Tushar Verma Seo

Post on 13-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Tushar Verma Seo

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" or Creating and improving a website so that it will rank high in the search engines and help potential customers or clients find the website.

Link Building Campaign - A Link Building Campaign is used to attract new links to your site by making requests to other sites

Paid Link Building - Websites who are willing to link back to your site for a fee in order to boost your rankings/weight in the search engines.

Link Building

What is Link Popularity? - Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing TO your site FROM other sites on the Web.Building links is one of the most important factors in getting top placements on the major search engines

Just to cover the ground, lets go over what link building is quickly. Link building is the process of building back links to your site. The more back links (links from other sites to your site) a site has, the higher it ranks on the search engines. Link building therefore is a mission of all money making webmasters.

Link building methods have changed from time to time and a specific method that worked yesterday may not work today. This is due to changes in the industry over time and in some cases extreme abuse. If a specific link building method has been abused too much, then that method will not work anymore.

 It is therefore very important to know which link building method works today so that you can spend your time in a most productive way.

 Top Positions in the Web's Largest Article Directory - There are many link building methods out there today that work with some working better than others. Below are some of the today's popular links building methods:

 Article Submission - If you are reading this article, then you know that you can publish your article in article directories. Not only do you gain backlinks to your site from your published articles (see bottom of this article), you will get some traffic as a bonus. Think of you reading this article. There might be many reading your published articles as well.

Article submission is a great way of building backlinks as it provides you with 100% relevant contextual backlinks that Google loves.

Directory - Directory submission used to work lot better before, but it is still a popular link building method that still works if done properly. How many directories are out there as of this date is anyone's guess but one thing is certain: that most of the directories aren't worth submitting to.

Google considers a Yahoo Directory link as a quality backlink so if you can afford and justify the cost, it is worth submitting to Yahoo Directory. Yahoo charges $300 for a yearly submission and there is no assurance that your site will be approved!

Directory Submission - DMOZ is another directory that is worth submitting to and can provide great benefit in your SEO campaign. It may take months to get the approval from DMOZ and the chance of getting approved is pretty slim. A lot of small directories use the DMOZ directory categories so getting listed with DMOZ would mean getting bonus listings on many other web directories.

Another good directory to submit to is the BOTW directory that costs $99 for a yearly submission and $299 for a permanent listing.

Other than the above, you should look for quality directories where you can submit your site. You can judge the quality of the directories by analyzing the number of sites listed, number of backlinks the directory has, PR, age of the directory, etc.

SEO Spamming - Also termed unethical or black hat SEO, this involves attempts to artificially influence the search engine results page (SERPS) to achieve high rankings. Spam methods include using hidden text and cloaking.

Social Bookmarking - If bookmarked on authority and quality bookmarking sites like Digg, Mixx, Propeller, etc, then you can still make good use of social bookmarking. Other than backlinks, social bookmarking also offers you some bonus traffic depending on where you submit to. Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to share, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web resources

In social bookmarking websites, users create and store bookmarks of their choice. These bookmarks can be viewed by others and that let them know about new services and latest concepts which are making news in the online world. For example del.icio.

Blog Commenting - This is a link building method where lots of spamming has already been done so to make the best of it, you need to work a little harder here. It is best to find quality blogs related to your category and make on-topic relevant comments. Not only do your comments add value to the blogpost, you now have a greater chance of getting your comment approved and your comments have greater chance of staying on those blogposts.

Press Releases - Submitting to press release sites can get you some backlinks as well. It is however hard to put together a líst of good press release sites that are worth submitting to. If a good líst can be managed, then this method can give some quality relevant backlinks as well.

Newsworthy articles intended to be published in the media for the purpose of showcasing the company's activities to the public.

Social Media and Web 2.0 Pages - There are a lot of quality social media and Web 2.0 sites where you can publish your articles for backlinks. You should write articles that are relevant to your site and publish them on these social media and Web 2.0 sites with your keywords hyperlinked to your site. Some of the authority sites are Squidoo, Hubpages, Blogger, Wordpress.com, etc.

Social media and Web 2.0 links are very popular these days because they work great. They give quality, relevant contextual backlinks that Google and other major search engines love. There are lots of other link building methods out there, but if you can utilize the above ones to their fullest potential, there is no need for any other methods.

The second generation of the Web, focused on user-generated content and community. Examples include social networking sites, social bookmarking sites, and wikis.

