
Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Treatment


The readers of my magazine Pop Vibe will be young girls, mainly teenagers, ranging from 11-17 year olds. Parents of the readers will fall into the C1/C2 socioeconomic grouping as the majority of readers will by in full time education and therefore have little or no income of their own, so they often have to rely on their parents for finance. The average reader

of Pop Vibe will be confident in most aspects of life but may have to ask others for advice for some aspects. They will enjoy a range of activities whether its shopping or socialising with friends. They will be bright and want to be bold and sassy to get the most out of life. The girls that the

magazine is aimed at will shop at places like New Look, H&M, River Island and Topshop and they shall eat at places like McDonalds and Subway.


Pop Vibe will be an A4 full colour magazine which will contain chart music, information on new artists, gossip on music stars and artists to look out for. The cover model for the magazine will be someone young to appeal

to the target audience. The cover shall also be bright, bold and colorful e.g. pink, purple and blue. Quite frequently Pop Vibe will feature famous

celebrities such as Beyoncé or attractive males such as the boys from One Direction. The cover lines that will be use shall show that the magazine is

quite quirky and “cool” to appeal to its audience but also some of them shall be dealing with issues that every young girl wants to know about. The graphics used shall be bold and eye-catching and the cover shall be

clear and spaced out so it doesn’t look to daunting to read. The magazine shall sell at £1.00, an average price for a young girls magazine, this will

make the magazine affordable.




Pop Vibe will have many regular features typical to that of a young girl magazines. Every issue shall include fashion, hair and make-up tips as well

as advice on relationships, school etc. A typical girls magazine has emphasis on boys so this will be included in Pop Vive too. The magazine shall also include information on who is in the charts at the moment as well as information on new artists, artists to look out for and gossip on

music stars. There will also be a page of activities such as crosswords and horoscopes for extra entertainment. The articles included in the magazine

shall be wrote informally as if you are talking to a best friend, also the language shall be familiar to the target audience to make the magazine

relevant to the target audience.


A range of brands shall be advertised in Pop Vibe each month mostly those that the target audience are familiar with, shop at or

use. The brands that the magazine shall advertise have to be suitable for the target audience e.g. have something to do with

fashion/health and beauty.


The editorial team for Pop Vibe will be made up of experienced writers and designers. The team will mostly be made up of young, trendy women around the age of 25, this is so the content in the

magazine will be suitable for young girls and so they will be in the with the times and therefore be writing and designing things that are up-to-date. There will be opportunities to get the audiences perspective on things by asking them to get in contact with the

magazine and contribute any ideas that they may have. The aim of team is to provide fresh ideas to the target audience as well as

having reliable experience themselves.