TRINITY TIDINGS - Clover will...

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Transcript of TRINITY TIDINGS - Clover will...

September 2016

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Hasbrouck Heights, NJ


We are people created, chosen by God. Then we’re washed, ever gently, in mercy and love. Sin has power no more. Jesus opened the door to a fountain bringing healing, and wholeness and more. --Cathy Skogen-Soldner (ELW HYMN 453, vs 1)

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! --Paul, 2nd letter to the Corinthians (5:17)

Most of us have said or thought at one time or another, “I wish I could do that over” or maybe, “I wish there was a re-start button for life.” I know I have often wished I could go back and do or say something differently. How often we wish to handle a situation or a relationship differently. Sometimes we just want to do life differently.

Perhaps, such wishing goes deeper than just doing differently. More than anything we want to be different. Our doing arises out of and reveals our being, who we are, how we see ourselves, one another, and the world because being and doing are intimately connected.

Wishing we could do things differently, and the deeper wish to be a different creation, is really the wish for the first day. Think about some of your first days. The first day as a married person. The first day as a parent. The first day of that job or vocation you had been waiting for and working toward. The first day you took seriously, as a matter of life and death, your faith. First days are filled with light. They hold the promise of all that might be. There is an excitement, newness, and innocence to first days. First days are vibrant, alive, full of dreams and possibilities. I imagine that is how God looked at the first day, in the beginning. No harsh words had been spoken. No feelings had been hurt. No relationships had been broken. There was no guilt or regret. There was only light; the light of life, the light of love, the light of promise and hope; the light of God. And it was good. The first day is always a day of creation.

Of course, we know that we cannot go back “to the way it was.” First day wishing, however, is not really about turning back time. It is about becoming a new creation, a new being. Ultimately, it is about returning to the waters of baptism. Every time we return to the baptismal waters, we return to the first day. Creation and baptism cannot be separated. They are intimately connected and mirror each other. This is what Paul was writing about in his second letter to the Corinthians.

Creation and baptism in Christ are gifts of God’s grace. When Jesus was baptized, it was a day of “new creation”—the new creation of humanity. Jesus did not need to be baptized; we needed his baptism. His baptism is not the means by which we identify with him, but the means by which he identifies with us. Our baptism allows us to participate in his baptism, his “everything has become new” creation. Through Christ our humanity was present and baptized in his baptism. Our humanity was the humanity upon which the spirit descended. Our humanity was the humanity to whom the Father spoke and with whom he was well pleased. Our humanity was recreated in Jesus’ baptism. It is the first day. In baptism we are a new creation, a new being.

Every time we return to the baptismal waters, we claim our identity in Jesus as beloved sons and daughters. Every time we return to the baptismal waters, God again manifests and reveals himself in humanity. Every time we return to the baptismal waters, we return to that first day of light, love, life, and the promise of all that might be.

Whatever your life has been or might now be, the baptismal waters await you. So return to the water. Let the waters of God’s life wash and rid you of fear, resentment, and despair. Cannonball into the mercy of God. Immerse yourself in the water of God’s love. Splash in the waves of God’s forgiveness. Backstroke through the pool of God’s grace. Dive deep into the gift of having been created in the image and likeness of God. Drift in the stillness of God’s peace. These are the waters of new birth.

Come and join us at the baptismal font! The water’s fine! As I always remind you, Christians are all wet!

Page 2 September 2016


We Welcome Dwight Weaver, Our New Director of Music Ministries

A letter from Dwight . . . Dear Members of Holy Trinity, With much excitement I join you as the new Director of Music Ministries! While visiting Holy Trinity, I was impressed by your strong commitment to Lutheran worship and diverse assembly song. I myself am a lifelong Lutheran and grew up in Lehighton, Pennsylvania active in my congregation and the wider church. As a youth, I attended Theological Education with Youth, a joint program of the Philadelphia and Gettysburg seminaries, the 2009 New Orleans National Youth Gathering and the Lutheran Summer Music Academy in Decorah, Iowa (first as a student and again, as an intern). Later, through high school and college, I served as music director at two Lutheran congregations where I planned worship, played organ and conducted vocal choirs, handbell choirs and instrumental groups. In 2013, I graduated from Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania with a degree in music education and then served as interim choral director at West Morris Mendham High School in Mendham, New Jersey. This past year I attended the Liszt Academy Kodaly Institute in Kecskemet, Hungary where I studied Hungarian music education concepts among an international student body. During this time I also enjoyed traveling throughout Hungary and central Europe. Currently, I live in Princeton and this fall will pursue graduate study in choral conducting at Westminster Choir College. At Holy Trinity, I look forward to meeting you, worshiping with you and leading your song! Sincerely, Dwight Weaver

Share your Musical Skills . . . Do you or someone you know from the congregation or community play an instrument? Young and old are encouraged to share their musical skills in worship! Please share names and contact information with our new Director of Music Ministries:

Dwight Weaver Director of Music Ministries


Joyful Noise Ringers

Handbell choir rehearsals begin soon!

