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(Organized San Antonio, January 18, 1855)



APRIL 18, 2011








SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2011 9:00 A.M.





Prelude ................................................................................................................. Mrs. Becky Wunsche

Processional ..................................................................................................................... Congregation

(Sir Knights in uniform will enter uncovered, with chepeaux held in right hand, resting on left shoulder, and

remain standing until after the Invocation.)

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Sir Knights and Ladies, will you please stand as we sing,

“Onward Christian Soldiers.”

Onward, Christian Soldiers

Onward, Christian Soldier, marching as to war,

Like a mighty army moves the church of God;

With the cross of Jesus going on before.

Brothers, we are treading where the Saints have trod.

Christ the Royal Master, leads against the foe;

We are not divided, all one body we,

Forward onto battle, see His banner go!

One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.



Onward, Christian Soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before.

Onward then, ye people, join our happy throne,

Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.

At the sign of triumph, Satan’s host doth flee;

Glory, laud and honor unto Christ, the King,

On then, Christian Soldiers, on to victory!

This through countless ages, men and angels sing.

Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;


Brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthem raise.


Invocation .............................................................................................................................. John 3:16

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Thank you all for coming. Can you hear me? Thank you all for


I would like to read a verse, John 3:16, which is a favorite of mine.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him

should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Please pray with me.



E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Heavenly Father, as we prepare for this Memorial Service to

honor all of our Sir Knights who have passed this earth and are now with You in Heaven, I ask that You be

with each of them, with their families and friends who have come together. Today we celebrate their lives

and to honor their memories for us to share our love and support for these families. We ask that You

continue to hold them in Your loving arms and give them comfort at this time. All these things we ask in

the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!


Welcome ................................................................................................. Sir Knight W. David Melear,

R:E: Grand Commander

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: If all of you will be seated.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, Ladies and Guests, I would like to

welcome you to the Memorial and Divine Service of the One Hundred and Fifth-Eighth Grand Conclave of

the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. We have a great crowd and I am excited to see

everyone here. We are real short on seating, but we are doing our best.

Once again, it is great to see everyone here.

We will now have our presentation of our wreath. Thank you.


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Prior to them coming in with the wreath, I want to give a little

tribute here. We want to pause to call to mind those who have gone from our earthly home to that Celestial

Lodge Above where our Heavenly Father resides and the faith we Christians have when we say, “In my

Father’s house are many mansions: If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for


So we pause at this time to pay tribute to our beloved Sir Knights who have been allowed to go and

be with our Heavenly Father. We will miss them and we know that when our labors here on earth are

finished, we shall be united with them in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

I now would like to have the floral tribute.

(Sir Knights to present wreath) ......................................................................................... Members of:

................................................................................................................ Amarillo Commandery No. 48


................................................................................................................... Borger Commandery No. 96

...................................................................................................................Vernon Commandery No. 33

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: I would like to introduce at this time Sir Knight Raymond White

who will do the Tribute to the Sir Knights of Texas.




4: We pause for a moment to mourn for the loss of the Sir Knights of Texas and celebrate their lives. As

we joined Masonry, we looked to our Masonic fathers and grandfathers who teach us and share their

experiences in the paths of Masonry and Knights Templar and the drill competitions, ritual competitions

and we take a moment to honor their lives and those who have passed away this past year and to also respect

their families, their mourning and grieving for the loss of the loved ones.

I place this rose on the Altar in memory of the Sir Knights of Texas who have passed this year.




R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER A. GLEN McCANDLESS: We pause at this time to pay

tribute to the departed Past Commanders of Knights Templar of Texas. We honor their dedication and

their many years of service to the Commanderies. Each had his own style of leadership, his own brand of

service, his own personality, but each served with dignity and established a roadmap for others to follow.

We can only imagine the many hours one spent in determining what avenues to best accomplish his plans

for his Commandery. Each one had but one goal in mind: to promote and further the cause of Christianity.

Each one, although different in many respects, had one purpose to begin to plan for the year that he

would serve as Commander to effectively govern the Commandery with honor and distinction. As we

look back, we can see how each Commandery was shaped by their leadership in good and difficult times,

but always holding onto Christian principles we all hold dear.

Each fought the good fight and finished the course remaining faithful and now are receiving their

Heavenly reward. We honor them on this occasion and reverently pay our tribute to their memory.

I place this rose on the Altar in loving memory of the Past Commanders of Texas.





are aware that time is something that many of us take for granted in our lives. The time we spend with our

families, at our work, church and Masonic organizations goes so quickly. Many of us met and had an

opportunity to be with a number of Sir Knights of other Jurisdictions in the Grand Commandery which

brings us special meaning today.

We honor them and their fellow Sir Knights for the time and dedication they contributed to the Craft.

We will miss those who have journeyed to the Kingdom of God for their devotion and heartfelt desire to

promote the ideals of York Rite Masonry.

I dedicate this flower to those Sir Knights of other Jurisdictions for their honor, for their service and

lives that they lived on earth.

I dedicate this flower to the Sir Knights of other Jurisdictions for the lives that they spent here on





48: In loving memory to the Ladies of the Social Order of the Beauceant. We might imagine them looking

down upon us from Heaven and saying these words to us:

“To those I loved and those who loved me:

Then let your grief be comforted by trust.

When I am gone, release me and let me go.

It’s only for a while that we must part

I have so many things to see and do.

So bless those memories in your heart.

You mustn’t tie yourself to me with tears.

I won’t be far away for life goes on.

Be happy we’ve had so many years.

So if you need me, call me and I will come.

I give you my love and you can only guess

Though you can’t see me or touch me I will be near

How much you give to me in happiness.

With all my love around you soft and dear.

I thank you for the love you each have shown,

And then when you must come this way and come alone,

But now it’s time I travel alone.

I’ll greet you with a smile and welcome you home.”

To grieve a while for me, to grieve you must.

I place this flower on the Altar in loving memory of those Ladies of the Social Order of the

Beauceant who have gone before us.





R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER JAMES N. HIGDON: I would like for all of our veterans

present to please stand and join with me as I pay this Tribute to our brothers and sisters in arms, the men and

women of the Armed Forces of the United States, who paid the supreme sacrifice for their country.

We are assembled here as Templars and Masons on this solemn occasion to pay a tribute of love and

esteem to the memory of our brothers and sisters in arms for their dedication and sacrifice. It is an honor

for me - for us - to have the privilege of paying this tribute to the memory of these whose lives have been

inseparably linked to ours by the solemn and binding oaths of allegiance that we each have taken to defend

our country. Their deaths that we memorialize here today do not release us from the duties imposed upon

us by those same oaths of allegiance that we took.

We are reminded on occasions such as this that our Lord and Savior told us, “My command is this:

Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his

friends. You are my friends if you do what I command,” that is to love each other as He loved us and loves


Our brothers and sisters to whom we pay tribute today did just that. They showed by their actions

they were our friends. They exemplified our Lord’s command that greater love no man has than this that

they laid down their lives for their friends for us.

I deposit this rose in loving memory of the men and women of the Armed Forces of the United States

who paid the last full measure for our country. May they never be forgotten!





NOVEMBER 3, 1947 - NOVEMBER 19, 2010


Those of you who have attended your Commanderies, who have read your magazine from our Grand

Encampment are well aware of who we are honoring today, our Grand Generalissimo. Makes me almost

want to cry because we became such close friends. So you will have to forgive me.

He was one of those outstanding people. He was born November 3rd, 1947, in Nashville,

Tennessee. He attended public schools in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. He graduated from the School of


Modern Photography in 1968. He was employed for 40 years by the United Methodist Publishing House

in Nashville, Tennessee, and took care of a lot of their photography business during that time. He retired in

August of 2005.

Then there was another important thing that happened this same year almost. He had married

Sherry in 1970. She was his wife for the last 40 years of her life and she left us and went away. They are

survived by one child, Chad Dorris and his wife Tia. They had two grandchildren. They were active

members of Hermitage United Methodist Church.

I’m not going to read all of the story that was published about this because you have had the

opportunity to read it, but I want each one of you to think about this man and this woman. We sit here this

morning and dream about what would have been had they been able to continue their lives.

He did so many things in life. He was so well respected in Tennessee. Those of you who have

been there know what I’m talking about. He took care of everybody. He was a Past Grand Master of the

Grand Lodge, but you would never know it unless you read his record, unless you knew what he did.

He was a member of nearly every organization that existed and I’m not going to read all of those

either because you who are Masons and you who dedicate yourselves to the Fraternity know what he did

and the time he spent and the time he gave to make this Fraternity great. This organization meant a lot to

him. As I told you last night, it has meant a lot to a lot of us and he gave a lot of respect to each one of us.

He served all kinds of organizations outside of the Fraternity and he was well respected by all of

them. He was one of those fellows that the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment pointed out in his

letter to us. He said that he made a difference wherever he went. If each one of us would live the kind of

life that he lived, if each one of us made a difference to the best of our ability, if each one of us followed the

opportunities we have, our Fraternity would be twice as large as it is today because people would

understand what you stand for and what he stood for and made it plain what he stood for wherever he went

in every organization.

It was my opportunity to meet him while he was Grand Master of the State of Tennessee. With our

present Grand Prelate we enjoyed a wonderful evening with two wonderful people. We learned to love

them and we learned to respect them which all of us need to do.

It was great to be present with him in his leadership and his wife. I hope to see him again because I

know where he went. He was one of those men who not only believed, but we all know what he did.

I’m trying to impress upon you what he meant to us as an organization and the leadership he gave

and would have given had he been able to stay with us. So don’t forget when you leave here today what

this man set as an example to you and I to make life different. What I am saying to you is not the way it’s


going to be written up in the book when you read it, but I hope you remember what I have tried to share with

you today and how important he was to us, how important he was to his family. There never was a father

or a grandfather more loving than this man was. Sometimes we forget that we have that responsibility, but

he never forgot it and his grandkids thought he was the kind of man they wanted to be.

So when you set your examples, remember this man. He belonged to this organization and he set an

example for his family as well as for each one of us. This is one of those things that is hard to say. It’s hard

to keep from crying for me because of how close we were. He was not my brother in a lot of ways, but he

was my Brother in this Fraternity. He was your Brother in this Fraternity and he made it a difference. I

hope each one of you remember that when you leave here today that you make a difference like he made a


I place this rose upon the Altar for you and I in honor of not only a Sir Knight who was one of ours,

but a lovely lady who was a good Mason also. Those of you who have a good lady that’s a Mason, she’s

proud of you because he was proud of her and she was proud of this Fraternity. You can make a difference,

but it’s up to you.





1991-1994 DECEMBER 21, 1924 - DECEMBER 21, 2010


He was born December 21, 1924, and died on his 86th birthday, December 21, 2010. He served as Grand

Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America from 1991 to 1994.

He was a man of vision, a man of ideals, a man of action.

Those of you who have been awarded the Knight Commander of the Temple and the Companion of

the Temple, these were Bill Thornley’s dreams. He designed it, he set up the rules for it. You have Bill

Thornley to thank for that.

Proverbs 3:5,6 reminds me of Bill Thornley. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on

your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.” Grand

Master Thornley trusted in the Lord and he accomplished great things for Templary.

While he was Grand Master he met regularly with his Grand officers. He kept them advised as to


his plans. He even sought their input on his decisions. Now, there was never any neutral ground with Bill

Thornley. You were either with him or you were against him. You either loved Bill Thornley or you

didn’t care a whole lot for him, but he firmly believed the way I do that once you leave the office of a

presiding Officer, no matter what the organization, you never interfere with their business from that point

on. You’ve had your chance, but you are always available and Bill was always available to give anybody

advice that asked for it, but that was the only way you got is you asked for it.

Some things that some people don’t know about Bill Thornley was he was on the beaches of

Normandy on D-Day. He was wounded in that action on the beach. Bill was also an engineer. He

graduated from the Colorado School of Mines. He also liked to brag when he came to Texas about he

almost became a Texan. He applied to the Colorado School of Mines and A&M. A&M answered him

immediately and wanted him to come in. He waited for a month and decided, “Well, I guess I better go to

A&M.” Just as he was getting ready to go, he got a telegram from Colorado saying that he been accepted

there and so he stayed in Colorado.

When Bob Walker was Grand Commander, Bill Thornley was at his Conclave in Houston and

Grand Commander Walker invited him to speak after they had taken up the ballot for the Grand Sentinel.

Grand Master Thornley said, “I am always a good fill-in until the Tellers get through. As soon as they’re

done, would somebody please raise their hand and I’ll stop.” Well, immediately we had this young officer

who was Grand Warder who jumped up and started waving his hand. Thornley, without even cracking a

smile, said, “We will be having a new election for Sword Bearer.”


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: “I just removed one of your Grand Officers.”


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: And, of course, Walker fell right into it. “The

floor is now open for nominations.”


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: I’m not going to tell who it was.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: I do remember he looked straight at Leonard

and said, “I will be back next year.”


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: He loved Masonry. He loved Texas. He

loved to come to Texas and brag about Templary in Texas the way we do it. At one time he says, of course,


he said how great it was to be back in Texas. Like I said, he liked to tell about how he almost became a

Texan, but he also said that he didn’t think Texas or the rest of the Grand Encampment was ready for those

who were going to be in the class of ‘46. That included Burl Little, Jimmy Willson and Sam Hilburn. He

just didn’t think that the world was ready for that. He said, “If we had all got together at that time, by this

time there would be a Grand Encampment of Texas.”


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: And after last night I’m not too sure there isn’t.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: He always loved to tell stories about ladies that

he had met in his travels. He always loved to brag about the special people we had in Texas. For instance

he said that Texas has contributed so much talent to the Grand Encampment and to the Knights Templar

Eye Foundation and this is back fifteen years ago, remember. Sam Hilburn was the Treasurer of the

Knights Templar Eye Foundation and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Knights Templar Eye

Foundation and Chairman of the Committee of the Grand Encampment. Jimmy Willson was Chairman of

the Membership Committee and a Past Department Commander.

There is only one guy in here that would appreciate the next paragraph. He said, “And I chose old

sweet and lovable up here as my Department Commander.” He said that several people complained that

Texas had just had a Department Commander, which, of course, was Jimmy Willson. And he said, “And I

always say if Texas have the best people, then that’s where I’m going to pick my men from, and Texas does.

Texas works at being Masons, Texas works at being Knights Templar, Texas does it right.” And then, of

course, he would always ask, “How many of you are Scottish Rite Masons? Actually what I really wanted

to know: how many of you are not Scottish Rite Masons?” And he’d say, “Sam, did you get all of them?”


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MITCHELL: He said coming down on an airplane he’d

always sit next to somebody and they’d want to know, “Where are you going? What are you doing?”

Especially old lovely widow ladies. And he’d say, “Well, I’m going to a Masonic meeting.” He said,

“They always have a blank look on their face.” He said, “Well, let me put it this way: do you know what a

Shriner is?” “Oh, well, yeah, my granddaddy was a Shriner.” And that’s our fault because they know

about Shriners; they don’t know about us. He was always fussing at us about that because we’re not more

outgoing as York Rite Masons and Scottish Rite Masons. He would always say, “Don’t say you’re a

Shriner or don’t just say you’re a Shriner. Tell them, by golly, you’re a Christian Mason.”

Bill Thornley was a very, very dear friend of Templar Masonry, Bill Thornley was a very dear friend


of the Grand Commandery of Texas and Bill Thornley was a great friend of mine.

I leave this beautiful flower in loving memory of William Henry Thornley, Jr.


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Would you all please rise.

TAPS .................................................................................................... Sir Knight Kenneth B. Fischer

............................................................................................................... M:E: Past Grand Master,

......................................................................................... Grand Encampment of Knights Templar

...................................................................................................... Of the United States of America

...................................................................................... R:E: Past Grand Commander of Texas


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Please pray with me.

Heavenly Father, we thank You and pray unto You that You will help keep the memories of these

departed Sir Knights and those Sir Knights who have gone on before them in our memory. Because we

know that as long as we remember them, they will always be with us in our spirit. Again, keep these

families of these Sir Knights in the palm of Your hand. For these things we ask in the name of our Lord

and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: That closes our Memorial Service and we will now go into our

Divine Service.


Opening Prayer ........................................................................................... Sir Knight Ted D. Hennis,

............................................................................................ E: Grand Prelate

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Please remain standing and I will give an opening prayer for our

Divine Service.

Sir Knights and Ladies, If you will pray with me.


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Heavenly Father, it is with humility that we come before You


today asking for Your blessing upon this Divine Service. We pray for these Sir Knights that because of

illness they cannot be with us today, that You keep them in the palm of Your hand. We ask for Your

forgiveness in our shortcomings. Heavenly Father, we love You and ask that Your continued blessings be

upon us. Thank You for loving us. These things we ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: If you will join me now in our hymn, “My Faith Looks Up to

You.” I would like to - Betty Carole Shively has graciously volunteered to lead our singing today and I

appreciate it. It is an honor to have her.

Hymn .............................................................................................................................. Congregation

My Faith Looks Up to Thee

My faith looks up to thee When ends life’s transient dream,

Thou Lamb of Calvary, When death’s cold, sullen stream

Savior Divine! Shall o’er me roll!

Now hear me while I pray, Blest, Savior, then in love,

Take all my guilt away. Fear and distrust remove,

O let me from this day O bear me safe above,

Be wholly thine! A ransomed Soul!

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Our Scripture reading will be by Richard Izatt.

Scripture Reading ........................................................................................................ Matthew 6:5-15

................................................................... By Richard Izatt, Past Commander,

......................................................................... Amarillo Commandery No. 48


48: Our Scripture reading is from St. Matthew, Chapter, Verses 6 through 15. “And when thou prayest

thou shall not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in synagogues and the corners of the

street, that they may be seen by men. Verily, I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou

prayeth, enter into thy closet and shut the door and pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father who

seeth in secret shall reward you openly. When we pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathens do, they


think that they shall be heard with their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them where your

Father thinks you have need of before ye ask it. And after this manner therefore pray ye:”

THE CONGREGATION IN UNISON: Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And

forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil, for

Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen!

SIR KNIGHT IZATT: “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also

forgive you; but if ye forgive not their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”

This ends the Scripture reading from St. Matthew.

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: We will have the Offertory Prayer.

Offertory Prayer .......................................................................................... Sir Knight Ted D. Hennis,

.................................................................................... E: Grand Prelate


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Heavenly Father, we come to this part of the Service when we

give back a portion of the many blessings You have given us. I pray that we will give in a manner that will

be pleasing to You. We ask these blessings for this offering. These things we ask in Jesus’ Name.



E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Please be seated. The ushers will come forward.

Offertory Music ................................................................................................... Mrs. Becky Wunsche

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Would you please rise.

Doxology ........................................................................................................................ Congregation

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him, above ye heavenly hosts:

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Please be seated.


Let’s give Becky a great hand.


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Before we start the Message today, two pens were found. This

Red Cross was found last night at the Banquet. If any of you are missing one, please come forward. This

morning we were given a pin on the Excalibur. Evidently someone lost it at the Breakfast this morning.

They are up here on the podium. You can get it after the Service.

Message ...................................................................................................... Sir Knight Ted D. Hennis,

.......................................................................................................... E: Grand Prelate

.......................................................................Our Dedications to God Through Prayer


“Our Dedications to God Through Prayer”

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Before we get started this morning, I want you to pray with me

and help me through this message this day.

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your guidance as I deliver this message this morning. I am only a

servant of Yours and I need You to put the proper words into perspective so that when everyone leaves this

place that they will take something from this message. These things I ask in the Name of our Lord and

Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: This morning I would like to bring you a message from the Book

of Second Chronicles, Chapter 7, starting in Verse 1 through 14. We are not going to cover all of those

Verses, but I would like to reference Verse 14 at the end. Before we get started, I would like to give you a

little history at the beginning of this Chapter.

In the Most Excellent Masters Degree and to the Sir Knights, we learned that during the time the

Temple was destroyed and Solomon had rebuilt it in Verse 1. We read, “When Solomon finished praying,

fire came down from Heaven and consumed the burnt offerings and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord

filled the Temple.” Now, this is what happened, you recall, when Moses finished construction of the

tabernacle in the wilderness and when he set it up, God filled it. God accepted this temple from Solomon

that he had built.

Notice that fire from Heaven consumed the sacrifice. This means that the judgment of God has

fallen upon sin. God does not accept the temple because it was a beautiful building, and I am sure that it


was. He did not accept it because of the expenditure of wealth in its contents. The basis of His acceptance

is the fact that it is pointing to Christ. It is his sacrifice that made this acceptable to God. The glory of the

Lord filled the Temple. We are told this in the final Verses of Chapter 5, and how fire from Heaven came

down and consumed the burnt offering.

Now, when the children of Israel saw how the fire came down and the glory of the Lord was upon

the house, they bowed themselves down to the ground with their faces to the pavement and worshiped and

praised the Lord, saying, “For He is good; for His mercy endureth forever.”

Sir Knights and Ladies, this is an expression that we should all keep in our mind every day and I

would hope that we would repeat it from time to time, “The Lord is good; His mercy endureth forever.”

You may recall that the Psalmist said, “The Lord is good. Let the redeemer of the Lord say so.” If you

and I are not “say-so” Christians, nobody else will be.

In Verse 14 we are told, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray

and seek my faith and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their signs

and will heal their land.”

We are all conscious of the fact that we are all God’s people by creation. God gave us a choice to

either be called by His name or not. We have that choice to make. Then the question is: what must we do

to be called by God’s name? The first thing that we should do is acknowledge Him as God of our life. We

live in a world that has many gods, the god of money, the god of power, et cetera, but we must acknowledge

that God is our Heavenly Father, the God of our life.

We who are Masons, if we reflect back to when we were Entered Apprentices and what was said to

us when we were introduced into the Entered Apprentice Degree and when we walked into the Lodgeroom

for the very first time and we were asked - and I think it is very fitting at this time - “In whom do you place

your trust?” By putting our trust in God we recognize Him as our Lord and Savior.

The Bible tells us that Jesus told his disciples, “... to watch and pray and seek my face. If ye then be

risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. We

must set our affection on things above, and not on things on the earth. And we must turn from our

un-godly ways. What Jesus told His disciples also applies to us. God has a great deal to say about

repentance for believers. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse

us from all sin.

We as Knights Templar are known as the Christian part of Masonry, the Crusaders for Christ’s

cause, but sometime I think we fail to remember in our Masonic obligation when we say, “We will take the

Bible as our rule and guide to our faith and practice.” We were taught this in our Symbolic Lodge because


to us the Holy Bible is the great Light in Masonry. Sometimes we need to be still and listen to God. In

our busy life we need to set a time for daily prayer and devotions and read God’s word. How can we as

Masons and Christians say we will take the Bible as our rule and guide to our faith and practice, but ignore

that phrase in our daily lives? We need to find a time for prayer.

I am not only speaking to you but to my own heart. I need to read His word more, and listen more

and we all need to be humble and say to God that we love Him and put our faith in Him. We are all put on

this earth for a purpose. God had a plan for each of us, and one of those plans is for us to carry on His

work. He has no one else but you and I to tell others of the saving faith of Jesus Christ and the best way to

do this is not by going to church every Sunday, but by living a life that would be pleasing to Him. This

brings to mind a phrase we use in the Order of the Temple to a new Sir Knight when we tell him, “Let your

light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.”

Are we ashamed to talk about God to other people? Do we have the courage to stand up for Him?

Do we try to tell others about Christ and try and lead them to our Lord? We belong to a Christian order.

We should be inviting other Christian Masons to join our order so they may enjoy the same fellowship that

you and I enjoy.

Again Verse 14: “If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and

seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and

will heal their land.”

When God said, “If my people, which are called by My name ...” to whom is He talking? My

people, which are called by My name, I think He is talking about Israel. I think God is talking to Solomon

about Israel. Now, if they will humble themselves, if they will pray, if they will seek His face, if they will

turn from their wicked ways, then God’s promise to Israel is: He will hear their prayer and He will forgive


Let’s look at “My people” again. God has a people which we call the church or the body of Christ,

those who have accepted the Savior, “Who gave himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity

and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”

When God said “if these will humble themselves,” since we are God’s people and are called

Christians and are all members of different churches, and I know this is true because this morning many of

you are from different denominations, but we are all here to serve our Lord and Master. Sir Knights,

Brethren and Ladies, if we will humble ourselves and put God in our lives all the time and too many times

when things are going okay, we fail to communicate to God like we should, but we always seem to go to

Him when things are not going as good as we would like.


We need to live our lives the same every day. We can’t live it a certain way on Sunday in church

or in our Lodgerooms and live a different life the rest of the week. We must live the way God wants us to

live every day wherever we are. We do not know who may be watching us, but we would hope they would

say, “That is the person I want to be like and live my life like him.”

I would like to close with a short story I received a couple of years ago and I think it fits if we want

people to remember us for our good works and to live a life like God wants us to, to treat everyone the same

way God would want us to treat them.

A young man came into a mom and pop grocery store - some of you may have heard this, but I think

it is fitting. A young man came into a mom and pop grocery store one day and when the old grocer asked

him if he needed some of the peas he was looking at, the young man said he was looking at them for his

mother, but he did not have any money to purchase them. The old grocer asked him if he had anything to

trade for the peas and the young man said that all he had was a red marble shooter that he had in his pocket.

The old grocer asked him if he had a green one at home and the young boy said yes. The old grocer said he

would sack up some of the peas for his mother and then he could bring the green marble the next time he

came in.

A lady who happened to be a friend of the old grocer’s wife was in town visiting her at the time

overheard the conversation and when she checked out, asked her friend about the conversation between her

husband and the young man. The old man’s wife said that there were three families that lived in the

community and none of them had anything and when they would come into the store, her husband would

trade them some food for a marble of a different color. And when the boys would return to pay for the

previous items, her husband would change his mind about the color and fix the boys another package of

food to take home to their mothers and he would tell them to bring in another color marble the next time.

Each time he would change his mind.

Sometime later the lady who was visiting the old grocer’s wife, came back to the town when she

heard that her friend’s husband had passed away. The night of the visitation while the two of them were

visiting, the lady noticed three young men at the casket of her friend’s husband. One was in a military

uniform and the other two were in suits. The lady asked her friend who they were and she said that they

were the three boys who her husband had given the food items to when they were younger. They noticed

that as the three young men passed, each one reached into the casket and placed something into the hand of

the old man. When his wife and her friend went and opened the hand of her husband, there in his hand were

three marbles, red, green and yellow. He couldn’t change his mind this time.

I know these three boys tried to live their lives like the old grocer did because of what he did for


them and for the influence and impression he left upon their hearts and minds. Don’t we want people to

remember us for the good things we do for others like the old grocer?

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, I pray that something this morning may have touched a heart. I pray that You

continue to guide us through our daily lives and that we will pick up and read Your word more than some of

us may do now. Heavenly Father, I ask that when our life is over and we meet You in Heaven that we can

say that we did our best while on earth like the old grocer. I ask that You watch over this Grand

Commandery Session and that in all things we do and say will be pleasing to Your sight. Continue to bless

each and every one here and that we take the time every day to praise You and glorify Your Name.

Heavenly Father, we love You and thank You for Your love for us. For these things we ask in the Name of

our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights and Ladies, the money offering that was

pledged today will be donated to our youth organizations here in the State of Texas we’ll have a count on

that tomorrow and let you know exactly how much money will be donated to those, right now, two


For those of you who are Voting Delegates or proxy voters for the Grand Commandery of Texas

today at two o’clock in the Brazos Room - it is across the hall - we will start handing out your voting ballots.

You can pick them up throughout the day. I think we will be open to six o’clock. We will definitely stay

open as long as we need to get everybody accommodated.

Don’t forget this Red Cross that was at the podium last night. One of the speakers, I believe,

dropped this. If you don’t come get it, I’ll have to keep it and I’ve got two or three of these already -


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: So somebody better come and get it.

Oh, and one quick announcement, for those of you who don’t know, if you didn’t see the sign

because it was kind of hidden the first day that we were doing registration, the lanyards that are being sold,

all the money that we receive for these lanyards will be donated to the Templar charities, including the

youth organizations. So if there was any question about what the money would be going to, that is what it

is. It just happens to be being raised by the Amarillo Commandery Third Place C Drill Team.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: So if you haven’t received one and you would like one,

please pick one up at the Registration Desk.


Also, tomorrow at our Grand Session these name tags will get you in the door. If you don’t have

one on, you really need to have one because that is your registration and without that even though you may

show up in a nice, flashy looking uniform, this is what is going to get you in the door.

Thank you, Sir Knights and Ladies.

Oh, I’m sorry. For those of you who are interested in seeing my two daughters and verifying that

they actually do exist -


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I just don’t carry pictures around of these two little

girls. My wife has informed me that they will be here from around one thirtyish today. We don’t know

how long they will be staying. They have got a very, very busy schedule.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: But they will be somewhere around our hospitality

room. They may only be here for an hour. It depends. Like I said, they are very busy girls.

Thank you, Sir Knights and Ladies.

Well, we have already got a total on the donation. It looks like we raised $1,369.00. All of that

will be divided up and used for our youth activities. If you would like to add some more to it, we will

always be happy to receive what you offer.

Thank you very much, Sir Knights, for your generosity.


E: GRAND PRELATE: I will give the Benediction and then - if you will rise - then we will have the


Benediction .................................................................................................. Sir Knight Ted D. Hennis


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Sir Knights and Friends, we must honor our King. Serve Him,

glorify Him for as long as we live. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords forever and ever.




Recessional ......................................................................................... “A Mighty Fortress is our God”


A mighty fortress is our God,

And though this world, with devils filled,

A bulwark never failing;

Should threaten to undo us;

Our helper he amid the flood

We will not fear, for God hath willed

Of mortal ills prevailing;

His truth to triumph through us:

For still our ancient foe

The prince of darkness grim,

Doth seek to work us woe;

We tremble not for him;

His craft and power are great,

Hi rage we can endure,

And, armed with cruel hate,

For lo, his doom is sure

On earth is not his equal.

One little word shall fell him.

Did we in our own strength confide,

The word above all earthly powers,

Our striving would be losing;

No thanks to them, abideth;

Were not the right man on our side,

The Spirit and the gifts are ours

The man of God’s own choosing: Through Him who with us sideth:

Dost ask who that may be? Let goods and kindred go,

Christ Jesus it is He; This mortal life also;

Lord Sabaoth his Name, The body they may kill:

From age to age the same, God’s truth abideth still

And he must win the battle. His kingdom is forever.


10:20 A.M., APRIL 17TH, 2011

Reported by: John E. Cline, CSR No. 115 P. O. Box 6 Snyder, Texas 79550 Past Commander, Sweetwater Commandery No. 89







MONDAY APRIL 18, 2011 8:30 A.M.





8:30 A.M. (OPEN)

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights in the Reception Guard, we are going to

open first. Then we will have you form the lines. I believe Sir Knight Paul Warren will call you to


Sir Knights, if there is anyone outside that needs to come in for the Opening, please instruct them to

do so.

Officers of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, take your stations!

Sir Knights, be seated!

Eminent Grand Warder, post the Sentinel. Inform him that the One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth

Grand Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas is about to be convened and

direct him to so proclaim.

* * * * *

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, if you are standing, we have some seats up

here. If you are to be introduced, you can go ahead and stand in the back. We do that immediately after

we finish opening. We’ll let you go outside and be lined up by Sir Paul Warren and Sir Knights Jimmy,

Double L, Willson.

E: GRAND WARDER DOSS: Right Eminent Grand Commander, (Salutes exchanged) the Grand

Sentinel is at his post. The One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas is duly guarded.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, attention!

Ladies, if you will please rise.

Draw swords!

All Sir Knights who do not have drawn swords will please hand salute when the Commandery

presents swords.

Sir Knights, you will face the United States Flag and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sir Knights without swords, please hand salute.

Sir Knights, present swords!




THE SIR KNIGHTS AND LADIES IN UNISON: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United

States of America and to the republic for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty

and justice for all.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, carry swords!

Sir Knights and Ladies, you will face the Texas Flag and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance to the

Texas Flag.

All those who are not from Texas, you are honorary Texans for the day.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER: Sir Knights, present swords!


THE SIR KNIGHTS AND LADIES IN UNISON: Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to

thee, Texas, one state, under God, one and indivisible.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, carry swords!

Sir Knights, return swords!

Sir Knights, uncover!

Excellent Grand Prelate, you will lead our devotions.

E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Please pray with me.


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Most Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father, we just again thank

you for each and every one of us to have the opportunity to serve this Grand Commandery. We ask a

special blessing upon our Grand Commander as he conducts the business meeting of this One Hundred and

Fifty-Eighth Grand Conclave. Thank You for each and every one that is here. Heavenly Father,

everything that we do today may we do it for the good of this Commandery and we hope it is pleasing to

Thee. For these things we ask in Christ’s Holy Name. Amen!


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, recover!

I now declare the One Hundred Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery


Knights Templar of Texas duly convened.

Eminent Grand Warder (Salutes exchanged), inform the Grand Sentinel that the One Hundred and

Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas is duly

convened and direct him to guard accordingly.

* * * * *

E: GRAND WADER DOSS: Right Eminent Grand Commander (Salutes exchanged), your order

has been obeyed.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights and Ladies, be seated.

Sir Knights and Ladies, I know what the agenda says -


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: - but I tried to get in here early enough to get my laptop

set up so I could go from my agenda which actually has a few extra Committee Reports on it. So what I

would like to do at this time, unless I am ordered not to do so by the Acting Grand Recorder, is I would like

to break from the agenda and actually do the Reception of our Distinguished Guests.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: At this time I would like the following Sir Knights, if

they would, to retire and prepare for the Reception of our Distinguished Guests. Sir Knight Paul Warren,

Right Eminent Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas; Sir Knight

Jimmy, Double L, Willson, Right Eminent Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights

Templar of Texas and Honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States of

America; and Sir Knight Mike Shively, Right Eminent Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commander

Knights Templar of Texas. These three Sir Knights will organize and orchestrate the Reception of our

Distinguished Guests.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: All Out-of-State Visitors please retire to outside

to be received.

The Past Grand Commander’s Roll Call will be from the inside and our Affiliated Past Grand

Commanders will be called on at that time.

If we could have the escort be at attention and form the lines here.

Grand Commander, are you ready?




R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I present to

you Most Illustrious Jim Manley, Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas.

Sir Knights, draw swords!

Present swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight and Companion G. Clay Smith, Most Excellent

Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas.

I have already done present swords. Remain there.

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, it is a pleasure to introduce to you Sir Knight Wesley Wunsche,

Deputy State Master Councilor of Demolay in Texas, and J. Weldon Clampitte, the Grand Senior Councilor

of the International Order of DeMolay and the Executive Officer in Texas.

Sir Knights, present swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Doug Adkins, Sovereign Grand Inspector General of

the State of Texas, Ancient and Honorable Scottish Rite.

Sir Knights, present swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Companion Charles Stuttle, Most Illustrious Grand Master of

the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the great State of Arkansas.

Sir Knights, present swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Keith Powell, the Right Eminent Grand Commander

of the great State of Louisiana.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel! Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Joe Diederich, the Grand Senior Warden of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Arkansas.

Sir Knights, present swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Lee Stringfellow, the Right Eminent Grand Commander of the


State of Arkansas.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Duncan Watson, Past Grand Commander of

Massachusetts/Rhode Island.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight F. Douglas Mitchell, Past Department Commander

and Past Grand Commander for the great State of Texas.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, it is a pleasure and an honor to present to you the Right Eminent

Department Commander for the South Central Department, United States of America and Past Grand

Commander for the State of Louisiana, Howard F. Entwistle.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Lawrence E. Tucker, Right Eminent Grand Recorder

of the Grand Encampment United States of America and Past Grand Commander for the State of Texas.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight

J. M. (Jimmy) Willson, Jr., the Right Eminent Grand Treasurer of the Grand Encampment Knights

Templar United States of America, Honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Encampment Knights

Templar of the United States of America, Grand Governor Emeritus of the York Rite Sovereign College

and Past Grand Governor of Texas, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas, Past Grand High Priest

of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas, Past Grand Master of the Grand Council Royal and Select

Masters of Texas, Past Grand Commander of Texas, Past Grand Preceptor of the Grand College of Holy


Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests and a few other titles.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I present Sir Knight Kenneth B. Fischer, Past Most Eminent

Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America and Past Grand Preceptor of the

Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Past Grand Commander of Texas.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Commandery, attention!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight David Goodwin, Right Eminent Deputy Grand

Master of the Grand Encampment United States of America.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Please remain standing.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, we welcome you

to the 158th Grand Annual Conclave of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and at this time

I relinquish and tender you command.


ENCAMPMENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you, Right Eminent Grand Commander.

It is a pleasure to have command of this Grand Commandery, but, you know, I’ve been on the road

since Thursday morning about 3:30. I’m a little worn out so I’m going to turn the command back to you at

this time with the caveat I may grab it back again the next time. (Salutes exchanged)


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I present

Most Worshipful T. E. (Gene) Carnes, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas.

Sir Knights, form Arch of Steel!

Cross swords!

Sir Knights, carry swords!

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Most Worshipful Sir, at this time I would invite you to


give any remarks that you would like to make to the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Texas.


THE MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS, A. F. & A. M.: Thank you so much, Grand


It is indeed a pleasure for me to be here. If you will give me a few seconds after a while and get

everybody settled, I will be glad to address the Grand Commandery.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you so much for being here and, of course, you

may have whatever you desire.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, at this time if you will be seated.

R:E: PAST COMMANDER WARREN: Right Eminent Grand Commander, that concludes the


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights and Ladies, I told you last night that we had

found a beautiful Red Cross at the Awards Banquet up at the podium. So someone who was speaking lost

this Red Cross. Now, we have a second Red Cross that someone has found. So if anyone would like to

claim these, please do. You may come up here and we will announce your name.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: No, I’m just kidding. We will be happy - if you can

identify these two Red Crosses, to let you have them.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Grand Recorder, At this time may we have

the Roll Call of the Living Past Grand Commanders. That includes the Honorary Past Grand

Commanders. I told you I was going to change up the agenda.

For your information, I’m going to skip the Roll Call of Constituent Commanderies until after the

Guests are out of the room.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Sir, you may proceed at your


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: All right. This is the Roll Call of the Living Past

Grand Commanders of Texas.



R:E: James M. Willson, Jr. 1973 R:E: Leonard O. Pierce 1999

*R:E: James D. Berry 1979 R:E: Jerry Nelson Kirby 2000

R:E: William L. Blanks 1983 R:E: Thomas N. Turner 2001

R:E: Jerral F. Knox 1989 R:E: Wayne D. Groce 2002

R:E: Kenneth B. Fisher 1990 R:E: James P. Smith 2003

R:E: John E. Gibson 1991 R:E: James Noel Higdon 2004

*R:E: Robert Paul Walker 1992 R:E: Lawrence E. Tucker 2005

*R:E: Jerry L. Mann 1994 R:E: A. Glen McCandless 2006

R:E: Paul D. Warren 1995 R:E: Thomas W. Snyder 2007

R:E: Michael H. Shively 1996 *R:E: William Ellis (Bill) Matyastik 2008

*R:E: Graham H. Childress 1997 R:E: Dock Franklin Dixon 2009

R:E: F. Douglas Mitchell 1998


R:E: Phillip Boley

*R:E: Maurice Blackman

R:E: Jay Ipsen

R:E: Ed Johnson

*R:E: Loyd L. Chance


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: That concludes the Roll Call of the Living Right

Eminent Past Grand Commanders of Texas.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Sirs, we are very honored to have you at

our One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave. This is your Grand Commandery. We

welcome you into your Grand Commandery.

At this time I am going to ask Sir Knight James M. Willson, Jr., if he will give the Response for the

Past Grand Commanders, and I’m surprising him with this.



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: Right Eminent Sir, it has been our joy to serve


you this past year. We are looking forward to having a continued good Session this time. Last evening

you did an outstanding job for our meeting and we are very proud of you. We are proud of this

organization, we are proud of what it stands for.

As I told you at the banquet the other night, it is one thing that meant so much to me because this is

the organization that you have got to belong to Jesus Christ to be a member of and as a result of it, each one

of you has an obligation of your own to that cause.

We thank you all for being here and we appreciate our opportunity to be here and serve with you, sir.

You have done an outstanding job this year.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Sirs, you may be seated.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: You’re awfully close to being one of us.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: At this time, Sir Knights and Ladies, if our Most

Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas would like to make his remarks,

we would be honored to have you do so, sir.

M:W: GRAND MASTER CARNES: Right Eminent Sir, may I speak from here?

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Most Worshipful Sir, you may speak from anywhere in

this auditorium that you like.


M:W: GRAND MASTER CARNES: I think you can hear me anyway.

Ladies first, Sir Knights, what an honor and privilege it is for me to be here with you today. I want

to extend to you my sincere thanks for all the courtesies and the accommodations that have been provided

for me by the Grand Commandery of Texas. It is indeed a great pleasure for me to be here today to address

you on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

I would like to address you with this thought in mind. Over the last few decades we have kind of

gotten away from the real basic teachings of Masonry and in doing so we have also started taking into our

Fraternity some that do not quite measure up to the standards that we have had in the past. It has been my

goal all of this year to re-institute those ancient teachings in Masonry. Sir Knights, your role is very

important in getting us back on track in doing the things that we should be doing in Masonry.

The basic Three Degrees in Masonry are the foundation of what we all are regardless of the

organizations that we belong to you, external of your Blue Lodges, and the support of all of those

organizations are the basic teachings of Masonry and the understanding of the symbolism connected with

our ritual are the responsibility of all of us. If we don’t take care of our door, which is the entry not only of


Blue Lodge Masonry but eventually the Commandery, we can’t be assured of having good and square

material to carry forth the objectives of our organization.

