Transitions of Care Stroke Disparities Study Site ... · – Brijesh Mehta, PI – Erum Usman,...

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Transcript of Transitions of Care Stroke Disparities Study Site ... · – Brijesh Mehta, PI – Erum Usman,...

Transitions of Care Stroke Disparities Study

All-TCSD-S Sites Annual MeetingAugust 6th, 2019

Welcome and Introductions

Ralph L. Sacco MD MSProject Multi-PI

TCSD-S University of Miami Study Team

• Ralph L. Sacco, PI• Tanja Rundek, PI• Jose G. Romano, PI• Carolina M. Gutierrez, Research & Advocacy• Iszet Campo-Bustillo, Regulatory & Training Liaison• Hannah Gardener, Epidemiologist• Chuanhui Dong, Biostatistician • Antonio Bustillo, Analyst• Kefeng Wang, Data Manager• Erika Marulanda-Londono, Co-Investigator• Adina Zeki Al Hazzouri, Co-Investigator• Anny Rodriguez, Coordinator• Rory Robichaux, Sciera

TCSD-S Collaborating Sites and Teams

Current Participating Sites

• Baptist Jacksonville– Ricardo Hanel, PI– Mark Fafard, Coord

• Baptist Miami– Felipe de los Rios, PI– Josette Elysee, Coord

• Jackson Memorial– Jose Romano, PI– Anny Rodriguez, Coord

• Sarasota Memorial– Mauricio Concha, PI– Jeanette Wilson, Coord

• UF/Shands– Anna Khana, PI– Stephen Ruggles, Coord

• USF/Tampa– Scott Burgin, PI– Corbin Hilker, Coord

New Collaborating Sites

• Memorial Regional – Brijesh Mehta, PI– Erum Usman, Coord

• Memorial West– Brijesh Mehta, PI– Eduardo Cianferra, Coord

• Delray– Nils Mueller, PI– Donna Cabral, Coord

• Sacred Heart– Terry Neill, PI– Diane Tignor, Coord

• St Joseph Hospital Baycare Health– Sanjiv K Sahoo, PI– Shawna Miller, Coord

• Morton Plant Baycare Health– Ajay Arora, PI– Jena Botsford, Coord

Meeting Agenda1st Annual Transitions of Care Stroke Disparities-Study (TCSD-S) Meeting

Tuesday August 6th, 2019

1:45 - 1:55 Welcome and Introductions- Ralph L Sacco MD MS

1:55 - 2:10 TCSD-S Project Review- Goals and Objectives Methods –Jose G Romano MD

2:10 - 2:40 Data Updates– Tatjana Rundek MD PhDGWTG-S + REDcap Descriptive- Hannah Gardener ScDSocial Determinants of Health Data – Rory Robichaux – Sciera

2:40- 3:10 Recruitment, Challenges, and Strategies to Improve – Jose G Romano MDEnrollment Efficiency Log- Iszet Camp Bustillo, MD MPHStrategy for New Partnering Sites- Carolina Gutierrez PhDBest Practices towards Increased Enrollment – Erika Marulanda Londono MD

3:10- 3:30 Open discussion and Q/A - Ralph L Sacco MD MS

TCSD-S Project Review

Jose G. Romano MDProject Multi-PI

Background: Stroke recurrence and readmission

• 25% of all strokes are recurrent events1

• 18% of all Medicare readmissions cost $18B2

• After stroke, 25% readmitted within 30 days3

• In GWTG-Stroke, death and readmission after discharge 21% at 30 days4

• The drivers of readmissions are not well understood• Disparities in readmission exist and reasons for these

disparities are not well studied

1 Mozzafarian et al. Circulations 2016; 2 Medicare Payment Policy Report to Congress 2017; 3 Bravata et al. Stroke 2007; 4 Fonarow et al. Stroke 2011

Background: Readmissions after acute stroke hospitalization in FSR & CMS linked data• All-cause 30-day readmission was 15% (n=16,952)

