Trinity Church · Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the time of which God...

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Transcript of Trinity Church · Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the time of which God...



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God of the prophets and apostles,you greeted old Abraham and Sarah

with news of wonder and life.Send us into the world

to preach good news, as Jesus did,heal the sick, resist evil,

and bring the outcast home. Amen.

The Second Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist Rite IIJune 18, 2017, 11:15am


Faith“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a

mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move

from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will

be impossible for you.” —Matthew 17:20

Integrity“Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,

whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,

whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there

is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

—Philippians 4:8

Inclusiveness “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor

free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one

in Christ Jesus.” —Galatians 3:28

Compassion“When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he

had compassion on them and healed their sick.”

—Matthew 14:14

Social Justice“He has showed you what is good; and what the Lord

requires of you: to do justice, and to love kindness and

to walk humbly with your God.” —Micah 6:8

Stewardship“There will come seven years of great plenty

throughout all the land of Egypt. After them there

will arise seven years of famine, and all the plenty will

be forgotten in the land of Egypt; the famine will

consume the world.”—Genesis 41:29–30

MissionIn the spirit of the Gospels, the mission of Trinity Church Wall Street is to build generations of faithful leadership,

to build up neighborhoods, and to build financial capacity for holy service in New York City and around

the world. Our mission is grounded in our core values.

VisionWe seek to serve and heal the world by building neighborhoods that live gospel truths, generations of

faithful leaders, and sustainable communities.

Core Values

Core Values guide us in carrying out our mission and realizing our vision.

By their nature, core values are touchstones for prayer, discernment, ongoing conversation, and action. We seek

a deep understanding and ongoing engagement with Trinity’s Core Values. Over the years, we will continue

reflecting on what our Core Values mean in their application; how they challenge and inform decisions and actions

in Trinity’s ministries, and how they help our ministries be aligned with our mission and vision.


Welcome to Trinity ChurchPlease add your voice and heart to the prayers. Everyone is welcome at Jesus’ Table, and everyone’s voice is needed to tell the Good News of God’s love in Christ. Please help others find a place near you, and greet the person next to you as we prepare to worship together.

If you would like to pray with someone confidentially, for yourself or others, go to the Chapel of All Saints during communion time.

If you would like to learn more about the Episcopal Church, or how you can become a member of Trinity Church, please visit

About this ServiceThe Season after Pentecost is the longest season of the Episcopal Church year. Its length is variable depending on the date of Easter, and may include up to twenty-eight Sundays. In 2017, there will be twenty-five, with the season concluding just after Thanksgiving Day. Trinity Sunday, which we celebrated last week, is always the first Sunday after Pentecost; many churches bookend the season by commemorating the reign of Christ the King on the last Sunday after Pentecost.

During this season, the Revised Common Lectionary offers two possible courses, called tracks, for the Old Testament scripture readings. At Trinity Church, we will follow the first track, which begins in Genesis and continues progressively through the chapters of that book and onward to Exodus, venturing briefly into Deuteronomy before All Saints’ Day in November.

Sources: The Book of Common Prayer, An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, Revised Common Lectionary

The Entrance RiteChoral Prelude

Ubi caritas Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)

Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. Exsultemus et in ipso jucundemur. Timeamus et amemus Deum vivum. Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. Amen.

Where there is charity and love, God is there. The love of Christ has gathered us together. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let us revere and love the living God. And from a sincere heart let us love one another. Amen.

—Graduale Romanum

IntroitAt the sound of the bell, please stand as you are able.

Cibavit eos ex adipe frumenti, alleluia. Gregorian Chant Mode 2 The Lord fed them with the finest wheat flour, alleluia.

—Psalm 81:16


Acclamation BCP p. 355

Celebrant Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.People And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever. Amen.

Hymn in Procession Hymnal 410

Words: Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847), alt.; Music: Lauda anima, John Goss (1800-1880); desc. Craig Sellar Lang (1891-1971)

Collect for Purity BCP p. 355

Celebrant Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord.

All Amen.


Gloria Hymnal S 280

Music: Robert Powell (b. 1932)


The Collect of the Day BCP p. 230

Celebrant The Lord be with you.People And also with you.Celebrant Let us pray.

Keep, O Lord, your household the Church in your steadfast faith and love, that through your grace we may proclaim your truth with boldness, and minister your justice with compassion; for the sake of our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

All Amen.

Please be seated.

The Liturgy of the WordThe First Reading Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7

Reader A Reading from the Book of Genesis.