So I encourage each of you and I know I don’t have to talk too hard about this because I see most of

you in the Blue Lodges working all the time, teaching the new candidates and the new children of Masonry

the basic principles of our Order. So the encouragement that I give you is to continue that process, to

continue to teach the basic principles of Masonry and in turn follow along with the York Rite which I

consider to be the real extension of Blue Lodge Masonry because it carries on the basic tenets of Masonry

and the basic teachings of the symbolism that we try to provide our membership.

So I encourage you to continue that on and I will leave you with this phrase: continue to march, my

Brethren. It’s worth the effort. The more work you put into it, the more glory you will get out of it. And

if you will take the symbolism of the beehive and apply it to your concept of Masonry and your concept of

your life, I think you will find great rewards in those teachings because it does teach you the basic principles

of furthering our effort to make men better and in turn make mankind a better place.

Thank you so much for your kindness and courtesy to me as your Grand Master. I’m humbled by

every effort that you make and I appreciate each one of you so much.

Thank you.


M:W: GRAND MASTER CARNES: Right Eminent Grand Commander, with your permission I

would like to leave. I’ve got to catch a plane. And, really, the reason I need to leave is I wanted to get

away from this piano.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Most Worshipful Sir, we appreciate you being here

today. We thank you for your remarks and we look forward to seeing you at our Grand Session in

December in Waco.

M:W: GRAND MASTER CARNES: I’ve got a conference here next weekend so you all – this

coming Saturday. I’d like to see you here.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: At this time if we might receive some remarks from our

Sir Knight Wunsche. Not this one, but the one who is the Deputy State Master Councilor of DeMolay for

Texas and the Executive Officer, Sir Knight Weldon Clampitte.


Ladies, Gentlemen, Right Eminent Sirs, Grand Commander:

Ten years ago when I took this job as Executive Officer for Texas I never knew that I would be here


this long. Some of them asked me, “How long are you going to be there?” “Probably two years,” I said,

“probably.” I’ve just finished ten. It’s been very rewarding.

During this last ten years I have had many young men, many of them, who have become Masons;

quite a few York Rite Masons. In fact, one of our Past State Master Councilors in the room today is

currently the Commander of Beaumont Commandery.

A SIR KNIGHT: Port Arthur.

SIR KNIGHT CLAMPITTE: Port Arthur Commandery. It’s kind of like horseshoes: it’s close.

Texas is growing. We are right now number two in membership, naturally due to the hard work of

our advisors and our young men who are our members.

This young man on my right is Deputy State Master Councilor of Texas currently. You will

recognize the last name, I’m sure: Wunsche. There seems to be a bunch of them in the room today.


SIR KNIGHT CLAMPITTE: And he is doing an outstanding job. I apologize for our State Master

Councilor not being here. He was locked out of his plane in Dallas and could not get out yesterday, but he

wishes that he could be here. He is also a Mason. All of our young men today are becoming Masons.

I encourage you as Masons and you Ladies to help us because you can, also, that we need these

young men in our organizations. I look around the room and a lot of us have got gray hair and we need

some with darker hair working. Age is getting us. So let’s get behind these young men.

It is my pleasure to introduce to you now Carl Wesley Wunsche, Jr., the Deputy State Master




DEMOLAY IN TEXAS: Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Commander,

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery Officers, Visitors and Sir Knights all:

I am the Deputy State Master Councilor of Texas DeMolay Association. I thank you for the

privilege of being here today. It was our intention of having our State Master Councilor come and bring

you greetings on behalf of Texas DeMolay, but like Dad Clampitte said, he had a flight delay and couldn’t

make it here.

DeMolay in Texas is alive and well. We currently have 28 Chapters with over eight hundred

members. As Dad Clampitte also said, we are the second largest Jurisdiction in the world in membership.

As many of you are Senior DeMolay or advisors as is our Right Eminent Grand Commander, you

know the value DeMolay adds to Freemasonry and Knights Templar in particular. Many of our members


are Masons and some sought further light to become Sir Knights. I myself received the Order of the Temple

on March 30th of this year. I had the privilege of competing and drilling with Ruthven Commandery who

beat you.


BROTHER WUNSCHE: As you can see, with your support our Masonic youth Masonic members


I congratulate this year’s Grand Officers and wish them the best in their Session today. I also look

forward to working with my Uncle Paul for next year as Grand Commander as I serve as Master Councilor

if tradition prevails.

If you have any questions about DeMolay or what we do, I would ask you to come to me and I

would be happy to answer any questions.

Once again, thank you for the privilege of being here today.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Wunsche, I won’t hold it against you that

your team competed on the drill floor.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We are very honored to have you as a member and even

on a team. This is the way our Commanderies grow. It’s fun competition. Unfortunately, there has to be

a winner, but I believe we are all winners just because we competed.

We were also supposed to have the Grand Worthy Advisor for the International Order of Rainbow

for Girls here today, but I haven’t gotten any response. I believe they have canceled. I’m not sure why,

but we will find out. Hopefully, there is nothing that happened. They were at a wedding this weekend

and they may have had some of the same problems our State Master Councilor had in getting here with

flights being delayed and canceled at the last moment. Better to have a flight canceled than to fall apart on

you while you are flying.

I wanted to have a few more remarks before we actually tile our meeting and I would like to ask our

SGIG if he would - Sir Knight Doug Adkins - if he has some remarks he would like to make at this time.



Eminent, Grand Commandery Officers, Sir Knights and Ladies:

It is a pleasure to be here today. I thank you very much for your invitation and your generosity, for

your recognition. I seem to think that of all the recognitions that we might receive probably there is not a


Sir Knight in this room that would disagree with me when I say the greatest thing is what we see that just

happened with the Wunsche family. If a father who can embrace a son who is following his footsteps,

that’s what it is about. We can march, we can promote, we can have fun, but what it’s all about is who

follows in our footsteps, and are we doing a good enough job in making sure those young men follow our


I don’t think I’ve seen in the last few years as many young men that are joining our Grand Lodge

and then coming up into our appendant bodies. It is imperative that we get our young men introduced as

Master Masons and there is no better group than DeMolays. The percentage of young men in our

DeMolay organization who join the Lodge and then our various appendant bodies is outstanding, but we

must encourage this because words alone mean nothing. It is the walk. We have all heard about the talk

and the walk. It is the walk that causes the young man to want to step in our footprints.

I’m a fourth generation Master Mason. My dad did all of the stations and now my son has

followed me and I’m sure that is what we are all looking at. But may I say to our Sir Knights today that

next week, this weekend, we will be celebrating the life and the resurrection of the one who makes all of this

possible, the one who set the example that we follow, the one whose obligations are unchanging and the one

who was promised to us who is unchangeable.

So may we as Sir Knights do our best to follow those footsteps, the ones who love their Brethren to

the point of death, the ones whose humility exceeds his income and the one who causes all of us to look

each other in the eye and say, “Brother.”

Thank you, Right Eminent.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Just quickly, just to go along with what Sir Knight

Adkins just said, I would like to introduce six people very quickly. I know there are probably more in the

room, but these are six that I know of. Sir Knight Eddie Chapman, can you please stand. Well, he may

not be in the room.

Sir Knight Tommy Chapman.

SIR KNIGHT CHANCE CHAPMAN: I think he’s with Papaw.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Well, we’ll have Chance stand. He is already standing

in the back.

Don Wunsche, Carl Wunsche and Wesley Wunsche, would you please stand.

I know there are other people, but these are three families - three generations that are represented


here today.

Oh, there’s Tommy he is in the room now.

This is a family tradition. We have families that are second, third and fourth generation Masons

and Knights Templar in this room and we need to carry this tradition on in our families. It starts at home

before it can go out into the public.

Thank you very much. You may be seated.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: At this time, if it is okay with our Ladies, I’d like to ask

if you would please retire. We would like to start our business session.

Oh, before they go, I’d like to introduce my mother. She may be in the hospitality room. I’d also

like to introduce my wife Juanita.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: She makes all of this possible for me. So I appreciate

her very much.

At this time we will take a five minutes restroom break. Then we are going to get into our

Committee Reports.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Warder, would you instruct everyone who is

outside that we are going to start the tiled meeting.

Sir Knights, when you get the opportunity, please find your seats.

Sir Knights, I am going to reconvene the One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave of

the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.

Sir Knight Warder, Sir Knight Warder -

A SIR KNIGHT: Somebody hit him.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: - inform the Sentinel and direct him that only Sir

Knights with proper name tags be allowed into the meeting.

If you don’t have a name tag, then don’t leave.

Sir Knights, while he is informing the Sentinel, I have got a couple of announcements I would like

to quickly make. One is, for all of our Committee Reports, we have moved our microphone - we had them


on both sides. Our Court Reporter is having difficulty hearing all of the comments. Please speak into the

microphone clearly.

E: GRAND WARDER DOSS: Eminent Grand Commander (swords salutes exchanged), your

order has been obeyed.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: The second announcement is, Registration will be

closing at 10:30. Okay. That is posted on the desk and it is also on the agenda. However, we will have

the ballot room until one o’clock. All right? So if you haven’t picked up your ballots, then that is where

you will need to go. You will need to do that before 1:30.

Also, please remember, we have had a few people bring some proxies, if you are a Past Commander

or you are a seated Dias Officer, you only received one vote. So if you have a legal proxy, and you have a

Past Commander vote, you can’t use the proxy vote. The Sir Knights at the desk have been instructed to let

people know that. I know that in the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar

of Texas it actually does say that you are entitled to three proxy votes and a regular vote, but the Grand

Master of the Grand Encampment’s edict or decision is that it is one man, one vote. And that is what we

are operating under here today.

We are going to resume our business on the agenda that I have in my hand. At this time I am going

to ask the Grand Recorder, Right Eminent Sir, would you do the Roll Call of Grand Officers. That may not

be on your agenda, but I will allow you to do it.



W. David Melear ....................................................................................... R:E: Grand Commander

Paul E. Wunsche ........................................................................... V:E: Deputy Grand Commander

H. David Moore ......................................................................................... E: Grand Generalissimo

W. Bart Henderson ................................................................................. E: Grand Captain General

Robert M. Loflin ....................................................................................... E: Grand Senior Warden

Jerry L. Pingle ........................................................................................... E: Grand Junior Warden

Ted D. Hennis ........................................................................................................ E: Grand Prelate

*Thomas G. Keithly ................................................................................ E: Grand Prelate Emeritus

Jerry L. Kirby .................................................................................................... E: Grand Treasurer

*Loyd L. Chance ............................................................................................... E: Grand Recorder

John C. Elkinton ...................................................................................... E: Grand Standard Bearer

Jack M. Harper II ........................................................................................ E: Grand Sword Bearer


Richard Doss ........................................................................................................ E: Grand Warder

Clarence J. Laney ................................................................................................. E: Grand Sentinel


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, all the Grand

Officers are present and in their places, except the Eminent Grand Recorder who is not present and also the

Eminent Grand Prelate Emeritus.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Who are excused. I would ask Sir Knight Paul

Wunsche, V:E: Deputy Grand Commander, if he will give the Response to the Roll Call of the Grand



Right Eminent Sir, is has been an honor for us to serve you during you term as Grand Commander.

Your friendship to each of us, and your dedication to Chivalric Masonry is beyond question. We look

forward to a good session to end a great year and to you taking your place as a Past Grand Commander.

Right Eminent Grand Recorder, would you conduct the Roll Call of the Constituent Commanderies

of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.

If you are a Representative, please stand and say “Here”

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: This is the Roll Call of constituent Commanderies.


San Felipe De Austin No. 1* Nacogdoches No. 55*

Ruthven No. 2 San Marcos No. 56

Palestine No. 3* Corpus Christi No. 57

Colorado No. 4 Wichita Falls No. 59

Dallas No. 6 Lubbock No. 60

San Antonio No. 7 Kenedy No. 61

Ivanhoe No. 8 Texarkana No. 64*

Paris No. 9* Brady No. 68*

Waco No. 10 Port Arthur No. 73

Gonzales No. 11 Fort Bend No. 74

Cleburne No. 12 Stamford No. 75

Indivisible Friends No. 13 Childress No. 77

Bertrand du Gueslin No. 14* Tancred No. 82

Brenham No. 15* Southside No. 83

El Paso No. 18 Midland No. 84

Worth No. 19 Taylor No. 85


DeMolay No. 20 Longview No. 86

Brownwood No. 22 Lufkin No. 88

Denison No. 24 Sweetwater No. 89

Ascension No. 25 Teague No. 91*

Abilene No. 27 Hidalgo No. 94*

San Angelo No. 28 Houston No. 95

Big Spring No. 31 Borger No. 96

Vernon No. 33 Granbury No. 100

McKinney No. 34 St. John No. 101

Godfrey No. 37 A. C. Garrett No. 103

Beaumont No. 38 Kilgore No. 104*

Hillsboro No. 39 Park Place No. 106

Temple No. 41 Arlington No. 107

Pittsburg No. 43* Melrose No. 109

Denton No. 45 Odessa No. 110

Frank Sexton No. 46* Litt S. Perry No. 111

Amarillo No. 48 S. E. Texas No. 112

Weatherford No. 51 Burnet No. 113

Plainview No. 53 Texas Commandery No. 200*




SIR KNIGHT BRIAN R. DODSON: In the flesh, sir.


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Please cover it up.


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, that concludes

the Roll Call of the Constituent Commanderies.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Sir, could you repeat the Commanderies

that are not present.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Yes. San Felipe de Austin No. 1, Palestine No. 3,

Paris No. 9, Bertrand du Gueslin No. 14, Brenham No. 15 -

A SIR KNIGHT: Here, sir.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Godfrey No. 37 - Godfrey No. 37, Pittsburg No. 43


- Pittsburg No. 43, Frank Sexton No. 46 -

A SIR KNIGHT: Here, sir.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Nacogdoches No. 55 - Nacogdoches, Texarkana

No. 64 - Texarkana, Brady No. 58 - Brady, Teague No. 91 - Teague 91, Hidalgo No. 94 - Hidalgo, Kilgore

No. 104.

A SIR KNIGHT: Doug Collins is here.

SIR KNIGHT DOUGLAS COLLINS: Sir, I can represent Hidalgo, but I did not register from

Hidalgo. I did register under Dallas. I can answer for Hidalgo, though.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Well, why don’t you say, “Here, sir.”


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, that concludes

the Roll Call of Constituent Commanderies.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, if you know anyone that is a member of

these Commanderies that have not answered here that are present, have them report to the Grand Recorder

at the earliest possible convenience. There are several people who are not in the room.

A SIR KNIGHT: Did you get Kilgore 104?


THE SIR KNIGHT: Yes, Kilgore 104 is here.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: I marked them present.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I’m having the Very Eminent Deputy Grand

Commander write this down. This is information that he wanted to keep up with for his year. It’s very

important and I can’t stress enough the importance that if they are here, they need to report to our Grand

Recorder so that they can be shown as being present in our Proceedings.

Right Eminent Grand Recorder, I will thank you to give the Roll Call of the Representatives of the

Grand Jurisdictions Near the Grand Commandery of Texas.

As your names are called, answer here and please assemble in the front of the Asylum.



Michael H. Shively


Thomas G. Keithly**


Jack A. Beeler


Elijah E. West


William E. Matyastik**


Thomas W. Snyder


F. Douglas Mitchell

New Hampshire

Jack M. Harper, II



Wes Campbell

New Jersey

Orville L. O’Neill


A. M. Crowder**

New Mexico

Jerral F. Knox


Max Stone, Jr.*

New York

Fred E. Allen*


Leonard O. Pierce

North Carolina

Reese L. Harrison, Jr.

District of Columbia

Judge Robert Risley

North Dakota

Jerry L. Pingle


Nikolaus K. L. Fehrenbach


Jerry N. Kirby


Richard Doss


James M. Willson, Jr.


Kenneth B. Fischer


J. Weldon Clampitte


Jerry L. Mann


H. Bart Henderson


Lawrence E. Tucker


Robert D. Collier


H. David Moore


Eugene Brookshire


John C. Elkinton

South Carolina

John E. Gibson


James N. Higdon

South Dakota

Dock F. Dixon


Thomas N. Turner


Wayne D. Groce


Paul D. Warren


Ronald D. Park


Buford John Young*


Douglas Collins


Jerral B. Jones*


Clarence J. Laney

Massachusetts & Rhode Island

Robert M. Loflin


James P. Smith


W. David Melear

West Virginia

Graham H. Childress*


Paul E. Wunsche


C. Louis Hopkins


Loyd L. Chance**


Joe O. Estlack*




E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, that concludes

the Roll Call of the Representatives of other Grand Jurisdictions Near the Grand Commandery of Texas.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we appreciate the hard work that each of

you has dedicated to this Grand Commandery.

At this time I will ask Right Eminent James Smith if he will respond for the Representatives of

other Grand Jurisdictions the Grand Commandery of Texas.



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SMITH: Thank you, Right Eminent Sir.

It is our privilege to serve you this year in these capacities. We appreciate the honor you have

accorded to us. We look forward to working with you for many years to come.

On a personal note, may I say that my “Baby Grand” has done an outstanding job this year. We


are proud of you, very pleased and hope your Business Session continues to go well.

Thank you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Right Eminent Sir.

Sir Knights, would you give these dedicated Sir Knights a hand.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Grand Recorder, would you conduct the

Roll Call of the Living Recipients of the Knight Templar Cross Honor.



1977 Gerald C. Bradshaw* A. C. Garrett No. 103

2004 John D. Newman* Paris No. 9

1981 Shannon J. Keltz* Lubbock No. 60

2004 Howard McFarland* Ascension No. 25

1983 Edwin L. Smith* Corpus Christi No. 57

2004 John Earl Andrews Ascension No. 25

1986 Thomas G. Keithly* Brownwood No. 22

2005 C. Louis Hopkins McKinney No. 34

1986 Earl E. Tweed* Dallas No. 6

2005 Jack E. Beeler St. John No. 101

1987 Robert Lee Sears* Plainview No. 53

2006 J. Weldon Clampitte Houston No. 95

1989 Obie L. Etheridge* Corpus Christi No. 57

2006 Gerald F. Nowotny* San Antonio No. 7

1990 E. Dixon Toney Teague No. 91

2007 Louis Williams* Sweetwater No. 89

1995 James D. Mooney, II* Weatherford No. 51

2007 Wylie E. Brookshire Lufkin No. 88

1996 A. Glen McCandless Stamford No. 75

2008 David L. Anderson Dallas No. 6

1999 William L. Berryman* Dallas No. 6

2008 Ronald D. Park A. C. Garrett No. 103

1999 Carl R. Wood* Gonzales No. 11

2009 Doye Sudduth Ascension No. 25

2000 Clarence E. Brown* Ruthven No. 2

2009 Walter Jack Hott* Tancred No. 82

2001 Reese L. Harrison, Jr. San Antonio No. 7

2010 Johnnie C. Smith* Burnet No. 113

2001 Orville Lee O’Neill A. C. Garrett No. 103

2010 Howard Purkaple* San Felipe de Austin No. 1

2001 Clarence J. Laney Denton No. 45

2010 Wayne Gallion* San Marcus No. 56

2002 John E. Thomson* Litt S. Perry No. 111

2011 Milton Skipper Amarillo No. 48

2002 Elvin Marion Powell Litt S. Perry No. 111

2011 Gene Schneider Odessa No. 110

2003 Ted Hennis Amarillo No. 48

2011 Terry Flippo Borger No. 96

2003 Thomas Snedecor Park Place No. 106 (*NO AUDIBLE RESPONSE)

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, that concludes

the Roll Call of the Living Knight Templar Cross of Honor Members.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I want to applaud you for all the hard work

that you have done and will continue to do for this Grand Commandery.

Sir Knights, take a look at these gentlemen. These are some of the most dedicated Sir Knights we


have in the State. It is an honor to be associated with each of them and I for one admire each and every one

of you and I hope to work with you for many years to come.

I’m going to ask Sir Knight Gene Schneider, who was just recently awarded the Award, if he would

respond for this distinguished group of gentlemen.

SIR KNIGHT GENE SCHNEIDER: Right Eminent Grand Commander, you picked on a rookie,

didn’t you?

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: And I didn’t give you a chance to warn up either.

SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: Sir Knights, you know what an honor it is to receive this Award. It’s

something you never expect to get and it’s something that you don’t do by yourself. You’ve always got

somebody behind you and in my case my wife was behind me.

This is an honor that you just cannot be too proud of.

Right Eminent Sir, we certainly appreciate the Grand Commandery this year for honoring us, the

new ones and the other ones who have been here for a long time, they’re used to it.




R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We are so glad that you could come to our Grand

Commandery. They are very, very dedicated to all Masonic organizations.

We will now have the Report of the Grand Commander.




R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, the Grand Commander’s Report has

been published in the Report of the Grand Commander book that each of you received in your registration

packet. With your permission I will not read that Report since it has already been published. However,

there was a mistake which happened in the book on page 10, which is that page 11 was duplicated on page

10 at the printers. I will read portion of my Report, but it will be entered correctly in the proceedings. It

has already been submitted to our Jurisprudence Committee for their review.


Report Of

The Grand Commander 2010-2011

to the

Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas





Page 1 of Grand Commanders Report

Report of the Grand Commander

Greetings: On behalf of the Sir Knights of Templar District No. 8, it is my privilege to welcome each of you to the 158th Grand Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. A very special welcome is extended to those attending for the first time, and it is our sincere desire and hope that you find this an enjoyable experience. We extend a warm welcome to our out-of-state guests; both those who have attended before and those who are attending for the first time. To each of you, we extend our hospitality and the hope that you will keep coming back to our annual conclaves. A cordial welcome is extended to the distinguished guests from Texas and other jurisdictions. We hope your time here will be a rewarding experience. We are honored to have with us the presiding Grand Officers and many of the elected and appointed Grand Officers of other Masonic bodies in Texas. Your participation exemplifies the unity that we as Masons should demonstrate in all of our Masonic bodies. To our Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America, Sir Knight William Howard Koon II, I have enjoyed visiting with you over these last several years, and greatly value your friendship; truly, you are always welcome in the great state of Texas. To the Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, Sir Knight David Dixon Goodwin, and to all of the officers of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America, your friendship and encouragement throughout the last several years has helped me more than you will ever know, your presents honors The Grand Commandery of Texas and your attendance adds prestige to our endeavors. To the Drill and Ritual teams, I praise your determination and hard work, and bid each of you a hearty welcome to Amarillo. I look forward to competing against each of you during this grand conclave. In accordance with the provisions of Article 81 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, I submit for your consideration and action thereon an account of my activities and official actions during the past year as your Grand Commander.


Sir Knights, every year we are saddened by the loss of many of our friends and companions. They have enriched our lives with their encouragement and examples of dedication to our fraternity, and for that we are grateful. This year is no different; we have seen our ranks diminished as our Supreme Grand Master has seen fit to call many of our Sir Knights to that asylum above where they will rest from the labors.


Page 2 of Grand Commanders Report During the past year, we pay a special tribute to the memory of two Grand Encampment Officers who laid down their swords and departed their earthly vessels to enter into their heavenly bodies. Sir Knight Sid C. Dorris III, Right Eminent Grand Generalissimo, Grand Encampment of the United States of America and Sir Knight William Henry Thornley Jr, Most Eminent Past Grand Master,

Grand Encampment of the United States of America. All will miss the leadership each of these dedicated Sir Knights have provided and the joy they brought to our fraternity. To our departed dead, we will grieve that you are no longer with us and will celebrate your memory by continuing to fight the good fight, good-bye for now, but we will be with you soon.


The Grand Assembly of Texas, International Order of Rainbow for Girls was presented a check for $500 by the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas during the opening ceremonies at their Annual Assembly in Wichita Falls, Texas. The Order of DeMolay for Boys, “Texas DeMolay”, was presented a check for $500 by the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas during the opening Ceremonies at their State Conclave in Austin, Texas.


At the conclusion of the 157th Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas in Kerrville, I received from Sir Knight Dock F. Dixon, Past Grand Commander, two Grand Commandery seals, property of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.


Policies were issued by Boley - Featherston Insurance Agency, Drawer 10, Wichita Falls, TX in the Fidelity & Deposit of Maryland Company in the amount $250.00000 that covers Sir Knight Jerry Nelson Kirby as Eminent Grand Treasurer and Sir Knight Loyd Leo Chance as Eminent Grand Recorder. A separate policy was also issued in the amount of $7,500.00 that covers Sir Knight Chance in his capacity as Secretary-Treasurer of the Knights Templar Educational Foundation. Each policy expired January 1 2010 and were renewed and reissued with an expiration date of January 1, 2011.

Page 3 of Grand Commanders Report



All of the coverage for the Grand Commandery is under one policy provided through the Grand Lodge of Texas and issued by Texas American Insurer, Inc., 1701 River Run, Suite 408 Fort Worth, Texas. The effective dates during my term of office of the policy were January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. This policy was renewed for another year effective January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. The coverage provided are as follows:

Contents: Replacement cost coverage of $57,600.00 with a $ 1,000.00 deductable. Paraphernalia coverage of $25,000.00 with a $250 deductable. Fine Arts coverage of $50,000 with a $250 deductable. General Liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence with an aggregate limit of $5,000,000. Medical Payments coverage of $5,000 per occurrence


GENERAL ORDER NO. 1, SERIES 2010-2011 — District Schools of Instruction, Annual Visitations, Blanket Dispensations, Grand Commandery Committee Meetings, Drill and Ritual Compensation and the Annual Grand Conclave.

GENERAL ORDER NO. 2, SERIES 2010-2011 — Ascension Day Obligatory Observance.

GENERAL ORDER NO. 3, SERIES 2010-2011 — Christmas Obligatory Observance. GENERAL ORDER NO. 4, SERIES 2010-2011 — Easter Obligatory Observance. BULLETIN NO. 1, SERIES 2010-2011 — Grand Commandery Officers, Grand Commandery Committees. Location and Date of the l58th Annual Conclave, and the List of Living Past Grand Commanders. CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 1, SERIES 2010-2011 Field Drill Ritualistic Competition. CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 2, SERILS 2010-2011 — Resolutions

Page 4 of Grand Commanders Report


GRAND OFFICER’S MEETING NO. 1 The first Grand Officers meeting was held following the installation of officers in Kerrville, Texas. The new Grand Commander, W. David Melear, congratulated his Grand Officers on being elected to their new offices and proceeded to describe his program for the upcoming year. After a brief meeting


with the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar of the United States of America, everyone headed to a dinner hosted by the Grand Commander and his Lady Juanita. The Grand Prelate, E. Ted Hennis, offered a blessing prior to the meal being served. Grand Commander Melear welcomed the guests and congratulated Sir Knight Dock Dixon, R. E. Past Grand Commander, on a

great year. He then presented gifts to everyone.

GRAND OFFICER’S MEETING NO. 2 The Grand Officers of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas met in Amarillo, Texas on July 31 - August 2, for their Mid-Year Meeting. The meeting was held at the Ambassador Hotel. Officers in attendance were Grand Commander W. David Melear, Deputy Grand Commander Paul Wunsche, Grand Generalissimo David Moore, Grand Captain General Bart Henderson, Grand Junior Warden Jerry Pingle, Grand Recorder Loyd Chance, Grand Treasurer Jerry Kirby, Grand Standard Bearer John Elkinton, Grand Sword Bearer Jack Harper, Grand Warder Richard Doss, and Grand Sentinel Clarence Laney. Also, in attendance from the Grand Commandery Finance Committee were Paul Warren, Jimmy Willson and Tom Snyder. Friday night was spent visiting and exchanging greetings, swapping stories and enjoying good fellowship. Saturday the Ladies went shopping, and the Officers began their meeting. Saturday, the meeting started at 8:30 AM. Judge Risley gave the opening prayer, followed by the pledge to the US and Texas flags. The Grand Recorder reported that he would be retiring and expressed his appreciation and thanks for the opportunity to serve the Grand Commandery as Grand Recorder for the past 14 years. The following items were discussed: Membership Long range planning was discussed and a Long Range Planning Committee to oversee different problem area was created and suggestions for members of the committee were discussed. Only Grand Commandery Dias Officers will be required to attend the South Central Department meeting in Shreveport LA. The Grand Commander asked the Grand Officers to remind the Commanderies about the laws governing voting on new members at the annual inspections. The Grand Commander discussed the three recommendations he was purposing at Grand Commandery. Recommendation Number 2 covered Outpost and the Grand Commander explained that Outpost were not incompliance with Grand Encampment law. The Outpost program was discussed, and the Grand Officers decided that the program either needed to be changed to be compliant with Grand Encampment Law for discontinued. The VE Deputy Grand Commander discussed his resolutions increasing fees and creating a registration fee for Grand Commandery. Several of the Grand Commandery Officers agreed with the Deputy Grand Commander and agreed to support his resolutions. Sir Knight Harper gave a report on Fraternal Affairs. Revising Form 2 was discussed and would be sent to the officers in October. It was agreed that the Grand Officers would standardize the letterhead on all official communications. The line Officers discussed the problem Commanderies in various districts. The Officers and Ladies attended a dinner and entertainment on Saturday evening courtesy of the Grand Commander and his Lady. On Sunday morning, Sir Knight Judge Risley brought a devotional to all in attendance before all departed for their homes.


Page 5 of Grand Commanders Report 50 YEAR AWARDS

The following Sir Knights were presented a Fifty Year Certificate and Lapel pin for their contribution of Fifty Years or more to Templary.

San Felipe De Austin Commandery No. 1 William J. Harrison

Dallas Commandery No.6

Bob Ray Allen Gerald Stephen Brown

Loyd L. Chance Ralph A. Choate

Leonard W. Jackson William Don Purdue, Sr.

Robert Powledge Potts Billy Pete Seals

John R. Wallace Robert Henry Waters

San Antonio Commandery No.7 Reese L. Harrison, Jr.

Ivanhoe Commandery No. 8

Adrian Garvin Allen, Jr.

Worth Commandery No. 19

James H. Atkinson Leon O. Barrett William L. Blanks

Claude D. Brown James C. Crabtree Joe W. Ctoss

M. Jack England Roger C. Martin Bartley K. McDonough

George W. Merwin, Ill Robert L. Nail Jimmy C. Payton

Jimmy R. Petty Fred D. Raulston, Jr. Ruftis H. Snedeker, Jr.

Bobby J. Stigler James D. Vann Alfred T. Watts

Walter L. Winn, Jr. Billy J. Woodall Howard T. Young

Page 6 of Grand Commanders Report

Brownwood Commandery No. 22

Robert E. Bilton Glenn L. Weatherman

Abilene Commandery No. 27

Woodlief Brown John Easter

San Angelo Cornmandery No. 28 Alvin R. Bailey

Big Spring Commandery No.31


Charles Chandler Robert Dean Eickhoff Donald Gable

Frank Sexton Commandery No. 46 James E. Campbell

San Marcos Cornmandery No. 56 Ralph C. Arcemont, Sr.

Port Arthur Cornmandery No. 73 Theodore Gillespie

Tancred Commandery No. 82 R. W. White

Southside Commandery No. 83

William L. Blanks Paul Randall Crawford Harry E. Roberson

Longview Commandery No. 86

Earl L. Robinson John Wesley Williamson

Borger Cornmandery No. 96

Robert M. Adams Bobby J. Grove Franklin M Stapp

Page 7 of Grand Commanders Report

St. John Commandery No. 101

Leroy Bruce James Garrison

Kilgore Commandery No. 104

William R. Crim Richard Mulanax James Ogg

Park Place Commandery No. 106

John Andrus John Frederick Duncan Earle Easterling

Charles Ethridge Howell Luther Gay Willard Ray Goodell

Latimer Johnson Raymond E. Maness,

Jr. James H. Marsh, Jr.

Odessa Commandery No. 110 Curtis G. Winn



May 13, 2010 Dispensation granted to Abilene Commandery #27 dispensation to meet in a different location within the city of Abilene until the elevator is back in service.

May 24, 2010

Dispensation granted to Alexander C Garrett Commandery # 103 to appoint and install a new Warder due to the resignation of SK Jason James.

June 02, 2010

Dispensation granted to Fort Bend Commandery #74 to elect and install a new Generalissimo due to the resignation of Sir Knight Chris Ryland.

June 13, 2010

Dispensation granted to Brownwood Commandery #22 to install the Commander and Senior Warden.

July 04, 2010 Dispensation granted to Southside Commandery #83 to change the location for their September 2nd stated Conclave to the Asylum of Worth Commandery #19.

July 13, 2010

Dispensation granted to Waco Commandery #10 to appoint and install a new Junior Warden and a new Warder, due to the resignation of both officers.

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August 15, 2010

Dispensation granted to Temple Commandery No. 41 to appoint and install a new Senior Warden, due to the resignation of Chris Saunders.

August 29, 2010

Dispensation granted to Borger Commandery #96 to appoint and install a new Junior Warden, due to the resignation of Sir Knight Ron Kenyon.

September 09, 2010

Dispensation granted to Ruthven Commandery #2 to elect and install a new Senior and Junior Warden and to appoint and install a new Standard Bearer and Sword Bearer, due to the resignation and removal of these officers.

September 26, 2010

Dispensation granted to Fort Bend Commandery #74 to appoint and install a new Sword Bearer, due to the resignation of Sir Knight Bart Harvey.

October 03, 2010

Dispensation granted to Hidalgo Commandery #94 to change the date of their November 24th stated Conclave to November 17th as to not interfere with the Thanksgiving Holiday.

October 03, 2010 Dispensation granted to Indivisible Friends Commandery #13 to


hold its election of officers at the October 21st Conclave.

October 03, 2010

Dispensation granted to Worth Commandery #19 to appoint and install a new Warder, due to the suspension of Sir Knight Brian Sellers.

November 01, 2010

Dispensation granted to Vernon Commandery #33 to change the date of their November 27th stated conclave to November 13th as to not interfere with the Thanksgiving Holiday.

November 01, 2010

Dispensation granted to Childress Commandery #77 to change the date of their November 27th stated conclave to November 6th as to not interfere with the Thanksgiving Holiday.

November 14, 2010

Dispensation granted to Amarillo Commandery #48 to change the date of their December 3rd stated conclave to December 10th as to not interfere with the Grand Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

Page 9 of Grand Commanders Report November 23, 2010

Dispensation granted to Amarillo Commandery No. 48 to elect new Senior and Junior Wardens, due to their refusal to be install in those offices, because they had been elected to serve as elected officers in different Commanderies.

December 07, 2010

Dispensation granted to Port Arthur Commandery #73 to change the date of their December 24th stated conclave to December 11th as to not interfere with the Christmas Holiday.

January 06, 2011

Dispensation granted to San Antonio Commandery #7 to change the location for its January Special Conclave for the purpose of its annual Public Installation of Officers to the Holiday Inn Select in San Antonio Texas.

January 20, 2011

Dispensation granted to Vernon Commandery No. 33 to install Sir Knight Ed Urban as Captain General due to the fact he was unable to attend your December Conclave.

January 20, 2011

Dispensation granted to Arlington Commandery No. 107 to install Sir Knight Gary L. Alexander as Junior Warden due to the fact he was unable to attend the December Conclave to be installed.

January 21, 2011

Dispensation granted to Teague Commandery No. 91 to elected and install a new Generalissimo, Captain General, and Junior Warden, and appoint and install a new Standard Bearer, due to the resignation of those officers, and to elect and install a new


Recorder due to the death of your Recorder.

February 13, 2011 Dispensation granted to Ruthven Commandery No. 2 to install Sir Knight James Stone as Senior Warden due to the fact he was unable to attend the December Conclave, because of illness, to be installed.


April 20, 2010

Reappointed the ad hoc committee appointed by R. E. Dock Dixon, to research, revise and reprint the Constitution and laws of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Texas. The Committee Members are: Michael H. Shively, PGC, Chairman, Reese L. Harrison, G. Clay Smith, F. E. “Skip” Smith, and Thomas W. Snyder, PGC.

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May 31, 2010 The Following Decisions were made concerning the officers of Brownwood Commandery #22 after the approval of the move of said Commanderies Charter at the 157th Grand Annual Conclave in Kerrville, Texas in April 2010.

Decision #1 Whereas the Sentinel of Brownwood Commandery passed away in July 2008; in accordance with Section 72 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby declare that this office was vacated by death. And, in accordance with Chapter 33 Article 228 (G 234) of the Statutes and Regulations of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas Vacancy, How Filled, and Section 76 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby grant Brownwood Commandery a dispensation to appoint and install a new Sentinel.

Decision #2 Whereas the Commander of Brownwood Commandery demitted in September, 2008 without resigning from his office as prescribed under Article 227 of the Statutes and Regulations of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, Resignation of Officers, I therefore, in accordance with Section 72 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, declare that the Commander has abandoned his post. And, in accordance with Chapter 33 Article 228 (G 234) of the Statutes and Regulations of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, Vacancy, How Filled, and Section 76 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby grant Brownwood Commandery


a dispensation to elect and install a new Commander.

Decision #3 Whereas the Captain General, Recorder, and Prelate of Brownwood Commandery have resigned from their offices as per Article 227, Resignation of Officers, I hereby in accordance with Chapter 33 Article 228 (G 234) of the Statutes and Regulations of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, Vacancy, How Filled, and Section 72 and 76 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, grant Brownwood Commandery a dispensation to elect and install a new Captain General and Recorder, and to appoint and install a new Prelate.

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Decision #4 Whereas I will be unable to attend the meeting of Brownwood Commandery at its new location on June 2nd, 2010, to evaluate the Commandery and make a determination on which officers from Brownwood Commandery attend and express interest in continuing to serve in their current offices, I hereby, in accordance with Section 48 paragraph (h) of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, appoint Sir Knight Dock F. Dixon as my official representative, and give him the power to open and conduct the business of the Commandery, and to remove the current officers of Brownwood Commandery that do not attend. In addition I grant him the authority to hold the election and installation for all offices that are declared vacant for Brownwood Commandery during my absence. This authority is only valid during the Commandery meeting scheduled for June 2nd, 2010.

June 2, 2010 Additional actions taken at the June 2nd, 2010 meeting of Brownwood Commandery #22 at its new location in Boerne Texas:

Decision #5 Whereas the Junior Warden of Brownwood Commandery passed away in 2007; in accordance with Section 72 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby declare that this office was vacated by death. And, in accordance with Chapter 33 Article 228 (G 234) of the Statutes and Regulations of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas Vacancy, How Filled, and Section 76 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby grant Brownwood Commandery a dispensation to appoint and install a new Junior Warden.

Decision #6 Whereas the following officers of Brownwood Commandery, the Generalissimo, Senior Warden, Treasurer, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, and Warder failed to attend the June 2nd, 2010 meeting in Boerne Texas, and based on the fact that these officers failed to


attend meetings dating from January 2008 through January 2010 by which their names failed to be listed on any official register provided to me, I therefore, in accordance with Chapter 33 Article 224 of the Statutes and Regulations of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, Suspension from Office, declare that the above listed officers have failed to perform the duties of their offices and hereby suspend them from office. And, in accordance with Chapter 33 Article 228 (G 234) of the Statutes and Regulations of The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, Vacancy, How Filled, and Section 72 and Section 76 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby grant Brownwood Commandery #22 a dispensation to elect, appoint and install the following officers, the Generalissimo, Senior Warden, Treasurer, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, and Warder during their June 2nd, 2010 meeting.

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July 30, 2010 Appointed the ad hoc committee to act as a long range planning committee to help direct the future action of The Grand Commandery of Texas in respect to membership and financial planning. The Committee Members are: Lawrence E. Tucker, PGC, Chairman, Justin Bauer, Ronnie Wilson, Hunter Schappaugh, Robert M. Loflin, Jack M. Harper, II, Jeffrey S. Bennett, Gary Pearce, Gary Freedman, and Jeff Alden.

September 13, 2010 Granted approval for Weatherford Commandery No. 51 to confer the honorary title of Honorary Past Commander upon Sir Knights William E. Stern and Robert M. Lee

December 07, 2010 Granted approval for Alexander C. Garrett Commandery No. 103 to confer the honorary title of Treasurer Emeritus upon Sir Knight Ronald Dean Park.