New members are welcome and no musical experience is necessary to join!

Contact Dwight Weaver or

a current handbell choir member.

September 2016 Page 3

The Sundays of


Pentecost XVI, September 4 Let your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes. Called to contemplate the cost of discipleship today, we might be helped by translating Paul’s request to Philemon into our prayer of the day: Refresh my heart in Christ. Strengthened by the company and forgiveness of Christ in the blessed sacrament and recalling God’s grace in remembrance of baptism, we can be strengthened in this hour to “choose life”—to choose life in God as our own.

Pentecost XVII, September 11–Baptism of Thomas Kida There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. The grumbling of the Pharisees and the scribes in today’s gospel is actually our holy hope: This Jesus welcomes sinners and eats with them. That our God wills to seek and to save the lost is not only a holy hope, it is our only hope. As Paul’s first letter to Timothy reminds us, “The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” Thanks be to God.

Worship at 10:30 with Public Affirmation of

Making a splash and celebrating Blessing of Students, Teachers and Backpacks

Block Party immediately following the service.

Water games for kids of any age!

ELCA dedicated day of service: Activities to help sponsor ELCA Walk4Water program. *Holy Cross Day commuted to Sunday.

*Holy Cross Sunday, September 18

Pentecost XIX, September 25—The Lord gives justice to those who are oppressed. Consideration of and care for those in need (especially those “at our gate,” visible to us, of whom we are aware) is an essential component of good stewardship. It is in the sharing of wealth that we avoid the snare of wealth. It is the one whom death could not hold—who comes to us risen from the dead—who can free us from the death grip of greed.


Page 4 September 2016


Rally Sunday, September 18 God’s work. Our hands.* Worship at 10:30 with Public Affirmation of Baptism Blessing of Students, Teachers and Backpacks

Wade in the Water!

Making a splash and celebrating

Water games for kids of any age! Block Party immediately following the service.

Sandwiches and beverages provided! Bring a salad or dessert to share.

*ELCA dedicated day of service: Activities to help sponsor ELCA Walk4Water program.

Sunday Church School Returns on Sunday, September 25!

9:15 AM* — Gathering Time in Sanctuary

with Pastor Susan Songs, introduction to story of the day, prayers.

9:30 AM — Classroom Time with SCS teachers Interactive learning with the story of the day, games, crafts, and snack.

10:10 AM — Sending Time Each class concludes with the offering, Lord’s

Prayer and sharing the peace of Christ.

*Sunday School schedule follows the pattern of our worship service: Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending.

September 2016 Page 5


Fearless Faith Formation Hands-on investigative learning that leads to deep engagement with the Bible, church history, and Lutheran theology.

Problem–based learning helps students answer the question, "So what?" Problem–based learning allows students to discover for themselves the history and richness of the Bible, God, and faith. Students are invited to bring their questions and curiosity to every class.

Changes the way students think about faith and the Bible. Rather than faith being handed over as an established set of facts to be learned and memorized, it’s presented as a path of growth and discovery. That’s an experience that will stay with them long after they leave class.

Student and Parent Orientation to Confirmation: Monday, September 26, at 7 PM.

Confirmation Class will be presented to the congregation on Sunday, October 2.

Classes will resume for 7th/8th Grade students on Mondays at 4 PM beginning October 3.


Pre-Confirmation Class for 5th/6th Grade Students A fun introduction to some important and interesting people and their stories in the Bible. This is a one-year class designed as a preparation for beginning Confirmation studies in 7th Grade.

