Training for self government (1907-1921)

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Training for self government (1907-1921)

With the existence of general peace and order, the Americans had the opportunity to put into practice what their leaders in Washington, D.C. had promised:

To give the Filipinos the benefit of wise and just administration.

To give the Filipinos civil liberties they never enjoyed under Spanish colonial rule.

To train the Filipinos in self government as preparation for independence, a concept that was unheard of under Spain.

Government Reorganization A commit composed of tee two Filipino lawyers and

three American military officers was created.


Philippine Commission

Municipal Code Act

Qualified Voters

Provincial Code Act

THE CIVIL SERVICE The Americans, known for their efficiency, exerted all

efforts to make a national or central government efficient by establishing the civil service.


Civil Service Act

Bureau of Civil Service

Employment of Filipinos The American authorities in the Philippines gave highly

–educated and pro- American Filipino.

The Harrison appointment Woodrow Wilson

Henry ford Jones

Francis Burton Harrison

Filipinization Under Harrison The placing of the government in the hands of

Filipino administrators, was governor Taft's idea.

The trustee – a person or member of a board with specified legal obligation.

The Jones law True to president Wilson's promise that every step

would be taken toward the independence .

Assume – take as true or sure to happen.

Important provision Aside from a promise independence, the Jones law also

provided for a government after of the united states.

Legislature – the law making branch of government.

The legisture When the Jones law took effect, the Filipinos began to

enjoy self –government in larger measure.

Merge – to unite or combined into a whole.

The council of state The Jones law specifically provided that all

departments under the executive branch where under the direct super vision and control of governor-general Harrison.