The LORD appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. He looked up and saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent entrance to meet them, and bowed down to the ground. He said, “My lord, if I find favor with you, do not pass by your servant. Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. Let me bring a little bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on—since you have come to your servant.” So they said, “Do as you have said.” And Abraham hastened into the tent to Sarah, and said, “Make ready quickly three measures of choice flour, knead it, and make cakes.” Abraham ran to the herd, and took a calf, tender and good, and gave it to the servant, who hastened to prepare it. Then he took curds and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree while they ate.

They said to him, “Where is your wife Sarah?” And he said, “There, in the tent.” Then one said, “I will surely return to you in due season, and your wife Sarah shall have a son.” And Sarah was listening at the tent entrance behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, “After I have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I have pleasure?” The LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, and say, ‘Shall I indeed bear a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too wonderful for the LORD? At the set time I will return to you, in due season, and Sarah shall have a son.” But Sarah denied, saying, “I did not laugh”; for she was afraid. He said, “Oh yes, you did laugh.”

The LORD dealt with Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as he had promised. Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah bore him. And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. Now Sarah said, “God has brought laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.” And she said, “Who would ever have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.”

The Word of the Lord.People Thanks be to God.


The Psalm Psalm 116:1, 10-12, 14-17 William Crotch (1775-1847)

The choir sings the refrain, then all repeat and sing as indicated.

Choir I love the LORD, because he has heard the voice of my supplication, * because he has inclined his ear to me whenever I called upon him.

How shall I repay the LORD * for all the good things he has done for me?

I will lift up the cup of salvation * and call upon the Name of the LORD.

I will fulfill my vows to the LORD * in the presence of all his people.


Choir O LORD, I am your servant; * I am your servant and the child of your handmaid; you have freed me from my bonds.

I will offer you the sacrifice of thanksgiving * and call upon the Name of the LORD.

I will fulfill my vows to the LORD * in the presence of all his people,

In the courts of the LORD’S house, * in the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Hallelujah!


The Second Reading Romans 5:1-8

Reader A Reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.

The Word of the Lord.People Thanks be to God.

Reader After the reading of the Gospel, all children are invited to follow the cross to Children’s Chapel. They will return at the Peace.


Sequence Hymn WLP 812

Please stand as you are able.


Words and Music: Daniel L. Schutte (b. 1947)

The Holy Gospel Matthew 9:35—10:23

Deacon The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew.People Glory to you, Lord Christ.

Deacon Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Then Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness. These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon, also known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed him.

These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. You received without payment; give without payment.

“Take no gold, or silver, or copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, or two tunics, or sandals, or a staff; for laborers deserve their food. Whatever town or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you leave. As you enter the house, greet it. If the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it; but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.


“See, I am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of them, for they will hand you over to councils and flog you in their synagogues; and you will be dragged before governors and kings because of me, as a testimony to them and the Gentiles. When they hand you over, do not worry about how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you at that time; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death; and you will be hated by all because of my name. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.”

The Gospel of the Lord.People Praise to you, Lord Christ.

The Sermon The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson

Silence follows the sermon.

The CreedPlease stand as you are able.

Words: Timothy Dudley-Smith (b. 1926); Music: Nettleton, melody from A Repository of Sacred Music, Part II, 1813


The Prayers of the People Form III BCP p. 387/394, #3

Reader Almighty God, we pray for your holy catholic Church;People That we all may be one.

Reader Grant that every member of the Church may truly and humbly serve you; People That your Name may be glorified by all people.

Reader We pray for all bishops, priests, deacons, and all ministers in your church;People That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

Reader We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;People That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

Reader Give us grace to do your will in all that we undertake;People That our works may find favor in your sight.

Reader Have compassion on those who suffer from any grief or trouble;People That they may be delivered from their distress.

Reader We remember today the victims of the June 17, 2015 shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina:

The Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton The Rev. DePayne Middleton-Doctor The Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney The Rev. Daniel Simmons Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd Susie Jackson Ethel Lee Lance Tywanza Sanders and Myra Thompson;


Give to the departed eternal rest;People Let light perpetual shine upon them.

Reader We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;People May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

Reader Let us pray for our own needs and those of others.


Add your own prayers, either silently or aloud.

Celebrant Almighty and eternal God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth: Mercifully accept the prayers of your people, and strengthen us to do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All Amen.


Confession and Absolution BCP p. 360

Deacon Let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor.

Please continue standing, or kneel as you are able.

All Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name. Amen.

Celebrant Almighty God have mercy on you, forgive you all your sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life.

All Amen.

The Holy EucharistThe PeacePlease stand or continue standing as you are able.

Celebrant The Peace of the Lord be always with you.People And also with you.

The People greet one another in the name of the Lord.

WelcomePlease be seated.

The OffertoryThe ushers collect the offering.

Justorum animae Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt, et non tanget illos tormentum mortis. Visi sunt oculis insipientium mori, illi autem sunt, in pace.

