Post on 28-Jan-2022

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10355 E. Palmer-Wasilla Hwy.

907-745-0726 | Fax: 907-745-0526


President: Betty Hein 354-7465

Vice President: Rhonda D’Aigle 373-3138

Treasurer: Pat Kilmain 745-2365 (See Pat if interested

in being treasurer)

Secretary: Patti Hurt 354-4352

Worship: Janet Jacob 354-6106

Stewardship: Glenn Jacob 354-6105

Education: Paul Krauszer 357-7714

Outreach: Lynn Anselm 671-9235

Property Management: Dana Tesch 717-8499

Reverend: Diane Krauszer 354-3944

CDC: Jen Horacek 745-5683

Health/Wellness: Richard Clinch 376-6124



Lynn Anselm

Deb Burlinski

Rhonda D’Aigle

Frank & Rosie Gamboa

Phyllis Gielarowski

Erica Glass

Gloria Okeson

Mike & Dorothy Sherman

Jan Walton

Tabitha Winkleblack



Mark Miller

Frank Gamboa


Staying in Touch with Your Leaders

Page 2:

Worship Helpers

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Page 3:

From Reverend Diane

Page 4:

Faith Yoga


Page 5:

A Peek into Thanksgiving at Trinity

New Chairs for the Sanctuary

Page 6:

Lutheran Social Services of Alaska

Raphael Update

Page 7:

Kuwaa Mission Prayer Letter

Young Adults in Global Mission

Page 8:

Ways to Donate to Trinity

Directory Update

Page 9:

Learning and Fellowship Opportunities at Trinity

Taking Photos


Calendar of Events

TLC Christmas Bazaar



Dearly Beloved,

Happy Advent! That is not a common greeting for any of us. Most of us are

already saying Merry Christmas. However, is not quite Christmas yet in spite of

all the lights, sales and music. For Lutherans and other liturgical Christians it is

the Advent season in the church year. A time when we remember that we follow a

resurrected Jesus who has promised he will return to earth to complete what God

began with creation. In this season we look forward to Jesus’ return and try to

determine what we are to be doing while we actively wait for His return. Happy

Advent! Happy Active Waiting!

Have you ever dreamed about the world being a better place? What would that

better world look like to you? Remember the old Coke advertisement, “I’d like to

teach the world to sing…….”? That song described someone’s dream for a better

world. Isaiah, too, dreamed about the world being a better place. He lived in a

time when political tensions were high, when world powers were warring for

dominance. Little countries were being overrun and destroyed. Ordinary people

were the fodder for the war machine and its casualties. The rich were getting

richer and the poor were getting poorer. Sound familiar? Isaiah’s dream is written down in Isaiah 11:1-10. It is often

referred to as the Peaceable Kingdom. Here are a few verses:

The wolf shall live with the lamb,

the leopard shall lie down with the kid,

the calf and the lion and the fatling together,

and a little child shall lead them.

The cow and the bear shall graze,

their young shall lie down together;

and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

The nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp,

and the weaned child shall put its hand on the adder’s den.

They will not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain;

for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

The preceding verses describe the one who is coming who will make all these things happen. (Get your Bible out

and read the whole passage It is a beautiful dream or vision.) Isaiah was looking for a Messiah still to come. We

look for a Messiah to return.

Jesus, our Messiah, in his story telling, is always directing his followers to participate in the transformation of our

world. God works in and through us. As we wait, we work. But what are we to do? This is where having a dream or

vision helps. If you are going to make Trinity a better place, a place more like the kingdom of God, what would you

do? If you are to make Palmer, Wasilla, Sutton or the Butte a better place, what would you do? Alaska? The USA?

The world? Can you take one step toward that dream this week? It may be as simple as having a conversation and

restoring a relationship. It may be supporting a local helping ministry: Family Promise, the food banks, or bringing

clothes for Table of Grace in Bethel. It may be participating in a world ministry: ELCA Good Gifts or ELCA World

Hunger, World Vision, or Habitat for Humanity. It may be speaking up for someone in a public place, or offering a

shoulder to cry on in a private place. Isaiah’s dream for the world is a beautiful one but it may not be the dream God

has given to you. Dream your dream for the world and then take one step toward fulfilling that dream this week. In

Advent we are active waiters, working with God to transform the world in Jesus’ name.


