Transfer overview for Wellington government recordkeeping forum June 2012

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Transcript of Transfer overview for Wellington government recordkeeping forum June 2012

Transfer processes to the Government Digital Archive

Michael Upton

Senior Advisor, Digital Continuity

Archives New Zealand

Government Recordkeeping Forum

13 June 2012

Wellington, NZ

Background (1 of 2)

• Ready for digital transfer by mid-2013

• Physical transfers will continue!

• Align physical and digital wherever possible

• No legislation or standards change

• As easy as practically possible

Background (2 of 2)

• Disposal authorities more flexible, less starting from scratch

• Access restriction classification documents de-coupled from transfer

• Transfer metadata with files

• More regular transfers

Agreed disposal authority

• Ongoing

• Suspend and review, not expire and start again

• Tested for how it could be implemented

Tools/resources? Guidance documents, Appraisal training course

Access classification agreed

• Developed alongside disposal authorities

• Restrictions applied to record classes

• Can change for whole class

• Can add classes where required

Tools/resources? Guidance documents with templated options

Identify records to transfer

• Leads on from disposal schedule

• Archives NZ staff member actively involved

• Review systems and identify right approach

• Discuss sentencing

Tools/resources? Disposal guidance, Appraisal training course

Prepare records for transfer

• Note access restrictions – in your system?

• Export metadata file + any digital files

• Save to portable media

Tools/resources? Detailed metadata format guidance; mapping tools?; Archives NZ to engage vendors

Agency check metadata and digital files

• Anti-virus

• Metadata format validation, match # of files

• Generate checksums

Tools/resources? Validation tool, suggestions for checksum generator?

Provide metadata & digital files to Archives NZ

• Metadata and digital files on portable media

• Physical files in boxes

• Into temporary, secure storage

• Digital still in the agency’s custody

Tools/resources? Physical media, including boxes

Archives NZ check transfer files

• Anti-virus

• Metadata validation, match # of files

• Compare checksums

Tools/resources? Validation tool

Digital files transferred into permanent archive

• Open access records – files served up on public website

• Restricted access records – metadata on public website

• Backed up in multiple places


Acceptance of transfer

• Legal custody accepted by Archives NZ

• Notification of acceptance

• Agency finalises transfer in its system(s) (preferably destroys copies)


What could you do?

• Sort out disposal coverage

• Consider transfer in your planning

• System changes in your agency? How do your systems support retention & disposal?