Page 13 of Grand Commanders Report

District One H. Bart Henderson 2006 Lazybrook Drive Houston, Texas 77008 To: The Commanders, Officers and Members of Templar District One Re: District One Conclave and School of Instruction It was an honor and pleasure to represent our Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Walter David Melear, at the


Templar District One Conclave and School of Instruction, held at McKinney Commandery #34, in McKinney, Texas. I would like to acknowledge the Eminent Commander Lane Pierce and all of the Sir Knights of McKinney Commandery #34, as well as other Sir Knights from District One for assisting me in a very successful conclave beginning with a great breakfast and ending with delicious lunch that was enjoyed by all; A special THANKS to the Ladies of the Beauceant for their time and effort on our behalf! I would also like to thank the officers and members of McKinney Commandery #34, and the assistance of other Sir Knights from District One, for their execution of a near perfect Opening and Closing Ceremony and their readiness for exemplification of the Order of the Temple. It must also be noted that this School of Instruction was also attended by several dignitaries such as Right Eminent Past Grand Commander Tom Snyder; Eminent Ron Park, Chairman, Templar Instruction Committee and Right Worshipful Grand Marshal, Grand Lodge of Texas; Right Eminent Honorary Past Grand Commander and Grand Recorder, Sir Knight Loyd Chance; and the Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Sir Knight Tim La Vergne; I was also honored to have in attendance several visitors from other Texas Commandery’s (Lufkin #88 and Denton # 45). The Templar District One Conclave and School attendance is as follows:

Record of Attendance Commandery No. Commander Recorder Officers Members Total

Dallas 6 Yes Yes 4 4 10

Paris 9 Yes Yes 2 1 5

Indivisible Friends 13 No Yes 3 1 5

DeMolay 20 No No 3 1 4

Denison 24 Yes Yes 3 1 6

McKinney 34 Yes Yes 1 7 11

Tancred 82 Yes No 4 1 6

A.C. Garrett 103 Yes No 7 3 11

Other Districts Represented

Lufkin 88 Yes Yes 1 0 3

Denton 45 Yes No 2 1 4

Visitors 7

Less Duplicates -11


To begin the school and conclave, an invocation was offered by the Prelate, Sir Knight James DeGlopper; McKinney Commandery opened the District One Conclave in full ritualistic form and the pledges were led by the Commander, Sir Knight Lane Pierce. During the District One Conclave, several topics were discussed including: the review of General Order #1, Series 2010-2011; the Excalibur, KTCH, Cross & Crown, and Dale Miller awards; Order of Knights Preceptor; Texas Knights Templar Scholarships; Committee reports from the Holy Land Pilgrimage Committee (John Gibson), Membership (Loyd Chance), Templar Instruction (Ron Park); we also discussed the Texas Grand Commandery website and forms available online, Knight Templar Magazine and it’s use; the requirement of one annual knighting per Commandery; the annual Grand Commandery Conclave to held in Amarillo, in April, 2011; the recommendation that all Commanderies participate in at least the ritual competition, if not the drill team competition as well.

Page 14 of Grand Commanders Report After finalizing the district conclave, we discussed several specific points of the Opening and Closing ceremonies as well as several points of the Order of the Temple. The Sir Knights were comfortable with their sword manual abilities, so that aspect of the instruction was skipped. Several questions were answered and after that, we were dismissed with a benediction. After the District School and Conclave, the following Templar District One Official Visitations were scheduled:

Date Day Commandery No. Time Location 10/02 Saturday McKinney 34 9:00 am McKinney 10/02 Saturday DeMolay 41 4:00 pm Greenville 10/06 Wednesday Tancred 82 6:00 pm Midlothian 10/30 Saturday Paris 9 9:00 am Paris 10/30 Saturday Dallas 6 4:00 pm Dallas 11/18 Thursday Indivisible Friends 13 6:00 pm Sherman 11/20 Saturday Denison 24 9:00 am Denison


11/20 Saturday A.C. Garrett 103 4:00 pm Dallas I very much look forward to seeing you again during my official visitation to your Commandery. I plan on arriving approximately an hour BEFORE your scheduled visitation, to review your books and talk to your officers in regard to the impending inspection of ritual proficiency. I highly encourage you to have a live candidate for your inspection to qualify you for the Dale Miller Award, for the most impressive conferral of the Order of the Temple. If you do not have a live candidate for your inspection, I will give my attention to the Junior Warden, Prelate and whoever will be delivering the Remaining Attributes, previous to the ritual exemplification. If you any questions of me during my tenure as the District One representative for the Grand Commandery of Texas, please contact in one of these ways: home phone- (713) 864-8222; cell phone- (281) 414-0101; email- . THANK YOU and I will see you soon! Fraternally, H. Bart Henderson Grand Senior Warden GRAND COMMANDERY KNIGHTS TEMPLAR OF TEXAS


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District Two

Richard Doss 411 Dubose Quanah TX 79252 Home: (940) 663-2803 Work (940) 839-6118 July 29, 2010 To: Commanders, Officers and Sir Knights of Templar District 2 It was my privilege to represent our Right Eminent Grand Commander Sir Knight Walter David Melear, in presenting and conducting the Annual School of Instruction for District Two. The school was held on Saturday, June 26, 2010, in the asylum of Ascension Commandery No. 25 in Tyler, Texas. Registration, Coffee and refreshments began at 8:00 a.m. and school started at 9:00 a.m. The session was called to order with prayer and the pledge to the flags. Visiting dignitaries were then recognized. We were pleased to have in attendance from the Grand Lodge of Texas three R.W. District Deputy Grand Masters, Sir Knights Johnny Barr, Richard Gaiser, and C. A. Trent, from the R.I. Grand Council, Sir Knight Gary Dixon R.I. Principle Conductor of the Work, and Sir Knight Phil Boley R. E. Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Kansas.

There were a total of 38 Sir Knights present including dual membership. The schools attendance is as follows:

Record of Attendance

Commandery No. Commanders Recorders Dais

Officers Members Total

Palestine #3

Ascension #25 1 2 10 13

Pittsburg #43 1 2 3

Frank Sexton #46 1 1 1 3

Nacogdoches #55

Texarkana #64 1 1 2

Taylor #85 1 1 1 4 7

Longview #86

Lufkin #88 1 1 1 3

Kilgore #104 1 1 4 6

Visitors 1 1

Total 5 5 5 23 38

I wish to thank the members of Ascension Commandery #25 for refreshments during registration, for hosting the school and providing the meal afterwards. I would also like to thank the Sir Knights from Ascension Commandery #25 that exemplified the Opening and Closing and the S.K. who participated in exemplifying the Order of the Temple. Following the dismissal for lunch, the Commanders or a Commandery representative of those Commanderies present met with me and set up the fall visitation schedule. The following is the schedule of visitations for 2010:

Templar District two Visitation Schedule

Saturday September 25 8:00 am Ascension #25 Saturday September 25 3:30 pm Palestine #3


Page 17 of Grand Commanders Report Friday October 22 6:00 pm Nacogdoches55 Saturday October 23 8:00 am Frank Sexton #46 Saturday October 23 2:00 pm Lufkin #88 Saturday November 6 9:00 am Longview #86 Saturday November 6 12:00 noon Kilgore #104 Saturday November 20 8:00 am Taylor #85 Saturday November 20 4:00 pm Pittsburg/Texarkana (joint)

Sir Knight there will be a school of instruction on Friday October 22nd in the asylum of Nacogdoches Commandery #55 instead of an inspection, since they are no longer in outpost status and in need of further instruction. Please support these Sir Knights as they return to an active Commandery. When possible I will arrive about one hour before the scheduled time to visit with the Commanders and Recorders and to inspect the Commandery books. In the cases where I will not be arriving early, I will inform the Commander in advance. I have been informed that some of the Commanderies will have a candidate for the visitation, but if no candidate is available, I will meet with the Junior Warden, Prelate and designee for the remaining attributes so they can recite their parts should they choose to do so at that time. Please remember that a true Knighting will qualify you to compete for the Dale Miller Award for the Commandery that confers the Order of the Temple. Please inform me of any special arrangements that I need to be aware of, and whether or not a meal will be served prior to the visit so that I can make my plans accordingly. If you have any question at any time during my year as your District Officer, please feel free to can me at (940) 663-2803 (home) or (940) 839-6118 (Cell) or you can e-mail me at Sincerely and fraternally,

Richard Doss

Richard Doss Grand Warder Cc: Grand Officers and Past Grand Commanders


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District Three Paul E. Wunsche Grand Commandery K.T. of Texas 17120 Theiss Mail Road Spring, Texas 77379 August 31, 2010 Phone (281) 320-2509 To: Eminent Commanders, Officers, and Sir Knight of Templar District Three Dear Sir Knights: The District Conclave and Commandery School of Instruction for Templar District Three was held on Saturday, August 7, 2010, in the asylum of Melrose Commandery No. 109 in Houston, Texas. We were honored by the presence of Sir Knight Kenneth B. Fischer, Most Eminent Past Grand Master of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the United States of America; Sir Knights Michael H. Shively and Leonard O. Pierce, Right Eminent Past Grand Commanders of Texas; Sir Knight John C. Elkinton, PGM Grand Council and PGHP of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter, Eminent Grand Standard Bearer of the Grand Commandery KT of Texas, Sir Knight W. Eugene Brookshire, KTCH and recipient of the Grand Master’s Sword of Merit; Sir Knight Thomas C. Snedecor, KTCH and State Chairman of the KTEF; Sir Knight Robert A. Foreman, Excellent Grand Principal Sojourner of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas; Sir Knight James Holloway, Worshipful Grand Organist of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas; and Sir Knight Brian R. Dodson, Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas.

Record of Attendance

Commandery No.

Commander Recorder Instructor Members Total

San Felipe de Austin 1 Y Y N 4 6

Ruthven 2 Y N Y 16 17

Beaumont 38 Y N N 6 7

Kenedy 61 Y Y Y 14 16

Port Arthur 73 Y N N 2 3

Fort Bend 74 Y Y Y 7 9

Houston 95 N N N 4 5

Park Place 106 Y Y N 14 16

Melrose 109 Y Y Y 13 15

Litt S. Perry 111 Y Y N 2 4

South East Texas 112 Y N N 4 5

Visitors 5 5

Total (includes duals) 10 6 4 91 108

Page 20 of Grand Commanders Report Following coffee and fellowship with the Sir Knights present, the School of Instruction was opened with prayer at 8:30 a.m. The Sword Manual was demonstrated by Sir Knight James Stone. A composite team of the best Sir Knights in the state exemplified the Opening and Closing ceremonies. A question and answer session was held to clarify any tactics. A District Conclave was held during which General Order No. 1 was read and discussed. The Dale Miller Award was outlined in detail. Upcoming Grand Commandery events were discussed. The Order of the Temple was then exemplified by the same composite team of Sir Knights who exemplified the Opening and Closing. After a question and answer session, the School was closed at 2:00 p.m. I wish to express my appreciation to the Sir Knights of District Three who attended the school and were so attentive to the exemplification of the work. Thanks also to the Sir Knights who composed the exemplification team for such a wonderful and proficient presentation of the work.


Many, many thanks to Carl Wunsche, Eminent Commander (and my brother), and the Sir Knights of Melrose Commandery for hosting the School and providing lunch. I will never be able to tell you what an honor it was to be in my home district at MY home Commandery for my last School of Instruction. The following is the schedule of visitations for District Three:

Date Day Inspection Commandery Location October 9 Saturday 9:00 AM Ft. Bend No. 74 October 9 Saturday 7:30 PM Melrose No. 109

October 12 Tuesday 6:30 PM Houston No. 95 October 15 Friday 7:00 PM Litt S. Perry No. 111 October 16 Saturday 10:00 AM Beaumont No. 38

October 22 Friday 6:00 PM Ruthven No. 2 October 23 Saturday 10:00 AM Port Arthur No. 73 October 23 Saturday 7:00 PM South East Texas No. 112

November 6 Saturday 3:00 PM Kenedy No. 61 November 6 Saturday immediately following San Felipe de Austin No. 1 November 12 Friday 6:30 PM Park Place No. 106

It is my desire to meet with the Commanders, Recorders, and any other interested Sir Knights prior to the meeting. If time permits, I will meet with the Prelates and those giving the Remaining Attributes and give them an opportunity to recite their parts. I will be traveling from home while I am inspecting, so I do not need a room any evening. If you are planning a meal before my visit, please advise me so I can arrive on time. I will have Sir Knights traveling with me, so plan for a crowd!! I encourage all the Commanderies in District Three to get groups together and support each other during inspections. Please let the Commander or Recorder know you are coming so the Commandery you are visiting can make plans for the meal. I am looking forward to visiting with the Sir Knights and ladies of Templar District Three. If I can be of any assistance to you, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely and fraternally, Paul E. Wunsche Deputy Grand Commander


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District Four

H. David Moore August 17, 2010 2204 W. Park Blvd. #3403 Plano, Texas 75075 Subject: Report of Templar District 4 School of Instruction To: Commanders of District 4, Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers It was a privilege to represent our Grand Commander, W. David Melear, in presenting and conducting the Annual School of Instruction for District 4. It was held in the asylum of San Marcos Commandery No. 56 on 10 July 2010 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Following fellowship and registration of attendees, the School was opened with prayer and pledge to the U. S. and Texas flags. In attendance were 5 EC’s, 1 Recorder, 17 other line officers, and 2 visitors; total attendance was 26, (the numbers reflected below show more because of dual memberships). We were very pleased to have Jim Higdon, Dock Dixon, Past Grand Commanders, and Reese L. Harrison, Jr., Past Grand Master of Texas in attendance, offering their support and council during the proceedings.

Record of Attendance

Commandery No. Commander Recorder Instructor Members Total

San Antonio 7 No No No 1 1

Gonzales 11 Yes No No 4 5

Brownwood 22 Yes No No 2 3

Llano 54 No No No 1 1

San Marcos 56 Yes Yes No 10 12

Corpus Christi 57 Yes No No 0 1

Hidalgo 94 No No No 0 0

St John 22 Yes No No 4 5

Total District 4 5 1 0 22 28*

* Note: Total represents dual membership

District 1

McKinney 34 2 2

District 5

Burnet 113 1 (Dock Dixon, Commander) 1

The Sir Knights exemplified of the Opening and Closing with the assistance of Sir Knights from all the Commanderies. They did a very good job with only a few corrections and suggestions. A short conclave commenced where the Right Eminent Grand Commander’s General Order No. 1 was reviewed and discussed. The Grand Commander’s special instructions covering Section 66 and Article 175 of the Statutes and Regulations were reviewed. The 158th Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Texas to be held in Amarillo, Texas at the Ambassador Hotel on April 15-18, 2011 was also discussed. All Sir Knights were encouraged to attend the Grand Conclave. Following the conclave the Sir Knights exemplified the Order of the Temple. We had a very good period of instruction, which benefited all in attendance. Lunch was served and then all went home.


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Visitation Schedule

The following is the schedule for the District 4 visitations:

Date Day Meal** Inspection Commandery Location October 25 Monday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM San Antonio #7 San Antonio October 26 Tuesday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM St. John #101 Victoria October 27 Wednesday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Hildalgo # 94 Weslaco October 28 Thursday 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Corpus Christi #57 Corpus Christi November 12 Friday 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Brownwood #22 Boerne November 13 Saturday 1:00 PM 2:00 PM Gonzales #11 Gonzales November 13 Saturday 8:00 AM 9:00 AM San Marcos #56 Seguin

** I am assuming a meal; therefore please let me know otherwise so I can plan accordingly. I will meet with the Commander, Recorder and Treasurer prior to the meal and the meeting to review the records of the Commandery. Any other interested Sir Knights are welcome to attend as well. I have been informed that one Commandery will have a candidate for the visitation, but if no candidate is available, I will meet with the Junior Warden, Prelate and or the designee for the remaining attributes so they can recite their parts of the ritual. Remember, a true Knighting will qualify you to compete for the Dale Miller Award for the Commandery that confers the Order of the Temple in the most impressive manner. I look forward to this visitation year. If you have any question at any time during my year as your District Officer, please feel free to call me at my home, 972-380-5610, cell, 214-282-4254, or send me an email at ‘’. Lastly, but most importantly, I want to thank Commander Nick Ramos and Recorder Neil Winslow and the members of San Marcos Commandery for being excellent hosts. Fraternally yours,

H. David Moore

H. David Moore Grand Generalissimo Copy to: Grand Officers

Past Grand Officers


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Page 25 of Grand Commanders Report

District Five JERRY L. PINGLE 325-773-3276 Grand Junior Warden 325-338-3015 September 16, 2010 P. O. Box 427 Stamford, Texas 79553 To: Eminent Commander Commanders, Of Officer and Sir Knights of Templar District 5 Dear Sir Knights: It w was as an honor and privilege to r represent our R. E. Grand and Commander Commanders, W. David Melear, in presenting and conducting the Annual School of Instruction and District Conclave for District 5. It was as held in the asylum of Hillsboro Commandery No. 39 on August 21, 2010 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Following the fellowship and registration of attendees, the School was opened with prayer. In a attendance were 5 Eminent Commander Commanders, 5 Recorder, 1 Instructor, 21 other line officers and Sir Knights, and 3 visitors: total in a attendance was as 35. This number reflects dual/plural memberships. We were very pleased to have PGC Jerral Knox, PGC and Grand Treasurer Jerry N. Kirby, PGC and KCT Tom Turner, and Max Stone from the Templar Instruction Committee for District 5 in attendance to offer their support and council during the School of Instruction and District Conclave.

Record of Attendance

Commandery No. Commander Recorder Instructor Members Total

Colorado 4 Yes Yes No 4 6

Ivanhoe 8 Yes No No 1 2

Waco 10 No No No 3 3

Bertrand Du Guesclin 14 No No No 0 0

Brenham 15 No No No 0 0

Hillsboro 39 Yes Yes No 9 11

Temple 41 Yes Yes No 2 4

Llano 54 No No No 0 0

Teague 91 Yes Yes No 0 2

Burnet 113 No Yes Yes 2 4

Total District 5 5 1 21 32

*Note: Totals represent dual/plural membership


Stamford 75 Yes 1 2

Houston 95 1 1

Grand Total 6 5 1 23 35

The Sir Knights from Hillsboro Commandery No. 39 along with the assistance of various Sir Knights from all the Commanderies within the District exemplified the Opening and Closing. They did a very good job with only a few corrections and suggestions. Following the Opening and Closing, a brief conclave was conducted where the R.E. Grand Commander’s General Order No. 1 was reviewed and discussed. The Sir Knights then discussed several items concerning the Merit Awards, penalties for substitutions, joint conclaves, dispensations for appearing in public in uniforms, and reviewed other items dealing with the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery of Texas. It was also announced that the 158th Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Texas would be held in Amarillo, Texas at the Ambassador Hotel on April 15-18, 2011. The various awards were discussed, and the Com- Committeemen were given an opportunity to present information concerning their committees.


Page 26 of Grand Commanders Report Following the Conclave, the Sir Knights were instructed in the various sections of the Order of the Temple until noon, and then the Sir Knights enjoyed a delicious meal in the dining room. The Sir Knights then again assembled in the asylum for further discussion and exemplification of the Order of the Temple. Following this time of discussion and exemplification, PGC Tom Turner, PGC Jerral Knox and I instructed the Sir Knights in the sword tactics. We had a very good period of instruction, which benefited all in attendance.

Visitation Schedule The following is the schedule for the District 5 visitations:

Date Day Time Commandery Location 10-28-2010 Thursday 7:00 p.m. Burnet #113 Burnet 10-30-2010 Saturday 9:00 a.m. Temple #41 Temple 10-30-2010 Saturday 2:00 p.m. Colorado #4 Austin 11-06-2010 Saturday 1:00 p.m. Brenham #15 Brenham 11-08-2010 Monday 7:30 p.m. Hillsboro #39 Hillsboro 11-08-2010 Monday 7:30 p.m. Bertrand Du Guesclin#14 Hillsboro-Joint 11-12-2010 Friday 7:00 p.m. Waco #10 Waco 11-13-2010 Saturday 10:00 a.m. Ivanhoe #8 Bryan 11-13-2010 Saturday 7:00 p.m. Teague #91 Teague 11-16-2010 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Llano #54 Llano

I will meet with the Commander, Recorder and Treasurer prior to the assigned time to review the records of the Commandery. Any other Sir Knights are welcome to attend. If the Commanderies are not to have an actual candidate for the visitation, I will meet with the Junior Warden, Prelate and the designee to render the remaining attributes so they can recite their particular parts of the ritual. Remember, an actual candidate will qualify a Commandery for the Dale Miller Award, as well as, the installed commander conferring the Order of the Temple. I look forward visiting with the Sir Knights in District 5, and making many new friends during this Templar year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at: (325) 773-3276-Home; (325) 338-3015-Cell, or send me an email at Lastly and most importantly, I wish to thank Max Omberg-Recorder, and Francis E. “Skip” Smith-Commander and all the members of Hillsboro No. 39 for hosting the School and District Conclave for District 5. Fraternally yours: Jerry Pingle E. Grand Junior Warden Copy to: Grand Officers Past Grand Officers


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District Six

JOHN C. ELKINTON Grand Standard Bearer Home: 281-485-2015 Mobil: 713-649-8766 5015 Groveton Lane Pearland, Texas 77584-1238 August 23, 2010 To: The Commanders, Officers and Sir Knights of Templar District 6 Re: School of Instruction It was my honor and privilege to represent our Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight W. David Melear, at the Templar District Six School of Instruction and District Conclave, held at Southside Commandery No. 83, on Saturday, August 21, 2010, in Fort Worth. Registration began at 8:00 am and the school began at 9:00 am. I would like to thank the officers and members of Southside Commandery for hosting the District Six School and Conclave. I also want to thank Southside Commandery and the Ladies of the Beauceant for providing a delicious breakfast and lunch that everyone enjoyed. The Templar District Six School and Conclave attendance report is as follows:

Commandery No. Commander Recorder Officers Members Total Cleburne 12 Yes Yes 0 0 2

Worth 19 Yes Yes 7 7 16

Godfrey 37 Yes Yes 2 1 5

Denton 45 Yes Yes 0 1 3

Weatherford 51 Yes No 7 0 8

Southside 83 Yes Yes 8 5 15

Granbury 100 Yes No 3 2 6

Arlington 107 Yes Yes 0 1 3

Visitors Other Districts 1 1 5 2 9

Total Attendance 9 7 32 19 67

To begin the school and conclave, an invocation was given followed by the pledge to the US and Texas flags. Members of Worth Commandery No. 19, filled the stations for Opening and Closing. During the District Six Conclave, several topics were discussed including: the review of General Order #1, Series 2010-2011; the Annual Conclave of Grand Commandery to be held in Amarillo, April 15-18, 2011; the Excalibur Award, KTCH, the Dale Miller Award and the Order of Knights Preceptor. We discussed the Permanent Endowment fund; the Penny-a-day program; the requirements for the Commandery Merit Award; the Commander’s Meritorious Service Award; the Recorder’s Merit Award; the Cross and Crown Award; and the Ritual and Field Drill Competitions to be held next April in Amarillo. During the day, the following Templar District Six Official Visitations were scheduled:

Date Day Time Commandery No. Location 10/16/2010 Saturday 8:00 AM Weatherford 51 Weatherford 10/16/2010 Saturday 2:00 PM Granbury 100 Granbury 10/23/2010 Saturday 8:00 AM Southside 83 Ft Worth Masonic Temple 10/23/2010 Saturday 1:00 PM Worth 19 Ft Worth Masonic Temple 10/30/2010 Saturday 8:00 AM Arlington 107 Arlington 10/30/2010 Saturday 2:00 PM Cleburne 12 Cleburne 11/13/2010 Saturday 11:00 AM Denton 45 Denton 11/13/2010 Saturday 3:00 PM Godfrey 37 Denton


Following lunch the Sir Knights of District Six filled the stations for the Order of the Temple. The Sir Knights were then given an opportunity for questions and announcements and the members were dismissed with thanks. I plan to arrive for your Inspection approximately one hour before your scheduled visitation, to review your books and talk to your officers in regard to the impending inspection for ritual proficiency. I highly encourage you to have a live candidate for your inspection to qualify you for the Dale Miller Award, for the most impressive conferral of the Order of the Temple upon an actual candidate. Please inform me if you will be serving breakfast, lunch or dinner at your inspection so I can plan accordingly. If you need to make any adjustments to the above times or dates please contact me as soon as possible. If you have any questions of me during my tenure as the District Six representative for the Grand Commandery of Texas, you may contact me in one of following ways: Cell Phone – (713) 649-8766; Office Phone – (713) 349-8700; E-Mail – Thank you for all your courtesies and assistance and I look forward to seeing you at your Annual Inspection. Fraternally yours,


John C. Elkinton Grand Warder CC: Grand Officers Past Grand Commanders


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District Seven

Robert M. Loflin 323 N. Colorado St Port Lavaca, Texas 77979 August 8, 2010 To: Commanders, Officers, and Sir Knights of Templar District Seven It was our privilege to represent our Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight Walter David Melear, at the 2010 District Seven Conclave and School of Instruction. The Assembly was held on Saturday August 8, 2010 in the asylum of Vernon Commandery No. 33.

Record of Attendance

Commandery Commander Recorder Officers Members Total

Abilene No.27 X X 6 1 9

Vernon No. 33 X X 5 3 10

Wichita Falls No. 59 X X 1 1 4

Brady No. 68 0

Stamford No. 75 X X 5 7

Sweetwater No. 89 X 4 1 6

Visitors 2 1 4 7

Attendance Total 7 5 25 6 43

*Total reflects adjustment for dual members. After an opening prayer, pledge to the flags, the District Conclave was held. The General Order number one was reviewed and discussed. Additional topics covered included, Excalibur awards, KTCH nominations, district membership, and templar charities. Vernon Commandery exemplified the ritualistic opening and closing. A question and answer session was held concerning grading, other ritual, and tactics concerns. During the Conclave, we met with the Commanders and/or Commandery Representatives and set up the visitation schedule.

2010 District Seven Visitation Schedule Date Day Commandery Assembly/ Meal Time Inspection

21-Oct Thursday Stamford No. 75 1830 1930

22-Oct Friday Abilene No. 27 1830 1930

23-Oct Saturday Sweetwater 800 900

6-Nov Saturday Wichita Falls No. 55 900 1000

13-Nov Saturday Vernon No. 33 1500 1600

We plan to arrive about one hour before the assembly/meal time to meet with the Commander, Recorder, and to review the Commandery’s records. This meeting is open to any other Officers or interested Sir Knights. We would like to thank the Officers and Members of Vernon Commandery No. 33 for the fine job they did in hosting the school especially the meals. We would also like to think the members of District Seven who assisted in the exemplification of the Order of the Temple. Finally, we look forward to visiting with each of you during our upcoming visits. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I may be reached at 361-652-6180 Sincerely and Fraternally, Robert Loflin Eminent Grand Senior Warden


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District Eight Jack M. Harper II August 8, 2010 714 Craig Hillsboro, TX 76645 To: Commanders, Officers and Sir Knights of Templar District Eight It was my privilege to represent our Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight W. David Melear, in presenting and conducting the Annual School of Instruction for his home district of District Eight. The school was held on Saturday, July 24, 2010, at the Asylum of Childress Commandery #77 in Childress, Texas. Registration began at 12:30 p.m. and the school started at 1:00 p.m. The session was called to order with prayer by Ted Hennis, P.C. of Amarillo Commandery #48, and current Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. Visiting dignitaries were then recognized. We were pleased to have in attendance from the Grand Commandery of Texas: Ted Hennis, Grand Prelate; Richard Doss, Grand Warder; and Right Eminent Grand Commander W. David Melear. There were a total of 29 Sir Knights present.* Representatives from each of the 5 Commanderies from District Eight were represented. The school attendance is as follows:

Record of Attendance Commandery No. Commanders Recorders Officers Members Total Amarillo #48 Yes Yes 6 5 13

Plainview #53 No Yes 4 2 7

Lubbock #60 No No 1 0 1

Childress #77 No Yes 5 2 8

Borger #96 Yes No 3 0 4

Visitors 1

Total 2 3 19 9 33 *Note: Total includes 6 dual members. A short District Conclave was also held. Items discussed included General Order #1, the schedule for the Grand Commandery Annual Conclave to be held in Amarillo in April 2011, as well as these awards: KTCH, Cross and Crown, and Dale Miller. I wish to thank the members of Childress Commandery #77 for refreshments during registration, and for hosting the school. I would also like to thank the Sir Knights from Amarillo Commandery #48, as well as the other Sir Knights from throughout District 8 for exemplifying the Opening and Closing and Order of the Temple. The following is the schedule of visitations for 2010:

Templar District Eight Visitation Schedule

� Wednesday November 3 7:00 pm Plainview #53

� Thursday November 4 7:00 pm Lubbock #60 � Friday November 5 7:00 pm Amarillo #48 � Saturday November 6 9:00 am Borger #96

� Saturday November 6 6:00 pm Childress #77

Where possible I will arrive about one hour before the scheduled time to visit with the Commanders and Recorders to inspect the Commandery books. Following that, I will meet with the Junior Warden, Prelate and designee for the remaining attributes so they can recite their parts should they choose to do so at that time. Please inform me of any special arrangements that I need to be aware of, and whether or not a meal will be served prior to the visit so that I can make my plans accordingly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phone at (210) 414-0052, or email at If I am not available when you call, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible. Sincerely and fraternally, Jack M. Harper II Grand Sword Bearer


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District Nine Clarence J. Laney July 20, 2010 P.O. Box 81 Whitesboro, Texas 76273 903-564-5436 Subject: Templar District Nine School of Instruction To: Commanders of District Nine, Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers

It was my privilege to represent our Right Eminent Grand Commander, W. David Melear, in presenting and conducting the Annual District Conclave and School of Instruction for Templar District Nine. It was held in the Asylum of San Angelo Commandery No. 28 on July 17, 2010 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Following fellowship, coffee and donuts, and the registration of attendees, the School was opened with prayer and pledges to the Texas and United States Flags. The turnout was gratifying and all the Commanderies of District Nine were represented. In attendance were 3 Eminent Commanders, 3 Recorders, 21 other Commandery officers, and 6 Sir Knights. Total attendance was actually 27, although my records show more since some signed in as dual members or in dual capacities and their attendance is reflected in the numbers reported below. We were pleased to have Jerry Pingle, E:G: SW and Tom Snyder, PGC in attendance.

Record of Attendance First School Commandery No. Commander Recorder Instructor Members Total El Paso 18 Yes No No 2 3

San Angelo 28 Yes Yes No 6 9

Big Spring 31 Yes Yes No 1 3

Midland 84 No Yes No 2 3

Odessa 110 No No Yes 3 3


Denton 45 2

Kenedy 61 1

Stamford 75 2

St. John's OK 1

Totals 3 3 1 14 21 Visitors 0 0 0 6 6

Total 3 3 1 20 27

Record of Attendance Second School Commandery No. Commander Recorder Instructor Members Total El Paso 18 No Yes No 1 2

San Angelo 28 No No No 1 1

Big Spring 31 Yes Yes No 2 4

Midland 84 Yes Yes No 7 9

Odessa 110 Yes No Yes 10 11

Others: Vernon 33 No No Yes 1 2

Amarillo 48 Yes No Yes 3 4

Plainview 53 No No Yes 1 2

Childress 77 No No Yes 1 2

Totals 3 3 1 21 27

Visitors 1 4 6 10

Total 4 3 5 27 37


The REGC’s General Order No. 1 was reviewed and discussed. District Committeemen present were recognized and called upon for any comments they might have. Membership, as well as the three K.T. Charities, the Eye Foundation, Education Foundations and the Holy Land Pilgrimage, were discussed. Participation in the Excalibur program and in the Cross and Crown Award competition were also discussed, as well as the necessity to nominate deserving SK’s for consideration for the KTCH award. Those qualified to become Knight Preceptors were encouraged to petition and take the order at the next Grand Conclave.

Page 35 of Grand Commanders Report An exemplification of selected parts of the Opening and Closing was conducted, after which selected parts of the Order of the Temple were exemplified and discussed. The school attendees were then dismissed with prayer to partake of the excellent repast that was provided by our host Commandery. I would like to give a special thanks to the ladies who provided the meal.

Visitation Schedule

Following the dismissal for lunch, the Commanders and/ or a representative of those Commanderies present met with me and set up a tentative visitation schedule, which is as follows:

Date Day Time Commandery Location November 5 Friday 7:00 PM Big Spring No. 31 Big Spring November 6 Saturday 8:00 AM Midland No. 84 Midland November 6 Saturday 6:00 PM Odessa No. 110 Odessa November 9 Tuesday 6:00 PM San Angelo No. 28 San Angelo November 20 Saturday 9:00 AM El Paso No. 18 El Paso

I will want to meet with the Commander, Generalissimo, Recorder, and Treasurer at least one and one-half hours before the scheduled meeting time to review the books and records of the Commandery. Any other interested Sir Knights are welcome to attend as well. Following that, I will be available to meet with the Junior Warder, Prelate and designee for the remaining attributes so they can recite their parts to me should they choose to do so at that time. Unless I hear from you to the contrary, I will assume that you are not going to have a “live candidate” and I will attempt to plan my time accordingly to ensure that I have enough time before the scheduled start time to meet with the officers as stated above. If a meal is to be provided, please let me know in advance so that I can plan accordingly. I look forward to visiting with each of you and the Sir Knights in your Commandery. If you have any questions during my year as your District Officer, or at any time you cannot get a question otherwise answered, please feel free to contact me at my home 903-564-5436 or cell 214-226-0124 or by email at Lastly, but most importantly, I want to again extend my special thanks to San Angelo Commandery No. 28 for hosting this year’s School and to their ladies for providing a great meal. Fraternally, Clarence Laney Grand Sentinel C: Grand and Past Grand Officers


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GRAND COMMANDERS RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation No. 1 Whereas at the 157th Grand Annual Conclave held in Kerrville, Texas in April of 2010, a new committee was created to be known as the Memorial Committee. This committee was to function in the same capacity as the Grand Chapter and Grand Council HISTORY AND PRESERVATION Committees; and

Whereas the Memorial for the Grand Commandery of Texas is conducted through the Necrology Committee and not the Memorials Committee, thereby making the name confusing,

I therefore recommend that the Memorials Committee be renamed to the History and Preservation Committee, and given the additional task of organizing an online history of the Constitutional Committees of the Grand Commandery of Texas.

Recommendation No. 2 Whereas Chapter 25A Outposts was officially adopted in 2001 by this Grand Commandery as a method to help struggling Commanderies, and Whereas this allowed Outposts to not participate in the annual inspection process for Opening and Closing as well as the Order of the Temple, and Whereas a Commandery was only expected to be an Outpost for 2 or 3 years, and Whereas the Outpost was a trial program of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America and was never adopted into Grand Encampment Law I therefore recommend that Chapter 25A Outpost be changed to the following:


Any Commandery that cannot comply with the requirements specified in the laws of this Grand Commandery, may keep its Charter by complying with the following:

The Commandery may apply with the Grand Commander for permission to forego inspection in the Opening and Closing and Order of the Temple.

1) The Commandery under Outpost Status will operate in the same manner as a regular Commandery.

2) The Commander of a Commandery in Outpost status must remain in office until the Commandery is able to stand inspection according to the laws of this Grand Commandery.

3) Outpost Status may only be granted by the Grand Commander and is affected only during his term in office.

4) A Commandery may only apply for Outpost status for two consecutive years, but must apply for the status with the Grand Commander each year.

5) A Commandery under Outpost status will stand inspection but instead of being graded in the Opening and Closing and Order of the Temple, will have the Inspecting Grand Officer conduct an exemplification of the work at their annual inspection.

6) A Commandery under Outpost status will stand inspection but instead of being graded in the Opening and Closing and Order of the Temple, will have the Inspecting Grand Officer conduct an exemplification of the work at their annual inspection.


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Recommendation No. 3 Whereas the Grand Encampment has created a new membership database, Whereas Constituent Commandery Recorders can make updates to their rosters as changes occur, Whereas the Grand Recorder can now run monthly and yearly reports to obtain data, I therefore recommend the following changes to Art. 201, Art. 203 and Art. 205:

Art. 201. Returns, When Made.

For the purposes as hereinafter set forth, the Templar year in Texas shall be coincident with the Calendar year, viz: January 1 to December 31, both inclusive.

The several Commanderies shall make Annual Returns to the Grand Commandery. They shall contain such information as the Grand Recorder shall require, in such form as the Grand Recorder shall prescribe, the names of the officers and members at date of the report, the names of those admitted during the year, and those that may have died, demitted, or been suspended or expelled, with the dates; the number of Conclaves held, the dates and for what purpose, and the average attendance at the same; and if not good, the reason why; and shall include all work of the Commandery up to and including the 31st of December.

Add such information as the Grand Recorder shall require, and remove the remaining paragraph after the word prescribe.

Art. 203. Duty of Recorder.

It shall be the duty of the Recorder of each Commandery in this jurisdiction to send to the Grand Recorder on or before January 15th the first of February succeeding his election the Annual Returns of his Commandery to this Grand Commandery. He shall also transmit with said returns the dues and fees owing to this Grand Commandery.

Add on or after Grand Recorder and remove the first of February and replace it with January 15th.

Art. 205. Penalty for Failure to Make Returns.

A Commandery failing to make Returns as required by the preceding Articles, shall be subject to being declared ineligible for any awards presented by the Grand Commandery of Texas and Knightly discipline.

Add being declared ineligible for any awards presented by the Grand Commandery of Texas and before Knightly discipline.

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2010 – 2011

Fri Apr 16, 2010 157th Grand Conclave Grand Commandery Of Texas in Kerrville Texas Sat Apr 17, 2010 157th Grand Conclave Grand Commandery Of Texas in Kerrville Texas Sun Apr 18, 2010 157th Grand Conclave Grand Commandery Of Texas in Kerrville Texas Mon Apr 19, 2010 Install as Grand Commander and Hosted Grand Officers Dinner


Thu Apr 22, 2010 Canyon Lodge Meeting Sat Apr 24, 2010 Lubbock Scottish Rite Reunion Thu Apr 29, 2010 DeMolay Meeting Sat May 1, 2010 Grand Lodge Corner Stone Ceremony Frank Phillips College Mon May 3, 2010 Plainview Commandery Stated Conclave Fri May 7, 2010 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Sat May 8, 2010 Red Cross of Constantine Stated Conclave Amarillo Texas Wed May 12, 2010 Dallas York Rite Summit Fri May 14, 2010 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Fri May 14, 2010 Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Sat May 15, 2010 West Texas York Rite College #36 Stated Meeting Mon May 17, 2010 San Jacinto Lodge EA Degree Tues May 18, 2010 Amarillo Lodge #731 EA Degree Wed May 19, 2010 Scottish Rite Education Program at Palo Duro Lodge Sat May 22, 2010 York Rite Festival Borger Texas Childress Commandery Stated Conclave Vernon Commandery #33 Stated Conclave Sun May 23, 2010 Memorial Day Escort Practice Wed May 26, 2010 Scottish Rite Education Program at Lubbock Scottish Rite Wed May 26, 2010 Lubbock Scottish Rite Stated Meeting Thu May 27, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Fri May 28, 2010 Palo Duro Lodge Fellow Craft Degree Mon May 31, 2010 Memorial Day Gold Star Escort Fri Jun 4, 2010 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Sat Jun 5, 2010 York Rite Festival in Greenville Texas Mon Jun 7, 2010 Plainview Commandery Stated Conclave Fri Jun 11, 2010 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Fri Jun 11, 2010 Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Sat Jun 12, 2010 Kaylee and Samantha’s Second Birthday AMD Borger Thu Jun 17, 2010 DeMolay International Meeting in Dallas Texas Sat Jun 19, 2010 York Rite Festival in Abilene Texas Thu Jun 24, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Meeting Fri Jun 25, 2010 Grand Rainbow Assembly of Texas Wichita Falls Texas Thu Jul 1, 2010 Presented Patriotic Program A. E. Shirley OES Fri Jul 2, 2010 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Mon Jul 5, 2010 Plainview Commandery Stated Conclave Page 40 of Grand Commanders Report

Fri Jul 9, 2010 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Sat Jul 10, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Installation of Officers San Jacinto Lodge Installation of Officers Hansford Lodge Installation of Officers Thu Jul 15, 2010 DeMolay State Conclave Sat Jul 17, 2010 Grand Master Visit in Borger Texas Thu Jul 22, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Sat Jul 24, 2010 Grand Masters Visit Quanah Texas District 8 School of Instruction in Childress Texas Childress Commandery Stated Conclave Vernon Commandery #33 Stated Conclave Fri Jul 30, 2010 Grand Commandery Midyear Officers Meeting in Amarillo Sat Jul 31, 2010 Grand Commandery Midyear Officers Meeting in Amarillo


Sun Aug 1, 2010 Grand Commandery Midyear Officers Meeting in Amarillo Mon Aug 2, 2010 Plainview Commandery Stated Conclave Fri Aug 6, 2010 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Fri Aug 13, 2010 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Sat Aug 14, 2010 District 7 School of Instruction in Amarillo Texas Sat Aug 21, 2010 York Rite Festival in Houston Texas Thu Aug 26, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Fri Aug 27, 2010 York Rite Festival in Amarillo Texas Sat Aug 28, 2010 York Rite Festival in Amarillo Texas Fri Sep 3, 2010 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Sat Sep 4, 2010 Grand Commanders School of Instruction in Midland Texas Mon Sep 6, 2010 Plainview Commandery Stated Conclave Fri Sep 10, 2010 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Sat Sep 11, 2010 Grand Commander's School of Instruction in Dallas Texas Sat Sep 11, 2010 York Right College Banquet at Texas Masonic Retirement Center Sat Sep 18, 2010 South Central Department Meeting Thu Sep 23, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Sat Sep 25, 2010 West Texas York Rite College #36 Stated Meeting Childress Commandery Stated Conclave Vernon Commandery #33 Stated Conclave Fri Oct 2, 2010 Come and Take It Parade in Gonzales Texas Fri Oct 8, 2010 Grand Conclave Grand Commandery of Ohio Sat Oct 9, 2010 TMRC Family Day in Arlington Texas Sun Oct 10, 2010 TX SRICF in Dallas Texas Fri Oct 15, 2010 Grand Chapter and Council in Waco Texas Sat Oct 16, 2010 Grand Chapter and Council in Waco Texas Weatherford Commandery – Inspection Granbury Commandery # 100 – Inspection Sun Oct 17, 2010 Grand Chapter and Council in Waco Texas Mon Oct 18, 2010 Grand Chapter and Council in Waco Texas Tue Oct 19, 2010 Grand Chapter and Council in Waco Texas Thu Oct 28, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Page 41 of Grand Commanders Report

Sat Oct 30, 2010 Lubbock Scottish Rite Reunion Fri Nov 1, 2010 Plainview Commandery Stated Conclave Sat Nov 3, 2010 Plainview Commandery Annual Inspection Fri Nov 5, 2010 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Annual Inspection Sat Nov 6, 2010 Wichita Falls Commandery – Inspection Wichita Falls Texas Childress Commandery – Inspection Childress Texas Fri Nov 12, 2010 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Sat Nov 13, 2010 Amarillo Commandery Drill Team Marched in Veterans Day Parade Amarillo Texas Vernon Commandery #33 Stated Conclave and Annual Inspection Thu Nov 18, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Called Meeting Fri Nov 19, 2010 Red Cross of Constantine Stated Conclave Amarillo Texas Thu Dec 2, 2010 Grand Lodge of Texas Grand Annual Communication Fri Dec 3, 2010 Grand Lodge of Texas Grand Annual Communication Sat Dec 4, 2010 Grand Lodge of Texas Grand Annual Communication Fri Dec 10, 2010 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting


Amarillo Commandery #48 Installation of Officers Fri Dec 17, 2010 Golden Spread Allied Masonic Degrees Stated Meeting in Amarillo Texas Sat Dec 18, 2010 Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest Annual Meeting in Lubbock Texas Childress Commandery Installation of Officers Vernon Commandery #33 Installation of Officers Plainview Commandery Installation of Officers Mon Dec 20, 2010 Borger Commandery #96 Installation of Officers in Borger Texas Thu Dec 23, 2010 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Wed Dec 29, 2010 Order of the Temple Amarillo Texas (Grand Prelates Grandson) Amarillo Texas Sat Jan 1, 2011 Canyon Lodge #730 Meeting Mon Jan 3, 2011 Plainview Commandery Stated Conclave Fri Jan 7, 2011 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Fri Jan 14, 2011 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Sat Jan 15, 2011 Teague Commandery Inspection Sat Jan 22, 2011 Childress Commandery Stated Conclave Vernon Commandery #33 Stated Conclave Tues Jan 25, 2011 Fellowcrafts Degree Canyon Lodge #730 Thu Jan 27, 2011 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Sat Jan 29, 2011 Drill Captain Meeting Dallas Texas Dallas Commandery Orders Fri Feb 4, 2011 Amarillo Commandery #48 Stated Conclave Fri Feb 11, 2011 Amarillo Chapter #196 Stated Meeting Amarillo Council #134 Stated Meeting Thu Feb 24, 2011 Canyon Lodge #730 Stated Meeting Page 42 of Grand Commanders Report

Fri Feb 25, 2011 Amarillo Chapter #196 Festival Sat Feb 26, 2011 Amarillo Council #134 Degrees Sat Feb 26, 2011 Amarillo Commandery #48 Commandery Orders Sat Mar 5, 2011 SRICF Initiations & Banquet Sun Mar 6, 2011 SRICF Business Meeting Sat Mar 12, 2011 Dallas York Rite Conference York Rite Festival in Houston Texas Sat Mar 19, 2011 Helotes York Rite Conference Commandery Orders Brownwood Commandery #22 Sat Mar 26, 2011 Nederland York Rite Conference York Rite Festival in Tyler Texas Sat Apr 9, 2011 Floydada York Rite conference Fri Apr 15, 2011 158th Grand Conclave Grand Commandery Of Texas in Amarillo Texas Sat Apr 16, 2011 158th Grand Conclave Grand Commandery Of Texas in Amarillo Texas Sun Apr 17, 2011 158th Grand Conclave Grand Commandery Of Texas in Amarillo Texas Mon Apr 18, 2011 158th Grand Conclave Grand Commandery Of Texas in Amarillo Texas


I want to thank each of the Grand Commandery Officers for their friendship over the past ten years; I consider many of them to be more than just friends, and look forward to seeing each of them become Grand Commander of this great Grand Commandery. I wish to acknowledge and thank Sir Knight Jeff Bennett for all of his hard work as Editor of the center page for the Knight Templar Magazine. We started


off a little bumpy, but what a great journey it has been. I also acknowledge and thank R. E. James N. Higdon PGC, in helping with a smooth transition between editors; we could not have done it without you. I would like to thank the Sir Knights of District 7, 8, and 9, for all of your help in making this year possible. Also, to the Sir Knights of Amarillo Commandery #48 and Vernon Commandery #33, never has anyone had a better group of friends, thank you for all your help. Finally, I would like to thank all of the lovely ladies in my life, my mother Mary Melear, and my two wonderful daughters Kaylee and Samantha, for allowing me to take this incredibly journey. And most especially, I would like to thank my beautiful wife Juanita for all of her love and support over the last 10 years. She is truly a blessing to me, and I could not have done it without her.

