cnt o f deported reds m ay be _ • do.l, it wns roporfed hero todav. The x ib ilifv c f fhoae orders, i t w as said, f ” s providod so th n t tho cap tain mny ab le to meet unforeseen conditions ieo nnd bnd w eather; o r poaaible rc- A c ml of office™ a t any one po rt to m il Kmma Goldman, A lexander g j j rkm an nnd tllc others to land, rhe aupplioa Tin the' B uford a re auf- lent for six tv to n inety days, aad , , :ardlo-a o f the tim e if takes , the pas- igers w ill bo Innded snmewhere.

L arg e E sco rt P rov ided til([I is alao believed in m any circles soc ro th a l nn escort o f ono or more de- bo overs now in N orth Sea w aters will an provided for the B ufonl as soon aa foi

’ lenvea the A tlan lie . This p ro te e - : iniII is to m inim ize the danger of strik - | ' ; a mine and to provide rescue c ra f t on )uld nnyth ing happen to th e B u fo ra . 'o f well as to aupport the sh ip ’s guards | en

)uld there be n ay dem onstration o f j ^ ' ' ' •enge m ade' aga inst l(cr bv thoae on [ ird or hy any friends o f th e a a a rc h - 'n a t the p o rt o f debarkation . 1S'ftvnI o fficers, fam ilia r w ith th e cn: itcs and w in te r w eather conditiona ma the te rrifo rv to wbieh the B uford | rcl

Inuhtedly will head, said today fhat I toe’ w ill be a t least th ree and p o ss ib ly , svl ir w-ecka before a land ing caa b c ' Ca ected. Ila r


L IN fO L N . N ob ..' f.p>—W omen o f .p r ■bra.ka aro being cMI.hL upon hv t l i i m; ncoln W om an 's club to w age an .i.'- lN . ■e eam pnign ngain*t the high c o 'f l a

living. j o fThia waa announced here todav bvI ra. N. K. H ildreth , head o f the fiv}'-] co p artm en t o f th e elub, who deelared wc s t th rough a boycott on eggs tho mi >men o f th is c ity bad forced prices ts JCT «.'5 fo 55 eeata a doxea la sp- cei jx lm a te ly two weeks tim e. Tho b aa h li eggs bas BOW b4<ce llftod .

E ffo rts to ladBc* all w o aen o f th e o f ,te to e a lls t la t i s f ig h t oa hl«h ” 1




lbs and Coast Guards with Fixed IS Crowd and Members Explain bout Relatives Deported on.the;

It io n s t a k e n f o rSOVIET ARK AT SEA

■Oman who declared her husband sterday on the “soviet a rk” Bn> ay a ttacked the entrance tp tbe reach follow radicals still aw ait- turned i ^ e f o r e the police ooold


m w i mSpecial Attention is Given Case

of Radical Suspect Charged with Responsibility for Trou­ble on Shipboard

N EW YOHK, Two po lly otil- cors nnd n(no members o f tlto crew of tho U nited S ta te s nrm y transpo ri Americn, charged ■with m utiny on tho high seas nnd o ther crim es, fnced nu o ffic ia l invcatign tion todny on bonrJ thfl sh ip .n t her p ier a t Hoboken'. U nof­fic ia l reportn say tho troublo w as fo­m ented by nn I. W . W . ag ita to r.

Come A shore In Irons ; *^Vhon fho Amoricn doekcd yeste rday , a f te r h av in g landed the U nited S ta te s peaeo de legates a t q uaran tine S a tu r ­d a y n ig h t, Uic accusod men woro tnken ashore in irons nnd th e story o f the m u tin y w ns revealed in p a r t I t Is charged th a t tho m en n ttom ptod fo loavo tho sh ip w ithou t perm ission, lot tho fire s die o u t, im perilled her sa fe tv by cu ttin g o f f the c lectric ligh ts, com-

; m illed lio tly robberies, frigh tened I women passengers nnd gam bled in do- finnco of Ihe officers.

Ono of Iho ring loaacrs Is said to be W illiam Calkins, nn o rd in ary Senmnn, reputod to bo a m em ber o f thn In d u s­tr ia l W orkers o f thc W orld. Ho h is beon a rre s ted n t aoa, b u t escaped the

I arm ed gunrd u n til th e tran sp o rt w as ro- I scnrchcd beforo docking.

Olaims to H ave B een “ S e n t”Special a tte n tio n wns given n t thn

in vestiga tion to C alk in s’ cnao. Ho is , sa id to hnvo jo ined the ship 10 m in­u tes before she sailed from Hoboken on the round trip which ended y o s to f d ay and to have announced tlia t ho had been “ a e n f ’ lo jo in tho erew T he Invoatlgutors nro seeking lo d^- termiDO i f a crew recru iling agency or professional a g ita to rs ” « c n t” him.

Socrecy w as throw n nronnd the in ­vestiga tion , b u t i t wns said a formal sta tem en t m igh i be issued la ter in the day . I t wns said, howevor," thn t s i t m ea died on the *" v o y n g t^ f iv s from pneum oaift nnd ono from drown-ioR- ■

ASSIGN BLAME FOR COSTSB ritish M ea t Im porte rs S s y O oren iraen t

Besponsible fo r H l« b P rle*

LONDON, (i'p)— The B ritish Incor- pornted Socicty of M eat Im porters blam es the governm ent fo r thc present high cost o f m eat in i;ngland. Th.i n c ie tv sta tea th a t Ule atorage w nr.- bousca of tho U nited Kingdom nro full and *hat there ia- no slorngo space left fo r cargocs o f froren m eat now a r r iv ­ing n t the ra te o f GO,000 tona a month.

” I t is onlv the fact th a t the gov­ernm ent is th e holder .-vnd only seller o f th ia m eat th a t keepa if a t its p res­en t exo fb ifan t p rice ,” deelared the so ciety . - - j,-

OBUDE o n . PBICEB.PITTSBU RG H , ( /T ^ A I I griraes o f

crude oil handled in th e P ittsbn rgh m arket were adv.anecd 25 cen ts a b a r­rel bv th r lead ing purchasing agencies today. The new prices .follow : Pean- sv lvan ia C nide $4.75; Com ing $3.35; C abell $.1.27; Som erset »3.10, and TUg- land Jl.GO.

NEBRASKA IN UGH COST OF LIVINGI p rices. M rs. H ild r e th - s a id .ta r e bein* m ade through correspondence w ith all

I Nebr’aska w om en’s d o b s which have I a m em bership o f about 12,000 -aaJ [o th e r a r tic les would be boveotted.; ” O nr f ig h t” she-ssSd, “ w ilL n d t be \ confined to clab women olose. All women s r e lav ited te jo U th e n e r e - m e a t Wa ha 're te .d a I t l a s s l f d efease to co o a te rse t th e e a a p * l |ta Arem trmde eenterm th a t po4e«e a re f e la j r to .b e h i« b e r la - tk e S B riacv" '^ ‘ W e w ire d lsffiu ted w ith high eost o f llT iag iavestlgatioB S,” she added. “ They all ' f e l l f la t . ’ ”

— __________________

■ • " I ■ ■1 . TW O

T E f lC e il " i t o [OOGIITE

UeOfEKWH o p e s t o D e v e l o p N e w T y p e o f

L e a d e r b y O f f e r i n g C o u r s e s

o f I n s t r u c t i o n i n M a n a g e m e n t

a n d P r o d u c t i o n P r o b l e m s

M : \ V Y O U K , (/P)— I 'M u rn tio n o f tlic lii lm r m en , \jo lh Ifacli-r.i Hiicl r a n k

lim l f ile , in nil.' o f ttic ]iriiic i])n l a in iS of th e T .-ii.'Ih t.h ' I .'ii itin , lo-m l 71 o f lil.' A incrl.-iin I 'V d c n ilio n o f T o iii-Ik ts , w liir li i« ju n l iirgnn iK in t; in tlic ra.Miltii-H o f (lie fftll.-KrH niii] nrbooln <.( N .-w V .,ri(. T h e T o iw I l th ’ P fd o rn - tlo n IN n f f i jia t . 'c l w itli flio A iiif r ic n n r .; , lc n i l in i i o f r .a lx if.

D Isavow R S o l f I n to r o s t

I 'ro f . '- s .- r Jh 'rti in ti n o f r r m , o f Cf.hiiii- l>ia riiiviT.M iiT . w lio in iir c n iilc iit o f llic AsHiii’v a l ^ T r iir lip r fi ' IT liion, fl;iyn .tlio nn io n j^T^fc^sorn n m l unliool tc a d i c r s «iro n e t in f t. tlic In lm r jn o v r in c iit m e re ­ly fo r K liiit ( lic y c o n fre t o u t o f i l . ^ o r itn 'iiir.i'lvc.“, Iii!i|pn<l tJi»y ])lan to hc lji l l ic ir . new aMsociiitc.H in tliu F e ilo rn tio n llf l.iilu ir a loiiK llic p n th o f JcihhvIi-iIkc-

T lioy lioj).', Iiy o |)i’n InB H iierinl n ig l i t riiiirMi'.i f o r la lio r Iciulcr.H in o c n n o in ir i , nKiniif,’c riicn \ a m i jiro d u c tio n jiro h lc m a a n d I tim lrc ii n i i l 'j c t f l , tn d c v c lo ji n n e w ty jic o f Icn iicr w 1k» w ill c o -o p o ra lo in n ia n a tr in i : iiu lim lrii-« lim tcn d o f njicml- iiij; llin lim o , I ’rofosK or D c frn m nnya,• • lil.-li^'riiiir w illi cn ijitoyorH .” J li id e r

o f Ihc T oacho rii ’ U n io n Iw o c i l ic r Nc-tH o f i-lnMMc.M w ill h e i n n l i t u t c j , cv .-n in ;; i-lasMi'H in K iik II.hIi , lijfilo ry , oco* iio iiiic 'i a n .l n n y o tli '- r m ih jo r l s wlii.Rh

ciirncrH in ijo n c rn l in n y d c n irc to jiiirs iio ; a n d d a y rourHoH f o r nipii on I t r ik o , KO H in t t l i c ir lim o nm y n n t ho wriHto.l.

B r ltL ih SctaoolB. I .c n d

T ill ' tm io n t< 'acltorn n ro in I 'r in fcro liro w ith llio I ’n ito d L a l 'o r o .liio a tin n ccim- iji i t lo o nn lii'lailH . D ri tin h univera ltir<< i' lioino tim o ngo o m iia rk c .l u |io ii a firo -j Namo m o tlio .l. . !;;ra rii o f I 'l l i ic a tio n iloHiKaoil { in tiic u la r- i lv f o r N'sni'r v-nriu-rs l>iU Uiv a h n s l no t m a d e mii.-li jirogrcH-i in- |lii» ('u iin- I ry . . ‘

I li( ;lio r wn:;c.>( f o r llicniN cIvcn, na id P ro fe s s o r I).-from , ia o n ly a H ccoiidnry ■ a im . o f Uic o iincatorB . " W o m^cii m o ro | n il.n e y )in l o n r f i r s t tw o n im a ,fito tlio r t . 'in o rr a t lz a t i i in <if e o lleg e a nm l n n iv c r - i H itic.i, a m i tlic c x tn n s io n o f th o t r n u r o .

. 'i ird in i; tn l ’rofc.»Hor P c f rc m , m van» th e Riirr.-niW'T . .f ll io a i lm iin s ir a l i i .n .it c l - i iic n tio n a l ia h titiitio iiH Io t h e f n m l t i e a , ■iiilv f inaiK -ia i- |iro lil .’m« h c iiii; l.'t 't ti.

. Hto .li',' .if ...... o f inm U 'os, T lio ,n n io n n im w ill lie llio o lo c lio n o f lo a c l i - ' om . h.'n.lH o f .le iia rtm cn iM , .h'ntiK a n .l! o lh o r o ffic ia lH h y tlic Icacl.crH tlic m - ; KolvcH o a II .le m o o rn tir h a llu t »y-.|.-m ,i n m l N ollJciiicnt o f c i liic a t io a a l ]irohleiiiN ' Iiy th.« Hanie inc tlio il.

T o I i i s t l tu to V o to ;

T e n u re o f o f f ic e o f lli<- rolloK c in-.j H triic to r, n?.HiHtiinC a n il a!<Hi.Ktanl j i r o - ' fo?>:ior w ou l.l no lo n j 'c r ho f ro m y . 'n r to I

■y.'ur, .h '].o iid .-n t n jm n Iho a c t io n o f m l- j m in iN tra liv o <ifficiiil.H h u t w oulil nl.^o ho j h a -c il iijmri til.- h a i r » ^ t h o to n a n f tli .‘ , to a c lio r o o n tin u in g a» Iihik hh liin o i.l- | IcaKucH c o a a iJo rc .l Jiim o f f i d u a t . • 1

■ s t i i i k ™ ^lllllOFMUSEIi

Expansion of San Francisco As- sociation Indicates Under-

tak ing 's Success ' j

S A N r K A N l'lS C O . (/T)— l-'ri.m tw o ' toom r. in a .-finaK f ra m e hu ililiu K t-. j

mill M iiiar.' f e o l o f f lo o r a j'aoo in a ' lliroo Mliiry h r is k M trucliiro in .lic n f t 's th e ' j . 'X jian o f t l i .‘ in d iia tr if tl w o rk o f th 'j , S a il l>aiu-l!tri> A H ^oclatioa f o r th o B l in d j Im m N .iv o m lio r I, 11*1.'', to N a v e in lic r i : I, H 'll i . t

T lic n iH .ir iii tion jin iv i i lo i n .iu lf h lin d w ith ija in f i i l o c c o iu i i io n : c a r r i - 's t ln m in m o fo r t r n r k to t i u j f ro m th o l in i ld - ; , , ia t; a a .I aN .i .lo .-i o d u c a t io n a l w .irk . I ,

I 'ln lo r tlio lii rc p l io n o f o x jie rU , th o ‘ „ I 'l iu 'f w o rk e r s -m a k o rco d a n d r a t t a n . , I 'l i r ii i tu n - f ro m .lc"ij;n !. in l j io r lrd f r d i i n , , a liro a .l . T lioy ji ro d u re a lso ruj;R, b ro o m s ,, a a il h ank i-ts , n il in r i i ia i i l i t ic i w h i . - h '' liuv.- ina ile lli.- I 'li l.T jir i- 'c . n r . ''i rd i i i j ; to [, -W illiam .M. lU iu k c r, c h a irm a n o f t h o ' a d v is o r y h u a r .l . “ a iin ii|u .- o ro ao m ie w . 'l f a r . ' mii cc-o . ■' T h e iiro .h ii 'ts a rc | „ - l i i t ’jKMl tu a t i i i 'i f J " o f th o e o im tr y . i y

M r. U iiiik rr .'ny.ii tin- h lin d , w o r k i n n ', h y to u o h . .Ill Ih .- i r w .irk m ore lh(ir.> ;ich-l ,, ly th a n th e .■.i-lit w o rk o r . :

T h e a 's o c ia t in n <loc^ no t lum s .' t h o [ , h lin d . h u l it ^;ivc•. lli.-m ih .- o f; iii.Tkini; IhcinsclvcH in .h ’r 'i 'n d '-n t. O ne I iiin .i r .d jio r.ion t a rc Kiii<j>ortcd h v tJio . a rn in i ;- . o f th e h l ia d w n rk c ru oV th e

Til.- aN -ii(i;itiriii h a s m a n y m c iu h o rs >.i i l l S ;iii T li. 'ir an«u;^I iln.-s I-U.-ci. tli.-, .•i.i.-rj.riv,- i;. , , , ! - T h .-y r n l . . ! ' ' !i. W'l ITMl'il, :i.< !l,,- i , I ly .1 hi

B A ttR E L C A C T U S r u i l N l S H E S ^ M A T E E IA I i T O C A N D Y M A K II i l M

A ri .- . | . . P i • H a r r d ' ' = .-ac tu :. IS m .w u v - l in Tiialiini; ra r .d v . ’ . Tlu- ra^v n i.iJ. r ia l fn r ir i . '. -a l. a a into*.- ( i .-a t iiii ; M ixi<-;.a . i r in k , :•> h i r r . i I.c ;

n .i h . i r j . - r .-lail h - r c f o r ir l . r i . I m r u m v c -! i h v a i r a a a f . i . - 'H ire r wl-o ]'.li-l.(-.i th .- r^.rTLl-. hy m u lc ,

. . ro ad fu r «!ii['iii.-:i:. I ; m .ik .’ -c c a a ' 't" ( i, tin- m a ai:f.T ^ :u r.T .«ays. !

■ m s l f

i m pjisM EWBocd College President Points

W ay Out to California Pedagogues

o f LOH A N 0 E L t :8 , C nh , (>P)— E m phti- o e Hir.iHK th e no ed o f t c t te h c r a 'fn r in c re as -

od e o in iio n a a tio n , D r. W l l ln in T . ' Fna- n t to r o f H co J U ollc t'd , P o r t l a n d , On*., to h l

doloKate.H to th e C a lif o r n ia S t a to T oacli.c a n v i 'n l io n ho ro to d a y th n t it

w ou ld lm n iiiiHlako f o r (( 'ach o m to nr- tl,P iiiiionn a f f i l ia te d w i lh - th e Am-in k o r ic a n l-’i'ilc>raliiin o f L n h o r . n r t “ I ' t ' t u s no l he to o h a rd on sohooi 1„ . j» rinc i|ia ln , H uim rin tondentH nnd collei;o o f jircHidontM w ho w ith th o w o lf n t tlm in d o o r h u v o n o t m a in tn ia e d th o m oralo

o f th e i r to n c h in g H (affH ,” ho aa id . r;j. " I k th e ro n d r j ia r lm c n t a to ro m an- :nn '•K'’*' eo u h l h a v .' kcj>l a n y a t a f f a t

a ll Dll Ih t' wnf{ii m-ale o f f iv e yoa rtt ai.’o f la llm rii a a liijiy iir .l, o r n a tr e e t r a i lw a y o r n h a n k o r a m ino o r a hos-

ini- p i ta l o r a la iin .iry ^l^ a I h o a tc r th a t Ilic cdiilil h a v o oontia iii!.! d o in c huHlnoHji a l th o I 'i l l w ilh o u l la rfio in o renson ia w an ra . i r o ! - \ '" t 0110! , Y e t tho ro ia a c a re j^ y a acliuul ire-l^ .v i'lom in A m e ric a t h a t (inya i t s loach - fo r r r a , in p u r c h a s in g jtow or, tl i rc v -fo u r th a elji' a-J m u .'h a« it d id f iv e voarN a j 'i i . ” ion l^ 'o r y te a c h e r w itli th o jin ifc a s io n a l JJ,.. M jdril, D r. F o a te r a a id , d cairua a h o v e a ll jl i t el.'*c u i i r c a lr io tc il o i> jio rtu u itiea tu a crv e . Cl. I io ia lo a th e , lh o a ju -ukw r an id , to aiir- m a r e n d e r a l l th ia lo n ln h o r u n ion , oiv “ T oncherH ahould d o a l d ir e c t ly w ith in to w hom th e y a re rc sp o iis ih io —

iii|. a ll th e p o u jd o ,* ’ Hiiid th o jirofon>or. V8, “ .IuiIkoh, m c m lic rs o f a n d jio- l a r iii 'e tae n w ould m:iI;o th e Kamo m iH tako w o iu a f f i l ia l i t i^ ; w ith th o A in e ric n n Fod- I 'J , o ra tio n .if J .a h o r o r w i th a n y o th e r mi- -0- im r ily o r j 'a u ir .a tiu ii . A in o n n a o rv a a ts - ch o f tlio p e o p le d iv id e d n lle g ia n eo c n n n o l to he t i i l c r a t i 'd . "


ic9 : _ I____f"-j Scicntific Study of Rock For- jJ.. j mation and Mineral Depoa- la s i ila Scheduled

‘ D K N V K H . C al., (,P )— a ' chi-H in -e, lid .- iiti fic prospcctiiiL ; han hoen . 'U ndte .i r V ' j i t llio Il.-iivi-r O p jx ir lii ii i ly Sehoi.l f.i. T O ! a c o u ra o o f Iw e lvo w.-ol:.-* s tu d y of liO r o r k fo r r n a t io n a n d la iiio riil ilop .e iit-. >r-i T h o f a c t llia l th e .ild lin i.- an -l |>i.' r o . Iu r."«)ii.- p_ros]>.Tlor is hcc .im in ;: 'X ; c - [ t in o t in m a n y p a rt- i o f llu- w est l i 'in ! . lie s t r e n i 'l j i ta th(- lie lie f th.’i! a h il.-r-d .iv ' i l . |n i i i l ]>crhaj>.'« m o re :< .-iea:ifie e la ss .-f, •s, p r o s p . 'c to r s m u s t he p ri'd iico d tn la ln - i ll, h is p la c e i f th o m iiiin i: im liis try . .f ih.- I„. Ih ick y M n n n tn i ii s e i'i i.m is to liv e u a i . l l - ; . 'in ilin u o in d e v o lo p n n 'iit.

: T h e ( 'o l.i ra .lii D cvch ip lii .'ii t a 'M o e ia - ,

' .M:in’u f;ic iu rera ' ;7ssi,riali<>n’ i.r.- hchiiid 1 ! Ih.' inov.'. i

The Jilirposc «if 111.- ola-s, whirh ; opon to Ikitli iii.'a an.l wonion. t>> | ; fit tin ' viiiUryti prii?jvi'ctiir (or hn-atiii.;.

„ .J a iid opoiiiai; 'o in s or d.-])0>its o f or.-.;l l is th o h o lio f o f Ihe h a . 'k . 'r s o f lh .- :

[n I o n t . 'ip r is .- lh a l m a n v v a l i ia h l . ' .lep<iHi:s l „ f m ine ra l,', iu U u ln rad i) ' a n d a il.juocnr | I s l a ’e.i U iifjlit he lo ra re d i f th e anm li, ,-;

I , . ! " ’ pfOHpcoiorn w as u r o a t .T , ;im i t l .......’I I ;ire ••aiil ’In hi- m a n v h u s ia c s s firni-* ' " 'I ivh ie 'i . '. .n id h.- w illia i: tu f in a a c - !

i pt ir.).e,-:i.i;; J .a r l ie - i f Ih o v i-imld . I c jh -.-ii'l .Ml th .- m a n s a h i l i iv w ilh o u l h a v ' i I t - I., h lro m iu c to t. . ; : is ts . ].■ T i e p -o sp c .- liiu ; clas.s i.r.i].i.(.eH lo ,

D:a in k o c x i,...l i l i ,.n s to th e h i l l i a n d : i 1 f i r . l h a iid iM fi.rm ali.m .-i- t .. tin- m,...- i m...i -ra m o an - o f ,t,-!cc rin j: •■p;.y . l i r l . - ' '

, A M E R I cT n T A K E S H A N D


j W lU iain P e d la r L o m s S u i t f o r R c m v - ’ c ry o f M o n e y T a k e n f ro m H im

“ 1 W h e n A rre s te t l" II I D l'l lI .l .N '. (,J»)--A ii A m c rir a n a lie n in '■ Ir.'h iU 't w ho aued lh r o .iiiim iaainnor o f ' ’ p o li. '. ' I., ro '-o v e r IL’ J j.i.un .Ia tn k o n f ro m ;

h im « h o ii Jio w n s n r r r s lo d in I r e la n d f o r] * ''illc> ;a l d r illin t, ' o f I r ish m e n hna f a i l e d to ]

' . 'id li'c t h ia c la im . ' |*, W illiam - I 'o d la r h a d f o in jh l ' on lh o :* ,s i . i c o f th e .‘♦ inn 1-Vin in th e reh o ll io n ■ ■ •o f K as to r V .'cok , 11*10, h n v in j; h.-/'a a ta-, ] tiom -il in s id o th e j .o a ln f f ir o . .H o w ns'^

a f lo r w a r i l a r rc a lo .l n i l r f 'd e j io r tn l h u t r e .] ' ( t u r n e d li> I r e la n d' « a . i otiKaKo in ; *! m il i la rv t r a in in t : w li.-n ^ io w a s n r re 'l i -d ; » ;a n d th e n m n o y o m f ia c a to d . !' T h e oas.- WAH tn k i^ i h c fo ro th e K in R 's^ ’ ,li.-u c h w hi.-h u n a a im o iin ly d c c id .- d ’•’’ a ; ;a i i i 'f h im . I ’. - d la r ’a co u n ac l h n d th e - .•laim th a t Ins r l i i n t na n f r i e n d lv a lie n •iw .x s n n .le r j .n .t i - r t i . in o f th o K in i; h u t '

I l i i s t i i e l*oiM , « h tt.i .ro » i.Jo .l. p .iin t . '.l .m l ': lh a l a m a u w ho h .i.l so irc d fh e K in tc ’a '• 1 jio^ t.iff i.- .' au .l fou tjh t .aj;aia->I th .- ;

; K in d 's tri-i>]is l.:nl no l iy l i t to su rh pro-

' B U R I E S SU O .V R W IT H C A S U

r n n v i . (,p»-..K,,,-,rch o f Ih ,-,.p r o m is e s « I ,i- ro M rs. S .ir.ih I'u-I. I

mtnc-*. •■‘-••'1 roelii.s.-. « a s ol.iin hy ro :. :l-vTs m i 'i i th T.-v.-nh--i ^7r.'>" a n .\ ,1,

•' h a lf h a r r e l r^f - u - a r h u r ie d n. a r I'..- hnus,'.

J o h n s to n 'a r e h 'h ra lo d rh n ce i.- it.'* i- M aua.’ in c s u h ,r r i p i io n fo r ar.-. ■

M a cau loy B ro s,

- — — I _ .

PHILLEolc a n f u r n i s h y o u P o ­

t a t o e s n o w .

