Trends in IoT 2017

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Transcript of Trends in IoT 2017

Top trends in IoT in 2017

Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer

Technical Support Manager, Core

Products – Asia Pacific

Progress Software, India

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Tech Support Manager at Progress, Hyderabad, India

Masters & Ph.D. from National University of Singapore

Interests: Kathakali, Traveling, Photography, Cooking


About Me

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Top trends

• Blockchain

• DDOS attacks

• Security

• Cognitive Computing

• Containers and Microservices


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What is IoT?


• The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to communicate and sense or interact with their internal states or the external environment


• As objects become embedded with sensors and gain the ability to communicate, the new information networks promise to create new business models, improve business processes, and reduce costs and risks.

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The evolution

People to people

People to things

Things to things


$5,000 IoT


Smart Fridge



Takes Selfies c



1. IoT and Blockchain will converge

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What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a shared single version of the truth of anything digital

It is a database technology, a distributed ledger that maintains and ever

growing list of data records, which are decentralised and impossible to

tamper with

The data records, which can be a Bitcoin transaction or a smart contract

or anything else for that matter, are combined in so-called blocks

In order to add these blocks to the distributed ledger, the data needs to

be validated by 51% of all the computers within the network that have

access to the Blockchain

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Blockchain and IoT will converge

Blockchain technology is considered by many experts as the missing link

to settle scalability, privacy, and reliability concerns in the Internet of


Blockchain technology can be used in tracking billions of connected

devices, enable the processing of transactions and coordination between

devices; allow for significant savings to IoT industry manufacturers

This decentralized approach would eliminate single points of failure,

creating a more resilient ecosystem for devices to run on

The cryptographic algorithms used by Blockchain would make consumer

data more private

In 2017 IoT will converge with Blockchain for better security and privacy

opening the door for a new category in applications, hardware, and


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Leveraging Blockchain in three key ways

Build Trust

Reduce Cost

Accelerate Transactions

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Leveraging Blockchain in three key ways

• Blockchain can help build trust between the people and parties that transact together. While Person A may not know device B and may not trust it implicitly, the indelible record of transactions and data from devices stored on the blockchain provide proof and command the necessary trust for businesses and people to cooperate.

Build Trust

• IoT and blockchain can enable participants to reduce monetary and time commitment costs by ultimately removing the “middle man” from the process. Transactions and device data are now exhibited on a peer to peer basis, removing most legal or contractual costs.

Reduced Cost

• IoT and blockchain enables more transactions overall because the “middle man” is removed from the process. Smart contracts allow for organizations to reduce time needed for completing legal or contractual commitments.

Accelerated transactions c

2. IoT Devices and More DDoS Attacks

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DDOS attacks

Forrester thinks that the 2016 DDoS attack that hit a whopping 1600 websites in the

United States was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the threat that the

connected device poses to the world

That attack confirmed the fear of vulnerability of IoT devices with a massive distributed

denial of service attack that crippled the servers of services like Twitter, NetFlix ,

NYTimes, and PayPal across the U.S. on October 21st , 2016

It’s the result of an immense assault that involved millions of Internet addresses and

malicious software, according to #Dyn, the prime victim of that attack. "One source of

the traffic for the attacks was devices infected by the Mirai botnet".

All indications suggest that countless Internet of Things (IoT) devices that power

everyday technology like closed-circuit cameras and smart-home devices were hijacked

by the malware, and used against the servers.

3. IoT Security

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As we rely on connected devices to make our lives better and easier,

security must be considered from every aspect

All participants in the IoT ecosystem have a responsibility for the security

of the devices, data and solutions

This means that device manufacturers, application developers,

consumers, operators, integrators and enterprise businesses all have

their part to play to follow best practices

IoT security requires a multi-layered approach

• From a device point of view it should be considered at the blueprint level that starts

with design and development and keeps hardware, firmware/software, and data

secure through their entire life

• The same approach applies if you are a security analyst or operations personnel

responsible for IoT solutions. c

4. Cognitive Computing

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Cognitive IoT

Beyond traditional IoT implementations, cognitive

computing is increasing the amount of data to

improve the learning environment and increase the

possibilities of what can be done with edge analytics

Making sensors capable of diagnosing and adapting

to their environment without the need for human


Another huge advantage of cognitive IoT is the ability

to combine multiple data streams that can identify

patterns and give much more context than would be

otherwise available

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Cognitive computing

Cognitive IoT, AI and machine learning are further enabling enterprises to unlock IoT


An exploding amount of IoT data requires a new approach to gather, analyze and

makes sense out of all that data

Such a massive amount of information from sensors and devices can be used to

enhance existing data and knowledge, uncovering insights capable of transforming


But although making sense out of dark data and edge data is paving our way to

revolutionary ideas and technologies, it requires a cognitive approach that can

effectively handle increasingly large inputs while generating meaningful output

Cognitive systems learn from interactions with people and from experiences with their


In doing so, they become able to keep pace with the complexity of the Internet of things,

identifying data correlations that would otherwise go unnoticed

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DataRPM delivers industry's only Cognitive Predictive Maintenance (CPdM)

Platform for Industrial IoT

DataRPM uses patent pending Meta-Learning technology, integral

component of Artificial Intelligence to automate predictions of asset failures

CPdM is a full stack platform available on cloud or on premises that connects

to the data lake and then automatically runs multiple Machine Learning

experiments, finds patterns & anomalies in data, identifies influencing factors

& predictors, and builds an ensemble of predictive models to automate

Predictive Maintenance

Not only does CPdM platform delivers descriptive, predictive, prescriptive

analytics through Natural Language Discovery module but also provides a

closed loop system by integrating these actionable insights through APIs to

ERP, CRM, and CMS systems.

5. IoT, Containers and Microservices

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IoT and Microservices

1. Low Cost - The beauty of going with the simpler hardware is that you

can rely on microservices to add value and fill functional gaps. You can

also gradually roll out the network and continue to upgrade and maintain

it in a cost-effective manner as individual components get replaced.

2. Faster Innovation - A microservices development approach allows

you to unlock innovation (and thus value) faster by making it easy to test

new combinations of “things” and “services.” No need to build an entire

technology stack or invest in big infrastructure over many months. With

microservices, you can tinker and test to your heart’s content and

quickly reap the benefits of innovative solutions to your problems.

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IoT and Microservices

3. Isolated Risk - Assembling your solution via microservices allows you to

adjust and iterate quickly, thus avoiding the danger of missing the mark.

4. Flexibility and Agility - Assembling your solution via microservices allows

you to adjust and iterate quickly, thus avoiding the danger of missing the


5. Unlimited value-add - The device you deploy is never going to transcend

its physical capabilities until you upgrade or replace its physical

components. The digital upgrades you can provide via constantly evolving

microservices, however, are unlimited both in their scope and their

frequency. A camera may be designed to only capture 2D images, but

depending on the third-party service it’s linked to, it might provide you with

statistical traffic information, queue sizes or weather information.

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BlockchainDDOS Attacks


Cognitive Computing

Containers and

Microservices GANESHNIYER