TV Scheduling

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of TV Scheduling

Hannah B-Q


This is where the pattern in which media

programmes are arranged and present

within a time table to the audience.

We understand enough of our favourite

programmes we watch, examples, the

time the programme starts and the days

it is shown on telly on a specific channel.


Is a term used to identify the times

where TV programmes should not be

broadcast that might be unsuitable for


After 9:00pm, all explicit

programmes are shown

No explicit

programmes are

shown before

9:00pm or after




The strategic placement of a programme

between two other programmes;

positioning a new series between two

well-established show that appeal to the

same Target Audience often gives the

right viewers an opportunity to sample

new series.


Programme placed in a schedule to come on

before a popular programme.


•Programme placed after a successful

programme in the hopes of inheritance

some of its audience


When a particular channel will have special

days or weeks dedicated to a topic.

E.G. BBC’s

Shakespeare Season ,

Morning=Homes under

the hammer ( house

hold stuff)Bridging

A technique used to discourage the viewer

from changing channels. E.g. Advertising

next programme during break and credits of

previous programme .


This involves grouping together

particular programmes with similar

appeal to ‘sweep’ the viewer from one

programme to the next. E.g. ITV3 shows

a lot detective programmes in a row.