P H O N E 8 7 2

___________________y: ;

TW IN 'p a l l s Di!)AILY NEWS, TWIN FA

I OGDEN GETS FmST yTIlH r BUILOrNG FORiiMENT1L City Authorities Tako Stops for

Preservation of Historical »ts Cabin

0(1 D K N , U ta h , {/P)— A tin y lo g c h j in , a a id lo h n v c h o e n th u f i r a l e v e r

ihti- h u i l l in_ n in l i hna ho<'n a c q u ire d • 'jy :a s- O ^d c ii c i ty a i i lh o r i t ie j t n n d w ill hp p r e ­ens- ao rvod n a a n h ia lo r i r a l m on iim ertt. T lio oh l c a h in , f i r a t d ia c o v o rc d h y C n jila in

------- ■i l ---------------------------------------------------------------------


f w o SI TLESD


I %SjS| ^

N ^ p W 21&


II S r

: I "Descri• J ' ■ Tho rh o to p la y o

, K ■ E A in :

A ->iiu H.-M inn ... \

■ ® IVm . . . . .. ..I .ashI*ai.a».M In iiia n , o io tiic I ’a p n t 'o . I n d ia n , ynn .... T h e H iih J . .I .m n s W arro n

’ D ire c te d T. HAYXS I

S cen ax lo F R E D M l

^ P h o to fr r a p i■ ABRAHAM SB .A. TC

Ml B

FALLS, ID Ah o , MONDAY,I , J a m Of .B row s , wbo i n 1847 e a s e to 1 I* U ta h , a t tho hood o { , a ban d of pio* c

noors, is sa id to . 'h av o boon vory old ] I I Y in th a t y ear. I t w aa conBtruetod by , M l .Milea Q oodyear, niouutainor and trap- .111 por; w ho~by n (fraat o f tho Spanish (

jjovornm enl owned all land from thtt _ I W eber rivi-r lo H ot S p rin i^ m ountainaf lO r (m jjs r i o f w hich p roperty tho efty of

J 0};<icn ia locatod. v JThe! I'ahin, known ns “ U lah 'a firaf '

h ouae" wns located Oa p roperty owne.l ) h y Mra. M. P . 8hnw nnd ahe roeently '

CHJ mado a o f i l to thu c ity . . 'over Ooodycar in 1847 is anid to havo

■jy le f t U tah fo r C alifornia ' and in . hia ' pro- cabin, thu f ira t Fourth o f Ju ly ceh.- ’ Tllo h ra tinn over hold in Ondoii wan oh-

itain aorved. Sovernl tiniea d u ring th e paa*.


^ E S I

I . / I fL P i e t t t r e of tke

■ y


l i i l^

’ft Gold”Ilay o f tho N ovel by ilCE O B X Y

- K. K . L in e ......I.i'rno., K dward C.ixcn............. W . 1 .3 w ^ < m « .mla d a _ _ M a rire rv W ilso n...................... K ih^-n P e r r v S P V P

. W m . I I . U a i i ih r id c ’c • k J O T O L a u r a W in s to n Pow(

'•o t iie r .M rs. D a rk Ciou'd ^ H n i l<in ........ F r . in k L a n n in R O I I U M

. .. .M ary J a n . 'T r v i i i j :..... y _ A D;

t c M by . ■ .E S H U If T E B — l l i e

brav«D MYTON —The 5

b r .Hell.31 ATI.


f, DEC. 22,1919h a lf cen tury the: cah i^ ha.a chanK'’'! ownership, ’la IHoT i t ia Mid to have bocn uaed aa a blaekatnilh ahop by i\inos 1*. a tone, an early pioneer.


LONDON, (^Ph-Sir Gtiy LAkIng, tho K int^’n arm ourer and keo]ier o f the Lou­don miiaeum,’ who has ju a t dice} h e^ y waa reputed lo he thu forcm oat authoT- Uy nn nnliqucB and w orks of a r t In tiie country.

K ing Kdward appoin ted S ir Guy to aoiH o u t thi> vnlunhle collection of nr- nioiir a t W inJaor Caatle. '


j i rrjM •*--- PHn I M

|H H r ^

Le n s a i i o t t ,

iY e s L T A

V|rm 7 T m T T ^ B L ,^ $ 'fT T ^ ^

m IDA; T H E flI T W O D A I

en Reels of Ihe W erfiil Picture Eve ivn in Twin Falls^ashinK Double Roman, at Outdoors.Weary. Windinpr Trail

re hearts to Loveland. Story of a Ranprer who for the Love of a Girl.

INEE—2:15 EVENIN-- Inc. W ar Tax ’ 4 0 c .l5 c , Inc

J _____ ^ ' •


•*'® Reaideneo a t 401 3rd A vo. W o t t , '’" 'I rt rooms and bn th , modorn, eon*^-?rl croto collar, cobbleslono f irc f la to ,

I W ritotho I

.o C. H. SMITHnr- i • ■ “s

Kupert Idnho, for pm l'.-!ilar<;,

. " ' j

J f l . J r


^ H F iiATRE 11i\S O N L Y l l

VIVIost 2/er Inee of the ■I tha t led’ S0 rode into %•

'■NG-S;-15 aInc. W ar Tax B


LA5'Holiday Sto

We have decided' shoppers the bejiefi tions ,in our Cleara:

I and broken stocks m which will enable j Christmas for less r

OPEN VNTlMondau, Tiusdau, 1


HANDKERCHIEFSTheao ntoeka are dotting fant and ii will be bnril to roiilnco thua« bnr- Foini.

Men’s HandkerchiefsJnst AiTiVMl

Hox of nix .....................................C5CHox of aix ............................. 76cLnr;^ nizp, cach .......................... 35eIriali Linen, ra»^h ..................- ......COc

Child’s Gift HandRerchlefsOhildren'fl I)nx Iiandkcrrliicffi, nltrnc- tivo with print:), 3 in box—Biicli ............................................. lOo

Children’s HandkerchiefsOliildrrn's handkorchicfn of SwiH<i' wiih pietiircH printod im them thnt Hult Iho childrvD—Each 10c .......................... 6 for 50c

Silk Crepe HandkerchiefsHilk cr«*po handkcrchicfH, Ih all col- uTN find doni^nit, 10c Oftcb; 3 for 50c

Plain White.Women'n box haodkorchiofn, 1-4 in. hem, embroidorod in cornor in wliito and colors, 3 Ib b o x ________ _ SSe

Fancy'Bordersl.nri'o an^orhncnt nt 35c; 3 for 91.00

Dccoration HandkerchiefsAU handkorchlofn tbnt faU from our dccomtion' aro Mlllng fnat at Cc; 0 /o r 25c; por dOEon*...............<5c

Kiddies’ Handkerchiefs

S lip p e rs £Stocks are still comple

fast a t GreatlyWomen’s Juliets

Women's Jtilii-t fi)ipi>ors, Irnthfr hote; hijjh Bmilr fi’It; fu r Irimmcd. Special ...........................................

Bed Room SlippersWomen’s berl room slyyiorii; soft nnlcft and ribbon trim, iu ftU nirci 2 1-- to -7—S pedal ........................................... ShOj

S w ea te rs s

' I t I


I 4

SwRaters and lh e new closed out. Now knit much higher so'you v sale.Fabric Scarfs are sroi) l e s s ; and anyone of splendid Christmas gi

t HOocks Must Go4 to j?ive the Christmas I ‘fit of the final reduc- •ance Sale, all Holiday must go out a t this time you to jarive more this

; money.TIL NINE P.M., Wednesdau Evenitips



R e a d y -

iie6c5e ^0= - '

::\ I'riTT^


.• All-Oc •

I No Matter WhaSuits ,

30 TIic vory fow Hiii£ icft•Bplornlid valuPs an d very a t

tractivo. P la in an d iu r- tr i in ur mod. , Y our chp iro --- 5c AT LESS THAN HALF


a n d S h o e slete, but they are sellinpc y Reduced Prices.

Children’s FeltS;IT Clilldron'« fe ll sUppcrn, Ica tlifr boIpji d. and fur-trimme<l, noft sr>lps nnd fnn- 3,'. ry boot top*—t

E n tiro IiOt Now a t ;.................... -f l.3 5

Men’s SlippersS-, In Witl viei kid sin^l fcU , b lack and

tan ; all lir.os. . /J j Ycur choice ................................. 12.05

. i

a n d S c a r f s ’

W t ■ -

■ T;w Knit Scarfs are to be it ffoods are poins- to be will save money a t this

jinp: out a t ONE-THIRD of them would m ^ ^ ^ sift.'- _ ■

. . T W m FALLS D

h j r I. A r t and Fa i

■ Real MadeiraH aod mndo M adeira , tho ideal R ift, F sm all''dailies, »n5\kta&, ncarfs, ta b l j k

I clothc'fl, etc., m odcm tely priced.

Dresser Scarfs' >Drpsscr scnrfn, puro linon e o n to f , rfiiny Ince edyr>s, cnn \>e fllum])p;l ® f<ir cm hroidcrinfj; $2.‘J5 v n lu es-•S p ed a l ..... ................... :.............. SIBO l]

Picture FramesM etnl and ivoru .frnmpn, In nil «i/. * cn and dcn!(p]n, atno p ictnre olbuinn.

Fancy TowelsKancy Turkish Towcln, InrRo nite. , 20xil0, w ith colored b o rd c rn - •*'

. S p e d a l ........................................... J i . i a

Towel Sets - ”T u rk n it ba th net. Itic.ludifp large pblnnkot, 2 towels, 2 bibn nnd - .wash s rlo ths, croohoted edgcn o f p in k and hlue— . ' .

, P riced ................. ....................;.....*2.48 ft)Bed spreads a n d fancy pillow »UpB c<in holiday boxes. f<


W ' '

» IM «i

~ ~ — * / — ^

l a t You Need I n RejSK IR T S

are F 0 E Sat- SOA EFSim- S W EA TE ES



. iS a s is f lf y v o p 8 :

' ' velvet Hand Bag- a I An all linen table cl' i A pair of real Frenc

A set of Fancy Bordi ! A leather Travelins:; ' Bed Spreads from $£

Hand embroidered I Dresser Scarfs with

' ■ Fancy Silk H osiery;&ath Robes for Woi

• Boxed Stationery 46 i Leather Purses wit?

A Silk Corset, to be : ^ jS i lk Dress, priced

i : “Dainty Neckwear, ii A Silk Umbrella, for

. A Picture Frame, m 5 Silk covered Pillow 3 Boudoir Caps, redui

A wai-m Outing- Fla ) A'M anicuring-Set, a - A new Georgette Cj

A Toilet Set with pc


M qg'ancy Goods K

Silk Pillows - ■ 'W<t, Pillow cushionn, nitk ciivenid, in nn- sor !>: Kortvd colors. Bpecial ........... sW.'.'S

Table Scarfs 1"'Library tnbli* ncnrfs, in linen, ?»lk

and tapestry; very nccoptablo for n cc

'' Boudoir Caps0 Ui'udoif caps made of satin, Roorg- '

(•tie, etc., daintily tHinnied wiih lor- rn. «•«. ribbon and rono budn; valui-s ;U>

•• »2.00—Eacll ........................ -8Ik ed .1; Silk Umbrellas y<>

Womcn’n nilk umbrella!), caa be unnd tllO either tain or sun; brjiutlful ivory no v

> hnndlcn and Ups. Spodaily,Prlcod

“ Rufflings failRnfflini; of georgette and net for lijircollars, cuffs aiid maUng-eapn for j.,,,

e rhrirtman. Values Xa *2.00—^ Special, per y o r l ......... ................ 08c a d v

Tourist Cases ^B and a eompleto Jine of leather goodn, • • i B collar eases, wallets, baadlpakfl, port-

folion, etc. HniJ

r Clearanc

K sWft iB ‘a p i "j

^eady-to-Wear It’s CD R ESSE S BLO U SES S U P O N S ,


S u g g e s t i o n s —

ig at $5.95 ; cloth. -■anch Kid Gloves, irdered Towels, ng Outfit, n $2.95 to $17.00. id Pillow Cases, ith linen centers, ry $U5 to $3.50.Vomen and Children. r 45c and 95c./ith back straps. ■ ■ '-be fitted later. "■


:ed at $2J95 per uard.r, in all styles. f'for rain oi'.-^ine. s, metal or ivori^lows atS2S5. Iiduced now.' JFlannel Gown.' 'et, ivory handles.; Ctfipe Blotise; • V 51 powder and perfume . °


t:n it U n d e r w e ahuvo n o w a H ph 'u d id a s -

> r tin c n t o f k n i t m u lc rw c a r ,I a l l HtyIc.M a n d \veit;iit.s. T h o u tc h nook, th<! hi^^h a n d low ‘c k , t l ie clliow , h m j; a iu l k in d in k n e e a n d ik lo le n t^ li, . . . . , ,

Ijest* s u i ts a r e a l l to b e c lo s - ' l o u t a t p r ifc .s th a t - w i l l p a y m Ui p r e p a r e , n o t o n ly f o r 0 c o n t in u e i l c o ld w i* a th e r o f )w, h i l t f o r n e x t y e a r ’H

a-s w e ll. P r i c e s n e x t ,11 a r e - r e a l J y j ^ i n g to he jrh e r a n d w e k n o w y o u w iil a n k UH ItvttT f o r t h i s t i iu e ly i v i c e . ' '

, JX S . G arm T-nffT a r e a ls o ohuh?d in t h e cU -an u p a t i i a r t re d u c tio n s .__________________________ Unio

bow:e Sale -A j>a cd CO


. doiiblX

^ \ Sped

___ A ^: ’ / Speci


. ... . Sped

_ color


/heaper Now' " c o a ts

a vorj- few loft whioli " J , ; Inooil into tw o lilts.

E OHOIOE $ 3 0 .6 0 A lnitiun<l

>ND OHOIOE $ 2 9 .5 0 Sped■ _______ I Jui


“ 'U tfd ^ r 'w e a r C

C 'ris ul

- .........

Everu Item in this Sect Out a t a GREAT . S p e c ia l L o t

• ■.•jitii'oln, IlloomiTS,, Ufirm-. j an.l C.iinbinntion Suits. V.iI-

U<- to Jd.on— iJl rSpeclAJ ................... . . M,Or> 8pe<

S ilk Top K n it S u i t s ,Flnr rnftnn suit*. No •leeve»; l.-\, rIlali.m Silk to{i«,*knco li-ngtU.■jtrpilr.r vnlu.-*- ' ^Spccial ... . Jl.OS

S ilk C h e m is e --ilk raM'l..]...... l.,-misr, 'ia>

v...-h' 5;u,n .i::,! i-n-p.- ,]o chih.-. fil'' cl.iii!til\ ;rimr;ii-il «i!li lari' or ^ril.lM.n; vai.... . and Sp<

-Spedal to closo out .......... S2.05

M u slin C a m is o le s si J'tWorora's mii*lin ramisoI.*j 1 lacc Aiid'«-ailproidery trim oed; re ja lar I’la75c value*— to <Spedo] to cl«M out ...........,063c Sp*

DNS ’a r A l l to Go

S ilk a n d W oo l f t ;nion suits, high n<<cl(, long u d «!• ^nw nieoves, anklo JcwpfJi.- $t.2S %lilies. 4 'pocial .............. .................... - $3.76 a * :

Bedding as Gifts f t =j'liir of blankets or a hand*fluilt-* Wi j

i comfort will long bo rotnemborod. - '

B L A N K E T S p ’W o o l a n d C o tto n P ja id s

M tirlc il iiliii.I-i i l l n il co lo rn OdxHO, ^iiiblo bfij size and a ret;ular 1»10 tm''iiue— . ■ ■ ,-a,')eclal ...................................... S6.C5 -J :

H e a v y W o o l P la id snsnrTi'd plnld.'t, in as.-iortod colora, J -isHO; ri'^ilnr <ill.’.50— '-J -?edal :..................................... *0.95 v

H e a v y T a n C o tto n j; ■jU dtuiblr bed wie.'caxBO; ' 4 l.mi value— - f l social ................... ........ ........ S2.46 - ■

Nashua Woolnap < j ’ri.iliiia Woolnap Hlanketn, iiv t/lnin 'ilors witli fnni'y bordcrn; regular

peda l.......................... ............. Si.05 'JS. C O M FJ)R T S y

S n o w f la k e C o ito n MR])lt-ndid eotton comfort; aize 78 "Sm

r«. value— ^ l»clal. ...................................... *3.43 3

S u p e r io r C o tto n ■ (,111 colors, now aad sasltory: alKe !xR4. >4.25 valuL ^ ^ ?eclal ....................................... *3.05 0 '

W o o l S ilk C o v e re d Q -lamb’s wool light weight comfort;*' ' ^

in<l quilted; regular J13.5Q—_ ~JMdal-r...,.:r:rv.....Jr.:..._____! $10.45 « ' *Ju s t five o f ^ o s e wooderfol bar- •’ Y ’’llna loft. i

Close Outs ^

•etion will be Closed-U "REDUCTION. ^

S ilk C a m iso le s ^

Special lo doae oul .........’ 11.46

S ilk C a m is o le s

Spccial to close oul ..............

S ilk C h e m ise

wa-'h !<.itin and crei'c de e h lc a B £ i!.a'intil.v trinitiinl with lace 1ribl’oR; trguliT values &}.S0 . i

Spedal to dose o u t ............ J

M u slin U n d e rw e a r jHand embroidered chemise; j w b ^ . ■■*i7CK; value* up toSpedal to elcf<^.on\______Plain aad foaey, iUi tisfs, ' . . ^ 1to 15.00— S

E E E 3 ' . ; 1

■ r w I N F A L L S D A IL Y N E W S

Issued every afteraoon axeept 8una*jr N«w« Publl^Ing Ca7 Ine." (EsubUshed 1»&«)

ROr A. RBIAD......................Pr*«l(JentJOHN C. HABVgr... . ....... .TrawrerCnler«] lu seeoad clua mall .mattar Aprl) 9. ItK, »t Uio poeXoinoa at-Twtn 5 Ua. Idaho, under the Act of March I.

■ ' 8U08CRIPTI0N RAT68 ^?”n«o»‘iha 35.3 mtuitl'B I...............................................

i J m o n th ............ _••.•••••....................: membrr’W ' associated pebssI. Tho A«aocIal«<l Preaa ia «*cJu»lvely en* 'Uled (o the uao for republicatlon ot ail I aewa <Uapatehoa credited to It, or not I ntherwiae credited. In thla paper, and \ «:ao the load newa publlabed herein. All ' rijihta of republlcatlpn of apecial dla- patrhea herein aro alao reaenred.

.Va rosponalblUty ta aaaumed for tka cHre ol unsolicited manuacript. phoio- ffrapha or other contributed matter. Ar- ■ lc]«a aubmltied (or publication wUl ba > uaed or not at tbe dlacretlon of tho editor I ' and no tnanuecrlpt will be returned un- ’ leaa «c«ompanled by tbe nec««aa»Ty poai- ! a*o. ______ _____-

EASTBllN BEPllEBBNTATIVBa: O«orc« B. David Co., Inc.. ITl Uudt- eon Ave., New Tork: A. It. kaator. 14)1 Hartford Oulldlnc. Chloaco.,

Member Audit Bureau of ClrcuUUoaa


Action of the foilor»l govoniiiicnt OifainHt tho iiublinliora of tho Ho&ltk Union Kcctinl, which wuh Bupprcsaci

I, nftor Jta imcrnnci-a on tho killing of , ' mumburs of tho Aini'riruii' Xi’ 'ioii ;il

Cuntrulin, wn« thu' oocii.iion for wiiK-ly• divor(;ont uiul Bolf-rovi-alinp couuncnt on tho Jiart ot jjorBons who aru i)Rtt aa<l

jiarccl of trado unioiiiHni und nlno. uf , othor jiorsona who would dcfor lu or-

1'>;anisud labor only insofar iut thc>r owu .inli<rp>it« 8oem,to by wi’rviid by suoh pol-

!J« y - .In this connection Bigniflcanoe at-

tuchcB to tho tulogrnm (tixj’utchud. to tlio : editor of the Roeord by tho odilor of

tho Knrgo (N’orth Dakota) >»uM-Cou- ^rior, an organ of thu Nonpartinan leaguo ^ that fltato: ^L "llcnrtiont congrntnln'tionn- on.; tho ruloanu of thu Union Record .. from tho Kovcrniuont’H clntcho5. I

Uavu tiul bcvi\ fvo boiling laad in a lonj; tfnio nn whon I read of your nrrest. < Stick to .your guns and moro jjowcr to'you./'

^.Innsiiiucli Uh thu Bentt o Uniun licc- 0rd ia owned by tho'central labor coi^ Hi of that city, it might bu. si4>| 08ud u n t union men would bo thu first to tering to itn dofunau. jiut nuch is not u o canu. In fnot, nn in ovitleneed by

following ijuolntioii from tho Typo- |^>bical JTiion, tho plain, every<fay un-

•jPlnbor nien nueni li> tliink ^ fino• pctolradiBtlnction to the viow of the

v VuportiBan propagandist, that tho Un-Rocord got oxnetlypvhnt was com-

Tho following circular, innued by

ItCcntralin Typograjihlcal Union No. |w4, clearly *iut« fotiU the auiu ij* l^^all right-thinking,-tr»<lor'un!on- l^ s anil will bo endorsed by all real

----- '»ntprlcnna!^o Central l,alior L'oiinrilii and

bocnl Unions of the United UtaioH:■ ia with regret that wo call vour

■“^^ntion to throo puhlicntionB in ntato of WatOiington which bavo

Mcomo ao radieal in thoir odltorial ■ttcrnncva as to do ponitivo hnnn to uniou labor oncI the lnbor movo- ■ heat. Theso jiubllcationn nrr the

ro^ytlo Union Reeord, the Tucoma i^gWtir I’renn nnd tho Internntionnl , tlitpeckly. In this etinimunieation wo i

•'■xVfer cnneeially to tho nrst-unnicd I) >^«blictttion-irc ‘iDuring tho i>.rtt few montha I I.^«*articIos have nppeared in tho ]

_«lllino Union Record upholding the j witvoluiionnry taetir-«i of Russian bo- i

. in i'etltm, Th>" j>a])cr is owned by I >nttff4rcnt labor ori;niiir.;itii>nH in tlio

Ute.of iVnshini:ton.-bot is control- < '''•aV - ‘*'0 ''•‘'■I’ ■•l.'in.'nt of til.' .‘ e- " fur.Op tnhor Council, whioh or;;ani- I ul.r» JaB.hc>ld!i a greai<T jK.ftioi, of its

Theao ;ik;il:il(>rn nml rcvolutioni it-. hnvr twi«ii'<!

'Vil^*olvfs into n jir.K-rfnl rcmunu- ' and seeing n gr.'iit fnruro '

"'•IfflfTlor their sovirt l.ictir;., havo ■' ••'I'l’p'eded in gettinj; c.-ntrol ,,f u

M timc real Amerienn I’nidii R..,- ' bv ti, aad hnve into one of = 1.'' most >'irioos antl-Ainrrlian'nultf

TUticiM in (he Unitnl Stali-s. bIiu<W:rfb ‘ itn 'rolumns the m:ik|,rlf an aeknoirlcdKed •n-.l’ S.i-

or Communist. ha:« pour.-.l <iut '•-•irnjme# of smooth rovolutionarism :i''04.Jiaa converted hnnilreiN of fvi-

Tlitiihdril men ami w.Wric-n f,i |„.>n te.irhioc». Th,.l.ceji/ujihrld the I. W. W. an.l-uifjrd

• . J'< they ijoielly gnaw t!i..jr «ay ttio ranks <if organiieil J.ibor

.•anvrrt iminn m.-n tn ilu- .bir- BAttia <*f- -rvvuhition, anafehy and

jsJUrj)/ this yollow jour- ,,.jriu7°"'d,Wve ro ln n iii aft.T roliiinii -r'l,.. ^le good things in IJolshovism’

with a eare/ul pen. onp that ^uti«u9 not to ‘spiir the real

I’l.ri* 'I t advoeated t)iat if tli'-' .„r..r?»»v^icana’ (fts tlK- Seattle Un-

• f,,.,,, ealled thrm) break tipr. V,-. W. they would nrxt ri-

,lv, organized labor. RlOnT• LKT I'S STATK THAT i r


' through publications Ukc’~Union -Record

V a m n ^ a ir atato of Waahhi(f ~ HAjHMunacd and brflndeQ aJ

• gronnd of th» world.^ theao yellow public*- ^

■ ...iFOTO

« T H E PEA C E Tl” **■ • - Followiog tho arm istico, fho ro]

. o u r own, drew up and signod a t . ^ . P n r t I being tho loaguo o f n ationa <

compulsion by .Oornuiny.^ D uring Iho spocial aeaaion o f co^ Boriea of 15 reaervationa to thla tro

sen a te on rocommcnddtlon o f tho tho ra tify in g roaolutiou camo to t

jQ<) th ird a m ajo rity boing necflMOfy fo, lias tom voted to ra t i f y w ith rescrvati< l-«* tioHB, whllo 1C voted ag a in a t ra tif i •_*** Tbia is a dem ocracy and in tho o

s a upon by our roproscntativoB in W u To teat public aontim cnt on thi.

• il timcB, Thp T w ia F alls Nows oaks ; lot chocking tba^ oqu o f tho follow I n v io « .;is- ______________ _____________

I. I fav o r eompromiso on rosorva fica tion o f lUo P tn co , T roat

Lr- tiona C ovenant,balor • -------------------------------------------------------

Bl- 2. I fav o r ra tif ica tio n , l)u t-oftly y tiona.

II­OI 3. I favo r ra tific a tio n , b u t only t

“ 4. I am opposod to ra tlf lc a tio a io

N am e ...................... ........ .................

A ddrosa ................- .............. ......... .......

F ill in^your nam o and addresa and

lie .