Parent Orientation to re:form— 9:15 AM Sunday, September 25. Classes to begin in October, day and time TBA. For more information about this class, contact Pastor Susan at 201-288-6889 or email her at


Page 6 September 2016

Lutheran Basics: A Refresher Course on Luther, the Reformation and The Small Catechism

Thursday Evenings at 7 PM Begins September 29; concludes November 17* *No class on November 3 A seven-week journey to become better acquainted with Martin Luther, the Reformation and Lutheran theology. You will become familiar with Lutheran terms like “simul justus et peccator,” “law and gospel” and “sola fide,” “sola gratia,” and “sola scripture.”

Along the way, we will also take a closer look at church history and some “Lutheran questions” and “Lutheran answers.” We hope you will join the conversation!

For more information, contact Pastor Susan by email at or call her at 201-288-6889.

Blessing of the Animals and Commemoration of St. Francis Sunday, October 2 Noon—Front Lawn Burton Avenue


St. Francis of Assisi is remembered not only as a friend of animals, but primarily as a renewer of the church, urging the church to be faithful to the Gospel. Francis, the son of a wealthy cloth merchant, renounced his wealth and future inheritance and devoted himself to the poor. He said that all followers of Christ had the task to preach the Gospel and to “use words if necessary.”

In commemoration of St. Francis, please join us on Sunday, October 2, on the front lawn at noon and bring your pets for a brief, but maybe raucous, special Blessing of the Animals Service.


September 2016 Page 7


First Tuesday Evening Prayer 7:30 PM October 4

Taize services are meaningful and moving, and are based upon silent and spoken prayer, special music and moments of contemplation. This service is for anyone who finds that the hectic pace of life is drowning out God’s voice in their life. Started in France after WWII, Taize prayer is a beautiful practice that can open hearts and minds toward God through singing simple chants, Scripture readings, times of quiet contemplation, and intercessory prayer.

Join us for 40 peaceful minutes of simple chant, prayer, and silence

on the first Tuesday of every month from October to June.

Prayers for healing and renewal with laying on of hands concludes each service.

Women, (Wine) and the Word*

Friday, October 7, at 7 PM Octoberfest!! Multipurpose Room, Holy Trinity

This is an opportunity for women to come together to build relationships, share in fellowship and explore God’s word. Meal prepared by Pastor Susan; you bring a favorite beverage to share!

RSVP by Friday AM, October 7, to Pastor Susan at 201-288-6889 or email her at

*In October, we will discuss Salome—the mother of James and John and the wife of Zebedee. Salome asked a favor of Jesus. Is it wrong to ask favors for our children? Do mothers always know best? We all want the best for ourselves, our children, family and friends, just as Salome did. Salome, the wife of Zebedee, is most remembered for her pride-full request, yet Salome moved beyond her mistake and grew as a disciple. Her life gives us the confidence that we can change. We can rebound with courage just as Salome did after Jesus’ criticism of her mistaken request.

To download the readings and discussion questions go to:


Page 8 September 2016

A Ramadan Meal . . .

My cousin, Barbara Bernstengel, invited me

to attend a Ramadan meal (called “Iftar”) on

July 2 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Teaneck,

hosted by the Peace Island Institute. What a

nice surprise to reconnect with several of those

who hosted Holy Trinity’s coffee hour last April

and to meet and chat with others for the first

time. This year, Ramadan took place from

June 5 through July 5. Its purpose is to

commemorate the first revelation of the Quran

to Mohammad. Fasting is required from sunrise

to sunset. No food or liquids, including water,

is allowed during that time. It is a time for

increased religious observance, prayer and

self-reflection and to refrain from any sinful


After viewing a video about Ramadan and

hearing the call to prayer being sung, we sat

down to a delicious Turkish meal. Since it was

in July, we couldn’t eat until after sunset, which

was approximately at 8:30 PM!

In speaking with the two young couples who

sat at our table, it was explained that for them,

fasting is not only good for the body, but good

for the mind and soul. It gives them a greater

sense of what it’s like for people who are

underprivileged to go without food and water.

They are called to increase their charitable

works to help alleviate poverty for all people

and to work on bringing peace throughout the

world. This was definitely an evening of wonderful

fellowship and fabulous food!

Rita Krieger

Dear Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our beautiful wedding day. We were so happy and thrilled that we could share our special day with the congregation. Thank you Dwight for the beautiful music and playing wonderful songs during the ceremony. Thank you Pastor for all the support and for being there as we said our vows for the first time as husband and wife. We cannot express the joy we feel remembering that Holy Trinity was there to share the beginning of our life together.


