Travel Scopes - opticron · scopes for travel. Michael & DIane Porter. Contributors, Bird...

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Transcript of Travel Scopes - opticron · scopes for travel. Michael & DIane Porter. Contributors, Bird...





You start birding with a binocular, most likely 8- or 10- power. But soon you want to identify birds farther away. A good, full-sized spotting scope can extend your reach up to 60- or 75- power, but there’s a price. And it’s not just the money. It’s also the size and the weight of the rest of what you need.

A spotting scope is useless without stable tripod legs to steady the image and a good fluid head to let you follow and find the bird. The whole outfit—scope, tripod, and

Our optics experts in

Iowa sort out the best small

scopes for travel.

Michael & DIane PorterContributors, Bird Watcher’s Digest

Travel Scopes

head, can be an awkward and heavy burden to carry. And don’t forget, you still need your binoculars and field guide along, too.

On the way out the door, you glance at the scope outfit and ask, “Do I really need to take you along?” Too many times, the scope loses the debate and stays home. And too many times, that’s when you can’t quite see some-thing you really want to see.

Here’s where the “travel scope” concept comes in. A scope that says, “I’m not so heavy! You can carry me for miles and not get tired. Take me! Take me!”

A smaller, lighter scope doesn’t need as heavy a tri-pod or head, so the whole outfit can be much lighter and more compact. It can all fit into a carry-on bag. Diane named her first travel-scope outfit the “Guatemala Kit.” It weighed only 5 pounds, and she happily took it up

24 2014 Optics Annual

Travel Scopes REVIEW

the side of a volcano while politely declining numerous offers from others to help carry it.

This review compares spotting scopes with objec-tive lenses of 65mm or small-er. It aims to help you decide which small scope would work best for you.

How We TestedWe spent several weeks

testing and comparing 12 small scopes. We also orga-nized a test day so that local birders could try the scopes and give us their opinions.

We tested each scope for resolution, to generate a number that reflects the rela-tive overall quality of each optical system. A scope’s resolution score relates directly to how much detail you can see in a distant bird.

We measured using a T-21-RP U.S. Air Force 1951 resolution chart from Applied Image Inc. This chart is printed at such high resolution that you actually need a microscope to see its smallest elements. It com-prises progressively smaller groups of lines, with each group labeled by numbers that get larger as the groups of lines get smaller. These numbers are the scores in

the scopes chart. We tested each scope many times and averaged the scores when there was variation.

We tested indoors using a 500-watt halogen work lamp so that the atmospheric con-ditions and lighting would remain constant. To minimize vibration, we mounted each scope on a sturdy, carbon fiber tripod resting on a stone floor.

The tester’s eyes had nor-mal 20/20 vision. We kept a reference scope handy to check whether eye fatigue was becoming an issue.

The reference scope was the Swarovski 95mm ATX, with a 30x to 70x zoom. Its scores are also included in the chart, so you can com-pare other scopes in the test to what a large, very high-end scope is capable of resolving.

By comparing the resolu-tion scores of the Swarovski 65 ATX and the Swarovski 95 ATX, you can see a basic principle of telescopes. All other things being equal, bigger objective lenses deliver higher resolution. The modular eyepiece ele-ment, prisms, optical qual-ity, glass, and anti-reflective coatings are the same in both these Swarovskis. The test scores clearly show the

26 2014 Optics Annual

Team Iowa

pauses for a


during field

testing for the

travel scopes


increased resolution pro-duced by the larger objec-tive lens.Some Caveats Regarding

Resolution Scores These tests were done with

only one sample of each scope, and that sample could have been atypical.

Small scopes have a slight advantage in resolution scores. Their small exit pupil makes them less affected by astigma-tism in the tester’s eye and may allow them to deliver a sharper image.

It’s inherently unfair to compare a $175 scope to one costing more than $3,000. The reader should take price into consideration when evaluat-ing scores. Scopes with lower scores in this chart may still be quite good optically.

About the Chart Because of the wide range

of size and prices, we divided the scopes into three groups to make them easier to compare.

The groups are: A. The most compact and

light weight travel scopesB. The midsize and midprice

travel scopesC. The high-end, most

expensive travel scopes

For perspective, we also included the data on the Swarovski 95mm reference scope that we used in our tests.