•i C A M P A I G N T ( i P R I S O N S H A

of I N O P P O ^ N°,'u Former Convict arid F ol d a re s American. Pen

reptitiously flooded i and “Hope to the Gpp

of XKW YORK, Tluumis MoM )U- O slw rne'n nntinn wido eiimpiilgn lo

“ h u m n n i/e” the prinons r.f the United Sln tes, i.eei)rdiiig to n friend of Mr. Osborn.' wlm served ten yenrs in S in ’ ijing, has for its renl obieel th e eounl ten ie tin g »f nnnrchy, for, he snid, “ of llie .'OD.DOO .■ouvicti, men nnd vv<inieii,’ wl.o lu.nlirilly m ie/g .. from Ameri.-nn' prisoiiH, fully !K) i J r e,-nl o f them nr.. pr.tenli.H Ili.IshevlStM.’ -

This man, a p roduc t o f tho Now i ,g. Y ork fclnmn. -who n o t only Todobmod ' >4 hla OTfD life b u t aavod t^v'o yoiuigor

bro thera from crim inal caroers, all i)d as th e roau lt o f O abom o'a v o rk a t > Slog &iOKi doclarod ' th a t Am erican

penal loatltu tlons aro be ing atuT' ot repUUoiuUy flooded w ith rad ical iy lite ra tu re , w ith le a f le ts o f “ hope ;

to th o oppro556d” and th a t- thtj I aocret movoment to Bolshovlze tho ' ;

n- u .'ition 's .prlAon.*) Is b e l t^ coxnbat- < JO tod from tho Inaide. '![,C SUM>..ite.l l.v the e ffo rts . .f IS " " " ' ^ mrml..-r,H „f the (ir;ty H n.therhocd, an l “ ■ orKMiii/.-itir.n o f ..x eonviels V ho “ nmde* n- gi.o.I“ iiniter iIk- ()?.borne svstem <

known ns th e M utual W elfare U'aKtK-,! fhe form er warden o f Hinf; .Sing, it wa .i sa id , hopes to n a k e prison reform a j.lank in the pU lform o f one of. th - •bijj-i'M.Utieal )>nrtii-s in the Jiext |.re«.^ dential eam paicn, ‘ leading niemln r Cif Ihe f ir s t nnnicd body, a w ealthy -cx- eoiivii'l l<nown onlv to (he pnblie .n tiie C.rav H nnlier. w as said Io be fin- an.-ini; ()-l,orne. He is repnl.-d 1.. be :i mnn o f ;;reat influenei- in W ashington ntid ti> b r the intiniiitc o f several, sena­tors. I ll' s ta r ted ihe .TnViel, 111., prison iit.|u iry in tended to be the f i r s t o f ;i Jiiition.-tl prison reform jirogram.• Beda. Soak C onviction

“ If the C rav H rother should eoiiu- in Krre now .-uid lell me to .tnrn,. ou: o f till' \v inilow “ a fo u r slorv lea].)

l “ r ill. it .-«t onee,“ eo n fid e d 'th e for lin e r trn -ye .ir inm ate n f Sinj;“ Wc all woulil trust him w ilh our li'Vn nnd . believe m.-, th is Osborn.- prison invi-sligulion baeked .by bim i.i g.iing t o 'b e n thor.)u>;h job. The ji.-o- j.le ou tside h a v e n ’t nny ide.n o f liow llolshevism is sp read ing in th e prisons. X few .lavs agi> four Heds, il wys di> I rov.-red by onr men, netn;illy bad tli,-.i 1 r«elv.'i .-onvieted so tli.'V oould « i.- i behind tlio bars. .

In v a d e PubUc T*ibrirte»“ Tl..' Ki'.N ihi-ir lii.ra tu r .- lu

111.' j.iibli.- l ib ra r ii ., -...n.i. Ie:.rh.-r>. in !l.e publi,' si-hooh an- •-vmjiat li.'lie ’ '

for -..mi- lim.- >i;iv.- bi-.'n .I'l.-Iril..11.11- th r i r lii.rtrin.-- In pri^ '.n .. .i.'iiU :iri.; uorklioiiM'^ to win .>\ .T l.>

tion.< th n t all the un rest nnd turm oil is ;; on iu o .ir-fn ir cenntrv . Il i» through th .'se eonimunist papers th.- d :;-tardly. 1. W. W . an-l ICii-'.smii !>ni.-ts have beromo so br.M a - 1.. ]u 'r]...iraie th r .lastar.Ilv ••Illd l!'il,.l.evil< rriine th n t ocfurred |i in the f a i r r i tv o f (-•entralia.'TVoah-, • oil N'ov. 11. .VrmiMire d a y .“

f l Expert (Battery and |

I g n i l i o i i (

Service <B a tte ry C harg ing an d (

W in te r S to rag e . (A utom otive E le c tr ic a l (

S p ec ia lis ts ( EXTDE SEE V ICE STATION |

‘ D. cfWATSON CO. (j- -^ .,*rJ«axt t o T eat o m c * — ((

■ ^ in Falls, IiJaho ^-----------------------------------------J . C


I/S--------------------------- -—

D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N F ;

FREATY BALLOTroprcsontatlvos of 28 n a tions, including

It P a r is a pcnco, tre a ty w ith O onnany, as covonant. Thia was also jdgnod under

' congress th n t ended on N ovem ber 19, a tro a ty 'a n d eovonant was adopted by tbo the fo re ign rolatlona com m itteo. W hen :o a vo te of tho aonate, how ever, a two- fo r Hkdoption, i t was d e fe a te d ; 4L sona-

a tions, 31) to ra tify w ithou t any . reserva- tif ic a tio n on any eonditlona w hatever. lO ond tbo-w ill o f the peoplo w ill bo acted iVashington. r 'th is m oat im porttfiit question of modorn ka i t s readora to sta to th o ir a tt i tu d o by lowing statomontfl which oxprcsaoB heir

________________________Chock here

rva tions w ith im m ediate rnti*'c a ty and th e Loaguo o f .K n - '

y w ith a ll tho Lodge rosorva- ^

y w ithou t any reaervotionsi/

. ili any form ._____________ ;;______ ___________■

•nd m ail b a llo t'to .T h o Tw in Falla Nows.

' O h U M A N I Z E : V S P R I M E A I M N G A N A R C H Y

F r i e n d o f R e f o r m e r D e -

: n a l I n s . t i t u t i o n s a r e S u r -

1 w i t h R a d i c a l L i t e r a t u r e

j p r e s s e d ”

oM Ihelr m.te tUe nrmy o f dvsennU-iUi-d I.) jiinlefnetorM who hnv.- nn allege.1. y riev-

te.l anee ngainst sorii'ty . The Grny Hrotli- Mr. erhood is alivo lo th e ir pm im gnnda, in.; howover, nnd is Helping Mr. Osbnrne unl to alxilish il. One o f tho best wnys ‘ of n> sl..p it is It. Ireat oonviels like hu- ."11,- nmn' beinc .instornl o f boast", an.l g ive -an’ th.-m a ehnnee to redeeiu ihem selvcs. nre Th.- s la t.' if breeding nunreliists Ijy

; tu rn in g n t larg.. men and womon who lulv.' boen i.rutnly tr.-nled an.l w '..,

, lenvi- pristm w ith heurtii filled w ith the . ! ilesiro'Y otnliiltlou nn.l revongi't [ ■ Bx-Oonvlcta M ako Good ;; “ I iM?S^.tlie ohl n kiud-hoarf'I ) eil is engngeti in m nking honl'- [ tliy biirglnrs nnd ].orch elim bers of t [ firnt ..ff .n d o rs . The pri.Hon experien.v'I j . lid n mnn no gnn.l nnrl ho ha<l no ei.n i 1 U-i.pli«u l.r right nn.l wrong, nn , ' f o f resjK.n.sibility fo s.iciotv, wheu he), I i-ame t.ul. Witli iNo O sborne m ethod .t

' ! i s . liff . 'ren t; As nn illu stra tio n , th o r- ,,,, iiire l.GOU furxuer es-civnvirt» an d mem '" " ,^ .e rs o f til.- W ..|faro L,-ngiie in Xow •'."iV ork City, A ll 'o f them nre ‘ makii.L’ '‘‘'■ « r ..h f '.M ost o f lh..m n re voung n ad '" l o f U.e l.i.nil iiu.ri" Ilm n -Uiy w ere in

["•■ 'irm y or tu.vy rlnVing the wnr.{ Th.-y iii.-Jjiilu f.»rmer burglars ( l io x \ in o f r )

•' ;.n.| sim ilar so-.-alled 'H li.-k ' thi.-A-s.,J,' MaJclu?- Ovor M en I

.Mr. ( ) , l .o rn e t.m k .-hn rne . i f III.- n a v a l p r is o n nl I ’o r ls n io u th , .N. H .,

.IS th r . 'e yi-arM n g n . h e w .is in s t ru m e n li i l in l e lu r n in g l»V)Ol) in m a t.- s , m en ‘ m n .le

. o v i- r ' in r h a r a e te r , t .. Ih e I 'n i t .-d o „ .Sfat.-H u :.v y . e n o u g h to m n n th r e e b.-it-

tlesliii-H . T h o pr.-sen t ‘ e r im e w a v e ’ ... „ „ is d u e lo b n d p r is o n Irvatm .-.-il

an .l Ib e .i.'K ire . i f - o i - r u n v io t s to i-v .-n ’. I f i t hnd no t b e e n f o r O s I .o rn e -s a .ln i in is lra t io n in X ew Y o rk

N ew Y o rk w o u b l b e s u f f e r in g n«- f ii.rn ...... n.-une e v i l . ” .

TO U 8E CONCRETE C O IT IN Bir . \( im )l.K S lia U O l-(a i. K nglai^l. (/p>—ii;. Till' of this' tow n is consid- .ir .-ring the use of ronerete e .rffin s in lo- n.- • eni burial grounds as being lig h te r and i.l cheaper th an those tnado o f wood.

>>■ I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( 1 ) ® ^

I .Tennc 1 Sw(1 Pota'

. ®

@ T h e y ’ r e f i n e

5 C h r i s t m a s

MARKEI l -CASh a n d c a r i

@ P H O N E@ ............... ..@

n l t iM i i i s s B f l i i B E a a r ' . M i i M n i i E i i r

D irects Ctoverninont to Show0 , Cause on Question of Oon*° stitu tionality •

W A8HINOTO.V, (/P>—Tho supreme cou rt todny ordered tho govom m ont to ahow enuac on J a n u a ry S why original

^ proceedings should n o t bo in stitu ted by thp Btnlen o f Rliode Inlnnd nnd New.

,1 Je rsey rotnij liquor denlors 'to liavo do y tem iincd flio conn tltu tionn llty of tho ^ nntionnl prohib ition . constitu tional

amondmcpt.A pplicnliiins fo r perm ission to con­

tcat tho am endm en t’s v a lld ijy , an.l neck in iunetion ugninal i ts ' enforoe- tnont in thone s ta te s prosonted la s t

' wouk. In 'b o th tnsfanccn, the nmond- m eiit wns nllcgl^d to con flic t w ith thu s ta to poHco port'orn and w ith tho fo<1- om l conntiution.

In o rdering the governm ent to ahow ^nuse, the court, accord ing to govern­ment .■itlornoys, follow.ed an um isnal

^ proroduro ns o rd inarily in nuch In- ntnnccn, perm ission to b r in g aueh pro- .coedingfl U given nnd a doto f l* c l w hen they aro retu rnab le . Tho court, howover, wan generally beliovod . lo have boon pn>mpted b y tho fa c t th a t na. the r.mundmtint becomoa cffecti%'u on Jan u a ry 10 nex t, tho proeoduro foi; lowed would expedite m atte rs .

Tho suprenio cou rt today rocrsscil un til .Tnnuary H w ith o u t hand ing down ‘

1 a n opinion un th e constitutionnli^v acctloua o f tho V olatead prohibition

' ' onforcem enl net a ffe c tin g trio nleohol- — i' ie contcn t o f beer.

TRIAL IN NEW CASE DRAGS/ f D efense H in ts a t S ta r tl in g E vidence X to Bo In troduced

Y LOH AXr.KLK8, Cnl., (iP)— All hope th a t the eano o f I ln rry New, charged w ith tho m urder of his . awei^thoart,

V I'Vcdii I.ORscr, would go to tho ju ry by ’G " ('h ristm ns, was abandoned today wlien , th e tr ia l was resumed a f te r a reeesn of * ^ ” two dn.vff.I T 6 'VUilu ttJo j»,ro_(j«cuti<ui said i t cxpee.V- '

T>1 to rust ils'eiino buforo n igh t, a f te r ' thn possible introduction of a necond ' nlluged confession by N ow and teati- '

n ie il in cortoboratijm by J . I I . lUeh-riev- nrdsoii, n nowspuporman, to whom Now ' ■otli- "oiil hnve mndo sig n ifirn n l ‘, stntemuntB, the defense haa propjirod * ivrne toBtlmony hy n lieu lsls, as'v«cU an ' n iy s o ther ovideneu, which i t w as dcclarcd ‘

bu- would bu “ s ta r t l in g ." *


” T rees and OJfta A rranged fo r Inm ates ? o f M ilitary H oapita l

SAX F i a x c i s c o , (A’)— n r every f » w n rd .^ t t t t i* < Leltorrnnn g.-nernl hns

’“ r f p i t n T ^ e , ^ l r e f e siek nml woun.le.l 1BobUern nre 'beluK cnro.l for. thore w ill |bo a b ig brillian t C hristm as tree -if 1C lirislm ns timo. A t ovorv bedside the }

‘■1'* M b'd Cross will hnvo eiuidy, cnke a n d '

J * ''j K u terla iners from Ihe Olvmpie e l ^ y o f San Krnneiseo w ill v isit eneh s.;e p

‘l’r-’ tion o f lh .' b ig hospitnl, s ing ing a n l 'I 'nv j,U ying musie selecte.l by tlie men. * V " A t the hoslcss house a program o f ‘" ‘Jf music nnd vaudevillo -.speein lties wil!

* be pre.Heilfed.‘ l l is experte.l several thousnnd "..!•

.liers will be on turta ined in p riva te h.mies during the liolblay.

. , HENS SET NEW RECORDSMil’ Oregon CoUege B oast B idd les Holding

L ead fo r E gg IProdnction

COIUTALLia, Ore.r-</P? — A dozen • hens nt Iho On’gon A g ricu ltu ra l Col- i.-.H le jje ’s fa rm a t Salem, O re., bnvo *ct a ij.,.. new woHil re.-vrd fo r egg , Os- .iumes t-i. Dry.ion, j.rofessor a t the col-

’o rk annnunrcd.ring Kt<eli of these bens in 'o n e y ea r laid

more than 3iiil eg({s, th e best p roducing ;i;! two others 5123.

1 ( All theso hens, n rcon ling to Profes- ?)— ser T>ry.i,i-n, iue of lb e sirn in Ibn t sev- sid- •■rnl yoars ngo developed L ady-M cD uff,

lo- the firs l hon to have laid more th a n l and 300 oggs a yea r in a t ra p neat. H er I

t fc o td wa# a03. j

■ I® @ ® ® ® @ ® @ ® ® ® ® ® @

essee I^ @ I

'e e f I itoes 11ine ^ r your . § I las Dinner ® i

ETERIA IIRRY GROCERY 1 1M E 2 1 5 ______________ . . g j

^ ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® @ ® L


I T o d e y - j ] ^ a . r k . G f s

- • Liberty EomlB N EW YORK, ( / ^ P r i c e s o f Ln>orty

bonds a t 2:05 p. m. today w eror 3 1-2’a $09; f ira t 4 'a $03.03; second 4 ’s <01.32; fir« t 4 1-4’* $94.18; sccond 4 1-2'a ♦01.40; th ird 4 1-4'a $P3.5C; fourUi 4 1-4’a «£>l.-18; V ictory 3 3-4 's «98.0O; V ictory 4 3-4 's «08.02. • •

' Oroina and P rov isions ' CHICAGO, ( /I> -L ib c ra l receip ts to ­

g e th e r w ith prospeeta o f a la rg er m ove­m ent o f tho crop ia ’th rB b a r 'fu lu ro h ad a boorish -iaflne9«o lo d ay on tho eom marki^t. 'S u p p o r t fo r p rices , was lack ­ing u n til a aubstan tia l dcclIno had ta k ­on placc. Then eommisaion houacs took tho buying side. O pening quotations, w hich ranged frodi th e namo aa S a tu r­d a y 's fin ish to S 3-4e lowor, w ith J a n ­uary $1.351-S to 1.30 and M ay «1.33 1-2 to 1.33 3-4, woro followod .by a modor* ato gunoral sag, and .thon som ething of a rally.

SubsequoQtly, ta lk of export demand fo r w heat to go to Franco gave re la tive firm ness to corn. Tlio closo w as s teady n t tho same os S a tu rd a y 's ' fialBh to l-4c lowor w ith Ja n u a ry $1.30 1-S to 1.30 3-4 and M ay »].33 5-8 to 1.33 3-4.

O ats woro<duil hnd easier'-w ith com . A fto r oponing unchanged to 3-8e up in ­cluding M ay a t «2 1-8 to 82 3-B, tho m ark e t doclinod to below S o tu rd a x ’s closc, and thoa actwed.a littlo-vjitUJ’n. .

Provisiona shewed flrmnOSa notw ith- atand ing bret^ks in 'th e valire^ o f h o ^ and grain. Tho a tro ng then ing l'fae to r

'wna eommiasion h6nse buying o f lard.; Cash Quotations

CHICAGO, (/P>—Corn No. 2 -mixed h o t quoted; No. 3 mixed tl .4 4 to 1.48; No. 12 yellow, old $1.63.

0 6 ta No. 2 whito 87 to 88 3-4; No. 3 whlto S'! to 80 3-4c.

Rvo No. 2 $1.70 to 1.70 1-1!.'B arley $1.C5 to 1.68.

• T iniothy aood $8.'JiO to 11.50.Clover seed $30 to 48.Pork nominal.L nrd $23.15.Riba $18.25 to 10.25.

Ohlcago Livestock C IIICA nO , (/P)— Hog receip ts .'58,000;

slow, 1,1 to 20e lower; l.ulk S13.7() fo 13.00; top $14; henvv $13.70 to 13.05; ligh t $13.05 to 1.1.110; heavy packing sown, sniO(ft4t» $.13.2." t.i 13.00; jiaeking sows, rough $12..'30 fo 13.25; pigs $12.50 fo 13.50.

Cnttlo r.-eoipts 111,000; fi'm i; beef steors, mudium nttd heavy w eight, eliofe.- and prim e $lH.7.'i to 20; eonimon $9,50 to l l ; SeifcrH SU.25 to li.CiQ; cows $0 to i:t.2.’l;. eannera nud eiifturs $5 to 0 ; venl enlves $15 to l.'i.7.'5; feeder Hlecrs $0.75' to 12; sti.eker steers $0 to 10.25., Sheejj rei'eipts 21,(1110; slr.)ng ; Innibn $15.”.' fo l7..'>0; enlis ami $11.25 t<. 1.*; otvoH, morliiim, gr.oil nn.l choice $7.7.1 to III; eulls nml rommon $'1.50 to 7.5(1. • ;

Omaha L ivestock !OMAHA, (/P)—H og-rv.rvipts 13,000;;

$i;?.aoj<,n;i..JO; h e a w weight $1.1.31) to | im .sn r jO to l.'.e lower; fop $13.05; bu lk i 13.50;. Ught woight $13.15 t» Kl.-ir,-. henvyNjtaeking sows, anioolh $13.10 to] 13.3(1; J.neking sows, rough $12.00 to ; >3.1(1; j.igs $m,75 to ' 12..'.0, I

y ntllu repeij»<s 8,(1(10-, geiwraUy 2r,e. i n.'r; beef steers, tneilium and heavy! ght, ehoieo nnd primo $10 to 1 8 ;'

common $0 to 11; hoifers $0.30 to 13.25;

i i ^ K

jn£ U t= lHow about a new Suit

-nre thinking- about or tlie ver.v sm artest you our late W inter Mode;

The styles are swell, t terns such as appeal t<

—Let Us Show 1

illichacls-Stern Vai —anc

Hirsh-WickwEveruthin^iu the Lint

Men and

' 'y ’h e G r e ajPA H O PEPARTMl

* Up to d a i t ^ BA

Y, DEC. 22,1919COWH $(}.25 to ]2.50; copnora tusd cut* * tcr» $5.73 lo fl.25j -veni calvcs $13 lo 11; feeder Btcers $7 to 13; stocker

( steern $t^SO to 11.Sheep rucolpta 8,800; lamba 25c h igh­

er; uhuop an d feedors s tead y ; lam ba, 84 o ? pounds dowu $15.23 lo 10.50; cuHs end ro f I common $11.75 to 15; y ea rlin g w othcrs „ , ’ !$12 to J4; uwcB, medium and ohoico “ ? $8.25 to tf.OO; cuMs and common ♦S to‘ 4 „ •

' PotatoeiS CllICAUO, Po tatooa s tro n g ; ar-

, rivals 32 cars; N orthom • B urals and B urbanks $3.20 to 3,55 in carloU ; W est- oni Ruasola' jobbing $4..'

on, - - C h l^ o Provisions- •ck- CHICAOO, 111., ( ^ B u t t o r oaslor; ak - croomerv 50 to 05 l-2c. Egga lowor; jok ruccipts'l,(I30 casos; fira ta 60 l-2c; ma, on linory f ir s ts 54 to 04c; a t moA,-cM o» ;ur- included W to 00c; pou ltry aUve high- an- o r; springs 20c; fowls 18 to 27c; tu r- 1-2 keys 40e.

'oV T O A I D H O M E B U I L D E R S

*.” ‘*1 LONDON, (/P)—Tho B ritish govorn- •” ° .m e n t nroposes to 'su b a id lzo tho orec- ^ ° y jlio u of nuccssory homes fo r tho pOo-

plo nad to-provment tho build ing of w h a t aro characterizod ns “ luxury

•' housuB.’ ’ .T hc plan .has boon proposed to tho hoiise of commons by D r. Chrii- topher Addiaon, m in ister o f hca llh .

tl>o D r. Addison propoBcd. th a t a subsidy X ’s o f $750 should bo offorod fo r eauh I. . houso birflt \v ith in -a .-^ o c lfio d timo,1th- "Ansten Cham berlain, cboncollor of 0 tho 'exchequer, unnouneed th a t the rtor tre a su ry h ad agreed to lond to local •d. au tlioritlcs o f small communitica m on­

e y ,fo r bu ild ing ijurposes, b u t th a t th* cod au tho rities o f larger oommunitici»48; would have to supply tho ir own ro

Bourccs... 3 Two d ifficu lties, he said, confronted

the governm ent, th a t o f ob ta in ing money and labor aud ho odvisod th a t public opinion bo aroused to ob tain

■ both. ■ ________


(C'from P oge Ono)

QQ. w as im lleuted thflt tho chargcs aga inst ’ l-'mmiiton would bo dropped.

' Tho e o u r t . objected to tho -kind o f L * hond furnished by Ilow ut, a check, for ^ ^ $10,ODO draw n on a Kntisas bunk, and ‘rH isfn te .l thnt ho 'w ou ld havo. to fu rn ish ■' j bnil more areeptnblo to tho court i f ho

-! wnnted to re ta in hia lib e rty u n til the \ ; h o a rin p -n c it Mondny. l lo nlao enjoin-

oil Ilow at to ehnngo hin gunoral n fti- tndu tow nnl tho court if ho w ished to -

. , s tay nut of jnil. H ow at, ho said, munt ^'3;. renmiii in Ind ian a pending tho hearing ' nex t Monday.

',^5 0O N 8O I. SEEK S TO M A K E PEA C E

to (Continued from Pago Ono)

I guaran tee ing tho neu tra lity of Bulgiun.I fo r fiv e yeara on tbo p a r t o f Uio n llie i, —: is reported by tho P e t i t P arisian , whleh

to i says tho P rench tm d B ritish govern ilk j m onts arc seeking to reach an ngreo-

jjn c n l w hich w ill givo en tire salisfn r- to I tion to Belgium. In Pronch peaco eon to ; fcrcnco circlcn i t is reported , aontimcn:

i is favorab lo to tho m aiiitcnnncu of tin- r»e. i T u rk ish em piro under co rta in gunrnn vy i tceS. Oenornl B orthelot who bas gon',.- .8 ; to London, w ill discuas th is question 5; during bla ntay.

E v e r y o n e

v ^ ^ a n t s

f t o '

' l o o k

t h e i r

b e s t

f o r

^ C h r i s t m a s

i t t i f C l o t h e s ? — I f y o u

o n e w e c a n s h o w y o u

) u ’ l l b e a b l e t o f i r r d l n : ~

l e l s .

, t h e f a b r i c s a n d p a t -

t o a l l m e h .

T h e m t o Y o u —

alue First Clothes 'n d —

wire Modelsne of Furnishings for. td Boya

IE N T S t o r e L td .^ P ro g r ts th e

!• - • 1 , •



'Senator Lodge Declines to : 'CUSS Possible E ffec t of tl

Oommittee Action -

W ASHINGTON. (/P>—Scnft7^?T clm irm an of tlio fo ro ien rotations mittflp, (Icclinmi loday lo discuss a li/iliod reporl th a t Normnn Hnp rolnishor to D rnm ark, dccidcd to r- to th c U nited Stnto* a f to r lho fltnt partm en t learned Umt tho comm was prepared to m ako public infc tioa which w as cxpoctcd to shou tiv itic s nnd sym pathios fo r tho Ru noviot Rovcrnmont.

Thc o n l / comment from Sc; Lod^^tf w a s 'th a t irnp ;^od 'R nomiai <lU‘d w ith lho la»t ,8CMlon of con, a a d th a t no ToecS»^~npp()intmcnt beon mndo. Tho com m iltco aecuro form ation several m onths ttRo th a l vnki'd Bueh doterminci] oppositio co n firm ation .o f Mr. Ilnpffood th a t ro ta ry Lnnsin^^ vras in iom iod tho pointm i'E t would not b« npprc M embers o f tho com m ittcc, i t in wero prcparcil, i f nocesiar>', to prc th is in form ation to tliu Hnnte und

• sib ly to tho public. .Tho inform ntion obtainod from 2

Now Y ork and ollior p laeusrift-saii liab ly to bo sim ilur to repo rts publi thn t JInp(;od.Jntercstod him solf toi fostorlaK cotamorco betw een Atsei export intorosts nnd those o f k Ituasin. Tlu- eommittoo lOso see sovorjU artic iea w ritten by M r. 1 good. . ■________ .