– 14.4% for Whites (reference*)– 17.2% for Blacks: HR 1.19 (95% CI 0.99-1.44)– 16.7% for Hispanics: HR 1.02 (95% CI 0.87-1.20)– 14.7% for Others: HR 1.03 (95% CI 0.72-1.46)

• Median time d/c to readmission: 11 d • 23.9% readmissions due to stroke

– 16.6% IS or TIA– 1.5% ICH– 5.2% CEA/A&S

• 6.0% NHW, 1.8% NHB, 3.8% H, 7.5% other• 8.2% readmission due pneumonia or UTI

*Adjusted for demographics, comorbities, NIHSS, LOS, d/c destination

H Gardener et al. ISC 2017

Background: Long term outcomes after stroke in FLA FSR-CMS matched dataset

N=14,100Mean age=79±91-year mortality: 26%

12% Black73% White15% Hispanic

30-d aOR 1.286-mo aOR 1.231-yr aOR 1.16

*P<0.05 adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity, NIHSS

*P<0.05 adjusting for age, sex, NIHSS

TCSD-S Goals

Goal: Improve stroke outcomes and reduce readmissions

• Identify race-ethnic and sex disparities in hospital-to-home transition of care and outcomes after stroke.

• Identify the key stroke-related and social health-related determinants in hospital-to-home TOSC and stroke outcomes.

– Develop a Transitions of Stroke Care Performance Index

• Develop effective hospital-initiated system level initiatives to reduce disparities

Transition of Care Stroke Disparities Study, NIMHHD R01 MD-012467

TCSD-S Conceptual Design


Stroke-Related Factors

Transition of Stroke Care

Hospital to home

Stroke OutcomesReadmission and stroke outcomes

Socio-Economic & Environmental DisparitiesRace-Ethnic & Sex SDH

Multi-Modal Systems of Care InitiativesHealth System Feedback (Disparities Dashboard)

Health Care Provider Education

TCSD-S Initiative for TOSC Disparities

• TOSC Index will be developed in first 1,200 participants after which initiatives will be implemented to assess their effect on the TOSC-I and on outcomes.

• Feedback to sites on TOSC metrics, disparities, TOSC-I– Dashboard benchmarked against group

• Educational programs for hospital personnel involved in discharge and TOSC to improve outcomes– Creating multidisciplinary advisory group: patients,

caregivers, therapists, pharmacist, nutritionist, nurses, physicians

Data Updates

Tatjana Rundek, MD PHD Project Multi-PI

Acute Hospital


• Demographics• Risk Factors & PMH• Premorbid status• Baseline meds• Arival mode, on/off time• NIHSS, symptoms• Treatment type & times• Disability (mRS) at DC• Education/counselling

Care Transitions

Interview at 30 days

Medication adherence• Filled stroke meds• Taking stroke medsLifestyle & behavior• Exercise, Diet• Tobacco/alcohol/drug

cessation treatmentRehabilitation• Attended therapy• Using DMEMedical attention• Scheduled follow-up• Seen by provider


Interview at 30, 90 days

• Hospital Readmission• Disability (mRS)• Stroke/TIA recurrence• Other CV events and


Hospital charateristics• Region• Volume: Beds, stroke, tPA • Status: JC/DNV/HFAP

Public Sources/Sciera

Social Determinants• Community

characteristics• Household


TCSD-S Data Sources


TCSD-S Data Linkage Process

TCSD-S CRFs-Database


Analysis: Disparities,

Predictors, TOSC-I



ZIP + 4

Master list

Data UpdatesGWTG-S + REDcap Descriptives

Hannah Gardener ScD


• Opportunity to elucidate how neighborhood/community characteristics can support or impede successful post-discharge stroke care– By linking GWTG/FSR data + post-discharge TCSDS

data + Sciera zip code-level data

• Review: Data elements, study population, current descriptives, future analytic opportunities

Data Linkage

TCSD-S CRFs-Database


Analysis: Disparities,

Predictors, TOSC-I




Master list

Merging Data by Zip Code

Zip Code Level Data• Population size• Race/ethnicity• House size (rooms)• SES (poverty, unemployment,

education)• Business counts/density (tobacco,

alcohol, restaurant, fast food, grocery, pharmacy, gym)