The Three Resolution Scores Shown in the

Chart30x column: This shows what

we could see at 30-power, which all the scopes in our test included in their zoom range.

Res Max column: This shows what we could see at the maxi-mum magnification that the scope’s eyepiece allowed. Note that this is not a same-to-same power test, but more a real-life, practical power test. A scope with a higher mag-nification has an advantage. This score shows how well, at

2014 Optics Annual 27

maximum magnification, a par-ticular scope will let you see a distant bird.

Res Max Mag +2x column: This is the same measurement as the Res Mag column, above, but with a 2x magnifier behind the eyepiece. Again, this is not a same-to-same power test. It shows what a person with bet-ter than normal 20/20 eyesight might see. It gives a little deep-er look into a scope’s ability.

Size and Weight Manufacturers’ length speci-

fications do not always include the eyepiece. We stood each scope on end and measured its length including the eyepiece. We weighed each scope, eye-piece attached, using an elec-tronic postal scale.

Our Close Focus Manufacturers’ close focus

specifications may not all be done the same way. The results will depend on the close focus-ing ability of the person doing the test. We measured this distance ourselves, using the same person for all the scopes.

Eye Relief and Field of View

Eye relief and field of view data are from the manufactur-ers’ specifications.

Focusing The scopes represented

four focusing solutions. We found all the scopes’ focusing mechanisms to be responsive, smooth, and free from slack, so we did not score the focus solu-tion in the chart, but only indi-cated the focus type. Which is best is a personal preference.

One: A single focus knob, usually located on the top of the barrel in front of the eye-piece. The focus has to work fast enough to change range quickly and yet slow enough to allow fine focus adjustment.

Two: Two focus knobs. The front knob allows fine adjust-ments. The rear knob moves faster through the focus range.

2-Speed : Zeiss has cleverly re-designed the focus mecha-nism so that one knob handles both slow and fast focus. For more detail, see the Zeiss review below.

Barrel: Instead of a small knob on top of the scope, a wide ring circles the bar-rel, like the focusing ring on telephoto camera lenses. For more detail, see the Swarovski review below.

Not in the Chart Waterproofing was not

in the chart because all the scopes in the test were water-proof.

28 2014 Optics Annual

Space doesn’t allow an indi-vidual review of every scope we tested, but here are some scopes that stood out.

The Most Compact Travel Scopes

Vortex Optics Razor HD 11-33 x 50mm • 25.5 oz.

10.3” • $699.99Best small travel scope

The 50mm Vortex Razor, the second-smallest and lightest scope in our test, was introduced in 2013. It competes directly with the 50mm Nikon Fieldscope.

Heavier than the Nikon by 5.5 oz., and an inch longer, the Vor-tex has a greater zoom range of 11-33x, compared to the Nikon’s 13-30x. The extra power may be the reason that the Vortex could slightly edge out the Nikon’s resolution in the Max Mag + 2x column. At 30x, the Razor’s reso-lution score tied the Nikon’s and bested all the other under-$2,000 scopes in the test.

The Vortex’s maximum field of view (191 feet at 1,000 yards) beats the Nikon’s. When you try

SCOPES OF NOTE:to find a bird in a scope, the wider field of view at low power can save precious seconds. Furthermore, one of our judges noted that because it can zoom down to 11x, and is lightweight, you can hand hold it. You might get a quick look at a bird without setting up your tripod.

Nice features include eye relief of 20mm, great for glasses wear-ers. We measured the close focus at 7.9 feet. The body is partially armored, at points of hand con-tact. Lens covers attach to the barrel by elastic rings, so they can stay attached to the scope while in use. It has a double focus knob. A slight flaw is the old-fashioned, roll-down rubber eyecup. And the tripod mount does not allow rotation of the scope to different angles.

This little scope stood out as a favorite among our judges. Sev-eral wanted to take it home with them. We rate it the best scope in the small travel scope category because of its excellent optical quality, good zoom range, wide field of view, and long eye relief. It also has a very competitive price.

Nikon Fieldscope ED50 13-30 x 50mm • 20 oz.

