Trip to Costa Rica 2015

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Trip to Costa Rica 2015

Arenal Volcano, La Fortuna (North of CR)

View from the hotel. Arenal volcano

Boat ride, Uvita (South Pacific)

Walking the hanging bridges in the cloud forest, Monteverde

Sunset from the hotel, Monteverde

We caught a butterfly when it was coming out of its cocoon. It was drying its wings so we were able to hold it.

Hummingbirds, Monteverde

Venado Caverns, La Fortuna (Arenal volcano)

Called the Birth hole, for obvious reasons. You had to take out one arm then the other and then your body to be able to get through it.

The pic looks bright because of the flash but the only light was the one coming from our helmets!

Stalagmites and stalactite everywhere with beautiful forms

Oh yeah, vampires were fun!

A resident spider in my sis-in-law’s beach house. We had breakfast next to her every day and fed her dead bugs.

A vulture drying its wings on our way to the caverns. So funny!

Unique view of the “jeans” frog, very common in the cloud and rainy forest.

It was a bit rainy in the afternoon at Punta Leona beach, so we decided to walk all the way to the end of the beach and cross to the other side, which was full of cool rocks and the sand was darker.

I caught this turtle right before it went up for air! (Uvita)

A hole in the rocks. Boat ride in Uvita

The boat couldn’t get in because the water was too choppy. (Bummer!)

Jumping baby whale

We followed them to find the whales!

My brother braving out the hot springs of over a 100°F.

A much nicer hot spring. My sis-in-law taking a break in the cold pool inside the hot pool. There were about 15 pools of different temps and sizes, including a natural sauna and a pool for kids.

White water rafting in Pacuare river. I was the one on the back to he left.

If you ever want to visit my country, Costa Rica, let me know. I’ll be happy

to recommend you some must-see places like these.