Pastor Diane

TLC kids with ELCA Good Gifts Box



I recently attended training to receive my 200 Level Yoga certification through Yoga Faith.

These special yoga classes lasts 45-60 minutes and includes prayer, meditation, scriptures, movement, and stillness.

Classes include praise and worship music or soft instrumental. Many classes include a cross to keep our intention

always on Christ, and candles. Bring a mat, water and a surrendered heart. You will encounter a Living God who

longs to spend time with you!

I will be doing a special Yoga Faith class (Christmas themed) on Friday, December 27, at 5 pm. Please join me to

see what Yoga Faith is all about!

If everyone would like to keep this going, I would love to hear feedback. What day of the week is best for you?

Time of day? Yes – modifications can be made so that yoga is enjoyed by ALL. All are welcome!

Erica Glass


Stewardship at Home - A suggestion from Sharron Blezard, SOLI (Stewardship of Life Institute)

Make this a week to clean both house and heart. Find something in your home (a room, closet, porch or garage) and

pray while you clean. If you live alone, invite friends over for a potluck meal and enlist their help with a short time

of cleaning. If you have family at home, find a way to involve everyone. As you clean, consider repeating a simple

prayer like this one: “Lord Jesus clean my heart, open my eyes, and prepare my mind to receive you.”

Living every moment with an awareness of God's abundant generosity...

Look at our calendar of events and

join us for all of our Christmas





The chair committee, Don Colwell, Phyllis Gielarowski, and Janet Jacob have been working on gathering

information for ordering new chairs for the sanctuary. We wanted chairs that would match, be easily movable, stack-

able, have pockets on the back, a shelf underneath, and have a durable fabric.

Don contacted MITY Inc. to get a catalog. We selected the Millennia Series. We decided on 90 chairs, so that as we

grow, we will have enough. Also the price break was at 90. We would like to get 45 with arms and 45 without arms

and stagger them so everyone who needs the support of arms to stand will be able to do so. The chairs would inter

lock for stability.

The chairs would be $125 each which includes shipping. We are asking for those who are able to, that they will

purchase a chair. For 90 chairs the total is $11,406, including shipping. A 50% deposit is required when ordering,

which is $5,703.

This project has been approved by the church council. It takes 6 to 8 weeks to get the chairs once they are ordered.

So if you would like to help by purchasing a chair or two, please designate on your checks that it is for chairs. We

would like to have the chairs by Easter, which is April 11.

Janet Jacob

Chair Committee



Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Thanksgiving Blessing such a success. We were blessed with

thousands of cans corn and green beans, stuffing and gravy, collected by Anchor Lutheran School, First Christian

Church and our Lutheran congregations. Thank you also to those who contributed financially and to those who

volunteered their time to help with set-up and distribution. Many thanks to Central Lutheran Church for allowing us

to host the 1,300 households we served that day. Citywide Blessing served close to 8,000 households. And also,

thanks to Joy Lutheran Church for hosting this event for the Eagle River community.

Thanks also to all who donated Christmas stockings for the children of the families we serve in the Food Pantry.

These stocking with the Christmas story included bring hope and joy to our clients and their children. It is not too

late to donate stockings as we distribute them through Friday, December 20th.

Mark your calendars for the first annual LSSA Trivia Night on Friday, January 24, 2020. The event will take place

at the Luther Center (Anchor Lutheran School/Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church) at 8100 Arctic Blvd. The fun will

begin at 7pm with free appetizers and snacks and beverages available for purchase. This will be a team event and

you may put together a team of up to 8 individuals. Tickets are $30 per person and must be purchased in advance.

We are also planning a silent auction as well as some new games. To reserve your space please call the LSSA office

at 272-0643 ext 10 or email us at More information will be sent in December.