Sarafina &Vincent LaSpisa

Congratulations Sarafina & Vincent LaSpisa!

PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL with the Spirit’s gifts, empower us for the work of ministry . . .

September 2016 Page 9


Fill a Gift Box . . .

help a child experience

The Joys of Christmas

WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) will be participating in Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child, aka "The Shoe Box Project," again this year. During the months of September and October, we w ill be collecting items to fill shoe boxes for children all around the world. You may pick up a decorated shoe box at Holy Trinity or you may choose to use and decorate your own shoe box (please wrap the top and bottom separately so it can be easily opened). Boxes should be filled with any of the suggested items listed in the brochure found either in the box or on the table in the lobby; or, simply just donate any of the appropriate items and let WELCA do the rest. If you decide to fill a box, please be sure to indicate whether the box is for a BOY or a GIRL and the age category, 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14 years of age, using the available labels. All boxes and/or items should be turned in by October 30. WELCA will be preparing the boxes on November 3. Note: The total number of boxes donated in 2015/ 16 internationally was 11,213,010. They were distributed in over 100 countries and, in just the last five years, over 1 million children have prayed to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior through Operation Christmas Child’s follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey. So, be creative, think outside the box — put the items in a shoe box or give them to WELCA and make a child smile!

“Your gift of love may be the door God uses to open a child’s heart to Jesus . . .”

Hasbrouck Heights

Town Day Saturday

September 24

Holy Trinity will again host a table at Town

Day in Woodland Park on September 24.

Town Day is an opportunity to reach out to the

community and share information about our

congregation and its upcoming events, as well

as a small token of God’s love with those who

stop by our table. If you would enjoy this

opportunity to spread the word and are able to

spend an hour or two with us, please contact

Judy Danilchick. In the event of rain, Town

Day will be held on October 1. A big thank you to the ladies (pictured above) and to Helen Nixon (who was taking the picture) for packing the 32 back packs delivered to Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey for children in need. From left to right above are Ruth Bunge, Rosemary Willard, Charlotte Schlindwein, Marge Heeren, Michele Hickey and Karen Niestempski.

32 Back Packs Ready for Delivery to LSM/NJ

Page 10 September 2016


Meet Cathy Mazzone . . .

As a child, Cathy lived and attended schools in Carlstadt and Moonachie. She went to Teterboro Vocational School where she studied nursing and office occupations. Cathy now works for Bed, Bath & Beyond in the E-services Operations Department where she recently received her 5-year Milestones of Service Award. Cathy and her husband, Mike, live in Moonachie and will be celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary at the end of the month. They have two grown sons, Michael and Nicholas.

Cathy enjoys going on vacation with her family. When at home, she enjoys swimming and taking walks in the evening with her dog, Luna, and her youngest son, Nicholas, who just graduated from Wood Ridge High School. She also likes to do hook rugs, word puzzles, and play games on her iPad. Cathy recently learned to crochet at Holy Trinity’s “Knit & Crochet-ins” and is grateful that the ladies of Holy Trinity took the time to teach her at their Sunday afternoon events. She is excited to be working on a blanket for the new addition to their family, granddaughter Olivia. Cathy is a former member of the Ladies Auxilliary of the American Legion and received a certificate of appreciation for outstanding and meritorious volunteer services from the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home in Paramus for her work with hospitalized veterans. She welcomes opportunities to help neighbors and friends.

After attending a Lutheran Church with her aunt, Cathy became interested in finding out more. Her aunt suggested she look for an ELCA Lutheran Church near her. She did and it was a little more than a year ago that she came upon Holy Trinity. She remembers being warmly welcomed on her first visit by Marge Heeren, Pastor Susan, and Alice Wright and, then, by so many others. Cathy became a member of Holy Trinity last January. She enjoys serving as an usher and helping at the dinners for the homeless; she and her son Nicholas helped at the car wash last year; and, always being interested in learning more about the Bible, she has thoroughly enjoyed Pastor Susan’s Bible study classes.

If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to introduce yourself to Cathy. We are happy to have her as a member of our Holy Trinity family and thank her for all that she does.

To members of the property committee: John Heflich, Al Vereeken and Charlie Davis for keeping our buildings and grounds in good repair.

To Wendy Holt for her work in our memorial garden.

To all who provided desserts for the dinner for the homeless. One hundred twenty-eight dinners were served and all were very thankful.