W A R H E R O i s A P P O I N I

S «rgeaot SoodUit I s l f u n e d S podal c o i t fo r o f Boldler D0a<

W ASHINOTON, {;?)—Form er • ffcanl W i»i« tiuniUin, o f H yd«n,

S a tu rd ay was appointed escort the re tu m of m lilienlend from c sons by Secrc ta rv B aker on r«conu

. .lation of M njor Ot-n.-ral Iti.ifcTH, K oiinr & m dlhi WAH fli.l.M-t.-d fo r ixist b(‘eini<i(< o f his unuHunl rec-or< llu- world war.- nnt>ffi<-i;illv he r> n ex t to Sert;ount York in hi» exp n trainst Iho enemy, bidnj; cred ited ' k illin jr -4 G ennnns uud woundint; c.ipturinB mnny more.

Siin.llin wns nwnrded Hm.- m eda »ii>nnr, the F rench CroSx rl.- Oiierrc III.* m edal iiiilitaire o f Belgium “ eoiiHpiniouH Knllaiilry utid intrejii ivl.ave tmd liovon.l tl«e oiill o< dHt' n.-li«n wifh tlie .ai.-mv a t Pois F»r;;es, Bi-ptetnb'.'r JG, MMS. .S.-rR. .H:iii.ilin n.lvuii.u-1. .ilone rlireetly o iiiarhino j^un nent which wan holt up Ihc iino w it’i itn fire. Ho ki llil' eri'W w ith ii ^roii.ido nn<l eijnl th e line to atlvinii'i'. I>:itcr in tlin .S<-rKeanl -San.ilin n ttaek .'d nlone p u l o u t o t 'n e t b n fwo o th e r mnH

iients, Bcttin;; a n p ien ^d exnr of bravery, and coolnetui lo ^ iis men.

SOUTHWEST FAVORED ARIty d ro -S lo c trlc Pow er DerolopmoUt

U erea o f W o rries .in Oonl Strllcc

SAN FRANCISCO, (;p)—Indust ill (.'alifornia, Arir-ona, Novailji New Mexico have he.m in the n

_ fav o rab le of .nnv TORion- th e Uiiitetl Sl.nics since Die conl At:

w.ifl betfun, acoordinR to A lbert Seliw abaclicr, UuiUnl Ktiiten fuel M.inistNTlor fo r those slrffen. A» lua llv no coal is niine.l in th is rec oil f ie ld s an .l hvdro el.-rtric po hav<. been developed lo the pi w here ii t t le eoal i» UHe.l ex.-epl .lom estie purposen an.l tlij' biinkei o f the few Ht.':uu.ihip» th a t do not Ij

Th.* supplv .if roul on Haid to be so a.leiguate th a t tbero 1.0 eause for l.ounelmlil.T lo w orrv, in fa irn .'.is to all an order wn^ is* recviUly Unxitinj; earU' oou^uwer n a n y .lavK' supply.

' .^nolhe^ favorab le e ircw nstau retl ia t coal fo r Ih.'So «tale.n comes la: ly .fron i H rilisli Columbia n^i'l V

■ triiliii, w here m ining ia un iiiterru r an.l from tit.ah.

: SINGING WINS HIM LIBERC harge o f T tio ft B rings Colored

' T&lent to C oort’8 A tt«n tlon

HALLAS, Texas,’ (/P)—S ittin jr .lle.l in tt .chair in juvenile cou rt h a d im inutive ^-olhMV negro , 11 V(

.■ old, recently sang himnclf from a Hio o f bicycle th e f t . Tliere w as noth of a jiparen t jjrealneB* nboul th e lad le^H it wa-. his feet. Kocased ia a j o f worn oul m en'ii shoes, il di eu lt lo te ll how much shoe lea th e r ' 8iiI>crfliiou<i.

• ‘Juilf’O, you ought to hear th a t ' Kinc,” stigijest.-.l a court o ffiee r w Ihe eas.- was ealled.

Ju.lkre K. IJ. Seay of r rim in a l dist r.)jirl No. 1, presidinj: tem porarilv juv.^nile e .iurt, said be “ d id n ’t miii'

___ ___ _ W ithout a trace of enniarransm cntnei:ro bnv closed his eves, th rew b Ui* bend and broke in lo ib e nieJodi rruoti o f " .Sw int’ I.ow, Sw eet Chnrio C ourt Official.s nml speetntors litcri h.‘ld Ihe ir bteatU a s tUo singer ranC Ihr.iiigh the cinirt room.

'•T l ia t boy hos a ten-thousam l do v o ie r ,” Jiiilgo .S eay dcclar?a. . “ shaU-bo ft„.i iro iic d a s a si.-r. I ain per^Jmally goinj; to fcce th a t II jilaccd vchcre hc can havo th e pro n.Ivantiipe*. W ith th a t voice h.* hr a i» ,n h am ong hw raee.

The bov. u h n he .loes not k rhi!, nwn nam e, was placed under rart- o f the; Dolla* NeRro V. M. C.

. iH-udiaj: o ther orraagem ents.


VIKNNA, ( ^ - A - L l {., , M.-la K un. lh - form er co m tu ^ n i^ la to r o f l!uni;;iry nnd h o r . v e

/ to t h t H u n -a r iy i niKhor' .fMMtra!.-.! hy th e Au#' • " 1

The brother*. ».-ho• I ,M . m *d- » to

IT B O Y A N A R ’GOOD F R E E L I B R / oDta- , R A D I C Athe ___

I n t e r v i e w w i t h t h e

A w a i t i n g D e p o r t s

5° l p u b - M e n a c e'"F c™ !, R e s t s o n M a n y a F0 roturn ^ ___ ;itativdo- Yi,;\v YORK, (iP)—Thomns Dinimittoi} ti,o - iT-ycnr-old self-confinforma- ,(,hoolboy ;inarchist now on E llij

nc- aw aiting deporta tion to Rusaifussian ^ danRorous a lien , who says l«c0 . ta incd h is ' ‘ ed u c a tio n " in rndic Senator ob tained u t the New im alion j t t r a ry , In an in terv iew w:

reprcsontativo of tho A ssociated :n t had indicatoiT th a t a real monaco to / □rod m- ijjj,, in stitu tio n s rests upon mai rtal pro- ipQo boolcsliolf.■nt’s..!? “ Bomo rldh m an b»T« unw lttlj

«i«. ly tho sp'road o f roTolatli.nrnvmt « 7 doctrjBo#,” ha aald, re fo n l I . .r.i/1 * to th e mUUona l u r u t e d in l lb ra r nresout ^ EngUah-spoaJdml nn ,. -wotld. ‘ *I h»A no tw ntolo ip I

> tftim ng tho radlcAl books I dealr tn P aris p r tn tod In EuM lan, fro m tho W nai.1 rfl- lAXlaatOn »T?JIibllshcd ^ Torfc PHbUctow ar 1 hr»T7 . ”

m erlcan Tho you th w ho, shortly a f te r ri soviet n tin g ^ /ro m q N ew York public sc

sccurod bocamo. tho soerotary o f tho Unio r. Hap- Russian W o rk e rs ' Local, a n unar

. orfl;anizalioa in Brooklyn w ith R i bersh ip o f 150, discussed w ith pc

m Y C n frauknusfl tho causcs which had n i c u Jiiin t o - h i s im ponding btuiishi

from the- t/n ited S tates. The d o l Es- step, he 's iiid , hnd been Hocinlisi >0a d theory favored by somo o f th e tenc

in his school. It wnn not ra< Sor- enough, ho saifl, und bo he looh

n , K y,, unarrhy .r t fo r S tu d y fo r Psychologist1 over- iJuiiknnnb would prove u 's tu d y anuiij.i p,veh.i1oglst. l ie is more thar 'I ’ .linnrily ii.telligeiit and .|uick-wi

A pnir o f ligh t blue eyes peer 1 •or.l in Mioek of very ligb t bi• riinkK ],„j^ „ ,„ j 111- 'sm iles he sliov‘Sp lo iti fi„,, ,veil-kept teelh . \■'* " ’‘''I .Iresne.l und «ippUed wilU an nling n n l .............. .. c igare ttes he expressed, , teiitnn 'iil w ith his lol jin.l hope.]

•dal o f j j,„o„ |„, Kron.stndn«‘i Ni.ini-Novgoro.l, in Russia, where,

" Biii.l. th rr.- were nnnrehiHl .-otniiuopidi / Th.. n.-.-iHHily o f leaving his mo iHl,-. JU one o f whom is a" " denl in a Hn.oUlvn high s.-hool,

non.- o f whom «!iar.- his view». cn' f ?iV " hbii few r.-gn-tH. he said, “ l>.-e

’hn"'dn'v G raduatele nnil The prisoner e:.iiie I., lho l-'ii inehino -StateH frr.iu Volhviiin, in Ihe l.'kn JUimplc or “ L itt le HiiW ia;" w ith h is mo c n .” in- J-'’ l - when len vears old. llis*f

er. a Ru.i.-.ian nuijik , in dend. 'F o r v,-ars \w nUeudvd iv New York ]n

\ R £ A JJra.lim ling, in 1SH7. l le^ been tau g h t the usuftl. branches,...» -Oa ‘••'" i'ug tl knowledge of the ITn a t a o . constU ulion. He said lio

f» r Bov,.r„>n,.«l, o f ,„,y I beeaii-..- thev wi-re all “ dishoue: Upon leavuig school R iihkauob

‘ thlned emiilovment al whnt he saiilfa ir u-lige... 'H is home life, he .le.

’X i K , r $21.«:0 a week nn.l wouhl have

■el ad- v .,,1 ,i j;o..d ra ise ,“ snid llu lik r y*’’" laughinalv ns he iliscusserl bis pli

region, ;.,:inner was earnest, nlrpower to iinswer .inewlioiiH. ll isP“ ” ‘ ™V,, 1..- .a i .l , 'hOJ I..-.-I.

p t ‘->r .

C A N N IB A L S D I S A P P E A R Iwas ---------

ro was Conaua Shows Only _3,000 S u r r iv o r T m u .mI n e r c o s t Poljm eaUn Trlbo

' ‘ 1-ArKirEJ;:, T ahiia , (/?)—The J i , <|Ui'sas, fieree.'it I'aiinibalii am ong the

large- l.' neiilans in the South J»ncifie, nre Au^- A fc^v-yearB-ago tlw y n

rupted l'fT B tJ3K ffc^han ..fiu ,nn()7^Jc lust siis showe.l only a,00(l survivora.

Djiiiim, introdu6v;iniy wliltc mon . Ihc M anpiewyi islanJs, tho m ost no;R T Y crly F rench Koith-mcnt. in Occania

belli responBitile Viy m any fo r thc B o y 'a }>r.’ach ing ex tinction of tbia rncc. '

a .iriig i.1 no longer nold in tho inlandsi t is naid vt« e ffc i't is »liowu in a di

: hml- ra te of-lT. jie r cent a ycor.I here, Physically the M arquesas wcro r

vears n ifiecu t. Before totooiRg waa for ej’iarge d n i lh.- bodie;. o f the na tives v o th ing a.lorne.1 bv the most in tricate nnd b ad un- tifu l designs, and som.; o f Ihese : a pair ' .-t be seen. A lthough thev had a r d iffi- i 'e r o f adm irab le .jtialities, the '

cr w as .|ue«aH in th e olden days eonstan tly gaged in tr ib a l wnrs w ith the rn

at boy .iw n t fea sts o f human flesh, when ^O murl) has been heard in song

story of th e “ Cannibal W a n d s” of i is tr ir t - ‘South .Sea ' .—tiia l . many per.-.ons •ilv in licve th O i-ro m p rise the m yria.I isis iiind ” doHinj; the P ae ifie soulh of thi- c >nt tho to r. In xonio of tho islands, scicn : bnek res.'areh w orkera found, uian-eatiug odious p ra r lire d in n»a»y, Iw t in T ah iti ir io t .” ) o jher inlands o f tho Socicty Group, tc ra lly nihalism w as unknown.-

, ' 2 ' C O P P E R Q U E E N F I N I S H E S

' " l i . Y E A R W IT H O U T F A T A L !I iing - “■

nrotNcr ttfin iag C oopaay f o ln ts ^' ^ n i P r id e to Eocord of Oporation

W lth o n t Accident*

rr"”!™ O T - r „ n . , . r O ’C. A. 'Dl'-.;; rnnjp,»liy ofn.-i.ll.- I'-Wt di;

edjaif^nli-.t* to w hat the '■,4Pf* «» rr.-ord in the nper.itinn > l.ltf m ine—a whole vear xvithoi.t a 1

jfT i^ * c .id ,-iu , .and ah-.o ,: \C. monlh-i » I« t a t:i:n l V r id r a t un.l.T-ro.m i

k idnap a?:v of thi- ‘.non- thnn raen< di* ,.-!o.v,-ra o v r r T h i- .- '• .ii iianv u p .-ra t.- i a *«m bi*r s Iw.-n n i i i l - - v n .ie r v a r.v .n g e o n d i’- io n , in •c. T h - ' rlitioH to g r e a t op en c o ts fo r rre i^c l »l>ovrV sniniafi l» Saer»».enio UiU, >adre.a» T r e e d o m fro m fa t.a lit ie* i i ro la K u.» V red d u e to a “ sa fM y f i n « t " o rj :0 a rr t a l i o n . i r a w in g on th e ro o p e rk tio ; to 't h e ! fo re m e n , s h i f t l i e »

j lh ^ n i* e lv r» .


^ H IS T SAYS tARY AFFORDS\L ed u ca tio ;; Youth Now on Ellis Islai rta1;ion to Russia Indicat ce to . American Institutio Free Library Shelf •

----- Ll-------------------- • ‘Duhka- thc Greek Cntho|lc ehureh b u t ho

onfosseii novcr been Very religious, l ie ci :ili8 Isi- not understnnd, hc snld, i f thero ussin as a Ood why thero waa so much cvj

l«o ob- the -Aorld. diculism EecaUa Boyhood Charge ''* w i!h 'n . / ‘ I , . " '‘• I^ I '> 2t n ig h t,- ' ho went ./I Pfouii “ w itn -ti lo t o r m urderers nnd robli n Amor. ‘>"f I nm-nblo to tako cnrc o f inysol m anv II U«*>l'anob recited w ith somo

^ dcncc o f p rido nn cxpericnco bo hnd when ho ,wn* ch if m onitor

JSV O o r , l i , b o y . , l fM ation - n knoekcd o u t tw o o f the?o r ^ he chuckled, " n n d tho others b ea t i T ^ e f l Buhkanob aaid fow o r tho boya

grils in school entorto iaed tho vl ^ ho did. M oat o f them pVcferred

stlend th e ir leisure tim e a t th o m o\ I OOtli likod to rcftd h istory , phibso]

sociology nnd economics. lUc 11- .<My f i r s t book of th is kind wns

bv Tolstov, f t 'm ild , good m an, bu r gradu- .Ueamer; bo o ffered no solntion ; school, cept C liristian ity nnd tim t I do not fnion o f rep l. T hen I rend, n t o ther tir nnrch lst K roiM tkU i's ‘ B read and Frccdo R mem- B akun in ’s ‘ God nnd thc S ta te ,’ p erfec t v im lrsky ’s ‘ W hat is Anarchisn

ad led A lexander H erkm nn 's ‘ P rison Mcmi ishm cnt o f nn A n a rch is t,’ and Mnx Stirm ' f ir s t 'TllO Ind iv idual nnd H is Propcrl .lism, a They gavo mo tny f ir s t desire to h lencliois em nnicnpte tho w ork ing clnss by e rad ical .-nting it to renlize i ts own interest,

ook op also road tho w orks o f nn Italinn '.ireliiHt us well ua Kinmu Ool.lma .•M other K a rth ’. "

jdy for No S jnnpathy w ith Bolshevism han or- The l.oy said be hnd no s.vnipa' •w ilted, fdf Bolshevism because il represen T from , a form o f governm ent o r nu ihorily

brow n';b .)th o f w hieh he expressed conteni hows a . Ilo admilt.-cl, liow.-v.-r, Ihut n 1

W ell-iw .-eks a/^> ho iinrliriiinle.l in a pan a lium l-l.if rad icals up F if th avei

I'd con- wtii.-h wns brok.-n up hv Iho pol ped ae ;„„i.I H.-on.-s <.f wM .lisord.T. 1 :nd o r ijia ju d e rs e ith e r refused tn take ««l ere. he di.l nol possess a necessary p..lice r I...... . m it.m ola-T When told tha l «nti»ti,'H .ho

l a s t : - lhat more lhan ls:i.(l{l0,000 Ruim; ol, an.l eonhl n e ither r.-ad nor wril.-, Iluh causod Dill, sai.l he wnnie.l to g.. hiirk t.. R

h.-enus.' xin, iu il Ihe »ame, “ lo help tlieii re hii.',- He Niii.i he ha.l no n«i- anv jjovo

ment ev.'u IhoiiRh it prot.'cle.l h i . i 'I and pr.ii.erly , enaWeil to earr

i.'iiii.-l *“ I’*’" '’*’ ‘'Icraino ‘-’'" f - r t . Me said a imlii-i- or fire nir«ii,,.r I'!«rtiuei\l, -strco l e.leiluing rvhU-w , '

isT a lli ■*'f l . . . publi.- s.Tvic- would be iicceplable -lua. if Ihev all di.l not involve the oreiH.- o f “ a n th o rilv .’ - And

; Huhkanob wns reputed to have b,rm itcd »■

ho ha.l L ib ra r ia n K efutos Ohargev kin.l K. l l ., .lireelor .if,.uest. ' New Y ork public lib ra ry , in n sinb ob- m ent regard ing n iihkanub 's ehari>iil was lh a t he had obtnined nnnrchislii^-.lecln'-* ern ture from on., o f Ihe librai

hranches. naid he hn.l been unabl,.10 nho]> find the hook.n niihhanob nientioi nve re- listed in th e entatogn.-. C ertain woi likanob bv Krojiotkin and o th e r nimilar \vplight. er«, h.‘ sni.l, p rin ted in Russiiin, walm ost un.ioul.ledly on the shelve-, "

’.•rx^'of nrnrw""!.- liookx of high lite ra ry vai


von o f j ______ ,• ’Arm y w ith M oto r T nicks and Doiij

boy Chauffeurfl to H elp Spread Mar- Y ulotldo Cheer

the Po. ______

T uun,' ^ m -r-T ra v .d ia j; Chriy "Un'- hfiiu3*Tr.'^,.»i;o«nls «iiL-ti«ke -Vulat.

‘•‘•“ • l e h c e r to m a n v ne ighborho-o .Is in O re •- , e r N ew Y « rk o n C h ria tm a n c v e ? '’ ;;„^" ‘' i C h r i . l m a P .n i g h t . T h e a rm y w iih t

1 to r t r u c k i a n .l d o u g h lo v c h a u f fc i" w ill h e lp , t l .e c o m m u n ily couneii.i

th c np - J o n n e d d u r in g th e w a r 'i n i. T h is „ -i.rk , il w a.i a n rto u n re d to d a v .. i d s o u t 5 r„e k w ill b e a r a n llln m in a1 d c a l i i <)„ r i.j,. ,-rj

Ui'e “ m a v o r ” a n d tU..- “ e i lv f a l h e r o m^K- in n:i " m li-av o r to in fu s e th e sp ir i t fo rb id - tb .- .d .\- lim e-S o w n c e le l.r a tio n in lo c ' w ero ,|,v,.IlerH.11 beou.. Ti„. tnn ti c r ie r will Kimimon fhe*<' m a y j la g e r s ’ ’ b y r in g in g tv bcU a n d rc a i a n u m - p r .)e ln m a tin n f ro m Ihe ren l m.ix e .Mar- Tb.-.i <'hriM tma.i f a r o l* w ill b.- su n g Illy c n - lp .- o p ie fro m th e n e ig h b o rh o o d , th o

o i i ' o - ‘ .•(imp.Tnimenl b e in g p r o v id e d b v tr e jp i .m o s on th e trurkM .

n g a n d ^ , — -


icn tifrc i ---------n g w a a A» chairm an of th e Twin Falls lli and o].erative .-ommiltee M i.n H elm R ip, can- crt.i, d augh ter o f Mr. and .Mrs. J .

. R oberts of Twill Kails, a n .l ‘a fr.-ihn a t tiM- Cnivt-Tsity i.f Idaho, w ill n f t w

jQ the n-onien o f t'hi' un iversity in a npaign fo r a sjieei;.! sc*«iou o f thc st

iL lTY ' ra tify the federal s- ifrnge nmcBilmcnt,

.MiM R ohrrls i« a 'm cm l.erT f-the Cr a ^ t h n,.i P h i 'l lc ta sororie ty nnd U ver^- p « lon inent in college activ ities.

' i

I r I t J E L C O i l G H Tn of .% ' TTit rw envkt* E leetrie Light a a da f J ta l I P ow tr P U s t

' I , l>!, o f b r ig h t, clean, jiafe cle.

en -nr I

o f i , D . O . W A T S O K 0 0 .ta ia r r s | ..Twlp r a U l. Idabo


r ~ t a S BEPIIE-COflO

>S HOVSWIIIWniTEO N Best Eesults Obtained ThroftJ

Mothods P reacritod by tho S l a n a P ederal D opartm ent. c a t e s fnil p i« ,.rop hn*'_^Lc:tlO n S ''•‘''‘ '“•'I m anagonient o f t

hog!* becomes o f ■itariimou'ilJMnlcrcst tho growers. S pecialists o f^ h o i;n lt S latea deparl.nient o f ngrieulluTL- rep<

t ho hnd gPnerul m.-lhods fo r the tiro fital lie eoul.l Im ndling of fa ll pig:i during the w hero wna system is lo push the hoh evil in 'w rapidly ns p.iHiiible in order lo s

tU-sm on the m nrket beforo the h w enther o f the followini; summer. Tl ronlly is Ihe “ hS.thous,. ” method

iTtnt on. pro.lueing pork , uh lhe nniinnlfl n rolibers. ^,jvon ex tra ci.i^e nnd feed in rushi

in jaelf. them tow nrd rapid m atu rity . Tl lomo oyi- ,n.,ih„d involves - partieUlaHv go.

ho I'nd housing fo r tJie hogs, a,i iirolectj. from the scvcro w eather o f w inter

a ttaeked n,o colder locations is essential. O : ot tho most in ijio rtan t factors is clebeat i t . bedding. Above all th ings fa ll pi joya nnd „i,ould never be nllowed to sleep 10 view s n» it In a prolilie sonrerred to o f colds nnd pnenmoiiia.•_movies. A nother m ethod o f carry ing fa ll pi iitosopry, n.rough llie winU-r vs to mavntnin I

animnis ou a goo.l grow ing ra li wns one „.hich is re ln liv .dy rich in protci

b u t n carry ing n ialeriu ls. These aro prc. lion ox- for ,„„k in g o t a larf> not ac- bony frnm cw ork. Tho idea is prii

‘•‘ ‘•Iilion so* Ih Tcciloni, ,)iey mny bo turiu-d ouf on grnns t

i’- •» ' "Pfing " ‘til a wSl-developrelusm f , fr-miowork on which Ihev cnn stor.r Momo»tH „„ridus o f fa t . These anim als cnn th S tirner s j,„ c r r J d through tJio summer . ropcrt.v. j,„nii j.aHiure w ith tho aiM ition o f a li

to he p tb e r tb y m aking some gnin weight and . onsid.-rable jjain

1 !ii7.e, nnd bo in splendid con.lition tl ilinn atl- f „ u lo f a tte n rnpidK* «u t!Ildman a

m ain tain ing tho h..g>. on the fnnn ; vlsm inKtanees n n lil the anim als are 1em pathy lo lit m onths o f ago, bul often tl...... nteil porker* ciiii be fed more eh.-apiv wliei>rily fo r Ihis m -tIioi| is p ra c tic 'd than wh.-i jnti-nipt. th f bogs nru rnpi.llv to mark, n fe.v m aturity .

i parnd;- -Mnny h .-rd H ^ a ii-gl.-el t.. provide avenue sHl'fici.-ni :ni:..unt ..f d rinking wat.

e police for III.' Ii.>j;s .lu ring tho w inler ni.inlh r. Thc PigH "houlil hav-.- fre.- aeeeK,-. I.i pni

««l o r w ater al all timvs.lice por- ■ -----------


' ^ S n ' F'-*’'. (/Pj— In.iuary 17 It.. Ru -lc>-i';inal.-d a - th rift n cHi..m'” "> 'V 'le n nml will iu' ..-i-b-br;ileil i L^ovor.i- n.-r..rding to M ii. R. H.M ’orleliil life ‘•’•niruiau of. ihe Ih r if i ............rn rn -n Fvdciatii.u of W„u»e»-s vlulvs.■ I t iM ilaim .'d l.illion-. o f .h.llarn m

fi o I. cxpca.Inl'^ooliH hly eii.-h yonr throu«: ..... ou! Ih.- .•.Mii.lry and lha t tU- great.IV ’oM.LT l'" rtion of Ih is .-;in I..- avoi.h-d-bv .-ar

ful stn.iy an.l inodoration. .A ’ enr Ihe er- ''<l»‘-ntii>n agniiint ii!..‘ less e

Ild v.-l I’cm litnre in io .b e HtarI.-d .luring Ihri ve been «ccor.ling U. Mrn. P o r te r .-

e / '

I HOLLISTER .V— ______ _______________________ -

H li^ lii- nO L M H T H R -^Jt Im r.-i.orl.-d Jilib rarv Fullm er is verv ill a l Sail Lake C iflable ";o where he went fo r tr .'a tm .'n t..-utionoi: The schools will hobl ChrlKlma» en worl.« e rriic s in eacl. roon. w ith apjiroprial

weu- The HolliHler garage has ehnng-.'Ill ih--y hands, Oeorge Kvel.-ih, niHiiining-mn.lilinu^’ ’ apem eni Ibis week, v value. Mrs. K. L. Ilaz^^nr.l .and dnughle' Ninn, le f t fo r I» n g Reach, Cal., M..i

^ dav to bpend Ti-few weeks.•A N T “"'1 Mrs! J . U. n .a t ly

planGeorge Cole has purciiased oae .