Last January, approximately 764 men, women and children were served during the Project Homeless Connect in

Anchorage. We are asking anyone who knits, crochets or sews to donate hats and/or scarves for this project. We are

also collecting soaps, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste for hygiene kits. If you would like to volunteer at

Project Homeless Connect, please visit The date of Project Homeless Connect is

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at the Egan Center.

Soon you will have the opportunity to sign up for your 2020 PFD and we ask you to please consider a charitable

contribution to LSSA through the Pick.Click.Give program.

In October LSSA received $14,725 in contributions from 213 donors. Thank you to all who contributed in the past

and to our future donors!

God has truly blessed us and for that we are grateful. Joy resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the miracle

of Christmas! Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love of the season!

Together caring for others,

Alan Budahl

Executive Director


Dear Pastor Diane,

Greetings to you in Jesus Name.How are you doing Pastor. We are doing well. We Praise god for your Prayers we

know we in your Prayer Item lines. We too are Praying for you at Trinity. Thank you for being part of usin Christ

Jesus. Please as you know our situation we still have the needs both as Family as well in the Church. We Pray The

Lord to Provide these Christmas we need to have Christmas Celebration in thee Church we need About Ksh 70,000.

Please If there funds available please we request you to be send. We will have about 40 of our Church members to

be Baptise these Christmas. Please Pray for them.

waiting hearing from you soon,

Raphael Ildaani



When things aren’t going right, or when they aren’t going in the

direction we feel they should be going, we wonder what’s the

matter with God. After all, he promises to take care of us, but he

doesn’t tell us how he will do it. He also promises all of those who

believe in him that he will love us. He adds that his love will grow

and continue to grow. Ah, but there is a catch to this. We have to

remain faithful to him even when things don’t appear to be going

in the right direction.

So what’s the answer to our problem? We are to pray to him

asking him to clear up any doubts might have, and then praise him for he is Lord who knows what he is doing. We

are to trust the Lord! And we are to trust him that he knows what he is doing. When we look at what he is doing with

a new perspective, we will see what he is doing is good and right.

There is something else we need to explore when we question where God is and what he’s doing – me, myself, and

I. I am just as guilty as the next person. For instance, I have questioned why the Kuwaa Mission is about ready to

stop operation. But then God shows me that he’s still at work helping the Mission to evangelize the Kuwaa people

and to help them rebuild their infrastructures. However, in order to do this, we need manpower over here and over

there. ½ of the problem is solved. Four people we have given scholarships to, have now graduated and are ready to

go to work alongside Pastor Paye. They are Joedoe Boy Wanley, Edward Payne, Jr., David Garwolo, and Youngor


Oh, give thanks to God because He is paving the way to evangelize the Kuwaa people. God will use Pastor Payer

and these. Four Ordained Evangelists mightily. Now we need to step forward and become mighty for the Lord. The

Mission is in desperate need of Board members and individuals who would be willing to go Liberia to help

supervise the workers doing infrastructure upgrading, to help in VBS, and help teachers in teaching Biblical

truths. If you would be willing to serve in either capacity, please let Pastor Carol George know of your interest.

Thanksgiving is almost here! Therefore, let us thank the Lord because he is good and his love endures forever. We

are thankful for the individuals who served on the Board and especially for Stan Olsen (Project Supervisor, plus lots)

and Todd Thompson (Website and Prayer letter distribution)

May God help us continue with our mission work. May he raise up more workers to extend his kingdom. May he

hear our mighty thanksgivings. Amen.


Applications for the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program are now open, and you can invite

young adults on this yearlong journey abroad.

If you know young adults age 21 to 29, this is the time to reach out. Encourage them to apply for YAGM by the

priority deadline of Jan. 15, 2020. Talk to them personally about what this opportunity will mean for their faith,

identity, career and understanding of God’s work in the world. You can also print out this poster to display in your

congregation or ministry space.