End of the Grand Commanders Report

The page that was duplicated is under the Decisions and Other Actions of the Grand Commander. It

starts with Decision 1. Each one of these Decisions, Decisions 1, 2 and 3, were pertaining to

Brownwood Commandery’s move from our last Grand Sessions.

Decision 1, which is not in your book, “Whereas, the Sentinel of Brownwood Commandery

passed away in July of 2008. In accordance with Section 72 of the Constitution of the Grand

Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby declare that his office was

vacated by death and in accordance with Chapter 32, Article 228 of the Statutes and Regulations of the

Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas which is ‘Vacancies - how filled,’ and Section 72 of the

Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America, I hereby

grant Brownwood Commandery a dispensation to appoint and install a new Sentinel.”

Decision No. 2, “Whereas, the Commander of Brownwood Commandery dimitted” - which

actually is not correct. He just quit his post. I was told he dimitted, but he is still a dues paying member of

Brownwood Commandery - “in September 2008 without resigning his office as prescribed in Article 227 of

the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, ‘Resignation of

Officers,’ I, therefore, in accordance with Section 72 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of

Knights Templar of the United States of America declare that the Commander has abandoned his post and

in accordance with Chapter 33, Article 228 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas, ‘Vacancies - how filled,’ and Section 76 of the Constitution of the Grand

Encampment of the United States of America, I hereby grant Brownwood Commandery a dispensation to

elect and install a new Commander.”

Decision 3, “Whereas, the Captain General, Recorder and Prelate of Brownwood Commandery

have resigned from their offices, as per Article 227, ‘Resignation of Officers,’ I hereby, in accordance with


Chapter 33, Article 228 of the States and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of

Texas, ‘Vacancies - how filled,’ and Section 76 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of the United

States of America grant Brownwood Commandery dispensation to elect and install a new Captain General

and Recorder and to appoint and install a new Prelate.”

These Decisions were reached because we had no one in Brownwood Commandery at that

particular time that was able to ask for these dispensations until we could elect and appoint new Officers.

This is the page that was omitted from your Report.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I will now continue with the Supplemental Report of

the Grand Commander.

Sir Knights, it is my honor to welcome each of you again to the great City of Amarillo, Texas. I

hope you have had a wonderful time. We have had a wonderful time hosting you.

Under “Dispensations - Granted,” on March 1st, 2011, I granted a Dispensation to Gonzales

Commandery No. 11 to appear in public in uniform for the purpose of performing an Arch of Steel at the

wedding of Sir Knight Matt Billingsly.

On April 4th, 2011, a Dispensation was granted to Brownwood Commandery No. 22 to appoint and

install a new Sword Bearer at their April meeting due to the resignation of Sir Knight William H. (Bill)

Boyd for health reasons.

Decisions and Actions of the Grand Commander, on March 20th, 2011, I referred a matter of

misconduct from San Antonio Commandery No. 7 to the Committee on Grievances and Appeals, which is

actually the Committee on Grievances.

Fraternal Visitations that were not included in the Grand Commander’s Report: on March the 5th,

2011, I was honored to assist San Angelo Commandery at its Festival where we Knighted five new

members and it was an excellent time had by all. The Commander of San Angelo Commandery is here

today. We appreciate you being here.

Under Recommendations of the Grand Commander, in addition to the three printed

Recommendations, we also have Recommendation No. 4. As the requirements of the Federal Government

and a requirement of the State of Texas changes from time to time and in order to keep our Commanderies

legal with the Federal, State and Local Governments, I therefore recommend that the following be added to


Article 255: Sections 1, 2 and 3, no changes.

“Section 4, that the Recorder in conjunction with the Treasurer be required to file all such forms

and documents with all governmental bodies as are required, but are not limited to Form 990s.”

Recommendation No. 5: “Whereas, Article 29 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas addresses financial aid to the host Commanderies and states,

‘Under no conditions shall a registration fee be charged for attending the Grand Conclave; and

“Whereas, more and more Masonic organizations are charging a registration fee; and

“Whereas, a financial burden on our Grand Commandery has become significant;

“I therefore recommend that Article 29 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

of Texas be changed to read: A registration fee may be charged for attending the Grand Conclave, but at no

time shall it exceed $10.00.

“Be it further resolved, that all Sir Knights shall register their attendance and pay such registration

fees as set by the host Commandery. Each Sir Knight shall only pay one registration fee. The money

from said registration - from said fee shall be used to offset the expense of the Grand Commandery Knights

Templar of Texas and not for the host Commandery.”

Recommendation No. 6: “Whereas, Article 72 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas addresses the manner in which the Voting Delegates are paid to

represent the Grand Commandery’s attendance at the Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment of the

United States of America; and

“Whereas, the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas is at all times striving to make the

best use of funds provided by the Sir Knights of Texas;

“I therefore recommend that Article 72 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas be changed as follows:

“Paragraph 1, no change.

“Paragraph 2 be changed as follows: “The Officers herein named or their proxies and all Past Grand

Commanders of the Grand Commandery who shall attend any Triennial Conclave of the Grand

Encampment shall be reimbursed for registration fees only, payment to be made by the Grand Treasurer on

warrants drawn on the Grand Recorder.”

Recommendation No. 7: “Whereas, Article 101 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas addresses the standard receipt for dues; and

“Whereas, the Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America issues all

dues cards through his office;


“I therefore recommend that Article 101 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

of Knights Templar of Texas be changed as follows:

“The official receipt for all dues shall be issued by the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the

United States of America. The receipt for dues shall have the signature of the Recorder of said

Commandery and may also carry the seal of said Commandery.”

Recommendation No. 8: “Whereas, Article 114 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas addresses expenses to the Grand Officers; and

“Whereas, the Grand Officers have changed the amount which they are reimbursed,

“I therefore recommend that Article 114 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas be changed to read as follows:

“Paragraph 1, no change.

“Paragraph 2, change: ‘at the rate allowed by the Internal Revenue Service’ to ‘as set forth by the

Finance Committee of the Grand Commandery.’

“Be it further resolved, that the last statement in paragraph 2, beginning with ‘Each Grand Officer

...’ and ending with ‘... presented to the Grand Recorder’ be removed from Article 114 of the Statutes and

Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.”

Recommendation No. 9: “Whereas, Article 227 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas addresses automatic reimbursement; and

“Whereas, the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas does not currently charge for

reinstatement fees;

“I therefore recommend that Article 277 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas be changed as follows:

“Following the last sentence of the paragraph, add the wording, ‘A ten dollar ($10.00)

reinstatement fee be charged to each Sir Knight wishing to reinstate in his Commandery. The ten dollars

($10.00) of said fee shall be sent to the Grand Recorder’s Office to cover processing.’”

Recommendation No. 10: “Whereas, Article 279 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas addresses restoration after two years; and

“Whereas, the cost of processing and postage has increased,

“I therefore recommend that Article 279 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas be changed as follows:

“Change two dollars ($2.00) to ten dollars ($10.00).”

Recommendation No. 11: “Whereas, Article 287 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand


Commandery Knights Templar of Texas contains no fees for affiliation;

“I therefore recommend that Article 287 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas be changed to read as follows:

“A ten dollar ($10.00) fee be charged for affiliating a member and only the members of the

Commandery petitioned shall vote for the petition on affiliation. The ten dollars ($10.00) shall be

forwarded to the Grand Recorder for the use in the Grand Commandery General Operating Fund.”

There is one piece of housekeeping I need to address on one of the Decisions. I believe on

Decision No. 6 - was that the Decisions, Sir Knight Higdon?

Sir Knight Higdon, was it Decision No. 6 that you pointed my attention to?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER HIGDON: That is correct, Right Eminent.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Under Decision No. 6, after the line that says - well -

“Whereas, the following Officers of Brownwood Commandery, the Generalissimo, Senior Warden,

Treasurer, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer and Warder failed to attend the June 2nd, 2010, meeting in

Boerne, Texas, and based on the fact that these Officers failed to attend any meeting dating from January

2008 to through January 2010, by which their names failed to be listed on any official register provided to

me, I therefore, acting through my representative, Sir Knight Dock F. Dixon, Jr., Right Eminent Past Grand

Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, and in accordance with Chapter 33,

Article 224 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, suspend

from office and declare the above listed Officers have failed to perform the duties of their offices and

hereby suspend them from office and in accordance with Chapter 33, Article 228 of the Statutes and

Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, ‘Vacancies, how filled,’ and Sections 72

and 73 of the Constitution of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the United States of America, I

hereby grant Brownwood Commandery No. 22 dispensation to elect, appoint and install the following

Officers: the Generalissimo, Senior Warden, Treasurer, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer and Warder during

the June 2nd, 2010, meeting.”

Sir Knights, this concludes the Supplemental Report of the Grand Commander. It has been an

honor for me to serve as your Grand Commander. I can’t tell you the pride I have in filling this position.

When I look out over the members of this Grand Commandery, it just touches me to see how many of you

made the long trip up here to Amarillo to support your Grand Commandery Session.

Once again, thank you very much and I look forward to working with each and every one of you in

the future.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I move for the adoption of the Written and

Supplemental Reports of the Grand Commander.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER Wunsche: Sir Knights, nominations are now in order for

the Office of - no, wait -


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the

Supplemental Report of the Right Eminent Grand Commander. Is there any discussion?

Are portions of this Report assigned to different Committees to be acted on during their term?

Sir Knights, certain portions will be again reported by their respective Committees. So those

actions will not take effect until that portion is taken up.

With that, all those in favor of the Supplemental Report of the Grand Commander - the Grand

Commander’s Written Report and Supplemental Report, let it be known by the use of the sword arm.

Down hands.

All who are contrary minded, bridle arm.

So ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report of the Grand Recorder,

which will be given by Right Eminent Jerry Kirby, Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas and acting Grand Recorder for Sir Knight Loyd Chance who is not present with

us today.



E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent


Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent Department Commander, Right Eminent Grand Recorder and all the

rest of you:


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: To the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of


The following is a report of the transactions of the Grand Recorder’s Office for the period of

January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2010. The following are attached and made a part of this Report:

1. Recapitulation of the work of Constituent Commanderies whose returns were completed.

2. Statement of receipts and disbursements.

3. A list of those Commanderies participating in the bonding program of the Grand

Commandery and those not participating in this program.

4. An inventory of the furniture and fixtures in the Grand Recorder’s Office, as of December

31, 2010.

As of December 31, 2010, we had sixty-eight Commanderies, three Commandery Outposts and one

Commandery UD. There are 1,488 Endowed Members.

The distribution of income was made in March 2011, to (64) sixty-four Commanderies that

qualified on this date. I am happy to report, Sir Knights, that we paid $20.00 per endowed member. This

was a good return.

The consolidated returns of those Commanderies whose annual returns have been received and

completed during the year 2010 are as follows. I am going to throw out a caveat. We have not received

all the returns as of yet.

Membership as of 12/31/2009 ....................................................................................... 9,744 Creations ....................................................................................................................... 285 Affiliations ...................................................................................................................... 94 Reinstated ......................................................................................................................... 40 Adjustment ..................................................................................................................... (40) Total Gain for 2010 ......................................................................................................... 377 Demits ............................................................................................................................ 151 Suspended ...................................................................................................................... 425 Deaths ............................................................................................................................ 329 Expelled ............................................................................................................................. 0 Total Loss for 2010 ......................................................................................................... 909 Net Loss for 2010 ........................................................................................................... 486 Membership as of 12/31/2010 ...................................................................................... 9,213

I express my appreciation to the Right Eminent Grand Commander, Sir Knight W. David Melear,


and Sir Knight Jerry N. Kirby, Eminent Grand Treasurer, for their cooperation and assistance during the

year. I also express my thanks to all the Sir Knights I have worked with and thanks and appreciation to all

the Recorders of this Grand Commandery. I wish to thank all the Officers and Members who have made it

possible for me to serve this Grand Commandery for the last fourteen years. God bless the Sir Knights of

this Grand Commandery.

Courteously submitted, Loyd L. Chance, H.P.G.C. KCT Grand Recorder

Inventory of the Furniture and Fixtures in the Office of the Grand Recorder

1 IBM Typewriter, Serial No. 3018201 1 IBM Selectric No. 3 Typewriter, Serial No. 6705 1 Three Drawer Letter File Cabinet 1 Typewriter Desk 2 Swivel Chairs 1 Armchair 1 Hall Tree 2 Postal Scales 1 Clerical Desk 1 Steel Wastebasket 2 Steel Storage Cabinets 1 Eight Drawer Membership Cabinet, Membership Card Cabinet consisting of seven

Drawer Cabinets and 2 Nine Drawer Cabinets, with Table Top 1 Laminating Machine, Model 5000, No. E-61780 1 E-Machine Model E-Tower S/N 433/00304711 w/KDS Monitor 1 Dell Computer and Monitor 1 Panasonic Pin 24, KX-P2023 Printer 1 Gateway Computer w/KDS Monitor 1 Hewlett Packard Deskjet No. 712-C Printer 1 Hewlett Packard Laser Jet 1100 Printer 1 Sharp EL-1801 A II 2 Canon P23-DH III

Record of Commanderies Participating in the Bonding Program of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar as of December 31, 2010

Coverage Paid

San Felipe de Austin No. 1 $ 6000 $ 300 Ruthven No. 2 20000 1000 Palestine No. 3 1000 50 Colorado No. 4 1000 50 Dallas No. 6 10000 500 San Antonio No. 7 25000 1250


Ivanhoe No. 8 4000 200 Paris No. 9 1000 50 Waco No. 10 10000 500 Gonzales No. 11 1000 50 Cleburne No. 12 1000 50 Indivisible Friends No. 13 1000 50 Bertrand du Geusclin No. 14 1000 50 Gray No. 16 1000 50 El Paso No. 18 2000 100 Worth No. 19 51000 2550 DeMolay No. 20 1000 50 Brownwood No. 22 2000 100 Denison No. 24 8000 400 Ascension No. 25 16000 800 Abilene No. 27 12000 600 San Angelo No. 28 1000 50 Big Spring No. 31 5000 250 Vernon No. 33 1000 50 McKinney No. 34 1000 50 Godfrey No. 37 1000 50 Beaumont No. 38 1000 50 Hillsboro No. 39 2000 100 Temple No. 41 1000 50 Pittsburg No. 43 1000 50 Denton No. 45 1000 50 Frank Sexton No. 46 1000 50 Amarillo No. 48 9000 450 Haskell No. 49 1000 50 Weatherford No. 51 1000 50 Plainview No. 53 3000 150 Llano No. 54 1000 50 Nacogdoches No. 55 6000 300 San Marcus No. 56 2000 100 Corpus Christi No. 57 4000 200 Wichita Falls No. 59 5000 250 Lubbock No. 60 5000 250 Kenedy No. 61 1000 50 Texarkana No. 64 2000 100 Brady No. 68 1000 50 Port Arthur No. 73 3000 150 Bay City No. 74 5000 250 Stamford No. 75 1000 50 Childress No. 77 2000 100 Navasota No. 80 1000 50 Tancred No. 82 1000 50 Southside No. 83 10000 500 Midland No. 84 2000 100


Taylor No. 85 1000 50 Lufkin No. 88 3000 150 Sweetwater No. 89 2000 100 Teague No. 91 1000 50 Hidalgo No. 94 1000 50 Houston No. 95 5000 250 Borger No. 96 1000 50 Granbury No. 100 1000 50 St. John No. 101 1000 50 A. C. Garrett No. 103 5000 250 Kilgore No. 104 1000 50 Park Place No. 106 1000 50 Arlington No. 107 1000 50 Melrose No. 109 1000 50 Odessa No. 110 5000 250 Litt S. Perry No. 111 5000 250 Southeast Texas No. 112 2000 100 Burnett No. 113 8000 400 Total $302000 $15100

Commanderies Not Participating in the Bonding Program of the Grand Commandery

Brenham No. 15 Longview No. 86

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of that Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, you have heard the motion that we adopt

the Report of the Grand Recorder. All who would favor this motion will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I would like to

make two motions.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Sir, proceed with your motions.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: First of all, I would like to move that all Visitors

who are not Honorary Members of this Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas be extended and


granted Honorary Membership in the Grand Commander Knights Templar of Texas.

I so move.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we have a motion and a second.

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move that we

accord Loyd L. Chance status of Eminent Recorder Emeritus and if the vote passes, then I also move that

we request approval from the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the United

States of America and I so move.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion by our acting Recorder to

make Sir Knight Loyd Chance, who is an Honorary Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas, the Grand Recorder Emeritus of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of

Texas, and a second.

All in favor will please rise.

Please be seated.

All opposed, please rise.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: It makes it a little more personal.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER HIGDON: Right Eminent Grand Commander, associated

with that motion that was just passed, I would like to make a clarifying motion to ask this Grand

Commandery to ratify action regarding the alleged appointment of Sir Knight Chance as an Honorary Past


Grand Commander, with your permission, sir.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER HIGDON: I don’t remember it being done.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, at the One Hundred and Fiftieth Grand Conclave in Midland,

then Right Eminent Grand Commander Wayne D. Groce at page 63 of the Proceedings of that Grand

Conclave held on April 28th, 2003, announced as follows: “I have made a mistake. I had forgotten, I made

the Grand Recorder an Honorary Past Grand Commander, with the permission of William Jackson Jones.

“Loyd, stand up.”

Then some comments thereafter and that is the end of my quote at page 63 of those Proceedings.

Other than this announcement of Sir Knight Groce having made Sir Knight Chance an Honorary

Past Grand Commander with the permission of the then Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand

Encampment, the action of Sir Knight Groce was never addressed by the Grand Commandery to either

approve or disapprove his action or appointment of Sir Knight Chance as an Honorary Past Grand


I therefore move that this Grand Commandery at this Grand Conclave formally treat the action of

Sir Knight Groce in 2003 by ratifying the appointment of Sir Knight Loyd Leo Chance as an Honorary Past

Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, and I so move.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we ratify

the decision made at the One Hundred and Fiftieth Grand Conclave making Sir Knight Loyd Chance an

Honorary Past Grand Commander of Texas.

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER HIGDON: And, Right Eminent, since we already have had

the approval of the Most Eminent Grand Master, I don’t know that we have to get a second approval.

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Right Eminent Grand Commander


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: - thank you for relinquishing command again.

I kind of warned you this may happen from time to time.

Number one, Sir Knights, I would like you to know the Most Eminent Grand Master has approved


your request for conferring the Grand Recorder Emeritus status on Sir Knight Chance. I spoke with him a

little while ago and he considers Sir Knight Chance a loyal and dedicated Templar and he shares in your

pain, in our pain under the circumstances and he is very pleased at this time to approve that request so that

that may be conferred immediately upon him.

And, Sir Knight Recorder, if you would please make sure that the proper paperwork does get to the

Office of the Grand Recorder.

Secondly, I believe I agree with Sir Knight Higdon that the action of Sir Knight Jones is certainly

final, but if there is any question there, Sir Knight Koon endorses Sir Knight Jones’, Grand Master Jones’,

decision and that title of Honorary Past Grand Commander does stand.

I now relinquish command back to you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, the next item on my agenda is the Report of

the Grand Treasurer.



E: GRAND TREASURER KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, all you honorary -


E: GRAND TREASURER KIRBY: I’m properly respectful, I hope.

The Annual Report of the Grand Treasurer, covering the twelve months ending December 31,

2010, is herewith submitted. Copies have been furnished to the members of the Committee on Finance, to

the Grand Commander, the Deputy Grand Commander and the Grand Recorder.

This report includes schedules and bank accounts and funds invested with the firm of UBS


The assets in charge of the Grand Treasurer at the close of the year, December 31, 2010, totaled

$1,635,104.97 compared with assets as of December 31, 2009 of $1,555,642.98.

Income changes from investments totaled $160,000.00. We had additions of $44,000.00 and

withdrawals of $81,521.00 during the year, resulting in a net change of $116,000.00. The income from

investments does not reflect accrued interest not received prior to the close of the year, in keeping with the

usual practice of accounting.

Investment income averaged 10.43% for the year. This compares with a return on investments of


19% in 2009. A summary of investment income and bank account interest is attached to this report.

I wish to express my grateful appreciation to the Grand Commander, W. David Melear, the Grand

Recorder, Loyd Chance, and to the members of the Finance Committee, and its Chairman, Jimmy Willson,

for their assistance during the year.

Courteously submitted,

Jerry N. Kirby, Grand Treasurer

Investment Income and Bank Account Interest

Balance of Funds at Close of Year

UBS Net Income/Interest

2009 2010

Grand Commandery $677,523.00 $676,578.95

Endowed Membership $458,869.00 $470,322.13

Howard Newton Fund $199,723.00 $194,163.69

Special Fund $80,896.00 $106,868.33

Holy Land Pilgrimage $9,829.00 $11,436.34

Retirement $83,377.00 $123,026.68

Permanent Endowment $20,725.00 $27,595.85

American National Bank - General $24,700.98 $25,113.83

Totals $1,555,642.98 $1,635,105.80

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the report.

Grand Commandery Budget 2011

2010 Budget

2010 Actual

2011 Budget

INCOME Fees $8,000.00



Dues $25,000.00



Investments $50,000.00


Miscellaneous Income $5,000.00



Transfer from Special Fund $15,000.00


TOTAL INCOME $103,000.00


EXPENSES Grand Officers Expense Annual Visitation $4,000.00



Grand Officers Meeting Mid-Year $0.00



School of Instruction $1,000.00



South Central Departmental $1,500.00





Travel 158th Annual Conclave $2,000.00



Grand Commandery Expense Banquet Honoring Grand Master $1,000.00



Widows Assistance $0.00



Distinguished Guest Expense $5,000.00



Field Drill Competition & Meetings $5,000.00



Grand Commanders Allowance $5,000.00



Grand Treasurers Salary $1,000.00



Grand Recorders Salary $20,000.00



Merit, Cross and Crown Awards $1,000.00



Templar Instruction and Metals $500.00



Triennial Expense $0.00



Youth Organizations $1,000.00



York Rite Development (Web Site) $500.00


York Rite Conference $500.00


Retirement Gift for Laverne


Memorials Committee


Grand Recorders Office Expense Rent $2,400.00



Postage $2,000.00



Postage Machine Rental $300.00



Supplies $1,800.00



Telephone $1,650.00



Grand Recorders Expense Allowance $2,500.00



Liability Insurance $550.00



Part Time Employee $7,000.00

$7,000.00 Past Grand Commanders Jewels $0.00


Past Grand Commanders Picture $100.00


$100.00 Printing and Distribution of Proceedings $3,000.00



Revision of Statutes and Regulations $750.00


Recording Proceedings $3,400.00



Grand Officers Retirement $15,000.00



Contingencies $0.00 Fifty Year Awards $0.00 Grand Commandery Audit $4,800.00



Equipment Purchase and Repair $500.00



Grand Conclave Expense Host Commanderies Expense $8,000.00






Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Report.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we


approve this portion of the Grand Treasurer’s Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


E: GRAND TREASURER KIRBY: Sir Knights, it has been my pleasure and privilege to serve the

Grand Commandery of Texas as the Grand Treasurer for the last seven years. It has been a labor of love. I

thank you all for this opportunity. May our Gracious Father Above look down at all of you as beloved

children and bless all of our endeavors.

I hope I served you well and I have tried to do my best for you.

Courteously submitted,

Jerry N. Kirby, Grand Treasurer.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we have motion that the Report of the

Grand Treasurer be adopted.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: And I have a second.

Is there any discussion?

Sir Knights, if you are in favor of adopting the Report of the Grand Treasurer, you will vote by the

sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Now, we will have the Report of the Grand Officers




R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER KNOX: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Distinguished

East and Sir Knights all:

First is the Resolution Referring the Grand Commander’s Report to respective Committees.

BE IT RESOLVED: That the Grand Commander’s Report be referred to and distributed to the

following Committees for their consideration and recommendations. All page numbers refer to the Grand

Commander’s Report.


Seals, Bonds and Insurance - Pages 2-3

Benevolence - Page 2

Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011

- That portion referring to the financial assistance to Drill Teamsand Ritualistic Teams - Page 3

Necrology Committee:

Our Illustrious Dead - Pages 1-2

Templar Instruction Committee:

District Conclave and Schools of Instruction and Certificates of Merit and Service Awards – Pages


Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011

- That portion referring to Ritualistic Competition - Page 3

Field Drill Committee:

Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011

- That portion referring to Field Drill Competition - Page 3

Jurisprudence Committee:

Dispensations Granted - Pages 7-9

General Order No. 1, Series 2010-2011 - Page 3 - Together with Purposes and Policies Committee

Bulletin No. 1, Series 2010-2011 -Page 3 - Together with Purposes and Policies Committee

Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011 - Page 3 - Together with Purposes and Policies Committee


Circular Letter No. 2, Series 2010-2011 - Together with Purposes and Policies Committee

Recommendations Nos. 1-3 - Pages 37-38 -Together with Purposes and Policies Committee

Recommendations Nos. 4-11 – Supplemental Report - Together with Purposes and Policies


Purposes and Policies Committee:

Fifty-Year Service Awards - Pages 5-7

General Orders Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Series 2010-2011 - Page 3

Bulletin No. 1, Series 2010-2011 -Page 3 - Together with the Jurisprudence Committee

Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011 - Page 3 - Together with Jurisprudence Committee

Circular Letter No. 2, Series 2010-2011 - Page 3 - Together with the Jurisprudence Committee

Recommendations Nos. 1-3 - Pages 37-38- Together with the Jurisprudence Committee

Recommendations Nos. 4-11 - Supplemental Report - Together with Jurisprudence Committee

Committee on Grievances and Appeals:

Decisions and other Actions of the Grand

Commander - Supplemental Report -

Together with the Jurisprudence Committee and Purposes and Policies Committee

Reports of the Grand Officers Committee:

Greetings - Page 1

Grand Officers Meetings - Pages 4-5

Visitations - Pages 39-42

Visitations - Supplemental Report

Appreciation - Page 42

All other portions of the Grand Commander’s Report not referred to above committees. Any other

Reports of the Grand Commander with authorization to refer them to the proper committee for action.

Respectfully submitted,

Jerral F. Knox, PGC, Chairman

Tommy D. Guest, PC

William Harold Collum, Jr., PC

Thomas N. Turner, PGC

Thomas W. Snyder, PGC


Right Eminent Grand Commander, I make a motion that we approve this Resolution.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we adopt

this portion of the Report -

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER KNOX: The Resolution of Referral.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: - the Resolution of Referral.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER KNOX: This is the Report of the Committee on Grand



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER KNOX: It is the pleasure for this Committee to have the

opportunity to comment on the way in which our Grand Commander, Sir Knight W. David Melear, has

conducted the business of this Grand Commandery during the past Templar year.


The Grand Commander extended a warm welcome to all the Sir Knights and their ladies from the

Sir Knights of Templar District 8. He extended a special welcome to those Sir Knights who were attending

for the first time. Also, he extended a welcome to all the distinguished visitors from other jurisdictions and

those from our own grand bodies. He gave special recognition to the Grand Master of the Grand

Encampment of the United States of America, Sir Knight William Howard Koon, II. A very warm

greeting was extended to Sir Knight David Dixon Goodwin, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand

Encampment, and the other Grand Encampment Officers who are attending this conclave. He also

extended a Welcome to the Drill and Ritual Teams, and he recognized their hard work.

Grand Officers Meetings:

As is the custom in this Grand Commandery, there were two Grand Officers meetings during the


year. The first meeting was held following the installation of officers in Kerrville. The Grand

Commander congratulated his Grand Officers on their election. He described his program for the

upcoming year. After a brief meeting with the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, all retired to a

dinner hosted by the Grand Commander and his Lady Juanita.

The second Grand Officer’s meeting was held at the Ambassador Hotel in Amarillo. Friday night

was spent visiting and enjoying good fellowship. The Saturday meeting started at 8:30 a.m. After prayer

and pledge to the United States flag and the Texas flag, the Grand Recorder, Loyd L. Chance, announced

that he would be retiring and expressed his appreciation and thanks for the opportunity to serve this Grand

Commandery. The Grand Officers then discussed their district and any problems they may be having.

Following the meeting, the officers and their ladies attended dinner and entertainment provided by the

Grand Commander. On Sunday morning, a devotional was held, after which all departed for their homes.


Your Grand Commander represented your Grand Commandery exceedingly well. He was able to

attend many functions, including Commanderies in this Grand Commandery and many appendant bodies.

Considering his many duties, our Grand Commander was able to perform his many duties to the highest

standard of his office.


The appreciation that our Grand Commander expressed to his Grand Officers for their friendship

over the past ten years was warm and genuine. He gave recognition to the Editor of the Texas Supplement,

Sir Knight Jeff Bennett, for his hard work. He also thanked the Sir Knights of Districts 7, 8 and 9 for all the

help they gave him this year.

The Grand Commander gave a warm appreciation to the ladies in his life, his mother, Mary Melear,

his twin daughters, Kaylee and Samantha, and a loving thank you to his Lady Juanita for her support during

his time in the Grand Line.

This Committee wishes to thank Sir Knight Melear for the honor of serving him this Templar year.

We know what a dedicated Sir Knight our Grand Commander is, and it has been a real pleasure to serve


Fraternally submitted,

Jerral F. Knox, PGC, Chairman

Tommy D. Guest, PC

William Harold Collum, Jr., PC

Thomas N. Turner, PGC


Thomas W. Snyder, PGC

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move for the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve the Report of the Grand Officers Committee.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, if you are having trouble hearing in the

back, if you will just do that to me and I will try to talk into the microphone. Sometimes I have a tendency

to get kind of quiet. I don’t know how good the speakers are in the back. So if you have any trouble, let

me know.

We will now have our Preliminary Report of the Credentials Committee.



SIR KNIGHT FREEDMAN: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand

Master, Eminent Grand Commandery Officers, past and present, and Sir Knights:

It is my pleasure to deliver the Preliminary Report of the Committee on Credentials for the 2011

Templar Year as of 10:55 a.m. today. Those present who have registered are:

12 Grand Commandery Officers 25 Past Grand Commanders 3 Grand Commanders 57 Commanderies Represented 131 Visitors from Texas 8 Visitors from out of State 198 Past Commanders 40 Commanders 26 Generalissimos 19 Captains Generals 5 Proxies with one vote


166 Members with one vote 171 Total votes

Respectfully submitted, Gary H. Freedman, Chairman H. Keith Finch Michael L. Larson Judge R. Risley Albert Urbina

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move for the adoption of the Preliminary Report of the

Committee on Credentials.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second for the

adoption of the Preliminary Report of the Committee on Credentials.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report of the Committee on

Dispensations and Charters. Sir Knight Recorder, the Committee on Dispensations and Charters, has no


I will now have the Report from the Committee on Place of Next Conclave.



SIR KNIGHT WUNSCHE: Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent Department

Commander, Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Commandery Officers, Visitors, Sir Knights all:

My name is Carl Wesley Wunsche, Sr., and I am a Past Commander of Melrose Commandery

No. 109.

Sir Knights, it is with great pleasure and anticipation that I, on behalf of your “Place of Next

Conclave Committee,” consisting of Sir Knights Robert M. Girndt, Lloyd G. Carpenter, Loyd L. Chance


and Brian R. Dodson, cordially invite you to attend the One Hundred Fifty-Ninth Grand Commandery

Session to be held on April 19-23 at the Double Tree Hotel located at JFK and Beltway 8 in Houston, Texas.

We, the Sir Knights and our Ladies, are excited to have the opportunity to host this great event and are

confident that a great time will be had by all.

Right Eminent Grand Commander I move the adoption of this report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Report of the Committee on Place of Next Conclave.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Those opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Sir Knight Carl.

SIR KNIGHT WUNSCHE: Right Eminent Sir, on behalf of your Place of Next Conclave

Committee, we would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve this great Grand Commandery.

Carl W. Wunsche, Sr.

Committee Chairman

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report from the Committee on By-Laws.



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER GROCE: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand

Officers, past and present, and all Sir Knights:

We, your Committee on By-Laws, are pleased to report that we have received four proposed

amendments to the by-laws, that being from Brownwood No. 22, Beaumont No. 38, Port Arthur No. 73 and

Wichita Falls No. 59. We make the following recommendations to these by-laws that were submitted;

That the proposed amendments to these Commanderies be approved as submitted.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this recommendation as submitted.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve the recommendations as submitted.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER GROCE: Right Eminent Grand Commander, on behalf of

your Committee on By-Laws I thank you for appointing us to this committee and for the opportunity you

have given us to serve this Grand Commandery.

The members of the committee are:

Clarence J. Laney, Grand Sentinel

Ronnie Wilson

James R. Beeler

Paul Summersgill

Wayne D. Groce, PGC, Chairman

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this report in its entirety.

Respectfully submitted,

R:E: Past Grand Commander, Wayne D. Groce

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Report of the Committee on By-Laws in its entirety.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Right Eminent Sir.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER GROCE: Right Eminent Grand Commander, as a personal

note I’d like to thank this Grand Commandery for the opportunity. This is my fifth year and, as you know,

this is a five year term on By-Laws. It’s been a pleasure to serve as Chairman for this Grand Commandery

for the past five years.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Right Eminent Sir, for your outstanding

service to our Grand Commandery.

The volume seems to be giving me a little feedback. Would you cut that back.

Sir Knight Jeff Bennett, are you in the room?

Sir Knights, I’m going to have a Report from Sir Knight Jeff Bennett who is the Editor of the Texas

Magazine Supplement. He has done an outstanding job, by the way. We’ve been very fortunate over the

last few years having great Editors.



SIR KNIGHT BENNETT: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand

Master, Grand Encampment and Grand Commandery Officers, Members of this Grand Commandery and

Sir Knights of Texas:

This report is presented to the One Hundred and Fifth-Eighth Annual Conclave of the Grand

Commandery of Knights Templar of Texas.

First of all, thank you, Grand Commander, for the opportunity to work with you on your monthly

insert into the Grand Encampment’s Knight Templar Magazine. What a joy it was to be an integral part of

assisting you to get your messages of encouragement and challenge communicated to the Sir Knights of our

Grand Commandery. Your focused monthly articles shone light on the need for membership, fraternity

and fun. The positive feedback I received, on your behalf, from the Sir Knights that commented on the

monthly Texas Page insert gives testimony of the impact of communication within our Order.

Furthermore, it would not have been possible for this successful communication to take place

without the timely efforts and easy transition in my initial year in this position. This was made achievable

by the support of the Grand Encampment’s Editor in Chief, John Palmer of Tennessee, Brother John

Fleming of Nelson-Fleming Printing of Indiana, and Past Grand Commander James Higdon. Their

guidance and assistance gave me the foundational tools which got me up to speed on the submittal process,


as well as the format needed for publication.

Again, my heartfelt thanks for the confidence placed upon me to contribute to your year as Grand

Commander as the Texas Page Editor. Most of all, the greatest gift I personally received from this

opportunity was the fellowship you and I gained in shaping these monthly messages. Our combined

efforts I know encouraged, informed and challenged every Sir Knight in the Grand Commandery of Texas

to press onward to higher goals to improve themselves, their Commanderies, our Grand Commandery and

ultimately, Templary as a whole.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffery S. Bennett

Texas Page Editor 2010-2011

I move for the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second to adopt the

Report of the Editor of the Texas Supplement Page.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: And as a personal note for me, it was very helpful to

have someone like Sir Knight Bennett to interpret my West Texas English so everyone could understand

what I was attempting to say.

SIR KNIGHT BENNETT: I speak fluent West Texan, East Texan and a little bit of Cajun.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report from the Committee on




SIR KNIGHT LEWIS: Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent South Central


Department Commander, Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Officers and Sir Knights present:

I am Rex Lewis, Chairman of the Grievances Committee. I am going to start this report with an

observation. In Grand Commandery Law there is reference only to a Grievances Committee. It appears

that the Grand Lodge of Texas title for a similar committee has been inserted at some time in the past and

continued to this date. No action is required by this body, and this is just a clarification of the existing

Grand Commandery Law for the Grand Recorder.

On March 22, 2011, this committee was informed by the Grand Commander that he had removed

jurisdiction from a constituent Commandery of a plea hearing that had been filed against a Sir Knight in San

Antonio Commandery No. 7. This committee was charged with returning a recommendation to the Grand

Commandery based on the information that was made available to us. On investigation it was determined

that the filing date of the charges and the plea meeting date exceeded the 40-day limit as stated in Grand

Encampment Law, Chapter 22 (xxii), Section 265, Paragraph 16, Page 195. Since the charges were no

longer valid, in the opinion of this committee no hearings were required.

It is the recommendation of this committee that based on the information obtained to date that the

Grand Commandery should issue to both parties involved a Letter of Reprimand for actions detrimental to

the peace and harmony of the Commandery.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rex Lewis, Chairman

William L. Blanks, Past Grand Commander

G. Joe Hocker

W. Dean Porter (Illness, not present)

Thomas E. Nelson (Deceased October, 2010)

Right Eminent Grand Commander, it has been a pleasure to serve on this committee for the Grand

Commandery of Texas.

I move the adoption of this report in its entirety.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Report of Grievances Committee.

