Tree Diagrams Ppt

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Tree Diagrams Ppt

  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt



  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt


    What is a Tree Diagram

    It starts with one item that branches into two more,each item branches into two more and so on.

    It looks like a tree with a trunk and multiple


  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt


    Why is it used

    It is used to break down broad categories into finerdetails.

    Developing the tree diagram helps you move your

    thinking step by step from generalities to specifics.

  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt


    When to use ?

    When an issue being addressed braodly and it hasto be more specific so as to develop logical steps to

    achieve a result.

    When developing action to carry out a solution or

    action plan When analyzing process in detail

    When probing for root cause of the probem

    When evaluating implementation issue for several

    potential solutions

    As a communication tool.

  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt




    Develop a statement of the goal, project orproblem. Write it at the top(vertical tree) or far left(horizontal tree).

    2. Ask question that will take you to the next detail.

    3. Do a necessary and sufficient check.

    4. Each of the new idea statement now becomes thesubject.

    5. Carry out the steps 2 and 3 to uncover the nextlevel of detail.

    6. Continue this till non divisible causes i.e. rootcauses are identified.

    7. Finally do a necessary and sufficient check of thewhole diagram

  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt



    The Pearl River, NY School District, a 2001 recipientof the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, usesa tree diagram to communicate how district-widegoals are translated into sub-goals and individualprojects. They call this connected approach The

    Golden Thread. The district has three fundamental goals. The first, to

    improve academic performance, is partly shown inthe figure below.

    District leaders have identified two strategicobjectives that, when accomplished, will lead toimproved academic performance: academicachievement and college admissions.

  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt


    Tree diagram

  • 7/30/2019 Tree Diagrams Ppt


    Tree diagram

    Lag indicators are long-term and resultsoriented.The lag indicator for academic achievement isRegents diploma rate: the percent of studentsreceiving a state diploma by passing eight Regentsexams.

    Lead indicators are short-term and process-oriented.Starting in 2000, the lead indicator for the Regentsdiploma rate was performance on new fourth andeighth grade state tests.

    Finally, annual projects are defined, based oncauseandeffect analysis, that will improveperformance. In 20002001, four projects wereaccomplished to improve academic achievement.