• Healthcare (hospital, clinic, rehab counts)

• Personal mobility (walk, bike, transit scores)

GWTG-S + Redcap Patient Data• Diagnosis• Followup interval• Modified Rankin Scale• Length of residence• Employment, education status• Social support and living situation• Rehospitalization• Post-discharge follow-up care• Rehabilitation• Medication use• Lifestyle modifications (diet,

exercise, tobacco cessation)• Mortality


• Acute ischemic stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage, age >18 • Discharge directly home• mRS 1 or greater at discharge• Patient or LAR signs informed consent-willing to take 2 f/u calls

Exclusion: • mRS = 0 (no residual symptoms, able to carry all activities)• TIA, SAH, Stroke NOS, elective admission for procedure• Children, prisoners

Goal:• 2400 patients /5 years

– 1200 to develop TOSC-performance index– Current N=64

GWTG-derived Variables• N=38• Ischemic N=31, ICH N=7• Age: mean=67±14, range=46-104, IQR=57-76• NIHSS: mean=5.9±5.4, range=0-21, IQR=2-8• Race/ethnicity: 24% white, 38% black, 38%


Redcap-derived variables

• Final Diagnosis (N=64)

• Baseline mRS (N=64) Day 30 (N=56) Day 90 (N=41) 0, 3.13

1, 40.63

2, 32.81

3, 12.5

4, 4.695, 6.25

ICH, 19

Ischemic stroke,


0, 33.93

1, 21.43

2, 21.43

3, 10.71

4, 8.93

5, 3.57

0, 29.27

1, 31.71

2, 19.51

3, 7.32

4, 7.325, 4.88

16% returned to ERor hospital

15% returned to ERor hospital

Redcap Variables• N=56• Did you fill your medication prescriptions

provided at discharge? Yes 95%• Have you modified your diet since your

stroke? Yes 59% (N=33)– Lower sodium N=26– Lower fat N=22– Lower carbohydrates N=23– More fruits/vegetables N=19– Vegetarian N=2– Avoid Vitamin K N=2

Redcap Variables (N=56)• Were you using tobacco, marijuana, excessive alcohol or

other drugs such as cocaine or amphetamines at the time of your stroke or within 1 year prior to your stroke? Yes N=6

Were you referred to a tobacco/alcohol/drug cessation clinic or support group? No N=6

Have you stopped using these substances?

Yes N=4No N=1Unsure N=1

Redcap variables descriptives• Was outpatient physical, occupational or

speech therapy prescribed? Yes 38%Are you currently attending these therapy


• Are you walking on a treadmill or outside with the specific purpose of exercising? Yes 66%

• Have you been seen in clinic or doctor's office since hospital discharge?


Appt scheduled





Completed, 24%

Redcap social variables (N=64)• How many persons do you know that you

feel close to?

• Who do you live with?

1 or 2, 9

3+, 91





19% alone





Questions we can ask…• What are the neighborhood barriers to smoking

cessation?– Density of businesses selling tobacco?

• What are the neighborhood barriers to physical activity?– Poverty indices? Walkability score? Prevalence of gyms?

• What are the neighborhood barriers to clinic follow-up?– Poverty indices? Transit score? Clinic count?

• What are the neighborhood barriers to diet modifications?– Density of fast food restaurants? Density of grocery stores?

Neighborhood characteristics related to post-stroke lifestyle









Yes (N=53) No (N=3)

Fill your medication Prescription

Mean Pharmacy Density









Yes (N=41) Appointment scheduled(N=8)

No (N=7)

Have you been seen in clinic or doctor's office

Mean clinic count

Neighborhood characteristics related to post-stroke lifestyle








Yes (N=33) No (N=23)

Modified Diet

Mean Restaurant Density








Yes (N=33) No (N=23)

Modified Diet

Mean Fast Food Density

Neighborhood characteristics related to post-stroke lifestyle








Yes (N=37) No (N=19)

Walking on treadmill or outside

Mean Gym Density











Yes (N=37) No (N=19)

Walking on treadmill or outside

Mean Walkability Score


• We will be able to relate post-stroke care and lifestyle modifications to neighborhood characteristics and resources.