The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them. In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die, but they are in peace.

—Wisdom 3:1-3


At the Presentation Hymnal 380, v. 3

Please stand as you are able as the offering is brought forward.

Words: Thomas Ken (1637-1711); Music: Old 100th, melody from Pseaumes octante trois de David, 1551, alt.; harm. after Louis Bourgeois (1510?-1561?)

Censing of the AltarDirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum in conspectu tuo. Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as incense.

—Psalm 141:2

The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer A BCP p. 361/377

Celebrant It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.


For you are the source of light and life, you made us in your image, and called us to new life in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with Angels and Archangels and with all the company of heaven, who for ever sing this hymn to proclaim the glory of your Name:

Sanctus Hymnal S 130


Music: from Deutsche Messe, Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828); arr. Richard Proulx (1937-2010)

Please continue standing, or kneel as you are able.

Celebrant Holy and gracious Father: In your infinite love you made us for yourself, and, when we had fallen into sin and become subject to evil and death, you, in your mercy, sent Jesus

Christ, your only and eternal Son, to share our human nature, to live and die as one of us, to reconcile us to you, the God and Father of all.

He stretched out his arms upon the cross, and offered himself, in obedience to your will, a perfect sacrifice for the whole world.

On the night he was handed over to suffering and death, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, “Take, eat: This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.”

After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and said, “Drink this, all of you: This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.”

Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith:

All Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

Celebrant We celebrate the memorial of our redemption, O Father, in this sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Recalling his death, resurrection, and ascension, we offer you these gifts.


Sanctify them by your Holy Spirit to be for your people the Body and Blood of your Son, the holy food and drink of new and unending life in him. Sanctify us also that we may faithfully receive this holy Sacrament, and serve you in unity, constancy, and peace; and at the last day bring us with all your saints into the joy of your eternal kingdom.

All this we ask through your Son Jesus Christ. By him, and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory is yours, Almighty Father, now and for ever.


The Lord’s Prayer BCP p. 364

Celebrant And now, as our Savior Christ has taught us, we are bold to say,All Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

FractionThe Celebrant breaks the consecrated Bread.

Celebrant Alleluia. Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us;People Therefore let us keep the feast. Alleluia.Celebrant The Gifts of God for the People of God. Take them in remembrance that Christ died for

you, and feed on him in your hearts by faith, with thanksgiving.

Please be seated.

The ushers will bring you forward when it is time for you to receive. We receive communion at stations at the front of each aisle. Those wishing to kneel should go to the south rail by the pulpit.

All who hunger for God are cordially invited to this table, including children. You may consume the bread and then drink from the chalice (please grasp the bottom of the chalice to guide it to your lips). Also, you may dip the bread in the wine and then consume it, or you may leave the bread in your palm for the chalice-bearer to dip in the wine and place on your tongue. Gluten-free wafers are available. Those who do not wish to receive communion are welcome to receive a blessing, indicated by crossing your arms over your chest.

If you would like to pray with someone confidentially, for yourself or others, go to the Chapel of All Saints and someone will meet you there.


Communion AnthemAve verum corpus Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Ave verum corpus, natum de Maria virgine, vere passum immolatum in cruce pro homine, cujus latus perforatum unda fluxit et sanguine; esto nobis praegustatum in mortis examine.

Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, who has truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross for mortals, whose side was pierced, whence flowed water and blood: be for us a foretaste (of heaven) during our final examining.

—Pope Innocent VI (1295-1362)

Silence follows the anthem.

Concluding RitePost-Communion Prayer BCP p. 365

Please stand as you are able.

Celebrant Let us pray.All Eternal God, heavenly Father, you have graciously accepted us as living members of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, and you have fed us with spiritual food in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Blessing Henri-Frédéric Amiel, adapted

Celebrant Life is short, and we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who make the journey with us. So be swift to love, and make haste to be kind. And the blessing of God, who made us, who loves us, and who travels with us be with you now and for ever.

All Amen.


Closing Hymn Hymnal 535

Words: Charles Wesley (1707-1788), alt.; Music: Paderborn, melody from Catolisch-Paderbornisches Gesang-buch, 1765; harm. Sydney Hugo Nicholson (1875-1947)


Dismissal BCP p. 366, #2

Deacon Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.People Thanks be to God.

PostludeRondeau Jean-Joseph Mouret (1682-1738)

FlowersThe flowers today are given in memory of Walter T. Oerlemans by his family. He was a beloved husband, father, Opa and dear friend. Not a day goes by that he isn’t deeply missed.

To donate flowers, e-mail


Explore Trinity’s CORE VALUESTrinity Church Wall Street is in the process of defining and exploring our core values of faith, integrity, inclusiveness, compassion, social justice, and stewardship. Mark your calendar for two upcoming special events.