Through YAGM, young adults will learn what it means to serve in a spirit of accompaniment as they walk alongside

global church companions. They’ll become immersed in a new community and form deep relationships. And they’ll

confront issues of wealth and poverty, racial privilege, gender privilege, economic disparity and globalization, all

through the lens of faith. Learn more at



Trinity is enrolled in Fred Meyer's Community Rewards Program. You can link your Rewards Card to donate to

Trinity at And remember that you can also donate through using the

Amazon Smile program. To sign up, just go to

Fred Meyer Community Rewards - Non Profit Organization BV101 Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Trinity Lutheran Church to earn a donation from Fred Meyer. If you do not

have a Rewards Card, you can sign up for one at the Customer Service Desk of any Fred Meyer store.

1. Go to:

2. Sign in or set up a new account if you don’t have one.

3. If setting up a new account follow instructions - make sure you log in.

4. Click on Community Rewards - bottom of the page under Company Information.

5. Click on the button: Link your Rewards Card Now.

6. Enter BV101 or Trinity Lutheran Church in the field then click Search.

7. Click on the radio button to select Trinity Lutheran Church.

8. Click Save.

9. You’ll be taken to the Account Summary page and you can see the charity you’re linked to in the Community

Rewards box in the bottom right.

If you have already signed up to support a charity and want to change, login on to the Fred Meyer website then click

on My Account, located in the top right, just under the menu bar. Look for the Community Awards option, bottom

right and click on edit.

Amazon Smile AmazonSmile is a special version of the Amazon website that supports local charities. Trinity is one of those

charities. You won’t be charged anything extra but the Church will make 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon

Smile purchases. Here’s how you sign up:

1. Go to

2. Log in with your normal Amazon email address and password or create an Amazon account with the link below

the Sign In button.

3. Search for Trinity Lutheran Church in the Charitable Organization search box.

4. Click the Select button.

5. And you’ll see a Thank You message when you’re done with a bookmark tool if you want to use it. This window

will disappear on its own and leave you on the AmazonSmile homepage.

6. From now on shop on If you forget, Amazon will remind you three times.

If you already have AmazonSmile setup, you can log in and change your charity. . .

1. Click on the Your Account link at the top right of the page.

2. Scroll down to the Settings section and click on Change Your Charity.

3. Search for Trinity Lutheran Church.

4. Click the Select button for the Trinity Lutheran Church and you’re all set.

Thrivent Financial For members of Thrivent Financial Credit Union, you have the option to send choice dollars to Trinity. Talk with a

Thrivent Financial representative to select Trinity as your charity.

DIRECTORY UPDATE Panthea Redwood has some new contact information. New phone: (907) 982-3232, new




The Men’s Breakfast Group: This group meets faithfully every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. in the Trinity Room. After

a delicious breakfast, they read and discuss the scripture for the coming Sunday. The conversation is lively and

intense. For more information, call Glenn Jacob at 354-6105.

Adult Forum: Join other adults as we discuss a series of Bible studies on the practices around caring for our world,

our neighbors, and ourselves. 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning in the Trinity Room. Call 745-0726 for more information.


Bible Study: Come and gather with the people of the church for a weekly study of the Bible every Thursday at

10:30 a.m. in the Trinity Room. For more information, call Phyllis Gielarowski at 745-6703. (September-May.)

Mat-Su Grief Support Group: Are you grieving? We are here to listen. Come to the Mat-Su Grief Support Group

every Thursday in the sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. Call Mary Brothers at 841-4862 for more information.

Preschool Chapel: Come worship with the little ones every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. Jesus loves the

little children. Call the preschool at 745-LOVE (5683) for more information. (September-May.)

Trinity Singers and Players: If you like music, join the Trinity Singers and Players every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in

the sanctuary. Call Jana Moser at 746-0974 for more information.

Sunday School: Bring kids to the Upper Room every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. for a children’s Bible study. Call Jan

Walton at 745-1242 for more information. (September-May.)

Worship: Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary to praise God and have communion with Pastor

Diane. Contact 745-0726 for more information.