• This information will be used to develop the TOSC PI.

• Will help identify and enhance utilization of valuable community resources and identify patients who may be at risk for low adherence to post-discharge recommended care.

Future Directions

• How do neighborhood characteristics impact long-term outcomes, mortality, hospital readmissions?– Do neighborhood characteristics interact with

other social determinants of health to determine long-term outcomes among stroke survivors?

Data UpdatesSocial Determinants of Health Data

Rory Robichaux – Sciera

Where big data tells big stories

University of MiamiTransitions of Care

Stroke Disparities Study (TCSD-S)

Improving Outcomes through the Application of

Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Data


Sciera Confidential Data

Where big data tells big stories

Address Stroke Disparities and Improve OutcomesIn the TCSD-S through the

Identification, Acquisition, Validation, and Delivery of Relevant Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Data

SDH Data – Supporting TCSD-S

Sciera Confidential Data

Where big data tells big stories

Social Determinants of Health – FieldsCodes SDH Groups SDH Fields SDH Fields


SI-1 % Homes Owner Occupied Total Housing Population Total Population

Total Housing Population Owner Occupied Total Housing Population Renter Occupied


BE-1 Walkability Index (1)Walk Score Bike Score

Transit Score

BE-2 Access to Recreational Facilities Gym Business Count Gym Business Density

BE-3 Hospitals, Clinics, and Rehabilitation Facilities

Hospital Count Distance of Each Hospital from Zip9

Clinic Count Rehabilitation Facility Count

BE-4 Pharmacies Pharmacy Business Count Pharmacy Business Density


R-1 Grocery Stores Grocery Business Count Grocery Business Density

R-2 Alcohol Outlets Alcohol Business Count Alcohol Business Density

R-3 Tobacco Outlets Tobacco Business Count Tobacco Business Density

R-4 Fast Food Restaurants Fast Food Business Count Fast Food Business Density

R-5 Full-Service Restaurants Full-Service Restaurants Count Full-Service Restaurants Density

Sciera Confidential Data

Where big data tells big stories

Social Determinants of Health – FieldsCodes SDH Groups SDH Fields SDH Fields


SEI-1 Neighborhood Poverty Percent Below Poverty

SEI-2 Racial and Ethnic Concentration

Percent Race White Percent Race Asian

Percent Race Black Percent Race Hispanic

Percent Race Native American

SEI-3 Urban vs. RuralRUCA

RUCA Primary Description RUCA Secondary Description

SEI-4 % Unemployment Unemployment

SEI-5 % Education Attainment Percent High School Diploma or Higher Percent Bachelors Degree or Higher

SEI-6 # Rooms per Household

Count 1 Room Count No Bedrooms

Count 2 or 3 Rooms Count 1 BedroomCount 4 or 5 Rooms Count 2 or 3 BedroomsCount 6 or 7 Rooms Count 4 or More BedroomsCount 8 or More Rooms

SEI-7 Household Economics (Zip9 Range) Household Income Home Value


I-1 Access to Internet - ResidentialMedian Max Download Speed Median Max Upload SpeedMax Download Speed Max Upload Speed

Sciera Confidential Data

Where big data tells big stories

Social Determinants of Health – Data


Zip Code City State Total Housing Population

Total Owner Occupied

Total Renter Occupied

Total Population

Percent White Percent Black

Percent Native


Percent Asian

Percent Hispanic

32162 The Villages FL 55,396 53,427 1,969 55,439 98% 1% 0% 1% 2%32601 Gainesville FL 16,729 5,452 11,277 18,182 69% 21% 0% 5% 9%33125 Miami FL 59,607 18,980 40,627 61,036 89% 7% 0% 1% 93%33324 Fort Lauderdale FL 47,469 26,861 20,608 47,588 75% 12% 0% 6% 30%33624 Tampa FL 37,955 24,927 13,028 38,139 78% 11% 0% 5% 32%