Social Networking - A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in

The interaction between a group of people who share a common interest; Using social contacts to network; Using internet's network groups (such as

Social networking websites allow users to be part of a virtual community. The two most popular sites are currently Facebook and MySpace. These websites provide users with simple tools to create a custom profile with text and pictures

The term used to describe the activity of networking through social sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Linked In. Social networking is designed for business development and optimisation. Learn more about Social Networking.

Simply put, social network sites are communities of people who share information and news about each other to their "friends" or "connections." There are a vast number of social network sites -- most tied to some specific element such as hobbies, profession, or ownership -- but the ones that get the most press because of their size are Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn. Include Twitter in that mixx too.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) - System where an advertiser pays an agreed amount for each click someone makes on a link leading to their website. Also known as Cost-per-Click, the results are dependent on reserved keywords for which the website is shown when they are entered into a query.

Online advertising payment where the host of the advert is paid by the numbers of clicks-through.

Deep Linking - Deep linking, on the World Wide Web, is making a hyperlink that point to a specific page or image on another website, instead of that website's

Do follow or not follow - Follow means you are allowing to Google to count link or allow Google to value lin which are link with your site. No Follow means you are asking to Google to not count link which are link with your site. No follow link will count other Search Engine only Google will not.its only in the terms of Google if u have some do follow links then all search engines count this like a backlinks but if this is no follow then all search engines know like backlinks but Google not.

If you have link to your site in follow, then Google will pick up this link, if no follow - Google won't pick it up but other Search Engines like Yahoo or Bing most likely pick up. It's all about Google.

By leaving comments or by placing your site to no-follow directories, you won’t get any improvements. Simply because search engines doesn’t crawl these links. But doing that on sites and directories with do-follow attribute may improve your overall rankings. Because these links are crawled and search engine knows that you have link on that site.


    * Normal link:      See the <a href="http://www.example.com/">best credit cards </a>    * Link with Nofollow:      See the <a href="http://www.example.com/" rel="nofollow">best credit cards </a>

RSS feed

What is RSS Feed and how to use it on the website? - Use content management systems if you want the RSS feeds by default for your site. Scripts like Wordpress, Drupa, Joomla etc provides RSS feeds by default.In my view you need RSS feeds for blogs and informational websites only. They are most effective on such sites.RSS Feed means Syndication of your website or blog....whenever you placed a new content on your website. The people who have subscribe you already get the post without visiting your website

About Deep Indexing - “Deep indexing” categorizes data, variables and other content represented in tables, maps, photographs and other figures. It allows users to search and retrieve information from these resources typically embedded in scholarly publications. Applicable journal article records are enhanced with thumbnails showing the tables and figures contained with that article

Internal linking - An internal link is a hyperlink that is a reference or navigation element in a document to another section of the same document or to another document that may be on or part of the same website or domain of the internet.

Links are considered either "external" or "internal" depending on perspective. Generally, a link to a page outside the same domain is considered external, whereas one in the same domain is considered internal.

However, these definitions become clouded when the same organization operates multiple domains functioning as a single web experience, e.g. when a secure commerce website is used for purchasing things displayed on a non-secure website.

Similarly, a blogging website might have thousands of different blogs, in which context one might view a link as "internal" only if it linked within the same blog, not to other blogs within the same domain.

What is a External Link?An external link is a link that points at an external domain.

* Top SEOs believe that external links are the most important source of ranking power.

    * External links pass Link Juice (ranking power) differently than internal links because the search engines consider them as third-party votes.

    * Top SEOs don't believe that the title attribute is used for rankings purposes.External Links are hyperlinks that point at (target) any domain other than the domain the link

exists on (source)

Commenting - Commenting enables other users to leave comments for the author on portions of a shared or published portfolio.

Traffic - The volume of visitors coming to a site. Usually measured using analytics.

RSS - Stands for Really Simple Syndication, and is a method of feeding information from a site directly into a user's bookmarks or to a reader (such as Google reader).