9.3” • $829.95 Smallest and lightest

The time-tested, popular Nikon is the smallest and lightest scope SC











2014 Optics Annual 29

in our survey. At 30x, it tied with the small Vortex for best resolu-tion, beating all the other scopes except the over-$2000 group.

The 50mm Nikon has a single focus knob, focusing as close as 9.2 feet. The focus speed is well chosen for both fine and fast adjustments and turns with tradi-tional Nikon precision and smooth-ness — not a trace of slack.

Like the 50mm Vortex, but unlike all the other scopes in the survey, the Nikon has the old-fash-ioned roll-down rubber eyecup. Its 13mm of eye relief is less than ideal for glasses wearers.

Other drawbacks include the lack of rubber armoring and, like the 50mm Vortex’s, the Nikon tripod mount does not allow the scope to rotate.

For years, the Nikon has enjoyed a top position in the high quality, 50mm travel scope niche. Now it faces a challenge from the less costly 50mm Vortex Razor HD. However, the Nikon has excel-lent optical quality, and if getting the absolutely smallest and light-est scope is your top priority, this is it! SC











Alpen Outdoor 728 Compact 15-45 x 60mm • 26.3 oz.

11” • $175.00 A best buy for those

on a budget Here’s a small travel scope that

almost anyone can afford. At its maximum zoom of 45x, its resolu-tion scores beat several larger, costlier scopes. It’s remarkably light and compact, within one ounce and one inch of the 50mm Vortex.

It’s fully rubber armored and hand friendly. The single focus knob is smooth and slack free. However, its close focus of 25.3 feet was the longest in the test. And like the Nikon and the 50mm Vortex, it has no barrel rotation. Included with the scope is a table-top tripod.

We rate it a best buy. If you would like to add a small scope to your birding toolkit, but your budget is limited, here’s the scope for you.

30 2014 Optics Annual

Midsize and Midprice Travel


Vortex Optics Razor HD 16-48 x 65 • 48.4 oz.

14.3” • $1,199.99 Best midsize scope and a high-resolution best buy

The 65mm Vortex Razor HD was clearly the best scope in our mid-size and midprice category. It was also the most expensive, but it got the highest resolution scores in the group. It had the best close focus distance in the group, 12.3 feet, and the widest field of view at lowest magnification.

The scope is partially covered with rubberized armoring, giving it an attractive green-and-grey design. Our judges also praised the large, well-engineered, dual focus knobs.

We found the 65mm Vortex’s resolution approaches the quality of the three high-end scopes, and yet the scope costs much less. We rate it a high-resolution best buy and tops in the mid-sized group.

Opticron IS 60 WP with HR2 Zoom

16-48 x 60 • 33.1 oz. 12.3.” • $409.00

A best buy in midsize scopes

One of the three least expensive scopes in our survey, the Opticron IS 60 stands out for its light weight (33.1 ounces) and good optical quality, as evidenced by its high resolution score in the Max Mag + 2x column.

Some of our judges were hap-pily surprised that such a small and inexpensive scope could be so good. For an entry-level scope or for the budget minded buyer, this is one to consider.

High-end Travel ScopesLeica APO-Televid 25-50 x 65 • 55.1 oz. 14.3” • $2,099.00

Best buy in high-end scopes Of the three high-end travel

scopes, the Leica APO-Televid weighed the least. Its 19mm eye relief was excellent for glasses, and we noted that the eye relief did not seem to diminish as we moved through the zoom range. A twist-out eyecup has four posi-tions for customizing the scope to

2014 Optics Annual 31

suit your eyeglasses.The optical quality is superb,

a beautiful wide view. Leica got the same resolution scores in the Max Mag + 2x column as the 56x Zeiss and the 60x Swarovski, showing its deep optical quality. The lesser score in the Max Mag column is expected, as the Leica zooms only to 50x.

The Leica has two focus knobs, partially recessed into the body of the scope. They are easy to find and turn, and their position offers good protection against snagging and damage.

The scope is completely black rubber armored. Patches of leather-like textured armoring on the bottom and on the top near the focus knobs provide a design element and may make the scope easier to hold.

