Tukkacci, a Royal Cola Temple at the Beginning of the 12th ...Tukkacci, a Royal Cola Temple at the...

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Transcript of Tukkacci, a Royal Cola Temple at the Beginning of the 12th ...Tukkacci, a Royal Cola Temple at the...

Tukkacci, a Royal Cola Temple at the Beginning of the

12th Century

Vincent Lefevre

To cite this version:

Vincent Lefevre. Tukkacci, a Royal Cola Temple at the Beginning of the 12th Century. UteFranke-Vogt & Hans-Joachim Weisshaar. South Asian Archaology 2003, Jul 2003, Bonn, Ger-many. Linden Soft, pp.523-531, 2005. <halshs-00673144>

HAL Id: halshs-00673144


Submitted on 5 Mar 2012

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