To Barbara Bernstengel for presenting the message to the congregation on August 14 in Pastor’s absence, and to Karen Bulin, Michele Hickey and Larry Sandmeyer for leading us in worship.

To all who gave school supplies for the back pack project. Thirty-two back packs were filled to overflowing and delivered to LSM/NJ to be distributed to children living in domestic violence shelters.

Sponsored by The Children’s Dyslexia Centers of NJ

Hasbrouck Heights

The Hasbrouck Heights annual walk for the benefit of children with Dyslexia will be held on Saturday, October 15 (rain or shine), 10 AM, at Depken Athletic Field. Registration will begin at 9 AM. Monies raised w ill be used to support The Children’s Dyslexia Center of New Jersey in Hasbrouck Heights where children with Dyslexia are being taught to read. The Orton-Gillingham approach, a one-on-one educational experience, is the program used. Bert Heeren will be walking and will be accepting sponsors for the walkathon on Sundays prior to October 15. P lease see Bert if you would like to be a sponsor and/or if you would like to walk for this cause.

Men’s Breakfast

Saturday September 10

10 AM

Arena Diner Hackensack

Please use the sign-up sheet on

the desk in the lobby to let us know you will attend or, for more information,

contact Charlie Davis.

Need a ride? Call Michael!

Members of Holy Trinity who need a ride to and from a doctor’s appointment or other appointment can call fellow Holy Trinity member, Michael Slevin, at 201-280-9528.


Since our last meeting was held after the printing of this newsletter, our next book and meeting date will be announced in the Weekly Tidings. You may also contact Rita Krieger or Dianna Mammone after August 25.

Magazine Share There will be a basket on the table in the multipurpose room with some current magazines. Please feel free to take any you may be interested in or leave any recent magazines you may be done with. Angela Kuzmenka will be going through the magazines monthly to weed out any that are too old or in poor shape.


July 26, 2016

Current giving is 7% below expenses.

Average worship attendance in June was 51.

Dwight Weaver, our new Music Ministry Director, has been enthusiastically

welcomed. Plans are underway to possibly add more music to the family service.

Larry Sandmeyer will be participating as a Sunday School teacher and planner. His assistance will be greatly appreciated.

The parsonage lease has been renewed until the spring when our tenants are expected to relocate.

Rally Day plans were finalized (see elsewhere in Tidings for details).

A Smart TV will be purchased for the Sunday School to enable streaming and playing of DVDs.

The next Council meeting will take place on

Tuesday, September 13, at 7:15 PM.

September 2016 Page 11


Remember and rejoice, renewed by floods of grace. We bear the sign of Jesus Christ, that time cannot erase.

--Ruth Duck, ELW 454 vs. 1

Cut here and place on your refrigerator as a reminder.

Page 12 September 2016

Please remember our Shut-ins and Hospitalized Members

with visits, cards and prayers!

Ann Feltrin

Marion Lawler

Lois Nitus

Doris Schwarz

Wolfgang A. Steinhauff

Joan Yanik



Vinny & Rita Krieger

Charlie & Karen Niestempski

Cathy & Mike Mazzone

Bert & Marge Heeren


Anne Heck Rebecca Wright Marge Heeren

Deborah Stelzle Lia Kunnapas

David Gugliotti Michael O’Malley Nicole Vazquez

John Heflich Ricky Otazu

Eleanor Altomare Enn Kunnapas Pastor Susan Al Vereeken

News of Our Church Family Wedding

Sarafina Mammone, daughter of David and Dianna Mammone and sister to Bennett Mammone, was married to Vincent LaSpisa on August 5, 2016.

New Director of Music Ministries

Dwight Weaver 484-707-0136

New Email Address

Laurie Varga –

— HOLY TRINITY — Living faithfully ┼ Renewing hope ┼ Sharing God’s love


Please take a moment . . . . . . during the month of September to take a look at the church directory on the desk in the lobby to see if all of the information we have for you is correct and up to date. Please let Terry know of any changes in addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, additions to your family, new addresses for family members, etc., by writing those changes directly in that copy. You may also let her know by calling her at 201-288-6889 or by e-mailing the church office at