Housing --1 room

Housing --2-3 rooms

Housing --4-5 rooms

Housing --6-7 rooms

Housing -->7 rooms

Housing --No Bedrooms

Housing --1 Bedroom

Housing --2-3 Bedrooms

Housing -->3 Bedrooms

Percent Below


Unemploy-ment Rate

Education --Percent >= High School

Education --Percent >= Bachelors

Degree64 1,149 16,709 10,810 1,666 77 202 29,761 358 5.4% 3.9% 97.0% 40.6%

313 1,929 3,341 1,568 614 313 1,554 4,945 953 45.9% 10.0% 92.9% 47.7%1,747 6,665 9,289 2,299 356 1,785 5,289 12,364 918 29.4% 5.2% 65.3% 12.5%

311 3,108 9,663 4,021 1,805 339 2,518 13,568 2,483 9.7% 5.6% 94.8% 44.7%782 1,203 5,154 4,429 3,129 782 1,083 9,076 3,756 10.7% 6.4% 93.8% 36.3%



Tobacco Business Density

Alcohol Business


Alcohol Business Density

Restaurant Business


Restaurant Business Density

Fast Food Business


Fast Food Business Density

Grocery Business


Grocery Business Density

Pharmacy Business


Pharmacy Business Density

Gym Business


Gym Business Density

2 33.3 2 33.3 51 848.4 9 149.7 8 133.1 6 99.8 0 0.0

8 679.7 8 679.7 76 6,456.9 4 339.8 2 169.9 4 339.8 7 594.7

11 1,085.0 2 197.3 82 8,088.1 0 0.0 6 591.8 52 5,129.0 0 0.0

11 462.5 6 252.3 117 4,919.5 13 546.6 15 630.7 6 252.3 14 588.7

0 0.0 1 43.0 27 1,161.1 0 0.0 1 43.0 1 43.0 3 129.0

Sciera Confidential Data

Where big data tells big stories

Social Determinants of Health – Data


Zip Code City State

Median Max

Download Speed

Median Max

Upload Speed

Max Download


Max Upload Speed

Hospital Count

Hospital Distance

Clinic Count

Rehab Count

Walk Score


Transit Score


Bike Score


32162 The Villages FL 100 10 1,000 1,000 0 3 0 0 58 32601 Gainesville FL 18 1 1,000 1,000 0 8 0 62 33125 Miami FL 18 1 1,000 1,000 1 TBD 26 0 76 33324 Fort Lauderdale FL 75 20 1,000 1,000 1 TBD 20 1 24 24 56 33624 Tampa FL 30 30 1,000 100 0 4 0 7 0 45


RUCA RUCA Primary Description RUCA Secondary Description

1.1 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA) Secondary flow 30% to 50% to a larger UA1.0 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA)1.0 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA)1.0 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA)1.0 Metropolitan area core: primary flow within an urbanized area (UA)

Sciera Confidential Data

Where big data tells big stories

Social Determinants of Health – DataZip9-Level Household Economics

Zip Code(5-digit) Zip Code+4 Mode Household Income Range Mode Home Value Range

3312533125-1832 $10,000 - $14,999 $150,000 - $199,99933125-4339 $65,000 - $74,999 $125,000 - $149,99933125-4421 $35,000 - $39,999 $400,000 - $499,999

3313333133-2720 $45,000 - $49,999 $400,000 - $499,99933133-4606 $75,000 - $99,999 $150,000 - $199,99933133-4806 $35,000 - $39,999 $150,000 - $199,999

3314233142-5545 $25,000 - $29,999 $100,000 - $124,99933142-6617 $10,000 - $14,999 $400,000 - $499,99933142-8445 $45,000 - $49,999 $150,000 - $199,999

3314733147-1415 $10,000 - $14,999 $50,000 - $74,99933147-1810 $35,000 - $39,999 $200,000 - $249,99933147-7904 $10,000 - $14,999 $75,000 - $99,999

