Translation Practice - Contemporary English 6

Post on 11-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Translation Practice - Contemporary English 6



(1)Grka primila prvih 7,5 milijardi

Grka je primila prvih 7,5 milijardi eura iz novog paketa pomoi Europske unije i Meunarodnog monetarnog fonda (MMF) koje e najveim dijelom iskoristiti za otplatu dugova po obveznicama u posjedu sredinjih banaka eurozone, kazali su u grki dunosnici.

MMF i partneri Grke u eurozoni proli su tjedan odobrili drugi paket pomoi vrijedan 130 milijardi eura kako bi se osiguralo financiranje zaduene zemlje do kraja 2014.

Primili smo 5,9 milijardi eura iz eurozone i 1,6 milijardi eura iz MMF-a, kazao je Reutersu dunosnik grkog ministarstva financija. Dodao je da e Grka novac iskoristiti za otplatu 4,66 milijardi eura glavnice Europskoj sredinjoj banci (ECB) i sredinjim bankama drava eurozone na ime trogodinje obveznice koja je dospjela na naplatu. Navedeni iznos takoer e pokriti priblino 200 milijuna eura koliko iznosi kamata na te obveznice, dok e ostatak biti iskoriten za potrebe prorauna.

U najveem restrukturiranju dugova u povijesti, privatni su vjerovnici pristali na gubitke po svojim portfeljima grkih obveznica, no to nisu uinili slubeni kreditori poput ECB-a. To znai da im je Atena i dalje duna otplatiti kamate i dospjele obveznice.

(2)Supermarkets fear egg shortage

Britain's supermarket shelves could be empty of key products within a month as an acute shortage of eggs threatens to have serious consequences for the country's food chain. New EU rules banning the housing of hens in conventional cages are being blamed for what some in the industry are already labelling a "crisis", as competition among food manufacturers to source eggs sends prices rocketing. The price of eggs on the EU wholesale market has nearly quadrupled over the past week to more than four euros a kilo.

"It's now no longer a question of price, it's a question of supply," said one industry source who asked to be anonymous. "I estimate that within three to four weeks some companies will be at breaking point."

Eggs both in liquid and powdered form are used in a variety of food products from biscuits and cakes to pasta and mayonnaise. A shortage of their main ingredient would threaten the viability of some food manufacturers, several of which are already closing down their production lines because they cannot afford the soaring price of eggs and cannot raise their prices because supermarkets refuse to pass on any increase to consumers

(3)Kuwait Official: Crude may Skyrocket to $160

Oil prices could soar to as high as $160 a barrel if tension over an Iranian oil embargo persists or in the event of conflict, a top Kuwaiti oil executive said in remarks published on Monday. If the embargo on Iranian oil persists, or in case of a military move over the closure of the Strait of Hormuz, oil prices are expected to soar to around $150 to $160, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation board member Ali al-Hajeri told Al-Seyassah daily. Hajeri said such a price would not last long, however, and would return to normal levels once the reasons for the rise disappear.

The European Union has slapped an embargo on Iranian oil imports, and Tehran has repeatedly threatened to shut the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway for Gulf oil exports, if it was not allowed to export its crude. Hajeri called the current price of between $100-105 fair and acceptable to producers and consumers, and said any higher price would be counterproductive to the global economy. Crude prices were lower in Asian trade on Monday as concerns over the unresolved debt crisis in Greece outweighed worries about supply disruptions in the Middle East and Africa.

New Yorks main contract, West Texas Intermediate crude for delivery in March, was down 54 cents at $97.30 a barrel in the afternoon. Brent North Sea crude for March delivery shed four cents to $114.54.(4)Pale svjetske burzeNa Wall Streetu indeks Dow Jones prologa je tjedna pao 1,2 posto, na 13.080 bodova, S&P 500 0,5 posto, na 1.397 bodova, a indeks Nasdaqojaao je pak 0,4 posto, na 3.067 bodova.

Pad je posljedica naznaka slabljenja najveih svjetskih gospodarstava. U kineskom industrijskom sektoru u oujku je aktivnost pala peti mjesec zaredom. Nedavno je kineska vlada smanjila procjenu rasta gospodarstva u ovoj godini s 8 na 7,5 posto.U eurozoni su, pak, aktivnosti u proizvodnom i uslunom sektoru u oujku zabiljeile najgoru izvedbu u posljednja tri, odnosno etiri mjeseca. S obzirom na to da je Japan u recesiji, da je eurozona vjerojatno nee izbjei te da se rast kineskoga gospodarstva usporava, na tritu je najvanije pitanje moe li se uspon cijena nastaviti.

Cijene dionica na svjetskim su burzama neprestano rasle od poetka godine zahvaljujui naznakama jaanja amerikoga gospodarstva i ublaavanju strahovanja od irenja europske dunike krize. Uspon cijena od poetka godine nije odriv, pa je tritu potreban predah. Cijene bi mogle pasti izmeu 3 i 5 posto i jo bi bile u kontekstu poboljanja u amerikom gospodarstvu, a zatim bi mogle ponovno porasti, kae Terry Morris, portfelj-menader u fondu National Penn Investors Trust Company.