Triumph Over Legacy Code with Unit Testing

Post on 09-May-2015

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View the webinar: Most developers believe unit testing is only applicable to greenfield projects or fairytales startups, but not as something that can be done in real-life situations, where a lot of legacy code need to be maintained. Reasons for not unit testing range from "setup is so big that the test is more complex than the code", to: "it's slow and takes ages to run", and: "it keeps on failing even though there is no bug", and to top it off: "it requires loads of maintenance". In this webinar, we will see that this is not true! Legacy code can be easily tested.

Transcript of Triumph Over Legacy Code with Unit Testing

Testing Legacy CodeExciting approach to unit testing any code,Keeping high quality & agility, and Creating wicked applications

Eli Lopian, Founder Typemock



• Problems with legacy code • How isolation helps • How to unit test legacy code (demo)

Legacy code is… Code without testsMichael Feathers

Developers write millions of lines of legacy code

every day!

Legacy Code Problems

• Code is tangled• Complex Tests• Death spiral• Catch-22

Isolate it… (The most effective way to test legacy code )

• Fake Dependencies

• Change Code Behavior

• Verify Calls

Fake Dependencies

var fakeProcess = Isolate.Fake.Instance<Process>();fakeProcess.MainModule.Site.Name

var fakeProcessHandle = Isolate.Fake.NextInstance<Process>(); var fakeAllProcessHandle = Isolate.Fake.AllInstances<Process>();

var fakeSimulator = Isolate.Fake.Dependencies<Simulator>();

Create a fake instance of a type:1

Signal that the next instance will be faked:2

Fake ALL the dependencies that are passed through the constructor:3

Change Code Behavior

Isolate.WhenCalled(() => DateTime.Now).WillReturn(new DateTime(1977,5,25));

Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fake.MainModule.Site.Name).WillReturn("Typemock rocks");

var counter = new Counter ();Isolate.WhenCalled(() => counter.Increment()).WillReturn(1);Isolate.WhenCalled(() => counter.Increment()).WillReturn(2);

Change return value of a static method:1

Change return value of a chain of calls:

Change return value of a method from a real object:



Verify Calls

Isolate.Verify.WasCalledWithAnyArguments(() => backoffice.Save());

Isolate.Verify.WasNotCalled(() => backoffice.Save());

int count = Isolate.Verify.GetTimesCalled(() => backoffice.Save());Assert.AreEqual(2, count);

The code called Save():

The code never calls Save():

The code calls the method 2 times:




Cannot call constructor because of dependencies

Need method to return fake value

Nothing to assert

Fake an object to change its behavior.

Need to change behavior of a private method

Need to Fake an object that is created in the code

• Isolate Dependencies

• Control Behavior

• Assert Calls

Fake It Till You Make It!


Visual Coverage SmartRunner

Typemock Isolator


* Complete Edition Only

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