CELEBRATING CORE VALUES Sunday, June 18 | 1-3pm | Trinity Church

Join clergy, staff, parishioners, the Movement Choir, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, and more as we explore and celebrate Trinity’s core values together. Lunch will be provided.

LISTENING HEARTS AND CORE VALUES RETREATSaturday, September 30 | 9am-5pm | Trinity Church 

All are invited to this retreat as we use silence, song, creative engagement with Scripture, and contemplative sharing of reflections to examine what our core values mean for our community and our daily lives. Led by Listening Heart Ministries.


Care for CaregiversSaturday, June 24 | 10:30am–2:30pm Parish Center (2 Rector St.)

Join the Rev. Kristin Miles and art therapist Jessica Heller of the Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institute for an afternoon of reflection and replenishment for caregivers.

Together we will take a moment in our day to be replenished in the sharing of a meal, in the catching of our breath, in the comfort of prayer, and in the practice of resting in the presence of God. We will reflect on the spirituality of caregiving and the importance of self-care through supportive discussion, meditation, and creative expression.

RSVPs appreciated by June 19 to Amiriz Sanchez at

A Time for Rest, Renewal, and Community for Caregivers






FOR VISITORS AND NEWCOMERSWelcome to Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel. We’re glad you’re here. Come connect with us:

CONNECT Introduce yourself to our clergy, ushers, or greeters, text “TRINITY” to 28259 to stay in touch with us, or fill out a connection card found in the back of the church and place it in the offering plate.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR Visit with fellow worshippers over coffee and small bites after all Sunday services. After the 9am and 11:15am services at Trinity, enjoy coffee at the back of the church or at the Parish Center at 2 Rector St.

TRINITY TOUR Take a tour of the church following the 11:15am service. Gather by the pulpit where a docent will guide you around our historic building.

TODAYPray for the Canterbury PilgrimsThe pilgrims to Canterbury are leaving today! Please pray for them as they travel; you can pick up a prayer card on the table at the back of the church. Follow them on their journey at And remember, you are a pilgrim too!

Discovery: The Body at Prayer10am, St. Paul’s ChapelDiscovery participants are invited to an intergenerational dance party at St. Paul’s Chapel. A van will leave Trinity Church for St. Paul’s Chapel at 9:45am. Information:

Formation Year-End Celebration10am, St. Paul’s ChapelWe will thank our teachers and congratulate our graduates at this intergenerational party with live Caribbean music and dancing, including a performance by the Movement Choir with special guest Pat Hall, internationally acclaimed dancer, choreographer, and teacher of African, Caribbean,

and contemporary American dance. A van leaves Trinity Church for St. Paul’s at 9:45am. Information: Summerlee Staten at

Trinity Knitters12:30-2:30pm, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.All knitters and crocheters and those who wish to learn are encouraged to attend. We provide yarn, needles, patterns, and expert instruction. Learn how to knit or crochet prayer shawls and items for housebound, returning veterans, seamen, and others in need. Free and open to all. Information: Janet MacMillan at

Celebrating Core Values1pm, Trinity ChurchJoin the Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, the Rev. Phil Jackson, Julian Wachner, Deirdre Good, Kathy Bozzuti-Jones, Gary Hellman, Kim Stott, Bob Zack, Felicia Eve, Roy Burrowes, the Movement Choir, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, and more as we explore and celebrate Trinity’s core values together. Lunch will be provided. RSVP at

Lecture-Recital2pm, St. Paul’s ChapelViolist Junah Chung and pianist Barbara Podgurski perform music by Bloch, Hindemith, Beethoven, and Bruch. Reception follows. Admission is free. Sponsored by Trinity Congregational Arts Allegro.Information: or

EVERY SUNDAYNursery Care (six months through age 5)8:45am-1pm, The Nursery, Trinity ChurchThe Nursery is found by taking the south aisle past the altar. Ask an usher to show you the way to stroller parking, the activity room, and the crib room.

Sunday School and Youth Group10am, 14 Vesey St. (across from St. Paul’s Chapel)Information: Wendy Barrie at or call 212.602.9627.


Discovery Adult Formation Classes10am, Trinity Church, Manning RoomInformation:

Discovery for Families with Children 10am, 14 Vesey St. (across from St. Paul’s Chapel)Information: Keith Klein at or 917.520.7415.

The Gospel, Times, Journal, and You10am, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.Discussion centering on the editorial pages of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the day’s Gospel.