SE E K S D rV O EC EAlleging c rnc ltv am i incomp.Hibilii

Chris!.-, o f tem per E f f ie Pnul.-y- has appeal^'uloU,<t*> to thc d is lr ie t c o u r t .^ t l i__ :i _ u1xot

1 Grcal- fronj^ Wnyne Paul.'V .: ,- Th.- coinplaii •Ve aud wus'IiliSV tbi« m n ra in s ' b'i- A tlorn d ih mo- P ran k L. Kt,-phan. According I.. It [tuffcurN b ill .o f parlicuh irs lh.- p a ir mnrri.-d i ricil... ,-{ O eiober. li'O.-. iu S tock tou , Km\. Thci •-ill th.- are tliree ehil.lren, of who

in a.k.-d l,y th - p h .in liff . along wi: minate.l M iffirlei.t aliui.inv i<> iupiH<rl li.T^.- ■ n crier, au.l iIi.-m minorx. i lh c rs ,” _________ __________

J i o ‘ci"y ----------- - ^ a o E a ." W :B U K i ..Tohn R. A ult, ju v en ile offi.-.-r, is

h c “ vil- Ituhl lo.lav inv.-M igating r.-porls 1 . read a ju si-u ilr .I'elin.pi.-ncies.


he sta to W

. p a n ary pro-;,,. ^

; p j i n s p i r e s t h c p l a y e r — ^ 1 t h r o u g l i a b e a u t i f u l

& ] m i d d l e r e g i s t e r , y i c l d -

* T M l ^ t o n e t b a t s o a r s t u d y l a r k * l i k e t o h i g h e s t C

> m t t u u d e r s s o n o r o u s l y I. M c i g h t y - s e v e u n o t e s b e -

9 l o w . T o n e - q u a l i t y a u d - H t o u e ' - t r a n s m i s s i o u i u

S c l a s s i c p e r f e c t i o n . - ' 'j

@ ■ C L IF rO R O 'S M USIC ST O R E i r l jo io M e . « u « »



Business Men Emphatically 1 Q ny Baseless S tree t Pro-

• paganda........ S tories baiidi.-d” about on the Kin

I u 2 ? rT « in Falls for a nionlh p a ,t, 1 o f alh-g,..I federal activi

litcd "'•'•us--dtior P « f ‘ an- yig..m u»ly .lenied } , . tho m orchanis gen.-rnllv.

- The yarSs ind ica te tha t I i; agents l^avo eiilered cerlnin ckilli

and shoe jilores where purchases « mn.le, lhe price asked for the ko

T.^1 I'ought being pai.l w ithout .lemur. ' ; sute concludHl the fe.loral ngent is 1

‘ to have domandod tho original inv<. , ' which, in ull cases the gossip narra '

declare, was found lo show a .lupl S l d re tailer. In s.• ;7 '| inntances, according to Iho r.'ports,

m erchant wns tnken to Boise fo r ti n-l,. repo rts have been madei,V, . 'o TcsuU of llie cou rt ac th 'ille j

thc a ta 'e cnpltol.P'k^ “ Tliero is not an io ta of tru th

*" these rad ical s ta tem en ts ,” aaid jirom inent Twin l-’nllH m erchant

, .i„- '’’om ing. ITo sai.l-the rum ors ha.l b I"*’’ fully investigated and fouad t« be 0 lion I’"*®!'-’'" ' ' I ’fupaganda. .Another n

. c h a n t,’’ sai.l ho would bo willing pay a p a r t o f a su l)stnn t|n l reward inform ntion lhat would lend lo iden tity o f the j.erson se ttin g ab

^ tho reports, o r lend ing lo establish au th en tic ity of s ta te m e n ts ., . .

.pi-1 -----------

Ihen "

Heal iEslale Transfers,]J" P anxlihed By th e T w in F alls Ti­tl,,. tie and A b s trac t Oompany

Ivos • ________ 2!, Deed J A .Tolin.son e l nl to K A He

c l al $inOO L 20 n n P-ler., . D,-..d Mnrv V. Rw ing iii 8 F Coom

J" NKNK i;i-0-13.Deed W I> Mooro to 8 F Coom

*“ • .-n.i.’io, NW NK i;i-»-i:i.Dee.l .1 F T heener fo G W Reed

•' RW8WI D e e d M K W righl lo C K Wri|

‘ V; $1 N 1-2 L 4 T vler Add Kimberlv. Dee.l II V Allen to -A: 8 LiiMoi

.l.'iOO L 11 n il2 T F. •De.'.l .1 It Dr.iwn to C R Birond 9-

„ L 7 li 1 Inv Jst A.ld Buhl.BN p.r.,.! A KingHwold lo J I f .Dli-r

I , $”00(1 nn.l 1-2 SW HK .Tl-tt-lM..,.U Dee.l M n 0 B u llo s .o t al lo A

H onghielin N 1-2 SW nnd BKl..r -lin-17.

Dee.l r A Pntl.-.i ct nl Kv H Lor m o K l-‘ 8W -27-W U .

„r;- D.'o.l I. D Ham lo E A H am ar *1 11;;,. L n 7 ;ind H It ll.T Uuhl.U,-r Deed .1 A .loJin«in lo T P HigUv ur,- Dist $1200(1 HWNW 22-10-17..„ni. Dee.l T F Cem etery Assn to K : ,.i- In lvre .'!i.';2 W 12 W 1-U-L 4 B

n f l F ceinelery. .Deed T F (.'emetery A«sn to .A

. H oughtclin S.'.!! E 1-2 h I B .'.S T ^ cemcterv.A D e.'.l’L K Edmimdson ct nl fo .1

I G riffith s $ n o « n SW NW -J-nnd SK. * and KW NK

JO H N SO N S U E S JO H N SO Nity , A tipearing fo r W. W. .Tohtisou, Un

& B enoit Sn tu rday f iled in tho t ev- tr ic t conrt a ' judgruent su it T.gni are Ralph .lohnson. Tho com plaint

leges there ia *1300 due op a pron g-."l eory note.

T o u can aell tb a t lo l o r plot ter, g round—n t a sm all ndvbrtising coa :..n th rough tho classified.

Ji-fi ------------------ = =

:i-| S r q a r t Bi F o r

t i f - - , -i i 1 b a j.i.-if’ 1

i\ %m j-ri j I ' W hat g ift ifl mo

E ticablc than a paj Shoes for Christma

‘ : F Our stock is cor; new shades in Field

^ Cinder Gray and BlV I j Heels. Sizes fron 5 : I to D. AU at

“i I —

: ] IDElSliOI I - H. E, ba;

_ | L _ _

SfDAY, DEC. 22,1919 .


iBt-r-fi OoT««meat'8 N*w« Order B«spwtliia IM T C Motor Psnnlttf Vezea iBlanders

D U B LIN , ( f l ^ M u c h rosontm eot boi _ _ boon orouticd am ong Iriah mot(»ri«ta,l)y y De- tho KovcrnmcHt’fl new o rdor under 0* which nobody ifl nllowed to own qr drive

an autom obile in Iro lnnd un lcss-ho hM obtiiiiicd a .p e n n i t from th e poiico.

I t ia in tended to p rev en t th o usa ol , , antnniobilca a s a id a .to crim e. P erm its ,i’ ... will bo g iven only to porgons concern­ed of *” g .wboso o harac tc r and d lspotU loiu ied bv l ’*’**'-® aro aa tlafied , / '

P erm its havo*nlroaiiy bocn to fo so d on f , > I th e ground ib a t tb o app lican ts a re ao t kitliiii- loynl. Buforo a j>erm it io issued tbe s were ''I>pl'<‘n n t m ust fu rn ish two photographs,

goods description* o f hliHMilf a n d h is cfff. ir. Tlie regulntion appHos to e h a u f/e a rs a* is sni.l "Crietly ns to ow ners, and tho D r iv e n invoice “>'<1 M echanics' U nion baa t h r e a t e n ^ rrniois >“ lT«.o nstriko i f i t is onforcod.,uplir.i- M any Sinn Foinora nnd othorfl rofoso n soni'. fo r m otor perm its. T h e ir e ars•ts, th.- "'*11 bo liable to aoixuro. Tho poiico r trial. *H‘ve power to e n te r any g arago aad ade nr ‘1' owner can bo nontonced to Imprls- ties in uninent fo r possessing it.

The order wan provoked by th'o f a e t ith 111 th a t Sinn Fein ra iders fo r a n n s and d ono men, who bnd a ltn ck cd polieo b a r r a d u ,

th s havo cscaped copturo by u d n g fa st-ca r* ll been and motorcyclca. T raders in earn, and n« ouly tax icab owtieTn any th a t tho regu la tion

tner- will k ill Ihe ir to _________ -inl for W EESTLiINO OtTTLOOE B B IO B X

BOIJLDKR, Colo., (/p) — Coach E d sh fhe ^ 'rnbb o f th e U niversity o f Colorado

says be has.;» a ir in g of jirom lslng m a­teria l fo r w restling nnd boxing m atch- CH w ith a th lr te s o f Colorado ^ b o o l o f

— Mines, Colorado collego and D envor un iveraity . A team o f six men, th ree

f S boxers nnd throo w rostlers, w ill be chonoB to ropresent tho unWoraSty.

Ho.'ili '•-------------------------------------------------------- -, t'n-...^aU r’ e . . s w.-r.- held ttt tbo

'omi.,.s j>,.--Wilt chriTi.'l yesterdny a fte rn o o n for .Mrs. (Viroline Rpraniter. who d ied p rid ay r ig h t n t n local hosp ita l. 0 e r r - , ir.vH w.-re conduel...l bv the R.*v, A. O -

Ilenn.-tf, o f the P irs t M othodlst church. B urial w ns in Twin F a lls eem-

VT'K!*' etery. ' ~


•RO.MK, (/P)—The «mall m n io rity ob* >^i'rkei liiine.l by Ihe gov.-m m ent in th e ehain^

hi-r .li'p iili.‘s Sun.lnv wheij tho o rd e r A L of the .lav .expressing confidence in the

B »)W n.iiiistrv wa.-i earried by a vote o f 242 10 21(1, will iu>t. il is 'b e lie v e d , coi-Jo

Lorain tlie N itii .-nbinet to resign. Tt is-con- nitlered. linwover. tb a l th e n arrow nw s

$\7r,0 of his m arg in will 'u u so the prem ier to . m ake changes in lh e personnel o f th ^

ghw.xy cttbinoi. ' . ’

E Me- You cnn g o t a hdaring fo r y ou r at> [ : -IH T pHcntlon fo r em ploym ent i f you w ill’

sta te it in a dasa ifio d ad.• A .’* — -------~ •

"JsK C h r i s t m a s u „ . i '■ T re e sKnin< large home grownt ;0 Christm as trcfCBl-^'i each, iromis- delivered in thc city., . PHONE 2 0 3 -E ic o i t - ^

- • --------- - 1^

/’I IB o o ts | 4

W l - ' -^ i s

' y

more acooptable and p rac- ^ ^pair of hiffh grade D ress ^ mas? ^

somplcle, consisting of the eld Mouse, H avanna Brown, m Black. M ilitary and Louis om 2 1-2 to 9. W idths .. ^ a t popular prices. .

50 to $15.00----- -■ . J S .

iiariNi.kt. I_ _ J

I [|ii« ii iiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiB aaB m ix B m aa i»

' ^ d a y ^ s S p c


LATEST CRAZEPony Sport Will Bo Oponod on

~ Coast with Tourney in Del M onte This W intor

DKL MONThT " ^ (/P)—CnJjfnrn: i Ih to Iiavo n ri’jrtil'ir nolo c ircu it Itiis w lntpr uihI KjiriiiK wiMi tlio oponiug lournftmcnt jit Di-I M nnto on ■Innunry ;!1 In Pf'lirtinrv' 10. Tlicn Hniitn Hji.- Sarn, Onronn'ln atni othc'r jmlntii will

. nintclicH witli tin? ro turn to DoiM onlo fo r tlio nn'iniitl Kjirini; loumu- m ent on M arrli 27 lo Aj>ril ]S.

O. M aHrim llcrkjichfV o f Now Y ork, who wiijt Jl nic'niljcr o f tin* victorioun Meiulott- U rook 'foW -.ihU -tinnt mmncin,

j han w ritton tlin l ho will hoail ii atron;;I town to Doi-M oiito n o r t montli. Ilo ’ will huvo (JiirdaiKi l>i*nn, M ajor P h il­

lip Mn(?>r nnil M ajor lioonard T ate in tho nacMlo' bodiilp , liimKoif. M njorl Mn^for anil T a to -a rc liritiiih arm y piny orfl o f noto.

* [ M any o thor crack o.-istorn nml C.s- niidian tcniiin i t ix roportoil Will ho in

V rom polition. Tho Doi M onlo .j?luli-»rjll r i ntrivo lo annex tho lionorn on tho consl ■j w ith lho Btmnconl litu-iip wlilrli ovnr i* uporlivl tlio yollow nml ri'<l rolor.i, no*; ro rd inc to 8;ini Mor«c-. lho polo cluh

•lolo;ri*l<*- Thoro will ho llnirh Drury. ^ Iho famtiim vi<lcr;iii, who will n ip ta in '■ tlio auKroK^tioii an'l piny Iho pivot Nu.

imHifi'oii; Col. If. f{. " («(«orj;i'" Ntif- 'itin(;, ^ ix p ia l lirilinli fi;:ir nl linrlc; .'Uric Porlloy ut No. ^ and Tom -D riw ojl^ •tho iioilllipiiw a t No. I. It J r i l l lio '24-(^>nl toiiiii th.1t wilt bo ralloil -upon Jo hoavy han'lioapH in m aay

kOf tho mato.hl'K.£ Doi Mrmli’ i.l yirttinjr romly to ro- S«.'iyo tho pnl<> invatiorft from tho oaal

. . MttiUXjiuu-la noxt .....nm . A new pracMfiTTr’nrWi in lioIrt^'’ttrtiTrii'oJ out anil t lu

hSH<H(1h «vill Ix- in oxrollont' roBilitioa for

frl;l^ win II oohl woalhiT l>ringn lho nio play. rn lo -C aliforn in .

oldea State*Hoop Quintet

to Fare ForthKBaafeetBolTTGam of California

Univoraity will Invado N orth- 1 - wost February

V HKIUCKLHV, Cnh, (/P)—Tho univor- n f ( 'a lifo rn ia liaHkolhall to.-ini will

in VoUrunry, no- l ^ d i n B lo n lonlntivi- wlicdiili- for HR^ni'aaon junt ujinoutn-otl.

» ■ i T h o flr liodu lo fo llow ii; . l a n u a r y L’’t j k i v p r i ' i l y F a rm a l n o r k o lo y ; .In n n irv M (;olloK o o f I’noifiV jit ’ B o rk o l.-v ; s f a i i n r v “ <1. H iu ila C larn , a l H o rk o lc v ; I V u n r y •■’ 1. H I.. M a r y ’» a l O a k h n d ;

f c r u n r y --;i, \VnN!iini;Uiii H ln to Col- n f D o rk i 'lo v ; Fc-liVimry T, S t;ia - n t H ork i-l .-v ; l-V I.n iarv l l , Hlii.i

l l ' t l n t I ’a h . .M io ; K .-lin ia rv H I i, l ic (n > n a l I lo rk o lo y :, KoJ.ruaV v ‘2A

. M s h h iK lo n S t a to a t r i i l l m a i i ; r i- l i r i i - l j f r 27 C.S. r u i v o r . i t v o f W a.-h iiijrton a t i I t lp ; M a rc h n. S t a n f o r . i n l Uorki-


‘ I m ta CUlata E d ifice S aid to Bo tho y . - E a u a l o f S a lt L alco S tm a iir e j

f c lU P S T O N . Alill. (/P)-Cnr<Mon*-*j jS h n o ii tomplc, w liirh ha.n boon uml.-r ^

f i'® oijil> l''t.-rl. T h o o h u r r h 'iH wai.l 1*1 W b co-.! m oro th a n H.dlHl.OOd iim l ii , RA lolniO 'l I h a t it in t.> l>o oq tiiil, i f ; t k ’^up'-’f io r In l i o a u ly ' i . i lh .- M oriiio .ii

8 ^ ^ L’-'i'i fo irt I'Ki'; l.y IIO f .-i 't Iiik''i.| f « i f l 'r ia im o d Ml,-it ild ii.- ;iud i|iu»r;/. l)^lrt-l in B r i t i s h (N ilunihin f,>r th o !

^ > 4 H r o n t a i u a t k -asl f t n /n n ) , w o n w f j ro td . A i,n<mn,-.-m ,-i.t» liavo d -inf«<Llh.n ......... .-irji.-tn. rui:>i and pain!- 'in?!' fo r till- ini.Tiiir o f lho rliu rrli u i l l | '

fTj^Jliotu- :1i.ii:,:iIh1h o f dollar.-.. | 'Id r'-c6r.-:ii^ pr.-^on: pl.m i. ll.o ro r .- i ' I'lii:* «-iI| mark tin- op.-nin;; o f ; 'i i l ip ^ * l ’'J: wi'I inihlir, liu l a fto rja n f V " ■ ' -‘” 'y >ho c-liiin-li w ill ho ojicii , l , u i | t . i i - m l ' i ' r n of tho Mormon faith .

P A B k 'i S IfA M E I;‘,‘' ^ - O I V E N OGDEN R E ST A B B A : - l . 'i fc f iB N . U ta h . ( ;P )— " A r c o n n o ’

> J t ' 'j j f t lh o naini- t t i a l l.a« h o rn cho.*- ‘ ]-y y .v ,-;J)K don’* nowo.-it n l y r o c r c a t io i ‘ U I t w&A no nam e.I in m rm o ry '

T ^ c jf n m o u * h . i t l lo K'‘'*>*nd in F ra n c - ’ td iic > iy » '* A m rr ic a n * uni.-nho.l lh c [ I l i a d s ? l i n r -1 w h ir h h ^ .l w i lh l i c l j ! ? ) ,„n T e n % rilin h m u a u ltn f » r ri-.-tm ..

( W ild W oM ) .i tv i , in n . i-i.m , ' r o tir .* ly o f .sol.liorn fro m w.-!>torn j *

' r H A Ia .»k i f i i r i r o .l p r .u n ia o n l lv iI'tahn’.l

• i i f f r r i 'i l in llio ^r> ;l)n llr a ni l, ‘k . b o y ^ fn .m •..- i/r if ic -d |

in Ilii^ fanii.ii.v wixi.l, |

I-ONEON 7 C T A T R E S ' j . ^ r i O y , I.i>fliUin’* th c a lro « .

' ‘ an.l c in c m M now D t . i l -'••l.-l.

■ pig*'’*- s tan d ard brand* ->f . , ^ ^ | { a ^ ‘&sd Cobarroi. A cood c i / t for • .1 Urom. Adv

, Co I j


o r i i i i g f j e w s

S rie f Bita of Sportn Him Smiloy, HnRphrunh ruiRo, n.ivn: " "K ffo ii it n ir moro Id o u rd to r Kivo

. titan tor tocpvvj* %n IV more o n .**’>■ forwivo tlian tor bo fo rtjivm , m

tfil huBy."

A rt I 'o lkoy onrne oul n f rotirnmonf jna t loiiK ciiOURli'lo he ulammod bnoU

II I iiRain by a younger nnd bnnd icr mnu. his ---------ug W r rn to r ln in i) hnnrli Hint .Ta.-ic iry Dompsoy mny not be »o iliirnod nnxiou-% a,-, lo m rol th ia ('nrpontior follow n ft-r rill all.

jjlj. .\tt A. 1’. iton\ from Ban FrnncUro tollM lin nrm y officorH hnvo installod an “ ■ButUoor iudoor KnIf courito” on Mho

IUH ** huiMinj;.MhnI h i' SOUIO Borl o f a su irido rlnj>,

oh. .. .EIo ______'I*' K arlX 'nddook, chami.iou (;rapplor of ,*■' tho'TTorld, who hiiiljt from , f ! i t Iato I®*” F ran k O otoh’fl own stato , koo: ^ Mi ' 'y mont .:rn|.ahlo malmnii th is ro u n try , pnxlucc'd Hinro Ootrh./.s- - -/'I T hr A niln mnn iiail iu> tro n b lr fliip-

piiifj flam Clapham, roi-ojjnized tho lirs' '*■ of all lho Knulinh wronllorH, th r oth«r


*** By tlir wny this Clapham jjiiy is n 't y- no murh o f nn 10nj»tlshman n f te r nil.

llo han boon in Ihis ro un trv fivo yrar.H "• and is onrollod nl Ihi^h Slodlrnl rol-

Ioj;o. H r has Iiis first lot of ritU rn i>a|.ors iukI Morvod wilh th e A. K. F.

I^r in Franco.

'T is in tin ia ti’d nlioul P ittjburK h llia t Frod C larko, formor ninnaRcr of tlio biirannoorin^ liordi* mnv huy th,« o u tf it , if B nrnry Drryfu.ns will noil.

c Bottor-.uXii'k to “ L iltlo I 'i r a to " iJ Froildy—i t ’s n bitinor hi;t w ith lon;i or odds. i« — -

Hinco llio s. o. n. call w as sont nut ' hy tho t a f f r r o f th is rolum n Him ISniili'V, sanobrUBh snijo, liu!< offori'd !o

rm ilr’di'nlr n rowplo nf whoozVs por dav on hin own ncrount.

L For tho Horuu.l o ffo rlo iy today Si.iil oy sjiy:*: “ O f nil i.iiolH. tin- i.liot p-ir- onl is I!k- i.liotofl*.”

M ordorai Brr)wn, famod throi’ fin cor fliuKor o f Iho old Cuh.-i. ih inim-

. nfriuf; tho Torn* Ilnuto r lu b <.f tho T liro r Kyo Ionj:ur. 'irown hai tod

If. In tha l m inor r ircu it liiwt si’a^on.

O f oourM' onr raminS ln-lp Uio M-nU .TP mont of jd ly fo r th r Bolso foiU i who

linvr 111 sian d fo r w r rs llin t und roail I,, all th n t prrsB hunk ahoul i t , oan nno/

j l F I N D S L O S T C O L O N Y F O R T

H irto ry Profca-ior D isco v er Rem ains of a tru c ttiro o f E arly H is to ry

BI-:ilKi:i,KV, Cal., (/P) _ Tho fort hiiilt ill Toxns hy llio IohI ro lo n y of tho cxj.Uiror Hailo 'Vcsfv^rd on,

. till- I.a Vacn rivor, as lias bocn com- itiinlv holiovod. Iml wnn fiirlh o r wosl on tljP-tJardio river Dr. H o rh rrt E .Jio l- ton', h istory profrssor a t the I ’nivorsity

Nof Cajifuruin, nnnouncod re o c n tlj\Dr, Bolton, whilo doinir rr s rn r rh work

fonnd a inn]> whic h rnn firm rd n theory 10 ho bad ilovoli.]>i’<l that tho ^colony wns

■ tii'l' loratod on lho Ln Vnca. H r went I 1(1 till' NJU.I Im liratod ami found tbo ro-

• alns of tho (dl) fort. Il was 00 frot ,T " ‘‘ll ' w alls two and n h a lf foot, , th ick of rod ndobr brickrf. T hr rninsI I I wor«f alm ost complotoly buried,


I I C llM 'M IU -S , Ind.. (/Tl — D.’olnra- > itin n - . nil Ih.- part of parrnl.-* i.f lioy.«

I nil I ;,'irK rit!.Tl.Iin;; Iho pulilir .iclioois j ' l (if Coliimhiii lh;it thoir oliildroii w.-rc

I uii.liTiKuifiiOii'.l iK-rnn.n' o f tho liijjii : I.f livin;; has n -u lt(’d in .Vn in;; v.-Hti-iii,.,, „ f c i i M. I i t i l . wi t h nta*:- I. Ihii: di-..-l..«ur.-»,, Tho in v v jtip iiio n , a.-* far-a*! it h a ', pri.roo .lcl, h'uhvs that IC por -r.-nt of [, thom ar.-.m on- lhan fonr p..inid-, iind-r

|w oii;M . Onlv 1" ]>i.r cont o f lli.’ thou ; ■.und-. tha t .-aton.j »-hiKil hav.i ho.-ii

^:f(.tiii.l i(» 1..-- m irinal in pounda^.-.

H u T A II i s ON1.Y W ESTERNSTA TE W l 'n r F E W E It A T PL E 3

HALT LAKK t'lVV, C tah •-lull* aj']ili- oroji tn tallr.l

^ .ICitS.OOU cuwj'arcA wiU\ -Isy.O.Vihoxos in I f l s . nrrordlntf to a bulletin

, roeoived from Wa«hiin:!»n, D. i l , tho o ff iro of M. .M, .luHlin, fi.-M ajconj

o f the (lopartincnt o f ajrri.-iiltnro fur . Ul.lh.

Tho hullolin says I 'la li !•« tho onlv j lw o s to rn s ta '.r to iiavr sm allor appl.-

I rro p thl« v ra r llian la^l an.l tlial Iho .^ .a tio u -K to tal slinwod no d.’cr.M.o.

I h i d e s !I ^


|[ HIDECO.248 4th Avenue So.