What is a Title Tag - A title tag is the main text that describes an online document. It is the single most important on-page SEO element (behind overall content) and appears in three key places:

What is Anchor Text? - Anchor text is the visible characters and words that hyperlink display when linking to another document or location on the web. In the phrase "CNN is a good source of news, but I actually prefer the BBC's take on events," two unique pieces of anchor text exist for two different links - "CNN" is the anchor text pointing to http://www.cnn.com/, while "the BBC's take on events" points to http://news.bbc.co.uk. Search engines use this text to help determine the subject matter of the linked-to document. In the example above, the links would tell the search engine that when users search for "CNN", SEOmoz.org thinks that http://www.cnn.com/ is a relevant site for the term "CNN" and that http://www.bbc.co.uk is relevant to "the BBC's take on events". If many sites think that a particular page is relevant for a given set of terms, that page can manage to rank well even if the terms NEVER appear in the text itself.

 <a href=”http://www.jonwhyscustom.com”> Jon Wye's Custom Designed Belts </a>

 In the example above, "Jon Wye's Custom Designed Belts" would be the anchor text of this link

Root Domains - A root domain is the top level hierarchy of a domain. Root domains are purchased from registrars. The following are examples of root domains:

    * *.example.com    * *.seomoz.org    * *.blogspot.com

Sub domains - A subdomain is a "third level" domain name that is part of a larger, top level domain. For example, "blog.example.com" and "english.example.com" are both subdomains of the ".example.com" root domain. Subdomains are free to create under any root domain that a webmaster controls.

The two most common subdomain choices are:

    * http://www.example.com (www is the subdomain)    * http://example.com (has no subdomain)

These are also the subdomains that commonly result in canonicalization errors.

Definition and Usage - The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document.

Is Your Site Indexed? Check if your site is indexed in Google. Enter your domain name;



What is ROR? - ROR (Resources of a Resource) is a rapidly growing

independant XML format for describing any object of your content in a genericfashion, so any search engine can better understand that content. RORweb.com isthe official ROR website.

What is urllist.txt? - This is the Google text file sitemap, intended to

make crawling easy for the Google bots. The file is a simple Notepad file, savewith a dot txt extension, UTF-8 encoding. The file is to be placed in thehighest directory order during uploading it to your website.


 'xs_sm_text_filename' => '/www/docs/urllist.txt',

'xs_sm_text_url' => '[external links are visible to admins only]'

Absolute Link. It's both good coding practice and smart marketing to use the full URL when you create internal links within your site. A relative linkuses just the file name. For example, in providing a link to the main SEOPrimer, an absolute link looks like:

<a href="http://www.enhancemymarketing.com/SEO-primer">EnhanceMyMarketing.com:SEO Primer for Enhancing Websites</a>,

..while a relative link would look like:

<a href="SEO-primer">EnhanceMyMarketing.com: SEO Primer forEnhancing Websites</a>. Alt Attribute. When using images within your site, use the alt command both to assist the search engines (and your marketing efforts by using keywords) as well as visually impaired by providing a short description of each image.For example,

<img src="http://www.mycollegesuccessstory.com/Randall_Hansen.jpg"align="right" alt="EmpoweringSites.com CEO Dr. RandallHansen" border="0">

Anchor Text. The word(s) that users click on to follow a link, which search engines reviewfor keywords, so you want to choose your anchor text carefully -- using the

keywords for that particular link. For example, in providing a link to the mainSEO Primer, the anchor text looks like:

<a href="http://www.enhancemymarketing.com/SEO-primer">EnhanceMyMarketing.com:SEO Primer for Enhancing Websites</a>, where the keywords are"SEO Primer" and "Websites" and"EnhanceMyMarketing.com" (for branding purposes).

Black-Hat SEO. Unethical SEO practices -- which you want to stay as far away from as possible.

Blog. A Website that is formatted as an online journal in which the writer postsregularly dated entries. Many thousands of blogs exist, but only a much smallerfraction are active, and even fewer are part of a marketing campaign. There aremany blogging platforms available to users. Blogs are also a great place topost a comment, leaving a link to your site in the process. To see a few of ourblogs, go to: Empowering Sites: Empowering Blogs.

Branding -- is a promise, a pledge of quality. It is the essence of a product, includingwhy it is great, and how it is better than all competiting products. It is animage. It is a combination of words and letters, symbols, and colors.

Browser. The tool people use to view the Web. You need to test your site on all themajor browsers to make certain your Website loads properly. The major browsersinclude Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.

Conversion Ratio (CR). The percentage of site visitors who become (convert to) customers. The ratio is derived by dividing 100 by the average of the number ofvisitors to complete one sale. (For example, if it takes 135 page views foreach sale, divide 100/135 to equal .74 percent CR.) While the conversion ratiovaries based on the type of products and Websites selling them, the Web has anextremely low CR, typically ranging from 2-3 percent -- 2 to 3 sales per 100visitors.