Because it delivers super high resolution at a lower price, we rate it the best buy in high-end scopes.

Zeiss Victory DiaScope 65T* FL

15-56 x 65 • 55.8 oz. 14.8” • $ 2,649.99

A unique focusing solution There is something unique

about the Zeiss DiaScope. One single focus knob acts like a fast focus knob and a fine focus knob, putting an end to fumbling for

which knob to turn.The first 270 degrees of rotation

either way is precise and slow. After that, the knob shifts gears and starts moving the focus five times as fast. When you stop turning the knob, it automatically goes back to the precision mode. The solu-tion works well but requires getting used to. If you share the scope with a friend, be sure to provide some hands-on instruction.

Our judges noted that the Zeiss DiaScope’s eye relief was good at both the minimum and the maximum magnification, but that it declined in the middle ranges. If you turn the zoom on the Zeiss while wearing eyeglasses, you can see the image circle shrink and then expand again as the eye relief changes.

Resolution scores tied with the other high-end scopes. The Dia-Scope provides a bright, clean, sharp, lovely image, with more resolution than your eye can see. It has an extremely wide maximum field of view, 153 feet at 1,000 yards when set at minimum magni-fication. Easy to locate a bird!

Swarovski ATX with 65 objective

25-60 x 65mm • 56.7 oz.13.4” • $3,058.00

32 2014 Optics Annual

Best scope in testWith their new ATX model line,

Swarovski has reinvented the spot-ting scope. It’s now a modular sys-tem, much like an SLR camera. The scope is in two pieces, the objective module containing the front lens, and the ocular module containing the prisms and eyepiece.

The same ocular module can take three sizes of objectives, 65mm, 85mm, or 95mm. You can invest in one ocular but have another objective to use for different situations. If you are digiscoping close to the car, use your 95mm. If you are traveling or walking far, put on your 65mm.

The modules join together using a large bayonet mount located near the middle of the scope barrel. This way of joining is much stronger than the usual eyepiece mount. Instead of sticking out of the scope body, the eyepiece is integrated into the scope body. The whole system is protected and armored all the way from the front end to the eyecups. Eye relief is a generous 20mm, and the close focus, which we measured at 6.8 feet, was the best in the test.

Both the focus and the zoom controls are located on the bar-rel, one immediately behind the other. You can switch between them instantly. They will work in cold weather with gloves or even mittens. The large diameter of the focus ring gives you great control over fine focusing. You can also move quickly from near to far by

swiping along the top of the ring with the flat of your hand. It’s an elegant bit of ergonomic design, a happy marriage of function and aesthetics.

The ATX system seems designed from the get-go for digi-scopers. The ocular module with its robust bayonet mount can securely support the weight of an adapter and camera. You’ll enjoy stability, good alignment, and sharp pictures. Also, Swarovski has new digiscoping adapters to take advantage of the new design. It’s a digiscoper’s dream.

Another detail: Most scopes have their magnification power scale printed on the eyepiece. It’s often hard to read, and to confuse matters, there’s often more than one scale. On the Swarovski ATX system, each objective module is able to have its own scale, with big, easy-to-see numbers. Small stuff like this helps make a great product.

The 65mm Swarovski ties with the other high-end scopes for the highest resolution scores in the Max Mag + 2x column. However, because of its groundbreaking ergonomic design, the Swarovski wins, hands down, for best scope in the test. Of course, it’s also the most expensive. But isn’t that what money’s for? £

2014 Optics Annual 33

Vortex Optics Razor HD 11-33x50 $699.99 25.5 10.3 50 11-33 20 191 96 7.9 Y 5.7 5.7 6.8 Two F

Nikon Fieldscope ED50 $829.95 20.0 9.3 50 13-30 13 157 NA 9.2 Y 5.7 5.7 6.5 One F

Opticron GS 52 Fieldscope wSDL V2 eyepiece $808.00 36.8 11.0 52 12-36 20 180 108 6.9 Y 4.8 5.2 6.0 Two T

Alpen Outdoor 728 Compact Waterproof $175.00 26.3 11.0 60 15-45 18 115 59 25.3 N 4.5 5.4 5.7 One F