\ ^ U S



W A SlIIN aTO .V , Tho cow tha ti./ h u rard up Ohioago, tlio cow thaf

,iumpod ovcR tho moon, tho cow tlmt rflisrd Ihu .fa tte d ra lf , nnd tho cow thn t dird on one lu n r—tlioy^wlll have to rcoojjnir.r nn nddition to the ir crlc-

y„. hrnlod q u a rlr t tu now.Ijv-'. S h r ’fl th r cow Ihnt nto up «flO wortn KovormiK’tit dynnm ite o u t ia Wil-

, , lard, Wnsh., and mado tho wheels of ron^jross ko ah)uiid u n til b r r ownor4.R0. •— --------

,.„f The houso paused in itn consideri- n,.|( tion o f w oluhlier Hubjoctn lonR e&oui;h

Friday to jiass tho necessary hill. C-o-i- trihn lo ry ncKlinonro on the p.^rt o f

a-.'ic K'’' ’*'” '" ’''"* buiIdor«_ who left


Declares Irregu la rities Invali­date Eacproasion fox' the

,• - Badoglio Proposals111' - ----------i.jrt TRIEBT. r/P>— NotwithsfnndinK tlir

efforlB lo delnv or rnncel th e proposel plrhU eitc in Fiumt> oa tho quratlon of

np- nccrpU ng th r proponnlB o f Oenornl OB' Badolffio, tho I tn lia n c lilr f o f n ta ff, i«r provldinir fo r lho subnritu lion of- Itn l­

inn recu lnrs fo r Ihe D 'A nnunzio forces o f orcupnlion , tlio vo te , a f te r nil, wns

I ' t Inkrn nnd ia ropo rtrd to h{jve Rone ill. Htfonffly-in fnvn r of n c rrp tln R 'th o pro- ar.H p't*?.!". O n 'rh -;.’ D 'A uuunr.Io, how- ol- ovrr, dorJinoiJ fn . ir r rp f th r rr«i/Jt nnd ;rn doclarod he would rrsorvo th r derision F. for IiimBlf, A cro rd '” " fn o ffirfa l- wh .

hnd rhargo o f t ' l ’ pullini’ t!io voto wrn sr» por ron l hi f;.v..r t.f »ieoupalion by

'gh rojrulnr I ta lia n . <‘o rrrn . o f In a form al ooniiiiuniqur isBurd laar

th,« niRht D 'A nnunzio annnunoed his n tan l iicalnsi uoooptinc tli.* plohl.Hcitr, doola.-- inR irro m ila rilirs Itnd boon found whirh

0 ho con-d.lored lo Invn llda lr lho voto." 'tl ArcordinR lo adviooi fro m . F iuii..’

HiRnor r j ‘drar.j;i, Iho hoa.l o f D'Aniiii;-- y.Io’s pross l.uroau, tondorod his rosiRiiu-' lion lo 'thi- piiot-.<«ldii’r l.orauHc i.f th r i la lto r 'n failu ro to aocrp t li .<i'-.:i»:on o f ‘ Iho ^na'ional oounril to ah id • l.y I’k’ plehi.ncil.'. Till- iiios«acoM (|uoU- u’ oom- mutiif)U',. i; luod by D ’Anniin?:io’on the

jj rosi>.'nn!ioi;. rrad i^p :"H ic n o r IV .irnrzi h';iv*rs as .-hipf if i

lho proiH l-ur.-au of Fiumo. I wish t(,l oxproHS m y m nst jirofonnd roRrot, n:id

•j„. hopo lha l jiooii Iho rr.’isntjs which Ird „p. him to w ilhdraw will no lonu rr rx is* .”the _________ _ -

* T h r r e ' is p r ln tln p — and p rin ting . There is singitiR—and sinRini;. You buy ^ e record o f a aougby x p,-ca' a in g o r^y o ii tu b aw ay when lbe name

,.,ij »ong Ift r rndo rcd by a poor Bin;;rr. Prin tin fj is an a r t w hich some p rin te rs nover Iran i, ,. __ ' I

?T ■-------■■■-

1 - V n o tesl

ify From now on huntin Blue Lakes Ranch \ h ibi ted.Every effort will bi the wild game now o co-operation of hun

ID is cordially invited.


t B l u e L a k

Tt t ------- -- , —

Y o u miprht well tifu i, appropriate j

abound in profusion aGif t Suppestion.

Quicklu StimU you arc in doubt aboul

'store wil] quickly aolve your ]

------Your Inspecti


WERNMENT POWDER BOVINE HALL OF FAMEth a t Ih r Btlcks of dynann-.o w hrro • ho«s/thaf could e a l fliom, w as the vcrd lcl.tha t Strungi-ly I’noujih, It d id n 't blow upcow the cow ; i t on ly po iw ncd her, b u t i t

have nrjirly blew , up tho lionao-of-represcn-ceic- tafivcB. ' ' '

Tho house ov ldontly enjoyed its lit-•orln tlo excursion in to lho fie ld o f humorWil- and jiw itrliod fto m cow s to fn lw tcotU.H o? I t piuue<l n b ill lo pay* M ichacl Me-• g<)'. Q nrvry $3.1 fo r a ac t ho lost wlill.t

■ wfcrking n t lho q u n rto rm as tc r’s depoi.Io n - G overno r's islnnd laitl Ju ly . Tho ro ' ^ 'aui'h crnm cn l com nrnsation commission hiul IC-o-i- rfVuflcd h is claim b u t tho houso wns in ,t o f a compaiNiioonto mood and though t ,le ft ot^lcrw^si‘. I

^ S H m N G OISPOSITIQN i ITE STILL MOOT OUESTIflN .;ali- Japanese P rem ier Says Settle- ■

m ent Hinges on N egotiationsw ith China - ,

(],p TO K IO , W holher the roncci- <nion in T «ingtau shrvli be mndo an cX- i e lusive Japonesn conccanion o r an jn-

lorr.l Icrnntlonnl sottlom ont is to bo fixod iIn ff negotia tiona w ith C hina which will <Itnl- openrd n f to r tho ostoblishm ent o f jircOH p erfec t pence, nccord lng to a sla lo- j

m ent o f P rem ier H a ra in a rcccn t In- fcone le rv iew w ith _Japane«o nowspapor mcn. ,p^Q. T lio-jtrom ior - » quotod a s sayiu;;: , low- “ ^ o dCciuon hua hucn mado an y o t a s i j

to w hether J a p a n r/JlI abandon oxclusive n e ttlem rn t j.Ian, • T h r qu.\-i-

. linn Ib fitill in oourau o f ronsideration xv;n and tho govornm ent in not in n po>ii-

, |,v lion to m ako a n y dofin ite nta tem rnt Joa the subject. I


I'ic-'i E V I D E N C E R E S T O R A T IO N t______ I

ROlRbONS, (;P)—G radual trnnsfo i- ^ I m ation o f tlio bnttlc-nw opl rr^flons of

‘“Jj" ' j n o rthern Fnuico b a rk fo tho ir normnl * '. I roiidltionn ia bo ing ovorywhoro notrd

J, , by .thr -\*B«griated Prosn rorrospondrn i |* , who, w ith hpoolal faoi1ilio,i cxtvndod ' , by th e g ovcrnm rn t, la m aking a tnur j

' tlirouch Ihn dev.-wLatod rrglons, T.ii.<, , I ro linhilitatioii iii ob rcrvabk’ in the rr- , I I v ival r f old industries , th r rslnblish- j

m ent o f now onoji and the iu troduriion ]■ J, n f m odrn i rq u ip m rn f, ond it in ovon

.. (loiiroal.lo in tho ro tu m o f v a s t flocks and h rn la -of doinostlu .in im ah, depl'>t- od by tho w nr, b a rk lo thn norm al bn-

tjng. n i ' rofjtiirod fo r Iho domostio nords of Vo,i Clin rogiou,,.-ca' * 'lame A C L A SSIFIE D A D will f ind a buy- »;jrr. cr for-jTJur c a r—if your o ffe r Is u ltrae- uer^ live. Oivn Iho de ta ils a- p rospcrtlvo

buyer cx])0cts.

nCE!ting of all kinds a t the ;h will be, strictly pro-

1 be made to preserve w on the raneh and the lunters an d ’spoi-tsmen5d. •


k e s R a n c h


;bewildered by the beau­ts g ift suggestions tha t n a t this store.ions and Ideas are Simulated Here.bout a single gift, a visit to our )ur problem.

action is Invited-----


s s i^ H !

I ■ . - • ■ '


American Adm inistration Feeds • 1 ,000,000 -Children from

Polish P o rt

D A N ZIG , (ff) — Moro th an 350,000 tons o f food s tu f fs a a d raw c o tto a have been shipped to Po land v ia D anzig from tho U nited S ta le s a t tho ra te b f 5,OOC tooB dally . A nhipm ont o f 150 l<vcomo- liv e s is exprctod soon.

Tho Am erican rclio f adm in istra tion fn r - fo rd in g E uropean ch ild ren ,d ircc ta i ts w ork in P oland from D anzig. John IL L n n g o .o f S ea ttle , W aah., a o d Cap­ta in C. A . Aholo, novni a ttach o a t W ar­saw, aro in chnrgo. M r. Lango to ld th f A ssociated P re ss correspondent th a t in ‘Poland alone tho Am erican roU ef a d ­m in is tra tion wns now feed ing nbout 1,000,000 ehildreii.

“ Wo o x p c c t," fae said , “ to do Botcc re lie f w ork In Qcrm ony beforo long, cflpcclally. here in Danxlg. Thero io vory litt io m ilk In th is d is tr ic t fq r ch il­dron, and m eat, su g ar and f a t s a re alno Bcnrce.

“ D an s ig w lll.soon bo a free c l ty ^ n d , an P o la n d ’s p o r t is moro Po llsb tb an Oorman. A t tbo p resen t tim e tho Gor­m an governm ent boars th e expenso of im p o rtin g m ost o f tho fo r tig n food­s tu f fs a a d soils i t a t a j) r ic B w bieb tbo pooplo con a ffo rd to p ay . T h is a r ­rangem en t w ill ceaao soon nnd I th ink

I thoro w ill bo u rg en t need then o f our h o lp ."


B ER G ER — A d augh ter waa hom to M r. and M rs. Joo T ravn ick Decrni- bor 10.

Tho teachers and pupils nro prei>ar- Ing a C hristm as prognim . Thero will also bo a treo.

I R. E. Lam m ors is su ffe rin g from n jspro inod back.

M r. an d M rs. G. H olbrook and fam ily

They Area i

Fresh FromThe Enjoyab

CRANE’S CANDIElThe Crano Candy Company hj

the quality Burpass all otiCrano’s Candiefi aro packed

and exclusivo design. •C rane’s Candies are N ationa

We Afso H ave For Ihe

CIQAES— The' popnlar branc and 60. *

PIPES and SMOKERS' AET] purses.

BEVO— The All Y ear Aound case. Ju st tho drink fo r Hi




Eomcmber, th a t \ Eord ca r to us for : th a t you got the get m aterials, expericn F ord facto ry prices, useful, too valuable i poor mechanics, w it ity m aterials. Brin both tim e and mone ized Ford dealers, i Motor Oompany to 1 of Ford owners— tl we offer. We are cars and firs t £ome livery,

W E S T E R NTWIN F i l l

DEC. 22,1919 -vinUcd re la tiv es n e a r O dtry f ro m Bat- urdivy llll M onday, . •

M r r O, W. Simpson is in a T w in P alls hospUnl fo r a surg ical operation .

B BcnuU"ful pipes, la te s t doslgna in c i­g a r ancncignrctto holdcm a t M acanlov Broa. ' _________ __________ Adv

You can ' make olossilied ad v e rtis in g pay. i f you have a n y .taak to ^ v o to it,

000 O ^ C V l -

: i n ' • I I

- j>tKc! ' »'HR.1 ish il- B am on*’s v is it to o u r e lty should

b e looked forw ard to b y alL '

Do n o t tnlss the opp o rtu n ity to lor” , 8 « t acquainted.

II R/IMONA' " ’■j . y

T keSoD larSym phdjny.I " - i f ■

■■s. 1 ■■ Is D aily C aptlvnling.| t Sn tiafy th a t wish. —

t . • Coll ond lot us dcm onstrato Ea- m ona to you.

om" i ROGERSON •"i H o t e l P h arm acyI n ' E O O E E S O N H O T ^ B T J I L D IN a ^

lily ! ------------------- ! ------------------------ -------------

: D e l i c i o u sa n ( 3 “

n the Factoryible Xmas Gift ES FOR EVERYONE• has spared no expense to mako others.ed in beautiful boxes of a new

nally Sold.,

'e J u s t th e Gift s S m okermds. Packcd in boxes of 2&

ITIOLES to fit all ta stes and

id S oft Drink. Buy it by the Holiday Lunches.




t when you bring your r m echanical attention rennino Ford service— ienced workmen and OS. Yonr Ford is too le to take chances with r ith equally poor qual- ring it to us^^)ney. We are authoi^, tru s te d by tho Ford0 look afte r the w ants - t h a t ’s the assurance re getting a few Pord ‘ ne firs t to receive do-

1 ALTO CO. ^l lis , IDAHO ,

IIEIITOMHJIT E P m iT ri.STUTE mes::1 . ' ______ «p

F e m i n i s t C o u n c i l P u r p o s e s t h e

, E l i m i n a t i o n o f S o c i a l a n d I n - !,'[

d u s t r i a l E v i l s , t h e n P o l i t i c a l J’'

E q u a l i t y ..i' ■___ _ . th

M EXICO CITV, (yp)— llbx lcaii women , 'n ro pn-jiiirirn ' to tako a band in .tho

nffa frs o f tho Moxicnn republic. T licy |j{ , in ten d T im to oliininiito soriul nnd iii-l'p,

. (hiiitrinl c-vilH and In tur tn inako a f i i 'h t i . i , fn r iw lllicn l (>(]tiality. Tlii.n in tlii* pro- jjrnin of Hio M exiean fcminiHt council, n nntionnl o rR anizntioa w ith he.Klqiiar- {p, torn in M cxico C ity . jjp

Tlic conncil docu n o t bollcvc th a t tho mnss of M cxicnn women nre n t pn-scnt jtrpjihrcil fo r comploto miffrn^o b u t (ho j„ counril hopCB ovontually to nmko thorn a v itn l po liticn l forcc. Tho j>ro3i!iit Mcxicnn govornnipnt lookji w ith favor upon thc lr offortK, according to 0 en o -t„ j r im Klcnn T orres, jjcnoral seeretary tho council. IIou<la of tho governniont, | who puid, rtdvocnfo “ rom plcto erann*;i'|„p pution of M exican w om un.” |

Thi!, Fom iniiit couneil hna organj^fu llo ('roups to tca rh M cxicnn women hu w j^ f tliclr conditions mny be improved in i ^

.dualrlaU y uud Kuc.iivUy. Tho next saiil Senoritn T 6 rron, w ill bo orgnn'iza-1 tion o f women w orkcrn in induntry (ni ij, ilemnnd f a i r und equal trcn tm cn t a t Thc^;,,,, hniirin of Ih e ir eni]iloyerN. TIa-y w ill [„. not couulcnanec an y b itte r mox w n r ,„ „ whii'b hus eliiirncicrizi'd iho fem inist ’„f m ovcincnl in snino Europpiin cT>iintrS(>s,

^h iifcx p c i't c.o-operallou from ttu- m en., ■'The eouneil inteiidri fo brlnj; tho Mc.-ci-1 ,|,j

ran w om en'n iiioveinciit in conliirt witliJ i,,, aim ilnr or^jnniziitionH in other eoiintric.< j jj,, and to w ork w ith the women of th o 'j , , ; World for peaeo, disnrm ntnctit and aa* !,,,, tlm-iini'eriuliHiu. I

.Si-norifa Torren. j>rc<lirl» flint M ex i- i,jj nm W.ittTeil « i l l , ei eiite a ,u:w .-rii ..f j,;, iitiderNtatidinK betw oen Mexieo'an<l thn, niiiicable relntionn an d a moro complete I I 'n ile d HtntoK. L flter, nIio xiUd, t h e i / * J’Vtriiniflt Oouneil intcnilH fo j>ro]>OHe t l i o ; / fnrm atiun u f u L n tin ’Anioriean iin io it 'l lo b rin g abou t » eloRcr friondnliip, c u l - : \ tiira lly ; indiiHlrialty and politit-allv l>e- ^ tw c n Mexli^o nn.l th e cuiinlrioH of Bouth , iiik! (V n tra l Amcrieiu- ‘ (ir

----------------------- ------- 4 h n

f RUPERT ^---------- ' • i fr.i

U m d y ami fam lly iltli hiivv to LoHi; Ucm-b, (.'M., wlu-rol ' 1they will spend Il.e rernnindiT o f l h 'j . l , . | w in ter. T liey • -x i.eet fo relurn hcr.-Jlml

. fa r lv in Ihe upriii)'. ' isM y . ChriMitia Kriek»o.i is rc im rtc l L f

very l.nw, m iffe rinu w ith eanc.-r o f th c ( htdinaeh. S he ha.n been ill fo r , somi' hii'

. tvvne. Bbp TMnU'r w itb ber tw o soni*, ibi .T()hn- and O .en r E rickson one lia!t .-d m ile north o f tow n. ^fr. Kriekf,)a ] Riild h is farm and they expect tn mnvu hoi to fown Boon. Hur

E. N. S inebiir a rriv ed ’ iu itupo rt 1 Tuesday from Colorado Rprinp*, O il. Tli Aftv't spendinR Ib’c boViAav-i hiTo w rh rei Ihem he »-ill probably return ft) Colo- t» ‘ rniln, where he hrin ben •iu a cnnilari- hoi um fo r nenif tim e. Ile i i feelin'j; fnirly ( ■well n l presen t. ’ rIk

.Mrn. Oenrce D avN arriv ed from we bo F a lli a nhort lim e aj;o and will ;;:ii m ake nn *«xt,'ni1rd v isit w ith ber i>l:i dauKltter, Mth. E. V. Itoberl.i. wo

Kriendu o f Ml«s NVrma M artindale ] and JJafvev U .lohnHOM T.ave word of Dr: th e ir w cib lin" whirh took jilnee in lyo- ne\ jf.-m, Ulnli. W f-dn.-d-iv, -ember I ''. ..,1 The voiin^ r.iuj.le b 'n tiere T ir- id -n - 'j , nnd w e '- mnni.-.J «•. il ,r br,;«e o f rebi , sb.tivca. Uupert h .u I....... the ir iinm<’ fn r iu<-a numb.T o f Hefore rrfiirniiti: '.^to bere th.n- w ill « th ree weeks in | P reifon , Idaho . vi.Hitinj; the jfrooni'x om m other, M rs. O tto .lolinion. ree

Mr. .ind M rs. Paul Marnl.all re tu rne l i.-l, b««\p ib is weeU an es-U-ndeil Iri^v I.,.,In Ihe ea.i;. They report a fine ov.-r mo land trip . J u s t before Ketfini: iniii |o i Cheyenne, W yo., Ihey buvked m ow fo r .-x} lix m iles frn d e r deep nnd n.' the m ow a t 1 opt fTeltinjj deeper they were obli^je.l d,.r

-^n .|,-uv .- ||„ . car in Cheyenne and re- »vh l« n \ itie Te*.t « f tbv vtt\v nn ibc ira jn . nt

M i'l Cbua-.»am ei d .’|.ar;ed b-H Mon- ' I -bnv .'veni.ii: fo r y a l: Uake {'Itv lo• pend C hriifm ai w ilii her a n l ----fam ilv. I.;itcr -Hhe witl ecmiiiiue her ( P trip 10 1^1 A n -e lr i . Cal,, wh.Te .ih-! w-ill th e rem ain .ler o f Ihe wi.i-j

CharleH I}ar|,..r and . f.vnilv a re ex- peeled to u rrive here Ihe fir»t o f the

, w-eek from M erid ian . M aho lo -»pen.l lhe l.olid.ays w i(h Mr. B a rb e r’s p a r -1 ent.i, M r. and M rs. Kd Ibirber aiidj o ther re la f iv r i . ;

l*lU iv l.owin :,nd M arion Goodrieki o f fhe Confeeti,inery «I.)re are s lilli eonfin.•.I Io th i 'ir home*. They arc r r - | rov rrin ;; hIowIv from an a tt.ick " f ' M.iall p o i. . . I

M isi M yrtle 0>ltin.'t returned fo h c r ! |L -

D O I N G S O F T t m V A N L i

JPV .WHT ^0 TOV C6 ] OH-WCiE WHWHrtiD L-v *-THERTj, wiTf w*T rov;

TO FIH* BBTrew/' j <

f DC*J T *VCA y A M W r\_ . \ m*.T, MAl THU 1> A 1—0 T W i^ H0R5e.-POvMEU] h acm 'm e. i y

homc a t Ouklcy, Idnho, M onday. Sbo Ik spent th ro e ' weeks horo v is itin g hor m alHtcr, Mrd. Thoman HigBinn. ni

R. II. Ilflopea nnd w n , H arlow , r.-> ja turnod home la s t Sundny from tho vt Cnebe vaUey, U tah , wbcro thisy apont ac n w.‘ck on buiincNM. M r. IIni>pca atat- a ed thn t it waa much colder thero than ei i t has 'becn liorc nnd that, tbo » n w ia bc considerablo dOepcr. u

.Mr. and Mrs. GcorKo Chapm an re- pl turnod homo th e f ir s t p a rt o f . tho Cl v»Dck from I’reston / Idabo , wbcro Ibcy J« npent a abort tim e viaitlnK frionda aA I w relativca. . w

Mrs. Elie Crouse cnme np from M ia- Sl idoka, M onday morninK to spend ft.few I t dnys with ber friend , Mrs. H enry I’elora, boforo k-ax'infr fo r Newto.'t, ^ KnnKaa. M r. Crouse b»f( about a weok • aco. They expect fo m a k e .th e ir home I*>»«*"• . J _____ ■ - - V

lU.'I 'EUT — Jcjlm C. Lundy fin ished appraiainc fho phyaical p roperty of tho

(H upert E leetrie ro inpaiiy , fo r the city , " Tiiesiiay. A t f lia t tim e F . V. V ictor n f S ' Ihc Uiipctt E lectric com pany, waa o n t o f fown and i t ia oxpectod thn£ tho op- L'l jiraiaal would n o t 'b e presen ted nirfil afj, «» lo r tho fira t o f tho yea r. Tho c ily Jin j **r. aceopted M r. liU ndy'a ata tem ent. re

Thy local form bu reau ia muJcinB- a A raid on rabb its and o ther rodent pests ni In M inidoka eounty. Po ison is being pu t out all ovor tlio county. M r. Tho-

im etz of Ihe biolo>;ical su rvey o f Boise, <b lia horo and n t p roaent la plncinp poiaon ‘a t thu M inidoka uam and v ic in ity , al»o ni iin oihoT outlying- d is trie ts . E a b b it ; bides aro w orth r>0 to fiO'ccntg a pound, hi [or fen centa a hide.] Ou Tucadny, Doecmbor {itb, a P . B. vi •O. Chnptor waa orgonired a t tbo homo |'« io f Mrs. A. P . B cym er o f Kuport. Mra^ lA . B. Unrclny, ntato organizer of Jo_- ■if- ji'onie, iircsidod n t bo tli m orning nnd af-' A' ] ternoon moetinga. , Mrn, Unrclny was 1" ablj-'a.isiKtcd iu fho work by th e offi- ei'rii o f fbe Hurlov Cliajitor. The moot- " f iug waa calle.l fo o rder n t 10 a. m. A t —

inooti the la.licH w ere s.-rvi-d liin.;hei'n :il t~ a t fhe h om e 'o f her .aon, .fohn, who r - Ihe Cahdoiiian hoteb I

■ Mrs. C hristiaa E ri.’kson, aged fil, die.l j li.Iea (HI Iii'l furm two m ilcB-sputh ..f lowii. Tue^.Iuv evening a t afte» n 'ling.-riiij; illnesi. She leaves two hoiis, •bihii and K. V. Erielinon. nnd one daiii;ii- li'r, .Mrs. .Ioe W oodruff o f Hiiiiorl. The fu.K'ral servt'ees were held in th.- Jb.!- tint .'liurch F ridav . Durial wa.i'ma.le in the Kuj.ert ei'me'tery. • -


l:(l(ii;K.'^().N'—A. E. r iav .T rr-.tii (Irr.-.'.v Mill hnn gin.e In f.-ah w l.'n-

•h" '.aiends Ii. -pead Ibe .vin.i'r v iM li.-

•Mrs. Howard (iibli'* is anain ab le .. ,. lir.;.l„ ,u i :.f;,-r beini: on l';e for Meveral days. !

M r-. 'Villiam ll-^Wev M irf-r ii-from aa iniiirerl lian.I bnri..-d while lilndling a fire w ith ••oal ..ii. i' L. V.. rev-aUY .pnr.-'ias. ',

.lerome ll.'l.slev’s inl.-rest in lhe pod IinH, and in th.- Neil MeTTuv limi-:r ati 1 . is now M)lii owner . .f both tlie ie p iec-. o f pioperly.

One of the Ej:«lc.Hlon iw ins. wbieh bus been quile aick in Twin Fall.i fo r ib.; p a 4l w.-ek or iboie, i s s ti1i repoH- .-d fo be in a very grnvi- con.lition.-'

Hert C arland has iv in rned lo It..gei-- aon for the' w in ler. a f tu r .spending lhe Hummor a t Ihe .Inrbidge m ining eamp.

Emery Canicrou ..f Bi!' Creek ipeiit T h u n d ay in Vogcraon on Im sinesi, an-l reporta Ibe snow ba.Mv d rifted b e ­tween Aeuffs and th e Hho-liot.'- srbo.d hous.-. ■ .

(bi.f-;-- Savjler o f T’o a tac t .spent a ahort (ime h ire th e early i>art n f .tb-: week, and reporta tUal the newly o - gaaized Uad;;er M ining company ..s pbiiining to .jo ex tensive .leveloiimcri*.

I t !•< repnrte.l tha t tli.‘ Thompson Drug nim pan ' is p lanning tn plit up a new- busincKj biiibling, lo be co m lru e t .-d o f native lava rork . The build ing 1= in f„ .)frupv the soulh cn rn rr o f Stui- ^ sb..iie stn-ct. betw een tb e old .b 'par:- ^ m.-nt Hlore bu ild ing and .Mr. P ow ell’r f .Itore.

l i . L. S nn i.T had an iinuau.-.! expe.i- o n e - .o n Thtirsib.v evening when be reeeivc.l bii thoroaghbre.l Cork.-r, ^ipaa- i.-l, valu.-d at f if lv .lollars whirli ha'I b -ea aWpped from nan-'viU e, Moninnn, more tbau a monti. ago. aud reporte.l lo it in ira m il. H.^ing n o tified bv the express .om pany tliaJ lhe de” got away a t i iu ttf , .Montana .Mr. Sny.l.-r iheu or dered anotlier spaniel from Deavcr, which resulted iii bolli do^s arriv in ,; nl tb e Kime lim.-.• L. \V., Colemna o f fhe farm burea.i.