Crawling. Search engines send spiders to visit Web sites and crawl their way through thesite, indexing the site's key pages in the process.

Directory. Unlike search engines that rely on users to use keywords to find relevantWebsites and Web pages, directories are basically a catalog of Websitesorganized by subject area. Directories play a key role in Website marketingbecause many search engines first find Websites through various directories.Obtaining a place in directories should be one of the primary goals of any newsite marketing plan.

Favicon. See that little icon of me in your browser by the Web URL? That's a favicon, whichcan be any image, from a photo to a logo, and can be created in a number offreely download programs (such as IrfanView). It's a great little thing you cando to build your brand identity. The actual file you then upload to your Webdirectory is named favicon.ico.

FFA (Free for All) Sites. These sites -- in which anyone can add links back to their own Websites -- are

basically a waste of your time, and can actually hurt your site's page rankingbecause search engines discount the links from these types of sites.

Google. The world's leading search engine and developer of Page Rank. A key component of your site's marketing strategy must be gettingyour site's pages listed within Google's massive collection. Google alsoproduces key Webmaster tools and resources, including Google Analytics andGoogle Sitemaps.

Google Analytics. A host of services that site owners can use (at no charge) to better understand key aspects oftheir site, including overall traffic, top-visited Web pages, keywords used toreach the site, length of time of visits, and much more.

Google Sitemap. A file you create (using free sites or downloads) in XML and upload to your directory that lists every page on your site that youwant Google to include in its index of Web pages. A Google sitemap is nodifferent than any other search engine sitemap.

Hidden Text. An unethical (Black-Hat) SEO technique in which the site owner loadskeywords onto a Web page that are invisible to a regular visitor but which canbe read by search engine spiders. In the end, most search engines catch on tothe practice and penalize those sites that practice this technique.

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). The basic language used by the majority of pages on the Web. Some newer pages are formatted using XHTML.

In-Bound Links. Links from external sites pointing (linking) to a page on your site. A key part of any Website marketing plan must be to acquire

high-quality in-bound links. You can review at least some of your site'sin-bound links by typing "link: www.tusharwebseo.page.tl" -- withoutthe quotation marks and with your domain instead of QuintCareers.

Internal Link. A link from one page of your site to another, whether for helping the visitor find more information or as part of your site's navigation.Internal links also help search engines, which start on one page, follow linksto other pages within your site. Remember to use full and consistent anchortext for each link.

ISP (Internet Service Provider). Unless you have your own server(s), you'll need to buy Web space from an ISP. Smaller sites may need only low-cost space on a sharedserver, while other sites will need one or more dedicated servers. The largeryour site -- and the more visitors you receive -- the more likely you will needat least a dedicated server.

Keywords. Words and phrases (up to about three words) that describe the content of a Webpage -- words you expect people to use when searching for the content on yoursite (and similar sites). A key part of Website marketing is determiningkeywords and using the right mix of keywords to drive traffic to your site.Because some keywords result in millions of results, specificity is critical.See also, long tail search.

Keyword Stuffing/Spamming. An SEO practice you want to avoid. Keyword stuffing is such repetition of your keyword(s) on a page that when calculated, more than 50percent of the content of a page contains the keyword(s). Most search enginesconsider keyword stuffing as spam -- bad pages.

Landing Page. A page other than your index/home page that becomes an entry into your site. Landing pages can be focused on specific content (for example onQuintessential Careers, we have landing pages for networking, resumes,interviewing, salary negotiation) or a specific target audience (for example onQuintessential Careers, we have landing pages for students, job-seekers,career-changers, coaches and counselors, and other visitors).

Link Building. A cornerstone of any Website marketing plan in which you seek out high-quality (and highly-ranked)Websites and request/suggest a link back to your site, submit your site to keydirectories and search engines, and attempt to get your site mentioned onblogs, social media sites, and social bookmarking sites. (See a sample linkingscript.)

Link Farm. An SEO practice you want to avoid, as these kinds of links can potentially hurtyour rankings. A link farm is a group of Websites that all link to every othersite in the group in an effort to boost the number of in-bound links to membersites.