Brown Bag Lunch Ministry: Packing 12:30pm, Trinity ChurchInformation:

Brown Bag Lunch 2pm, Trinity ChurchInformation:

Compline by Candlelight8pm, St. Paul’s Chapel

THIS WEEKMONDAY, JUNE 19Brown Bag Lunch 12:45pm, Trinity ChurchInformation:

TUESDAY, JUNE 20Brown Bag Lunch 12:45pm, Trinity ChurchInformation:

Scripture, Reflection, & Compline6pm, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.Gather for spiritual nourishment and fellowship. Occurs every Tuesday through the end of June. Information: the Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles at or 212.602.0895.

Council Ministry Night6-8:30pm, Trinity ChurchThe Congregational Council meets the third Tuesday of the month. Council meetings run as follows: full Council regular monthly meeting (6-7pm, Manning Room); dinner with Council members, subcommittee chairs, committee members, staff (7-7:30pm, Trinity chancel); and standing committee

chairs meet with subcommittee chairs and appropriate staff members (7:30-8:30pm, Trinity Church). Information: Susan Suliman at

World Refugee Day March, Rally, Iftar6pm-9:30pm, MidtownIn honor of World Refugee Day, the City of Refuge Coalition is hosting a march, rally, and interfaith iftar (meal eaten by Muslims after sunset during Ramadan) calling for a stop to the refugee ban, saving asylum, and defending protected temporary status for immigrants. The group will assemble on Fifth Avenue at East 58th Street and march to Trump World Tower and Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza. Information:

Poet’s Corner7:30pm, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.Everyone is invited to Poet’s Corner on the third Tuesday night of each month. Bring verses you have written or selected poems by other poets, and the group will gladly discuss among themselves the merits of the works. Facilitated by Alan Baxter. Refreshments provided. Information: Alan Baxter at

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21Brown Bag Lunch 12:45pm, Trinity ChurchInformation:

Heart Talk1pm, Trinity Church, Manning RoomHeart Talk is a space for women to “join each other in the journey” as they share their stories, build relationships, and reflect on being women of faith in the city. Open to women of all ages, single/married, parent/childless, professional/SAHM, etc. Participants are welcome to bring their lunches. Information: Ellen Andrews at

Environmental Justice Group6pm, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.The mission of the Environmental Justice Group is to educate ourselves, the congregation, and community about the realities and significance of man’s impact on the environment and about ways in which we can become good stewards of the earth. Our work is to inspire cultural change so sustainable practice will become an accepted and valued norm. Information: David Ward at or join the group on The City.


Contemplative Wednesdays6:30-8pm, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.All are welcome to drop in for an ongoing rhythm of silent meditation practice and spiritual conversation to renew our hearts and expand our capacity for open-hearted engagement in the world. Information:

Achieving Racial Equity6:30pm, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.Join this discussion guided by David Peters, social worker, community organizer, and facilitator, exploring the impact of race and racism, how they function in our world and ways to work towards racial equity. All are welcome. Information: Ruth Frey at

THURSDAY, JUNE 22New Beginnings10am, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.New Beginnings is Trinity’s ministry of seniors that meets weekly on Thursday mornings for gentle yoga, Bible study, to attend the noonday service, and help with the distribution of brown bag lunches to needy persons. We also exchange news, sponsor programs and excursions of interest to those 60-years plus and their friends of all ages, and encourage participation in all phases of Trinity life. Contact: Cynthia Moten at

Brown Bag Lunch 12:45pm, Trinity ChurchInformation:

Writing God: Spiritual Journaling6pm, Parish Center, 2 Rector St.Journaling helps us pay attention to God. It is a way to hear and respond to God—to develop a living relationship with God. Come enrich your spiritual pilgrimage through this art. Information:

Illuminating Core Values: Compassion6:30pm, Trinity Church, Manning RoomThe Mission and Vision Integration Team invite staff and parishioners to share their experiences involving compassion and discuss how the core value of compassion can transform our parish. Information: Keisha Joseph at 212.602.0755.

Core Values: Compassion

“Compassion constitutes a radical form of criticism, for it announces that the hurt is to be taken seriously, that the hurt is not to be accepted as normal and natural but is an abnormal and unacceptable condition for humanness.” —Walter Brueggemann

In June, we will explore the core value of compassion. What does compassion mean to you and how does this core value shape your day-to-day life? Send your thoughts to Fr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones at, or share your thoughts with fellow parishioners, clergy, and staff at an upcoming Illuminating Core Values session:

• Compassion Thursday, June 22, 6:30-8:15pm, Trinity Church, Manning Room

• Social Justice Tuesday, July 18, 6:30-8:15pm, Trinity Church, Manning Room

• Stewardship Thursday, August 17, 6:30-8:15pm, Trinity Church, Manning Room

Other opportunities for exploring and celebrating our core values include:

Celebrating Core Values1pm, Sunday, June 18, Trinity ChurchJoin the Rev. Phil Jackson, Fr. Mark Bozzuti-Jones, Julian Wachner, Deirdre Good, Kathy Bozzuti-Jones, Kim Stott, Bob Zack, Felicia Eve, Roy Burrowes, the Movement Choir, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, and more as we explore and celebrate Trinity’s core values together. Lunch will be provided. RSVP at

Listening Hearts and Core Values Retreat9am-5pm, September 30, Trinity ChurchAll are invited to this retreat as we use silence, song, creative engagement with Scripture, and contemplative sharing of reflections to examine what our core values mean for our community and our daily lives. Led by Listening Heart Ministries.