R A W F U R S—Sond Thom T<h^

THE aOLDEN aaiE.fU R CO,C03 F irs t Ave.. S«»tUe. W aali. j W B ITE FO E P R IC E lA B T AND

TAGSL - ■ J l

" L O O N t i ^

^L *O K OWT .PA>__^•V MfchB «S0<MC R«c»ni__ „y IN THS »»TCH , I TOI-P*--- -

N6W N«7 To Go cN TWCiO e tt 3T*»B«Tt T —

\ /AnD 1 TMJ) VOWA (tT Oe«5«‘T MATTtft. ^6RJ n 15 A. T H IK T V :J) \H C R ie .-P O W E R .

T W ^ N J F A L L S D A II

hobl a le ry in tcrcatiug and auci:o:uifid Jjorm cctinc in Rogcraon on Tliftraday o te - rnening w ith a viuw nf V uging wai; on flu' }jnck.rnbbilH . Tlio rab b its have bccom.. FnlV ery iuim croua,.and nre proving a men- jaco to th e crops nro im i Kogorsan, a« cata do torm infd effo rt will bo m ade !o wcexferm innfe them. T. • C. Craig hasv a.been appoialod chalrfuan to worji willi jjoa cotnmlftco o f five, who will m ake pji.' plans, as a baals on wliii:U to work.Clobo Bosa, .lua> Bmith, an.l l ,.,Jab cz M ttllby, wiJl look nfto r Vbo jq,, work, in the weat on.|_ o f Hogoraou, whilo Hd' T urpatra a n J , ArchieS tu a r t w ill ?ook a fte r the work oiwt o f ^Rogorson. ^iv


\ MURTAUGH. ^V______________ ___________y '■

MURTAUOH — A Chrlatiiiaa program ^ will ho given ul tbe L. 1). S. church ou Sundnv. Dcc. L’l.

.The Union Bundav Nchoul will giv.- a Christnm s cnnta'.ii in tbo bi^b Hch.>.d nuditorium Chriatmna eve.

*i,.Mr. an.l Mr;-. Ilerl Stcin(.ur; form er reaidcuffl_of .M urtaugh, hnvc gimo to" A riz o n a 'fo r fhe benefit o f Mr. Htoin- otir'H health.

W illiani Cbnneo le ft lho f i r s t o f the week fo r Oklahoma fo ai>eud the ho'i- daya w iih relatives.

Sam Irv in haa aold hia htiuscbold fur- nituru nnd moved hia fnniily to C alifor­nia- where the fawLly w ill luaky tbvir

Mr.H. X nfhau M errill aud baby are via iting a l tho liomo of Mra. M errill'a |>arciitn i)i Logan.

C. (3. lle tte r ly purchaaed the .lulinn 4f. Johnaon humo, now oceiniled by the ■Alfr<^ _ Hoover fnm ily, and w ill tnke

^Irs. MntihowH en terta ined a inim berj o f ehildren Thuraday in honor of M nr-j


■ ^



It'S the best filling for any atoel Horo bank books will bc givci

. tban ovor beforeO You can always bank on a bai uinc pleasure. I t 's thc root of crisp, chccrful pago is opened

• pleasure has just begun.Will you let us teU you all abo tion. We arc a t yonr a c r ^ e

THE rOAK Sl^ ..

A L B E ,R T A530,000 Dry and I

'Lands are locatod in Souther the best in tha t famons distrio under irrigation, th * liUance is growing.

The lands ore boing pot on time and -the compimy is lookii All lands within a radius of ten point. .

D ry land* a re being to ld a t «15 to 930 *80 per acrc , which includes w * ter rig cbargo *1.60 per ijrigab lo M r* per year—

A lfa lfa , grain , fiold p«a«, po tatoes an grow n.

W rite d iree t to tbe com pany for ful

Canaria Land & IrrigatLethbridge

Alberta. Oa

- TUe.tiAJTwiiiC


MOW NeHii 0W T^r\ At-TOtO-VOU-AO 57\»- ’ \I ' i J . ' 3H0W ’fOW llW l.* -1 Ol/T A1A.-R>C>4T I

■ILY NE]j/<j:S,. *TWIN F A I J

X /

1 j^ory M attliow a’ b irthday . Itofrcah-- rneuta were served. . g"* i’ Mrs. Kd Truu ajienf F riday a t Tw in’ ^

A t thc laal m eeting of W. 0 . W. . >> eamp N o.'S-IS tbo follow ing officora iJ > wcro choaen fo r the ensuing foAff: jE. l _ \ a . True, pnat consul commander; I . M.‘ Uoyd, conaul com mander; C. V. Trlio,'• c lerk ; O liver M. Jobnso!i, adviser Jiou- q - .• fe n a n tr U W. Uawlinga, banker; A. O. qdo ‘ Lee, oacorl; E. L. Beers, aen lry ; 8 . Wai- fon, wntehm an; B. F . Ju ln , J»; L. Ja in ,

E. P. W ilhito , man.ngcra; 11. H. K endel, j ° cap tain of tho d rill team . •f A Christfnaa ' tree jirogram will bo

given by the childron of the Mvfhodisl }Cpiauo]iaI Sunday Aehool on ■Chriatmn^ p r

. eve. Satifa Claus w ill ho presont.I .Murtangh Camji No. 3-IB, Woodmen I o f thu W orld, will givo a dance Now , r r e a r -a « v e ^ _ _ _

KliAD T H E DAILY NEWB. ' ~ I, ~ 4 Bl

— I ■ ■ - j.


M o d e r n h o u s e , f i v o r o o m s s th *

| j ‘'g a n d s l e e p i n g p o r c h , g a r - | biiib

a g e , c h i c k e n h o u s e , E lm . a ' I

P a r k a n d c i t y w a t e r . .

' ' . FOi"I Phone'60S-W 1 ';

p j w . 3


m m . 1



s to c k i n g . .f i v e n a s g i f t s t h i s C h r i s t m a s I

b a n k b o o k g i v i n g r e a l , g e n - ;>t o f a l l p l e a s u r e . W h e n t h e | ca m e d C h r i s t m a s m o r n i n g , th e ' i *‘i''‘‘

, ' \v!a b o u t i t ? T h e r e 's n o . o b l i g a -

^ 0 always. ' ' ' !i!!^

STATE BANK Sr,n ii i

— ------ ----->|i Unl,----------- —-----

A. L A N D S ’d Irrigable Acres | ' nt h e m A l b e r t a a n d a r o a m o n g n

i t r i o t , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 a c r e s w il l b e ' i i s b e i n g , s o ld f o r g r a i n I

o n t h e m a i k e t f o r t h e f i r a t | ’ N o k i n g f o r b o n a - f i d e , s e t t l e r s . j ^ t e n m i l e s o r l e s s ^ ^ s h i p p i n g

0 930 ]>er a r r e —irrlgab le landa 940 to | r r ig h t—oporation and a>alateaane<> i ear— eaay paym ents and low in terest, e i and root cropa can be auecessfully

>r fu ll particu la rs and paiapbleta |

gation Gomnsny, Ltd. | IM e d ic in e H a r !

, O a n a d a I ,i

______ ____________________

I t I

I » 6 .T tr ji cfffT----- -lA jjo ' H m ». A. WJTHJA TD Pi.« l^OVTj---- ^

,VoO WOMEN KMfri \ff.mCTV II A He*i6r r

r ABU Yw c«:ncy . .»* *v/TH I


a X S , ID A H O , M O N D A Y , D


CLASSiriED kaiti<

A D V e R T IS E M E N T S

“ CLASsTFiED R A T Y r ' j,« Inaertion, p e r word....................... 2 c ' y0 w ook (D ally and W eekly)......_....lOc ,,,,,,• m ontli (D oily and W eek ly ).....Minimum chargo fo r each in serticn ____

any... c lassified od, IG conts. Ad3 l u t r^n^^or a’ ata tod porlpd o f time, 'no r

•—P H O N E 32r?- abo

■OR SALE— REAI. ESTATE wii. . . __________ _ Wo

FOR 8 .\L K — 4-room modern houae ■go scroc-ned porch. A hnrjraln. E a sv j— -ma. -ILJ? Jth \V. • I’houe HiiI .J.

FOU tjA U 'i— f and ::"i’i 7 7 , i ^ ‘ i ” ‘K Ulue l.uta-a addition , i ’rie.- . .Klmi; on- , "If c;vnu,J^uu--> a.ld IV y ..a i, l im , ''.7 r.,T c.-ut in te rea t, pavable s.-mi au

ally. C. I.. I 'ittm an , Kt. M ntuau, L'ol.,i‘‘'^■ X :iOo. • - I

FUR .SAU'J—4- ro(jm modern T o n .'.'; '* " ' th largo aieeping porch._Qarage. i ’oa wion a t otico. l-*tlco rigU t.' I'lioae 7J a f te r 5 p. m. .

FOR SA L E —Residence jiropcrtv I. avenue n o rlh ; aix rcroni hous.'; ror- 'J:',, r lof; JJOOl) c:i«h; balance i.-rms, M .i, 8 woeley. O ffice , F ira t N alioaal l)aa.‘ I ilding. (

FOU SA LE — 0 room liouse w ith l . ‘ loping poreb. Two Iota. Inquiro 786 ' tl A to . W.

DR SALE— MISCEi-LANEoUi!,F ( ) i r K . \ n i ^ r "l-;; IoiT t7 ..v -IVail.-, t

first elas.H shape. I'houe f.;i»(l.l.

A s n a p 'A new i-iano at eo..t, \ ( taken a . ' , - - ee. T erm , ..r cash. See M ulna) • ,'amery I’o., Shoshone .slreet j

^•«l{ hA :.e: -1 :i-::.'.-ead, 1 d r .'s se r , ' ■•y p -arl, . ................wing n iaeliim ,: I'. :rie i J I J .la.lisnn s lr .’i't.

•OK SAl-i-:— I vielo’r ta lk ing mu ' _ ne i- 'li; J BungnlcMV plaver piano, I '

K .M eare Newa. ;

n i:i, A i i i ia m iP r ir r ir r 'f la K Tr;ii'M / , j1 .s iMiiiem .lolm lii-ete pbiw iu yood . I .Iilion-— II..C . W ahl, W ilder, ' j

V IMIIKIU.V ’ n CU S iTh IES, L an d -. •:>— l.v S .T viw n ep a rtw e u t.-c a u bva\>t,S-' ! .olil lujiae gri*und«. Trees, aiiriiba, ' One

viue.s. 1-lni.s iahod. ; Olio .k siipi'rinteji.led or taken on eu n -1 Ono /t . .No el.nrgo for p rebm inary vM t.!. i:, W iig iil. l.and-.oape A rebiteel '; (la ideiier. Phono -J:> Jt'2, K iiiiberly ,' bn. ■- j ------------— ................. .......................i W If tN T E D — M lS C E L L A N E O U S i b

^•.\N’iH-Ml~l'r;l-. lieaI "nurse fo ea-.-^ — i i i \a 1id nnd help wit h 'l i . i i is ; -

J.. I’l.oae i;:;7W. ' [ c i«

V A N T l':i'-”: '. '.i~ a rm .'rs in eall f o i ; '___fi.clars, I. K. F innev Co., , s i<; A. 1.. Mradley l-o. I---- - --------- ---------------------- --- --- -------— - 1 T»T<VANTED—.lob on farm . B . eare News. j -----

V A N Ti:n—Wc wnnt i;00 acta of har- s lo i,il Wllh g c .d old fashioned o i‘. i '' can .lil tliem eliV i]>er now Ihun n

sjirini: and i t ’a b e tte r for th.i bar- s. 1. I-:, F innev & ( ‘o., I ’ioneer Ita r- 'i s Shop. ■ , j

\ \ U ! ‘ENTEU WORK—.lobbing aad — ■airs o f all k inds. Phone V2S.\\V.

■VANTE1)^-Furtiiabed or unrurniBho.l ^dcrn bouse o t J.oimekccping rooms. __]sne G.10 J-1. • . !h O


r'OU TKADK— I(i0 acres stnto lan d ,^ swim proved, ha lf milo from Roy, ,|

lho; w ill trad e for au to . Inquiro U. i W ill, n.m 'e :i-. Twin F mIIk l.laho

= E.--------------------------------------- “ “ ■ »■


E astbound ,,No. 15(5............. -Depart a. m. iNu. 8-t.............. D epart 4-.-15 p m. i

' W estbound Nil a;i............ D epart 11:15 a . m..Vo. l.-.S.............D epart l f l ' p. m. ___

. ----- r - WBR o g e r s o n B r a n c h T r a i n s f

Southbound ‘ -No.' 3.10.......... .D epart i l :4 5 a. m. — :

N orth l^ in d -^ » 'No. :m o ............^ tm v c 3:20 p. tn.

M a i l M a k e u p ^N..: 1.''! a t 3 a. n.. f PNo. S'.i n t 11 a .'m .N... I.V' a t ;t p. m.No. R4 a t -J p. m. >.Hogeraon branch a t 11 a. >>.

■ ‘ Thc foregoing m.jil m akeup is operative and e ffec tive under or- [ d inary conilitiona:! if a g re a t I am ount o f m ail shcuild bo drop- i I'.'.I a t about tb e regular cloaing j fimc it woubl bo Impossiblo fo I .lisp atrb the m ail on tho proeiao j hour. I

s u r e l y l o o l c s a s i l t h i s v r z s

V-ZlLi------------ ( z ? TME. f>*\ voy

3 E C .2 2 ,i9 1 9

POSITION WANTED '~^VANTEU—M an and w ife w an t a po- aition on n ranch . W ill s ta y witH tbo rig b t p a rty a ll sum m er. Call a t 2f}Q - Jnekaou 8 fi, T^rin Falla.

FOR HENTFO R U E N T -rT w o furnlabcd flloopiag-

room; fiira trc t) 'hea t. i;J7 -E ig h th nvo- nuc north. Vhouo 602.

l'X>R R EN T—E igh ty ucroa ] -2 '‘mllij north of H o llia te r; bouae, c is tc rn , o t’:., about ,fcn a c re j irrig a ted and in a lfa l­fa ; balance d ry b u t baa boeu furmod.W ill ren l very reaaonable. E a rl O..W olfe, 822 M cKinloy t i l .o e t, Bois^.Iduho; t

rO H n l-I.VT-^lo'^i-re ranch , 2~ 1~2 miiea from Sugar Factor)-; fa i r build- inK'.^ss l \ O. B o i 742.

FOU R EN T—i;V£iiiahed room, witU bnth and furnnco beat. : i l l S ix th ave ' uue J-:.

l 'l ) irT iI.N T —Koo:it. rcaaonablo. 30S -Jib A \e . N. ;■

LOST ^’s ’.'ltAVKl'i. o ii\sT07.'l':N -'^K ed

spai.iel; nnsWer;. t„ n.mlc ..f Don.Fiil'ler id.'ar.L' pli.m r (H(..M or call at; l.i'w -W\li.)i,i bavlier .shop, ' s lre .'l, f..r reward.

S'i-IJAVKD- De.em ber 'n^dT^ r b l a c k ii.jr.-.e. Iliiin Ibs.; I, 1-jhO; 1 bay - b'.i.i). l-udno

FOUND ^.TAICI'IN f l ‘— i miles northw eat o f

tiiu'n. 1 bay coll. Owner m ay havo by jiayli.;; ad and fi'c.l from Dccombor • .'•.--Si.ipiicib Hrolhi-rs.

I 'n f M i — t:;irt.)n .•.m iaining a n ' ■•Ae.Mtitiro.i’ -, Owner enl! a l Now* :••irri..,..

I 'tirN I.)—A fouulnln pen, w ith gold l<aii.l initialH . M. l.osor may havu aamo l-y aricln ^siag U. .1. ra ro o f News.

I BUSINtSS DiREGTM' ' b u s i n e s s c a r d p A T E SOlio iiisortiou. per Uno............................10cOno woek, po r Jluo ..............................2 icOno m outh, per Uue ..............................7Cc

—PH O N E 32—


W IN D O W ’G LA SS^w T tul'ld iiebla ine t work. .Moon’a Shojr. Fhoae 0.

— T E A N G P E R

CKOZIEE T R A ifaF E R C O m ’ASfV. -I'hone a-ta.

P IA N O t u n i n g ”

H a H O TUN IN G —s. G. Hull. PImne A'l, R.igersou Jlutet.

P IA N O TUN ING—J'houj> 108. L ^ i ' i .\lu«ic Co.

j — r o f e iS i i 6 XI a 1

A T T O R N E Y S * - - .

A « E B ^ 'b . W ILSON— I.awycr.

HOM EB a M IL L S— Boyd Building.

T A Y IiC a o rm M IN S —Babcock Bbig.I 'rnbato and civil practice.

S E E L E Y i S^VI5E L E y —Attorncya nt L a w .' Practice in all Courta, Twin I’alls. Idnho.

E. i l . W O IJ 'E —Lawyer, Uooma f. and ' rt, over Maho Deparlm eut Store, Twin

Falla, Idaho. .

J . Jl. W ISE — Lawyer. Fully organie- .'ll Colb’ctioii Dci>arlnient. O fficca—Uooma ti and 7, over Tw in Falla Bank A T ru at Co.. Tw lv FallH, Idaho.


WM. r . TW ISS— VjMini.'-i. Orrhest.-a .furniilied fo r bam iuet an.l dance.

• LNH \ ’.,i, H'lren.^ |-linn.. ll‘2:m '.

A C I« \S iilK li:D A l) wiir^f^lttA-i buy. ?r'■fc^*Touf•■^ot,•■•■brt«r^^t 'p■reTs—if your offer w'ill a tand up under inve.iligation.

I wanted]C L E A irrfif ts

I NEWS OFFICE I" a s a h o r s e o n F a t h e r

■ ■ *VOW /------


■ i

' J ' 'l

I. * ' ,■" . EiaHT , _ ‘'


Blozo, S tarting in Grill, Bri Damage to E ostaorant an

■photo Studio-TJn* <Jrill r;if« mul flu' WoyJo P

HtiKiio in liio ITowo huiliUnjt on I Klrcct w ere tem porarily p u t o u t o< iiKKB liv firo which caaaod eoniidBi <Ininnf'p to tho two InsUtotion* nuirninc. Doraago ia n o t y o t oetlmj

Tin-, fire , ivccorUinR to aooo' Htiirlcd in Iln* Orill k itchcn whon a o f hot Kr('rt.HH wiui up«ot on tho < int; rjiner. Fliiracs im m odiatoly r the kitchcn und quickly communle to Iho upper lloorii. Tho stud io rianmci'd l>y amoko and wUrrici' rnoniH in tho Dabcoek buil( ndjnpi'nt to tho Howo a tn ic tu re , ' Hrrioimly throatoncd fo r sotno timi u a» ftjv) tho lowor floo r o f tho rn rk n tructuro, w hich liouitcs tho Honk dtorc.

DnmnRc lo the G rill wn» kep t fin rd , liirRuly, to tho k ito h cn 'ao d I nrens nf lho buildinff throuffh doj ivti- cffortB on p a r t o f tho wor forfpn in fho roataurnnt, who kop !v vaUiiut b n ttlo with, th e flRinct < th r firo dopartm ont look cliartcc. firo Kf>t liotwccn lho PciHnfr nnd 1 of th<' Howo build ing nnd trav w ith ponsidcriiblo rap id ity undorn Ihc pholo KaUcr>*. Tho floor hs( lit* l'>rn. up to*fi larfjc I'xtonl to cn the firi' fiKhler* to ronrh lho aca the Mn7c.

Th<- upj)i.T floor ot Ull' Babi laiililinK honson a num ber o f • o l ivnioitK, w ost o f whom rem oved t i-ffeeln. Sevcrul women cmpli

/ fa in ted from cxcitem ont and offcct


. Twin Falls Man Bo-oloctcd i Head of Oounty Farm Insti

tution. a t Meeting ■A l tho nnnunl mcetiuR of (lie T

FiiUk county farm Imn'iwi lu'Sil I flaturdiiy , \V. K. Alwnrtli, pre«idenl

' Ihe Htijh' o rf^n im tio ii, wns rc oM lo aerv.* a lliin l Ienn nn prrtidon t till' ronn ty o rcanirn lion . The meel

•wan lielil in r a r in lrh a ll . There wa fa ir attem lnnre. Hprakern ineludei C. W hrolon, ceneral wanaRor of Twin Fnlla C ^ a t romj>any, who euMeil itdvantn{;eH of fonrinK di: banka, and IL II. M uuur, oaaiat

_ Ktuti'* lender of roun ty Hjjcnta, i apoke on llic farm bureau orf' Bcportfl wpro nulim itted a l « by Ll

- \V, Coleman, eonnty a^en t; A. O ’Reilly, ro u n ty bo y a ' and {'i'^'“ ' < lender, nnd Miiw E dna Ixidwi;;, eou hom r dem nnatration npent. Mr. w orth presided a.iul A. A. M orrill, h touch , aeted aa aecretary.

O ther office ra eleeted w ere: F r W. Pidher, B uhl, vico prenident; J

, n . P . M oseley, F ile r, m 'rre ta ry ; P r D oK btr., F ile r, Ireaanrer. Membera tho e*eeiitivc' rom m ittee w ith the a; iol work OMicned tn eaeh w ere clnr na follijwa: Ai A. M errill, Miirtaj peal con tro l; J . C. Wheelon, T F a lla ,, labo r; U 8 . O lto , I 'ile r, 1 « to ek ; Cnrl 1). Irw ln , T w in Falla, t im provem ont: M. A. Thom ele, T Fnlla, (-red im provem ent; It. Q!a Holliflter, M’m. J . C. Portcrfiftld . T P a lla , boya’ nnd ( jlr la ' cluba; Mra.

■'C. Sicror, f^ le r , fnrm homes.

J o c d i g r e V i i i e J

rrt»m C ity—M in. Kleeln }b il re turned tho lant o f Ihe week fi a tr ip to Kannaa Oily.

Send B ody Botith—The remaina E . O. H ole w ere on fl.-Hnrday e»ea fo rw arded U» U rh an e tta , Arkansaji bu rial.

I.eaT es HospitA l— M ra. W. C. WHcw bo bnn Iw^en tv pM lpst M the Bi hoapital re turned to her home in rom e yeslrrdny ,

P e n a l l to B u i l l— A builrting pen has lierii ta l;en out by J . Al Penw fo r th e ro n » lru rlion o f a re*idenee South Pnrk aJd ilio o . The building eoat $ 1000.

To (^olIfomiA—O. K. H ill, liv ing a farm a nliort diafanro ont o f T» Fnlln, leaven w ith hin fam ily lonij fo r O rland . <!al.. lo rem ain thia -w te r and probably loc.ate perm.anently

I>erlon M »ets T onlgbt— Members Tw in Falln pont N’o. T, Ameriean ] c ian , w ill m eet in apeeial nenjrion nlRlit fo r t h r pnrpone of ron»ideri m atle rn o f p rim e im porian rc fo the cion and th e ro n n lry At larce. 7 m ee tin c will Ix* ronv rned in K Ika’ el rooms.

U c s tu e d to W ed—M arri.i;;e liren; have boea i»"U.vl lo the foUowing p aona: B rv an -A . U<>cern, aeed a K ora K. W hittnker. i l . IkiKi o f Hul ne*oV A ri. ac.-.J :*2. and D a i-f Ifa k r t l . I'S, l.oMi I>f K ilrr . Olenn W. Jo n ac rd “-1, .tn.I M;.ry K; H um phrey. : bo th o f Twin F^llii; Ktmer R. 8 k m orr. aci-<l --t. ;*nd Klnie I.ane 19. Ik

• o f Tw in FaJln.

M ia lite r O oM *l!u tZ -T he Itev. W. Moore, o f ihp F im l C hrU likn e h a r le f t Ihin rao m ln c for S t. I^oui*. W lo a tten d a b i yearly m ee tin c ' board o f tnaaxcera o f Ihe U nited 1 eie ly of l i e l')i<eip^ra of Chriirt. w ill i o abfcent a b eo t 10 day*, Th i r l l l be BO C hristm as re lfb ra llo ti in ■ ehureh , b s t »M ooac«m pnt is m ade U u al]-alj;h t M lebratloB will be e 'dueled New T e « r 's •re .

ItoM yoor pristad m att«r DO FIT JUSTICE TO TOUB B08rNB83» sort ot h»Miae*»-mni l i» t inJieati U " l a k e « 4 a f" wiUx the eliwMter yotff I f It i* i* It ■th* btamdsrt

ION IN DIREST !Bringsand Beds, Food, Clothinj

lieve Distress Amo 5 P h o to —Cases of Destitut

, lignant Sickness CIdonblo ------u W o u ld y o u th in k i t n v e ry nim .f A J C 'lir in tm n atld o i f y o u hnd b u t n I M o u n ts th ro e robm d tri tiouao n ix pe r a a p a a o f th e ao ill , w ith n die c o o k ' e o m n la ln t ft B w ept W o u ld i t n d d to th e j o y o f th o in lc a to d ’* 0^0lio w u o n o bod I n th o houao, th ia oe cu p io

w a to r . p n e u m o n ia p a t ie n t , fhe ren l hn u ild in ir a lee p w h o re bent Ihe.v eo u ld ,0 w o ro •’•‘i y th e m cnB oren t o f c o v o r in g f Im o a s T w in F n lla N ew a k n o w a iio B a b - fn fn t ly w i th in th e b o rd e ra o f ' ho C lo i ^ pi»K bl tw tliR t.