Long Tail Search. When a search engine user chooses a keyword phrase rather than one keyword to search for relevant content -- typically because the longtail search will result in better results than using just one keyword. Forexample, a search on "resumes" will result in millions of pages whilea search for "executive resume writers" results in a much smallernumber of pages. A larger percentage of searches are long tail searches.

Marketing -- the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion,and distribution of ideas, goods, services, and people to create exchanges thatwill satisfy individual and organizational goals. Marketing is about solvingpeople's (customers) problems better than the competition.

Metadata. Essential shortcuts that search engines and directories use to understand aWebsite. Key metadata include page title, description, and keywords.

Meta Description. One of several meta tags that you should use for every one of your site's pages. Yourdescription should be about 150 characters (including spaces) and illustratethe content of the page using your keywords (and reinforcing the title of thepage). Not all search engines use the description meta tag, but it's still animportant part of your marketing. The coding looks like:

<meta name="description" content="Your 150-character, keyword-filleddescription.">

Use the "view page source" command in your browser to see what this looks like on this page.

Meta Keywords. One of several meta tags that you should use for every one of your site's pages and one whichhighlights the keywords (and keyword phrases) that define the Web page.

Keywords should not be repeated more than 4-5 times, and separated by commas.Many search engines ignore these keywords, so some SEO experts do not evenrecommend using this meta tag anymore. The coding looks like:

<meta name="keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2, keyword1, keyword3,keyword2, keyword1">

Use the "view page source" command in your browser to see what this looks like on this page.

Meta Tags. The two most important meta tags are the description and keywords, but there are many othertags, including copyright, robots, language, etc. Metatags provide information to the search engines to better place and describeyour site in search results. Because of its importance, some people include theweb page title as part of a Meta tag strategy,even though the "title" command is not a meta tag. Metatags and the title command all go within the "head" command. (Formore details about basic HTML commands, see my Using Basic HTML to Develop aSmall-Business Website.

News Release. Also referred to as a media release and press release. These documents, written in journalistic style (with compelling headline and newshook), are produced with the purpose of gaining favorable publicity for thecompany, individual, or Website. In order to be the least bit effective, theymust have some sort of news value. News releases should be published on yourWebsite, emailed to key journalists and bloggers, and submitted to at least onenews release distribution Website.

News Release Distribution Websites. Commercial sites that will assist in the writing, editing, and distribution of news releases. Some sites offer a number of basic freeservices, but most charge fees based on the services and distribution sought.

Organic Search Results. Sometimes also referred to as natural search results. These are search engine results that result from good SEO practices, but not fromsponsored links -- or paid for in any way.

PageRank. An algorithm constantly being tweaked by Google that examines a Web page'slinks and then estimates the importance or value of that page, relative to allthe other millions of pages on the Web.

Page View. Also called a page impression, it's a statistic that measures the total numberof Website pages viewed by site visitors. In advertising terms, it refers to asite's total impressions served. Compare to the term, Unique Visitors.

Paid Inclusion. To speed the process of getting listed in a directory and some search engines, some site owners pay a fee to in order to gain exposuremore quickly.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC). A tool used by some Website owners to increase traffic to the site -- by purchasing (or bidding for) keywords, with the site shown in thepage search results section of a search engine or in relevant ads on otherWebsites. Google's AdWords is the largest PPC program on the Web.

Positioning -- developing a specific marketing mix to influence potential customers'overall perceptions of a brand; to develop a specific image of the brand in theminds of consumers.

Promotion -- any type of persuasive communication between a marketer and one or more ofits stakeholder groups. Promotional tools include advertising, personalselling, publicity, and sales promotion.

Publicity -- receiving favorable media coverage. A strategic marketing promotion toolinvolving building relationships with journalists, reporters, bloggers, andeditors; responding to reporter media requests; and producing news releases orvideos.

Reciprocal Links. Link exchanges in which two sites link back to each other or where a third site is involved tomask the one-to-one link. While having all reciprocal links -- or reciprocallinks with low-ranked pages -- can hurt your site's ranking, a reciprocal linkstrategy is an especially good policy to follow for newer sites. Manywell-established sites will not provide a link to your site until you link tothem first -- and it's something you'll want to do anyway because of the valueof linking to high-quality sites. The key is to find similar, but not competingsites, for your reciprocal linking strategy. (See a sample reciprocal linkingscript.)