Is there any discussion?

Hearing none, all in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.


So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: And as a personal note, I put Sir Knight Rex Lewis on

the Committee as Chairman because I wanted to use his talents and he informed me, “Well, I wish you had

put me on a committee that does something.”


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: So we made it happen just for Sir

Knight Lewis -


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: - in this Grand Session. And I will say that we had Sir

Knight Chance, the Grand Recorder, review the Proceedings. We cannot find where a report from this

Committee has been made in a very long time.

So an excellent job by your Committee.

SIR KNIGHT LEWIS: Thank you very much.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you for your service.

We will now have the Report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence.



E: GRAND SWORD BEARER HARPER: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent

Deputy Grand Master, Grand Encampment Officers, past and present, Grand Commandery Officers, past

and present, and Sir Knights:

My name is Jack Harper. I’m a Past Commander of Hillsboro No. 39.

During this past Templar year no new proceedings were sent to this committee for review.

We did, however, receive a report from Right Eminent Bill Matyastik, Past Grand Commander, as

a Grand Representative on his report from the Grand Conclave of Arizona. Right Eminent Matyastik was

courteously received and was met with much hospitality. We are pleased to note that he also took his

Knight Templar upon horseback trailer, and said trailer was prominently displayed outside the convention

center for the entire duration of the Grand Conclave. We are also pleased to note that the trailer drew much


interest, and we are sure it helped draw positive attention for the Sir Knights of Arizona.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move for the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second to approve

this portion of the - or is it the entire Report?


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: The entire Report of the Foreign Correspondence


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


E: GRAND SWORD BEARER HARPER: Right Eminent Grand Commander, the Committee

would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve you and the Grand Commandery this year.

Respectfully submitted,

Jack Harper, II, E: Grand Sword Bearer

Justin Bauer, PC

Paul Warren, PGC

Andrew H. (Tony) Bass, PC

Graham H. Childress, PGC

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we will now have the Committee on




E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent

Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent Department Commander, Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander,

Dignitaries all and fellow Sir Knights:

To the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas:


The Printing Committee of the Grand Commandery has always tried to keep the costs at a

minimum and will continue to do so in the future by carefully controlling the inventory we keep in stock.

The two and three part forms are farmed out to various printing companies, also the Proceedings and the

Statues. All other printing is done in-house.

Courteously submitted,

Loyd L. Chance, H.P.G.C., Chairman

Timothy M. LaVergne

Fred E. Allen

Right Eminent Sir, I move the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve the Report of the Printing Committee. Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report of the Necrology



E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: To the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas: Right

Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Grand Encampment Officers, Grand Officers, Visiting

Distinguished Sir Knights and Sir Knights all:

Your Necrology Committee on Sunday April 17, 2011, presented the Annual Memorial Service in

the Rio Grande Ballroom, at the Ambassador Hotel in Amarillo, Texas.

I want to thank the following for their Tributes:

Sir Knight Raymond White, for the Sir Knights of Texas.

Right Eminent Glen McCandless, for the Past Commanders of Texas.

Sir Knight Max Stone, for the Sir Knights of other Jurisdictions.

Sir Knight Richard Izatt, for the Ladies of Social Order of Beauceant.


Right Eminent James M. Willson, Jr., Grand Treasurer, Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of

the United States of America, and Past Grand Commander of Texas, for Right Eminent Sid C. Dorris, III,

GCT, Grand Generalissimo, Grand Encampment of Knight Templar of the United States of America

Right Eminent Douglas Mitchell, Past Grand Department Commander, Grand Encampment of

Knights Templar of the United States of America and Past Grand Commander of Texas, for Most Eminent

William Henry Thornley, Jr., Past Grand Master Grand Encampment of Knight Templar of the United

States of America.

I also want to thank Most Eminent Sir Knight Kenneth B. Fischer, Past Grand Master, Grand

Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America and Past Grand Commander of Texas

who played the Taps. Taps are such a moving part of the service.

We had an exceptional Memorial Service for these Sir Knights. Your committee wants to thank

everyone who participated in this service. They all did a tremendous job. We also want to thank Mrs.

Becky Wunsche for the beautiful music she provided.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, on behalf of your Necrology Committee, it has been an honor

and pleasure to serve you during this Templar year. We thank you for your leadership in leading our

Grand Commandery this year.

We ask that God will continue to bless you and our Grand Commandery.

Respectfully submitted,

Ted D. Hennis, Eminent Grand Prelate, Chairman

Right Eminent Graham Childress, PGC

Sir Knight Raymond White

Sir Knight Max Stone

Sir Knight Richard Izatt

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move for the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve the Report of the Necrology Committee.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.



E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Thank you, Right Eminent Grand Commander, for this


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you Eminent Sir.

Sir Knights, I would like to break for lunch here in about ten minutes. So I’m going to try to get at

least one more Committee Report. We’ll do three more Reports and we’ll break for lunch.

I would now call on the Chairman of the Triennial Committee to give his report.



E: GRAND GENERALISSIMO MOORE: Right Eminent Grand Commander,

Right Eminent Dias Officers and all:

The Triennial Committee has been unable yet to gather all the information for the Triennial

Conclave, which is going to be in Alexandria, Virginia. We will be going up to that area as soon as we get

more information to provide space for our meeting and we will get back with you for a more full report next


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I’m going to make an

addendum to that Report. I believe that Texas will go to Virginia - will invade Virginia and we will

conquer all of the competition at the Grand Encampment.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I believe I have a motion -

E: GRAND GENERALISSIMO MOORE: You do have a motion.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: - and a second to accept the Report of the Triennial


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote -

SIR KNIGHT REX LEWIS: Grand Commander, could you at least state the date of the Triennial.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: August the 14th through the 19th. Is that not correct? I

may be in trouble.

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: 11th through the 15th.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Okay. It will start on the 11th. That is when the drill

competition begins. So we will need to be there early so we can attack our competition. And will end on

the 15th when we install our new Grand Master. It is August, though, 2012.

Sir Knights, all in favor of this Report will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I will now have a Report of the Penny-A-Day

Committee and the Permanent Foundation - or Endowment Fund Committee by Sir Knight Paul Wunsche.




Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent Department Commander, Right Eminent

Grand Commander, Grand Officers and Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas:

I am Paul Wunsche. I am a Past Commander of Melrose Commandery No. 109.

On the Penny-A-Day, this is legislation that we adopted in Waco and we are going forward and we

will need to promote this. We encourage you to save your loose change and bring it every year to the

Grand Recorder’s desk. We will do that as I said when I inspected District 3.

Sir Knights, here is my bag of money.

Sir Knight Recorder, it is counted. It will tell you how many pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters

and if our conversation is right, this will pay your phone bill.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knight Joe Hocker of Tancred

Commandery No. 82, please come forward.

Sir Knights, Sir Knight Joe has purchased an Endowment Badge.

Joe, on behalf of the Grand Commandery of Texas, we thank you so much for your support. We

look forward to you wearing this. It will go right up here on your uniform. Joe and I have already talked


and he told me where he wants the four diamonds and we are going to take care of that and have that done at

the next Session. I’m going to put it back in the little carrying case.

Joe, thank you very much.

Sir Knights, please give Joe a hand.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: At the One Hundred and Fifty-Sixth

Grand Conclave, legislation was adopted to allow the Permanent Endowment Fund Program to begin the

work of providing a long-term fund raiser for this Grand Commandery. The Sir Knights of Texas have

been very generous with their response, and we are very proud to report the Permanent Endowment Fund

has a balance of $28,553.75 as of December, 2010. This year the fund had a gain of 7% thanks to our

investment broker, Jim Lacamp. It should be mentioned that at the Finance Committee meeting held

March 13, 2011, Jim stated that we should see a better gain over the next year. Also, it should be

mentioned that when asked what Commandery he belonged to, he said, “None,” but soon asked for a Blue

Lodge petition and Sir Knight Kirby is taking care of that.

Thank you very much.

Net Income (2010) ...... $21,566.18 Net Income (2011) .............................................................................................. $28,553.75 Net Gain .............................................................................................................. $ 6,987.57 Sir Knights, a letter will go out to the annual members to encourage them to add a diamond. This

will be sent out as soon as the Grand Recorder gets a chance to settle in to his new office.

To the Grand Officers - Sir Knights, it is up to us to make a success or failure of this fund. I am

challenging each of you to sell at least one full membership and one annual membership in your respective

districts this year.

Full Members:

Carl Starkey A. F. Berkley

William Giles, Jr. Harry S. Rogers

W. Eugene Brookshire Joseph Causey

John A. Kleinfelder Ronald J. Price

D. Wayne Howard James N. Higdon, PGC

Hunter Schappaugh Tony Bass


Annual Members - new this year:

Michael H. Shively, PGC (as a birthday present from Betty Carole)

Christopher Woods Travis Griffith

J. Weldon Clampitte - added 10 diamonds

Richard Sharp - added 1 diamond

Ft. Bend Commandery No. 74 - added 1 diamond Jeffery L. Wright - added one diamond

Melrose Assembly No. 204, Social Order of the Beauceant - added one diamond


We commend Ft. Bend Commandery No. 74 and Melrose Assembly No. 204, who use annual

memberships as traveling badges for their presiding officers to wear during their year of service. We

believe this is a wonderful way to promote Texas Templary throughout the state and the nation. Many

thanks are also extended to the Grand Commandery Website Committee for putting the brochure on the

web page, along with the names of those who are members. We think this is a wonderful tool for getting

the information out to all of our Sir Knights.

It is extremely exciting and pleasing that this program has performed so well, and our hope is that

more Sir Knights, ladies and organizations will participate. Every Sir Knight is encouraged to promote the

Permanent Endowment Fund as the future of Templary in Texas.

Please remember that this fund was created to help defray the operating cost of our Grand

Commandery, and to support our youth organizations, the Knights Templar Eye Foundation and the Holy

Land Pilgrimage. Thank you, Sir Knight of Texas, for your generous support. I look forward to reading a

much longer list of member names next year.

Sir Knights, I have five badges with me, and I will be glad to sell you one during this session.

Now, in recognition of my good friend, R. E. Keith Powell from Louisiana, Right Eminent Grand

Commander, I move the adoption of this “well-prepared” report.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion to accept this

well-prepared, short report.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Is there any discussion?

Hearing none, all in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.


Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.



Before I adjourn for lunch, I have one more Report I would like to have given. It is actually from

the Holy Land Pilgrimage, whose Chairman had medical problems and couldn’t be here today. It is

basically a report saying that there were no names submitted. Therefore, they had no actions to act upon

this year. So it is a no report.

I would ask that Sir Knight Ron Park be prepared to give his Report just after lunch.

It is, by my watch, one minute after 11:40 - it’s 11:41.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I have one request to make. Most of you know that my

job requires me to have a work phone with me all the time. I cannot turn it off, but I have it on vibrate and

that may go off during the day. But we have a tendency to turn the phone back on when we leave the

building. If you would, please just remember to turn your phones to vibrate once we come back into

session. I would appreciate it. It doesn’t bother me, but it does bother some people. Let’s try to respect

the people who are speaking.

At this time, Sir Knights, if you will rise and uncover. I will ask that our Grand Prelate to dismiss

us for lunch.

Our return time will be one o’clock.


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Most Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father, we just thank You

for the courtesy that these Sir Knights have given our Grand Commander this morning. We just thank each

and every one of them. As we depart and go to lunch, we just ask that You bless the food for the

nourishment of our bodies and our bodies to Thy service. Heavenly Father, You are our Lord and Master

and we love You and thank You for all that You do for us. For these things we ask in Christ’s Holy Name.




R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, recover!

The One Hundred and Fifty-Eight Grand Annual Conclave is adjourned until one o’clock. Please

be back as close to one o’clock sharp as you can.

Thank you, Sir Knights.



MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2011 1:04 P.M.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have about 1:04. If you would please

rise and uncover!

Eminent Grand Prelate, will you open our Session with prayer.



E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Again, Most Heavenly Father, we come to You giving our

thanks for all the many blessings that You have bestowed upon us. Heavenly Father, You are the Lord of

our lives and we just want to walk in Your path and down the path of richness. Heavenly Father, watch over

this Session this afternoon. Forgive us of our shortcomings and again we just ask that everything that we

do would be pleasing to Thee. For these things we ask in Christ’s Holy Name. Amen!


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, recover!

Be seated.

I now declare the One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave open for its Afternoon


We will start with the Committee Report from Templar Instruction, Sir Knight Ron Park.



SIR KNIGHT RONALD D. PARK: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy

Grand Master, Right Eminent South Central Department Commander and Right Eminent Grand Officers

and Sir Knights all:

I’m Ron Park. I’m a Past Commander of A. C. Garrett Commandery No. 103.

To: 158th Annual Conclave, Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, Amarillo, Texas

Grand Commander’s Report:

The Committee on Templar Instruction has reviewed the following portions of the Grand

Commander’s Report which have bee referred to our committee:

1. District Conclaves and Schools of Instruction - Pages 13-36. 2. Certificates of Merit and Service Awards - Pages 13-36. 3. Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011 - That portion referring to the Ritualistic

Competition - Page 3. The Committee concurs with the reports of the District Conclaves and Schools of Instruction, the

Certificates of Merit and Service Awards, the rules governing the Ritualistic Competition and the

disbursement of funds for financial assistance as listed in the Grand Commander’s Report.

We therefore recommend that the above portion of the Grand Commander’s Report be adopted.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve this portion of the Templar Instruction Committee Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT PARK: Ritualistic Competition:

Prior to this Grand Conclave, on Saturday, January 15, 2011, beginning at 10:00 a.m., the


Committee on Templar Instruction conducted the Ritualistic Competition in the Illustrious Order of the Red

Cross. This competition was conducted in accordance with the rules set forth in Circular Letter No. 1,

Series 2010-2011.

The results of the competition are as follows: 11 Teams entered this year’s competition. 17 First time competitors.

Place Commandery Score 1st Worth Commandery No. 19 996 2nd Ascension Commandery No. 25 993 2nd Amarillo Commandery No. 48 993 3rd Melrose Commandery No. 109 984 4th Dallas Commandery No. 6 967 5th Ruthven Commandery No. 2 961 6th Southside Commandery No. 83 944 7th McKinney Commandery No. 34 936 8th Vernon Commandery No. 33 906 9th A. C. Garrett Commandery No. 103 889 10th Childress Commandery No. 77 786

Streamers designating the winners of first, second and third place in the competition were awarded

to the winning teams at the Awards Banquet held on Saturday evening. Ritual Bars were awarded to the

competing teams after the Memorial and Divine Service on Sunday, April 17, 2011, in Amarillo, Texas.

The Committee recommends the following cash prizes be presented: First Place Cash Prize of

$200.00 to Worth Commandery No. 19, Second Place Cash Prize of $100.00 be awarded to Amarillo

Commandery No. 48, Second Place Cash Prize of $100.00 be awarded to Ascension Commandery No. 25,

Third Place Cash Prize of $50.00 be awarded to Melrose Commandery No. 109.

The Committee on Templar Instruction would like to commend each of the Commanderies who

participated in this year’s Ritualistic Competition and thank them for their efforts in perpetuating the

Templar Orders.

This year, of the 11 teams of 66 participants, 17 members of 26% of the members participated for

the very first time.

Right Eminent Grand Commander I move the adoption of this portion of the Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second to adopt this

portion of the Templar Instruction Committee Report.


All in favor will vote by the sword arm.


Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT PARK: Right Eminent Grand Commander, the members of the Committee on

Templar Instruction wish to express our appreciation to you for allowing us this opportunity to serve this

Grand Commandery and the Sir Knights of Texas.

Respectfully submitted, Ronald D. Park, Chairman Nickolaus K. L. Fehrenbach, District 1 Ray Burcham, District 2 Robert A. Foreman, Jr., District 3 Eugene A. (Tony) Meyer, District 4 Max Stone, District 5 B. J. Young, District 6 Hubert E. Smith, District 7 Judge R. Risley, District 8 Jim Davis, District 9 E. Dixon Toney, Member-at-Large A. Glen McCandless, PGC, Member-at-Large Douglas K. Dees, Member-at-Large Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we adopt

this portion of the Templar Instruction Committee’s Report.

Is there any discussion?

Those in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT PARK: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I am leaving the Committee right now.

I want to thank you and all the Members of this Grand Commandery. It has been a fun ride. I’ve been


doing this since 1978 and I have loved every minute of it, but it is time to pass it on to some other Sir

Knights and get some new blood in it. Again, I certainly thank you and your Officers for the honor to serve

you in this capacity.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move for the adoption of the Report as a whole.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we adopt

the Report of the Templar Instruction Committee in its entirety.

Is there any discussion?

If you favor it, vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Park, I would like to thank you and your

Committee for the excellent job that you have done. It’s outstanding. We had great competition. I know

I speak for everybody in the room when I say you did an excellent job. We’re very proud of you. Thanks

a lot.

SIR KNIGHT PARK: It is always a privilege and pleasure to serve this Grand Commandery.

Thank you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I’m going to make a few quick

presentations if that is okay with everyone present and then we will proceed onto the Education

Committee’s Report, which I’m not for sure if Robert Foreman had to leave. Does he -

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: I finished up the Report. He emailed it to me.

We’ve given it to the Committee Chairman, Jim Smith, who’s in here somewhere and he’s supposed to give


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Okay. Well, we’ll have that Report right after we

make these presentations.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: If the following Sir Knights would please

join our Grand Commander out front for a presentation: Sir Knight Douglas Dees has purchased an


Endowment badge with one diamond; Sir Knight Ray Ridgeway has purchased a starter badge; Sir Knight

Neil Winslow has purchased a starter badge; Eminent Grand Generalissimo H. David Moore has purchased

- I guess you can get credit for selling it to yourself; and then Sir Knight Winslow has requested that his

Inspecting Officer for his District get credit. Sir Knight David Willard has purchased a starter badge.

Then also his dad, Sir Knight James Willard, has purchased four diamonds for his badge that he already has.

Right Eminent Jerry Kirby has purchased a diamond for his and then I have purchased a diamond for


Sir Knights, that is the total, $2,950.00, that we have raised this afternoon for the Permanent

Endowment Fund. I thank you, Sir Knights, so very much for your support. Get with your Inspecting

Officer or go to the Website. All that information is there and we look forward to selling many, many

more badges.


(APPLAUSE. R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We appreciate all of you Sir Knights being so generous

with us.

We will now have the Report of the Education Committee by Sir Knight Jim Smith, Past Grand

Commander, Grand Commander, Knights Templar of Texas.



Eminent Grand Encampment Officers, Eminent Grand Commandery Officers and Sir Knights all:

I am Jim Smith, Past Commander of Ascension Commandery.

This is the Report of your Knights Templar Education Committee.

The Committee would like to submit the 2011 budget for approval of this Grand Commandery and

to be given to the Grand Encampment for their final approval.

The total budget is $8,500.00 and a copy of the itemized expenses can be obtained from the Grand

Recorder’s Office. Right Eminent Sir, I move for the adoption of this portion of the Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we adopt

this portion of the Education Committee Report.

If there is not discussion, we will vote by the usual voting sign, the sword arm.

Down hands.


Those opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SMITH: The Knights Templar Education Committee met

twice with the Texas Knights Templar Education Foundation, working together to evaluate scholarship

applications. Due to the investment market still being down, we were able to approve thirty $1,000.00

scholarships and two $2,000.00 scholarships for a total of $34,000.00.

Right Eminent Sir, I move the adoption of this portion of the Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we adopt

this portion of the Education Committee’s Report.

Is there any discussion?

If not, vote by the usual voting sign, the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SMITH: Right Eminent Grand Commander, the

Committee would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve Templar Masonry and the Grand Recorder,

Loyd Chance, and his staff for their help and support.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry G. Canada, Chairman

Robert A. Foreman, Co-Chairman

Bret Conway

James P. Smith, PGC

George H. Chaney

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of the Report as a whole.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we


approve the Report of the Education Committee in its entirety.

Any discussion?

We will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you for that Report.

Before we have the Education Foundation Committee’s Report, I would like to see if we can have

the Grand Commander from Louisiana, if he would bring greetings to us.


STATE OF LOUISIANA: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent and Eminent Sirs, Grand

Officers, everyone here in Texas:

We grow them big in Louisiana like I am.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER POWELL: It’s been a great, great time here. The hospitality has

been really great. I have met a lot of great Sir Knights here and am looking forward to you all coming over

there to Louisiana in March of 2012 in Shreveport, but I would like to give a little bit of history. I just tell

this to a few people.

I live in Moss Bluff, Louisiana, which is pretty close to the Texas border. I was telling Right

Eminent Doug today there are four from Louisiana right there. Sam Houston - I graduated from a high

school named Sam Houston. That is a person who was a Texan, your Governor and your President as well.

We got him up there. He rides that horse just like I see him many places throughout Texas.

The folklore is that he was there probably gathering up people from Louisiana, Texas, whatever to

cross the Sabine, you know, to fight Santa Anna. A state park there was named after him. Then we got a

Governor - you know how Louisiana is. We like to mess things up. We named that Sam Houston Jones



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER POWELL: I’m very proud to come from that area. It is always a


great honor to know Sam Houston and know that that was part of Texas.

I also want to let you all know that wasn’t part of the Louisiana Purchase. That was the badlands.

We know that Texas has some bad land, but that part of Louisiana was the badlands.

Again, I would like to thank all of you all. It is great to see a lot of Sir Knights.

Sir, thank you, sir. It has been great. It’s been great to be with you. It is a great honor to be

working with you this year.

I thank all of you all. We appreciate it, guys.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Do we have a representative from Corpus Christi

Commandery No. 57? Could you approach the front here. H. David Moore, our Eminent Grand

Generalissimo, would like to make a presentation to your Commandery.

E: GRAND GENERALISSIMO MOORE: Sir Knight, I would like to present to you the Gilbough

Plaque for this year with a score of 910 in the Ritual competition. We’re very proud of you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a quick announcement that I would

like to read to you. These are the people who have not picked up their ballots. You have approximately

fifteen minutes to get over to the ballot area and pick up your ballot. Billy Ray Bell, Jerral B. Jones,

Orville O’Neill, Allen Faught, Kenneth Hott, Dillon Smith, Max Stone, Bruce Swint, Keith Carrell, John

Braun, Larry Windfield, Neal Winslow, Edward Mickie, Ricardo Gonzales, Preston Hayes, Terry McGee,

Lane Pierce, Jeffery Wright, Wayne Howard, Terry Rogers, Dwight Phillips, Cory Harvey - Courtney

Harvey, B. J. Young.

These are the people who registered as Voting Delegates and have not picked up their ballots.

Sam Allsbrooks, Richard Jernigan, Melvin Haygood, Steve Wolfe, John Coffman, Onie Weaver, Robert

Foreman, Jr.

I have actually asked them to come in and turn the air conditioner where we can get cool.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Andrew Garza - Andy Garza, sorry, Roger Moore,

Mike Phillipus, J. D. Wills, John Spann, Bert Willard, Ray White, John Whistler, David Millen, Scott

James, Eugene Myers, Tim Zaliskey, Mike Midler, Arliss Weber - I thought Arliss was here. Robert

Sutton and Charles Miller.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, if I called your name and you are in the

room or if you know that that Sir Knight is present and just not in the room, please tell them to report to the


ballot desk which is over here. I have instructed them to stay open just a little bit later than 1:30, but you

need to hurry so we can get along with our Election.

We will now have the Report of the Education Foundation.



Encampment Officers, Distinguished Guests and Sir Knights:

I am Leonard O. Pierce, Past Commander of Ruthven Commandery No. 2 and President of the

Texas Knights Templar Educational Foundation, and on behalf of the Directors I would like to submit the

following report:

Before doing so I regret to inform this Grand Commandery that one of our directors, Larry Canada,

Past Grand Master of the Grand Council, had a diabetic stroke on March 16th of 2010. Larry is still in a

hospital and we ask that you keep him in your prayers.

To: The Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Texas, at the 158th Annual Conclave:

The Directors and the Educational Committee met on July 10, 2010, at the Grand Recorder’s Office

to evaluate twenty-seven scholarship applications, of which fourteen were incomplete. Out of the thirteen

applications evaluated, twelve students received one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) scholarships. Six of

these scholarships were funded from the Knights Templar Educational Foundation Committee and six from

the Texas Knights Templar Educational Foundation which also awarded one, two thousand dollar

($2,000.00) scholarship.

We met again on November 13, 2010, at the Grand Recorder’s Officer for the purpose of evaluating

twenty-nine applications, of which ten were incomplete. After carefully reviewing each application,

eighteen, one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) scholarships were approved from the eighteen applications

evaluated. Nine of these scholarships were funded from the Knights Templar Educational Foundation

Committee and nine one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) scholarships and one two thousand dollar ($2,000.00)

scholarship from the Texas Knights Templar Educational Foundation.

Since our last Grand Conclave, thirty one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) scholarships and two, two

thousand dollar ($2,000.00) scholarships have been awarded. These were presented in our local Lodges,

Chapters, Councils and Commanderies, and other places where the students, their families and friends

could get recognition, find out about Masonry, and more especially about Templar Masonry. Since 1988,

the Texas Knights Templar Educational Foundation has presented more than $1,000,000 in scholarships.

The scholarship application will be revised to reflect the new address of the new Grand Recorder.


To obtain a copy of the new application form, call the Grand Recorder’s Office.

We continue to solicit your donations to increase the endowment, thereby allowing it to remain a

viable source of income through the interest alone. We would also encourage you to remember the Texas

Knights Templar Educational Foundation in your wills and bequeaths. Many have made donations in

memory of loved ones. What could be a better way to help young adults get an education and promote

Templary Masonry at the same time? Any donation, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated,

so please donate whatever you can. In 2010 the Texas Knights Templar Educational Foundation received

$38,230.00 in donations.

And I would like to mention while I’m here, Gene Brookshire presented me with a check for

$1,000.00 to be applied to our endowment money, and I would appreciate it if you would give him a big



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Gene, is always so generous with his donations.

At this Annual Conclave, the Directors met and discussed the financial condition of the foundation

and approved a budget of $7,856.76 toward the office expenses for the Grand Recorder’s Office. It was

also decided that we would not determine the amount of money that would be available for scholarships

until July.

As a token of our appreciation for her support and dedication to our team we voted to give Laverne

Poston a monetary gift of $500.00. The following officers were elected:

Leonard O. Pierce, President Jerry N. Kirby, Vice President Thomas N. Turner, Secretary

The Directors of the Texas Knights Templar Educational Foundation would like to take this

opportunity to thank our Grand Recorder, Sir Knight Loyd Chance, and his staff for all of their help. We

also thank our Grand Officers and the members of the Knights Templar Educational Foundation Committee

for their assistance in evaluating applications and for the donation of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00)

for scholarships.

We are proud to be of service to this Grand Commandery and to serve the Sir Knights of Texas.

Respectfully submitted, Leonard O. Pierce, PGC Jerry N. Kirby, PGC Thomas N. Turner, PGC


B. J. Young Clarence J. Laney Robert A. Foreman Larry G. Canada

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move that we accept this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Report of the Education Foundation.

Is there any discussion?

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Thank you, Right Eminent Grand


Just out of curiosity, how many of you believe that that application should be on the Website?

Thank you, Sir Knights.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Right Eminent Grand Commander, may I respond

just briefly?

Sir Knights, the reason we don’t want it on the Website is so that if you need an application, you

need to come to one of the Lodges, one of the Sir Knights and so forth and get it from them. This makes it

more personal for us. It makes it more personal for Masonry for us to determine where it is. If at any time

you need one, I’ll be more than happy to mail you one, and the Grand Officers will be supplied with them

and the Grand Commander Officers - I mean the Grand Commander - I mean the Commandery Officers and

Recorders will have them.

So you can see that they are readily available. But if you put it out on the Website, no telling how

many people will be applying for these things, whether they’ve had any connection or any idea where the

money is coming from. So this is why we like to keep it so someone has to come to you personally.

Naturally, that makes you - that makes you the first line in the evaluation process.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, thank you for allowing me the privilege.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: The motion on the floor was to accept the Report of the

Education Foundation.

Is there any other discussion?

Hearing none, if you accept the Report, vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.




R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you for your report.

We will now have the Report of the Patriotic and Civic and Public Relations Project Committee.


BY: SIR KNIGHT JOHN E. ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN SIR KNIGHT JOHN E. ANDREWS: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Grand Officers and Sir

Knights all:

I am John Earl Andrews, a Past Commander of Ascension Commandery No. 25, and this is the

Report of the Patriotic and Civic Activities Committee for 2010.

We are pleased to report that at the Saturday night Awards Banquet we presented 2010 Cross and

Crown Awards to the following Commanderies:

Dallas No. 6 Worth No. 19 Vernon No. 33 McKinney No. 34 Amarillo No. 48 Fort Bend No. 74 Borger No. 96 Park Place No. 106 Arlington No. 107 Melrose No. 109

Subsequent to that, we have been informed that three Commanderies submitted applications,

qualified applications, to the Grand Recorder’s Office that we were not aware of. They submitted them on

time and they did qualify and they are to receive the Cross and Crown Award. These are:

Southeast Texas No. 112 Ruthven No. 2 Tancred No. 82

We presented Patriotic and Civic Awards to the following Commanderies:

District No. 1 - Dallas No. 6 District No. 3 - Park Place No. 106 District No 6 - Worth No. 19 District No. 7 - Vernon No. 33 District No. 8 - Amarillo No. 48

We also engraved 29 Excalibur Awards for presentation at their local Commanderies.


Right Eminent Grand Commander, the Committee would like to thank you for the opportunity to

serve Templar Masonry, and the Grand Recorder, Loyd Chance and his staff for their assistance.

Respectfully submitted, Alfred E. Bell, District No. 1 J. Preston Haynes, District No. 3 Gary Adams, District No. 5 Ed Urban, District No. 7 Gene Schneider, District No. 9 John E. Andrews, District No. 2 Tommy C. Wimberly, District No. 4 Mel Haygood, District No. 6 Marvin H. Poor, District No. 8

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Report of the Patriotic and Civic Activities and Public Relations and Special Projects Committee.

Is there any discussion?

Those in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you for your work.

SIR KNIGHT ANDREWS: Right Eminent Grand Commander, may I say that we hope to receive

and expect to receive a lot more of these applications next year.

Fellows, I believe if you will get these applications out and look them over and try to complete

them, I think you will find that it will be beneficial for your Commandery. We ask that they be submitted

to myself or your Committee man in your District by the middle of February, please.

Thank you.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I would like to make an announcement.

The money that was received for the lanyard sales up at the Registration Desk was $738.00. We will

divide it amongst the Templar charity and the Youth Foundation. So we will add a little bit of money to the

Youth Foundation - youth organizations’ donation. If the Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander will

let me, we will probably do that at the Masonic Youth Weekend for the youth organizations.


We will now have the Report of the Field Drill Committee.


BY: R:E: KENNETH B. FISCHER, PAST GRAND COMMANDER, CHAIRMAN Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master - it’s wonderful to have

you in Texas again, even if you are from New York.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER FISCHER: He does it to us more than we do it to him.

To the Right Eminent Grand Commander, Officers and Sir Knights of the Grand Commandery of


We, your Committee on Field Drill, wish to make the following report for the year 2010-2011.

On Saturday, January 29, 2011, the Committee met with the captains and representatives of the

Drill Teams at the Dallas Masonic Temple in Dallas, Texas.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Kenneth Fischer, Chairman, with the following


John E. Gibson David Melear, Right Eminent Grand Commander

John C. Elkinton Richard Doss Gary Freedman

Edgar E. Counts Jerral Knox Rex Lewis

Ray White Jerry Kirby Louis Hopkins

Jim Smith Nick Fehrenbach Kenneth Fischer

Greg Shively Elijah West

Mike Shively Terry Flippo

Paul Wunsche Ken Potthoff

Gayle Corbett Wayne Howard

James Stone Earl E. Tweed

The meeting was opened with prayer.

The Right Eminent Grand Commander brought greetings to the group and proceeded to relate the

arrangements and facilities which are being provided in Amarillo for the coming Grand Conclave. He

answered several questions from the floor and thanked everyone for their participation. He related the

arrangements which had been made for the Field Drill Competition. He also stated that the teams would be

able to practice on the floor of the Convention Center on Friday night.

We are pleased to recognize several Past Grand Commanders and present Grand Commandery

Officers who were present for the meeting.


The various Commanderies present stated that they intend to field the following teams:

Class A: Class B: Class C: Class D:

Melrose Park Place Amarillo Amarillo

Ascension McKinney

Ruthven Colorado

Dallas A. C. Garrett




The Rules, Regulations and Procedures of the Grand Encampment governing Field Drills were

reviewed with several clarifications and decisions relative to those rules. One of those is: trousers with a

“slight break” will be allowed in accordance with a majority vote of those present.

Practice on Friday night will be scheduled in the order in which the teams are to drill, not first come

first serve, with the first team starting at 7 p.m. All teams are requested to practice marching only - i.e. no

inspecting, et cetera. Be ready to take the floor as soon as the preceding team leaves.

The Chairman reported that Drill schedules from the Grand Encampment Field Drill Committee

were not forthcoming and that we would use the same drill schedules that were used in Kerrville in 2010.

The various drill schedules for all classes were reviewed with clarifications, decisions and changes. Those

changes will be made on the drill schedules for each class and submitted to the appropriate captains.

The captains for each drill team drew for position of drill sequence at Grand Commandery

competition with the following results:

Class A - Melrose

Class B - Park Place

Class C - 1. Ascension

2. Ruthven

3. Dallas

4. Amarillo

Class D - 1. Vernon

2. Amarillo

3. Garrett

4. McKinney

5. Borger

5. Colorado

7. Worth


The need for judges and possible candidates were discussed. The following names were recorded

and will be contacted if they were not present at the meeting:

Ken Fischer Larry Turner Louis Hopkins Tom Turner

Mike Shively Jerral Knox Bart Henderson David Mather

Greg Shively Doug Mitchell Brian Dodson Earl Tweed

Jim Smith Jerry Kirby Paul Wunsche Jim Taylor, Oklahoma

John Gibson John Elkinton Wayne Howard

The intent is to use the same judges as in 2010.

The meeting was closed at 11:45 for lunch. Lunch was provided by the Dallas York Rite Bodies

who were conducting a York Rite Festival.

The committee and judges met again on Friday, April 15th at the Ambassador Hotel in Amarillo,

Texas, to make final arrangements for the competition on Saturday morning. Final judging and Audit

Committee assignments were made. We did review the Grand Commander’s Circular Letter and it was

then amended and we approve and recommend approval of the amended Circular Letter No. 2.

The Committee then met with the captains of the various drill teams who were competing and final

plans and adjustments were made. One team, Ascension, had changed from Class C to Class D and one

team, Worth, had withdrawn from the competition.

On Saturday morning, April 6th the Drill Teams, Committee, Judges and Auditors met in the

Amarillo Convention Center and the competition began at 6:30 a.m.

The sequence of the Drill Competition was as follows:

Class C - Ruthven No. 2

Dallas No. 6

Amarillo No. 48

Class A - Melrose No. 109

Class D - Vernon No. 33

Amarillo No. 48

Garrett No. 103

McKinney No. 34

Borger No. 96

Colorado No. 4

Ascension No. 25

Class B - Park Place No. 106


All teams performed admirably and the competition was viewed by many interested spectators

including our wives and families.

On Saturday evening April 16th at the Annual Awards Banquet the results of the competition were

announced and the Committee, Judges and Auditors were thanked for all of their efforts on behalf of the

Grand Commandery of Texas.

The results of the 2011 Drill Teams Competition were as follows:

Commandery Score

Class A - Melrose No. 109 805

Class B - Park Place No. 106 832

Class C - Ruthven No. 2 934

Dallas No. 6 899

Amarillo No. 48 867

Class D - Amarillo No. 48 962

McKinney No. 34 976

Borger No. 96 942

Vernon No. 33 935

Colorado No. 4 954

A. C. Garrett No. 103 924

Ascension No. 25 919

In accordance with the budgeted financial assistance and Circular Letter No. 2 relative to Field

Drill Teams competing in the Grand Commandery of Texas the following are recommended for payment:

Commandery Amount

Class A - Melrose No. 109 1,093.00

Class B - Park Place No. 106 693.00

Class C - Ruthven No. 2 495.00

Dallas No. 6 495.00

Amarillo No. 48 300.00

Class D - Colorado No. 4 231.00

Borger No. 96 154.00

McKinney No. 34 231.00


Amarillo No. 48 154.00

Vernon No. 33 231.00

A. C. Garrett No. 103 231.00

Ascension No. 25 231.00

On behalf of the Grand Commandery of Texas the Committee wishes to thank the following Sir

Knights for their service as judges, auditors or assistance:

James C. Taylor (Oklahoma), John E. Gibson, Doug Mitchell, John C. Elkinton, Paul Wunsche,

Tom Turner, James Smith, Jerry Kirby, James Stone, Mike Shively, Brian Dodson, Phil Boley, David

Mather, Jerral Knox and Dwight Phillips.

We also wish to express our special thanks to the Right Eminent Grand Commander, David Melear,

for making the arrangements with the Amarillo Convention Center.

Right Eminent Sir, we also wish to thank you for the opportunity to serve on this Committee and

wish for you and your Lady many happy memories of your term as our Grand Commander.

Kenneth B. Fincher, Chairman

Jerry N. Kirby M. Gregory Shively

Louis Hopkins Richard R. Jernigan

David G. Mather John E. Gibson

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move that this Report be accepted and included in the

Proceedings of this Grand Commandery.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Field Drill Committee’s Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER FISCHER: And if I didn’t say this in the beginning, I have




R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER FISCHER: Drill certificates have all been received and the

first year hangers and service awards will be delivered by the Grand Recorder’s Office.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I would like to thank you very much for the hard work

the Field Drill Committee has done. It is a very active Committee and we appreciate all that you do.

Thank you very much.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, the next Report I have is the Eye

Foundation. However, there is a person who would like to get this piano out of here. Oh, I thought he

wanted to do it right now. Okay, great.

At this time I would like to have the Report of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation Committee.


BY: SIR KNIGHT THOMAS C. SNEDECOR, CHAIRMAN To the Right Eminent, W. David Melear, Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights

Templar of Texas, Grand Officers, past and present, and Sir Knights all:

This is the Report of your Knight Templar Eye Foundation Committee

This Committee is established in accordance with the Chapter 6, Article 30 of the Statutes and

Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas, and its duties are prescribed in Chapter

7, Article 57. Its members, appointed from each of the respective nine Districts, are to work closely with

the Commanderies in their respective Districts in processing applications for financial assistance for eye

surgery. The Chairman serves as Liaison Officer between the Grand Commandery and the Knights

Templar Eye Foundation.

The generous and dedicated Sir Knights of this Grand Commandery are entitled to know how successful they were in raising revenue and how that revenue was used. This Report attempts to satisfy that need. Revenue Received From July 1, 2010 to April 5, 2011

Total Received by the Foundation .......................................................................... $952,354 Total Received from Texas ................................................................ $ 55,825 (6% of total)

Top Contributing Commanderies

Brownwood ................................................................................................. $35,050 Colorado ....................................................................................................... $4,378 El Paso .......................................................................................................... $2,500 Worth ............................................................................................................ $1,510 Denison ......................................................................................................... $1,510


Even while we were preparing our evening session, one of our Committee Members and Sir Knight

Gene Brookshire presented me a check for $1,000.00 for that Knight Templar Eye Foundation, which I will

make sure it gets to them through the proper channels.

It is worthy to note that 36 of the 73 Commanderies listed made no contribution.

Disbursements From July 1, 2010 to April 5, 2011 Cases Authorized Spent Foundation Totals 1,110 $2,374,000 $2,566,087

Texas Totals 134 $ 258,558 $ 323,283

Top Performing Commanderies

Commandery No. Cases Approved Abilene No. 27 15 $40,689 San Angelo No. 28 15 $20,435 Hidalgo No. 94 12 $28,751 Odessa No. 110 12 $24,086 Southside No. 83 10 $ 7,043

Our Foundation also awarded 27 research grants for $1,034,943, of which two were awarded to the

University of Texas at Austin and Baylor College of Medicine at Houston for $76,000.

Most Notable Accomplishments

One of the most notable accomplishments this year was the completion of the integration of the

Grand Encampment membership database with that of the Knight Templar Eye Foundation. This permits

timely update of member’s status, addresses, et cetera.

Another notable accomplishment was the “change in direction” in November 2010 the Eye

Foundation issued an announcement as follows: “With the passage of the new Healthcare Reform Bill by

Congress and a number of other related events, the Trustees of the Knight Templar Eye Foundation, Inc., on

August 14, 2010, voted to move out of case processing and redirect the dollars allocated for treatment to

research and education. Effective December 31, 2010, the Knight Templar Eye Foundation will no longer

be participating in direct patient care except as is currently done with the Senior Eye Care Program in

partnership with Eye Care America and the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.”

This “Change in Direction” will require a change to Chapter 7, Article 57 of the Statutes and

Regulations of our Grand Commandery.


Most Notable Problems

As reported last year, the Recorders of the respective Commanderies are not updating their

respective membership rolls in a timely manner. This results in information, et cetera, being received from

persons of unknown origin. Recorders are requested to update their membership rolls (additions and

deletions) - even the night of the knighting.

As our Knight Templar Eye Foundation transforms to close our direct surgical involvement to

assist those in need to save or restore their sight, we leave behind an envious record of dedication and

generosity. Our Grand Commandery, for years, has been foremost in its annual contributions. In a like

manner we have excelled in processing the number of cases and utilizing available funds to help those in

visual need. May our performance in the future be commensurate with our history in the past.