Fellowship: Join us every Sunday following service for a chance to get to know your fellow Christian friends.

Snacks available. Call 745-0726 for more information.

Weed and Feed: Come out to the TLC Community Garden every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. to weed, harvest, and

care for Trinity’s garden. Dinner follows at 6:30 p.m. Call 745-0726 for more information. (May-September.)

Mesa Sagrada: Come have dinner and church with the Latinos every 2nd

Saturday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in the

Fellowship Hall. Call Caesar Marciales at 864-642-7785 for more information. (September-May.)

Men’s Outreach: Come have a discussion about Trinity Barn Plaza every 1st Saturday of the month at 12:00 p.m. in

the Trinity Room. Tool belts welcome. Call Don Colwell at 355-2599 for more information.

Always Something New: Stay tuned for any upcoming picnics, parties, and programs for more opportunities to get

to know your fellow Christian friends. Call 745-0726 to be added to our email or text list, or pick up a Church

Directory and Email List form from the Fellowship Hall.


We always need photos for the church newsletter and scrapbook. If you are interested in taking church photos,

please send them to Please contact the church office if you need an alternative way to

submit your photos. You can also volunteer to create the next church scrapbook if that’s your thing. Thank you!


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fr iday Saturday

1 Sunday school, 9 a.m. TR

Worship, 10:30 a.m. S Fellowship, 11:45 a.m. FH Confirmation, 12 p.m. TR

2 3 Trinity Singers, 7-8 p.m. S

4 Men’s Prayer Breakfast,

8–10 a.m. TR Palmer Community Advent Service, 7 p.m. with dinner

at 5:30. St. Michael’s

5 Preschool Chapel, 10 am S Bible Study, 10:30 a.m. TR Grief Support, 7-8:30 pm S

6 TLC Bazaar Set-up, 3 pm S

7 Men’s Outreach, 12:00 p.m. TR

TLC Bazaar, 10 a.m. S

8 Sunday school, 9 a.m. TR

Worship, 10:30 a.m. S Fellowship, 11:45 a.m. FH


10 Trinity Singers, 7-8 p.m. S

11 Men’s Prayer Breakfast,

8–10 a.m. TR Advent service and supper, River of Life at 7 p.m. with

soup at 6

12 Preschool Chapel, 10 am S Bible Study, 10:30 a.m. TR Grief Support, 7-8:30 pm S


14 Mesa Sagrada, 5 p.m. FH

15 Sunday school, 9 a.m. TR

Worship, 10:30 a.m. S Fellowship, 11:45 a.m. FH Confirmation, 12 p.m. TR



Outreach, 1:00 p.m. TR Trinity Singers, 6-7 p.m. S Council, 7-8:30 p.m. TR

18 Men’s Prayer Breakfast,

8–10 a.m. TR Advent service and supper, Trinity at 7 p.m. with soup

at 6

19 Preschool Chapel, 10 am S Bible Study, 10:30 a.m. TR

Longest night service, 7 p.m. S



22 Sunday school, 9 a.m. TR

Worship, 10:30 a.m. S Fellowship, 11:45 a.m. FH


24 Christmas Eve Service,

7 p.m. S


26 Bible Study, 10:30 a.m. TR Grief Support, 7-8:30 pm S

27 Faith Yoga, 5 p.m.


29 Sunday school, 9 a.m. TR

Worship, 10:30 a.m. S Fellowship, 11:45 a.m. FH

Potluck Sunday A Service f Carols Sunday


31 Trinity Singers, 7-8 p.m. S

TR=Trinity Room

FH=Fellowship Hall S=Sanctuary

UR=Upper Room G=Garden

PO= Pastor’s office


Invites You to Our

16th Annual Christmas Bazaar

Saturday, December 7 Handcrafted and food items:

10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Woodwork Ornaments

10355 Palmer-Wasilla Hwy. Crafts Sewing

mile 2.2 Palmer, AK 99645 Canned veggies Jams

907-745-0726 Breads Goodies