Traditional tales with the use of web 2.0 tools

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Traditional tales with the use of web 2.0 tools

1. , 3 , .. . MSc - , 27/1/2015 5 .. 2. eTwinning Tell me a story: Myths and traditional tales from all over Europe 2013-2014 3. 4. eTwinning; 2014: Erasmus+ (Vuorikari et al., 2011) , , Web 2.0 5. eTwinning , 6. , , 7. : - : : 8. , : , 9. : amyuva lkokulu- Uak/Merkez 3 14 42 7 10. : : 2 11. Z a M Lpa nad Orlic 3 2/ 1/ Queen Eleanor Primary School Gradinita Raza de Soare amyuva lkokulu Mehmet Emin Yurdakul lkokulu 12. eTwinners Google Earth - - - - e-mail - teachers room - Web 2.o - TwinSpace 13. eTwinners 14. , Web 2.0 15. 16. 1 2 3 4 5 7 - - , 17. 18. - Twinspace 19. 1 : 20. 2 : 21. 3 : 22. 4 : : St George and the Dragon : The secret meeting of Zeus and Hera : The Twelve Months : Cinderfellow : The legends of Mrior : Bald Boy and the magic seal : Nasreddin Hodja Borrows a Cauldron 23. 24. 25. 5 : : Bald Boy and the magic seal : St George and the Dragon : The legends of Mrior : Nasreddin Hodja Borrows a Cauldron : The 12 Months : The secret meeting of Zeus and Hera : Cinderfellow 26. 6 : , Saint George and the Dragon (UK) GlogsterEDU 27. Saint George and the Dragon 28. Students Cast 29. 30. 31. 7 : StoryJumper 32. 8 : - 33. 34. ; 35. Web 2.0 36. 1 Unconference Creative Classroom ( 2014) ( 2014) 17 ( 2014) 1 eTwinning ( 2014) 37. Photos of eTwinning activities with inspiring captions Visibility of eTwinning projects eTwinning 2014 How has eTwinning influenced your teaching? eTwinning 38. 2014 Photos of eTwinning activities with inspiring captions 39. 2014 How has eTwinning influenced your teaching? 40. eTwinning 41. eTwinning 42. , 43. , Comenius 44.