Trabalho Comenius5

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Trabalho Comenius5

Christmas in Portugal


Catholicism is the main religion in Portugal

Consoada it´s a Christmas dinner celebrated on 24th December

consists of codfish with boiled potatoes and cabbage .

After the meal, people eat traditional fried desserts



This is a fruitcake that is typically a New Years cake, but is becoming popular during Christmas Holidays. In the cake there are two surprises: one is a little present like a fake ring, or a little doll, or a medal. The other is not as welcomed. There is a raw broad bean. Who ‘s gets this bean has to buy the "Bolo Rei" in the coming year.

Many families attend the Midnight Mass (called "Missa do Galo").

Some families will open the presents on Christmas Eve around midnight. Others open them in the morning of the 25th, Christmas Day.

On Christmas Day, people eat stuffed turkey for lunch and the traditional desserts.

In some regions of the country, people sing Christmas carols (called "Janeiras") in the streets.

During the holiday season, towns are decorated with lights. The festivities end on January 6, "Dia de Reis".

Every years, Portugal realize the biggest tree of all Europe

Neide Cardoso nº19 Sílvia Paiva nº23 Vânia Esteves nº24
