Trinity Kings World Leadership: Principle-Centered Leadership

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Trinity Kings World Leadership: Principle-Centered Leadership

TRINITY KINGS WO R"Ambassador of Leadership foritre world"

Proverbs 13:12 says, A faithful ambassador is health.

I eaders who last do not merely react to their culture; they base their leadership on timeless and universal.,;

L principles. They remain relevant because they marry cuitural context to timeless truth. Proverbs 4 encour-

ages leaders to become principle centered. Verses 20-27 teach us that God's principles give us three crucial '


1. They are a guide; they help us stay on the right path. ,'

2. They are a guard they keep our hearts and bodies protected. l

..3- Thgy are a gauge,'they enable us to evaluate where we are.

These principles build our character, direct our decisions, and correct our lifestyles. Every leader ought 1o '

consume Godb Word, then put the truths he or she discovers in the form of principles that can guide, guard

and gauge his or her life.

Teola Patillo Sr. Teola patillolr.Ceola Patillo

Tenell H. Patillo