TrueAllele Casework Services•Continuing Legal Education •Case Consulting Title Microsoft Word -...

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Transcript of TrueAllele Casework Services•Continuing Legal Education •Case Consulting Title Microsoft Word -...

TrueAllele® Casework Services

Computer Interpretation of DNA Evidence

Informative • Fast • Objective

Know the Answer®

Preserving all the information from complex DNA evidence

How Can TrueAllele Services Help Your DNA Case?

Crime scene evidence can produce complex data. Effective DNA interpretation can convict criminals, and exonerate the innocent. Current human interpretation methods

discard vital identification information, resulting in less informative DNA match statistics.

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Getting More From DNA Evidence

TrueAllele computer interpretation preserves essentially all the identification information, even with complex DNA evidence. TrueAllele interpretation results provide accurate

match statistics that help resolve weak or inconclusive results.

Successfully Used In Court

Cybergenetics has prepared over a 150 TrueAllele DNA case reports. The computer results are easy to explain in court. TrueAllele DNA interpretation results have been used

in federal, state, local and military courts.

Scientifically Validated Multiple scientific validations demonstrate that TrueAllele computer interpretation reliably preserves DNA information. TrueAllele results are accurate, objective and reproducible.

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TrueAllele technology results typically are a million times more informative than human

interpretation approaches. TrueAllele match results can lead to confessions or plea bargains. TrueAllele computer interpretation provides prosecutors with reliable DNA

evidence information.

*examples of slides used in court

Real Answers for Complex Cases

Cybergenetics offers a range of Casework services, from initial interpretation to final case report and expert testimony. TrueAllele Casework services are available on a case-by-case basis or for larger caseloads.

Cold Cases. Using TrueAllele, identification information can be extracted from degraded DNA, including samples that are old, burned, or contaminated.

Violent Crime. TrueAllele separates major and minor contributors in complex evidence samples, including damaged DNA.

Touch DNA. Weapons used in homicides or gang related violence may yield touch DNA. Such evidence can provide identification information through computer analysis. Samples with more than two contributors can also produce informative profiles.

Property Crime. TrueAllele infers evidence genotypes directly from the evidence data, without reference to any suspect. By combining sample information, tiny amounts of DNA evidence found in property crimes can produce viable genetic profiles, even in non-suspect cases.

Serial Crime. Crimes committed by the same perpetrator can be linked to one another through DNA evidence using the TrueAllele Database technology.

TrueAllele Benefits

• Know the Answer. The computer uses all the DNA data to preserve identification information for accurate match statistics.

• Information. TrueAllele DNA match information is typically a million times stronger, and more accurate than human interpretation.

• Productivity. Interprets complex DNA evidence quickly, producing results within days.

• Multiple Profiles. Separates the different contributors to the DNA evidence with 2, 3, 4 or more people present in a mixture.

• Inconclusive DNA. Provides statistical results for complex low level data through computer analysis when labs cannot.

• Objectivity. Eliminates examination bias, inferring DNA identification information objectively, without referring to the suspect.

• Scientifically Validated. The most extensively and scientifically validated DNA evidence computer interpretation system.

Frequently Asked Questions Types of Samples What type of samples could benefit from TrueAllele processing?

Any sample that is considered inconclusive or produces a low match statistic can benefit from TrueAllele processing (ex: mixture evidence, sexual assaults with minor contributors and degraded evidence).

Does TrueAllele Casework technology work with Low Copy Number or Touch DNA? Yes - Its probabilistic genotype modeling allows the technology to preserve information that manual interpretation cannot - even when the data is low level or degraded.

Can TrueAllele Casework technology be used in cases without a suspect? Yes - TrueAllele Casework technology produces a profile (probabilistic genotype distribution) from the evidence whether or not a suspect is available.

TrueAllele Benefits How long does it take to receive the results? Cybergenetics offers a turn around time of days to weeks, depending on need.

Is it necessary to have the original biological evidence for TrueAllele processing? No - as long as the original .fsa or .hid file is available, there is no need for additional processing.

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Try a Free* ‘First Look’

Send us a complex case. Cybergenetics will interpret your

data and provide you with a verbal report of the results at no


*For first-time customers only, one case per group, limited to five samples

Cybergenetics Experience and Results

For 20 years, Cybergenetics has specialized in computer automated STR analysis and

interpretation. Cybergenetics developed the TrueAllele technology.

The TrueAllele technology provides objective DNA interpretation and match information. Its powerful methods are scientifically supported, laboratory

validated and have been accepted in court. • (412) 683-3004 •

TrueAllele Services • Computer interpretation and match

• Case report suitable for court

• Frye & Daubert hearing support

• Court documentation preparation

• Expert witness testimony

US patents #5,541,067; #5,580,728; #5,876,933; #6,054,268; #6,750,011; #6,807,490; #8,898,021

Cybergenetics © 2015. All rights reserved. V.051515

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