Search Engine. A site that catalogs Web pages and returns results for users based on keywords used in the search. Most search engines acceptsubmissions (some free, some for a fee), but many prefer finding new pagesusing their spiders. Google is by far the most important search engine,followed by Yahoo! and MSN Live.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Developing strategies targeting specific search engines with the goal of increasing your page relevancy, ranking, and visibility. SEMtechniques include SEO, buying pay-per-click ads, and paid inclusion.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Part art, part science, SEO involves a combination of creating valuablecontent, producing well-developed Web pages, and marketing them in a way thatresults in a high ranking for each page within your Website.

Search Engine Submission Services. Companies for which you can pay to have your site submitted to multiple search engines. While there are some legitimate companiescompleting these tasks, for most people, it probably makes better sense todevelop a list of key search engines and then do each submission personally.

Signature (Sig, Siggy, Sig File). A line or several lines of text added to the end of an email that includes a mini marketing message about you or your site. Forpurposes of SEO, any time you are commenting within a community, you shouldhave a signature that refers people back to your Website.

Site Map. A page on your site that lists every single page of your site, organized bysections or categories -- or at least the most important pages if you have arather large site. Think of a site map akin to a book's table of contents. Sitemaps are useful to both your visitors and to search engine spiders. Most

Websites publish two types of sitemaps, an HTML version for visitors and an XMLversion for search-engine spiders.

Social Bookmarking Sites. These sites are basically extensions of people's personal bookmarks, allowing users to share favorite sites with anyone else who is amember of the site. Popular social bookmarking sites include Del.icio.us, Digg,and StumbleUpon.

Social Media. These are part of the Web 2.0 in which users create the content, building communities through stories, pictures, audio, and video. The two mostcommon types of social media sites are social networking sites (LinkedIn, Facebook.com,Twitter, etc.) and social bookmarking sites (Del.icio.us, Digg, StumbleUpon,etc.). The relevance for Website marketer is that you want these folks talkingand linking to your site, building traffic and key in-bound links.

Social Media Optimization (SMO). Developing a strategy for creating publicity and buzz for your site in key social media sites is what SMO is all about. It involvesencouraging bloggers and others to write about your site and/or bookmark yoursite -- building additional site traffic and building/strengthening yourranking and relevance among the search engines.

Spiders. Search engines use spiders, robots, and crawlers -- programs that follow theinternal links on your site -- to find pages to include in the search engine'sindex of Web pages.

Strategic Marketing Planning -- the process of managerial and operational activities required to create and sustain effective and efficient marketing strategies,including identifying and evaluating opportunities, analyzing markets and selectingtarget markets, developing a positioning strategy, preparing and executing themarket plan, and controlling and evaluating results.

Title. Each Web page of your site should have a unique title, which should includekeywords that describe the contents of your page -- in about 5 to 10 words (nolonger than 60 characters total). Titles are what show up in search engineresults and what people then click on to visit your site. Ideally, your pagetitle also matches the top heading of your page. The coding looks like:

<title>Keyword-Rich Descriptive Page Title</title>.

Use the "view page source" command in your browser to see what this looks like on this page.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) -- the one thing that makes a product different than any other. It's the one reason marketers think consumers will buy the product eventhough it may seem no different from many others just like it.

Unique Visitors. A statistic that measures the number of visitors to a Website, counting them only once regardless of how many individual pages they visit. In advertising terms, unique visitors describes a site's reach. Compareto the term, Page Views.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator). The URL is the unique address of any web document.

Website. A collection of Web pages under one domain, typically with the same look andnavigation, that contain can contain text, graphics, audio, and multimediaelements. A Website is typically developed around a common idea or theme --with the name and URL containing either the company name or one or morekeywords.

White-Hat SEO. Ethical SEO practices -- the kind of SEO practices you want to do to improve your Website.

Word-of-Mouth (WOM). One of the most powerful marketing tools -- and certainly the most powerful marketing promotion tool. Word-of-mouth describes the buzzaround your company or brand -- what people (customers, employees, otherstakeholders) are saying to each other. Good word-of-mouth can increasegoodwill, sales, and Website visits, while negative word-of-mouth can be deadly.Some marketers attempt to manage word-of-mouth by utilizing customerevangelists (customer who absolutely love your brand) to help sing the benefitsof the brand far and wide.

XHTML (Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language). A newer version of HTML that is designed to move HTML to conform to XML formatting.