This outstanding performance can be attributed to our dedicated Sir Knights who freely gave of

their time, talent and resources, without the hope of fee or reward. It would be appropriate at this time to

recognize those Sir Knights who have sponsored at least one application, by having them stand for


If you would, Sir Knights, if you have processed one case this year, will you stand and let us

recognize you.


SIR KNIGHT SNEDECOR: It has been the privilege of this Committee to serve our Grand

Commandery this year, – “That Others Might See.”

Fraternally submitted,

Thomas Snedecor, Chairman Douglas Collins, District 4

Kenneth B. Fischer, PGC, at large John Vernon, District 5

Loyd L. Chance, HPGC, at large Larry Whitefield, District 6

Earl Tweed, District 1 George Swartau, District 7

W. Gene Brooksire, District 2 Terry Flippo, District 8

Jeff Wright, District 3 Robert E. Black, District 9

I move the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept this Report of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.


Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: At this time I think we would like to hear greetings

from our Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council, Jim Manley.


ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS OF TEXAS: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent

Deputy Grand Master, Grand Officers and my Sir Knights all:

It is a pleasure to be here today to address this Grand Commandery and I want to thank David for

his hospitality and greetings for this year.

David, it’s been a pleasure to work with you this year.

We heard a lot of talk this morning about the youth coming up and if we don’t support our youth,

we’re not going to keep Masonry going, and I also believe that. But I also note that our Grand Lodge right

now is making a lot of new Masons. If we as the York Rite don’t go out and start talking to these Lodges

and getting members, we’re going to be in trouble. Right now we have the most opportune time to increase

our numbers, but we have to go talk to them. They’re not going to come to us if we’re not out there talking.

Every place that David, Clay and I have been this year and talked, either a forum or just a Lodge,

we have passed out petitions and gotten new members. They’re there, but we have to go talk and work to

get them.

Thank you very much.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: It’s been an honor for me to serve half of my term with

you and with Clay. It’s like you said. We had so much fun at these conferences. We get people to join

everywhere we go and everybody in this room can say the same thing.

Our Most Excellent Grand High Priest would like to - I don’t want to call him that - G. Clay Smith

would like to bring greetings to us at this time.

There is a reason why I’m having these two distinguished Brethren bring greetings right before the

next report.



CHAPTER, ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF TEXAS: I’m afraid to ask what the next Report is, sir.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: The Membership Report.



M:E: GRAND HIGH PRIEST SMITH: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Very Eminent Deputy

Grand Commander, Sir Knights all:

It is indeed an honor and privilege to come up and bring warm and fraternal greetings from the

Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Texas.

David, I have been very proud of you for everything you have done this year. You and I have been

friends for a long time and I very much enjoyed our service. All three of us - all four, including the Grand

Master, we have always had fun together. That is the whole theme for this year: getting back to basics and

having fun because we are a York Rite family and if you don’t think so, just look in this room because we’re

active in all parts of Masonry. This is what it’s all about.

Everybody said to keep it short today.

You know, Grand Commander, I was very proud of you for a minute up until the point that you

made a comment about most people being Democrats in the room.


M:E: GRAND HIGH PRIEST SMITH: You know, it was so cold in February we were frozen in

Dallas. We were frozen across the State. And actually they made a comment in Washington, D. C.

They said it was so cold in Washington, D. C., that the Democrats had their hands in their own pockets for

a change.


E: GRAND WARDER DOSS: Right Eminent Grand Commander, there is a gentleman outside

who is not a Mason who says the thermostat is set too low. It is freezing the units upstairs. He needs to

come in and readjust the thermostat.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, let’s take about a five minute break so he

can come in here.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Warder, Sir Knight Warder, instruct the


Grand Sentinel to bring all the Sir Knights back into this Session.

Sir Knights, I will ask for the Report of the Membership Committee.


BY: E: TED D. HENNIS, E: GRAND PRELATE, CHAIRMAN E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Grand

Encampment Officers, Grand Officers, Visiting Distinguished Sir Knights and Sir Knights all:

My name is Ted D. Hennis, Past Commander of Amarillo Commandery No. 48.

This is the Report of the Membership Committee for 2010-2011.

Our Grand Commander has stressed membership this entire year, and I know through his effort and

the efforts of the Membership Committee, they have made a difference in our numbers.

Our Grand Recorder reported the Sir Knights who departed our ranks and are now with our Lord.

We can’t do anything about the deaths, but we do have control over all of the others. Sir Knights, we

should not allow a Sir Knight to go suspended without checking to see why he is going suspended. We

work to get in new members, but we need to work just as hard in retaining the ones who we have Knighted

and are now going suspended.

I would like to recognize the top 10 Commanderies in Texas for their membership effort this year

and give you the number they Knighted. Sir Knights, this number is not a net gain. It has nothing to do

with the size of the Commandery. It is just the numbers that they Knighted and I just wanted you to have


These are the top 10: Ruthven Commandery No. 2 ................................................................................ 29 Worth Commandery No. 19 ................................................................................. 16 San Antonio Commandery No. 7 .......................................................................... 15 Southeast Texas Commandery No. 112 ................................................................ 14 Dallas Commandery No. 6 ................................................................................... 11 Park Place Commandery No. 106 ......................................................................... 11 Ascension Commandery No. 25 ........................................................................... 10 Port Arthur Commandery No. 73 ........................................................................... 9 McKinney Commandery No. 34 ............................................................................. 9 Palestine Commandery No. 3 ................................................................................. 8 DeMolay Commandery No. 20 .............................................................................. 8

I would like for you to give those Commanderies a round of applause.


E: GRAND PRELATE HENNIS: We thank these Commanderies for the work they have done on

membership this year.


Sir Knights, we all must work on membership. If you have a chance, please present a program in

your Blue Lodges and let the Brethren know about our York Rite. You can make a difference, and with

your help this next year will be the year we turn the corner on membership.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, on behalf of our Committee it has been a pleasure and privilege

to have served you and this Grand Commandery of Texas this past year.

Ted D. Hennis, Chairman Everett Williams

Juan Pena, at large James Dougherty

Louis Hopkins Kenneth Miller

Richard Gaiser William Trogdon

Hunter Schappaugh Frank Berkley

Right Eminent Sir, I move for the adoption of this report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we have a motion and a second to approve

- to accept the Report of the Committee on Membership.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you for your excellent work this year on the

Membership Committee.

We will now have the Report of the Internet Committee.


SIR KNIGHT KIRKPATRICK: Thank you, Right Eminent Grand Commander.

Protocol having been established, I thank you for this opportunity to make this Report, Right

Eminent Sir.

I am James M. Kirkpatrick, Past Commander of Arlington Commandery No. 107.

It has been a tremendous privilege and honor to serve as the Grand Commandery Web Committee

Chairman for many years.

Michael Blair has done such a good job for the Web Committee for a couple of years. From


discussions with our Deputy Commander, Very Eminent Paul Wunsche, we have prepared the transfer of

leadership of the Grand Commandery Web Committee to Michael Blair, and I have the utmost confidence

in Michael’s abilities to continue the great work that is in place for this website.

Sir Knight Blair has developed many maintenance features, and enhancements to the website, for

maintenance. Updating events, local Commandery news, pictures, officers, et cetera.

When the Sir Knights get an opportunity, please welcome Michael, and shake his hand for a job

well done.

I also want to also remember and recognize the vast amount of talented work that James Rodriguez

invested in the website for many years. He is the original author/creator of the website, and without his

innovation and hard work, we would not be blessed with the great infrastructure that is now in place.

I will continue to remain on the Committee to assist and support our new Chairman. I want to

thank the Sir Knights and the great Past Grand Commanders for their great support all these years.

Fraternally, sincerely and with much thanks,

James Kirkpatrick, Chairman of the Grand Commandery website

Michael Blair, Member

James Rodriguez, Member

I move for the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve the Committee Report of the Internet Committee.

Is there any discussion?

If you are in favor, vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I would like to thank you for your outstanding work.

The Website, if you haven’t checked it out, is great. According to our last numbers, sixty-six percent of

our membership uses this Website to find out some piece of information. Sir Knights, it’s working, it’s


getting better and we’re going to continue to push this long after I’m out of this office.

Thank you so much.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Just as a point, the Very Eminent Deputy Grand

Commander reminded me of this, right now on the Website there is a poll that we have to see how many of

our Sir Knights around the State of Texas would support a statewide Easter Service which our Very

Eminent Deputy Grand Commander would like to have next year at the Alamo. Please get out and vote.

There are quite a few people who have already voted. It’s positive so far. We would love to see this

happen and have each one of our Commanderies represented there with a seven man team that marches

from - I believe from our Scottish Rite to the Alamo for the Service. Details are still in the works, but we

would love to see this happen.

I would now ask for the report of the Committee on the Revision of the Statutes and Regulations

that I reappointed from last year. Sir Knight Mike Shively, who is the Chairman of that Committee, if you

could make a report.



Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent Grand

Encampment Officers and Grand Commandery Officers and Sir Knights:

To: 158th Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.

We, your Committee on Revision of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery

Knights Templar of Texas wish to make the following report.

After researching the proceeding from 1988 (Maddox) through 2009 (Matyastik) and distributed

copies of all actions relating to changes to the Statutes and Regulations to all members for review. Those

pages were then examined and all relevant changes to the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas were listed under the names of the Grand Commander whose

Proceedings contained the same.

These changes were then inserted and placed in proper Article or Chapter of the Statutes and

Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and delineated from the other text not

being made uppercase and distributed to the Grand Commandery Officers and the members of this

committee. The Chapters and Articles were then examined to determine if the resolution pertaining to

them had already been incorporated; if so, that insertion was deleted. The other insertions were examined


and any extraneous verbiage removed. This completed the task assigned to this Ad Hoc Committee and

copies were distributed to the Grand Commandery Officers and the members of the Committee for final


We respectfully request permission from this Grand Commandery to take the next step and

complete the revision by incorporating the inserted resolutions in proper form.

We feel we are now in a position to finalize a revision of the Statutes and Regulations and update

them to comply with the Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the

United States of America. We then propose to distribute electronic copies to the Grand Commandery

Officers for their review and place a finalized copy on the Grand Commandery website more than 60 days

prior to the 159th Grand Conclave for your examination and comment. Our Very Eminent Deputy Grand

Commander has agreed to continue this Committee until the 159th Grand Conclave.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael H. Shively, PGC, Chairman

Reese L. Harrison, Jr.

G. Clay Smith

Thomas W. Snyder, PGC

F. E. (Skip) Smith

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move for the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Statutes and Regulations. That was an ad hoc

committee appointed for this year.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We thank you for your excellent work on this Report.

We look forward to seeing the finalized product next year.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Thank you, Right Eminent Grand Commander.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report by the Long Range

Planning Committee, chaired by Sir Knight Larry Tucker.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER TUCKER: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right

Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Grand Encampment and Grand Commandery Officers, Members of this

Grand Commandery and Sir Knights of Texas.

This report is presented to the 158th Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knights

Templar of Texas.

Late last year, our Right Eminent Grand Commander appointed a Long Range Planning Committee

and tasked us with addressing issues and concerns relating to these four questions:

1. How do we stabilize and grow membership? 2. How do we stabilize and grow the Grand Commandery finances? 3. Should we change the way we conduct Commandery inspections? 4. Should we make Commandery easier for our membership? During the past four months, we have made little progress in addressing the assigned task of

creating a Strategic Plan for presentation to the Grand Officers and ultimately for consideration by this

Grand Commandery.

Additionally, Grand Commander Melear tasked us with proposing a Mission Statement for this

Grand Commandery. Two proposed Commandery Mission Statements have been offered for


1. To bring additional light to the Christian Mason by fostering an environment that promotes self-improvement, discovery, leadership and education in our Masonic beliefs and Christian life.

2. Knights Templar are, simply put, Christian Masons upholding Christian virtues to better themselves, their families and their communities.

This is only the first few months of our existence and I solicit input from the Grand Officers, Past

Grand Commanders and all Sir Knights of Texas as we move forward.

I especially want to thank Sir Knight Justin Bauer of Dallas and Sir Knight Ronnie Wilson of

Lufkin for their input.

Respectfully submitted,

Lawrence E. Tucker, PGC, Chairman Jack M. Harper, II (Hillsboro), District 5

Justin Bauer (Dallas), District 1 Jeffrey S. Bennett (Arlington), District 6

Ronnie Wilson (Lufkin), District 2 Gary Pearce (Wichita Falls), District 7

Hunter Schappaugh (Houston), District 3 Gary Freedman (Amarillo), District 8


Robert M. Loflin (Port Lavaca), District 4 Jeff Alden (El Paso), District 9

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the acceptance of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the Report of the Long Range Planning Committee.

Is there any discussion?

Hearing none, if you will accept this Report, please show by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER TUCKER: Thank you, Right Eminent Grand Commander.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report of the Purposes and

Policies Committee.


JURISPRUDENCE: Well, we do need to take two parts of Jurisprudence first.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: This is the Partial Report of the Committee on Templar Jurisprudence,

April 18th, 2011.

To: The One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery,

Knights Templar of Texas:

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Most Eminent Past

Grand Master, Right Eminent Grand Treasurer, Right Eminent Grand Recorder, Right Eminent Department

Commander, Grand Commandery Officers, past and present, Members of this Grand Commander and

Visiting Sir Knights:

The Partial Report begins with Item No. 7. Circular Letter No. 2, Series 2010-2011, mentioned

and summarized as to the subject matter content of the Grand Commander’s Report as Resolutions for

consideration at the Grand Annual Conclave was referred to this Committee, together with a joint referral to

the Committee on Purposes and Policies.


Your Committee on Templar Jurisprudence finds that all Resolutions are in proper and legal form

and are consistent with the Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Encampment and/or consistent with our

Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery, save and except that Article 124 of the Statutes and

Regulations of this Grand Commandery requires that “Any Resolution amending the Laws of the Grand

Commandery shall be sent to the Grand Recorder at least sixty (60) days before the opening of Grand


Sixty days before April 18th, 2011, is February the 10th, 2011. The Resolutions were sent by email

by the Proposers on March 11th, 2011, at 5:58 p.m. to both the Chairmen of the Committee on Purposes and

Policies and the Committee on Templar Jurisprudence and were hand delivered to the Grand Recorder on

March 13th, 2011, all well within the sixty day time limit which requires submission to the Grand Recorder

sixty days or more before the opening of Grand Commandery on April 18th, 2011.

It should be noted that the Proposers included the Grand Commander. There is no deadline for

submissions of Recommendations of the Grand Commander. Article 81 of our Statutes and Regulations

requires that, “The Grand Commander shall make an Annual Report of his Official Acts to this Grand

Commandery for its examination and actions thereon. Said Report shall be prepared and submitted to the

Committee on Printing on or before March 1st of each year.”

Article 81 speaks of “Official Acts” and not “Recommendations.” Article 121 of the Statutes and

Regulations requires that the same “shall be construed literally.”

Accordingly, your Committee on Templar Jurisprudence finds that while the proposed Resolutions

as submitted are untimely, they may be deemed Recommendations of the Grand Commander and are timely

submitted in addition to his Report of Official Acts. If you approve this portion of our Report, these

Resolutions shall be deemed Recommendations of our Grand Commander and may then be considered at

this Grand Conclave. If not, they would have to be resubmitted for consideration at the 159th Annual

Grand Conclave.

After the Grand Commander was advised of this, he submitted another Supplemental Report in

which all of the Resolutions became his Recommendations, beginning with No. 5 because he already had a

No. 4 in his Supplemental Report.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee’s Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve this portion of the Report of the Jurisprudence Committee.

Is there any discussion?

If you will approve this portion, you will raise the sword arm.


Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: That was called a belt and suspenders approach where we deemed it

and he also resubmitted it as part of his Supplemental Report.

Part A. Recommendations of the Grand Commander Nos. 1, 2 and 3 which appear at page 37 and

38 of the Report of the Grand Commander and Recommendation No. 4 and those Resolutions now

renumbered beginning with the No. 5 are in his Supplemental Report. You haven’t seen them, but you

have heard them read this morning. They are all referred to the Committee on Templar Jurisprudence,

together with a joint referral to the Committee on Purposes and Policies.

Your Committee on Templar Jurisprudence finds that all of the Recommendations are in proper

and legal form and are consistent with the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Encampment and are

consistent with the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery and were timely submitted in

accordance with Articles 81, 121 and 124 of the Statutes and Regulations of this Grand Commandery as


Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee’s Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve this portion of the Jurisprudence Committee’s Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Right Eminent Sir, the Purposes and Policies Committee will now

report on the merits of all of the Grand Commander’s Recommendations.



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: This is the Report of the Committee on Purposes

and Policies of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas on April 18th, 2011.

To: 158th Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas:

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Most Eminent Past

Grand Master, Right Eminent Grand Encampment and Grand Commandery Officers and Sir Knights:

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, have been assigned the following to report on at this

Grand Conclave:

Fifty Year Service Awards:

We commend our Grand Commander for the recognition of 68 Sir Knights who have served their

Commanderies for 50 or more years, by presenting them with 50 year certificates and lapel pins. We salute

these Sir Knights for achieving this milestone in Masonry and wish for them many more years of service to

our Fraternity. We find the actions of the Grand Commander proper and in compliance with the Statutes

and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. We, your Committee on Purposes

and Policies, recommend that the Commanderies presenting these awards receive them as soon as possible

after the Sir Knight becomes eligible and that they be honored by a special meeting if possible. We would

also point out that there is a 50 year presentation ritual available on the website.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee Report

and respectfully request that you invite any 50 year Sir Knights in attendance to rise or wave, allowing us

the privilege of acknowledging them.

And I would like to say, Right Eminent Grand Commander, as a personal privilege here, we have

Sir Knight Bill Blanks who is listed as a 50 year member of Southside Commandery and a 50 year member

of Worth Commandery. If I add that up, that’s a hundred year member.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: And Sir Knight Reese Harrison who is also this

year a 50 year member.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we have a motion and a second to approve

this portion of the Purposes and Policies Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.


Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Would all 50 year member Sir Knights please stand.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Right Eminent Sir, I won’t have 50 years until the

21st of this month. Do I stand or sit?


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: It’s not approved by the Grand Commandery yet. Mine just got



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you for being at this Grand Annual Conclave.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, because

these portions of our report concern your actions, we recommend that the Very Eminent Deputy Grand

Commander preside during the discussion, if any, and during the vote on these portions.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: General Orders Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Series


General Order No. 1 refers to the District Schools of Instruction, Annual Visitations, Blanket

Dispensations, Grand Commandery Committee Meeting, Drill and Ritual Competition and the Annual

Grand Conclave which was jointly referred to this Committee together with the Committee on Templar

Jurisprudence. This Order reminds the Commanders and Commanderies of their responsibilities, the

penalties assessed for substitutions during the annual visitation, the requirements for Merit Awards and

Service Medals, the date and location of the next Grand Conclave and information about the Field Drill and

Ritualistic Competition. We commend the Grand Commander for the continuation of the Bonus Point


We also commend the Grand Commander for issuing blanket dispensations to appear in public in

the best interest of Templar Masonry, also for requiring the notification of the Grand Officers of Committee

Meetings in a timely manner, allowing them time for planning and attendance. We would note that the


Grand Commander required the reading of Chapter 56, Articles 243, 244 and 245 and the notation of said

included in the minutes. In reading the reports of the Grand Officers, none noted non-compliance with this

requirement. This General Order was mailed to each Commandery to be read at subsequent conclaves.

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, recommend approval of General Order No. 1.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I recommend the adoption of this portion of the

committee report.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, there has been a motion and a


Before we get under the discussion, Right Eminent Sir, there were no bonus points allowed this


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: I thought there was 25 points?


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Was it a subtraction? There was something

about 25 points.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: There was a 25 point penalty for those who

did not fill their -

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: That’s a bonus point. If you filled it, you got 25



V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: No, sir. I mean I ain’t got one of them

fancy college educations, but that math doesn’t work for me.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: So, Sir Knights, with the acknowledgment

that there were no bonus points, is there any discussion?

All those who will approve this portion of the Report will vote by the sword arm.

Those who are dis-contrary vote by the bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: General Order No. 2 refers to the Ascension

Day Obligatory Service and contains an inspirational message prepared by Sir Knight Ted Hennis, Grand



This General Order is in proper form and was mailed to the Grand Officers and constituent

Commanderies to be read during the Ascension Season. We appreciate the time and thought involved in

the preparation and commend Sir Knight Hennis for his thought-provoking message.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I recommend the adoption of this portion of the

Committee Report.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All those who will favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: General Order No. 3 contains the Christmas

message of the Right Eminent Grand Commander as prepared by Sir Knight Ted Hennis. This General

Order is in proper form and was mailed to the Grand Officers and constituent Commanderies to be read

during the Christmas Season. We again commend Sir Knight Hennis for a wonderful message and the

perspective of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I recommend the adoption of this portion of the

Committee Report.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All those who would favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: General Order No. 4 is supposed to contain the

Easter Message of the Right Eminent Grand Commander and was again prepared by Sir Knight Ted

Hennis, Grand Prelate. This General Order was not sent to the Grand Officers or Commanderies most


likely due to the health problems of our Grand Recorder. In this message Sir Knight Hennis writes about

the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and also about Simon of Cyrene who was compelled to

bear our Savior’s Cross. It is the recommendation of your Committee on Purposes and Policies that this

message be placed on the Grand Commandery of Texas website and sent to the constituent Commanderies

as quickly as possible.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I recommend the adoption of this portion of the

Committee Report.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder.

I assure you that will happen very quickly.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Bulletin No. 1 lists the Grand Commander

Officers, the Committees of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and the living Past Grand

Commanders. This Bulletin was considered jointly with the Committee on Templar Jurisprudence.

This Bulletin was in proper form and contains the proper information and the constitutional number

of Sir Knights on each committee. We commend the Grand Recorder for issuing this Bulletin in a timely

manner and the inclusion of email addresses. It is respectfully requested that copies of this Bulletin,

together with General Orders and other bulletins, be mailed to the members of all committees to allow them

proper time to consider them if referred to them by the Committee on the Report of Grand Officers. We

also request an examination and verification of the addresses, phone numbers and email address and the

spelling of the Sir Knights names, also, a review of the York Rite Information System database of the Grand

Encampment to add additional email addresses.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I recommend the adoption of this portion of the

Committee Report.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the



Before I ask for discussion, just to establish that our Grand Recorder, Sir Knight Loyd Chance, has

been very ill. Loyd has done a diligent job of keeping up with the Grand Commandery business as best as

his health will allow and that is why there were mistakes in some of these Bulletins with emails and

addresses. We assure you that it was not done out of disrespect for anyone, but we ask that you all please

keep Loyd and Scoot in your prayers and that we ask your understanding.

With that, is there any other discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, the bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011 deals

with Drill and Ritualistic Competition and invites all Commanderies to participate in the Ritualistic

Competition in the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. It gives the rules for Ritualistic Competition and the

financial assistance for participation.

The section on Drill Team Assistance is inconsistent with Grand Commandery Article 199, Drill

Teams Financial Assistance. This Circular Letter also states that the Grand Encampment Drill Schedule

will be utilized. Since this Schedule was not published, the 2010 Texas Schedule was used.

It is the understanding of your Committee on Purposes and Policies that a correction of this Circular

Letter was supposed to accompany General Order No. 4. Neither of which had been received by this

Committee, consequently we cannot report on their content.

Circular No. 2 was incorrectly identified as Bulletin No. 2, Series 2010-2011 and contains 9

Resolutions submitted for consideration by this Grand Commandery. The Resolutions were dated March

11 in an email and were hand-delivered to the Grand Recorder on March 13. Article 124 of the Statutes

and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas states that all Resolutions must be

received by the Grand Recorder 60 days prior to the opening of the Grand Conclave. Since these were not

received prior to the 60 day limitation they cannot be considered at this Grand Commandery unless by

unanimous consent of the Sir Knights.

Because all of these Resolutions were signed by the Grand Commander and the Grand Officers and

the Grand Commander has resubmitted them as Grand Commander Recommendations with his

Supplemental Report, which have no such time restriction.


The Grand Commander’s Recommendations were also referred to your Committee on Purposes

and Policies together with Jurisprudence.

Recommendation No. 1 recommends a change of the name of the Memorials Committee to the

History and Preservation Committee.

This Committee was established to function in the same capacity as the Grand Chapter and Grand

Council History and Preservation Committee; and the name Memorials Committee seems to indicate that it

would perform the same duties as the Necrology Committee. The Grand Commander also recommends

that the renamed History and Preservation Committee be given the additional task of organizing an online

history of the Constitutional Committees of the Grand Commandery of Texas.

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, concur with the Grand Commander, recommend

the name change and move for the adoption of Recommendation No. 1.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the

recommendation and second and this is basic housekeeping to change the name of that Committee to where

it will be the History and Preservation, as Mike said.

All those in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder, and, David, you got yourself a job next year.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Recommendation No. 2 deals with Chapter 25A

Outpost Status and proposes to bring Chapter 25A into compliance with the Laws and Regulations of the

Grand Encampment by deleting all of Chapter 25A and replacing it with the following:

Any Commandery that cannot comply with the requirements specified in the Laws of this Grand

Commandery may keep its Charter by complying with the following:

1. The Commandery may apply to the Grand Commander for permission to forego inspection

in the Opening and Closing and Order of the Temple.

2. The Commandery under Outpost Status will operate in the same manner as a regular


3. The Commander of a Commandery in Outpost Status must remain in office until the

Commandery is able to stand inspection according to the Laws of this Grand Commandery.

4. Outpost Status may only be granted by the Grand Commander and is in effect only during his


term in office.

5. A Commandery may only apply for Outpost Status for two consecutive years, but must apply

for the status with the Grand Commander each year.

6. A Commandery under Outpost Status will stand inspection but instead of being graded in the

Opening and Closing and Order of the Temple, will have the Inspection Grand Officer

conduct an exemplification of the work at their annual inspection.

In the Resolution that was presented and originally converted to the Grand Commander’s

Recommendation it was requested that Chapter 25A be deleted in its entirety, effectively doing away with

Outposts. Because your Committee on Purposes and Policies had not received an updated copy of the

Grand Commander’s Recommendations, we had considerable discussion on the merits of both

Recommendations with the valuable input from the visiting Grand Commandery Officers, Sir Knights

Loflin and Doss. These two Recommendations would have constituted death or life after death.

However, we can now consider only the one that recommends life after death.

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, therefore, recommend the adoption of Grand

Commander’s Recommendation No. 2 and so move.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

E: GRAND RECORDER KIRBY: I have a question.


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: My question is: do these changes make it in

compliance with the Laws of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America?

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Great minds think alike, Jerry, because I

was going to yield to our Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master to see.

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: That is right. There is no such animal. There is

no such animal as an outpost.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: So this would not be -

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: This would be a stretch of jurisprudence within

the Jurisdiction of Texas. It would be on shaky ground, but could be implemented as a trial, but there is no

point in law for that.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: May I make an explanation before Jerry talks or


do you want to do that first, Jerry?

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Can I? Right Eminent Sir, I was the Grand

Commander who came up with the outpost system. Being that it is still in conflict, I believe, with Grand

Encampment Law, I would move to amend - I don’t know if I can amend your recommendation, but I would

move that we delete Section 25A in its entirety.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Very Eminent Sir, if I might refer back to

portion No. 2. “The Commandery under Outpost Status will operate in the same manner as a regular

Commandery.” That makes them compliant with Grand Encampment Law as far as I can -

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Grand Encampment Law does not allow for any

differentiation. A Commandery is a Commandery is a Commandery.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Having a Commandery under a status that is

separate from the rest of your Commandery, even though it says it will operate as the other Commanderies,

is inconsistent.

Counselor, am I on firm ground? I really regret asking that.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Right Eminent Grand Commander and Very Eminent Deputy Grand

Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, originally the Grand Commander submitted a

Recommendation that provided life after death. Okay? That’s what I call it. The Grand Encampment

Law is death and the Grand Officers, including the Grand Commander that submitted Resolution No. 2 to

do exactly what you said, delete it entirely, so that there would be no inconsistency with Grand

Encampment Law. Yesterday the Committee on Purposes and Policies with the Templar Jurisprudence

Committee and on the advice of a couple of Officers of the Grand Commandery who were there and a visit

by the Grand Commander, it was decided that we would attempt to have life after death. Okay? I’m sorry

that we made you the executioner.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: But I am the executioner and it is inconsistent

with the Grand Encampment Statutes as they are now. If you don’t like that, next August come and

propose a change and change the Grand Encampment Statutes to allow it.

SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: So what Jerry Kirby has done - the initial motion was from the

Purposes and Policies Committee to approve life after death. We had the discussion now about it is not

possible to have life after death.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: In that case why don’t I -



SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Jerry Kirby has amended that motion to say, let’s delete it entirely and

that Resolution was turned into a Recommendation and is before the house.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: So he’s legal to make his motion to vote on Resolution No. 2 that

permits - that says it’s death. We have to take it out of the Statute. If we amend it, then we vote on it again

as the Recommendation of the Grand Commander and we’re done.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, before we allow discussion on

it, you have heard the recommendation of Sir Knight Jerry Kirby. With everything that our Right Eminent

Deputy Grand Master has said, that Sir Knight Reese Harrison has said and Right Eminent Mike Shively

has said, now is the most appropriate time to thank our Court Reporter because he is doing a yeoman’s job

of getting this down.

So if you all would, help me recognize Sir Knight John Cline.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: We will now have discussion on

Resolution - the motion to remove Article 25A in its entirety.

Right Eminent Pierce.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Leonard Pierce, Past Commander of Ruthven


I understand all that’s being said, but I’m also thinking that we’re Masons and if we take this vote

now, does that mean that anybody who’s on an Outpost status that they have no chance or very little chance

of getting this thing solved because if we take a vote, does that mean that they’re out right then?

The last life after death was to give them a slight reprieve, a maximum of two years to get their act

together. And if we take this vote right now, we cut it off and just chop them off and they’re out right now.

We talked about membership, we talked about retaining Knights and so forth. I don’t know. I

would look for - I’d sure like for us to find some wiggle room here. As Jimmy Willson used to say, we

need a little wiggle room here so we can balance this thing out before we cut them off and execute them

right now.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, here’s - to answer your

question, no, sir, they will not be cut off. They are a Commandery status and, therefore, the proper


procedure would be the following: at the upcoming Inspection if they failed to perform as a Commandery,

at that point the Grand Commander would put them on probation, allowing them that year to get together to

come back the following Grand Conclave. At that time if they do not perform as a Commandery, that is

when action would be taken.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Would that be legal?


Sir Knight Dixon.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER DIXON: Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I saw

this situation in operation for the past ten years. I agree with Sir Knight Kirby. It is a great idea that never

got legs; in other words, it never worked. These Commanderies have had ten years to do something and

the only one that was successful moved their location.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Do you happen to know their name, sir?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: I move we take the vote.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER DIXON: They were formerly Bay City Commandery and

they’re now at Richmond, I believe.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER DIXON: And that is the only one that’s been successful so

far. To my knowledge none of these Commanderies have made any attempt to become - come back to

Commandery status.

I agree with Past Grand Commander Kirby that we delete this Article in our Grand Statutes, Article


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, before we go to any other

discussion, we will set a standard that you will speak once and your speech will be limited to two minutes.

Right Eminent Sir, I will ask H. Bart Henderson to be the timekeeper - oh, you’re from Oklahoma.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: H. David Moore, would you please keep

the time.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander.

Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent Department Commander and Sir Knights:

I want to make a comment to Sir Knight Dixon’s remark. First, there are no Outposts in the State

of Texas. They were all turned into Commanderies at the first of my term. So there are no - Outposts in the

State of Texas. They are inconsistent with Grand Encampment Law. Therefore, there could not be an



Furthermore, I was trying to think of a way when I wrote this Recommendation to exempt a

Commandery from our Inspection process which is very extreme when compared to some of the other

States. We are the ones who are slowly closing our own Commanderies by incorporating our Inspection

system on such Commanderies.

However, I do agree with the recommendation that Chapter 25A should be deleted because it is not

in compliance with Grand Encampment Law.

Thank you.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Before Sir Knight Dodson - do you still

wish to address us?


Eminent Sir and Sir Knights:

I do want to say that I’m a Past Commander of that Outpost that did come back to Commandery

status. We have doubled our membership. We are knighting ten people a time - a year. The last three

years we have got the Cross and Crown Award. It does work. I’m not saying that the Grand Encampment

is wrong, but I’m saying we need to figure out some way to keep Commanderies - to keep Knights Templar

working in the smaller towns where they are dying. If we say that we’re going to close them when they

came to Inspection, we’re going to lose the Commandery in a lot of these places as we did in Bay City.

We did move it to Richmond. Since then we’ve got a vibrant Commandery that is winning Cross

and Crowns. They are out in the community, doing the things that they should be doing.

This may be the wrong way of doing it. We need to figure out a way to keep the Commanderies


Thank you, sir.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Thank you, Sir Knight Dodson.

Is there any further discussion?

Sir Knights, the motion before you is to delete Article 25A in its entirety.

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder.



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Very Eminent Sir, the recommendation of

THE Committee on Purposes and Policies is now moot and will be withdrawn.

Recommendation No. 3 deals with changes to Articles 201, 203 and 205 of the Statutes and

Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas to make them compatible with the York

Rite Information System of the Grand Encampment.

In Article 201 it would insert the words “such information as the Grand Recorder shall require” and

delete the remaining paragraph after the word prescribe. Leaving the second paragraph of Article 201 to

say: “The several Commanderies shall make Annual Returns to the Grand Commandery. They shall

contain such information as the Grand Recorder shall require, in such form as the Grand Recorder shall


In Article 203 Duty of Recorder, the recommendation changes the date for the annual returns to be

submitted from February 1 to January 15.

In Article 205 the recommendation inserts the words: “A Commandery failing to make returns as

required by the preceding articles shall be subject ineligible for any awards presented by the Grand

Commandery of Texas and Knightly discipline.”

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, concur with Grand Commander’s

Recommendation No. 3 and move for its adoption.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the recommendation.

Is there any discussion?

Sir Knights, you understand what was presented?

There being no discussion, all in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

There were - I think there were three opposed.

Sir Knight Kirby, if you will let the Minutes reflect. (THE MOTION AS MADE WAS (THEREUPON SECONDED (AND WAS DULY CARRIED.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Very Eminent Sir, just as a side note there. The

Commanders who are here can take back to their Recorders, yearly reports are now due on January 15th and

not February 1st.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: And we will notify all Recorders.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 4


recommends the addition to Article 255 of Section 4: “That the Recorder in conjunction with the Treasurer

shall be required to file all such forms and documents with all government bodies such as, but not limited to,

form 990s.”

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, concur with Grand Commander’s

Recommendation No. 4 and move for its adoption.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

With all understanding what we’re voting on, all in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Recommendation No. 5 recommends a change

in Article 49 of the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas which

states that under no condition shall a registration fee be charged for attending the Grand Conclave. We,

your Committee on Purposes and Policies, believe the Grand Commander’s computer made a slight

mistake and really intended to say, “Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar

of Texas.”

Recommendation No. 5 would delete the words “under no condition shall registration fee be

charged for the Grand Conclave” and replace them with “A registration fee may be charged for attending

the Grand Conclave, but at no time shall it exceed $10. Each Sir Knight shall pay only one registration fee

as set by the Host Commandery. The money from said fee shall be used to offset the expenses of the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and not the Host Commandery.”

In discussing this recommendation it was noted that most Grand Bodies in Texas and in other states

now charge or request a registration fee. We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, agree with Grand

Commander’s Recommendation No. 5 and move for its adoption with the provision that the words may and

shall which are in uppercase letters in the Recommendation be changed to lowercase.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the




Sir Knight Kirby.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, in

looking at this, this says that the registration fee is set by the Host Commandery, but the Host Commandery

is not getting the fee; the Grand Commandery is. I believe that should have said, “The registration fee is

set by the Grand Commandery,” not the Host Commandery.

I would move to change that word, “Host,” to “Grand Commandery.”

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER Wunsche: My question is: would that be Grand

Commandery Finance Committee or Grand Commandery?

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: I think it should be set by the Finance Committee

of the Grand Commandery.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: So that is the motion to amend and take out

“Host Commandery” and replace it with “Finance Committee of the Grand Commandery.”

Sir Knights, is there other discussion?

Sir Knights, you have heard the motion to amend. Is there a second?


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Discussion on the motion to amend.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER DIXON: Very Eminent Deputy Commandery, I believe the

Article stated that they may charge a $10.00 fee. The Grand Commandery may charge a $10.00 fee.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER DIXON: Who and when are they going to determine when

this fee is going to be charged?

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: The Finance Committee will meet with

that. As soon as they set it, it will go out, but the - yes, up to - it will - the way we would like the Law to

read is that it will never go over $10.00 unless you bring it before this Body again to increase it.

So with that, the Finance Committee would set the price. We would notify the entire State. At

which point that would set the fee.

Sir Knight Hopkins.

SIR KNIGHT LOUIS HOPKINS: Louis Hopkins, Past Commander of McKinney Commandery

No. 34.

Does this mean that if a guy who is not sure he’s coming to the Grand Commandery, but drives

down here anyway, that he would not be able to attend or we have to pay the $10.00 at that time? How

does that work?


E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: He’s got to register.

SIR KNIGHT HOPKINS: Well, most everybody in here is registered.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: If he registers, if there is a registration fee, he

would pay it. If he doesn’t register or if there is no registration fee, he doesn’t pay it.

SIR KNIGHT HOPKINS: So then does that mean I wouldn’t - if I came out here and didn’t - I

would not have a ballot? Would I have to pay $10.00 to get a ballot?

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: You have to register to get a ballot.

SIR KNIGHT HOPKINS: So everybody is going to have to register period. There’s not a


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Correct. If you preregister, you would

send your money in. If not, when you get to Grand Commandery, it’s the same now. You would have to

pay that registration fee at that point.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: That’s what we do at Grand Lodge.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: You just didn’t walk up and get your

ballots without registering today.

SIR KNIGHT HOPKINS: At Grand Lodge it’s $5.00 to preregister.


SIR KNIGHT HOPKINS: If you go to Grand Lodge and you’re not preregistered, you can still


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knight, with all due respect, we’re not

at Grand Lodge.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: It’s not going to be that way. Louis, it’s not going

to be that way at Grand Lodge anymore. I think there’s going -

SIR KNIGHT HOPKINS: Well, I just don’t see - the Grand Commandery needs money. I

understand that. I understand that the purpose of these medal deals that you’re selling is to offset expenses

to create an Endowment Fund to offset expenses for these functions here. So we got - we can sell those to

offset expenses. We can make everybody pay ten bucks to offset expenses. Do we need both of them?



V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Clarification. It is a maximum of $10.00.

It might be two dollars, it might be five. That will come before the Finance Committee.

SIR KNIGHT HOPKINS: One of the great weaknesses we have in all of our Bodies is we don’t


plan our business in advance. I assume this is trying to avoid further shortfalls, which I think is good. We

need to avoid future shortfalls.

I have never seen anything, though, that shows me what the expenses are to do one of these except

when I was Kirby’s general manager. But it just seems to me like we need more information. We need to

know what we’re paying for, what we’re getting out of it. But if we’re that broke, then we have to pay ten



E: GRAND GENERALISSIMO MOORE: Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I would like

to make one change. We need to strike in the third sentence of the Resolution.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knight Moore, with that, first we need

to vote on the first amendment to change it from Host Commandery to Finance Committee. After that -

E: GRAND GENERALISSIMO MOORE: This is part of that -


E: GRAND GENERALISSIMO MOORE: - because it says “ ... and not the Host Commandery.”

That will be a part of that.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Thank you very much, David.

So with that, is there any further discussion on the amendment to change the verbiage from Host

Commandery to Finance Committee?

Sir Knight Pierce, does this deal with Host Commandery and Finance Committee?


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Then, please, we will get to you.

Sir Knight Gene.

SIR KNIGHT GENE SCHNEIDER: I’m Gene Schneider, Past Commander of Odessa

Commandery No. 110.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: Talk into the mike, Gene.

SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: One mistake I think your Commandery people make is they put an

amount in this stuff. Next time somebody dreams up an idea, we got to go through all this rigamarole that

we’re doing right now and put another amount in there. I would say that what we need to do is say in order

to see that we operate in the black like we need to be.

This deal - the Finance Committee each year sets the amount and does away with all this argument

that you’ve got. I see this happening in local Lodges. Look at your by-laws. A lot of the by-laws now


are taking the amount completely and totally out so it’s simple to change.

That would be my thought on this thing.


SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: I think that would be a recommendation to change whatever you

recommend. I know what I’m doing. That’s my recommendation. Leave the amount out of there.


Sir Knights, the motion before you is to change the verbiage from Host Commandery to Financial


Is there any further discussion.

A SIR KNIGHT: Finance Committee.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Finance - thank you very much - Finance

Committee of the Grand Commandery.

Is there any further discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: All we have done is change the verbiage.

The motion now before you is to adopt the recommendation that we accept that with the change, Finance

Committee of the Grand Commandery of Texas.

Is there further discussion?

SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: Does that amount fall in that right now?

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Right now it is still not to exceed $10.00.

SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: Well, that’s what I make a motion against.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Right Eminent Grand Commander -


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, we’re on the microphone.

