Tsunami Evacuation Zones 057 - Petone, Alicetown, SH2

Post on 22-Oct-2021

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Transcript of Tsunami Evacuation Zones 057 - Petone, Alicetown, SH2

Land Information New Zealand, Eagle Technology

For maps of the Wellington Region and

detailed zone descriptions:www.getprepared.nz/tz

Tsunami Evacuation Zones057 - Petone, Alicetown, SH2

0 500 1,000250 Meters


If you feel an earthquake that is either longer than a minute OR strong enoughthat it's hard to stand up THEN get to high ground, out of all zones, as soon as shaking stops!

Red ZoneOrange ZoneYellow Zone

If you feel either a long OR strong earthquakeget out of all zones.Otherwise, evacuate

only the zones you are officially told to.