Community Bible Study1pm, Sundays, June 25-Sept. 10, Trinity ChurchOpen and inclusive, weekly summer Sunday Bible study takes place throughout the summer while regular Discovery classes are on break. Whether you’re a Bible scholar, just opening the book for the first time, or anywhere in between, your voice is welcomed and encouraged. Led by the Community Bible Study team, informal classes encompass group reflection on one or more of the readings for the day. Drop-ins welcome! The first study (June 25) will be an introduction led by Bob Scott, director of Faith Formation and Education. Information:

Pride March12:30-1:30 pm, Parish CenterThe Trinity LGBT Integrity Group and friends gather at the Parish Center for a reception and meet-up before marching with the Episcopal Diocese of New York and other Episcopal congregations. March time: 2-6pm. Information:

Trinity Retreat Center Charette12:45pm, St. Paul’s ChapelParishioners, staff, and members of the Trinity and West Cornwall communities are invited to participate in several upcoming community conversations, or charettes, where you’ll receive a preview of renovations under way and talk to directors Heidi and Joe Rose and the Rev. Daniel Simons about the progress that has been made as the center moves closer to reopening. You’ll also have a chance to share ideas and feedback about programming at the center. Charettes are free and open to all; refreshments provided. RSVPs are not required. Information:

Breaking Bread: Fellowship1pm, Trinity Church, Manning RoomWe invite you to join us for a community meal as we break bread and find Christ in our life together in community, ministry, and activity through loving conversations. This month’s focus will be how we practice fellowship. Information: Regina Jacobs at; Kathy Bozzuti-Jones at

FRIDAY, JUNE 23Brown Bag Lunch Ministry: Packing 10am-Noon, St. Paul’s ChapelInformation:

Brown Bag Lunch 12:45pm, St. Paul’s ChapelInformation:

Catch Your Breath 1pm, Trinity Church, Manning RoomA Sanctuary for Your Day. Stop by for a centering and supportive midday interlude of meditation and contemplation. Led by the Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles. Meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month.

SATURDAY, JUNE 24Care for Caregivers10:30am-2:30pm, Parish CenterJoin the Rev. Kristin Miles and art therapist Jessica Heller of the Psychotherapy & Spirituality Institute for an afternoon of reflection and replenishment for caregivers. Together we will take a moment in our day to be replenished in the sharing of a meal, in the catching of our breath, in the comfort of prayer, and in the practice of resting in the presence of God. RSVPs appreciated by June 19 to Amiriz Sanchez at

Brown Bag Lunch 12:45pm, St. Paul’s ChapelInformation:

NEXT SUNDAYSummer Sundays Begin (and Sailing!)10am, June 25-Sept. 10, St. Paul’s ChapelThe theme of our intergenerational education hour this year is Creation Care. In our first four weeks, we’ll explore the gift of water, so we are going sailing! On June 25, at 11am after the education hour, you are invited on a two-hour ecological tour of New York Harbor on board the 19th-century restored schooner Pioneer, leaving from South Street Seaport. Pioneer has a limited number of seats, so please RSVP to Summerlee Staten at by June 18 with a firm commitment to reserve your place.


COMING SOON Mission & Service Trips Next Trip: New York City, July 14-Aug. 11 (Fridays)Commissioning: Sunday, July 9Want to make a difference? Want to participate in an activity that can create true and lasting change? Consider applying for an upcoming trip to visit Trinity’s mission partners. Members of the Trinity community and friends engage in service to build partnerships and relationships through hands-on work. A trip to Panama originally planned for earlier in the year has been rescheduled to September 20–25. Deadline for application is June 30. Information:

Trinity Retreat Center Preview Picnic12-4pm, July 29, West Cornwall, CTVisit the retreat center and get a sneak peek of renovations under way and talk to directors Heidi and Joe Rose and the Rev. Daniel Simons about the progress that has been made at the center as it moves closer to reopening. Tour the center’s renovation projects and meet the new farm animals. Trinity will provide transportation, a hearty lunch, and family-friendly activities. Free and open to all. RSVP by July 15 at

Pilgrimage to Ethiopia January 15–23, 2018There are still several places open for the January pilgrimage to Ethiopia for the Epiphany celebrations, and there is a registration discount of $50 before July 15th. After that date participation will be on an as-available basis. Contact Fr. Daniel at to reserve your place.

