Tv listings

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Tv listings

TV Listings


On top of the conventional form and the generic layout of the listings some magazines such as ‘film choice’ opt to make a 2 spread layout of the critics’ choices for the week. These highlights attract the reader to re-think there viewing schedule and make time to watch those programmes which have been critiqued. This can potentially increase the viewing of zed film/programme and gain viewers who were not initially intended as the targeted audience.

For each programme the title of the show is present so the reader knows exactly what will be on at what time. However depending on the show the caption will be short and snappy or a description will be given so the reader can get an idea of what to expect. The longer could either be down to show being a new and therefore needs to entice viewers or because they pay for the space.

Here is an example of how films, T.V programmes and documentaries are set out in T.V listings. Here we can see that ‘TV &Satellite’, suited best to those who have access to other channels, set there layout in columns by the different channel stations all on one page designated to the day the particular programmes are being shown.

For our documentary we would make sure that we could get a feature in the magazine where it was critiqued and talked about in order to create debate and talk on the show. Thus likely to grow a larger attraction above our intended targeted audience. I think for us a large caption under the viewing time would be crucial so that the readers could get a grasp of the concept of the documentary we have produced and are showing. This way they can also see whether the documentary is likely to be for them.