Transforming New Student Induction: The Experience of One ... · Transforming New Student...

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Transcript of Transforming New Student Induction: The Experience of One ... · Transforming New Student...

Transforming New Student Induction: The Experience of One Scottish University

Keith MacAskill, Heriot-Watt University

Aims of the Session

• Reflect on recent experiences at HWU in enhancing induction.

• How similar/different are they to experiences at other institutions?

• What conclusions can be drawn about future induction practice?

Heriot-Watt University• Founded 1821, University status 1966• Subjects: physical and life sciences, engineering, mathematics, computer

science, built environment, management, languages (translation, interpreting), textiles and design.

• Scottish campuses: Edinburgh, Scottish Borders• Edinburgh: 6000 undergraduates; 2000 new.• Structure: devolved; Edinburgh: four Schools, 19 disciplines areas.• Retention: 7.8% non-continuation (no longer in HE) 2013-14 entrants

(benchmark 4.9%, UoE 4.5%)

Typical New Student Induction 2013• The week before teaching starts/Freshers Week had no name.• One hour pre-enrolment meeting by discipline.• Enrolment.• Enrolment completion (ID check and card collection).• Process driven.• No opportunities for students to get to know each other.• Limited pre-entry information.• Lecture based.• Information heavy (too heavy).

Typical New Student Induction 2016• Welcome Week.

• Two or three day induction programme by discipline.

• Most UG students are now able to enrol online prior to arrival on campus.

• New student interaction.

• Current students as guides and facilitators.

• Finding your way around campus.

• Introduction to the personal tutor system.

• Introduction to learning resources and VLE.

How We Got There.• Widespread feeling at discipline/programme level that induction

could be improved.

• Pockets of existing good practice: e.g. SBC and Computer Science.

• Induction was part of Learning and Teaching Strategy.

• Backing at senior level.

• Student feedback.

• Collaborative approach.

• Offer of resources: current students paid for and trained.

What We Avoided In Induction

• Centralised activities.

• Optional sessions.

• Talking heads.

• Transmitting vast amounts of information.

Key Objectives of New Student Induction

• Start the process of social and academic integration

• Start to facilitate building shared identity and social networks

• Address academic and non-academic issues

• Students know what happens next

• Make students feel comfortable about being at university

Question: any other key objectives we should include?

Questions for Discussion

Work on the questions in your group.

Take note of your group’s responses, use the flipchart paper and pens.

Share your responses with the wider group.

Questions for Discussion: The Present

1. What content should be included in new student induction (e.g. academic, non-academic, social etc.)?

2. What should be the relationship between induction and Student Union Freshers’ Week activities?

3. What are the best approaches to induction (e.g. large auditorium events, staff-led and/or student-led activities, optional or compulsory sessions, other innovations etc.)?

Questions for Discussion: The Future

4. How should we develop induction in the future and what might be the obstacles and opportunities we face in doing so?

5. Is the idea of induction week becoming obsolete?

6. How will technology transform new student induction?

Feedback and Conclusions