3316533165-2922 $150,000 - $174,999 $1,000,000+33165-6654 $75,000 - $99,999 $1,000,000+33165-8148 $75,000 - $99,999 $125,000 - $149,999

Note: Number of homes in each zip code+4 listed above range from 3 – 23Small number of homes in a zip code+4 may impact the viability of statistical mode provided

Sciera Confidential Data

Where big data tells big stories

Explanatory Notes

(1) – Walkability Index

Measured at the zip code level Each score is on scale 1 - 100

Walk Score – Measures suitability for walking with sidewalks, parks, pedestrian crossingswith traffic lights Score of <50: most or all errands require a car; “Car-Dependent”

Public Transit Score – Measures the proximity and availability of public transit Score of <50: some or minimal transit

Bike Score – Measures paths suitable for cycling, parks, crossings with traffic lights Score of <50: minimal bike infrastructure


Sciera Confidential Data

Recruitment, Challenges, and Strategies to Improve

Jose G Romano, MD Multi-PI

Planned Enrollment

2400 patients /5 years – 1200 to develop TOSC-PI– 1200 to validate TOSC-PI, evaluate disparities, develop initiatives

to reduce disparities in TOSC

– Total enrolled to date: 145 (overall)– We expected to have 780 enrolled by year 2. We have just

entered year 3.

Recruitment, Challenges, and Strategies to Improve

Enrollment Efficiency Log

Iszet Camp Bustillo, MD MPHRegulatory & Training Liaison

TCSD-S Enrollment Efficiency Log

TCSD-S Regulatory update

• Current protocol v 3.0 April 01, 2019: Approved April 09, 2019• Eligibility criteria modified to remove the requirement of mRS ≥

1 at the time of hospital discharge.• Current MOO v05.05.2019 (Protocol version 3.0)• TCSD-S Continuing Review to cIRB due on 10/08/19.

• Please complete the Site CR documents and return them by or before Friday, August 19th.

• TCSD-S Protocol Deviation Log• TCSD-S HRP 812 Form-Site Continuing Review• TCSD-S Summary of the progress of the study protocol

(summary of the conduct of TCSD-S) at your site

Recruitment, Challenges, and Strategies to Improve

Strategy for New Partnering Sites

Carolina Gutierrez, PhDResearch and Advocacy Director

Increasing the number of sites = increasing data and enrollment

Process Use to Identify Potential/ New Collaborating Sites:




Hospital interested and pursuing joining project

Hospitals participating in the Florida Stroke Registry

Hospitals with >200 annual stroke discharges

Previous research experience and infrastructure


Recruitment, Challenges, and Strategies to Improve

Best Practices towards Increased Enrollment

Erika Marulanda Londono MD Co-PI

Best Practices• Site TCSD-S team will review every day a list of patients expected to be discharged

in the next 48 hours.• Clearly defined Roles and Responsibilities: • The clinical team (including fellows and residents at appropriate sites) will provide

the stroke coordinator a daily discharge list indicating “who is going home” or “potentially going home”.

• Stroke Coordinator communicates everyday with the clinical team (texting, attending rounds) and approaches potential participants on a daily basis.

• Increased Study Notifications for the clinical team including emails and enrollment updates at meetings.

• Increased Communication and Interaction between Study Sites:• Quarterly call with sites to include recruitment by site and review potential

barriers and share best enrolling practices.• Regular emails and use of social media to sites to share any news and enrollment


Pending EML slides

Eligibility Revision to Enhance Enrollment

Exclusion: • TIA, SAH, Stroke NOS, elective admission for procedure• Children, prisonersChanges:• mRS = 0 not an exclusion- REVISED

Pending EML slides

Open discussion and Q/A

Ralph L Sacco, MD MS

UM TCSD-S Contact information• Iszet Campo-Bustillo 305-243-8018

• Carolina Gutierrez

• Jose Romano

• Tatjana Rundek

• Erika Marulanda-Londono

• Chuanhui Dong

• Kefeng Wang