We do ask your diligence and respect for the speakers. The microphones are limited.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Right Eminent Sir, if I could come up here and

drill, attend the Awards Banquet and go home, I don’t really need to register at all.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Yes, sir, you do need to register.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Because I’m not going to vote. I don’t need a


A SIR KNIGHT: You can’t drill then.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: You still need to register.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Okay so it still would cost me $10.00 to come up

here and drill and go to the banquet?

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: That’s correct. Whatever the amount that

is set. If it is set at $10.00, $5.00, $1.50 or thirty-seven cents, whatever the fee is, yes, the drill teams will

have to register, even though all they do is come up, drill, go to the Awards Banquet and go home.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Okay. I just wanted that clarified.


SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: I’ll try to get this right this time. I move -

A SIR KNIGHT: Talk into the mike.

SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: I make a motion that we eliminate any amount, that we designate the

Finance Committee - that they set a fee for each meeting as to our needs.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: I think, Gene, what you would - what would

accomplish what you want is just say “A registration fee may be charged for attending the Grand

Conclave.” Strike out, “... but at no time shall it exceed $10.00. Each Sir Knight shall pay only one fee as

set by the Finance Committee of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.”

SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: You’re a good man.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, the motion -


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: - before you is that we delete the dollar

amount and would read -

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: “But at no time shall it exceed $10.00,” delete that.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: “But at no time shall it exceed $10.00"

would be deleted.

Is there any discussion?

Hearing none, we all know what we’re voting on? We’re voting to take out the dollar amount.

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

SIR KNIGHT SCHNEIDER: You don’t want the exceed in there.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: It’s not in there, Sir Knight.

Sir Knights, again, the motion before you is to delete that sentence, “But at no time shall it exceed


All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, the sword arm.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Bridle arm. You all got me flustered.

All right. Down hands.

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Okay. Thank you, Sir Knights.

Those who are opposed, the bridle arm.

All right. Sir Knight Henderson did a count. There were 43 for and 51 against, if that is

satisfactory. If not, we will do another type of count.

SIR KNIGHT DODSON: Did he take off his shoes?


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: He did because he’s from Oklahoma.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: All right. Sir Knights, by your vote that

amendment was defeated. The amount not to exceed $10.00 will remain.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: With that being said, the motion before

you now is to adopt the Resolution to have a registration fee as set by the Finance Committee, but not to

exceed $10.00.

Sir Knight Shively, do you have - okay.

Sir Knights, do you all understand? Okay. Everyone understand what we’re voting on?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm and again I ask the Grand Officers’ assistance.

All right, Sir Knights. Down hands.

All opposed, bridle arm.




V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Thank you, Sir Knights, for your




R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Just a question of protocol. You established a

two minute discussion. Is that only on that one thing?

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: No, it’s throughout. We need to abide by

it, Sir Knights, because I know we all have things to do. We will have timekeepers and at two minutes

you’re done.


Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 6 addresses Article 72 of the Statutes and Regulations

of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.

This Recommendation would change paragraph 2 of Article 72 and states as follows, “The officers

herein named or their proxies and all Past Grand Commanders of this Grand Commandery who shall attend

the Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment shall be reimbursed the registration fee only, payment to

be made by the Grand Treasurer on warrants drawn by the Grand Recorder.

At the meeting of the Purposes and Policies Committee in conjunction with the Templar

Jurisprudence Committee we had only the Resolutions which were changed to Recommendations of the

Grand Commander at his request which were worded differently.

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, therefore recommend that the Grand Commander’s

Recommendation No. 6 be amended as follows: “The officers herein named, or their proxies and all Past

Grand Commanders of this Grand Commandery who shall attend the Triennial Conclave of the Grand

Encampment shall be reimbursed the Registration Fee and mileage round-trip as set by the Finance

Committee and shall receive no per diem for attending any session of the Triennial; such payment to be

made by the Grand Treasurer on warrants drawn by the Grand Recorder.

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, recommend the adoption of the amendment to the

Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 6, and so move.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, it has been moved and

seconded and the motion before you is - the original was for those of you who go to Grand Encampment

that they be paid registration only. The amendment that they are asking is that they be paid mileage set by


the Finance Committee round-trip plus registration.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: But the original Recommendation was for what

this says that it pay mileage and per diem. His Supplemental Report changed that to registration fee only.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Okay. So, again, Sir Knights, the

amendment is that the amount that we pay our Voting Delegates to go to Triennial is an amount that is set by

the Finance Committee plus the cost of registration.

Sir Knight Kirby.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: So that you will understand, what we’re doing is:

our current practice is pay Past Grand Commanders and those Members who are qualified voters at

Triennial, currently we pay their mileage and we also pay a per diem every day that they’re there. We are

deleting the per diem and paying the Registration Fee. We are decreasing the amount that we pay people

to attend the Triennial Session. That’s what we’re doing.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, is there discussion?

You all take the line. Someone start the watch.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: It was my understanding that we pay per diem of

$50.00 a day and mileage only one way. They were trying to get us out of the State and did not want us to

come back.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Just certain Past Grand Commanders.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Just certain Past Grand Commanders.

Okay. But my understanding is, if this is right, we’re going to drop the per diem, we’re going to

drop the $50.00, we’re going to pay the Registration Fee and we’re going to pay mileage round trip.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Correct, at a price set by the Finance

Committee. It should be the same amount that your Grand Officers get for making Inspections.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: I have a question. Are you going to permit

everyone in here to vote on this Resolution?


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: Well, only the Voting Delegates will be the only

ones who will have votes.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knight Warren, that’s irrelevant. It’s

their money. If that’s the case, we will take it out and let all the Past Grand Commanders pay their own



Sir Knight Nodwell.

SIR KNIGHT LAMONT NODWELL: Very Excellent, Right Excellents:

I’ve been to three Grand Encampments so far -

A SIR KNIGHT: Talk into the microphone.

SIR KNIGHT NODWELL: I’ve been to three Grand Encampments as far as a drill team member

and I have yet to receive a dime for my attendance. I rest my case.


SIR KNIGHT NODWELL: That is true. Well, the little thing -

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Those who go to Grand Encampment that

are authorized by Grand Encampment are - do get a per diem. Those who go on their own do not.

Is there any further discussion?

Sir Knights, there being no further discussion, the motion before you - the amended motion before

you is to change the way that we pay our Voting Delegates who go to Grand Encampment.

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: It is amended and now we vote on the

Recommendation as amended. I would presume that with all the discussion that there will not be any.

With that being established, all in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 7

addresses the Standard Receipt for Dues and Article 101 because all dues cards are now issued by the Office

of the Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar United States of America recommends

that the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas be changed as


follows: “The official receipt for dues shall be that issued by the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of

the United States of America. The receipt for dues shall have the signature of the Recorder of said

Commandery and may also carry the seal of said Commandery.”

We, the Committee on Purposes and Policies, concur with the Grand Commander’s

Recommendation No. 7 and move for its adoption with the provision that the word shall and may in the

recommendation be changed from uppercase to lowercase.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, is there any discussion?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: Does that change what our present set up is?

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knight Warren, if you’d like to address

the crowd, we ask -

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: I’m a Recorder and I receive the dues cards -

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knight, we’d like you to come to the

microphone, please.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: I am a Recorder, Paul Warren, of Stamford

Commandery No. 75. I receive the dues cards out of Larry’s office. Would this change anything?


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: I didn’t think so. So why do we -

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: This is housekeeping. The current Law

says that they will have the Seal of our Grand Recorder on there. That is what we’re doing. We’re

making it where they come from Grand Encampment.

Is there further discussion?

All in favor will vote by the usual - by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

We have one, Sir Knight Kirby. So with that, the recommendation passed and so ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder.



Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 8 wishes to change Article 114 of the Statutes and

Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas Expense Paid to Grand Officers.

Paragraph 2 change “at the rate allowed by the Internal Revenue Service” to “ as set forth by the Finance

Committee of this Grand Commandery” and deleting the last statement in paragraph 2 beginning with “and


each Grand Officer” ending with “presented to the Grand Recorder.”

Paragraph 2 of Article 114 would then read:

“The Grand Recorder is authorized and instructed to draw vouchers covering expenses under

Grand Commandery rule, and receipt of statement from the District Grand Officer or from a duly

authorized representative of the Grand Commandery and approved by the Grand Commander. Such

expenses shall be calculated at a rate per mile from the officer’s residence to the place of visitation, as set

forth by the Finance Committee of this Grand Commandery, going and returning by the usual and most

practical route, which shall cover all expenses authorized for such trip upon the presentation of properly

documented expenses to the Grand Recorder’s Officer.”

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, concur with Grand Commander’s

Recommendation No. 8 and move for its adoption.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: How are you going to set the date for the Grand

- IRS? It changes almost every month.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the motion

and recommendation -

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: The Committee is going to follow their

guidelines. It’s going to be set by the Finance Committee.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, is there any discussion?

This is another housekeeping. Currently it changes the amount by IRS which is fifty or fifty-one

cents. As our Most Eminent Honorary Past Grand Master has pointed out, that amount fluctuates. We are

currently paying our Grand Officers, I think, thirty-two cents a mile - thirty and a half. Thank you. With

that, if one of us says, “No, you will do what the law states,” they’ll have to pay us the higher amount. So

that’s what this is housekeeping.

Is there discussion?

Sir Knights, all in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Right Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 9


recommends a change to Article 277 of the Statutes and Regulations to add the wording “A $10.00

reinstatement fee shall charged each Sir Knight wishing to be reinstated in his Commander. The $10.00

fee shall be sent to the Grand Recorder’s Office to cover processing.”

Since each Commandery is required by Grand Commandery to pay the $10.00 reinstatements fee, it

seems logical that this expense should be passed on to the Knight being reinstated. We, your Purposes and

Policies Committee, therefore recommend that Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 9 be adopted

and we so move.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

Sir Knight Pierce.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Again, we’re trying to get this guy back into the

Commandery and we’re going to charge him $10.00 to get him back into the Commandery? It just seems

like if we’re trying to get people back in, I’m not real sure we need to be charging them anything. That’s

my opinion.

Thank you.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: So we operate without charging dues?

Sir Knights, is there any other discussion?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Very Eminent Sir, just discussion from me as

Chairman of Purposes and Policies that on the discussion that we have concerning this, the Commanderies

- when a Sir Knight is reinstated, he is required to pay the previous year’s dues and the current dues, or the

current year’s dues depending on how your laws read, one or the other. He is required to do one of those

two things.

The Commandery gets those dues. They have already paid for the year he was suspended. They

have paid his per diem - or his per capita, I’m sorry; not per diem, per capita. Now, then, when the

Recorder sends his report into Grand Commandery, that Commandery is going to pay ten more dollars

because that’s what the charge is for the Grand Commandery Office. All we’re asking is that that Sir

Knight pay that fee rather than the other Sir Knights taking up his slack.

Thank you.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, is there any further


All those in favor will vote by the sword arm.


Opposed, bridle arm.

Sir Knight Recorder, let it be known that there were - several votes against, but the motion passed.

So ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 10

recommends a change of Article 279 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights

Templar of Texas. This Recommendation addresses restoration after two years and recommends a change

in fees from $2.00 to $10.00.

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies, concur with Grand Commander’s

Recommendation No. 10 and move for its adoption.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

Sir Knight Recorder, please note that there were several votes against, but the motion passed. (THE MOTION AS MADE WAS (THEREUPON SECONDED (AND WAS DULY CARRIED.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Grand Commander’s Recommendation No. 11 -

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: My gosh, how many of them are there?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: However many he wrote.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: - addresses Article 287 of the Statutes and

Regulations of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and recommends that a fee of $10.00

shall be charged for affiliating with a Commandery.

We, your Committee on Purposes and Policies after due consideration and discussion by its

members think that the imposition of such a fee in addition to the payment of dues would discourage many

Sir Knights who would normally affiliate with a Commandery to assist it by becoming officers, a member

of its Drill Team, Ritual Team or for many other reasons.


Because we, your Purposes and Policies Committee, think it would be a detriment to impose such a

fee on a Sir Knight who was affiliating for the aforementioned purposes we recommend that Grand

Commander’s Recommendation No. 11 be not adopted. We therefore move that Grand Commander’s

Recommendation No. 11 be not adopted.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the

recommendation. Is there a second?


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, the motion before you is that -

or the recommendation is that this Recommendation from our Grand Commander be not adopted.

Sir Knight, Right Eminent Sir, did you want to -

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I withdraw that Recommendation.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, that Recommendation has

been withdrawn.

Sir Knight Grand Recorder, you will so note.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, this

concludes the consideration of those items where it is customary for the Deputy Grand Commander to

preside and we recommend - excuse me. I skipped a line.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I recommend the adoption of this portion of the

Committee Report. That concluded all the Recommendations.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, it has been moved and

seconded. Is there any discussion?

There being none -

SIR KNIGHT RAY SCOGGINS(?): Very Eminent, Ray Scoggins, Past Commander of Melrose

Commandery No. 109.

I believe we need to do a little housekeeping there on that last Resolution.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Should say as amended.

SIR KNIGHT SCOGGINS(?): All right. Should be removed - your recommendation removed

from your Report because -

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: It was withdrawn.

SIR KNIGHT SCOGGINS(?): - it was withdrawn - because the Recommendation was withdrawn,


but it still showed it in your Report.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: It was withdrawn.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: The discussion is that whether I should report

that. Since he withdrew that, then that part of our Report would show that. Even though he made the

Recommendation, he withdrew it. There was no vote on it, but what I do need to do, as Sir Knight Willson

pointed this out to me, and I should have thought of that - thank you very much, Jimmy - that this should be

the adoption of the Committee Report as amended.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: The motion is to adopt it as amended.

Is there any discussion?

All those in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Right Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Commander this

concludes the consideration of those items where it is customary for the Deputy Grand Commander to

preside and we recommend that you again preside over this Grand Commandery if you so chose.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I’m afraid to step back up here.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, it was

brought to the attention of your Committee on Purposes and Policies and by this Committee to the Grand

Commandery last year that the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas has not secured a Certificate

of Determination from the State Comptroller. This Certificate is necessary for presentation to Tax

Assessors/Collectors to secure relief from Ad Valorem Taxes if a Commandery owns any portion of the

Lodge Building they occupy or any other real property.

We have seen nothing in writing concerning this recommendation and wish to express our concern


that this important document be secured.

This concludes the Report of the Committee on Purposes and Policies. We express our

appreciation to you, Right Eminent Grand Commander, for allowing us to serve this Grand Commandery

and your support during this Templar year.

We also wish to acknowledge the considerable assistance provided this committee by Sir Knight

Reese Harrison, Jr., Chairman, and the Templar Jurisprudence Committee and the attendance and

participation in our discussions by Sir Knights Robert Loflin, Grand Senior Warden, Richard Doss, Grand

Warder and Brian Dodson, Past Grand Master.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael H. Shively, PGC, Chairman

Jimmy L. Allison

G. Clay Smith

David Counts

Neil G. Winslow

We would like to note that Sir Knight Counts was unable to attend because of the bypass surgery

that he had earlier this year. I did get a report from him that he is continuing to improve every day. We

ask you, Sir Knights, to please keep him in your prayers.

Right Eminent Grand Commander, we move for the adoption of this Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve -

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Approve the Report as amended.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Report of the Finance







R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: I’ve been a member of this Grand Commandery

for 64 years and we had a lot of discussion and a lot of things came up, but this is about the longest we’ve

had on Finance in the 64 years that I have been coming up here. It’s kind of interesting today what is


Most of the things that happened in the Finance Committee is like we normally have. Most of you

read the Grand Commander’s Report. Did you?


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: The thing about it is, we have on pages 2 and 3

several items pertaining to Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011. This is in relation to the assistance to

the Drill Teams who come and go to this affair and we find that it is in order and is budgeted properly and

we move for the adoption of this portion of the Report, and I so move.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve this portion of the Finance Committee’s Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: The next item is the one that has to do with the

Seals, Bonds and Insurance which is on page 2 and part of it is on page 3. Our information that we

received and observed from the Committeemen we received up here when we met up here in Amarillo is all

in accordance with the Law and the way we had it budgeted.

So I move that this portion of the Report be adopted.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we have a motion and a second that we

approve this portion of the Finance Committee Report.

Is there any discussion?


All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: The benevolence item on page 2, a check was

presented by the Grand Commander to the Rainbow Girls at their Annual Assembly in Wichita Falls,

Texas. The Order of DeMolay for Boys was presented a check at their ceremony in Austin, Texas. These

were provided for in the budget which you voted for and the amount that was in the budget and I move the

adoption of this portion of the Report.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve this portion of the Finance Committee’s Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Right Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: You received the Grand Treasurer’s Report this

morning and you approved it. We have always looked at his Report. This year we had the privilege of not

only meeting with the Grand Treasurer, but we also met here in Amarillo with the Grand Officers. The

action taken at that time was very good. We want to make a motion that we approve the action of the

Grand Treasurer this year.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

approve the actions of the Grand Treasurer for this year.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: Now, we have got another little item that is

going to be difficult. It’s been a long time since we have got around to this since we have had to do this. I

went back and checked at what happened in the year starting with Harry Tuer when he retired and I

followed up the next one which was when Dale Miller retired and one when Charles Hudnall retired and we

found that the normal way of doing it is when a man retires from the Grand Recorder’s Office is we pay him

as long as he lives half of what he normally drew. This doesn’t affect your budget now. An item in the

budget that we put in there that we’ve been trying to build up that fund more so we have adequate funds to

take care of things of this nature.

So Loyd has served us for 14 years, which has been longer than a lot of them have. Each year we

put this money in that fund. You’re going to hear a different figure - one fellow said, “Well, I didn’t know

that we paid him that much.” I said, “You don’t.” I said, “That budget figure is what we are putting to

save to use to help pay this thing when the time comes to do it.” That’s what I want you to understand

today because sometimes people go out and tell stories which aren’t true and that is what is causing some of

this confusion we have around this place. I’ve got all these people asking questions about it and I want you

to be clear about what you are voting on today and what you did vote on and then we will have - we may

have to make some changes by next year, but at least you will know what it is all about.

So what I want made a matter of record of what we are going to do is we will start paying him. If

you want to know what he was making, he was making $20,000.00 a year. He will be making now from us

$10,000.00 a year is what the amount will be.

Where it comes from. Most people never look at this book. It’s the Constitution and Statutes of

the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the United States of America and it also has in it our

Constitution and Laws by which we are supposed to operate and do the things we are supposed to do.

You know, a lot of people don’t realize it, but we are part of the Grand Encampment and our Laws

today, as you learned, have to be in connection with what they have. That is what we agreed to do when

we became part of that organization. So a lot of this confusion today, I thought, was clear out of order

because the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment is here and set us straight, and I appreciate it.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for getting us straightened out. Now we can do what we

wanted to do and be legal. You helped us and we appreciate it.


Give him a hand, will you.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: Now, I want you to approve the Finance

Committee, the actions we are taking on this matter and I so move.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion that we approve this

portion - is that correct? I didn’t hear all of what you said.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: This portion of the Finance Committee Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: Some guy said, “Why are you doing that?” I

said, “Well, we are going to have a new Grand Recorder. He may wonder what he is supposed to do when

he gets in office and how the man is supposed to be paid and all that sort of stuff is the reason we are doing


Now, then, I’m going to read the budget. Are you ready? All right. We start out here with the

explanation of what we think we are going to get in income. Our fees, we feel like, will be somewhere

around eight thousand dollars. Our dues will be $22,000.00. Our miscellaneous income will be about

five thousand dollars and transfer on the Special Fund will be $15,000.00, which will make us have about

twenty thousand dollars. We will have total expenditures of ninety thousand plus.

All right. Now, then, we go down to expenses. Most things work out to be a little bit different.

The annual visitation program is going to be about four thousand dollars. The banquet - when we have

Grand Masters, you know, annually and it usually runs a little less than a thousand dollars. Then the

Retirement Fund that we have developed has several thousand dollars in it. We still will put $15,000.00 in

there. We are not going to have any contingency funds. We would like the Grand Commander take it out

of his pocket.



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: But I know how that will work, too.

We have got our audit which is a little higher than it has been, but when you are doing business with

the Internal Revenue I didn’t realize how complicated it was. I don’t have that much money, but I

happened to be in at one time five and now four national Masonic organizations and going through and

checking out what we have got to do, we learned luckily to stay out of trouble because our attorney over

there, Reese Harrison, and another fine attorney from up north sat down and explained to us what they could

do to us if we didn’t do it according to law and that is what we have done. So he costs about five thousand

dollars a year.

The rest of our expenses are about the same as they have been. We come out with a total of

$89,900.00. That is less than what we expect our income to be.

I would like to move that you adopt this budget for our guidelines for the coming year. So moved.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we adopt

this budget for the ensuing year.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: I want to do one more thing. You know, one of

the things about people who serve and everybody has done it today, but our expression to the leadership of

the organization sometimes isn’t like it ought to be. We don’t appreciate them and what they do. I hope

you appreciate all of them. These fellows who serve us spend a lot of money out of their own pocket that a

lot of people don’t realize because they love this organization. They like what it stands for and so this

Committee feels that way about everything.

Another man who has done an outstanding job for us since he became the current Treasurer. We

had a lot of challenges for a long time. Since we got Sir Knight Kirby in there and he started meeting with

the people who were handling our finances sort of on a monthly basis, we have come out in pretty good

shape most of the way.


The staff in the office, that girl has done a real good job down there for this last two years because

Loyd has been in kind of rough shape as we all know. But they are a dedicated group of people that we got

our information from and they serve you and serve all of us.

I think you ought to give all the Officers a great big hand.



The Committee is: Ted Hennis, Jack Beeler, Tom Snyder, Paul Warren and Jimmy Willson. We

thank you for letting us serve this Grand Commandery and do the best we can. We spend a lot of time and

effort. We haven’t asked anybody to pay us. It is so good and we want to find out what is right and what

is wrong. It’s been an honor.

Thank you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second that we

accept the entire Report of the Finance Committee.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the conclusion of the Jurisprudence

Committee’s Report.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: For the Record, I am Reese Harrison, a Past Commander of San

Antonio Commandery No. 7, and this is the remainder of the Report of the Committee on Templar


To: The 158th Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas:

Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Most Eminent Past

Grand Master, Right Eminent Grand Treasurer, Right Eminent Grand Recorder and Right Eminent


Department Commander of the Grand Encampment, Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Texas

and Grand Commandery Officers, past and present, Officers and Members of this Grand Commandery of

Texas, and Visiting Sir Knights:

Right Eminent Grand Commander, there are ten parts of this report and parts numbered one

through nine concern your acts, decisions and interpretations of Templar Jurisprudence and Law.

Therefore, we recommend that the Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander preside during the discussion,

if any, and then during the vote on any motions regarding the same.



I. Dispensations Requested and Actions Thereon, referenced in the Report of the Grand

Commander 2010-2011, are within the discretionary power and authority granted to the Grand Commander

by Sections 48, 65(b), 72 and 76 of the Constitution, and Sections 80, 234 and 237(a) of the Statutes of the

Grand Encampment, and Articles 80(e), 122, 172, 176, 188, 208, 223, 228, 232(b), 233, 234 and 235 of the

Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery and we therefore recommend approval of his actions in

these instances, all of which were based upon correct interpretation of our Statutes and Regulations and the

Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Encampment.

Very Eminent Deputy Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee Report.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the

recommendation of the Jurisprudence Committee on this portion of the Report.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.



II. General Order No. 1, Series 2010-2011 regarding Blanket Dispensations mentioned and

summarized as to subject matter content in the Report of the Grand Commander was referred to this


committee, together with a joint referral to the Committee on Purposes and Policies. In joint session with

the Committee on Purposes and Policies, the Templar Jurisprudence Committee considered General Order

No. 1. We recommend that General Order No.1 in regard to the Blanket Dispensations be approved as the

same are within the discretionary power and authority granted to the Grand Commander by Section 48(f) of

the Constitution and Chapter XIV, Sections 214, 215 and 216 of the Statutes of the Grand Encampment and

Chapter 11, Article 80(e) of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery, and Grand Master’s

Decision No. 377 in the Digest of the Approved Decisions of the Grand Masters.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the motion.

Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.



III. Circular Letter No. 1, Series 2010-2011 regarding Rules for Field Drill and Ritualistic

Competitions at the Grand Annual Conclave mentioned and summarized as to subject matter content in the

Report of the Grand Commander was referred to this committee, together with a joint referral to the

Committee on Purposes and Policies. In joint session with the Committee on Purposes and Policies, the

Templar Jurisprudence Committee considered Circular Letter No. 1. Your Committee on Templar

Jurisprudence recommends that Circular Letter No. 1 be ratified and approved because it is within the

discretionary power and authority granted to the Grand Commander by Section 48 of the Constitution and

Articles 80, 198 and 199 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote - yes, sir.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Very Eminent Sir, I believe that is the one that

the -

A SIR KNIGHT: Can’t hear you.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: I’m Mike Shively, Past Commander of Melrose

Commandery No. 109.

I believe that was the one that was not approved as submitted because of the approval that you all

gave to the Report of the Purposes and Policies Committee, noting that it was not in compliance with Grand

Commandery Law - Grand Commandery Law concerning the reimbursement of drill teams. Is that not


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Mike Shively is correct. So we are not recommending that it be

ratified and approved as published, but be ratified and approved as executed despite what was published.

Otherwise, we have no authority to pay these guys their fees.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Is there any further discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: My clients want it done. They don’t care how.



IV. Circular Letter No. 2, Series 2010-2011 regarding Resolutions for consideration at this Grand

Conclave mentioned and summarized as to subject matter content in the Report of the Grand Commander

was referred to your Committee on Templar Jurisprudence together with a joint referral to the Committee

on Purposes and Policies. In joint session with the Committee on Purposes and Policies, the Templar

Jurisprudence Committee considered Circular Letter No. 2. Your Committee on Templar Jurisprudence

recommends that Circular Letter No. 2 be ratified and approved because it is within the discretionary power

and authority granted to the Grand Commander by Section 48 of the Constitution and Articles 80, 122, 123

and 124 of the Statutes and Regulations of the Grand Commandery.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee



V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.



V. Bulletin No. 1, Series 2010-2011 mentioned and summarized as to subject matter content in

the Report of the Grand Commander was referred to your Committee on Templar Jurisprudence, together

with a joint referral to the Committee on Purposes and Policies. In joint session with the Committee on

Purposes and Policies, the Templar Jurisprudence Committee considered Bulletin No. 1. The committee

listings and the appointments to said committees are in compliance with Article 30 of the Statutes and

Regulations of this Grand Commandery. Your Committee on Templar Jurisprudence recommends that

Bulletin No. 1 be ratified and approved because it is within the discretionary power and authority granted to

the Grand Commander by Section 48 of the Constitution and Article 80 of the Statutes and Regulations of

the Grand Commandery.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Eminent Grand Recorder.




VI. The Grand Commander issued six numbered Decisions and executed four unnumbered

actions and reported on same at pages 9, 11 and 12 and due to a printing error some were repeated in part at

page 10 of the Report of the Grand Commander. Four actions were dated April 20, 2010; July 30, 2010;

September 13, 2010 and December 7, 2010. Decisions numbered 1, 2 and 3 did not appear in the Grand

Commander’s Report due to a printing error. In the Grand Commander’s Supplemental Report there is a

fifth action dated March 20, 2011. The Committee on Templar Jurisprudence now makes

recommendations on whether this Grand Commandery should approve or disapprove the same. The

Templar Jurisprudence Committee finds that all Decisions and all actions of the Grand Commander are

correct and recommends that all of the referenced Decisions and actions of the Grand Commander be

ratified and approved because the same are correct interpretations and executions of Templar Jurisprudence

and Law.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, the bridle arm.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: We have already covered part VII in the initial Report of the

Jurisprudence Committee. However, I misstated a date. It had been mistyped. When I said it was

February the 10th, it was supposed to have been February the 16th. Obviously, my secretary could not read

my writing. Three lawyers proofed this and none of us caught it.

VIII. Part VIII is supplemented as follows: All Recommendations, save and except Nos. 2 and 11

were adopted. Recommendation without a number, but I have denominated it 12, which was Resolution

No. 2 was adopted in lieu of Recommendation No. 2. That is the one that deleted Outposts.

Recommendation No. 11 was withdrawn. It is necessary for us to make that report once you have done all

your voting.

I move the adoption of this portion of the Report since it confirms the Grand Commander’s


Recommendation, we ask that the Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander preside.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: IX. Real Estate, Titles and Deeds. The minutes of a stated Conclave

of Brownwood Commandery No. 22 held July 7, 2010, were submitted to the Grand Commander by email

dated November 9, 2010 at 10:58 p.m. These minutes referenced a letter dated April 22, 2010, from

Brownwood Masonic Lodge regarding a resolution adopted by Brownwood Commandery No. 22 on April

8, 2008, regarding Brownwood Commandery No. 22 deeding all its right, title and interest, believed to be a

1/3rd undivided interest in the property located in the city of Brownwood in the County of Brown, Texas,

comprising what is known as the Brownwood Masonic Lodge NO. 279 to said Lodge in consideration of

the forgiveness by the Lodge of unpaid past upkeep and maintenance costs owed by Brownwood

Commandery No. 22 to Brownwood Masonic Lodge No. 279. There was some question regarding the

legality of the prior resolution and/or the meeting where the same was adopted. Accordingly, Brownwood

Commandery on July 7, 2010, restated and adopted the aforementioned resolution with 27 total Sir Knights

present including both a constitutional number and an indispensable number of Sir Knights and members of

Brownwood Commandery No. 22 thus curing any possible defect in title regarding the transfer of right, title

and interest of Brownwood Commandery No. 22 in the Brownwood Masonic Lodge No. 279 real estate.

The relocation of Brownwood Commandery No. 22 from Brown County, Texas, to Kendall County, Texas,

was approved at the April 2010 Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Texas and this concludes

any issues that might remain regarding the aforementioned real estate. The Grand Commander accepted

and approved the deed of transfer of real estate as did Brownwood Masonic Lodge No. 279. Your

Committee on Templar Jurisprudence recommends that the act of the Grand Commander be approved as

the act of this Grand Commandery.

It should be noted for the record that Right Eminent Sir Knight James N. Higdon, who is a member

and the Eminent Commander of Brownwood Commandery No. 22, and also a member of the Committee on


Templar Jurisprudence, recused himself from and did not participate in the deliberations or the vote of our

committee on this issue.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: X. Civil Law. The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas

is the sole beneficiary in the Will of the late Sir Knight Dozier Payne Gossett of Harris County, Texas, and

a Past Commander of Park Place Commandery No. 106. Article VII of the Will provided that the Grand

Commandery Knights Templar of Texas is the sole beneficiary in the Will, and is to hold the Crockett

County real estate, maintain the property, and deliver any and all income from the property to the Knights

Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. as the sole beneficiary Grand Commandery deems appropriate. Most

Eminent Sir Knight Kenneth Bernard Fisher was named Independent Executor of the Estate of Dozier

Payne Gossett. The Will was admitted to probate in the Probate Court of Harris County, Texas. A will

contest was threatened but not filed. Settlement discussions ensued. Prior to a will contest being filed in

Probate Court which would have resulted in litigation, a mediation was held. The mediation was not

successful, but in post-mediation discussions it is believed that an agreement has been reached that has

compromised and settled the controversy. A Compromise and Settlement Agreement (“CSA”) was

presented to the potential Contestant for execution. Sir Knight Marvin B. Peterson represents the personal

representative as his attorney. Since the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas is the sole

beneficiary of the Will, it has been represented in this process by the immediate past and current Chairmen

of the Committee on Templar Jurisprudence, Sir Knights James N. Higdon in 2009-2010 and Reese L.

Harrison, Jr., in 2010-2011, who are both lawyers in Bexar County, without fee or reward. Your

Committee on Templar Jurisprudence recommends that representation of the Grand Commandery as

aforesaid be and the same is hereby approved, and that if the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of


Texas is required to execute a CSA, that the Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery Knights

Templar of Texas be authorized to execute such documents on behalf of the Grand Commandery to

effectuate a Compromise and Settlement Agreement as well as the Agreement itself. It is the intent of your

Committee on Templar Jurisprudence that your approval of this portion of our report will authorize the then

Right Eminent Grand Commander to so act.

Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander, I move the adoption of this portion of the Committee


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, you have heard the


Is there any discussion?

All in favor will vote by the sword arm.

Opposed, bridle arm.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Grand Commander, this Report has been submitted by myself as

Chairman. My term ends in 2015. James N. Higdon whose term expires with this Grand Commandery and

we thank him for his service during the past five years as a member of this Committee. Glen McCandless

whose term ends in 2012 and Leonard O. Pierce whose term ends in 2013 and Francis E. (Skip) Smith

whose term ends in 2014.

All Members of the Committee were present. The only one who is not present at the moment is Sir

Knight Higdon who had a plane at four o’clock. I presume he’s on it. So he left early. And Sir Knight

Francis E. - I’ll say it for the Recorder: Francis - Francis E. (Skip) Smith had to go take care of his Angora

goats last night so he left and he wasn’t here today. I want it in the Record that he’s a goat herder.


SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: It’s rabbits, rabbits. I’m sorry. Its rabbits! I thought a rabbit could

take care of itself.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Sir Knight Harrison. I appreciate your

hard work and what the Committee does and what you have done this year.

Sir Knights, at this time we would invite our Department Commander, Sir Knight Howard

Entwistle, who is the Right Eminent Grand Department Commander of the Grand Encampment of the

United States of America to bring and comment on his report to us at this time.



Right Eminent Grand Encampment Officers, Right Eminent Grand Commander and Sir Knights all:

I have just got a few pages here I want to go over.



few minutes. No, Sir Knights, I did have some things I wanted to bring up, but, you know, the day is

getting late. I’m not a lawyer so consequently I’m going to go back to the farm and let you guys sit here

and listen to, you know, Sir Knight Reese go through a little bit more here.



on a serious point, it is always indeed a pleasure for me to come over to Texas, as you well know. I know

a lot of you throughout my business over the years and it’s always great to come across the Sabine River

and meet with my Brethren over here in Texas. Whether it be Chapter, Council, Commandery or Blue

Lodge, we meet a lot of you.

Thank you for everything you have done this time. You’ve done a great job. The only thing I

will say is keep in mind the Triennial coming up. It will be announced exactly how many days, hours,

minutes and seconds in a few minutes that it will be until Election time at Grand Encampment.





R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, at this time we will invite our Right

Eminent Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America to make

whatever remarks he would like to make to the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas.


Right Eminent Sir.


ENCAMPMENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you, Right Eminent Grand Commander.

Most Eminent Past Grand Master Fischer, Most Eminent Honorary Past Grand Master Jimmy

Willson, Right Eminent Department Commander, Sir Knights all:

First of all, Grand Commander, let me tell you a computer is a very dangerous thing to work with.

It kind of makes me nervous just seeing one up here.

I went to Illinois last year and they asked me would I install the Officers. Well, my wife and

daughter had just given me an iPad. So I downloaded my copy of what I use at an Installation Service on

there and was going to use it for that. I didn’t really practice at all, but I had done an Installation a couple

of times before. So I confidently get up there. I opened the iPad and turned it on, I bring up what I need

and get ready to go and was starting to move to the next page. You cannot turn an iPad while you are

wearing gloves.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: It doesn’t move. So I had to do an Installation

without gloves.

But, in any event, Sir Knights, I can’t tell you what a great thrill and an honor it is to be back in

Texas again. It doesn’t seem possible, but my wife Marci and I made our first visit eleven years ago where

you had kind of a neer-do-well Grand Commander who really didn’t make a mark on this Grand

Commandery, didn’t seem to have much of a future. Have you done better yet, Jerry?


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: So I have had the good fortune of being here.

This is my fifth visit in those eleven years. My lady Marci was able to be with me on three of those

occasions. She wanted to apologize for not being with me today, but she owns a car dealership and can’t

take a whole lot of time off work. She doesn’t trust one of her other partners to be quite as sharp as she is.

So she doesn’t like to leave him with any decisions. But she had a decision: I was coming here now and in

two weeks I’m going to the Grand Commandery of Italy. So she was faced with Amarillo or Rome.




R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: She remembers the months she spent in Midland

the last time she was here.



R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Sir Knights, I want to congratulate each one of

you and your Commanderies, your Grand Commandery Officers and you, Right Eminent Grand

Commander, on the outstanding year you obviously had here. In listening to the Reports and in listening to

the Reports and listening to the Reports -


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: - and then in listening to the Purposes and

Policies Committee talk about your Reports, then talk about your Reports, and then listening to the

Jurisprudence Committee talk about the Purposes and Policies Committee and your Report, it really seems

like you have spoken about everything you have done in the last 12 months. But, you know, in all

seriousness you have done well.

Obviously, you have great activities, your drills, your ritual competition, your public appearances,

your cooperation within the Masonic Fraternity, seeing these Presiding Officers of the Chapter and Council,

your SGIG who was here earlier, your Most Worshipful Grand Master, even - oh, what do they call that guy

with the kids - oh, the Executive Officer of DeMolay - sorry, Weldon. That’s going to cost me a committee

appointment in about two months.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: The family of Freemasonry is strong in Texas and

that is what will make this Jurisdiction and does make this Jurisdiction one of the most outstanding that we

ever get to come and visit. You should be very, very proud of what you accomplish because we are proud

of each and every one of you.

This Jurisdiction is important to the Grand Encampment. You have given us many leaders: Grand

Master Fischer, Grand Master Willson. We’ve got Committee Members here: David Melear, Tom Turner,

Bart Henderson, Jim Higdon. We have Aides to Grand Encampment Officers: John Elkinton, Bart, your

Grand Commander, Ted Hennis.

Ted, could you stand up for a minute.

Right Eminent Grand Recorder -

R:E: GRAND RECORDER TUCKER: I’m the expendable Grand Recorder.

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: You’re expendable. Does he look properly






R:E: GRAND RECORDER TUCKER: He does in my mind.

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Maybe you need another mind.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Sir Knight Ted, somewhere along the way you

have lost the Crown and Crosses that you were supposed to have and the gold cord as an Aide. The Right

Eminent Grand Recorder will see that you get them before I see him in Virginia. Please call me if you

don’t get them.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Sir Knights, to paraphrase our friends in the

Internal Revenue Service, “Hi. I’m from the Grand Encampment and I’m here to help you.”


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: But, you know, we really are. We serve one

purpose and that is to help the Grand Commandery and you as Grand Commandery Officers and you as a

Grand Commandery exist for one purpose: to help the local Commanderies be successful because without

local Commanderies, there is no Grand Commandery. Without local Commanderies there is no Grand

Encampment. Without local Commanderies functioning and operating well, there is no Knights Templar

in the world. It is only at the local level do we make and create Knights Templar and we bond

Freemasonry with Christian values to make this Fraternity that we have something special.

Remember now, we are not here to serve ourselves, but we are here to make Templary better.

How does the Grand Encampment do that? Hopefully, you like the changes we’ve done in the magazine.

We’ve upgraded the magazine’s quality. We’ve upgraded the contents of it over the last few years. We

think it is an outstanding publication. We hope you enjoy the intelligent articles. I think - I don’t know.

Do they include the dictionary for the West Texas version? That’s not in there yet, but it will be in a

supplemental report.


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: But, Sir Knights, we think we have got a quality

product there. We hope you enjoy it. It’s not just a newsletter anymore where you saw somebody in New

York getting an award that you really don’t care about. And the same thing in New York, they don’t want

to see a picture of somebody in Texas. They want to know something important. We hope that’s what

you’re finding in the magazine these days.

At the same time you are getting the opportunity of the Supplement which you are using to very,


very good use. That’s a wonderful opportunity where you can reach every one of your Sir Knights every

month for zero additional costs.

At the same time we’ve upgraded our computer system. Everybody is familiar with the YRIS

Program. As it gets completely up and functional and all Recorders are functional with it, it will eliminate

monthly reports. It has in most places. Eventually it will be so fine-tuned that even you won’t have to

submit Annual Returns. Your Grand Recorder will be able to pick all that up and the computer system will

be there from the get-go.

Your dues cards are now standardized through the YRIS System so that when you visit a

Commandery anywhere in the world under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, you don’t have to

worry about them saying, “Well, is this really a legitimate card?” Everybody will use the same format.

Sir Knights, we talk about membership, we talk about operations of Commanderies, we talk about

many things, but do you know what it really boils down to and what makes us successful are leaders.

Because if you have one leader who can motivate those working with him to do the job for him, we’re going

to have much more successful organizations.

Along those lines, the Grand Encampment started two years ago developing a program on

leadership for our Department Conferences. The first year it was a half hour program. Those of you who

attended thought it was great and wanted more. Last year we did about a four to five hour program.

Those that were there thought it was good and wanted more. We’re going to fine-tune this program

probably to a four to six hour program for the next round of Department Conferences, again concentrating

on building leaders. Leaders not necessarily geared to lead Templary, but geared to lead any organization,

whether it be within the Masonic Fraternity, any of our Bodies, whether it be your local Moose Club or Elks

Club or your church. We feel if you come to our Conferences, you will gain leadership capabilities that

will help you in your day-to-day lives.

That brings up another point. Our Conferences are not just for the Grand Officers, not the elected

ones who are mandated by statute to come. All of the Grand Officers are invited. All of the Officers of

Commanderies and all Sir Knights are invited to come. It is not an exclusive deal by any means. The

more the merrier because the more that know, the better off we will all be. So, please, plan on attending the

South Central Department Conference when it comes up in September this year.

I would like to steal something from your Grand Commandery and that is the Chairman of the

Knights Templar Eye Foundation down here. He gave more report on the Knights Templar Eye

Foundation than we get from the Office every year. It was very impressive.