"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" is a wonderful book by Eric Carle. The story begins with a tiny egg on a leaf in the light of the moon. On a Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and -- pop! -- out of the egg came a very small and very hungry caterpillar. He began to eat, and eat, and eat, but he was still hungry. Finally, he had eaten so much that he had a stomachache! The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through a nice green leaf, and his stomach felt much better. He built a small house, called, a cocoon, around himself and stayed in there for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon and pushed his way out. Guess what? He wasn't a caterpillar any more, he was now a beautiful butterfly. The story of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" reminds us of the story of a man we read about in the Bible. It is the story of a man by the name of Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a very religious man and was a leader of the Pharisees. He spent a lot of time studying the Scriptures, but there was still much that he didn't understand. Nicodemus came to Jesus late one night, because he was hungry. No, he wasn't looking for a late night snack, he was hungry for spiritual food. He was hungry for the truth about the kingdom of God. He came to Jesus because he had questions and he knew that Jesus would have the answers. "Teacher," Nicodemus said to Jesus, "we all know that God has sent you to teach us. No one could perform the miracles that you are doing if God were not with him." Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God." "What do you mean?" exclaimed Nicodemus. "How can a man be born again?" Jesus went on to explain to Nicodemus that a person is "born again" when the Spirit of God enters into his heart. "Humans can reproduce human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don't be surprised when I say, 'You must be born again.'" "How are these things possible?" Nicodemus said scratching his head. Think about the story of "The Hungry Caterpillar?" When he came out of his cocoon, he wasn't an improved caterpillar, was he? No, he was a totally new creation. A butterfly! That's the way it is when we let Jesus come into our heart. He doesn't just make us a better person. He makes us a new creation! Pray together . . . Heavenly Father, We praise you that in Christ Jesus we are a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Born Anew!


Q: How does the ocean say, “Hello?”


It doesn’t, it just waves!

September 2016 Page 15

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3

4 Pentecost XVI

10:30 am Holy Communion

11:30 am

Coffee Hour

5 Church Office


6 7 8

10:30 am WELCA

9 10

10-11:30 am Men’s Breakfast

Arena Diner Hackensack

11 Pentecost XVII

10:30 am Holy Communion

Kida Baptism

11:30 am Coffee Hour


7:15 pm Outreach


7:15 pm Church Council

14 11-11:30 am

Wellington Hall Holy Communion

Trinity Tidings

Articles Due (October/



7 pm Worship & Music

16 17

18 Holy Cross Sunday

10:30 am Rally Day Blessing of

Teachers, Students & Backpacks

Block Party

19 20 21 22

Fall Begins

23 24 10:30 am-3:30 pm

Hasbrouck Heights

Town Day*

25 Pentecost XIX

9:15 am Sunday School

9:15 am

Parent/Student Intro to Re:form

10:30 am

Holy Communion

11:30 am Coffee Hour


7-8 pm Confirmation

Orientation for Parents & Students

27 28

11-11:30 am Wellington Hall

Holy Communion


7-8:30 pm Lutheranism 101

Bible Study

30 October 1

*Town Day Rain Date

September 2016

Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Permit No. 340 Hackensack, N.J.

The following is a list of items needed in our food pantry. Please use the bin in the lobby for your donations.

Supermarket Gift Cards 100% Fruit Juices Canned Hearty Soups Baby Formula Canned Meat Healthy Snacks (tuna, chicken, etc.) Crackers/Cookies Canned Vegetables/Fruits Coffee/Tea Peanut Butter & Jelly Paper Products Cereal (low sugar kids’ cereal) Cleaning Products Macaroni & Cheese Toothpaste Dry Milk or Boxed Parmalat Toothbrushes Instant Potatoes Shampoo Rice Bar Soap

If you are reading this newsletter of the people of Holy Trinity in Hasbrouck Heights and are either looking for a church home or are just interested in finding out more about what goes on at Holy Trinity, we invite you to come and worship with us or to call the church office at 201-288-6889. Our Pastor, The Rev. Susan Nelson-Colaneri, can also be reached on her cell phone at 973-980-2367 or at If you should call the church office and get an answering machine, please be assured that your call will be returned at our first available moment.




10:30 AM – Service of Holy Communion Coffee Fellowship After the Service

Sunday Church School 9:15 - 10:15 AM

The Ministers . . . . . . . . .The People of Holy Trinity Pastor . . . . . . . . .The Rev. Susan Nelson-Colaneri 201-288-6889 Director of Music Ministries . . . . . . Dwight Weaver Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Mills Newsletter Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Danilchick


Mailed August 25, 2016

92 Burton Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 201-288-6889 Fax: 201-288-0645