N a y , Ibo p liR h t ia w orae in d e ed , p t con - f a m i ly in m in d hnaid b a c k I"'* '" re lonaod f ro m n n ix .w e ek a < dospbi'- a n l ln o f o r a m allp o x , w llh w hie li ho

v o r k ln f n tr ie k o n . H e hnd a jo b w h ie h (o p t n p J**"*' l iv i n c w aR e, b u t th n i ini J , u a t i l ill 'ie aa . Doeie. T lio h n v e n e cn n iu ln ted w ith o th e r d f lo o r d e n ta l a n d h e n v y expenHo.i. T h e ra v e le d *ly e a n n o t n f fo r d tn buy f u rn i tu re e rn c a th n e e d n ROt nlonR na b e a t h erh a d to pe ra o n a houaeif in th i s tle n a b le beloiiR Io th is :

s c a t n f ily* “Two hav o beort ta k e n in to lie v o a n o ic h b o r in c fa m ily in <

(abcoek " o r» o o n tid i lio n .• o f f i c o 'f* " ' wnnlH Ihe jtooplo o f 1d th e i r I'all-'* *o kn o w t l ia l th e re is d e a titu np lo y e s '« " a n t a pooplo lo kcctfl o f "•'»> l l" T e ia a i.eo.l fo r e h a r i la b le

nin tanei! o f a iio n n a n o n l o rd o r.T h e N ew a w a n ta n a n n lln rv • ei

nnd be ld in c f o r Ih ia one fa m ilv . W ho w ill Rivo thone a r t i e le a f T h o N’l'wa la c u a r i in to r t h a t th e

n r i i x ■’* "■"'■H'y. a n d w ill aeo «) i t th a t I f W T <«elivero,l n t th ia o f f ie oJ L l l I p la e o il u t th o h a n d a o f tho n e e d y 1

ily .

d tho ' 'sti- ------------ • ' .................... - =

, MSS. WID KIllED sB l l i p B lZ ‘iin°i Twin FaUs Woman Moots Do; w aa a While on Obristma4 .Holida

. r . , - ' : ■ “ 0_ ^ r n ^ ,

10 dm - T o ll in c 'o f Iho tr n c ie d f l i l l i ' o f ' A. M . W ik o r , a n d a erioua in ju r io f

a ia la n t M r. W ik e r . a te lo trram w na reeo i w-ho i,y r e la t iv e a fro m S j

r .a lio u . U a r i,n ra , C a l., y o a lo rd a v . T h o tra « p'O.’ ;* w aa th e r e a u l t o f nn a u to m o b ile f A- , I- ,U>ni.

‘ T h e le le c r a m w ua reeeiv .-d b v ]cpun*>- W illa rd A le .M aater. ’ a d a n R h to r’,'■m ■ .. ............ . I'UTr,..” U r..n'

1, f i iu i- o ,,) ,. ^ v ,.rv p r ip t ie a ta te m e n t , lae! _ . . le la i l o f Ih e e a u a o ' o f Ih e aetfirj i r a n k , j „ , t th e b odv w ill b e aen’« t 't* '- W lk e r iat- rn n k j„ j , „ .o ll. I n e o n ip le te fo rm th e i

aaco ro a d a n a follow a-. , e a p o v „ n d M ra. W ik e r in a u to m oe ln e te t b e re . M ra . W lk e r d e a d ,rtau R h , W ik o r d o in c w ell. W ill a liip bodv

T w m j v , „ , r n m e ."H inee re c e ip t n f Ih ia w o rd o f f

hnvo l i f i n .m a d e to p ro cu re m oro T w in r o l a l i n c to th o u a fo r lu ;

n i l l , ,1 o f, T w in B u n d a y M r. n n d :i r« . u . W ik e r w ere p rce ec d in R by n u tn m r

f ro m I ^ n R H ea eh lo ^ \e n a c n d ro npend Ih e C h r ia tn ia a Iw lldavn <

^ M ra. O ra h a m , a a ia le r o f Mrn! Wil< ^ - M r. a n d M ra. W ik e r le ft T w in I- a b o u t n m o n th oro fo r lionR H<-

w h ero tlie y w ero lo apem l Ih e iv it M r. W ik c r la e o n n e e te d w ith a n a

a N c«- roob ilo b u a iac aa h e ro , a n d ha* be en c f ro m te n a iv o l r in te ro a te d in fa rm p ro jie r

B r u f c W ik i- r , a . g r a d u a t e o f th o T F a l la hiR h achoo i a y e a r nRo, ia a no

reainca a f o r . “ .

. *T h e K p ia eo p a lian H undav aohool -’

h a » e a <7hrt«lm aa I re e W rrln c aila y r i r r m i l nn iR f o r w h ie h c r e a t p ropA ratiim x n w e il, b e ia c m . id e .

(; w ill T lte o n c a R rn .e n t o f W a lle r Htn non o f M r. a n d M ra. Addia/>n T . flm .and M ia^ .M alx-l S w e e n rv . o f S t . M nr

"ff w aa a n n o u n re d t w rok a t Mo<.<-.w h v re Ib e v a r e a t t r n d in R th e l^ n i ' n itv o f Id.aho.

■wtn- •A t lh o ho m e i.f M r. an -l M rn. W .

•rs o f •'’ " " ' b , .t^f) .‘^c-on il a v o n u e n o r th ,n Iv»- p r e l t v w e d d in c w na aoli*mnized wl in toleriTi-* ^ 'h e r d w e re ^ T n a r r ie d a t M ch noV* ] “ S a tu r d a v , tlio U ov. I*. N'. M a n n in c

T h , H .m )ien ’o f f i r i a l i n c . M ra. K. P . H in' e lu b n if te ra o f Ihe cro<

n e rv e d n n e la lK ira te a i r e o u ra e lon enn fo th e im m .-,li.ile r e la f iv e a o f

•enaes C rooin. M rn. H ih e rd ia i. o f Ih e r o i i n t r ’a m oat p o i.u la r yo i

'jjjj.j t e a c h e r i , w h ile M r. I l ih e rd in a p i il i ih ! ; y o u n c r a n e h o r o f H an a en . •

/one* , W t». B am ue l H n x t e n te r t JJ. j j | e»l At d in n e r y e a te rd a y , fhe r e n te r p i S k id - ***** la b le b c in c n h andaom e red )>oth R<3n ia ; r o t c a n d le s a n d ahadea w

alno u aetl. T h o ae p r e a e n t w ere M r. i U n t K. H o l l i n ^ w o r t h . M r* . A tw rl l

W . A . C h lea R o , M r, a n d M r* . J o h a C o iti iiu re h , a a d Mm C le v e . G e r tr u d e C o s te llo , i

M o .. H uR ene H a r t , w ho ia ho m e f ro m Id f th e c o w f o r th e h o lid a y a . M m . IT ar t i d Ho- a aa ia te d Iiy b e r d a u |;fa te r , M ra. O lrd i. n - ■ -------Ttiere — :---------------------------- r --------

' AMUSEMENTS'■®®' I------ :----------------------------------

G K M — N o rm a T a lm a d c e la “ H y IU o f P u rc h a a e e o m e J y , “ G u tn d f a a d O T e ra l ln . '-

ID A H O — Z.ano G re v 'a “ n e a e r t G ob M tio n O R P H K L 'M — F a n n i'e W ar .l in t«ir o f I 'r o f i t c e r s ” ; tw o v a u d e v ille a. * K a y o & V e m o n , a in c in R a n d m o

lofp3C c o m ed ia a jk

' t W j n f a l l s

NDSSOifilLIESntEEfl-FIEHTlLLNESng-. Medicine Needed to E nong- Needy Poor of the Ci ution and Battle Against M Cited

• merry sity. Tho parents of tbo aick yo n home man ait up with tlio lad every ni persona, th«'-father snatching w«nt rcat hodendl.v bptwecn fho vlRila when mother

restlnR. JJoth uro worn out with ce tho aca- leas watching and lnck of n prc vna only place lo real, for proper real cnnnoi iplod-l*y obtnined in a chnir while listcninR hnvine tho cnlla o the patient,

d, with In tho neichbor fnmily la n wldo t mother nnd 13 childron. Two of thea of rt ter are boused with the familv nf

Twin mentioned In nn effort to roliovo BtroBS In tbo larRcr fnmily wl

ed. Tho amnllpox has cnpped tho mothor ina juat olher mcmbora nf hor nrood. a quar- , There ia another inatnnco of ho wna treaa in town; a case thnt needa

■h paid modiato nttention. Clotblnc ia income ehief need ricbl now, hot Chriat

)octor’a would find IbU fnmily, aa well na ier inci- other two, parliculnrly wunfinc tie fn.n* food and ine<licine, wore it nol for uro and thnriiy Impulaoa of n "bic broth . enn. fraternal orRunl7jitk>n. whieh ia to H thro'- Ihut the food wnnta nre supplied CJn ia fam- mna dnv, ut ro- Tho third eaae ia thnt of a fnr

I oven whoao crnj)a failed bim Jnat sea Thero nro two Rifls I.V nnd 11 y,

if Twin old. a Imy P nnd Iwina, a boy and | tUutio.\ six woll na n baby threo yenra o know in thia lionaehobl. Tbt'v tiro in i iblo aa- neod of elolhinc.

Whal will you ci'‘e lo make Chi• eouch mua briuhtor for theao throe auffei y. familiea; ^t Brine it lo The Nowa offiee nn<ho eaae will be dcUverud whero ll will do n hnt alt cood.0 are Tho aonaon of RivinR nnd "Pence ly fam- Karth; Oood-will Toward Men” ,

hero.noee.v Will you cive! How much!

IliyNDFIGHTEB QENT| URBESTEO, PM FINIDeath Leonard, Buhl Pugilist, a day Companion, aro Takon fron

Rooming Houde ’if Mr:.; ’u l/conard, claiminR tn be n B *" 'u- I ^ nbel Morae, whomL-eoivo.l,i-,„5i ,. n woman of noctur Bant i iiftiiitn, wero tnkon from n room m

raceily Hpaninh rnoniinc houao on Beef0 neci-1 nouth, Saturday nicht on w

; rnnl eharcinc illoRnl cohnbllnfl •' Tlioy -.voro found c^'i'ty on nrrai, nn-l niont in the police eourt thia mo ■nnyoyi pnyinR a fine »ofIjfkin'! ,,. ,|„, ,50.ciilenl. Maria Snrria, nlao arrested nt nont :o Hpaninh roominc houso, wns fined !

la do- f„r viilatlon of ihc eity ordina lO moB I ratablinhed for the mninfennnco

Iniotality wifhin tho pi'beincts ofm .o b V ,ow„. -K , . J r . , i „ jj , |, room oeeupie il* b y Loon <* y *0 u n d th e .Morno w om an w e re fo u n d a

I e ra l h n tf le s ii f -loda w a l e r Io ro I . r ro ; ta vvisl, n - p a r i o f n p in t b o t t l e o f el o ro fj-|,p l a t t e r w nn uao 'i to nur lu i ia ie ‘ - k i r k ” in lo th e jw>p, if w a a oxp la ii

r-M,'.' "■ _ _ _ _ _im o b l ln ' “ 'Iro to! -------------------------------. v i i i ; ' ; . " T ^ e 3 r - 5 0 3 n . a . i in Fal.H

- -----------------J. A. Armatrong la over from Jero

"on ,,°'.forn brief viait.[lertios.' Acnea Hart arrived fr:• Twill BlarkfoM, flaturday. *aon. j Mi.,s I.neille VV' lfo w.oa down fr

iHnrloy for fhe week-end. v I Mra. W. MrKay Olaon la In lbe t

from her home at Filor.^ jS ’ Mra. Homer Cravrn and ehildr

apont tho wook end in Holliatcr.: B. Thoa. Morria, of Pocatello, is

nl'-wi'il buaineaa viaitor In Twin Falla, v rv.. Mr, .nnd Nfra.. W. 0. Ring of IU nx aro wore viailnrn in thia rity Raturd.ay.

J. H. and Frank Stoner are ovcrfn I’okeville, Wyo., on a boaines.a trip.

2'^“ ';* Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elkin, of Jcron are in Twin Falls on » busineas trip,

onrow! Mra. s . H. Proctor and Miaa She 'niver- were in from Kimberly Saturdny, ah«

pine.Fred Redman left last eveninc 1

W. O. Salt I.<ake, Where he will npend t Ih, a bolidnya.

Harvov Hurlebaua of Jerome wna 1- Twin Falla, Halurday, attendinc

noon. i,uwnra.a affaira.f*. Turner of Kimberlv ia und

C'»n>R froalmrni at the Bovd l.onpi luTeh: theumatinm.of th- JudRo and Mra. .1. ,.M. Shank and 1 ia ono fl** dnuchler. wore Bubl • viailora yonnR. Falla Salurd.ny.proa^ Judcc W. A. Babrork haa f>ren r<

j finrd lo hia homr by illnra.a for I pa.«l lw»> or thrro d.aya.

‘Ttain- Mr. and Mrs. C. L Donahue are ■rpieee jhr city from Jerome on a eombio ed be- i,ii,inra.n and pleasure trip.

I'rake and wn lUleii and Misa Marcaret Gourler of Fi

> and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gladden arriv1 Uos- ^^atnrday from Spokase to riait th -1 dauchter, Mra. Joseph Keefer.Iriner. Aldrich, of Nampa, Id

j» sp rn .lin R ih e b o U d ay v a r a t i o n a t 1___^ home of her brother, C. W. Aldrieh.

I Mra. J . A. Oo*n retu rned to I home .it ' llry b u rn y c itrrda .v a f

1 aprnd iac aom.» tim e a't th r Boyd h---------- p i ta l .lUc’it "Mrs. John Costello made a brief vi

ndrapa Bahl tbe last of the week, hrr tie graaddanehter, Gertmde. retumi w1U» her.

• Aarea Van Boakirk arrived fn Laeoabe, Canada, Batorday. He «

mons-’ »P«ad several mooths at fhe home his danc^fer, Mrt. C. W. Aldrich.

,S D A IL Y N E W S . T W IN

S P ray fo r Snowor Your Xmas

r c c Will Be BlackL w U O AY paw .and maw, nnd you

^ kidlets too, when you ^ atrotch knec-hido In noctut

O'P q nni devotion beforo the twin or cor.y cotlot toniRht,1 stick info the exercises a bid fort JVla- *■0 havo boen uninR in nhopworn-

and cciterally nil mcMcd up from u fortniRht'a sorvice. It just won’t /unction in tho mak-

;k younc ** whito Chriatmna.ry niRht, Address the nppeni fo tho rulo,t ho cim or tuln burcawcrnt Iti Boiso but jfher Ib mnko it ao aort of Bonernl thnt til cooflo it will bo heard whoro it wiil do

proper most Rood. Hnven't much con* annot bo fidenco in tho stnto provider of :ninR for rlimAfoIoRicnl tUiuRS, allhouRh"

lie does promino roin or snow for wldow'-d tonight nnd Tuuadoy. t tho Inr- Top of tho tcmporoture yester- ly afore- dny wna -13, a couplo of marks iiove tho hichcr than Baturdny. Low last ’ where nlRbt wns 24, one deRroo lowor thor and than Saturday’s bottom notch.

S iM E if lS rxE MWMDIIGISbrother. ’ ____dChri"a" Properties O perator in Sonoi

' Tells of S tagnation ThroughT u r ^ n o e

anil'r-irl induatrlal eondifions in Me;,*enra obi ‘ ■pecinUy m tbey effect Amcric

in dl-o onlaide operntOM, ar^preaent nt tlioir vory worst, with i

[> Chrinl- of improvement, ia informiitfre iiir' eonlaincd in n letter received i .uiierniR Lawrence of Twr nn,t it W. C. LlURhlin of fijdo niost J" '’*'’’’. Ronoro, Mcxico.

"Conditions nevor have becu.jis bi Penco'on “t nreaent, nnd aro cellinc wor •n", ia f< ‘ Do not nllnw nny nne, und

nny coni>llion, lo indnco'Vou to mni nn •invosdnont nnd nllow’ it to atni for nn indefinite"period.”. Mr. Liiwrenrt> for aomo yonra, b

Cinnintr in 1P0;I, wns mnnuRer of ti I.ftnKhli;rymp«.iiYt(f uroporMoa in Ri Jftvicr. Ire lilno holds poraonal inte

n i i r p Ml’xieo. VI I l i r n followinc, n parnRraph of MI IIILU LnuRhlin’s letter, is lIlumignfinR na

rnnaea cf Iho present aerioua atnte t and affairs in ^^e ico:

frftwi . troublo is worae thrI OIU Bityalion is serioupnd labor ia very aenVee,' due lo tl ••miRrutijin of nearly three fourths (

« n Buhl fhe popnlation of fhe atnto lo ft lom tho United Statoa. Wo were working f' octurnal Broncea and Snnln Rosa c»oup but hii a m th« fo 'ahut down from Inck of help an Soe^d innbility to Rot auppliea in. Wc hav

on Tvar- had'five Amcrienna killed bere or n bllntlon. tho road to La Colornda, nnd tho rai arraicn- rond to Tonichi haa not run aince Foi a morn- runry lf»13.' ' Practically nil of tl; of ranches and moft of tho towns surh i$50. La Durn Cumaripa, have been nbai at tho doned. Toledo nnd Barrnnca ha' ned f.'iO been repeatedly raided by tho Yaqui rdinance na has Goteras. Thoy have been abni nee of (kined. In tho entire stato only thr< of lho mines have been operated to any e:

tvnt, tsri-pl thnae operated bv ot Leonard eompany. Th.-v nro the Cnnnnea, N, lind aev- cor.ari and Ticre. L*y Colornda h: lORolhcr boon down thri‘<! yenra and Iho plan of clear nro ruinerl.”to put n Oloai.iR hla Irller Mr. LauRhlin na\ xplaineil praclirallv all of fho old-limera ha

pullod out of Mi'xi.-O far tho Hnltf Hlalon aud aafoty.


Are you hoIdinR a makeshift jol — -J Sometimes necesaity fnrces people t

accept unsuitable employment -and I Jerome become almply wnce-carnei'a, ofi<

without a chaaco for advnncemen I frn.I *10 aomcfhJnc well,- fe

atiout it ia a clsssified aa. ’rn from •—

f - n i a . J i i f i e drhildren I __________) is a LA5^ rOB OLASamCATION

•'‘fOiT arrruactrclone ir if Buhl Inquire B. T., Newa.•tlay. ^ . J------------------------•crfrom WANTED—Investors or partner i trip. an orcanixcd sheep busineaa. First claa . ' opportunity. A reprpsenlative of lh , , ' rompany will Imi pleased to explain a) "'P- • drfoils to vou If interested. Addrea

* Shear -Live Stock Co.," eare this paper.v, ahop- ______________________ * ‘ —FOn SALT. OB TBADE—For cil

inc for property or small acrcage, 40 acrei ■nd tiie 3-4 mile from school. Addreu "Box 1(

carc News.wna in — ■ — . ___________^

inc _____________________________

Jilrii W h a t D o e sand li:- —x l©(" X Wanl for ChrisimasI arr in Come in and see our line im med following g ifts fortuieich. gentlemen—

Pipes (both plain and fancy) Cigars by tho boxOold c igarette cased, alao

3 at the , silver her Tobacco (in fancy jara) yd hoa- Tobacco pouches

?tumiac Maeauley BrothersI from L£ADZKO TOBAOOOICIBTS He will^ae of UO Mala At*. So.i- ---- —L- —

:N F ^ L L S , ID A H O , M O N D i'A Y , D E C . 2 2 ,1 9 1 9 ■

High School-New]

t Cnrl Kdwnrda was choaen at the’ Ulgh School Boys’ club as scero of thu soeioty to tnko fhe pinco Theodoro Konlston, roslRned. OrRUi

“ tioo of tho club undor tho official ~ IT constitution bos bcon delayed ° cnuso .-natorial' for completinR foi ' tion of tho club haa not yet been

Ijj coiycd fiom Y., IL a A. offlcittls.HAVE 0H&I8TMAB PABTY

Ono hundrod and twenty-fivo n bera of tbo aophomoro elaas onjoy< Christmaa children’s party ot tho 1

P school Friday ovooinif. Thoy firstu “ < tho gymoaatum, wbicli was decon in patriotic colora and whleh had

g Chrutmas treo in iho middlo of iiall. Apparatus for ehUdretr’fl gn

f -woa ploced obout the rciom ond I,-' RUDVts cnjoyod tbemselvos oa juvc f playthings. Lator a short proR

was Rivon Id tho recreation room tho third floor ond rofroshmcnts

, propriato to tho spirit of tho p; I wero sor>*od. Gifts from tbo troo t

f distributed among tho atndoats t ent just boforo tho social onded. v

« cers from tho throo other classes v —♦ present aa invited Ruosta of tho so]

mores.pBAonoE n r stock judoinBoya in tho a^leuUural departc

IpT woro (fivon an opportunity to ju n I stock nt tbe McMuter solo bams

' Friday os part of thoir scbool' w. 0. E. Denman, Instrpctor In acri

ora ture, announces that tho team of : L upperclassmen defoatod tho fivo un “ elassmen by an avoraRO of 82J> to (

Walter Loth was the individual win making 9S on butcherinR stock and

[oxi- on broodinR stock. Robert Nichol icon and Boy King came noxt wltb a I flf ages ot 8SJj nnd 80 rcspocftvoly.

no team of undcrclaasmcn Included J •ma- Owens, Raymond Dunnhoc, Orrell Ti

re- or, Keith Adnma nnd Robert Nie 'win son. Frank Boer, W’nlter I<eth, Hni Snn Porterfield, Austin Ayotto and ]

KinR wore In tho team of upporcl bnd _____°™ , PEESOKAE DRAMATIB inljp Mcmbora of tho casl for thd f

junior class play, "Tho Art of Bi- Bored", which ia to bo preaented M

. daV ovening undor tbo direction I ■ Mias Ida A. Brown nrei

Pnul Raymond, sub-prefect of Ar<...................... ........... Ward Cni

Korot dc Ceran, tbe aon..... Ncil C.. Francois, llio butlor.........t’hnrloa H

Saint Renult ............... Dnano ilc* *, Bellac ............ ............ Leonard I

® Toulonnier, Rcncral aecretary ......., ............- ............. Glenn Schnel

General do Brinii.;........ Clive BheVirot, thv deputy ....... . Jnmea Wh

"'C Melchior bo Boines....Lnwrenee DueGaiaa ........................... Norrin E;]"'■ Dea Mlllotfl, tho poot .............. .

................. ............. Lloyd GnrriiLucy Watson ................. Viola Ev,Jeanne Rnymond ....— Irene Wnn

“ Countess do Ceran ............ laa Broon■ail- =:■■ .=Z..,,,.L^ -1. _ "‘he II na

I I T"=OrphciI -----TODAY, TDEl

■ 2 — B ig V au «i'i:’; MAYO a

The DroU Oomediani

i KiNSpectacoli


= “ The PlI A StOTT of Oon»deae«leaB Oree<



In MATINEE TWO O’OLOOK“ U M.WAT8 A OOOb VAEIETT ’ all — u j p —————

F sQ U A L IT T ^ — TODAT Al

N o rm a '^ in a Thrilling:

; I**By Righti H Eugene O 'Brien asd Nor

) I^am ati

Q JUDGE BBOWN presents pf Be

I “GUMDROPS.A Judge Brown F eatu re is j


— Q U A L I T Y

“ j

I''"- ....'I Su7_*inne de Vllllora_____ LelaI DuchoM do Risveillc— Dorothy Irwlti

: Madanic do Loudnn......Atme Wheelon•Mndnmo ArrioRo ....... Ruby ButleiMadnmc do St. Itcoult:.... io ls Baylor

he’Inar Modado de Boincs ......... Lillis Jenseneretary Mnld - ...... ....... -__Elnino McKenricICO »• of Prices for* adt ission havo been an- Runiza- nouneed ns 75 cents a balcony soot ond :ial Ui- SO conts a soot on tbo first floor. Stu- sd bo- dents having sonaon tickets mny npply fomuf them as 25- coiitH on^aiiy Uekot, but

een ro- following thoe.uslom" of'lho'-senior class Ub. plays, U>» season Ucktts usoally not

entitle the ownor to. admission.) mcm- ' PHOTO OOMUTmm NAMED[oyod a To'arranRC for tho Individual pic' 10 high turoH of members of tho sonbr class, b mot in Ifarian Farrar and Victor Stroberk comt»d hnvo been nppolntod as a committee had n for thnt purpose. James Wood, Mar if Uio cia Giffin and LouLae McMartin hnvu gnmos also been named , to sekct n cl«s«Ttfof

id tho to and flower, uvonile _ - , » ''rogrom BUES ON OONT&AOTlom on : The Kool - Wilklson-Stroak Lumber dfs ap- eompany hoa instltutou an aetion .in

party tho distriet c6url "agarn8f‘T're'3 '"aiid » wero Mary. All'ortus, claiming $500 doo on 9 pm contract. Tbo papors woro filed by . Offl- Hazel t Bemit, attorneys.IS wero • • , ■sopho- Yoo can got your mesaag* to «m-

ployers, looking for capable people, through the classified.

UNO • - — . . — .rtoon ^ — ■■■ I , I

i THE BESTJ fir t ■


a Hart/ 'm it , OHEABTH neidet __ — Specially a t—Shdnv

v X R N E Y ’ S139 M ain * v o . ' ^

,S ," ; PHONE'366Brown I ~ ' - -

lumTheatre.DESDAY. WEDNESDAY----- H

j i d e v i l l e Acts»»=2and VERNON

Ians—Comedy, Singing, Talking

’NGSAUL Icular Paint TVorelty H

re Foto Plays I

’rofiteers”reed. Featuring FANNIE WAXLD. A Bix m art ProdoctloD . H


I r m lA T R H jlr r F O T O P L A Y S IAND TOMOBEOW—

T a lm a d g elg Five P a r t Foto Ploy

of Purchase ” |rorma Talmadge, Headliners in a H &tic H astex^iece I

ts an Excellent .Two Comedy Boyhood Life

S AND OVERALLS" ■is Always Enjoyable E n tertainm ent I

' “ ^‘ EVENINO SHOW— 6:30 ^Y FOTOPLAYS— ,. '

r -