I do want to touch briefly on the change in direction of the Eye Foundation. Last summer when


the Trustees met to discuss future direction was probably one of the most difficult meetings that we have

ever had certainly since I’ve been around. We talked and talked and talked about things that were going to

be changed. Most of you have heard this or read it in the magazine, but, you know, national healthcare.

The changes and the enforcement of HIPPA, the federal privacy act. The fact that our computer system

that pays all of our providers was circa 1985 and needed to be upgraded to the tune of one or two hundred

thousand dollars. The fact that we had trouble verifying whether we were really helping who we thought

needed help. The Sir Knights who were sponsoring cases in many areas were getting aged. They weren’t

able to go out to people’s homes and investigate, who kind of got led down the golden path by several

physicians. They would put a paper in front of them and say, “Here. Sign this.” And we know in many

cases that that person had some assets, that the Foundation didn’t help those that really were the most needy.

The other problem we had is that our newer Sir Knights weren’t necessarily interested across this

country in going to these people’s homes and actually doing the processing work. It created some major

concerns for us. For a whole host of factors and I can go on and on with things and I’ll be glad to talk to

you more about them later, but I don’t want to take up a whole lot more of your time on this now. But we

were faced with: how do we help the most people? We were helping two thousand people a year directly.

So think about it. If we can help develop a major research project, a cure, a breakthrough, we not only help

a couple of thousand a year or twenty thousand in ten years, but we can help millions and generations down

the line in the future by establishing endowment chairs in ophthalmology at various universities around the

world, new ophthalmologists will know the name Knights Templar because they were trained by our

values. We have that impact to make on society by making this change.

Another interesting fact, we have ten of our Grand Commanderies who were utilizing seventy-five

percent of our resources in cases every year. That left the other 40 Grand Commanderies with only getting

a mere pittance of return and that doesn’t count the 17 foreign countries that are under the Jurisdiction of the

Grand Encampment who couldn’t participate in their own charities. If we do research and especially if we

do it in their own countries, they get the benefit.

A whole host of factors. I hope you can see why the changes have been made. Rest assured, none

of your Trustees made this as a light decision. Nobody walked out smiling and happy as to what we did,

but we had a fiduciary responsibility to you, the stockholders of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, to

protect those dollars and to give you the best bang for your buck over the course of the next generation.

We hope we did the right thing, we hope you endorse what we did and ask your continued support to make

sure that we are the leader in ophthalmic research for many, many years to come.

Those of you who looked at the magazine over the last few months know that Grand Master Koon


has decided that it is important to the Grand Encampment to develop the old Templar Degrees. They’ve

been around since 1780. He feels that incorporating them as additional or supplemental Degrees to the

Grand Encampment that people will get to see these beautiful, symbolic and esoteric Degrees. It’s not

going to go smoothly. There is some concern as to how this would be effected by the Grand Master, but I

do assure you that we are going to resolve those problems over the course of the next few months. If

anyone has any other questions, I would be glad to speak to you at some point in the future on it.

I do want to remind you of the Grand Encampment Session that will begin with the Drill

Competition on the 11th of August next summer in the Hilton Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia, the same

hotel we do Masonic Week and the Easter Program. It will be an outstanding time. Plenty of things to do

in the D. C. area. Ladies will have fine access to shopping. National sites, beautiful place. Those of you

who haven’t been to D. C. recently or northern Virginia, I think you will find it enjoyable. Please come,

especially you Voting Delegates. You know, I probably will need your votes on that Tuesday afternoon.


how many days is it?

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Oh, you need to know that? Four hundred and

eighty-four days, 16 hours, 13 minutes and 18, 17, 16 seconds -


R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: - that I may be your Grand Master.

Again, Right Eminent Grand Commander, I want to compliment you and congratulate you on your

outstanding year.

Sir Knight Wunsche, if they decide to elect you later today, I do want to congratulate you and wish

you and your Officers another successful year for this Grand Commandery.

I want to thank each and every one of you for all your hospitality and your friendship that have been

extended to me, not only with this visit, but every time our paths have crossed over the last many, many

years. I look forward to continuing to serve you. I look forward to you working with me as I become your

Grand Master. I do ask God’s blessings upon each and every one of you and your families, upon

Templary, upon our great family of Freemasonry and upon our great country, the United States of America.

Thank you and God bless.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, it is now time for the Final Report of the

Credentials Committee. I would ask that the Chairman that I appointed of the Tellers Committee assemble

his team and be prepared to take the ballot.



SIR KNIGHT FREEDMAN: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand

Master, Right Eminent Grand Encampment Officers and Past Grand Commanders, Eminent Grand

Commandery Officers, past and present, and Sir Knights all:

I am Gary Freedman, Past Commander of Amarillo Commandery No. 48.

It is with great pleasure that I deliver the Final Report -


SIR KNIGHT FREEDMAN: - of the Committee on Credentials for the 2011 Templar year as of

1:30 p.m. today.

313 Sir Knights registered for the 158th Grand Conclave, and there were 15 no-shows, leaving a

total of 298 Sir Knights that have actually checked in.

Of those 298 there were: 12 Grand Commandery Officers 17 Past Grand Commanders of Texas

269 Officers and Members 61 Commanderies Represented

There were also:

131 Visitors from Texas 8 Visitors from Out of State

The total number of ballots issued were to:

119 Past Commanders 34 Commanders 21 Generalissimos 12 Captains General

186 Total Members with one Vote Plus

11 Proxies with one vote 197 Total ballots

There are 261 registered members and Proxies due one vote each. Of these, a total of 186

members with one vote each received their ballot, 11 Proxies with one vote each received their ballot, and

64 Sir Knights failed to pick up their ballot, which balances with 261 votes due, leaving a total of 197

ballots issued.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary H. Freedman, Chairman

H. Keith Finch


Michael L. Larson

Judge R. Risley

Albert Urbina

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I move for the approval of this Final Report of the Committee

on Credentials.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have a motion and a second to approve

the Final Report of the Committee on Credentials.

Is there any discussion?

Hearing none, if you approve this Report, please vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

So ordered, Sir Knight Grand Recorder.


SIR KNIGHT FREEDMAN: Right Eminent Grand Commander, on behalf of the Committee on

Credentials I would like to thank you, Grand Commander, and the Grand Commandery for allowing us the

opportunity to serve in this capacity. It is quite a pleasure for us.

I would also like to thank the Committee Members: Keith Finch, Past Commander of Vernon

Commandery No. 33; Michael Larson, Captain General of Amarillo Commandery No.48; Judge Risley,

Past Commander of Amarillo and Vernon Commanderies; Albert Urbina, Generalissimo of Amarillo

Commandery; and I am Gary Freedman, Chairman, and Past Commander of Amarillo Commandery No.


I would also like to convey a special thanks to Sir Knights Terry Flippo and Dwight West for help

with the ballots, and a very special thanks to Sir Knight Bruce Hammond and especially my wife of 20

years, Jeanie, for going above and beyond the call of duty in helping us making Registration and

Credentials a success this year. Most of you all realize that Jeanie is the workhorse of the family. I

certainly couldn’t have done it without her help and support. She loves Masonry and Christian Masonry

almost as much as I do and I love her very much.

Also, Right Eminent Sir, in capacity of General Chairman I would like to thank everybody for

attending this Grand Conclave. It’s been an honor being your host. Amarillo Commandery and all the

fine Commanderies of the Panhandle thank you for attending. If it wasn’t worth your while, it’s enough to


have your friendship and fellowship, the camaraderie, the friendly competition which I think makes us all

better Masons and Christian Sir Knights. It was really worth it for me and it makes me come back every

year just to watch the look on the Grand Commander’s face when they start reading off the results of the

Drill and Ritual Competition.


SIR KNIGHT FREEDMAN: I hope you enjoy that as much as I do.

Thank you, Right Eminent.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: We will now have the Election of Grand Officers.

Sir Knight Joe Hocker will be the Chairman of the Tellers Committee. He has all the information

on how to be the Chairman of this Committee. Are we now ready for the Election of Officers? Okay,

great. I am, too.

Sir Knight Warder, inform the sentinel that we are about to have the Election of Grand Officers of

the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and instruct him to execute anyone that tries to enter the






PAUL E. WUNSCHE ..................................................................... R:E: GRAND COMMANDER

H. DAVID MOORE ....................................................... V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER

H. BART HENDERSON .............................................................. E: GRAND GENERALISSIMO

ROBERT M. LOFLILN ............................................................ E: GRAND CAPTAIN GENERAL

JERRY L. PINGLE ....................................................................... E: GRAND SENIOR WARDEN

JOHN C. ELKINTON ................................................................... E: GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN

THOMAS W. SNYDER ........................................................................ E: GRAND TREASURER

JERRY N. KIRBY ................................................................................... E: GRAND RECORDER

JACK HARPER ..................................................................... E: GRAND STANDARD BEARER

RICHARD D. DOSS ..................................................................... E: GRAND SWORD BEARER

CLARENCE J. LANEY ............................................................................... E: GRAND WARDER

GARY H. FREEDMAN ............................................................................. E: GRAND SENTINEL



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: While we are waiting, I will let the Very Eminent Grand

Commander go through his Installation times and places.

Very Eminent Sir.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, for the Grand Officers, if you

will, please bring your District notebooks to the dinner this evening. We will exchange them accordingly.


Also, the time set for Installation will be within 15 minutes after the close - or after this Session is

adjourned. That way we will allow the room to be set. We have to make a few changes and get some

chairs in order.

The Installing Team will be: the Installing Grand Commander will be Right Eminent Mike Shively.

Mike has installed me in everything I have ever done Masonically. The Installing Marshal will be Sir

Knight Larry Tucker. The Installing Assistant Marshal will be Sir Knight Don Wunsche and the Installing

Prelate will be Sir Knight Carl Wunsche.

Again, we will take care of this just as appropriately as we can after this Session is adjourned.

We’ll get the chairs set up and get it ready.

There will be a dinner afterwards. The Grand Officers have that information.

Again, Sir Knights, I do thank you so very much for this true honor. It really is a dream come true.

Thank you, Grand Commander.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, immediately after we adjourn to prepare

for the Installation, I would like the Grand Officers for last year to assemble for one last picture outside by

the pool -


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: No, inside in the auditorium here.

I don’t have any business left. Thank God.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Duncan Watson, would you like to bring

greetings to us from the Grand Commandery of Massachusetts/Rhode Island?


ISLAND: Thank you. Right Eminent Grand Commander.

Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master, Right Eminent South Central Department Commander, Sir

Knights all:

I bring you warm greetings of my Grand Commander, Sir Knight Theodore Wesley Bitomski,

Right Eminent Grand Commander of Knights Templar of Massachusetts and Rhode Island and my own

greetings and those of my lady.

Sir Knights, it is once again a pleasure to be in your Grand Jurisdiction. I have conferred with my

friends here and I am finding that we have the same concerns, successes and trials in the Northeast, but we

will prevail.

It’s been a pleasure to be at your Grand Conclave this year. It’s been a long day for us all. With


that said, I would only add one thing. I’m not going to include any of my personal remarks other than this

morning I would admonish you all to heed your Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Guard well

the doors to your Asylums and Lodges that the unworthy may not enter.

With that said, Right Eminent Grand Commander, I thank you and all the Fraters of Texas and their

ladies for the hospitality that has been extended to my lady and myself.

Thank you once again.


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, while we have a little bit of

lag time, since our Right Eminent Grand Commander and our dear friend from Louisiana is here, did you all

watch the - I think it was the History Channel a couple of weeks ago that had all the Knights Templar on it?

I think afterward it talked about the Freemasons. Anybody see that? It was fascinating that they had

discovered that Hiram Abif is, and since Lee is not here, buried in Arkansas -


V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: - and it’s true. We get that in the

Master’s Degree. The body could not be raised by the grip of a Fellowcraft, it had laid so long in a putrid



V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I myself will call Right Eminent Lee and

let him know. That’s what you get when you leave early.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: Would Bill like to say something?

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: He’s already spoken.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Bill, would you like to make some comments? It’s

okay. We’re not - well, I can’t speak for Paul, but we won’t bite you.


COMMANDERY OF LOUISIANA: I would really like to say that it’s such an opportunity that you just

cannot hardly explain to be here with all of you guys; all of these Masons in one spot.

Something else I would love to say is that I’m getting close to eighty years old and my dad, he

would have gave his right arm to be in this position to shake hands with this many Masons. I appreciate

everyone of you, I thank you for your hospitality and I really enjoyed myself being here.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I see that our Chairman of our Tellers Committee is in

the room. I will ask him to make a report.


Commander, my name is Joe Hocker -


SIR KNIGHT HOCKER: Sorry about that. We had a total of 197 possible votes; 141 votes were

cast. We had one for Reese Harrison -


SIR KNIGHT HOCKER: We had one for Charles. Didn’t have a last name on that one. Jerral,

28; Tom, 111.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, by your vote you have elected Sir Knight


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER KNOX: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I’d like to see

that my votes be cast along with Tom’s so it will be a unanimous vote.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Sir Knight.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: Is Reese going to give his up?

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Reese was not a candidate.

Sir Knight Snyder, will you accept?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SNYDER: Right Eminent Grand Commander, it is my

pleasure to accept.

Guys, I’ll do the best I can with it.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, the floor is now open for the position of

Eminent Grand Recorder for the ensuing Chivalric Year.

Are there any nominations?


COMMANDERY NO. 103: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I am still Brad Billings, Commander of

Alexander C. Garrett Commandery No. 103 and it is my honor and pleasure to nominate Sir Knight Jerry

Nelson Kirby, a Past Commander of Alexander C. Garrett Commandery No. 103, for Grand Recorder for

the ensuing Chivalric Year.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, the name of Jerry Nelson Kirby, a Past

Grand Commander of Texas, has been placed in nomination for the Office of Grand Recorder for the

ensuing Chivalric Year.

Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, I declare that nominations cease and that he be elected by acclamation.

Sir Knights, if you will have Sir Knight Kirby as your Grand Recorder, show by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, bridle arm.

Sir Knight Kirby, will you accept?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER KIRBY: Right Eminent Sir, I have big shoes to fill. I will do my very best. Thank you very much.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I’m going to have to get Sir Knight Wunsche to dance.

I now recognize Sir Knight Weldon Clampitte, Executive Officer for DeMolay in Texas. Sir

Knights, will you please give him your attention.

SIR KNIGHT CLAMPITTE: Sir Knights, Eminent East, DeMolay in Texas is doing well, but we

need your help. DeMolay is starting a program, a three year program, involving knights, castles and so

forth for the kids. This will be a program that is interactive stuff that they know about and we don’t; virtual

worlds. We have a gentleman who is putting it together and has put stuff together for the United States

Army for the universal reality war games. Many of you have seen the program or seen the clip Benjamin

Franklin’s charge to a Master Mason prepared by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts to engage group

discussion. It will be similar to this in DeMolay. It gives us a great opportunity for us and DeMolays to

increase our membership and I think it’s also a good opportunity for Knights Templar to join hands with

this particular type of endeavor because we’re dealing with kids that love knights.

We had a choice. Kids like knights and they like dinosaurs. Well, we already have the dinosaurs

in the room.


SIR KNIGHT CLAMPITTE: We decided to go with the knights. We think that that’s going to

work real well.

They told us that you can expect over the next year a thousand kids to join. I said, “I can’t handle


a thousand kids.” If you put them in the cities, fine. There are many areas in the State that do not have

DeMolay Chapter or any adult that wants to work with them. Midland/Odessa, Lubbock, San Angelo, all

down East Texas don’t have any. The closest thing to deep East Texas is Nederland. From there north

there’s nothing. A lot of gaps. These young men need your help. These young men are looking for adult

leaders who will be a role model for them. I think Masonry is an excellent organization for these young


We need your help. What we don’t have are adult leaders. I solicit you to go back to your

Commanderies. Commanderies can sponsor a DeMolay Chapter. It doesn’t all have to be Masons. You

can also use non-Masons to help on your advisory council.

We’ve learned that once you’ve got a young man in and his father is not a Mason, it’s not long

before he gets a petition to become a Mason. It’s a two-sided sword.

Right now we’re number two in new members - not in size, but in new members - in the United

States. A couple of years ago we were number one. It takes effort. One Chapter in Houston put in 22

new members just a couple of weeks ago and I understand that they have got five more for this coming

week. It will be the largest Chapter in the United States, but that’s a rarity.

I have young men who will call me or send me emails saying, “I’d like to be a DeMolay.” I’ll

answer them and I’ll say, “If you want to drive 150 miles each way to go to a meeting, I can help you.”

How many of you are going to go 150 miles with your kids to drive them that far twice a month?

It’s up to us, the Masonic Bodies in this State, to step up to the plate, take the time and effort that is

needed to encourage our youth in the manner in which we have been raised and the manner by which we

believe in Masonry.

A lot of good young men that have come through DeMolay, you see them in this room. I hope

you’ll see more in this room. If we don’t do something about it, you won’t be seeing them because we

don’t have the adults.

Thank you, Right Eminent Grand Commander. I appreciate you and the Grand East for all that

you have done for the youth now and in the future. I look forward to working with you and Sir Knight

Wunsche this coming year.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Sir Knight Weldon.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, I have to reiterate what Sir Knight

Clampitte said, being a DeMolay advisor for the last ten or eleven years, DeMolay cannot function without

adults. We have plenty of kids that would like to join and we don’t have enough adults. It takes good


Masons to give the kids of today good role models.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WARREN: If Buddy was still here, he could tell a joke.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: I can make people laugh when I make funny faces, but

I’m really not a very funny person.

Sir Knight Collins, maybe you’d like to save your remarks if we have a runoff for the next one.

Then you can make very long remarks.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Kirby, I believe, has a Resolution that he

needs to read.

E: GRAND RECORDER (PRO TEM) KIRBY: No, Right Eminent Sir. I have received a written

Resolution and I will ask the Proposer to read it.

SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Right Eminent Grand Commander, Right Eminent Deputy Grand

Master, Right Eminent Grand Officers, Right Eminent Department Commander and so forth:

RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 23, which requires that a Resolution be submitted to the

Grand Recorder in writing - this is the writing - in Article 232A of the Statutes of the Grand Commandery

of Texas in Section 237A of the Statutes of the Grand Encampment, I nominate and move that Sir Knight

Jerry Kirby be elected Grand Treasurer Emeritus and that Sir Knight Loyd Leo Chance be elected Grand

Recorder Emeritus.

If approved by this Grand Commandery, said Resolution shall be submitted to the Grand Master of

the Grand Encampment for his written approval.

Respectfully submitted, Reese L. Harrison, Jr., Past Commander, San Antonio Commandery No. 7,

April the 18th, 2011, at 5:09 p.m.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we have a motion and a second to adopt

this Resolution.

All who would - is there any discussion?

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Right Eminent Sir, Leonard Pierce, Past

Commander, Ruthven Commandery No. 2.

I thought we took care of that earlier today, did we?


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: We didn’t make you Emeritus? But, also -

SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: We took care of Loyd’s Honorary Past Commander status.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER PIERCE: Okay. But, also, all that - according to my

understanding, the last item of business is the Election and we are in the Election now. So I’m not sure that

it would be a legal vote since we are already in Election and it’s the last order of business.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knight Harrison, is it within our power to consider

this Resolution at this time?

SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: It is in the order of an election.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Oh, in the order of election?

SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Yes. It is an election. I nominated them. Then you have to elect


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Okay. That makes it perfectly clear.

Sir Knights, you have heard the nominations. If you will elect these two Officers to these

positions, vote by the sword arm.

Down hands.

Opposed, the bridle arm.

They have been elected.

Thank you, Sir Knight Harrison.

SIR KNIGHT HARRISON: Let me explain further. We had to have someone else elected to those

offices so that we would know that they were not running for reelection. Someone else has been elected,

Installation is pending so they are now in a position to be elected and you have done so. I hope you will

greet them all as such.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Thank you, Sir Knight Harrison.

Sir Knight Collins, you have brief remarks you’d like to make?

SIR KNIGHT DOUGLAS COLLINS: Thank you, Right Eminent Sir.

Sir Knights, just one thing I wanted to remind you of. There are several of you whose subscription

is about to run out on “Through the Veils.” I would ask that if they’re going to continue their subscription

that - everyone that I’ve asked or been able to talk to say they want to, the last issue of “Through the Veils”

was on April the 15th and that was the cutoff date. I’m extending it a little bit more for you all to give you

one last chance, but I’ve got to start cutting things off. There were many subscriptions there that were

subscribed in 2008 and have been getting “Through the Veils” for the last three years for $10.00 that they

put in and I’ve got to get that taken care of.

Another thing is, I want to apologize for the tardiness of the last issue of “Through the Veils” for

those of you who are subscribing. I was unable to attend Grand Lodge since my wife was having surgery


for an detached retina and Grand Chapter and things just got put off. I had to take care of her a hundred

percent and I wasn’t able to get some stuff I needed for publication.

So please see me and if you don’t have it right now, please get your check to me by the middle of

next week or ten days.

Thank you, Grand Commander.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Sir Knights, we had four excellent candidates, all good


Sir Knights, we have one quick announcement.

V:E: DEPUTY GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: For the Grand Officers to be installed, if

you would, please go ahead and get with whoever is behind you or in front of you and go ahead and give

them your jewels. That way that will save us a little bit of time.

Those of you who are invited to dinner, it has been moved to 7:30. With that being said, the ice

cream party will be moved to 8:45.

We will get pictures. All the currents come up and we’ll get our pictures taken.




INSTALLING GRAND OFFICER .......................................................... MICHAEL H. SHIVELY

INSTALLING GRAND MARSHAL ............................................................. LARRY E. TUCKER



INSTALLING GRAND PRELATE .................................................................. CARL WUNSCHE

INSTALLING GRAND MARSHAL TUCKER: Right Eminent Sir, your Officer corps is awaiting

your pleasure.

INSTALLING GRAND OFFICER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Marshal, you will present the

Officers of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas in front of the Altar, please.

INSTALLING GRAND MARSHAL TUCKER: Officers chosen, draw swords!

Officers chosen, left face!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, I present to you the newly chosen Officers of the Grand

Commandery for Installation.

Officers chosen, present swords!

INSTALLING GRAND OFFICER SHIVELY: Officers chosen, carry swords! Order swords!

Sir Knights and Ladies, before engaging in this important ceremony, let us invoke the blessing of

deity. Will you please rise.

Sir Knights, uncover!

Eminent Grand Prelate, lead our devotions.



Our Most Gracious and Loving Father, we thank You for this beautiful day and all the blessings

Thou hast bestowed upon us. We ask that You grant these Grand Commandery Officers the wisdom,

patience and honor to perform their duties to the best of their abilities. We ask a special blessing upon our

Grand Commander. Endue him with the attributes taught us in the Order of the Temple. May have the

patience and perseverance of the Poor and Weary Pilgrim, the courage and constancy of the Pilgrim

Warrior and, most importantly, the faith and humility of the Pilgrim Pentinent. Let us now pray together as

our Lord and Master taught us:

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in

earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our

debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the

power and the glory forever. Amen!



Ladies and Sir Knights, not in line, please be seated.

Officers chosen, carry swords!

Return swords!


INSTALLING GRAND OFFICER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Marshal, place the Officers

chosen in proper position to take upon themselves the Vow of Office.

INSTALLING GRAND MARSHAL TUCKER: Officers chosen, count twos!

Numbers one, draw swords! Point sword to left.

Numbers two, grab blade with right hand.

Officers chosen, uncover!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, the Officers chosen are in position.


Sir Knights, in this case I’m going to tell you to present swords, but that means hand salute.

Present swords!

Officers chosen, you will say “I,” pronounce your name in full and repeat after me.


“I, _________________________, do promise and vow that I will support and maintain the

Constitution, Statutes, Regulations and Rituals of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United

States of America, and the Constitution, Laws and Regulations of the Grand Commandery of Texas, and

that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office to which I am about to be installed to the best of my


INSTALLING GRAND OFFICER SHIVELY: Sir Knights, not in line, carry swords!

INSTALLING GRAND MARSHAL TUCKER: Officers chosen, recover!

Numbers two, relinquish swords blades!

Numbers one, carry swords!

Return swords!




INSTALLING GRAND OFFICER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Marshal, you will proclaim

the Installation.

INSTALLING GRAND MARSHAL TUCKER: Grand Commandery, attention!

Draw swords!

Present swords!

Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! All valiant and magnanimous Knights of the Temple: In the name of

the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas I hereby proclaim the Officers of the Grand

Commandery of Texas duly installed.

This Proclamation is made to the north, to the south, to the east and to the west. Let all valiant and

magnanimous Knights take due notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly.

Sir Knights, carry swords!

Return swords!

Commandery, be seated!

Right Eminent Grand Commander, may I sit down?


INSTALLING GRAND OFFICER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Commander, it has been the

honor of your Installing Team to install you and your Grand Officers in their Offices. We know that you

all are going to have a special year. We know how hard that you have been working, how hard they have

been working to make sure that this Grand Commandery remains the greatest Grand Commandery in the

world. We don’t worry about who is going to say they have got the most numbers. We know who has the

greatest Grand Commandery.

Right Eminent Sir, if you need to report that back, you can.


We look forward to serving you and working with you this year. We look forward to the many

things that you and your Grand Officers are going to do.

Now, I will turn over to you the reins of this Grand Commandery and express my appreciation to

my Installing Team and would like to introduce them for just a minute.

The Installing Right Eminent Grand Marshal was Sir Knight Lawrence Eugene Tucker, Right

Eminent Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the United States of America.


Assisting Grand Marshal, Sir Knight Don Wunsche who is Generalissimo of Melrose Commandery No.

109, and most importantly, your father. Sir Knight Carl Wunsche was our Installing Grand Prelate who is

a Past Commander of Melrose Commandery No. 109, and more especially, your big brother.


First and foremost, I thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because without our faith in God and

our love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we would not be here and I pray that as we go through this

year that each one of us gives God full glory for being where we are.

I want to thank the Installing Team. Sir Knight Mike has installed me in every Masonic office I

have ever held and I am very honored and very grateful and, Mike, I thank you very much.

Sir Knight Larry for being the Installing Marshal. Larry is a very dear friend and I am honored

that he said that he would do that for me.

The Installing Grand Assistant Marshal and the Installing Grand Prelate, I do thank you all so very

much, my dad and my brother. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Before we go further into the introductions, Right Eminent David Melear, would you please come

up here and bring your lovely lady, please.

David, you have served this Grand Commandery with great honor and you did phenomenal today

in presiding over your Grand Session. But it appears to me that you are no longer properly attired. At this

time I do believe that your lovely wife has some presentations to make to you.


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WILLSON: This is one of those very special and unique

occasions. I never did wear these, but I can tell you a lot about them because the man who did wear them

was part of the team of the Grand Commandery who started the festivals across the State of Texas. He was

my Brother and everybody loved him. He had to get home to look after his cows, but he always got to the

festivals all over the State of Texas. He later became Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge

of Texas. He also served as Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Texas.

Furman Vinson and his wife Beverly were just as close to me as you are. They were wonderful

people; still are. We lost Beverly here about six weeks ago, but they are very special. The fact that you

loved them, I think that you will appreciate this. You’ll have to put a little more Velcro on them, but I

think you will enjoy wearing them. Don’t lose those things because they are hard to find.

We want to congratulate you and tell you how wonderful it has been this year to serve with you. I

think the Grand Commandery of Texas is a whole lot better off because you have been here. I wish I could

have helped you more, but you have done an outstanding job.


Let’s give him a hand, Folks.


E: GRAND RECORDER KIRBY: It is my pleasure to present to David a Past Grand

Commander’s Jewel.

Now, when David got elected into the line, he was looking around because we took all of his

regular stuff he had. David, I took my Grand Commandery stuff and put it on David and he wore it until

now and now it is sitting on Sir Knight Gary Freedman. So it’s both of ours.

Now, I have the privilege of presenting you a Past Grand Commander’s Jewel to wear and this one

has a long and distinguished history. A Sir Knight - probably one you wouldn’t recognize. I think back

in the 1800s; then James Garitty and then Richard R. Porter wore this Jewel. So it has a long and

distinguished history and this Jewel is now yours to wear for as long as you live.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: David, again, I have treasured your friendship since

that night in Waco at a Grand Chapter and Grand Council banquet. We were some of the youngest ones in

the room by a long shot. We were stuck in the very back corner by ourselves. That friendship means a

great deal to me. If you would like to have any words, we’d love to hear from you.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: Right Eminent Grand Commander, I want to say

it was an honor for me to serve the Grand Commandery of Texas. It’s been an honor for me to serve with

you. Our friendship has been very strong since we met since we both have a tendency to not like to eat



R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER MELEAR: And that’s how we got to be such good friends.

I’m so excited about this year with you being Grand Commander and about the direction we’re going with

the Grand Commandery. I can hardly wait to see us not only be the best Grand Commandery in the Grand

Encampment, but also become the largest Grand Commandery in the Grand Encampment. I’m very

excited about that. I’ve said a whole lot of stuff today and now it’s your turn.

Congratulations. I look forward to working with you all year.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Thank you very much. I do appreciate it.




R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I want to make a few introductions. We are always

honored to have with us - they are very good friends of ours - Duncan and Sally(?). Duncan is a Past Grand

Commander of Massachusetts/Rhode Island and Sally(?) is a Past Supreme Worthy President of the Social

Order of the Beauceant. And you all have watched me go through this line from the very beginning. I do

thank you all for being here.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER WATSON: Right Eminent Grand Commander, best of luck

to you and your Grand Officers for the ensuing year.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Thank you very much.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I know that our adopted parents - Rex’s adopted

grandparents, Jay and Nancy Ipsen, a Past Grand Commander of Minnesota are here. Nancy is as well a

Past Supreme Worthy President of the Social Order of the Beauceant. Thank you all so very much. Jay is

a member of Melrose Commandery, an Endowed Member, and Nancy is a member of Melrose Assembly.

So thank you all very much for being here.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I’m very pleased and very excited. A friendship has

developed over the last couple of years and that is Sir Knight Keith Powell. Keith is the current Grand

Commander of the Grand Commandery of Louisiana and he’s just a great guy. He and I have gotten our

calendars together and we were able to do some visitations. Keith, thank you. It’s great to have your dad

with you. His dad is the Grand Standard Bearer for the Grand Commandery of Louisiana.

Thank you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I’m very honored that our Right Eminent Deputy

Grand Master is with us. Sir, thank you so very much for being here.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: And we look forward to celebrating your birthday

with you being the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment.

R:E: DEPUTY GRAND MASTER GOODWIN: Thank you. If there is anything you need in the


next year, please don’t hesitate to ask Larry.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Other than those from Melrose, would the members

of District 3 please rise. Wow! What a true, true blessing. We have the Chapmans from Port Arthur.

We have the Eminent Commander of Litt S. Perry and we have another Past Commander. We thank you,

Chance. Jeff is from the Beaumont area. Our good friend Hunter Schappaugh, John Elkinton, Bart,

Larry, Leonard as well. He’s hiding the corner. He’s gotten so thin, Brother Weldon Clampitte who will

soon be the Grand Master of DeMolay International. We look forward to that.

Sir Knights, thank you all so much for staying. I do thank you all very much.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I guess now for the tough ones. Members of

Melrose Commandery No. 109 please stand with your lady. Wow! What an absolute, absolute blessing.

We have our Eminent Commander, Jeff Wright and his lady Janet. We have the Generalissimo and my

dad, Don Wunsche. Our Captain General, Gerald Porter(?); our Standard Bearer, Mel Harrell; our Sword

Bearer and our Photographer, Bill Forten(?). Past Commanders, we have Jerry Kirby and his wife

Suzanne, my adopted parents; John and Velma Kleinfelder, very dear friends. Of course, my in-laws, but

I’ll get to them in a minute. James Willard and his son David, a Past Commander and will work through

the Line with David. Billy and Darlene Ward. Billy means the world to me and he’s a Past Commander.

Lady Kim Foreman, we were glad that you were able to stay. A good friend - if they hadn’t split off to that

Fort Bend Commandery, he would have stayed, but we were having too good a time there, but Brian R.

Dodson. Brian, thank you for staying. Tom Snedecor, a Past Commander. I’ve learned Prelate to be a

backup for Tom and once I got it, Tom came up and asked me if I would take it. And, Guys, this is where

I learned how to be a Prelate from Tom. Thank you very much for being here.

I am very honored to have my brother-in-law, Greg Shively, a Past Commander; my niece

Gertrude. Her true name is Shelby, but she’s Gertrude to me.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Thank you all for being here. I thank my

sister-in-law Yvonne and my brother Carl for being here. Again, Dad, you mean the world to me. Mike

and Betty Carole, thank you all so much. I do appreciate it.

I haven’t gotten there. My nephew Wesley who is - we’re going to be blessed if Weldon lets us be

blessed and Wesley will be the State Master Councilor of DeMolay in Texas while I’m Grand Commander.

We’re going to be able to do some traveling together.


Wesley, thank you. I don’t care what your dad says, you’re a good kid.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I have my best buddy Rex and God has truly blessed

me. Rex is either going to be a preacher or a politician.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: And if you go by his name tag, he is a future Grand

Commander of Texas. Rex, I love you and I hope you got your homework done today.

You all please be seated. Not you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: My best friend in the world. You know, a lot of

times when we have Grand Chapter and Grand Council in the month of October and I always wear a pink

shirt. You know, they all kind of give me a hard time about wearing pink. I tell them, “Well, it’s Breast

Cancer Awareness Week so you wear pink.” In reality real men do wear pink and real men praise their

wives in public.

Becky, with all my heart I love you.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Just a few other real quick things. What we’re going

to do, the Grand Officers are going to take a group picture. We’re going to take a group picture with our

ladies and then just take a picture of the Grand wives and our ladies up here. They are holding the

restaurant for us. Becky can give you directions. It’s Ruby Tequila.

Our Theme this year is “Family, Fun, Caring and Chivalry.” Our family is very important to us.

You all that know me, if I cannot have fun, I’m staying home. Caring is very important, not only do we

care about ourselves, but we need to care about our personal family. Chivalry is not dead; it’s just

forgotten. We proclaim to be the very best of Freemasonry in Texas. We proclaim to be Christian

Masons. Sir Knights, after today we need to start acting like it. We need to practice what we preach.

When we say that we would wage war against the enemies of innocent maidens, destitute widows, helpless

orphans and the Christian religion, I charge you to start with the Christian religion.

We have got a few areas that we are going to concentrate very heavily on this year: Holy Land

Pilgrimage, the Penny-A-Day Program, the Permanent Endowment Fund, our Youth Groups, the

Beauceant - the Youth Groups, the Rainbows and DeMolays. We started that this year with the collection

this year that we took up Sunday. All that goes to the Youth. When we sell the lanyards that David did

this weekend, part of that money is going to the Youth Groups. So we need to do that. And the last is the


Social Order of the Beauceant. Those ladies have been supporting us for a long time and, Sir Knights, in

return we need to support them.

For the Ladies of the Beauceant and the Sir Knights who are not aware of it, every Assembly in

Texas is on our Website. You go to the Commanderies and you click on it when you see a Beauceant

cross, you click on that cross and that will bring up that Beauceant Assembly. We are working and will

have it up next week. Where each assembly has their own name, you can go to the Commandery locator.

It will come up Commanderies and the Beauceant Assembly. You will have your own contact and we will

work with you all so you can maintain it yourself.

So I ask that you all help us support these groups because without doing that, we’re really not doing

what we’re supposed to do.

You know, I have probably rambled more than I should. I thank you all very much for this huge,

huge honor. You all have made my dream come true.

R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: Right Eminent Grand Commander -


R:E: PAST GRAND COMMANDER SHIVELY: I’m not going to buy the dress so you’re going to

need to buy the dress if you don’t introduce your mother-in-law.



R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Mike, I take care of my business.


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: I think that falls within you buying her a dress.



Sir Knights, we will take photographs. We’ll eat dinner. We’ll go from here.

With all that, Sir Knights attention!

Ladies, if you would please rise.

Sir Knights, uncover!

Eminent Grand Prelate Kleinfelder, would you please dismiss us.


E: GRAND PRELATE KLEINFELDER: Our Most Gracious Heavenly Father, we come before

You with happy hearts as we come to the end of this One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Grand Conclave. We


hope that our actions have been pleasing in Your eye. We ask that You watch over these newly installed

Officers as they travel this great State performing their duties. Guide them, be with them and give them

safe travels. And, Dear Lord, we ask a special blessing upon our Grand Commander as he conducts the

business of this Grand Commandery throughout the year. We ask that You be with him and guide him as

he makes the decisions necessary for his business. We ask that You watch over him and his family as they

travel this great State and elsewhere. Also, Dear Lord, we ask that You bless our troops wherever they

may be. Keep them safe and bring them home when you see fit. All this we ask in the Blessed Name of

our Dear Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!


R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: Sir Knights, recover!


SIR KNIGHT HUBERT SMITH: Grand Commander, I’d like to make an announcement. One of

our Sir Knights left here by the name of Rick Trogdon, he lost his wallet. If anybody may have found it -

he checked the hotel and all. It’s a small wallet.

R:E: GRAND COMMANDER WUNSCHE: We’ll do that. Thank you, Hubert. We’ll look for

that wallet.

Sir Knights, by virtue of the power in me as Grand Commander of this Grand Commandery of the

great State of Texas, I hereby proclaim that the One Hundred and Fifty-Eighth Grand Annual Conclave be

now adjourned until it be reconvened for the One Hundred and Fifty-Ninth Grand Conclave in Houston.

Sir Knights and Ladies, you are dismissed. Officers, you all come on up.




GRAND COMMANDERY OPENED ........................................................................................ 23

PLEDGE - U. S. FLAG ................................................................................................................. 24

PLEDGE - TEXAS FLAG .......................................................................................................... 24

INVOCATION ............................................................................................................................ 24

INTRODUCTION OF DISTINGUISHED GUESTS ................................................................... 26

ROLL CALL - PGCs .................................................................................................................. 30

RESPONSE ................................................................................................................................ 30

ADDRESS - M:W: T. E. (GENE) CARNES ............................................................................... 31

ADDRESS - WELDON CLAMPITTE ........................................................................................ 32

ADDRESS - CARL W. WUNSCHE, JR. .................................................................................... 33

ADDRESS - DOUG ADKINS .................................................................................................... 34

TILED SESSION ........................................................................................................................ 36

ROLL CALL - GRAND OFFICERS ........................................................................................... 37

RESPONSE ................................................................................................................................ 38

ROLL CALL - CONSTITUENT COMMANDERIES ................................................................. 38

ROLL CALL - GRAND REPRESENTATIVES ......................................................................... 40

RESPONSE ................................................................................................................................ 41

ROLL CALL - KTCH ................................................................................................................. 42

RESPONSE ................................................................................................................................ 43

REPORT - GRAND COMMANDER ......................................................................................... 43

REPORT - SUPPLEMENTAL - GRAND COMMANDER ......................................................... 87

REPORT - GRAND RECORDER .............................................................................................. 91

REPORT - GRAND TREASURER ............................................................................................ 98

RESOLUTION REFERRING GC REPORT ............................................................................. 102

REPORT - GRAND OFFICERS ............................................................................................... 104

REPORT - PRELIMINARY - CREDENTIALS ........................................................................ 106

REPORT - NEXT CONCLAVE ............................................................................................... 107

REPORT - BY-LAWS .............................................................................................................. 108

REPORT - EDITOR TEXAS PAGE ......................................................................................... 110

REPORT - GRIEVANCES ....................................................................................................... 111



REPORT - FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE .......................................................................... 113

REPORT - PRINTING ............................................................................................................. 114

REPORT - NECROLOGY ........................................................................................................ 115

REPORT - TRIENNIAL ........................................................................................................... 117

REPORT - ENDOWMENT FUND ........................................................................................... 118

AFTERNOON SESSION ......................................................................................................... 122

REPORT - TEMPLAR INSTRUCTION ................................................................................... 123

REPORT - EDUCATION ......................................................................................................... 127

ADDRESS - R:E: Wm. KEITH POWELL ................................................................................ 129

REPORT - EDUCATION FOUNDATION ............................................................................... 131

REPORT - PATRIOTIC & CIVIC ............................................................................................ 134

REPORT - FIELD DRILL ........................................................................................................ 136

REPORT - EYE FOUNDATION .............................................................................................. 141

ADDRESS - M:I: JAMES D. MANLEY ................................................................................... 144

ADDRESS - M:E: G. CLAY SMITH ........................................................................................ 144

REPORT - MEMBERSHIP ...................................................................................................... 146

REPORT - INTERNET ............................................................................................................. 147

REPORT - REVISION OF STATUTES AND REGULATIONS ................................................ 149

REPORT - LONG RANGE PLANNING .................................................................................. 151

REPORT - PARTIAL - JURISPRUDENCE .............................................................................. 152

REPORT - PURPOSES & POLICIES ....................................................................................... 154

REPORT - FINANCE ............................................................................................................... 184

REPORT - FINAL - JURISPRUDENCE .................................................................................. 190

ADDRESS - R:E: HOWARD ENTWISTLE ............................................................................. 199

ADDRESS - R:E: DAVID D. GOODWIN ................................................................................ 200

REPORT - FINAL - CREDENTIALS ....................................................................................... 206

ELECTION .............................................................................................................................. 208

ADDRESS - R:E: DUNCAN WATSON ................................................................................... 210

ADDRESS - E: WILLIAM POWELL ....................................................................................... 211

ADDRESS - WELDON CLAMPITTE ........................................................................................ 213



RESOLUTION ......................................................................................................................... 215

INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................... 217