Vortex Optics Razor HD 16-48x65 $1,199.99 48.4 14.3 65 16-48 20 138 75 12.3 Y 5.2 6.6 7.1 Two T

Opticron IS 60 WP with HR2 Zoom $409.00 33.1 12.3 60 16-48 18 135 69 20.5 N 5.0 5.7 6.8 One T

Celestron Regal M2 65ED $499.95 58.5 15.5 65 16-48 20 131 68 14.2 Y 5.0 5.7 5.7 Two T

Vanguard Endeavor HD 65A $589.99 51.5 13.5 65 15-45 20 141 68 15.6 Y 4.0 5.0 5.7 Two T

Vanguard Endeavor XF 60A $389.99 45.2 13.5 60 15-45 20 138 68 13.8 N 3.6 4.0 4.0 One T

Swarovski ATX with 65 objective $3,058.00 56.7 13.4 65 25-60 20 124 68 6.8 Y 6.4 9.8 10.1 Barrel T

Zeiss Victory DiaScope 65T* FL $2,649.99 55.8 14.8 65 15-56 16 153 62 12.6 Y 6.4 9.0 10.1 2-Speed TC

Leica APO-Televid 65 $2,099.00 55.1 14.3 65 25-50 19 123 84 9.6 Y 6.4 8.3 10.1 Two TC

Swarovski ATX with 95 objective $4,078.00 80.0 17.0 95 30-70 20 104 57 14.7 Y 6.4 12.9 14.3 Barrel T








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Travel Scopes Review

LEGEND Eyecup Type F = Fold-down eyecup, T = Twist-up eyecup, TC = Twist-click eyecupSpecial Glass Y = Has special low-dispersion glass, N = Does not have special glass








34 2014 Optics Annual

Vortex Optics Razor HD 11-33x50 $699.99 25.5 10.3 50 11-33 20 191 96 7.9 Y 5.7 5.7 6.8 Two F

Nikon Fieldscope ED50 $829.95 20.0 9.3 50 13-30 13 157 NA 9.2 Y 5.7 5.7 6.5 One F

Opticron GS 52 Fieldscope wSDL V2 eyepiece $808.00 36.8 11.0 52 12-36 20 180 108 6.9 Y 4.8 5.2 6.0 Two T

Alpen Outdoor 728 Compact Waterproof $175.00 26.3 11.0 60 15-45 18 115 59 25.3 N 4.5 5.4 5.7 One F

Vortex Optics Razor HD 16-48x65 $1,199.99 48.4 14.3 65 16-48 20 138 75 12.3 Y 5.2 6.6 7.1 Two T

Opticron IS 60 WP with HR2 Zoom $409.00 33.1 12.3 60 16-48 18 135 69 20.5 N 5.0 5.7 6.8 One T

Celestron Regal M2 65ED $499.95 58.5 15.5 65 16-48 20 131 68 14.2 Y 5.0 5.7 5.7 Two T

Vanguard Endeavor HD 65A $589.99 51.5 13.5 65 15-45 20 141 68 15.6 Y 4.0 5.0 5.7 Two T

Vanguard Endeavor XF 60A $389.99 45.2 13.5 60 15-45 20 138 68 13.8 N 3.6 4.0 4.0 One T

Swarovski ATX with 65 objective $3,058.00 56.7 13.4 65 25-60 20 124 68 6.8 Y 6.4 9.8 10.1 Barrel T

Zeiss Victory DiaScope 65T* FL $2,649.99 55.8 14.8 65 15-56 16 153 62 12.6 Y 6.4 9.0 10.1 2-Speed TC

Leica APO-Televid 65 $2,099.00 55.1 14.3 65 25-50 19 123 84 9.6 Y 6.4 8.3 10.1 Two TC

Swarovski ATX with 95 objective $4,078.00 80.0 17.0 95 30-70 20 104 57 14.7 Y 6.4 12.9 14.3 Barrel T



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Travel Scopes Review



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Notes: All the scopes in the survey are waterproof and fogproof. Focus solution column is explained in the article. The weight, length, and minimum close focus are by the authors’ measurement. See article. Eye relief and field of view are taken from the manufacturers’ specifications.









2014 Optics Annual 35