BULLETIN BOARDVolunteers needed: CSAJune-OctoberBrown Bag Lunch is adding fruits and vegetables to the menu! This summer Trinity is buying shares in two local Community Supported Agriculture concerns to provide fresh food to those who cannot afford it. Volunteers are needed to pick up the food each week and bring it back to Trinity for distribution. Information:

Parish Choir FormingTrinity is organizing a Parish Choir, a semi-professional-level choir that will sing for Thursday Evensong and the 9am Sunday service at Trinity. Commitment includes rehearsals at 3pm Thursdays and 8:30am Sundays. Auditions are available by appointment. The choir meets seasonally: the next session will run September 24–November 19. This choir joins the rich musical history at Trinity including the Trinity Choir of Men and Boys, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, the Trinity Youth Chorus, and the Family Choir. Information: Josh Slater at

The Trinity Charter SocietyOn May 30, five new members were inducted into The Trinity Charter Society: Gabriel Bonadie, the Rev. Canon James G. Callaway, Dr. Mary Chilton Callaway, Alfred DiRaffaele, and Shirley Quashie. Society members have declared their support of Trinity’s future ministry and mission by remembering Trinity Church Wall Street in their estate plans. If you have included Trinity in your will or in another type of estate planning vehicle, or if you would like more information about The Trinity Charter Society, please contact the Fund Development office:; 212.602.9692.

The Sisters are InWeekdays, Trinity ChurchFive days a week, for an hour each day, a Sister of St. Margaret sits quietly in a pew, waiting for anyone who needs to talk, pray, or just sit quietly with someone. “Sister Gloria and I share this ministry,” Sister Ann Whittaker, SSM, said. “I firmly believe people in the world need someone to listen to them in a non-judgmental way. But it also takes courage for the person speaking to come and do it!” The sisters are in most weekday mornings or afternoons before or after the 12:05pm service.

Trinity’s Online Gift ShopThe online Trinity Gift Shop is a great place to purchase gifts, books, music by Trinity ensembles, jewelry, devotional items, and pieces pertaining to Trinity’s history and 9/11 ministry. Parishioners always receive 20% off at the Trinity gift shop with the code PARISH20. Free shipping is always included with your order. Visit



SUNDAYS 8am Holy Eucharist, St. Paul’s Chapel

9am Holy Eucharist, Trinity Church

9:15am Family Eucharist, St. Paul’s Chapel

11:15am Holy Eucharist, Trinity Church

8pm Compline by Candlelight, St. Paul’s Chapel

WEEKDAYS 8:15am, 9am Monday–Friday Morning Prayer Chapel of All Saints, Trinity Church

12:05pm Monday–Friday Holy Eucharist, Trinity Church followed by Laying on of Hands for Healing in Chapel of All Saints

5:15pm Monday–Friday (except Thursdays) Evening Prayer Chapel of All Saints, Trinity Church

5:15pm Thursdays Evensong Chapel of All Saints, Trinity Church

To submit an item for publication, please email at least 10 days before you’d like the announcement to appear.

As part of Trinity Wall Street’s commitment to responsible stewardship of the earth’s resources, this publication is printed on paper that is manufactured with 100% post-consumer fibers.


Congregational Council: Meets third Tuesday of the month, beginning at 6pm, Trinity Church, Manning Room. RSVP: Susan Suliman at

Council meetings run as follows:6-7pm: Full Council regular monthly meeting (Manning Room)7-7:30pm: Dinner with Council Members, Subcommittee Chairs, committee members, staff (Trinity Chancel)7:30-8:30pm: Standing Committee Chairs meet with Subcommittee Chairs and appropriate staff members (Trinity Church)

Standing Committees:

Arts: Community: Education: Hospitality: Witness & Outreach:

All are welcome to attend these meetings.

Flower Donations Have flowers dedicated in honor or memory of a loved one or in celebration of a life event. A suggested donation of $150 to the Trinity Flower Fund begins the process. Information:

Prayer RequestsPrayer requests may be found on a separate card printed weekly and located at the back of the churches. The list is cleared at the end of each month. To add names to the list, email

AIDS Walk NYTrinity’s AIDS Walk NY team had a fantastic time walking on May 21. If you missed the walk, there’s still time to donate. To give, call 212.807.WALK and ask that your donation be credited to Trinity’s team number 9797.

Congregational Voice“But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength” (2 Timothy 4:17). I just saw this verse online and liked it. It seemed like a great verse for my last final week in college. I am now a college graduate!!! —Tracey Cadogan


Sunday Stafflisted by last name

Ellen AndrewsProgram Manager, Pastoral Care and Community

Sister Promise AtelonSisters of Saint Margaret

Melissa AtteburyAssociate Director of Music

Wendy Claire BarrieProgram Manager, Children and Youth

The Rev. Elizabeth BluntPriest for Congregational Life and the Arts

Dr. Kathy Bozzuti-JonesAssociate Director for Faith Formation and Education

The Rev. Dr. Mark Bozzuti-JonesPriest and Director of Core Values and Latin America & Caribbean Relations

Jennifer ChinnProgram Manager, Justice and Reconciliation

Mandy CulbreathCoordinator for Justice and Reconciliation

The Rev. Frank HakoolaPriest and Program Officer for Africa

The Rev. Phillip A. JacksonVicar

The Rev. Dr. William LupferRector

The Rev. Kristin Kaulbach MilesDirector for Pastoral Care and Community

The Rev. Canon Benjamin Musoke-LubegaPriest and Director of Anglican Relations

Robert ScottDirector for Faith Formation and Education

Sister Gloria ShirleySisters of Saint Margaret

The Rev. Daniel SimonsPriest and Director of Spiritual Formaation and Pilgrimage

Joshua Anand SlaterAssistant Director of Music

Scott SmithHead Sacristan

Summerlee StatenProgram Assistant, Faith Formation and Education

Avi SteinAssociate Organist and Chorusmaster

The Rev. Winnie VarghesePriest and Director of Justice and Reconciliation

Dr. Julian WachnerDirector of Music

Sister Ann WhittakerSisters of Saint Margaret

Vinod WesleySacristan

Kyle Folk-FreundProgram Assistant, Justice and Reconciliation

Ruth FreySenior Program Officer, Justice and Reconciliation

120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271 T 212.602.0800 | The Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, Rector The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson, Vicar


This is a service of Holy Eucharist according to Rite II, which begins on page 355 of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Scripture readings are appointed by the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) and are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible. Hymns come from The Hymnal 1982 , Wonder, Love, and Praise (WLP), and Lift Every Voice and Sing (LEVAS); service music not otherwise credited is composed by Joshua Anand Slater. The Prayers of the People and

other service elements usually taken from the BCP may also come from additional sources as noted.


William Lupfer, Rector

Joseph E. Hakim, Church Warden; Joel Motley, Church Warden

Frederick Bland, Lawrence F. Graham, William H. A. Wright II, William L. Cobb, Sanders Davies, Dr. Scott E. Evenbeck, Paul B. Yang, Robert G. Zack, Suzanne Hammett, Susan Hewitt,

Macculloch M. Irving, T. Dennis Sullivan, Emory Edwards, Eric Eve, Sara B. Queen, John G. Talty, Mary Katherine Wold, Christian B. Hylton, Charles J. O’Byrne, Gabrielle E. Sulzberger


Phillip Jackson, Vicar; William Lupfer, Rector

Deborah E. Hope, President; Keith Klein, Vice President

Katie Basquin, Adrienne Bradley, Ryan L. Campbell, Felicia Eve, Ruth Antoinette “Toni” Foy, Kevin Grant, Deborah E. Hope, Keith Klein, Barbara Inniss, Charles Jamison, James Langford, Joyce Coppin Mondesire, Maribel Ruiz, Luciana Sikula

In an effort to reach a broad audience, Trinity Wall Street records its services and events for broadcast on the internet. Your attendance at a service or event constitutes your consent to be included in any filming, photographing, audio recording, or broadcast and for any other use in whole or in part, including publicity and promotion. If you prefer to avoid being filmed, please sit in the back pews on the side aisles.

Sunday parking validation for the Battery Parking Garage is available at the Parish Center, 2 Rector St. Please ask an usher for directions.

The image on the bulletin cover is the Trinity Seal. Inspired by The Revelation to John 10:1–10, it represents the arrival of the first Anglican Church in the colony of New York in 1697. The seal features a “mighty angel” with a “face like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire,” straddling the sea and the land and transferring the Gospel, brought from England by the ship, to a child, a symbol of the young colony of New York. In the scroll below the angel’s feet appear the words “JURO TEMPUS NON FORE AMPLIUS” which translate as “I Swear That There Shall Be No More Delay,” referring to the urgency of establishing the Church. Bulletin cover poetry is from the Revised Common Lectionary project sponsored by the Jean and Alexander Heard Library and the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, a division of the Heard Library.


DEACON: The Rev. Deacon Morgan Mercer-Ladd PREACHER: The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson

MUSICIANS: The Choir of Trinity Wall Street Julian Wachner, Director of Music